Systematic Political Science

Dimensional Analysis of the Idée-Force of Social Agents with Constrained Optimization from Remote Sensing

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

(A version of this paper was accepted for presentation at the Operation's Research, OR, Society's Biennial 8th Simulation Workshop, SW 16, held at Stratford, Worcestershire United Kingdom during 11-13 April, 2016, in cooperation with the INFORMS, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Simulation Society and the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, SCS).

Abstract: Dimensional analysis of societal behavior is divided into hierarchical fields of spaces, such as economics. Social agents create strategies to adapt to their habitus. Within a particular field, the learned doxa influences the agent's thoughts and subsequent actions. The meme(s) produce an idée-force that can be calibrated, as a dimensionless quantity, from data gathered by remote sensing. The technological process of remote sensing involves collecting and collating all relevant recorded writings, audio and visual data from any era of time where sufficient information can be mined. That data can be analyzed by constrained optimization which determines the max and min of x and y, given max l (x,y) = f(x,y) + λg(x,y) and min l (x,y) = f(x,y) - λg(x,y) such that g(x,y) ≥ 0. A decision matrix of the objective function value (max f(x,y) and min f(x,y)) can satisfy inequality within two (absolute) value terms of dimensionless numbers. The four options for the range of x,y are min,min or (0,0), max,min or (> 0,0), min,max or (0, > 0), and max,max (> 0, > 0). Maximizing the optimized subject to a set or series of constraints allow for the decisions to be analyzed for future simulations and predictions.  


Dimensional analysis[1] examines and tracks relationships between physical quantities by determining fundamental dimensions (e.g. time, length, mass, etc.) and measurements (e.g. feet/meters, pounds/grams, etc.).  The basic rule is to be homogeneous in that quantities of different dimension categories should not be compared, such as an hour of time is not to be compared to a mile's length.

Dimensional constants may arise from results,[2] often from integrating a differential equation, and can be measured for importance and used for calculations about phenomenon.  If a quantity has no physical dimension it is dimensionless, such as the dimensionless number of π.   

Dimensionless analysis of societal behavior is divided into hierarchical fields of spaces, such as economics.  According to Pierre Bourdieu, the field is a space where social agents are located.  Those agents create strategies to adapt to their habitus or systems of disposition (i.e. perceptions, thoughts, actions/behavior, etc.).

Within a particular field, the learned doxa (the fundamental beliefs and values taken to be universal) influences the agent's thoughts and subsequent behavior(s).  Richard Weaver's 1948 book, Ideas Have Consequences, argued that culture and truth itself were devolving in the modern age due to adoption of inferior ideas or memes.

Memes spread from person to person (social agents) in a culture and act as the unit for carrying cultural ideas.  The produced idée-force is the factor an idea imposes onto social agents.  Its dynamic propagation can be calibrated as a dimensionless number.  In physics, a force is an interaction that, without opposition, may change the motion of an object.  The force can cause an object with mass to change its velocity and accelerate, including beginning from a state of rest.  Having magnitude and direction, force has a vector quantity.  Mathematically, force is mass times acceleration, F = M x A.  Pressure then is equal to the force divided by the area, P = F/A.  An idée-force (IF) can then be described as equal to the mass of people (MP) by percentage of the population estimated to be affected times potential acceleration of behavior (AB) of hierarchical individual needs in one generation (defined as the age someone with an IQ of 100 could meet their survival needs, generally age 20), IF = MP x AB.  Then, societal pressure (SP) is equal to the idée-force (IF) divided by the percentage of the potential area, within the geographical area analyzed, not effected (AE), SP = IF/AE.[3]

Anthropocene (Greek anthropo- meaning human, and —cene meaning new) is a term coined by Eugene Stoermer and popularized by Paul Crutzen.  It is meant to denote eras which humans have had significant global impact on the Earth's ecosystem.  Certainly the following would be such past eras:[4] Adam's committing the original sin[5] which resulted in the material consequence of physical death and exile from Eden (Gen.), Noah's survival of the flood to end world depravity of sin (Gen.),[6] Moses' being given the law for human behavior toward other humans, toward God, and toward the environment (Gen., Ex., Lev., Num., and Deut.), Jesus (theanthropos) becoming flesh to dwell among humanity for eternal redemption (Is. 53; John 1:1-14).  Such data can be gathered from remote sensing.

Remote sensing is defined as acquiring information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact.  Nicholas Makris, a professor of mechanical engineering and ocean engineering and Director of the Laboratory for Undersea Remote Sensing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, thinks, if a context is clear enough, remote sensing applications can be used in the analysis of decision-making by historical figures (e.g. recorded speech, written documents, etc.).[7]  Human communication reveals abilities and motives.[8]

Humans routinely perform remote sensing when something is seen or heard.  Neither of those examples of gathered information requires physical contact by senses with those external sources seen and/or heard.  The technological process of remote sensing involves collecting and collating all relevant recorded writings, audio and visual data from any era of time where significant information can be mined.

