Systematic Political Science

The Philosophical Intersection with Science and Theology:
Creating the Harmonic Geometry of Symplectic Apologeomai

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

(During March, 2017, a portion of this paper joined other petitions sent to Prime Minister Binali Yidirim of Turkey regarding a general leumundszeuge defense of the self-appointed human rights political prisoner, Professor İştar Gözaydın.)

Metabolites are the small biological molecules that underpin the biochemical reactions that give rise to living systems.  They convert glucose into energy, and send and receive information from chemical signals that provide the building blocks for complex macromolecules.  Their material harmonic interdependence is an example of how nothing material exists in isolation (KJV Bible, Gen. 1-2).

Much like the analysis of the metabolome above, words are the intelligently designed sequence of letters to express a purposed meaning.  Their material existence exposes the non-material intelligent causer which could not come from their simple material interdependent existence.  In this communication of words, there are three possibilities of word usage.  Univocal has only one possible meaning for a word.  Equivocal is subject to two or more interpretations, which can by intent or not be misleading.  Analogical is the inference that if two or more things agree in the same respect, then, they will probably agree in other respects.

Terms used analogously are not entirely univocal or entirely equivocal.  They signify the same things, but in different modes.  For example, when describing the attributes of God, Thomas Aquinas used this analogous approach in Summa Theologiae and Summa Contra Gentiles.  Moses ben Maimon (Maimonides) proposed the equivocal approach in his Guide for the Perplexed.  William Alston’s many recent works argues that some concepts can be applied univocally, but he rejects a complete univocal approach.

Defining omnipotence as God doing only the things that are congruent with His attributes can eliminate illogical arguments,[1] such as can God create a stone too heavy for Him to lift.  Saint Anselm of Canterbury was a Christian philosopher and theologian of the eleventh century[2] whose motto was fides quaerens intellectum.[3]  He is known for the ontological argument for the existence of God in his Proslogion, where he defined God’s attributes (e.g. omnipotence).  Anselm’s goal was to convince the fool who has said in his heart that there is no God.[4]

Satan[5] is widely known to have used commonly understood words to convey an implied additional meaning(s).  He said to Eve in the Garden of Eden “hath God said” to cause doubt in the meaning of God’s words and God’s attribute of infinite truth (Gen. 3:1).  Later, he said to Jesus in the wilderness “if thou be the Son of God” to attempt to cause doubt in the truth of God’s words (Ps. 2:7; Matt. 3:17; Luke 9:35; Col. 1:13) and Jesus’ attribute of infinite truth as God (Matt. 4:3).

The harmonic geometry or shape of a symplectic[6] defense, apologeomai,[7] is very instructive of the philosophical intersection of scientific and theological meanings.  A highly analyzed example is that of Socrates.  Socrates is indicated as being a sodomite pedophile philosopher by his former students, Xenophon[8] (c.430-c.354 B.C.) and Plato.  Homosexual behavior was known as contrary to God’s law around 1275 B.C. (Lev. 18:22) with the just penalty of death (Lev. 20:13).

In Athens, Socrates was generally charged for being (1) a physicalist and (2) a sophist.  Those with the accepted task of investigating things beneath the earth and in the skies were physicalists,[9] such as Thales[10] and Anaxagoras.[11]  Gorgias,[12] Hippias,[13] and Evanus[14] were the accepted sophists[15] given the task of making the weaker argument stronger.[16]  Socrates was specifically charged with (1) corruption of youth[17] and (2) impiety[18] by Meletus[19] and Anytus[20] in 399 B.C.  Socrates explained that he was not afraid to die.[21]  He was convicted and executed.  The Apology of Socrates (Greek: Ἀπολογία Σωκράτους, Apologia Sokratous, Latin: Apologia Socratis) is an account of the event as recorded by Plato.[22]

Socrates’ charges were theological in that he was said to not believe in gods,[23] such as Zeus.[24]  His defense scientifically observed nature[25] and spoke of proofs.[26]  He included poets[27] and logic[28] in his philosophy.  His theology had references to God’s will,[29] the reality of souls,[30] injustice,[31] and unholiness.[32]  He did say that no one does wrong on purpose.[33]  This is an obvious incorrect statement.  The fall of man (Adam and Eve in Gen. 3) in Eden is considered to be one of the easiest proven facts that one can decide to do universal good or do universal evil with freewill.  Socrates not only trivialized evil but he condemned[34] God’s righteousness by indicating God is not just (Ps. 10:13).  No one does good (Ps. 14:3; Rom. 3:12).  He used deceit and the poison of asps[35] was under his lips (Ps. 5:9; Rom. 3:13).     

Another example is that of Saul of Tarsus.  Saul was a Jew of the orthodox Pharisee sect.[36]  In 20 A.D., he studied at the hand of the Sanhedrin legal scholar, Gamaliel, attaining two doctorates (law and rhetoric) (Acts 22:3).  He began to arrest, imprison, and oversee the executions of Christians in 34 A.D. (Acts 6:12-8:1, 22:4-5, 26:10-11).  Saul had a vision of the prophesied Messiah,[37] Christ Jesus, and accepted the Messianic Jewish reality of Christianity, being renamed Paul in 35 A.D. (Acts 9:1-22, 13:9, 22:6-22, 26:12-19).

Paul and Barnabas performed a miracle in Lystra.  Barnabas was called Jupiter in Roman mythology (which is Zeus in Greek mythology) and Paul was called Mercurius (in Greek mythology is Hermes) in 47 A.D.[38]  They had to prevent being worshipped by the people (Acts 14:8-18).  Paul addressed the men (including Stoics and Epicureans)[39] at Athens on Mars hill (Acts 17:22-34).  He defended the gospel of Christianity—apologetics.  The Athenians were very religious with many gods.  He tried to relate to their idolatrous god of Zeus by explaining YAHWEH, the God of Israel, by quoting the Greek poet Aratus of Soli, Cilicia (c.270 B.C.), “for we are also his offspring” (Acts 17:28).[40]  Science is evident in his explanation of the origins of the material universe and nonmaterial life (Acts 17:24-25), for philosophy he used poetry (verse 28), and theology briefly included God’s power and man’s relationship to Him (verses 26-27).  Paul writes of God’s judgment toward the sin of sodomy (Rom. 1:24-27).[41] 

The following is the sequence of Paul being charged and given the opportunity to defend the charges.

Jewish leaders attacked Paul as part of a mob in 56 A.D. (Acts 21:27-31).

They charged Paul to the Roman guard with bringing Greeks into the Temple (Acts 21:28-29).

Paul addressed the mob’s charges (Acts 21:37-40, 22:1-21) and began his apologeomai (Greek for defense recorded in Acts 22:1).

He was detained by the Roman guard (Acts 22:24-29).

Paul addressed the charges with the chief Jewish priests in 57 A.D. (Acts 22:30, 23:1-9).

The priest, Ananias,[42] commanded Paul be punched in the mouth contrary to Jewish law (Acts 23:2-3).

Paul was detained (Acts 23:10).

The Jews and their chief priests conspired to murder Paul (Acts 23:12-22), contrary to Mosaic Law and Roman law.

Paul was sent to Felix[43] the governor (Acts 23:23-24).

The Jewish orator, Tertullus, charged Paul in court with sedition to Jews and as being the leader of the Christian sect of Nazarenes in 57-59 A.D. (Acts 24:1-9).

Paul addressed the theological charges by defending God and the necessary resurrection (Acts 24:10-21).  The resurrection first demonstrated the scientific hypothesis of observing this supernatural act as proof of God, then the philosophical logic that God can not die, and last understands the theology that there needs to be a perfect sinless sacrifice to atone for the sins of mankind.[44] 

He was detained (Acts 24:22-23, 25:1-4).

Paul’s charges are stated in 59 A.D. (Acts 25:7).

He addressed the charges (Acts 25:8).

Paul appealed to Caesar (Acts 25:9-10).

He addressed the charges to Festus[45] (Acts 25:10-11) and explained that he is not afraid to die (Acts 25:11).

Paul was sent to Caesar (Acts 25:12).

He addressed King Agrippa and Bernice[46] (Acts 26:1-29).

Paul was sent to Italy (Acts 27:1).

He addressed the chief Jews in Italy in 60-62 A.D. (Acts 28:17-29).

Paul remained under house arrest (Acts 28:30-31).

