Systematic Political Science

The Operational Steps and Structural Model
for a Behavioral Analysts' Network

by Dallas F. Bell, Jr.


In order to achieve individual needs humans have been hardwired to be behavioral analysts. This ability is for identification of both likeminded people to join and people to oppose based on their compliance with or noncompliance with the anchors of Natural Laws of Freewill, NLF. (Please see Attachment's A and B of the paper by Dallas F. Bell, Jr. titled The Basic META Corpora and Semantic Taxonomy of Systematic Political Science.) For example, if a student witnesses someone stealing, a violation of the NLF #8, from their school locker, the response of someone with a theology of an infinite God, T1 values, would be to oppose the thief and the thief's likeminded group. This same ability to observe, evaluate, and choose who to join or oppose can be applied to those outside our sphere of direct contact.

Distant political leaders and complex nation-states can also be systematically analyzed. The analysis is accomplished by collecting the necessary data to be used to determine the compliance with or noncompliance with NLF. The resultant T, theological, R, epistemological, B, behavioral need level, W, nation-state need level, and E, eschatological, state can be plotted on a META graph. (Please see the paper by Dallas F. Bell, Jr. titled META Game Theory: A Holonomic Approach to Decision Making Formulae.) The plots will indicate the behavioral momentum toward future compliance with or noncompliance with NLF. Then a decision can be made by the analyst to join or oppose the object of the analysis.

Application of the operational steps and structural model provided in this paper is the final phase of systematic political science. This indicates a working knowledge of all other material is required prior to proceeding further. Analytical success is also dependent on some computer assistance. Humans have the ability to analyze, as covered in the first paragraph, but computers' storage, sorting, and retrieving capacity can facilitate a more thorough and speedy result if given the correct input. (Please see the paper by Dallas F. Bell, Jr. titled A Survey of Algorithms, Ontologies and Parameters in Artificial Intelligence for the Human Behavioral Options of Conflict and Peace.)

Operational Steps

The operational steps for analyzing individuals and like minded groups, and institutions and nation-states are the same. Obviously, there is more data to be gathered and processed for nation-states than for the other end of the spectrum, individuals.

--Gather and transcribe static language data from:

spoken and written by the subject(s) of the analysis from mining relational data bases

(see Attachment A)

the religious document(s) of the subject(s) theological leaders and belief

the applicable lexicon

--Gather and transcribe specific language data from:



--Gather data on known behavior

--Determine problem-solving ability from:

known intelligence quotient scores

language and behavioral data

--Process the language data:

create a corpus and treebank using Part Of Speech tagging (POS-tagging) and parsers

--Merge language and behavioral data relating to:

compliance with or noncompliance with NLF anchors

the behavioral parameters of T, R, B, W, and E

--Determine deception strategies from:

behavioral and language inconsistencies

data that isn't present which should be that indicates hidden motives (see Attachment B)

--Narrow the population of behavioral solutions

--Plot the data on the META graph by:

the behavior by date with NLF gradients and problem-solving score

--Determine the most specific solution for probable behavior

--Fill out the Analysis Summary Worksheet

--Disseminate the analysis result

--Complete the after-action section of the Analysis Summary Worksheet

--Make adjustments to the process and end the analysis process

Structural Model

Though the model has over twenty skill positions, the tasks implied could be accomplished by as few or as many persons that are available or desired.


--Chief Executive Officer

--Operation Divisions: theology, epistemology, psychology, sociology, and eschatology

--Operation Divisions' Staff: each division has a computer programmer/linguist, historian/behaviorist, and an information collection's/interrogation specialist

--Support Divisions: security, logistics, and communications/public relations


--Computers, software, buildings, communications, transportation, and etc.


The reasons to create an analysts' network range from forming a for-profit business enterprise to becoming a not-for-profit consulting service for advocating which political entities to join or oppose. For example, some people may like to know the ramifications of a new world leader imposing a seven year peace treaty on the nation-state of Israel and requiring all people of the world to be numbered. People with T1 values would oppose that world leader while those with T2 and T3 values may join many of that leader's nefarious efforts. Therefore, for best results a T1 network should be composed of likeminded individuals with T1 values (see Attachment C.)

Attachment A

Corpus building involves the domains of T, R, B, W, and E in the appropriate language. It is categorized by male and female, age, problem-solving ability, the institutions of family, church, business, and government and their subsets.

The corpus can be used by parsers to form the treebank. This must be monitored manually but an algorithm or program may be used to determine the syntactic structure of sentences or strings of language symbols. A lexical analyzer can compile the initial input for the analysis using tokens. Treebank tokenization involves the concept of Part Of Speech tagging (POS-tagging.)

POS-tagging assigns tags to words in parts of speech to reflect their syntactic category. To be effective, it needs to segment a word and assign the proper context. For example, the root word "post" in the word string he set the fence posts in their holes, posts is a plural noun, and in the word string he posts the news on the board, posts can be seen as a verb.