Mined data can be analyzed by constrained optimization which determines the max and min of x and y, given max l (x,y) = f(x,y) + λg(x,y) and min l (x,y) = f(x,y) - λg(x,y) such that g(x,y) ≥ 0.  This process optimizes an objective function (either a reward function or utility function to be maximized, or a cost function or energy function to be minimized) with respect to variables in the presence of constraints on the variables.

The mathematical optimization models are used extensively in areas of decision-making to determine "What is best?" expressed as a numerical value where best means good and not best means bad.  A decision matrix of the objective function value (max f(x,y) and min f(x,y)) can satisfy inequality within two (absolute) value terms of dimensionless numbers.  The four options for the range of x,y are min,min or (0,0), max,min or (> 0,0), min,max or (0, > 0), and max,max (> 0, > 0).

Intelligence is not memorization; computers and idiot savants can collect data.  The cerebellum can be programmed like a computer to perform tasks without intellectual applications of abstract ideas in a consciousness signature[9] of the totality of one's thoughts and feelings expressed in behavior as a sign.  The key to problem-solving is in understanding the choices of min and max options.  The intelligence quotient, IQ, numerically scores what problem-solving skill and knowledge is expected for a specific age group.[10]  Premorbid intelligence[11] estimates have been made, by remote sensing, from historical figures prior to the development and taking of IQ tests, such as for Pascal and Descartes.[12]  Pascal's estimated 195 IQ can be compared to Descartes estimated 180 IQ.  Overtime such estimates have been lowered to account for bias etc., such as Pascal's drop to 173 and Descartes drop to 158.

Demonstrating ability to choose what is best, for max of 200, is contrasted with choosing what is not best, a min of 0.  Complexity and order of choices available can be broken down into five general bracketed categories for a max of 40 points each for a max total of 200: Language use (spoken and written), environment manipulation, curiosity, theory and logic, and theology and eschatology.

Josephus recorded in 11.8.4 and 5 that Alexander the Great said God had shown him the future in a dream.[13]  The future events eventually took place as he dreamed leading him to know the revelation was true and thus from God.  Joseph (Gen. 37:5-11) had a dream from God which came true and Pharaoh's (Gen. 41) dream also came true.  These examples of infused knowledge and understanding are supernatural.  Therefore, Alexander's, Joseph's and Pharaoh's IQs, as with many others, were increased beyond innate abilities (order).[14]  Neurological ability can not interpret data beyond itself and so supernatural increases of data must not exceed that ability.  An increase of data can be up to 40 points per category not to exceed a max of 200.  This increase requires the will and relationship with God to maximize the potential increase.  Jesus was the only one with perfect will and relationship with God for a 200 IQ for neural ability[15] and a 200 increase for a total estimated IQ of 400.

Being filled with God's Spirit can be temporary, such as with Saul before he became king prophesied (1 Sam. 10:10-11) and later died in rebellion against God (1 Sam. 16:15, 31:3-13).  Nebuchadnezzar lost his abilities (Jere. 25:9) for seven years while he ate grass as an ox (Dan. 4:30-34).  If God is forsaken in order to follow other gods[16] there will be a curse (2 Chr. 34)[17] and God's wrath will release such beings to a reprobate mind filled with all unrighteousness (Rom. 1:18-32).[18] Wisdom is God's bestowing discernment of supernatural knowledge to influence decision-making and resulting behavior for the redeemed (1 Cor. 2:14).[19]  Jesus taught in the synagogue and people asked what wisdom is given to Him (Mark 6:2).  Jesus was full[20] of the Holy[21] Ghost.[22]  In His cruel tortured unjust death, Jesus accommodated the eternal life of a crucified partner, affirmed justice and forgave others, stated His eternal position as king, made arrangements for care of His family, restrained His power as Lord[23] of Hosts and Lord of Lords (Is. 54:5; John 18:36; 1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14, 19:16) to accomplish His prophesied redemption for mankind (Matt. 26, 27; Mark 14, 15; Luke 22, 23; John 18, 19).  All those tasks demonstrated unique intelligence in the face of overwhelming pain.  Demons or fallen angels are under Satan and subject to Jesus (Matt. 8:28-33, 12:24-30; Mark 1:39).  Angels obey God (Ps. 103:20) and proclaim Jesus' conception (Matt.1:20-21), birth (Luke 2:10-12) and resurrection (Matt. 28:5-7; 1 Tim. 3:16), and are imperfect (Job 4:18) as they abide with Jesus in Heaven (Acts 1:9-11). 

