A Scientific, Philosophical, and
Theological Summary of Middah and Algorithms:
The Judeo-Christian
Development of Mathematics
Dallas F. Bell,
is the natural language of intellects to describe and analyze
amounts. Its development comes from interactions of humans with
the innate problem-solving ability capable of formulating complex
ideas from observations and logic. Observed objects represent
values for which numbers are given to specific amounts. The ten
digits on the human hand equal the base 10 or decimal system for
numbers[2] and are perfectly designed
for communicating amounts from birth. The innate human language
of mathematics[3] is commonly
witnessed by infants holding up a finger(s) to represent the amount
of something they desire or to indicate their age. This
instinct is so strong that parents are often advised to take steps to
curtail finger counting of their children in order to stimulate
cognitive advances in mathematics.
amounts can be expanded by adding, decreased by subtracting, divided,
and multiplied. The rate of increase or decrease can be
measured to find the original quantity, differential and integral
calculus.[4] Measures are needed
to communicate weight, distance, size, pressure, temperature (weather
and metallurgy), and energy, etc. This requires tools for
measurement standards, such as rulers, scales, counters (beyond
finger-symbolism),[5] compasses, plumb
lines, and thermometers,[6] etc.
With those tools, land can be surveyed,[7]
complex architecture achieved, accurate distances can be traveled,
astronomy matured, and new tools created, such as clocks[8]
and calendars.[9] Carl Friedrich
Gauss called number theory the queen of mathematics.[10]
Wisdom is the righteous application of knowledge, which includes
witty inventions[11] as seen in
geometric and matrix woven cloth.[12]
degrees of angles create geometry to analyze proofs,[13]
analyze convex and concave optics,[14]
and create trigonometry to determine the function of shapes, sine and
cosines, and tangent and cotangents, etc.[15]
Graph mathematics can then simulate the planes for plotting
interpolation and analysis of variables. Proven rules and
immutable laws of mathematics are established and those principles,
used to create logarithms[16] and
atomic theory of chemistry[17] etc.,
can be used to avoid the false philosophy of chaos and scientifically
build more immutable laws, such as congruence,[18]
harmonics,[19] hydrodynamics,[20]
colors,[21] light,[22]
magnetism, and electricity[23] etc.
Then principles of physics,[24]
gravity,[25] probabilities,[26]
and warfare etc. can develop and more tools made, e.g. pulleys,[27]
levers,[28] screws,[29]
cogwheels,[30] vacuums,[31]
and pumps etc., with more principles, such as water displacement of
floating objects,[32] fluid
dynamics[33] etc.
are the natural contrast of things. If there is a number 1 and
2 then it is reasonable to think about a -1 and -2. Natural
numbers are separated from fractions of whole numbers called
integers. Integers can be positive numbers (1, 2,…) and
negative numbers (…, -2, -1). Axioms of induction can process
integers. An axiom of mathematical induction could be if N is a
set of all positive integers (N = {1, 2, …}) and S is any subset of
N, then if S possesses the two properties where 1 is an element of S
and for every arbitrary positive integer k, (k + 1) is an element of
S whenever k is an element of S, then S = N.
are scientifically developed for equality where there are equal and
not equal outcomes for which equal means philosophically true and
theologically good, and not equal means philosophically untrue and
theologically evil. Then temporal and eternal justice is
rationally, logically,[34] and
poetically[35] extrapolated.
This spatial concept merges with the rational extension of numbers
for the reality of infinity.
mathematics of infinity is encased within eternity. Galileo
stated that the universe is a grand book written in the language of
mathematics. MIT’s professor of physics, Max Tegmark, said
the universe is made up of math and math can explain all existence,
including the human brain. The Divine language of mathematics
is seen in the vanguard of Hebrew letters[36]
given to Adam and Eve around 6,000 years ago with letters having
numerical values.[37]
Additionally, God said He said let there be light (Gen. 1:3; II Cor.
4:6) and it was. He framed the world with His word (Heb.
11:3). Finite intellects think in parts that can be added,
subtracted, multiplied, and divided. This fractional cognitive
process is needed for understanding relationships by motion, speed,
size, distance, and weight. They are catalogued as time and
is a portion of eternity where finite beings exist and potentially
can make sense of their existence. Beginning with God creating
light (Gen. 1), Judeo-Christian Scriptures give examples of math.
The linear series of individuals in genealogies, especially from Adam
to Noah and his three sons (Gen. 5). Noah built the ark with
Golden Ratios around 2335 B.C. (Gen. 6:14-22), used the discrete
series of numbers to account for the separate animals, and
demonstrated a hydrodynamic[38]
understanding of water displacement for floating objects.
Abraham’s servants used weights and measures 1856 B.C. (Gen.
24:22). According to God’s law (Lev. 27:30-33), Abraham
demonstrated the decimal system by tithing around 1911 B.C. (Gen.
14:18, 28:22, Hebrew ma’aser,
a tenth, tithe; Heb. 7:1-10, Greek apodekatoo,
to tithe). Solomon also used scales which required
adding, subtracting, multiplication, division, and fractions by 965
B.C. (Prov. 11:1, 16:11). He compared the way of a bird in the
air and the way of a ship in the sea—fluid dynamics or the motion
of projectiles in the air and the theory of waves (Prov. 30:19).
