Systematic Political Science

Information Science Applications
in Systematic Political Science:
The Corpora Protocols of Terrorism Informatics
in Intelligence and Security

by Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

1. Introduction

Most scholars know that the field of information science encompasses the study of how information is created, structured, and managed for retrieval and application. This discipline has recently become known by the somewhat esoteric term informatics. Governments and businesses interested in informatics have begun to create subject domains to interpret grammatical input using available lexica. This conceptual model can then be mapped with logic templates that are greatly aided by supercomputing. Take, for example, the emerging field of bioinformatics, which processes language to enhance data mining and analytical tool capability. Once a data base has been semantically tagged as relational, it can be considered a higher priority for searches than other data bases that are not semantically proven to be relational. Communicated information generated daily is estimated to be as large as all of the documents contained in the U.S. Library of Congress. Obviously, proper management of all data bases must involve a protocol system similar to that found in bioinformatics to handle competently the volumes of available information. The protocol concept can be seen as highly beneficial to nation-states' intelligence and security efforts. If they are to survive in the current hostile global environment, an accurate and relevant model must be developed. The focus of this interdisciplinary paper addresses the topical subset of intelligence and security informatics--terrorism informatics.

2. Terrorism Informatics

All terrorism is of analytical importance because the perception of terrorists' acts causes anger and/or fear, which affects the behavior of the perceived objects of terrorism. Many people might think of children being intentionally blown up as they play peacefully near a busy marketplace as an act of terrorism. This perception would be correct, especially when it is held by the relatives of the innocent victims. However, a bank robber's family might also develop this perception of law enforcement officers when they break down the door to their home to apprehend the criminal. A mother whose crying baby is ripped from her arms by government officials who think they know what is best for the child would also be terrified. The onlookers who witness the act or those who hear of the incident might reasonably consider the behavior to be terrorism.

Terrorism is not just a tactic or stratagem employed by a military or paramilitary force. It is the perception of reality by one group of the behavior toward itself by another group. The label terrorism might not be earned intentionally by a group but might nonetheless remain the perception of it by another group. It is then necessary for nation-state agencies that are charged with the responsibility of intelligence and security in matters of terrorism to identify groups. The number of different groups themselves are quite large, but the number of core motivation types are much smaller.

The types of motives and the subsequent resultant behavior are listed in the subsets, or taxa, of systematic political science. They are theology, epistemology, psychology, sociology, and eschatology. The premise of systematic political science is that a specific theology must be accepted by all people to process information into what is consistent with their divine authority/standard for good and evil. The epistemology that emerges will determine the rationality for what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior in pursuing the common individual hierarchy of needs: survival, economic security, love and affection, status and self-esteem, and self-actualization, respectively. People with similar theologies, epistemologies, and need levels combine to form groups for efficiency that ultimately make up nation-states. A nation-state's behavior is in turn determined by the behavior of its internal groups as they work toward their eschatological hope and belief for the future based on their chosen theologies.

The communication of individuals and the groups they form can be retrieved and analyzed to produce a corpora protocol. The knowledge domain is derived from the corresponding language's lexica with tagging emphasis based on the corresponding original theological documents and current language translations as well as the teachings of the appropriate leader(s). The words form chains of exact words and similar words consistent with or inconsistent with the corpora of the universal anchor of immutable natural laws of freewill by the theology of the infinite God. Those words should include jargon and equivalent terms, synonyms and hypernyms. They should help identify and avoid homonyms, word(s) that are spelled and pronounced alike but that have different meanings. Homographs--two or more words that are spelled the same but are pronounced differently and have different meanings--should also be avoided. Of course, grapheme-phoneme correspondence must be carefully considered when voice recognition software or semiotic transcribing takes place to convert audio input into a data base.

3. META (Informatics) Corpora Protocol

The Manifold Equation of Theological Asymmetry (META) is used to map graphically the relationship of the ten core natural laws of freewill and actual or potential individual and nation-state behavior. The input for this three-dimensional process may be provided by analysis of data bases with relative information creating META informatics. Corpora protocols for both individuals and nation-states are structured from the taxa of the xy planes. The y coordinate plots the behavior, and the x coordinate plots the time. The z plane plots the problem solving capacity in the I and IV quadrants.