Conversely, having lowered decision-making abilities (disorder) have also been recorded, such as Judas' betrayal of Jesus the prophesied Christ.  Satan entered Judas[24] and led to his suicide (the intentional taking of innocent human life—murder) and historical record of infamy.  His innate IQ was lowered supernaturally.[25]  The lowering of IQ must be less than equal to innate ability for a max of less than 40 points per category and a total of less than 200 potential points.  The supernatural ability of Satan is finite[26] while the supernatural ability of God is infinite.  The finite can not contain the infinite (Latin finitum non capax infiniti).[27]  Jesus as God is ubiquitous in that He is equally everywhere at the same time whereas finite being must occupy one place at a time.  There can be no equal, yin and yang, or good and evil or else the physical laws, such as gravity in physics, or moral laws, such as to not steal, would not be constant from day to day.[28]  A matrix of the IQ possibility for control is as follows.

X 1 X2
0 0
20 0
0 -20
+10 -10

The best is +20 from God's Spirit and 0 from Satan.  The worst is 0 from God and -20 from possession by Satan.[29]  The average redeemed believer may fluctuate from +10 to -10.

The three sources of human knowledge for determining what is true (good) and what is not true (bad) are science (empirical experience and replication), philosophy (reasoning about non-material realities), and theology (revelation of material and non-material realities).  Science can empirically see that sloth leads to poverty.  Philosophy[30] reasons stealing is wrong.  Theology requires revelation to know tithing 10% of all income to God is a law of God.  When an individual accepts theological truth, science and philosophy are harmonious, to the extent finite understanding can be harmonious to specific IQ abilities.  When theological truth is rejected,[31] science and philosophy must also reject reality[32] to be harmonious and innate IQ ability is lowered.[33]

The failure of man's reasoning ability can be seen in the famous paradox[34] where someone tells you that they will visit you next week exactly at noon by Friday and the day will be a surprise to you.  You can reason that if noon on Thursday passes and there is no visit that the visit must occur on Friday and that then would not be a surprise.  It can further be reasoned that if the visit has not occurred by noon on Wednesday, the visit must occur on Thursday which would not be a surprise etc.  The conclusion must be that the visit will not take place.  Yet the visit occurs on Tuesday and you will be surprised.  Without the needed information held by the visitor, reason and parameters will always be inferior.

Human wisdom is foolishness with God (1Cor. 3:19).  Human wisdom is also foolishness with man,[35] such as consumption of coffee was considered bad for health for a period of time and then considered good for health and some human organs were called junk for a time and new science has proven that idea false.  Most people choose to lower their IQ's and become idiots or fools (Prov. 24:7) in that they choose the wide gate of Satan's path but followers of God choose His narrow path (Matt. 7:13-14).[36]  Wisdom (Hebrew chakam) is the intelligent and skillful enhancing of knowledge by understanding (Greek sunesis to mentally put together, intellect).  The wisdom of God is seen in creation (Job 38:34-41; Ps. 104:24).  It is infinite (Ps. 147:5), perfect (Job 37:16), and unsearchable (Is. 40:28).  Jesus' wisdom changed the world for 2,000 years (Is. 11:1-5; Matt. 13:54; Luke 2:52; 1 Cor. 1:30).  His return will be a surprise as only God the Father knows the date (Zech. 14:7; Matt. 24:36; Mark 13:32; Acts 1:7).  It will occur after the seven year reign of the Anti-Christ (Dan. 7:25; 2 Thes. 2:2-3; Rev. 13:5).  This means the redeemed are to trust Him and His timing.  No amount of reasoning will yield the exact date and trying to set a date is disobedience to Him (lowered IQ).  Reason (Hebrew yakach to be correct) exposes sin and the need for salvation or redemption (Is. 1:18).  It can be biased against truth and is proven to be limited (Mark 2:6-8; 1 Cor. 1:18-31, 2:1-14).  Since Jesus' departure from Earth, He has left His substitute or vicar (Latin vicarius) the Holy Spirit to be comforter (John 14:16).  This Vicar of Christ (Latin Vicanas Christi) reproves the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment (John 16:7-11).  It is absurd and blasphemous that any person would claim to be the Vicar of Christ.[37]   

Recently, researchers at the Weizmann Institute discovered that observation affects reality.  It was noticed that their remote sensing devise changed electron waves into particle behavior.  It had hampered the normal interference that takes place.  The quantum affect of the observer effect says that a spread relation of a wave is (Δk)(Δx) ≥ ½, where Δ (spread), k (wave vector), x (position).[38]  If x is measured there is an output with a narrow range for x, even if the input is a big spread of x.  Also if k is measured the output has a narrow range of k.  It seems the wave function collapses by the type of measurement made.  Man may observe something and changes it.  God may not change what He observes because He does not observe with tactile sensors in order to know.  He knows everything that has ever been or will ever be.

The Hawthorne effect showed that people adjusted their behavior in response to their becoming aware of their being observed.  All parents experienced this "when the cat is away the mice will play" effect when raising their children.

Notā bene,[39] Jesus increases max optimization and lowers the min while Satan decreases max optimization and increases the min.[40]  Maximizing the optimized subject to a set or series of constraints allows for past decision to be analyzed for future simulations and predictions. 