The account of Acts ends and Paul was reportedly beheaded around 62-68 A.D.[47]

Paul chose to write the majority of the New Testament books while exposed to his life threatening situation (Matt. 11:30; I Cor. 10:13).  He said for him to die would be gain (Phil. 1:21) and in his weakness God made him stronger (II Cor. 12:10).  Being anxious for nothing (Phil. 4:6), Paul cast all his care on God (I Peter 5:7) and was inspired by the Holy Spirit (II Tim. 3:16).  Basically, Socrates became obsessed with himself, when exposed to similar circumstances, and chose to accomplish nothing of Divine obedience (Eccl. 2:10-11).  In 1908, psychologists Robert Yerkes and John Dodson experimented with rats in a maze.  They found that as they shocked them, the rats became more efficient in accomplishing a task, up to a certain point which became less efficient.  Their research is known as the Yerkes-Dodson Law.  It is demonstrated by the inverted U-shaped function shown below.

The inverted-U graph of the Yerkes-Dodson Law

Similarly, a theological forensic psychology analysis of Paul and Socrates’ divinely obedient behavior under stress can be compared below.  (For information on Theological Forensic Psychology, see the paper at

Theological Forensic Psychology Analysis

Performance and stress is optimized at the peak.  God knew how Paul would choose to react to the stress of his circumstances and they were allowed so he could complete his Divine tasks (Ps. 66:10-12).  Donald Hebb developed the theory to describe how neurons in the brain adapt during learning processes.  Paul said he had learned to be content in all circumstances (Phil. 4:11).  Without being exposed to dire situations, it can rationally be argued, Paul would not have had become weak enough to reach the optimum focus to accomplish God’s will.  This is much like the hypothetical radioactive decay of protons into lighter subatomic particles in dark matter.

Unfortunately, there is not a recommended reference that provides more data for a comparative (textual) analysis[48] of Socrates’ Apology and Paul’s discourse, e.g. the epistemological pillars of science, philosophy, and theology.[49]  However, Paul’s concepts have been compared to Hellenistic philosophers.[50]

The Roman orator, Cicero, was taught by Greeks.[51]  He studied philosophy (poetry), theology (Stoicism), and science (political law).[52]  In 63 B.C., he was made consul in Rome.[53]  He conducted many defenses, such as Roscius in 80 B.C.,[54] Marcellus[55] and Ligarius[56] in 46 B.C. etc.  If his defense of Milo[57] in 52 B.C. is analyzed, we can find science (in the laws, and observation that Milo had no behavioral motive for the crime, etc.),[58] philosophy (he argued homicide is not always unjustified, etc.),[59] and theology (he said the behavior was the work of gods, etc.).[60]  His reputation was that of a Scurra (Latin for jester) and a Cynic (Latin for the Cynic school, a philosopher).[61]  He was exiled in 57 B.C.  His sharp-tongue disagreements, e.g. sanctions on religion, caused Mark Antony to demand Octavianus murder him.[62]  The decree was carried out on 7 December, 43 B.C.[63]  In the lost writing of Hortensius, Augustine credited Cicero with his turn from a life of sin toward philosophy, which led to the theology of the biblical God[64] and the scientific observation of nature.

People in positions in established societal institutions can be expected to exert negative systolic pressure[65] on people that exhibit ideas and behavior(s) they perceive threatens their maintenance and achievement of their hierarchical individual need levels.  The problem with many forms of defense is that they do not address the needs of the prosecutorial party and only address the defended party.  They have a tendency to include other charged parties who may have unique charges, which may complicate the issue.  Additionally, the text of a defense should address the demonstrated values of the prosecutor and not be accusatory.

Used as a Pauline style model, Dallas F. Bell Jr. sent the following to Prime Minister of Turkey on 16 March, 2017.[66]

Subject:  Open letter to Prime Minister Binali Yidirim.

I am pleased, Prime Minister Binali Yidirim, to address you today regarding the circumstances of Professor İştar Gözaydın.[67]  This is especially true because it is known that you are expert in justice having rose to your current high position in this ancient[68] and wise[69] nation.  Please listen to this case patiently.  Professor Gözaydın has a life devoted to scholarly activity.  As you have witnessed in academic institutions, there is a presentation of contrasting ideas within this world of learning.  The multitude of theories taught in universities is not a new occurrence.  Many of these ideas will be rejected and some accepted.[70]  Professor Gözaydın has openly rejected the violence used by your enemies.  An enemy of your enemy is your friend.[71]  Your friend Professor Gözaydın has been detained since December, 2016, for merely carrying on the tradition of discussing ideas, which makes great societies.  It is the request of the scholars of the world that Professor Gözaydın be released where she can be of service to her community.  Regardless of the specifics of international law upheld by the World Court and Turkish Law, you know that in the search for truth that if God is in the search the effort cannot be stopped, and if God is not in the search the effort will fail.[72]  Prime Minister Yidirim, we know that you are aware of this situation we have spoken of freely and are persuaded that none of these things are hid from you.[73]  We implore you to show the mercy of a wise leader[74] and release Professor İştar Gözaydın at your earliest convenience.  Thank you for your kind attention in this matter.  We look forward to hearing of your decision.”

Reportedly, an Istanbul court released her from prison on 30 March, 2017.

Beginning in the fall of 28 A.D., Jesus spoke in parables to fulfill prophesy (Ps. 78:2; Matt. 13:34-35), and because the audience was unable to understand (Mark 4:33-34).  Religious leaders asked Him where he got His authority and He replied with a question of whether John the Baptist was of God, and they knew the people considered him of God and were afraid to answer so Jesus said He would not answer their question (Matt. 21:23-46).  He gave a parable of two sons and the wicked husbandman (Luke 20:1-18).  In the spring of 30 A.D., religious leaders tried to find legal cause to prosecute Him and asked Him about taxes.  He noted that the image of Caesar was on the coins so people were to give to Caesar the things that were Caesar’s and to God the things that were God’s (Mark 12:13-17), leaving off the argument at the point where the audience could not reach a conclusion.  All money had Caesar’s image and superscription yet He also praised the gift of two mites by the poor widow woman to the temple (Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4).  His parable of the talents taught God gives more to people that produce, and takes from people that do not produce and condemns the unprofitable to outer darkness (Matt. 25:14-46; Luke 19:11-27). 

Doctors of law and religious leaders reasoned why Jesus could forgive sins.  Knowing their thoughts, kardiognóstés (Luke 5:22; Ps. 94:11; Acts 1:24), He replied that the Son of man had power on earth (Luke 5:17-26).  Jesus answered the questions of religious leaders in a parable as to why He ate and drank with sinners (Luke 5:30-39).  In the fall of 29 A.D., a lawyer asked Him how to inherit eternal life, and the famous parable of the Good Samaritan followed (Luke 11:25-37).  He denounced religious leaders and lawyers (Luke 37-54).  He spoke a parable of the lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son (Luke 15:1-32).  He healed on the Sabbath (Luke 6:7-11).

Religious leaders brought an adulteress woman to Him and He forgave her (John 8:3-11).  He was accused of having a devil by religious leaders.  He said before Abraham was I am (John 8:48-59) and had to escape from their attempting to murder Him in their rage.  Jesus was taken before the high priest, and He said He had spoken openly at the synagogue so they struck Him for His remark (John 18:19-23).  He acknowledged that He was the Christ before the high priest, in the spring of 30 A.D. (Mark 14:61-62).  Jesus was taken before Pilate and answered that His kingdom was not of this world, and Pilate asked Him if He was a king and He said you say I am a king (John 18:28-37).  Jesus answered nothing to Herod and was sent back to Pilate (Luke 23:1-25).  Pilate asked Jesus from whence art thou and He did not answer (John 19:1-15).  Jesus was then sentenced to death (Matt. 27:24; Mark 15:1-5, 15).  Jesus died on the cross in spring 30 A.D. (Matt. 27:50; Mark 15:37; Luke 23:46; John 19:30).  Flavius Josephus recorded Jesus the Christ and Pilate condemning Him to death on the cross (18.3.3).  He was willing to die (Matt. 26:42; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42), and forgave His enemies (Luke 23:34).  He was resurrected three days later (Matt. 28:16-20; Mark 16:6-19; Luke 24:1-53; John 20-21).

From 28 to 30 A.D., Jesus made many defenses.  Examples of scientific observation of nature are evident in the parable of the fig tree (Matt. 24:32-33; Luke 21:29-30), and weather signs (Matt. 16:2-3: Luke 12:54-56).  Philosophical logic is seen in a house divided can not stand (Matt. 12:22-32; Luke 11:17-26), and a good tree has good fruit and a corrupt tree has corrupt has corrupt fruit (Matt. 7:17, 12:33; Luke 6:46).  Jesus also exhibited Hebrew poetry (Luke 7:31-32) with synonymous form (Matt. 10:24), antithetic style (Luke 6:410), and synthetic and causal parallelism (Matt. 6:7; Luke 9:23).[75]  Major theology of Elohim is seen in His comment that before Abraham was He was (John 8:48-59), and He and Father God are one (John 10:30).  This is why His resurrection has been celebrated for nearly two thousand years.  On this fifty year anniversary of Jerusalem’s return from 1967 to the rightful hands of Israelis in 2017, over a billion people celebrated Easter.