3.1. The Taxa of the Corpora Protocol for the xy Plane

    -of the infinite God
    -of a finite god
          of love 
          of justice
          of force
    -of infinite god(s)
         other humans
         societal institutions
         one's self
         beings of evil 
    -theology of the infinite God = acceptance of all ten natural laws of
                                    freewill as truth
    -theology of a finite god     = acceptance range of nine to five of the ten
                                    natural laws of freewill as truth
    -theology of finite god(s)    = acceptance range of four to zero of the ten
                                    natural laws of freewill as truth
Psychology (individual behavioral levels)
    -acceptance of all ten natural laws =      perception and achievement
                                               behavior for survival, economic
                                               security, love and affection,
                                               status and self-esteem, and
    -acceptance of nine to five natural laws = perception and achievement for
                                               survival, economic security,  
                                               love and affection, status and
                                               self-esteem and
    -acceptance of four to zero natural laws = perception and achievement for
                                               survival, economic security,
                                               love and affection, status and
                                               self-esteem, and
Sociology (societal behavioral levels)
    The institutions of family, church, business, and government create
    demographic dominant groups of 51% or more, 25% to 47%, and 2% to 24%
    relational to the three categories of theology
         -formed with 51% or more from the acceptance with all ten natural laws
             = First World with levels of survival, economic security, love
               and affection, status and self-esteem, and self-actualization
         -formed with 51% or more from the acceptance of nine to five natural
             = Second World with levels of survival and economic security
         -formed with 51% or more from the acceptance of four to zero natural
             = Third World with a level of survival 
     -from the theology of the infinite God = eternal heaven for those who are
                                              compliant with God's natural  
                                              laws and eternal hell for those
                                              who are not compliant with God's
                                              natural laws 
     -from the theology of a finite god 
          of love     = eventual eternity in heaven for all
          of justice  = eternal heaven for the few that perfectly comply with
                        god and hell for those that don't comply
          of force    = eternal existence in a higher or lower state depending
                        on compliance with god
     -from the theology of finite god(s)
          of objects, animals, or other humans or institutions = eternal future
                                                                 is uncertain
                                                                 and requires
                                                                 with laws
          of one's self                                        = eternal future
                                                                 is not a
                                                                 concern, and
                                                                 laws are what
                                                                 one desires
          of beings of evil                                    = eternal future
                                                                 does not
                                                                 exist, and
                                                                 life is more
                                                                 heavenly or
                                                                 depending on
                                                                 the degree of
                                                                 with impulses
                                                                 of spirits of

(A map of plots from witnessed behavior or corpora form structure where the function provides a direction of potential momentum to comply with or not comply with natural laws of freewill. If a stimulus is introduced, the likely transformation or behavior consistent with or not consistent with terrorism can be predicted.)

3.2 The Taxa of the Corpora Protocol for the z Plane

Gifted  = does have the problem-solving ability to invent complex tools to
               manipulate their environment
Average = does not have the problem-solving ability to invent complex tools but
          can use those invented to manipulate their environment
Lower   = does not have the problem-solving ability to invent complex tools or
          use them to manipulate their environment without supervision

(If the problem-solving ability is not known, it can be determined by the demonstrated linguistic ability as appropriate for chronological age. The lexicon size and adherence to accepted grammatical rules--for example, the proper understanding and use of plural possessives--can be measured. If echolalia or neologisms are used, they indicate obvious dysfunction in communication ability and might or might not have a bearing on identifying overall problem-solving or savant abilities.)

4. Conclusion

The corpora and taxa of systematic political science offers a META structure and subject domain for semantic analysis. Hopefully, the author has demonstrated adequately how to provide the function for establishing a protocol for the intelligent and security informatics' subset of terrorism informatics. It would not be helpful on many levels just to simply list religions and project that they equate to specific (terrorist) behavior. Although it is true that the root cause of terrorist behavior is determined from the chosen theology(s), religions frequently change their theology but maintain their names. Religion X might or might not mean theologically today or tomorrow what it meant yesterday to its followers or analysts. It is more accurate to determine the theology of group A and determine if the corpora of its leaders' teachings and the problem-solving abilities of its members indicate a likelihood to produce terrorists' acts against group B. Group B should also have its corpora and problem-solving ability analyzed to predict its behavior toward group A.

With the continued development of algorithms to process lexica, efficient identification of potential for terrorism can grow exponentially. Therefore, subsequent acts of terror can be forecasted more confidently and curtailed to aide First World counterterrorists' efforts and thus enhance overall global stability.