1Vladik Kreinovich, a professor of computer science at the University of Texas, exchanged an email with Dallas F. Bell Jr. regarding dimensional analysis and idée-force during December, 2015.

[2] An example is the C in Poiseuille's Law for determinants of resistance to flow. 

[3] Society can use these formulae to set parameters for ideas/inventions that are too critical for society well-being to be privatized for profits and control, within the necessity of free enterprise.  The internet is an agreed upon category, by the inventor of the World Wide Web while at CERN Sir Tim Berners-Lee, that is too important for societal interaction to be confined by profit motives or government control of human freedoms to achieve their individual hierarchical needs—survival, economic security, love and affection, status and self-esteem, and self-actualization.  The internet can have the units of measure applied to the formula for force.  Idée-force is equal to and estimated 80% of the percentage of people (using the internet requires the ability to read and purchase an internet devise) times the accelerated behavior to achieve needs (the average would be people in the economic security level would likely elevate to love and affection and then self-esteem in less than 20 years by finding groups to join and exchanging thoughts across the world) of 2 levels, IF = 80 x 2, so IF = 160.  Then, the societal pressure would equal 160 divided by the estimated unaffected area of 20%, SP = 160/20, so SP = 8.  It seems obvious that those scores are at the pinnacle of potential values.  Those values can be compared to the invention of the automobile.  IF is equal to 50% times 1 level in the first 20 years moving from survival to economic security or economic security to love and affection, IF = 50 x 1, so IF = 50.  SP equal to 50/50%, so SP = 1.  It can be reasoned that those values are too low to prevent privatization, which is what happened.  It can also be reasoned that an IF score of over 100 and a high SP score would merit consideration of open domain.  An example of a future cure for cancer can be analyzed.  IF would equal around 100% of the population of cancer patients times 1 level (moving from death back to the survival level), IF = 100 x 1, so IF = 100.  Then, SP would equal 100 divided by 50% (the estimated area not affected), SP = 100/50, so SP = 2.  Those values would indicate a need to consider putting the future cure for cancer into the public domain and the potential effects on efforts to find the cure.        

[4] Future eras have been prophesied, such as the calling of the redeemed still alive on Earth into the sky to meet Jesus (1 Thes. 4:17) called the rapture, seven years of judgment ruled by the AntiChrist (Josephus recorded an antichrist model named Antiochus IV Epiphanes [Greek for God Manifest] also called Antiochus Epimanes [the Mad] born c. 215 BC —died 164 BC in Tabae, Iran]) who is empowered by Satan (Dan. 8:23-25; Rev. 13:2) called the tribulation period, Jesus physical return to govern Earth for a 1,000 years called the millennial reign.  Jesus' return is being attacked today by arguing "Where is the promise of Jesus' coming?" (2 Peter 3:3-5).  The warning says "Be ready for Jesus (the Son of man) will come in an hour when you think not (Matt. 24:44).  His return to creation will be restoration of peace as before Adams original sin where wolves will dwell with lambs, cows with bears, and lions will eat straw (Is. 11:1-10, 65:25).

[5] Due to the rebellious sin of pride in Heaven, Satan was cast into the ability to effect material Earth with his disorder (Is. 14:12-15; Luke 10:18).  God used Satan for His purposes, such as to correct the self-righteousness of Job (Job 27:6) for Job's own eternal good by causing him to repent (Job 42:6).  Satan aided in the original sin on Earth of Adam (Rom. 5:12) creating material entropy and material death (Gen. 2:17).  Of course, Satan did not die in his nonmaterial realm after he sinned because the wages of sin on Earth is material death (Gen. 3:3; Rom. 6:23).  If Satan, who was an original sinner, began corrupting entropy and death then other angels in his realm, (e.g. Gabriel [Dan. 8:16, 9:21; Luke 1:11, 19, 26], Michael [Dan. 10:13, 21; Jude 9, Rev. 12:7], etc.) would have need of redemption as humans on Earth do since Adam.  Biblically, this is clearly not the case.  Sin in that realm is irrevocable and unforgiveable to angels as it is when humans die and enter that realm can no longer have the opportunity to be forgiven and redeemed.  According to Genesis 1:29-30, men and animals were not originally meat eaters but were vegetarians.  Plants are not the same category of life (Lev. 17:11-14) as men and animals (Hebrew nephesh chayyah).  The creating God of life is not a god of death as seen in the future restoration of God toward redeemed mankind in His realm where there will be no pain or tears (Rev. 21-22).  The average person innately knows that if something is false in one thing it is likely false in other things.  This is why there is a satanic attempt to decouple clear ramifications regarding the original sin to accommodate an old world view contrary to clear biblical teaching and even propagate the notion that there is other life in the universe where life on Earth was seeded.  Astrobiology is vainly seeking to find life in our universe apart from Earth (Gen. 1:1-31, 2:1-2).  Paul referred to the whole creation (Greek pasa he ktisis) in Romans 8 and the universal death after Adams fall into sin (Rom. 8:19-23).  Adam had dominion over all creation on Earth (Gen. 1:27-31) and when he fell so did all he had dominion over (Gen. 3:16 [birth pains], 3:17-18 [cursed thorns and thistles shall bring forth Is. 5:6, Rom. 8:20-22, Heb. 6:8], 3:19 [dirt you shall return]).  Sir William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, known for his work in thermodynamics, said creative power is the only feasible answer to the origin of life from a scientific perspective.  Synthetic DNA or X-DNA is an attempt to alter created life.  God made everything beautiful in time and set the world in their heart so no man can find out the work that God made from the beginning to the end (Eccl. 3:11; Job 5:9; Rom. 11:33).