Five hundred years ago, 31 October 1517, Martin Luther placed the 95 theses on the door of Wittenberg’s Castle Church to defend Paul’s Christian theology of forgiveness through faith as a gift of God.[76]  A lawyer and theologian, Luther used scientific observation in his thesis number 7 that God remits guilt in no one whom He does not, at the same time, humble.  Philosophy is shown in the logic of number 5 that the pope has neither the will nor the power to remit any penalties other than those which he has imposed by either his own authority or by canon law.  Theology in number 6 says the pope can not remit any guilt, except by declaring it has been remitted by God.

Luther’s thesis number 82 reasoned that if the pope could empty the tortured souls in purgatory for the sake of holy mercy why did he not do it instead of charging money for assistance.[77]  He got the pope’s attention.  The pope had Sylvester Prierias draft a reply to Luther’s arguments.  Prierias branded Luther a heretic.  On August 7, 1618, Luther received a citation to appear in Rome to answer the charge of heresy.  Frederick the Wise negotiated with Cardinal Thomas Cajetan to move Luther’s hearing on heresy to the German city of Augsburg.  Cardinal Cajetan interviewed Luther from October 12-14, 1518.  It was demanded that Luther recant his opposition to the false doctrine of the infallibility of the pope.  Luther would not recant his opposition to the false doctrine that the pope was above scripture.  Cajetan wanted Frederick to have Luther arrested and sent to Rome.  Reflecting the estimated views of most Germans, Frederick wrote to the emperor and requested the charges be dropped or sent to German judges.  He argued that Luther should not be condemned in advance for his interpretation of Scripture.

Luther’s arguments were covering Germany.  In July 1519, he debated for the University Wittenberg against the Catholic supporter John Eck from the University of Leipzig.  Over eighteen days they debated freewill etc.  In 1520, Luther wrote and published a series of tracts on the issues he was debating.  On June 15, 1520, Pope Leo X wrote a papal bull (Exsurge Domine) warning Luther that he would be excommunicated unless he recanted many of the theses within sixty days.  Luther sent an appeal to the new emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Charles V.  He requested a hearing from non-ecclesiastical officials, insisting that church officials be answerable to the state.  He said he appealed to Caesar, and that neither truth nor error should be condemned unheard and unrefuted.

After reading the papal bull 10 December, 1520, Luther concluded the pope was anti-Christ. And burned it as they had burned his books in Rome.  Charles V invited Luther to the Diet of Worms on March 11, 1521.  The emperor promised safe-conduct and Luther decided to go.  He reasoned that if Caesar called him, God had called him.  On April 16, Luther and a few supporters entered Worms.  The Archbishop of Trier and another person named John Eck began the hearing asking if the books presented were Luther’s.  When the titles were read he said that they were his.  He was asked to recant their content.  He replied it would be rash to do so until he had meditated in silence, lest he anger the Lord.  Eck told Luther to give his answer the next day.  The next day, Eck demanded Luther defend his writings or disavow them.

Luther began his defense by indicating his writings were not all the same.  He said some are perceptive, yet the bull condemned them all equally.  Logically, if he disavowed them what would he be doing. He would be putting himself in opposition to the universal voice of the faithful.  He then described a second type of writing where he attacked the pope’s ruin of sound doctrine.  He observed that the pope has thrown utter disorder into Christianity, contrary to the gospel.  He reasoned that if he retracted those writings he would be strengthening Roman tyranny which would overwhelm the Christian world.  The third class of his works were a theological attack of his adversaries for which he apologized for behavior that was not above reproach.  Again, he would not disavow them because Rome would use that to oppress men’s souls.  He concluded that his judges should not condemn the Divine Word.  Eck asked him if he repudiated his books.  Luther replied that unless he was convicted of error by the testimony of Scripture he could not retract them in good conscience. Amen!

On May 6, the Edit of Worms was drafted and signed by the emperor on May 26.  It called Luther a reviver of old and condemned heresies and inventor of new ones.  It called for the burning of his books and for his arrest.  Frederick the Wise hid Luther at Wartburg Castle.  He translated the Bible into German, married a nun in 1525, and had six children.  By the late 1520’s, most of Germany became Lutheran.  Luther died February 18, 1546 in Eisleben.  The religious wars in Europe ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 with Luther’s principle that national sovereignty should dominate international relations, and end the Dark Ages caused by corrupt religious leaders.

Primary defenders of God and reformers of corrupt religious leaders recorded in the Old Testament and by Flavius Josephus are Isaiah (Is. 1, etc.),[78] Jeremiah (Jere. 2, etc.), and Ezekiel (Eze. 13, 22, 34, etc.).  Isaiah (ministered c. 742 B.C.-687 B.C. until sawed in half[79]) was called a prophet of the Son of God (Jesus the Christ).  Jeremiah (ministered c. 602 B.C.-575 B.C.), the prophet of Father God, was arrested, imprisoned (Jere. 20, 37, 38), and had death threats (Jere. 26).  Ezekiel (theodicy ministry from 593 B.C.-571 B.C.), the prophet of the Holy Spirit, was largely ignored by his audience of fellow Judean exiles in Babylon (Eze. 33:30-33), yet they knew a prophet was among them (Eze. 2:5) to reveal God’s glorious hand (Eze. 6:7).

There has been a long line of Christian defenders as well, such as the writer of On the Incarnation of the Word, Athanasius of Alexandria, who defended Christian theology many times before government and religious leaders.  That tradition of defenders in China has that nation on course to become the world’s largest population of Christians by 2030.  Their Pauline Christians (called Protestants by Catholics) have grown at a rate of 10% per year since 1979, despite the atheistic Marxist communist government’s opposition.[80]  They are already the world’s largest publisher of Bibles,[81] since the Bible translation into Mandarin (1823) by Robert Morrison who traveled to China in 1807 on behalf of the London Missionary Society.  As with all Christian movements, such as the Chinese Christian ideology movement Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864) and the expected resistance,[82] they will want to worship (John 4:24) Elohim, the Lord of Hosts (Ps. 24:10), tell others the good news of the gospel (Mark 16:15; Acts 18:4), earn money to finance those activities (Prov. 31:10-31; Acts 18:2-3), and help others (Prov. 24:11-12, 31:8-9).

David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, medical doctor and Christian preacher,[83] joined others in warning that apologetics can get too complicated so that some people may be missed, and the effort can leave out room for the Holy Spirit’s power and leadership.  Paul warned of philosophy,[84] science[85] and theological fables.[86]  His approach, and those of others, was to give an answer to every man that asks you for the reason of the hope in you with meekness and fear.[87]  This may make heirs according to the hope of eternal life.[88]  Jesus said fear none of the things you will suffer.  You may be imprisoned, but be faithful to death and He will give you a crown of life.[89]  We are to count it all joy.[90]  Paul said infinite God’s ways are not finite man’s ways.[91]  God has chosen the foolishness[92] of preaching[93] to communicate His gospel.[94]

In conclusion, human intellects recognize the absence in the space between the objects of philosophy, science, and theology and can feel their mutual gravitational attraction.  The preceding symplectic models show the epistemological necessity of correspondence[95] and coherence[96] for the philosophical intersection of science and theology for the harmonic geometry of apologeomaiMais c'est fundamental![97]

The lips of the wise disperse knowledge, but the heart of fools do not.”

—Solomon (Prov. 15:7)

[1] For information on propositional and relational logic see


[3] Latin for faith seeking understanding.

[4] Ps. 14:1; 53:1.

[5] Sâṭân is Hebrew for adversary.

[6] Symplectic (Greek syn or sym for together and plekein to plait) means plaiting, joining together, or intertwining.  Symplectic geometry is a branch of differential geometry and differential topology that studies symplectic manifolds.  It was mathematically developed from Christian physicist, astronomer, and mathematician Sir William Rowan Hamilton’s mechanics who was educated by his uncle James Hamilton, an Anglican priest and linguist.  For more information, see Lectures on Symplectic Geometry by Ana Cannas da Silva (2008), and Introduction to Symplectic Geometry, 2012 edition, by Dusa McDuff and Dietmar Salamon.

[7] Greek for to give an account of oneself.

[8] Flavius Josephus wrote of Socrates in Josephus: The Complete Works by William Whiston, (1998) Thomas Nelson, p. 961.  In Harold North Fowler’s book, Plato, Socrates’ Apology discourse includes a reference to Xenophon on page 117.  Fowler’s book is the page reference, translated from Greek to English, for the future notes of Socrates’ defense from page 69 to 145.  It was published in 1914 by Harvard University Press.  An online text can be found at

[9] Fowler’s book, pp. 73, 89.