The POS-tagger has a tokenizer that segments the input of words and sentences. It recognizes proper names, acronyms, and etc. possibly employing specialized word lists from religious documents and specific dictionaries. Those text tokens are used by a morphological classifier to classify string-tokens as word-tokens with sets of morpho-syntactic aspects. This includes retrieving the possible meanings from a lexicon. The lexicon may be organized by either a word-list where every word is stored with morpho-syntactic aspects or where the roots of words are provided with their variations. How ever the lexicon is arranged, each feature is mapped in a POS-tag. All lexicons are incomplete and a classifier may need to attempt to classify unknown words.

Word-tokens and POS-tags have an individual POS-tag reflecting the context made by a disambiguator. This may be accomplished by either a connectionist or rule-based method. Whatever the approach the tagging process should have segmented into words the input text-string and assigned an individual POS-tag.

Attachment B

Modal logic encompasses reasoning using expressions like 'necessarily' and 'possibly.' It includes groups of logic that have similar rules and varying esoteric symbols as listed below. Those symbols are superseded by those of systematic political science.

Modal logic--necessary, []; possible, <>

Deontic logic--obligatory, O; permitted, P; forbidden, F

Temporal logic--will always be the case, G; will be the case, F; has always been the case, H; was the case, P

Doxastic logic--x believes, Bx

The family of modal logic is useful for knowing what is, but may also be used to indicate what is not. This is important for both semantic and behavioral analysis. For example, adultery and murder causes negative behavioral responses for individuals and their institutions and subsets, from family to government. This indicates a natural law exists not to commit adultery or take innocent human life. Then, algorithms and computer programs should compute not only what is but what is not. If the object of the analysis doesn't do x it may point to z. And, if the object of the analysis doesn't do x and y it may indicate a higher possibility of z. If speech and behavior is found to support z this may imply a, b, and c etc. are likely. This procedure does require a high level of completeness and manual monitoring.

Attachment C

The Natural Laws of Freewill, NLF, address nonmaterial issues such as the opposing behaviors of love and hate. Love causes material order and is consistent with NLF. Conversely, hate causes material disorder and is inconsistent with NLF. Since natural laws exist in infinity, this means the behavior of love is infinite and will ultimately defeat the finite behavior of hate. The existence of natural laws indicate intelligent design and their characteristics indicate the designer is infinite. That concept of an infinite being describes the infinite God. Both the natural laws of freewill, called the Ten Commandments, and the infinite God have been recorded in the Bible. Being the law of the infinite God, the Bible must also have the infinite characteristics of immutability, meaning it doesn't change, and inerrancy, meaning it has no errors. Therefore, the existing infinite God must be followed or an inferior finite god will be followed. Compliance with His commandments indicate a choice to follow God. Noncompliance with His commandments indicate rejection of God.

The Bible is divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament records the old covenant relationship between God and man before the Messiah's appearance. The New Testament records the new covenant relationship between God and man. Hundreds of Old Testament messianic prophesies were 100% fulfilled by the life of Jesus. This means Jesus must be the Messiah. He claimed to be both God and man. He is the only person to never violate God's commandments. Jesus must have been whom He claimed--part of the trinity of the being of God expressed as the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus' stated in the Bible that He was the (only) way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by Him. His being perfect would make Him the only possible hope of an acceptable relationship with God. We know that all other humans have violated His commandments and the wages of this trespass, or sin, is disorder, or death. We also know that since He is infinite and we are finite we cannot be forgiven our trespasses by our own efforts. The Bible said Jesus willingly died on the cross without sin for our sins. It is by this atoning grace that we may be forgiven our trespasses, or sin, and be saved from an eternity without an acceptable relationship with God. This free gift will provide purpose, meaning, and direction. He said we might have life now and have it more abundantly, whatever our circumstances. Jesus said he has gone to prepare a place for His followers and that He will return for His followers and spend eternity in heaven together where there is no sickness or tears. It is not enough that we merely believe that He exists. The Bible says even devils believe in the infinite God and tremble. Many have prayed, or spoken in silence to God, words similar to the following.

Dear God, I know that Jesus is your Son, and that He died on the cross and was raised from the dead. I know I have sinned and need forgiveness. I am willing to turn from my sins and receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me in Jesus' name. Amen.

If you have desired to be free from sin and earnestly spoken the above words to God, you have assurance in His infiniteness that you have been made eternally part of His forgiven followers. This does not mean you will never violate His laws or be sinless. It means you are forever forgiven of your trespasses. We know we are His if we keep His commandments. This involves reading the Bible to know the commandments and their subsets. Understanding His words necessitates both prayer for His guidance and meeting with other followers at church. In time, you will produce fruit, which are conversions of others, while displaying His Spirit's love, charity, patience, and long-suffering. People with such beliefs and behavior constitute the T1 category of values in systematic political science.