[6] Giants had sex with the daughters of men and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was an evil idée-force (Gen. 6:1-7).

[7] Makris made his comments to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange during December, 2015.

[8] Communication has not only content but timing.  Jesus did not answer Pilate (Matt. 27:12-14).  Solomon said he that shuts his lips is esteemed to be a man of understanding (Prov. 17:28).  Another old saying says that unless you can improve on the silence don't speak.

[9] Conscientiousness is the desire to do a task well.


[11] This is an estimate of a person's intellectual functioning prior to brain dysfunction (i.e. the onset of brain disease).

[12] According to Edward O. Wilson, a behavioral biologist, the ten most intelligent animals in descending order are: chimpanzee (two species), gorilla, orangutan, baboon (seven species, including drill and mandrill), gibbon (seven species), monkey (many species, especially the macaques, the Erythrocebus patas, and the Celebes black ape), smaller-toothed whale (several species, especially killer whale), dolphin (many of the approximately eighty species), elephant (two species), and pig.  Other academics hold to an anthropocentric view of intelligence in an attempt to nullify historical and current empirical problem-solving and behavioral differences between genetic groups of humans.  In an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during October, 2015, Ruth Spinks, Department of Psychiatry of Carver College of Medicine at the University of Iowa, points out that the concept of IQ came into existence in the late 19th century when the French government wanted an instrument to determine which children could most benefit from public (government) education.  She reasons that since IQ tests are based on common information taught in schools, they are bound to the society in which they were developed.  This logic would require IQ tests to be renormed on every society in which they are used.  That model would need estimates for all ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, etc.  Such an effort of comparisons across cultures would be difficult and be more or less meaningless.  Additionally, she explains, there is no way of estimating how much drift (renorming IQ averages to a predetermined 100 with a standard deviation of 15) has occurred over the millennia.  A paper co-authored by Spinks titled IQ Estimate Smackdown: Comparing IQ Proxy Measures to the WAIS-III can be found at

[13] Man dreams of a world of the infinite which fuels his inventiveness: to see everything leads to creating microscopes and telescopes, to hear everything leads to creating phones, to travel everywhere leads to creating flying and under water devices, to know everything leads to creating computers and calculators, to have all power leads to creating atomic weapons, and to end pain and live forever leads to creating medical techniques and medicines.

[14] Jesus is seen by His light, because He is light (Is. 9:2; John 8:12).  Then within His light everything is seen through Him (2 Kings 6:17; Luke 24:31) (Is. 49:6; John 1:9, 9:5; Acts 13:47).  God anoints Jesus the Christ's (the Messiah or the Anointed One, Is. 61:1; Dan. 9:25-26; John 1:41, 4:25) followers (2 Cor. 1:21) with knowledge of truth (1 John 2:20-21). 

[15] At the age of twelve, Jesus heard and asked questions of doctors who were astonished by His understanding and answers (Luke 2:40-52).  Later, Jesus' superior intellectual abilities were demonstrated on numerous occasions (Matt. 22:15-46; Luke 10:25-37, 20:20-47).