[10] Thales (c.620 B.C.-546-547 B.C.) is regarded as the first philosopher in the Greek tradition of forming scientific hypotheses which results in him often being called the father of science.  A student of his was Anaximander, also of Miletus.

[11] Fowler’s book, p. 99.

[12] Ibid. p. 77.

[13] Ibid. p. 77.

[14] Ibid. p. 79.

[15] Ibid. p. 77.

[16] Ibid. pp. 73, 89.

[17] Ibid. pp. 89, 91, 95, 97, 121.

[18] Ibid. pp. 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 127.

[19] Ibid. pp. 75, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 103, 111, 115, 123, 127, 131.

[20] Ibid. pp. 91, 95, 103, 107, 109, 111, 113, 123.

[21] Ibid. p. 143.

[22] Ibid. pp. 121, 135.  Flavius Josephus made reference to Plato.

[23] Ibid. pp. 73, 97, 99, 101.

[24] Ibid. p. 99.

[25] Ibid. p. 85.

[26] Ibid. p. 115.

[27] Ibid. p. 85.

[28] Ibid. pp. 101, 141.

[29] Ibid. p. 111.

[30] Ibid. pp. 109, 141.  Socrates spurs the audience into thinking about the existence of souls.  We may consider the characteristics of the absence of souls to human biology with today’s knowledge (e.g. fMRI research, brain mapping, etc.).  There would be an absence of self-awareness which controls the subjective neurology of the brain.  The functional brain has storage of past experiences, but does not have choice in the data retrieval for rational application.  At death, the soul departs the material neurological existence for the eternal existence in heaven for God’s redeemed or hell for those unredeemed by God.  A movement today called cryogenics supports freezing biological tissue for the purpose of revitalizing the biology at a date in the future where this is a scientific possibility.  The potential of revitalized biology of humans would lack any subjective neurological control for data retrieval if there were any data to retrieve.

[31] Ibid. p. 117.

[32] Ibid. p. 117.

[33] Ibid. p. 97.

[34] In Hebrew condemned is rasha’, meaning to be wrong and implies a violation.

[35] Greek is aspis, a coiling serpent.  School children have been taught the memorization tool for Greek philosophers, ASP (Aristotle was taught by Socrates’ student, Plato). 

[36] Beyond the New Testament scripture, Paul is said to be mentioned in Clement of Rome's epistle to the Corinthians (late 1st/early 2nd century), Ignatius of Antioch's letter To the Romans (early 2nd century), Polycarp's letter to the Philippians (early 2nd century), and the 2nd-century document Martyrdom of Polycarp. 

[37] Messiah in Hebrew means anointed.  Anointed in Greek is Christ.  Christ is the image (Greek eikon for likeness) of God (Greek, theos) (Latin, imago Dei) (II Cor. 4:4).  He is the likeness of the invisible (Greek, aoratos) God (Col. 1:15).  Elohim (Hebrew plural of God) created man in His image (Gen. 1:26-27, 5:3, 9:6).  He has revealed His image (Hebrew tselem for to shade, a phantom or resemblance) in the resemblance of mankind.  The number of years (depending on solar calendar or not) has been calculated from Nebuchadnezzar’s taking Hebrews captive (c. 604-606 B.C.) until the Messiah would pay the price for them.  Jesus was crucified on that year, c. 30-33 A.D. (Jere. 47:5-7; Dan. 9:25-26).  As the image of God, Jesus knows all truth of science, philosophy, and theology.  Humans have a finite comprehension of things.  Humans are learning and their comprehension of the unknowable unknown is dynamic although God’s infinite comprehension is static and already known.  For example, infinite () numbers may seem to cease to have functionality in a finite understanding where the sum of the smallest unit measurement of all cubic space plus the number of micro particles of all things in space plus the max movement at the speed of light in Planck units times all Planck units in past to future time (time quanta).  It would matter that God’s love is infinite, given man’s ability to only comprehend a finite portion of that love, because of the assurance to finite man that God has no unknown limits to His love toward man that could frivolously be lost.  Jesus is the truth (Greek, aletheia) (John 14:6).  The God of truth (Hebrew ‘emeth for stability, certainty or truth, Ps. 31:5) is to be worshipped in truth (John 4:24).  The truth will set humans free (John 8:32). In anticipation of The World to Come in Jewish literature (Olam Ha-Ba), the Torah contains references to the End of Days (Hebrew, acharit ha-yamim), considered the time of the Messiah.  Scholars generally agree that Jesus fulfilled Messianic prophesy.  If this fulfillment was orchestrated by Satan, it would wrongly mean that Satan could replicate God’s prophesy which would wrongly render void God’s communication.  Therefore, Jesus is the prophesied Messiah.  Furthermore, Satan has and will always try to destroy the Jewish people (Rev. 12:4-9; Is. 7:14; Dan.12:1), yet Christians are taught to pray for and love Jerusalem (Ps.122:6).  From the prophesied supernatural virgin birth (Is. 7:14, Jesus fulfilled Matt. 1:23; Luke 1:27) to His prophesied vicarious sacrifice (Is. 53:5, Jesus fulfilled Rom. 5:6-8), and the prophesied resurrection (Ps. 16:10, 49:15, Jesus fulfilled Mark 16:6-7), Jesus is the proven Messiah.

[38] Today, both Roman and Greek theology of their gods are referred to as mythology because they have been disproven scientifically (there must have been a single infinite first Causer of all effects), philosophically (infinity must exist), and theologically (the first Causer of all effects must be the infinite monotheistic God, YAHWEH/Elohim, and can not be pantheistic finite gods).  Truth is the natural state of infinite completeness or holiness, as is beauty.  Everything else is untruth and ugliness.  People of untruth can not produce beauty, but produce only offensiveness to beauty.  God calls that an abomination (Prov. 15:9, 29:27, Hebrew towebah for disgusting and abhorrence).  A well-known historical example is homosexuality (Lev. 18:22).  Pulitzer Prize winner for biography and Professor of Law and History at the University of Pittsburgh, David Garrow wrote Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama in May, 2017.  Garrow’s biography of Obama recounts Obama’s stated desire to engage in sodomy with his male sodomite professor at Occidental College, Lawrence Goldyn.  This explains both Obama’s actual understanding, which is consistent with science (behavioral congruency studies of monozygotic twins raised together), that homosexuality is a choice and not genetic, and why he champions the desires of his fellow sodomites.  The Council on Foreign Relations’ 2 May, 2017, Foreign Affairs’ article, by Omar Encarnación (Chair and Professor of Political Studies at Bard College) titled The Global Backlash Against Gay Rights, analyzes the Pew Research Center’s statistics on worldwide national efforts to prevent sodomy.  Nations are resisting the perceived societal decay of government laws that violate natural law in establishing sodomite privileges.  Herbert Mancuse, member of the Frankfurt School or Institute für Sozialforschung (The Institute for Social Research), published One-Dimensional Man in 1964 (See endnote 77).  As a practical atheist, his coherent political philosophy was Marxism.  He believed that for socialist revolution to occur Judeo-Christian values, that made the west advanced, must be destroyed.  For his cultural Marxism to be successful, promotion of intolerance for other beliefs must be acted upon.  This included attacking the institution of family and heterosexuality by promoting homosexuality.  In the west’s “deep state,” today’s elites have accepted his beliefs. 

[39] Stoics of Athens were taught to be selfish and unloving, and were often pantheistic.  The pantheistic beliefs of many gods by Stoics has been disproven by science, philosophy, and theology (see endnote 38).  Epicureans were taught to live for pleasure and denied a future existence.  Though they did not deny the existence of gods, they denied their involvement in human events and so were practical atheists.  The Epicurean practical atheist’s beliefs of no resurrection and lack of involvement by god(s) is disproven, i.e. scientifically (fMRI scans show human consciousness is more than neural activity in the physical brain), philosophically (eternal souls contain the human consciousness which requires eternal justice for chosen behavior in heaven for good and hell for evil), and theologically (the infinite God requires justice and is the Mediator between God’s perfect behavioral holy standards and man’s imperfect behavioral choices).  The Stoics and Epicureans thought Paul to be a babbler that promoted strange gods because he preached Jesus and resurrection (Acts 17:18).

[40] Quote is from Aratus’ Phaenomena and Stoic philosopher Cleanthes’ Hymn to Zeus.  Other examples of Paul’s quotes are from Epimenides (Titus 1:12) and the Athenian dramatist Menander (I Cor. 15:32-33), Christian hymnology (Eph. 5:14; I Tim. 3:16), and poetic inspiration (Rom. 8:31-37).  Some people claim to find allusions to other Greek writers in Paul’s Epistles, such as Pindar and Aristophanes etc.

[41] It is estimated this passage was written about the time of Acts 20:6 (c. 56 A.D.).  Paul confirms the principle in I Cor. 6:9 (c. 53 A.D.).  Those passages are consistent with Lev. 18:22, 20:13 (1275 B.C.) and I Kings 14:24 (924 B.C.).

[42] Flavius Josephus recorded some history of Ananias.

[43] Flavius Josephus recorded some history of Felix.

[44] Atonement in Hebrew is kaphar for reconciliation and expiation is kippur.  In Greek, atonement is katallage for reconciliation.  Only atonement is possible in Christology with the dyophysite doctrine (the position of the Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D.), which is the two natures of one incarnate person of Jesus the Christ.  One is the rational sinless God and two is the human body that could be killed as a sinless sacrifice (Is. 53:7; John 1:29, 36; I Peter 1:19). Without acceptance of God’s sacrifice of His son Jesus (John 1:29), humanity will continue to sacrifice their sons (Gen. 22:8).  Zookeepers know bears have a healthier disposition if their food is placed so they have to work to find it, such as finding the food hid under a rock.  Dog handlers know dogs behave more appropriately if the dogs are required to perform before receiving a treat.  The innate sense of justice in humans require them to perceive their having earned their material food, clothing, shelters, educations, jobs etc.  If any person or institution provides those needs to non-thieves without the perception of their having been earned, inferiority and anger toward those providers is predictable.  American politicians have lied to American blacks saying they deserve unearned provisions, called affirmative action of unearned education, jobs etc., based on long ago outlawed slavery or ongoing prejudice toward their success.  Behavioral analysts could easily predict that even non-thieving non-blacks would soon perceive it to be just to expect unearned benefits too, e.g. women demanding unearned benefits.  Americas becoming a nation of thieves, and thus demise, was famously predicted by Alexis de Tocqueville many decades before American voters began to steal from their neighbors by voting themselves the earnings of earners.  A nation of thieves do not nor will not follow and obey the just God.  Of course, when the government steals from earners to unjustly give to non-earners they take power and therefore the Divine freedoms of their citizens.  Non-material salvation by grace through faith as an unmerited gift of God (Eph. 2:8-9) incorrectly looks like it can be earned as material needs are perceived to be earned by a dumb bear or dog.  Historically, corrupt lying religious leaders are ready to exploit this human tendency to address the non-material reality of salvation as dumb bears and dogs.  Their adherents will lose their Divine freedoms as the religious leaders will gain power, much like zookeepers or dog handlers.  It has long been recognized that a liar will steal from you and a thief will murder you (John 8:44, 10:10).  As they always have, religious leaders and government leaders that lie and steal can be expected to murder in order to protect their positions that supply their perceived need levels.            

[45] Flavius Josephus recorded some history of Festus.

[46] Flavius Josephus recorded some history of Agrippa and Bernice.

[47] The early traditions of Paul’s death are said to be found in the writings Ignatius of Antioch’s Letter to the Ephesians (Chapter XII), Dionysius of Corinth’s Fragments from a Letter to the Roman Church Chapter III, and Eusebius of Caesarea’s Church History Book II Chapter 25:8.

[48] Textual analysis begins with manual or computerized groupings of text words and phrases into the categories of science, philosophy, and theology.  A comparative textual analysis shows a frame of reference for each of the compared discourses, shows grounds for the comparison, implies a thesis for the comparison, provides an organization scheme for either text-by-text or point-by-point, and each discourse is able to be linked back to the thesis.  A comparative linguistic analysis is concerned with comparing languages to find their historical relatedness.

[49] Thanks is extended to Peter Kreeft, philosophy professor at Boston College, Robert Masson, chair of the department of theology at Marquette University, and John Sanders, professor of religious studies at Hendrix College, for their March, 2017,  email exchanges with Dallas F. Bell Jr. on this subject.  Acting Chair of the Graduate School of Theology at Oklahoma Christian University, James Dvorak’s encouragement to write this paper in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in March-April, 2017, is appreciated.

[50] Philosopher Marilyn McCord Adams wrote an article on this subject from her view as an Episcopal Church priest(ess) (having XX chromosomes), which is a position of church leadership that is contrary to Flavius Josephus’ historical record of the qualifications for becoming a priest and is contrary to clear Old Testament doctrine (Gen. 14:18) of Melchizedek, having XY chromosomes, who was the king of Salem (the English variant of the Hebrew shalom meaning peace) and priest (Hebrew kohen) of the most high God (Ex. 29:9, an Aaronic priest must be a son, having XY chromosomes, of Aaron).  It is also contrary to clear New Testament Pauline doctrine (the sons of Levi, having XY chromosomes, were of the priesthood order; Heb. 6:20, 7:1-10, 7:11-28, 8:1-5) like Melchizedek, Jesus, having XY chromosomes, was the new priestly king of peace overtaking the Aaronic priesthood (I Tim. 2:11-15, women, having XX chromosomes, are not to usurp authority over men, having XY chromosomes).  Kings are male, having XY chromosomes, monarchs that rule over kingdoms.  A kingly priest is a male leader, having XY chromosomes, which rules over a spiritual domain.  That makes it impossible for a female, having XX chromosomes, to be eligible for the positions of king or priest.  Sometimes a priest is called a pastor or shepherd which has the same masculine, having XY chromosomes, requirements.  All of the Apostles picked by Jesus to establish churches (Rom. 15:17-20), write scripture (Eph. 3:5), and preach (Matt. 28:16-20) were male, having XY chromosomes.  Women, having XX chromosomes, may be queens but not kings.  Priestesses (Hebrew nebiah is an inspired woman, having XX chromosomes, and a prophet is an inspired man, having XY chromosomes, in Hebrew is nabi), having XX chromosomes, in the Greek religious era were temple prostitutes (Amos makes reference in Amos 2:7 to pagan temple prostitutes).  For example, the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus (Roman for the pre-Greek Ephesos) was widely known for its priestess temple prostitutes as was the Greek city of Corinth, which had the Temple of Diana etc.  Man, having XY chromosomes, represent God’s law and was not deceived by Satan in Eden (Gen. 3:1-24; I Tim. 2:14).  Woman, having XX chromosomes, represents God’s conduit for man, having XY chromosomes, to represent God’s laws (Gen. 2:18-25), such as God’s command for humanity to go forth and multiply (Gen. 1:28).  Women, having XX chromosomes, give physical birth (Gen. 3:16), and may prophesy as prophetesses, having XX chromosomes, (Miriam in Ex. 15:20-21; Deborah in Judges 4:4-5; Huldah in II Kings 22:12-20; Isaiah’s wife in Is. 8:1-3; Anna in Luke 2:36; Phillip’s daughters in Acts 21:8-9; and in the prophesied end times Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17-19).  Prophesy is true if it is all fulfilled (Jere. 28:1-17), and promotes peace (Jere. 23:17-22, 28:9).  Men, having XY chromosomes, and women, having XX chromosomes, are spiritually equal before Christ (Gal. 3:28).  (Note: the excessive use of XX and XY chromosomes for human biological definitions of female and male respectively is so as to not confuse people that reject the reality of female and male biology.  By far, people in the U.S. that chose occupations that can reject reality in an environmental bubble and be successful, e.g. librarians and book sellers, vote Democrat.  U.S. citizens that chose occupations that must accept reality to be successful, e.g. farmers and neurosurgeons, vote Republican.)  

[51] The 1896 book titled Cicero: Select Orations of Cicero, Allen and Greenough’s Edition, of the Athenaeum Press has the text of many of his defenses (pp. XIV and XVI).  Also see 

[52] Cicero’s book, pp. XIII-XXVII.

[53] Ibid. p. XVII.

[54] Ibid. pp. 1-25.

[55] Ibid. pp. 213-224.

[56] Ibid. pp. 225-238.

[57] Ibid. pp. 169-212.  Cicero’s written speech was not given in plain language due to his fear of violence.

[58] Ibid. pp. 185-187.

[59] Ibid. p. 173.

[60] Ibid. pp. 204-206.  Milo was convicted and banished to Marseilles.

[61] Ibid. p. XXVII.

[62] The Philippicae or Philippics are a series of fourteen speeches Cicero gave condemning Mark Antony from 44 B.C. to 22 April 43 B.C.  The 1906 text by William Jennings Bryan of the first oration is at

Cicero records the idea that all religion should be taken away in every case or it should be preserved in very case.

The second oration, which was not given but published, speaks of Milo

The XIV oration from Cicero’s book is page 239-256 (the deeds of Octavianus p. 252), with notes at p. 467-478.

[63] Ibid. p. XXVI.