[16] The fallacy of statements that wrongly compare God with other gods can be exposed with the mathematical language of logic.  For example, the statement that "Christians and Muslims worship the same God" is broken down into the following equation.  Christians + worship + God = Muslims + worship + god, so eliminate "worship" equivalence from each side of the equation so Christians + God = Muslims + god, then eliminate God from each side of the equation to arrive at Christians = Muslims.  Scholars and practitioners of Christianity and Islam do not accept this interchangeability or equivalence.  The Christian God is triune (2 Cor. 13:14) of love (1 John 4:8) expressed prior to creation between The Father, son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  Jesus said He went to prepare a place for the redeemed and in His house there are many mansions and if this were not so He would not have said it (John 14:2-3).  That God of love created humans with the ability to conceive of and dream of Heaven.  For there not to be such a place would not just be unloving but would be cruel.  The Muslim god could never be this God of love.  Therefore, Christian worship of God is not the same as worship of the Muslim god so Christian God > Muslim god.  The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Judah (Hebrew root for Jew [a descendent of Judah] whose average IQ is 120) is not the same god of Ishmael and Mohammed (an Arab [Hebrew word for ambush[er]) whose average IQ is 85), an illiterate pedophile proponent of slavery.   Morning Muslim prayers include "I testify that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Mohammed is his prophet.  Muslims shout "Allahu Akbar" (literally Allah is great, meaning Allah is the greatest god) as they cowardly murder innocent unarmed women and children.  Mawlānā (our master) Jalāl ad-Dān Muhammad Rāmā (also known as Jalāl ad-Dān Muhammad Balkhā), a 13th-century Persian poet and Islamic scholar, is considered a best selling poet in the US today.  According to Edward G. Browne, Rumi was a Sunni Muslim, though Annemarie Schimmel said Shia authors tend to include him among their ranks.  His poems praise the first two murdering Muslim caliphs Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattāb while at the same time detail his universal message of love, such as the verse translated from the Masnaviā"Love is the astrolabe of God's mysteries" (See Naini, Majid. The Mysteries of the Universe and Rumi's Discoveries on the Majestic Path of Love)(An astrolabe [Greek star taker] is an elaborate inclinometer, historically used by astronomers, navigators, and astrologers for solving problems relating to time by the position of the Sun and stars in the sky.)  The true gospel is good news of peace (Eph 6:15) and is a mystery to be spoken boldly (Eph. 6:19) and defended (Phil. 1:7-27) for the glory of Jesus the Christ (2 Cor. 4:4).  On Mar's Hill (Acts 17:22-33), Paul talked to the polytheistic Athenians about their altar to the unknown God who they ignorantly worshipped.  Paul did not say God = worshiped god(s) of idols, such gods are as menstrual cloth (Is. 30:22).  He said God > worshipped god(s) of idols.       

[17] The consequence for not resisting (Jam. 4:7) sin (Latin peccatum to err, fault, sin) is grave (See  Thomas Aquinas says in his Summa Theologiae (First Part of the Second Part, Question 72, Article 7) that Augustine's De Trinitate xii, 12 (Latin On the Trinity) describes three stages of sin as bait, thought, and consent. The stages of the sin of commission begins with the exposure of the senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing) to the perceived options of unrighteousness.  Joseph was exposed to this level but sinned not (Gen. 39:7-13).  The next level is entertaining the option of unrighteousness, such as to lust (Matt. 5:28) and this is committing sin.  Eve reached this level (Gen. 3:6).  In the last stage, the will consents to overtly act on the unrighteous thoughts.  A lustful or covetous person (Rom. 7:7) sins by commission but also fails to treat the object of the sin, the neighbor (Luke 10:27-37), with less love than their own self (Matt. 22:39) and so has committed a sin of omission (See Summa Theologiae, 2.1, Q. 72, Art. 6).  The beginning of the sin of omission is to know to do good and not do it (Jam. 4:17; John 9:41; 2 Peter 2:21).  For example to not tithe (Mal. 3:7-12), and to not watch for Jesus' return in prayer (Matt. 24:42-51; Mark 13:33-37; Luke 21:36) is sin.  Today, there is an effort to discourage watching for Jesus' return.  Jesus was tempted like we are but He did not sin (Matt. 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13; Heb. 4:15) and fosters a doctrine of impeccability.  After Jesus' successful resisting of Satan's temptation, Satan left Him and angels came and ministered to Him (Matt. 4:11).  This triumph occurs after resisting temptation and was pointed out to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in a phone conversation with Baptist Church Senior Pastor for around 60 years, D. Frank Bell Sr., in January, 2016.    

[18] For example Caligula and Hitler. Saul Alinsky's book, Rules for Radicals, was dedicated to Lucifer (known as Satan, the Devil, the Dragon in Rev. 12:3, 20:2, etc.).  It says "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer."  Hillary Clinton's 1969 thesis, There is Only the Fight, refers to Alinsky's earlier book as her political behavioral model.  A letter from L. David Alinsky, son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky, says U.S. President Obama helped fund the 'Alinsky Academy': "The Woods Fund, a nonprofit on which Obama served as paid director from 1999 to December 2002, provided startup funding and later capital to the Midwest Academy.... Obama sat on the Woods Fund board alongside William Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization.  ... Midwest teaches Alinsky tactics of community organizing."  True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process penetrating existing institutions, such as churches, unions and political parties.  They seek to bring disorder to order (Prov. 24:2).

[19] George Washington Carver is well known for having asked God for ideas (Jam. 1:5).

[20] Full (Greek plōrōs from pletho filled).

[21] Holy (Greek hagios for sacred, blameless).

[22] Ghost (Greek pneuma for spirit, breath).

[23] Jehovah God.

[24] Luke 22:3, Greek eiserchomai meaning to enter.