[65] Systole is the rhythmic contractions of the heart.  Systolic pressure is the maximum pressure of blood, whereas diastolic is the lower blood pressure number (See Gray’s Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice, 4th Ed., Editor-In-Chief is Susan Stranding, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, p. 243).  Systolic geometry studies the systolic invariants of manifolds and polyhedral, as with Marcel Berger.  The systole of a compact metric space X is considered a metric invariant of X, which is defined to be the least length of a non-contractible loop in X, a loop that cannot be contracted to a point in the ambient space X  (i.e. the length is minimized over free loops representing nontrivial conjugacy classes in the fundamental group of X).

See the lecture at 

or see the seminar at

[66] Thanks is extended to Luca Ozzano, professor of political science at the University of Turin in Italy, for the email exchange in March, 2017, with Dallas F. Bell Jr. regarding the circumstances of this situation in Turkey.

[67] Acts 26:2.

[68] The ancient nation is a reference to the Ottoman Empire.  It spanned from North Africa to West Asia and north to South East Europe across to Hungry and parts of Russia.  There has been an evident attempt by Turkey to retake some of these regions.  The recent elections in the Netherlands, Austria, and Germany have been influenced by organized Turk rallies of Muslim immigrants toward candidates for high office that support their beliefs.  Austrians have just passed a law that prohibits Turk political rallies of Muslim immigrants. The Russian intelligence service FSB, Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti, has also recently pushed back against Turkey with the employment of cyber spying by people such as Evgeny Bogachev’s use of the malware GameOver ZeuS.

[69] The wisdom mentioned here is that possessed by serpents (Matt. 10:16).  Greek phronimos (wise) is the thoughtful and intelligent skill of the cautious.

[70] This is philosophical logic.

[71] The quote that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” is from the 4th century writing Arthashastra (Book VI) by Kautilya (also known as Chanakya).  He was believed to be the chief minister in the court of Chandragupta Maurya (during the time of Alexander and considered to be the first great emperor of India).  “The Source of Sovereign States” section is translated from Sanskrit, “The king who is situated anywhere immediately on the circumference of the conqueror’s territory is termed the enemy.  The king who is likewise situated close to the enemy, but separated from the conqueror only by the enemy, is termed the friend (to the conqueror).”  Of course, this idea is only perfectly true in this specific context of a battlefield emergency.  Biblical doctrine says “a friend with the (unrighteous) world is an enemy of (the righteous) God (and His followers)(James 4:4).  It is only used in this letter because it is considered a wise proverb in the Arab region.  It is never to be applied theologically for making alliances with heretical individuals or groups.  Jesus said that he that is not with me is against me (Matt. 12:30) and he that is not against us is for us (Luke 9:50).  Friend in Hebrew is rea’ (an associate) and in Greek is philos (associate).  Enemy in Hebrew is ‘oyeb (adversary) and in Greek is echthros (adversary).  During March, 2017, Fox cable news played the tape of a U.S. witches’ ceremony chanting a demonic curse on the U.S. president for his Christian biblical policies.  The biblical view of God regarding witchcraft is death (Ex. 22:18).

[72] This is a paraphrase of the Sanhedrin leader’s, Gamaliel, observation and theorization of a previous incident he scientifically predicts will have the replicated probabilities (Acts 5:38-39).

[73] Acts 26:26.

[74] This is a theological attribute of God.

[75] Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. Entry for POETRY, NEW TESTAMENT in the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915).

[76] Paul wrote that we are saved by grace through faith because it is a gift of God (Eph. 2:8), and it can not be attained by finite works of mankind (Rom. 3:27, 11:6).  God’s justice (theodicy) for His people eventually leads to merciful deliverance from being exiled from His blessed restoration (Eze. 37).

[77] Another Christian reformer of the church from heresy was John Knox.  He founded the Presbyterian Church.  Fellow Presbyterian and poet, Sir Walter Scott’s Dedicatory Epistle of his 1820 book, Ivanhoe: A Romance, mentions him in Scott’s defense of that literary style (p. XXVIII).  For a period of time, Knox worked in Geneva with the reformer John Calvin.  Calvin’s agreement with Luther on the freeness of God’s forgiveness was expressed in letters to Cardinal Sadolet.  He had to make a defense against church charges of heresy and schism for his scriptural beliefs.  Pope Francis, Letter to Archbishop Rino Fisichella, Sept. 1, 2015, indicated he was instating a Jubilee Year of Mercy featuring a very special plenary indulgence (the complete remission of all temporal punishment due to sin).  This wrongly means Jesus work on the cross for sin was inadequate for God’s forgiveness.  See

The Southern Baptist Convention seems to be growing in favor of the charismatic movement which has services that include joyless uncontrollable laughing sounds, falling on the floor in painful contortions, barking like a dog, roaring like a lion, twitching electric shocks, weird shaking, and other bizarre experiences that do not glorify God and are usually associated with demonic possession.

See Christianity Today, May 16, 1986, Charisma, April 1995, p. 79, Charismatic Southern Baptist Churches,” Baptist Standard, Oct. 30, 2008, etc.

Orthodox Christian, Nikolai Gogol’s 1842 Dead Souls said, “However stupid a fool’s words may be, they are sometimes enough to confound an intelligent man.”  The Philosopher of Freedom, Nikolai Berdyaev (abandoned Marxism to return to Orthodox Christianity), said the religious and moral character of Russian literature begins with Gogol.  Berdyaev added, “The tragedy of Gogol lay in the fact that he could never see and depict the human, the image of God in man, and this fact was a torment to him.”

On Wednesday 5 April, 2017, a physicist, self-labeled as Christian, was shown speaking to a supportive group of self-labeled Christians on a Christian cable television network.  His opening statement was “The laws of physics never change.”  He then quoted a Bible verse that said the ordinances of the moon and stars of heaven are God’s laws (Jere. 31:35-35, 33:25).  He then concluded the laws of physics would not change as God would not change and thus the scriptural account of creation in Hebrew of Genesis (affirmed by the Hebrew Flavius Josephus and the Hebrew Talmud, see the creation entry on pp. 132-133 of Daniel Retter’s 2011 Talmud Bavli Indexed Reference Guide) could not be accurate.  This inductive reasoning ended with revealed theology of Scripture, had philosophical logic, and began with his scientific observation and thesis of nature.  Another way to analyze the incorrect view of the physicist’s statement is mathematically.  His statement of equivalence is physics laws = constant.  Physics means physical which only includes material and precludes the reality of non-material reality, such as justice, love, and God etc.  The equation is a disproven practical atheist’s point of view (see endnote 39).  Christianity factors into physical laws the non-physical Creator of the first cause of all effects (Jere. 10:12), and that He must supersede and influence His creation when He wills.  That is how humans know He is involved when this is physically experienced.  Physical laws are changed for an event by God, e.g. Lazarus was raised from the physically dead (John 12:1, 44) for God’s glory (John 11:4, 40).  This is why humans pray and how it is known the prayers are specifically answered.  The practical atheist’s equation precludes many things, not the least of which is prayers to God.  Christians are taught to pray by Jesus (Matt. 6:9-13) without ceasing (I Thes. 5:17).  Evil is not physical, but it may be manifested physically.  To pray, as Jesus taught, to be delivered from evil is to intercede in physical acts that are subject to physical laws.  This is contrary to the practical atheist physicist’s equation.  God divides the sea with His power, and by His understanding He destroys the prideful (Job 26:12).  The world will pass away and the lust, but those that do the will of God will be forever (I John 2:17).  The physical laws God assigned to the moon and stars of heaven, as the Scriptures say, are constant within entropy.  Entropy means their energy had a start point and, thus, a first Causer.  It also means they are moving toward an end point, which was and is purposed by the will of the pre-existing first Causer.  Revelation, in Scriptures, from that first Causer allows finite humans to have a non-physical understanding of the physical.  Jesus said blessed are the praus (Greek, meek) for they will inherit the earth (Matt. 5:5).  Followers of Christ Jesus are shown how spiritual non-material reality effects the physical material reality.  Non-material properties can be thought of as prime numbers used as encryption keys in material cryptography for secure communication of the Christian elect in Scripture.  The word of the Lord is right, and all His works are done in truth (Ps. 33:4).  A correct equation from Christian theology is physics laws + non-physical laws = constant of the Creators infinite immutable attributes.  The Creator’s infinite, justice, love, etc. prevents finite human understanding of His perfect will and actions.  Augustine seems to make this same error of induction as the physicist mentioned earlier.  In his De Genesi ad litteram libri duodecim (The Literal Meaning of Genesis), Augustine places observation of nature before interpretation within the context of Scripture for the sake of not looking ignorant to unbelievers.  He then uses a Bible verse with pretext to prove his position (I Tim. 1:7).  In context, that verse was for people that wanted to be teachers of God’s law but did not have a pure heart, good conscience or unfeigned faith, which caused them to turn to vain jangling (I Tim. 5-7).  (See John Hammond Taylor’s 1982 book for the translation of Augustine’s writing, Ancient Christian Writers: the works of the Fathers in translation, v. 41-42.)  It is understood that sometimes, for necessary brevity or to cater to a knowledgeable audience, a biblical verse may be honestly given to support a view which is consistent with biblical doctrine, but is not immediately accompanied by all of the supporting scriptures.  Given Paul’s example on Mars hill, he wrote unbelievers do not know God from wisdom but by the power of the Holy Spirit in preaching the truth of gospel (I Cor. 1:21, 2:4-8).  He wrote believers are not to be stumbling blocks to other believers (Rom. 14:13; I Cor. 8:9-13), but are to speak truthfully without compromise (Eph. 4:25).  Believers are reminded to not think too highly of themselves (Ps. 131:1-2; Rom. 12:3-4; Gal. 6:3).  The actual rational epistemological order for finite man is deductive.  It begins with understanding the revealed theology of God in Scripture, using logic and mathematics, and then wisely forming balanced theses of observed nature without being ignorant of the issues.  (Thanks is extended to Michael Kosterlitz, Harrison E. Farnsworth Professor of Physics at Brown University and 2016 Nobel Prize recipient for physics, for his email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in May, 2017.)  Generally, science is observation + thesis + proof or disproof = law etc., philosophy is logic + poetry + mathematics = law etc., and theology is experience + revelation + morality = law etc.  Regarding this issue, God said mankind began with His creating man’s (having XY chromosomes) life (Hebrew, nephesh) from dust (Gen. 2:7).  From the biblical genealogies, this occurred around 3941 B.C.  That creation account violates man’s understanding of the laws of physics.  In 862 B.C., Elijah called fire down from heaven which consumed the water around his altar to God for all to see the biblical God is the true God (I Kings 18:19-40).  The sun’s shadow went back ten degrees to show God’s glory to all the world in 705 B.C. (II Kings 20:9-11; Is. 38:8; and recorded by Josephus in 10.2.1).  Jesus turned water into wine to display His supernatural abilities to His disciples (winter of 28 A.D., recorded in John 2:2-11).  Jesus supernaturally healed a man blind from birth, which had never been witnessed by Jewish leaders before (fall of 29 A.D., recorded in John 9:1-41). Taking the few examples above, we see that the Creator of the laws of physics does supersede them in order to demonstrate His cause and effect in matters.  That is the point—transcendence of physical law.  If we conclude what the physicist reasoned from his exposed pretext, Jesus’ virgin birth, death, and resurrection are not possible either.  Each of those accounts are presented in context as reality.  If they are not true, a deception has occurred and the Scriptures are books of intentional lies.  Jesus referred to the truth of Jonah being in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights (Jonah 1:17; Matt. 12:40), which violated the known laws of physics.  Is Jesus the Christ also a liar?  That obvious heresy incorrectly means the core principles of Christianity are not true.  Rudolf Bultmann wrote on demythologizing methodology (German, Entmythologisierung) of the New Testament.  Emil Brunner’s 1927 Der Mittler (German, The Mediator translated in 1934) logically called the attack on miracles attributed to Jesus simply as “unbelief.”  Reformation of the Christian church to Scriptural teaching is an ongoing process of defense of the true gospel (II Thes. 2:3).  David said believers should be of good courage because God will strengthen the hearts of all that hope in the Lord (Ps. 31:24).  Walter Benjamin said "Nur um der Hoffnungslosen willen ist uns die Hoffnung gegeben" (It is only for the sake of those without hope that hope is given to us) in his book Goethes Wahlverwandtschaften, Gesammelte Schriften I.1, Frankfurt am Main 1991, p. 201.  His response was to Herbert Marcuse’s 1964 book, One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society, which indicated the decreasing ability of the average person to resist domination from a technical society’s establishment to defend and maintain their status quo.  (Note: Philosophers of science are using the language of (higher) category theory to look at structures in science.  See the explanation at

[78] George Frideric Handel’s 1741 oratorio, Messiah, begins with the Messianic prophesy of Isaiah.


[Chapter 3]

1. And Belchlra recognized and saw the place of Isaiah and the prophets who were with him; for he dwelt in the region of Bethlehem, and was an adherent of Manasseh. And he prophesied falsely in Jerusalem, and many belonging to Jerusalem were confederate with him, and he was a Samaritan.

2. And it came to pass when Alagar Zagar, king of Assyria, had come and captured Samaria and taken the nine (and a half) tribes captive, and led them away to the mountains of the Medes and the

3. rivers of Tazon; this (Belchira) while still a youth, had escaped and come to Jerusalem in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, but he walked not in the ways of his father of Samaria; for he feared

4. Hezekiah. And he was found in the days of Hezekiah speaking words of lawlessness in Jerusalem.

5. And the servants of Hezekiah accused him, and he made his escape to the region of Bethlehem.

6. And they persuaded . . . And Belchlra accused Isaiah and the prophets who were with him, saying: 'Isaiah and those who are with him prophesy against Jerusalem and against the cities of Judah that they shall be laid waste and (against the children of Judah and) Benjamin also that they shall go into captivity, and also against thee, O lord the king, that thou shalt go (bound) with hooks

8. and iron chains': But they prophesy falsely against Israel and Judah. And Isaiah himself hath

9. said: 'I see more than Moses the prophet.' But Moses said: 'No man can see God and live':

10. and Isaiah hath said: 'I have seen God and behold I live.' Know, therefore, O king, that he is lying. And Jerusalem also he hath called Sodom, and the princes of Judah and Jerusalem he hath declared to be the people of Gomorrah. And he brought many accusations against Isaiah and the

11. prophets before Manasseh. But Beliar dwelt in the heart of Manasseh and in the heart of the

12. princes of Judah and Benjamin and of the eunuchs and of the councillors of the king. And the words of Belchira pleased him [exceedingly], and he sent and seized Isaiah.

[Chapter 5]

1b, 2. And he sawed him asunder with a wood-saw. And when Isaiah was being sawn in sunder Balchlra stood up, accusing him, and all the false prophets stood up, laughing and rejoicing because

3. of Isaiah. And Balchlra, with the aid of Mechembechus, stood up before Isaiah, [laughing]

4. deriding; And Belchlra said to Isaiah: 'Say: "I have lied in all that I have spoken, and likewise

5. the ways of Manasseh are good and right. And the ways also of Balchlra and of his associates are

6, 7. good."' And this he said to him when he began to be sawn in sunder. But Isaiah was (absorbed)

8. in a vision of the Lord, and though his eyes were open, he saw them. And Balchlra spake thus to Isaiah: 'Say what I say unto thee and I will turn their heart, and I will compel Manasseh

9. and the princes of Judah and the people and all Jerusalem to reverence thee.' And Isaiah answered and said: 'So far as I have utterance (I say): Damned and accursed be thou and all thy powers and

10, 11. all thy house. For thou canst not take (from me) aught save the skin of my body.' And they

12. seized and sawed in sunder Isaiah, the son of Amoz, with a wood-saw. And Manasseh and

13. Balchlra and the false prophets and the princes and the people [and] all stood looking on. And to the prophets who were with him he said before he had been sawn in sunder: 'Go ye to the region

14. of Tyre and Sidon; for for me only hath God mingled the cup.' And when Isaiah was being sawn in sunder, he neither cried aloud nor wept, but his lips spake with the Holy Spirit until he was sawn in twain. [sic]

From The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament by R.H. Charles, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913.  Scanned and edited by Joshua Williams, Northwest Nazarene College, 1995.

The Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Yebamoth 49b indicates “Manasseh slew Isaiah.”

[80] For example attorney Zhang Kai’s defense of displayed crosses and nuclear physicist Zhang Lin’s opposition to government forced abortions.  It is reported from a January, 2017, interview with the communist Spanish daily El País, Pope Francis said the churches in China are full and you can practice your faith in China.  This is in contrast with Open Doors’ 2017 having China as 39th among the world’s worst offenders against religious freedom.  That non-profit’s view is supported by the independent U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).  USCIRF has China as a “Tier 1” violator of religious freedom.  Its Chairman, Thomas Reese, said the Chinese government aggressively violates the religious freedom of its citizens.

[81] Christian adherents in China are difficult to determine since many will not be polled as Pauline Christians due to government persecution.  Primary worship services are held in secret in house churches.  It is reasoned, Pew Research Center etc., the actual numbers are much higher than reported.  See the Council on Foreign Relations article at

[82] For information on the anti-Christian movement in 1900 China called the Boxer Rebellion, see China: A Country Study by the American University, p. 22.  For information on the Taiping Rebellion see pp. 19-20 (Hong Xiuquan mounted the rebellion against the Qing Dynasty taking nearly one-third of the Chinese territory).

[83] The 1981 article in The Evangelical Times (UK) gives a description of his life and beliefs.