[25] Innate IQ can be lowered by tangible behavioral actions, such as drinking alcohol to excess (Prov. 23:29-35), use of mind altering drugs like marijuana (studies indicate regular usage leads to a definitive lowering of IQ's by 8 points; regular cannabis use that starts in adolescence strips away IQ, a NIDA-supported 25-year study of 1,000 individuals suggests), and drugs the government schools are imposing on young males in order to feminize them by making them docile.

[26] Noted in the final days of H. G. Wells, Jean-Paul Sartre, and others, rebellion against God's natural law imputed into the human conscious is untenable.  Satan filled the heart of Ananias to lie to the Holy Spirit which resulted in his death (Acts 5:3).  Satan revealed things to King Saul by the witch (Ex. 22:18) of Endor (1 Sam. 28:7-20).  A woman was bound by the spirit of Satan with infirmity (Luke 13:11-17) which the loss of heath must have affected her decision-making abilities.  Oppression makes a wise man mad, slow or foolish (Eccl. 7:7).  Not one man in a 1,000 is wise (Job 33:23; Eccl. 7:28).  Jesus said who ever sins is the servant of sin (John 8:34) (Prov. 5:22; Rom 6:16; 2 Peter 2:19).  In C. S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters, the demons say only God can create pleasure (Ps. 16:11, 36:8) but they can twist them to make them unpleasant (Rom. 1:24-32; Titus 3:3).  The redeemed do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:12).  The spirit of this world (1 Cor. 2:12) is bondage to fear (Rom. 8:15).  The redeemed are not to fear because Jesus lives forever and holds the keys to Hell and death (Rev. 1:17-18).  Salvation is come, the kingdom of God, and the power of Christ because Satan, the accuser of the redeemed before God day and night (Job 1:6-12, 2:1-7), is cast down (Rev. 12:10).

[27] From Book 3 of Aristotle's Physics and John Calvin.

[28] Laws, such as thermodynamics, do not ebb and flow as each opposes the other.  2 = 2 can never become 2 > 2 or 2 < 2.  Jesus' perfect and good IQ proves the (Mormon) heresy of His having a brother, Satan, with an inferior and evil IQ.

[29] Diamonizomai (Greek) meaning to be under the power of, possessed by or vexed by a demon.  Satan in Greek is adversary.  Diabolos (Greek for demon) is translated as he who places division.  For example the Syrophoenician woman (a native or inhabitant of Phoenicia when it was part of the Roman province of Syria) said her daughter was possessed by a demon (Mark 7:26-30).  A girl who attempted to tell the future by the occult had her evil spirit cast out by Paul and she could no longer do divination (Acts 16:16-19).  Mary Magdalene had seven devils that were cast out and she then followed Jesus (Mark 16:9; Luke 8:2).

[30] Marcus Tullius Cicero said "to study philosophy is nothing but to prepare one's self to die."  Facing death attempts to justify one's self by comparison to someone else.  This means there is a universal standard for behavior, the standard has not been met and is not relative, all people fail this standard, universal justice requires the intercession of a perfectly just Mediator, and that Mediator can only be God the Creator (1 Tim. 2:5).

[31] This rejection is not based on an absence of evidence, but the rejection of the preponderance of evidence (Rom. 1:19-32; 2 Tim. 3:8).  Denis Diderot (1713-1784) portrayed a fictional conversation in Lettre sur les aveugles (Letter About the Blind) in 1749 between Nicholas Saunderson and a priest saying "If you want me to believe in God, you must make me touch Him."  Ironically, the same atheists that demonstrate an inferior belief also believe that nature selects the strongest to survive.  If someone wants the truth they will accept it no matter what the method of delivery.  Love rejoices in truth (Greek agape sugchario aletheuo)(1 Cor. 13:6).  Jesus' love and grace is the only positive response to inevitable human pain and suffering which atheists have no positive response concept in their claimed belief.  All people have the choice to accept of reject mental thoughts (Gen. 3:2-6), either accept 1 + 1 = 2 or 1 + 1 = other than 2.  Questions draw out underlying assumptions, such as Jesus was asked "Good master what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"  Jesus replied "Why call me good?  Only God is good."  (Mark 10:17-31)  Jesus said you must be converted (Greek strepho, turned or reversed) (Matt. 18:3)(Ps. 51:13).  You must be born (Greek gennao) again (Greek anōthen) (John 3:3).  Born of water (Greek hudōr) and spirit (Greek pneuma) (John 3:5).  Repenting of sins and being baptized in Jesus' name and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).  The Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:6-30) saw, understood, and addressed Jesus as Jew (v. 9), then as sir (v. 11), then as prophet (v. 19), and finally as Messias (v. 25).  John Calvin inferred that agnostics may not be persuaded until the Holy Spirit causes the surrender into the indicia (Latin information or evidence).  By the Spirit (Greek en pneumati), we are made a member that is baptized into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13).  After being healed of palsy, it is recorded that their sins were also forgiven (Mark 2:3-10).  Demon possession was common in the Bible accounts (Matt. 8:16-17; Mark 1:32-34, 3:11; Luke 4:41).  When the devils were driven out of the man in the tombs he not only received a right mind (higher IQ), he was converted.  For other cases, it was said "Your faith has made you whole."  Lanier Burns, research professor of theological studies and senior professor of systematic theology at Dallas Theological Seminary, said in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in October, 2015, that seems to mean that person was saved (redeemed) yet there is difficulty in filling in the gaps that God left blank.  Burns does not equate plerousthe en pneumatic with being saved.  The indwelling Spirit involves all of Him in all of us—eternally secure and implies a measure of maturity.  The redeemed are commanded to be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18).  Erhard Gerstenberger, emeritus professor of Old Testament at Marburg University, believes Christians have a strong responsibility to live and exercise their faith in justice, peace, and preservation of God's creation.  He expressed this in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during November, 2015.  Gerstenberger's The Woe-Oracles of the Prophets was presented while at Yale Divinity School.  The prophets had two kinds of oracles (revelations or wise sayings: the oracle of weal, blessed and well-being, and woe, cursed).  