[84] Col. 2:8.  Greek philosophia for philosophy.

[85] I Tim. 6:20.  Greek gnósis for knowledge.

[86] Titus 1:14.  Greek muthos for a fictional tale or myth.  People commonly cling to theological beliefs when they are epistemologically proven false by science, philosophy, and theological revelation.  Being told of the fallacy of sunk costs often has little effect on discontinuing the behavior (see Hal Arkes and Catherine Blumer’s (1985) “The Psychology of Sunk Cost,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 35: pp. 1224-140).  For an examination of why people escalate commitment to recovering unrecoverable losses see Ryan Doody’s, professor of linguistics and philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, paper regarding the sunk cost fallacy or gambler’s fallacy at

Laurie Santos, psychology professor at Yale University, has conducted comparative cognitive research of humans and non-human primates (rhesus monkeys etc.) at Cayo Santiago Island near Puerto Rico.  She has noted the innate reasoning flaws, which are repeated.  She says institutions can help achieve more successful behavior but don’t necessarily affect or remedy bias and intuitions, so a herd mentality still exists even in the context of protective institutions.  (Santos’ comments were expressed to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange in April, 2017.)  It can be concluded finite minds can not always behave in a perfectly rational manner.  Social institutions (i.e. family, church, business, government and their subsets) are needed for modeling successful behaviors, and teaching/enforcing historical proven behavioral boundaries.  Those societal institutions, especially church, need to be anchored to immutable boundaries of scriptural truth for prevention of irrational herd mentalities.  Scriptures and lessons from historical application of Scriptures are the only hope for finite individuals and societies to behave in a consistently rational manner (Ps.19:8; Prov. 6:20-23; II Peter 1:19).  The benefit of Scriptures for mankind may be summed up as they are God’s revelation of what is good, gives His requirement of us to do justice and to love mercy as we walk humbly with Him (Mic. 6:8; Is. 1:17).  The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, pride, and arrogance (Prov. 8:13).  The further a person gets from God, the less they fear Him and the less potential they have to be wise (Job 28:28; Ps. 111:10; Prov. 1:7).  An example of the unwise is one of the founders of psychiatry, Carl Jung.  He was known for his interests in the occult (activities considered evil by Scriptures, Ex. 22:18; Lev. 20:6, 27; Deut. 18;10-11; Jere. 27:9; Acts 19:18-20).  In 1913, Jung became afflicted with apocalyptic visions until around 1917 and practiced yoga between those bouts of visions.  He wrote them down and composed them into an anti-Christ book by 1930.  This liber novus (Latin for New Book) was published in 2009 with the tile of The Red Book and is greatly respected by occultists.  He called it his confrontation with the unconscious.  As Nietzsche’s visions caused him to write Thus Spake Zarathustra where he concluded God was dead, Jung’s visions caused him to conclude God can be rediscovered in the psyche.  He rejected Judeo-Christian cosmology and created his own.  His soul is represented by Salome (p. 248), the daughter of Herodias that danced to get John the Baptist’s head cut off (Matt. 14:6-11; her name is recorded by Flavius Josephus).  The character of Philemon is a magician.  Jung begins with his feeling of being possessed by the spirit of the depths or unconsciousness.  He considers himself to be like the Old Testament prophets (in the Catholic Latin Vulgate Bible) compelled to write his visions of destruction, as in the New Testament book of Revelation.  The soul or anima (feminine as opposed to the masculine animus) has a female spirit guide which is a witch or seductress, such as the Catholic’s virgin Mary etc.  Jung determines that his dance with the Red Knight (Satan) is to find joy.  In the section of Liber Secundus, Jung is told by a woman to eat a child’s liver.  He thinks that this represents the need to kill God and not overinflate God.  He believes this will cause one’s humanity to be regained.  He says this type of evil is necessary to prevent being possessed by God.  Like Christian communion rituals, He explains Jesus’ image of suffering, omniscience, and omnipotence must be killed.  He consults a witch whom he calls a priest(ess).  Later in the Scrutinies section, Philemon warns Jung that his female soul is a hellish Divine treasure to be kept behind iron walls and in the deepest vault (p. 343).   Philemon goes on to preach the gnostic beliefs of combining sexuality with spirituality.  Jung visits Philemon in the garden where Jesus and His brother Satan are there.  Jesus says He brought suffering and sacrifice (p. 359).  The work ends with the anima or soul being unredeemed.  Of course, any Christian scholar can easily repudiate those demonic assertions presented in Jung’s unscientific, philosophically illogical, and theologically ignorant work.  For example, Divine joy is a natural state of the righteous which can be interrupted by unrighteousness.  David observed weeping is for a night but joy comes in the morning (Ps. 30:5), and Matthew observed the trials that disrupt joy (Matt. 13:20-21).  Joy is from the Lord (Matt. 25:21-23), and is an everlasting concept (Is. 51:11).  The infinite creator God of love logically allows for finite created beings to experience the joy that naturally comes with being in coherent harmony with His will (righteousness).  The Scriptures revealed angels had joy at Jesus’ redemptive birth which overcame unrighteousness (Luke 2:10-14), and have joy when sinner’s leave unrighteousness and convert to righteous redemption (Luke 15:10).  Unrighteousness is joyless.  Solomon said folly (silliness and foolishness) is joy (blitheness or casual lightheartedness) to people destitute of wisdom (Prov. 15:21).  Satanic unrighteousness can not cause or produce joy, it can only interrupt it with a behavioral concurrence of freewill from finite intellects.  Jung’s writing that satanic unrighteousness is a necessary tool for the experience of Divine joy is disproven by scientific observation, philosophical logic, and theological revelation and experience.  Reformed theologian Karl Barth’s fourteen-volume Church Dogmatics (German, Kirchliche Dogmatik published from 1932 to his death in 1968) indicates the reality of Divine joy coming from the theological study of God (theology as a joyful science), especially the relationship within the Trinity.      

[87] I Peter 3:15; Matt. 10:18-20; Ps. 119:46.

[88] Titus 3:7.

[89] Rev. 2:10; Matt. 10:22, 24:13.

[90] James 1:2.

[91] Rom. 11:33-34; I Cor. 2:16.

[92] Greek mōría for silliness.

[93] Greek charats for to point or to wound.

[94] I Cor. 1:17-25.

[95] The correspondence theory of truth is the view that truth has correspondence with a fact(s).  Natural laws connect truth with corresponding facts. Catholic John Finnis, Professor of Law and Legal Philosophy at Oxford University and the Biolchini Family Professor of Law at the University of Notre Dame, and Catholic Robert George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University, have written extensively on natural law.  Architectural design and construction need correspondence with actual natural law from Judeo-Christian doctrine.  That western success has led to counterfeit natural law being applied in Maharishi Vastu or Vedic (Maharishi Sthapatya Veda) architecture from Sanskrit text and feng shui, where qi (or chi, life energy) or invisible forces bind all things together.  Of course, each of those efforts are disproven by science, philosophy, and theology.

[96] A coherence theory of truth states that the truth of any true proposition has coherence with some specified set of propositions.  The RAND Corporation’s National Security Research Division, the International Security and Defense Policy Center, and the National Defense Research Institute published a document in April, 2017, titled How to Prepare North Korea Elites for Unification.  Their systematic effort began with questions, listed key findings, and made recommendations that reflected an understanding of the hierarchical set of individual needs of the elites.  That method ultimately failed in coherence when they ignored the epistemological reason everyone decides what is good and to be desired, and what is bad and to be avoided—religious beliefs.  They exposed their practical atheistic beliefs, which produces a bias against seeking data that would make their research more accurate.  If they had at least compared the symbols on the South and North Korean flags they might have seen the contrasting religious belief systems.  Like the gambler’s fallacy, they continue to be right about the same as the gambler’s 1 out of 50 chance of winning.  But when they do occasionally get it right, like gamblers, they misinterpret the randomness of their prediction as validation of their flawed method.  DARPA’s Ground Truth Program had a webinar in April, 2017, that noticeably reflected the same void of coherence.

[97] French for “These results are of fundamental importance!”  Jesus said seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened (Matt. 7:7-8; Luke 11:9-10).  Do not grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30).  There is a point at which God will not hear prayers (Gen. 6:3; Job 30:20; Ps. 22:2; Prov. 1:28; Lam. 3:8).  For created humans (created in six days, Gen. and Ex. 20:11 written by God’s own finger in Hebrew, Ex. 31:18) to deny creator God, Adonai (Gen. 15:2, Adonay is Hebrew plural of adon for lord, master, owner), ownership of their beings is stealing and that cosmic theft from Adonai is justly punishable by eternal damnation.  Jesus warns that not everyone that says Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 7:21-23).  God is King of all the earth, sing praises with understanding (Ps. 47:7).