[32] The systematic disorder of Satan can not exist without counterfeiting God's order.  For example to say scripture is not true means there is no clear creation account, God is a liar and Satan is not, there is no law or justice for sin, pleasure is the purpose of life, there is no after life of judgment, there is no geographical state of Israel, no return of Messiah Jesus, and Jesus is not the Messiah, etc.   

[33] If this logic is pursued to its end, the lowering of IQ will reach a point where language will become extremely foolish and nonsensical due to avoiding conflict with obvious realities.  US entertainment has many examples of this low stage of communication, such as with situational comedies which are largely composed of dialogue that goes from one observation or comment on sexual deviancy to another with a fake laugh track that follows to foster the false impression of an audience which agrees with the presented logic.    

[34] Email was exchanged on this subject in January, 2016, by Dallas F. Bell Jr. with Gary Habermas, Distinguished Research Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, and Edward Martin, Co-chair and Professor of Philosophy at Liberty University.

[35] Lauded by Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, Baltasar Gracién y Morales (1601-1658) was a Jesuit writer and philosopher who said "A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends."

[36] Mensa is an organization composed of members that have verified IQ scores in the top 2%.  Recently reported demographics of religious adherents in American Mensa Ltd. are 49% Christian, 3% Unitarian, 9% Jewish, 7% agnostic, 3.6% atheist, and 9% no religion.  The statistics are self-identified by members who may or may not give permission to release personal information to third parties which may account for the total being less than 100%.  (Dallas F. Bell Jr. has been a member for more than 30 years.) 

[37] The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Ed. (Wash DC: US Catholic Conference., 1994, 1997) #882 says "The Pope—by reason of his office as Vicar of Christ—a power which he can always exercise."  In December, 2015, Pope Francis gave a speech at the Church of All Nations in the Garden of Gethsemane saying Jews are our elder brothers and Judaism is not to be considered simply another religion.  The Vatican policy is for Catholics to not try to convert Jews.  This would mean Jesus did not die for the redemption of Hebrews that practice Judaism and their animal blood sacrifice is superior to or equal to Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.  Paul, a converted Jew who became filled with the Holy Spirit and preached Jesus was the son of God and the Christ (Acts 9:1-22), wrote God (Jesus) was manifest in the flesh and justified in the Spirit (1 Tim. 3:16).  The redemptive ministry of Jesus was scripturally testified to by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit as Vicar of Christ bears witness to Jesus' power and being Lord of all people (Acts 10:34-38).  Whereas, the Pope, the self appointed vicar of Christ, does not.  Past popes have rewarded their followers' dreaming and devising horrific instruments to torture the redeemed, as during the Inquisition, instead of modeling God's love testified to by His Spirit.  God's love > human torture.  (See the heretic's fork (This Catholic instrument of torture consisted of two little forks one set against the other, with the four prongs rammed into the flesh, under the chin and above the chest. A small collar supported the instrument in such a manner that the victims were forced to hold their head erect, thus preventing any movement.) and the inquisitional chairs (This Catholic torture instrument came in different versions. All of them have common features, in that they are covered with spikes on the back, on the arm-rests, on the seat, on the leg-rests and on the foot-rests.) at       

[38] Δ x is a non-infinitesimal change to x.

[39] Latin verb (imperative that you are to) note well.

[40] Jesus said you must know "the parable of the sower" in order to know His other parables (Mark 4:13).  To know Jesus' truth is like seeds that are sown which may be eaten by birds or fall on stony ground and have no roots so the sun quickly scorches the seedlings (truth requires that it must first be heard), seeds sown among thorns may sprout but be choked out yielding no fruit (truth then must be remembered in the neurons), and some seeds fall on good ground and yield fruit with great increases (finally truth must be absorbed into the soul where it can grow by the Spirit's hand [Mark 4:2-20] or Satan will take it away [v. 15]).