He built God’s temple using material to reflect an understanding of
the nonmaterial infinite realm.[39]
Hezekiah built a conduit (II Kings 20:20), and recorded the sun going
backward on a sundial ten degrees around 698 B.C. (II Kings 20:9-11;
Is. 38:8). The Scriptures record the sun, moon, and star
constellations are guided by ordinances (Job 9:9, 38:31-33[40];
Jere. 31:35-36), such as Arcturus (the Great Bear), Arion, Pleiades
(seven stars), Mazzaroth (the twelve constellations or pattern of
stars also called the zodiac). The sun and moon are for seasons
(Ps. 104:19). The seven days of a week were revealed around
3941 B.C. (Gen. 1-2). The months of the year are annotated (I
Chr. 27:1-15).[41] Moments[42]
and hours[43] divide the day.
1275 B.C., complex woven embroidered cloth and fine linen were used
in the tabernacle (Ex. 35:35). Jewish metrology covers long
measures,[44] land measures,[45]
weights,[46] and liquid
measures.[47] A measuring line
was used around 521 to 518 B.C. (Zech. 2:1-2) and the sides of cities
were measured after 1235 B.C. (Num. 35:5). A plumb line was
used in 755 B.C. (Amos 7:7-8). Hot (Is. 49:10) and cold (Job
37:9; Acts 28:2) weather (climatology and meteorology observed in Job
37:9-11 and Luke 12:54-57) temperatures are contrasted (Job 24:19)
and God controls them (I Sam. 12:16-19). The importance of
knowing exact temperatures is necessary for metallurgy (Jere. 6:29)
and other disciplines, such as chemistry.[48]
Set theory is seen by the recording that when one of God’s laws,
formalized around 1275 B.C. (Ex. 20-24; Lev. 1-27), is broken the
whole set of God’s laws is broken. For example in the Old
Testament, breaking God’s set of laws include sexual perversion (I
Kings 15:12), murder (II Kings 21:16), idols (II Kings 21:21), and
other gods (II Kings 23:24), and this principle is reinforced in the
New Testament (Matt. 5:19-28; James 2:10-11). Those sets have
truth values that compose a truth table, which are not subject to
incomplete causal data seen in fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic (measuring
one’s finite self by the mutable standard of finite others, II Cor.
10:12-13). Ultimate pressure (Ps. 38:2) and energy are beyond
natural law and maintains the material realm (Job 26:12, 38:4-11;
Heb. 1:3).
axiom of deduction, if this then that, is Divinely demonstrated (Gen.
2:17) when God accurately said if you eat of the forbidden tree you
shall die, not make a felix
False induction was satanically offered soon after (Gen. 3:1-5) that
you will not die if you eat of the forbidden tree. God’s word
has always had a truth value of T and Satan’s words has always had
a truth value of F. The whole Bible is an unique and
indispensable set of instructions, an algorithm,[50]
for human decision-making[51] with
historical examples of the individual and societal outcomes of
compliance and noncompliance.[52]
It begins with the Genesis creation of this temporal existence (the
Abraham covenant of God to mankind) and extends to the end of this
temporal existence in Revelation (the prophesied Messianic covenant
of God to mankind[53]), with a look
at the eternal algorithm in heaven for the redeemed and hell for
people that reject redemption. That necessary data provides the
coping mechanism for inevitable circumstances caused by evil from
freewill. Matrix mathematics was used to indicate the game
theory decision process in columns and rows of options to obey and
not obey God’s commands and perceived outcomes by Adam and Eve in
the Garden of Eden. They wrongly chose the probability that
they would not receive a negative outcome as God said would occur and
did occur. Later, Cain developed a weapon of warfare to kill
Abel (Gen 4:8) and warfare strategies were developed (Gen. 14:2).
Musical instruments[54] and songs[55]
were also developed.
ability can be compared to other beliefs, such as the time of the
development of mathematics in China.[56]
The 2002 book by Hymen Gabai, titled Judaism,
Mathematics, and the Hebrew Calendar,
expands on the Jewish development of mathematics. Moritz
Steinschneider published a work in 1864 on the Mishnat ha-Middot,[57]
considered the oldest non-scriptural Hebrew record of mathematics
which looked at the elements of geometry. It is agreed that
mathematics is not universally useful for everything and does have
general areas of less application, such as with humor, irony, etc.
truth of Scriptures is evident in many ancient cultures, such as Gen.
1-11 in Chinese pictographs.[58]
Scriptures explain the past in Genesis 1 written by Moses prior to
his death around 1235 B.C., and John 1 written by John between 90 and
95 A.D. They say in the beginning was only God. He was
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They have always exchanged love,
not by a human choice and decision-making series of acts but as their
uniform and eternal nature. They created space and objects
apart from themselves. Among the objects created where ones
with life. That life included beings with intellect which
requires freewill to choose this or not choose this within fixed
behavioral boundaries. Their freewill now required God’s
justice, grace, and mercy along with His extended love and redemption
for eternal rewards in heaven or hell. The Scriptures also
explain the prophesied future in the book of Daniel (after 594 B.C.)
etc. and John’s other writing in Revelation (around 95 A.D. on the
island of Patmos).[59]
universe has particles that move in space and cause time. That
movement had a first cause. The first Causer, the Alpha and
Omega, the beginning and the end,[60]
was outside of space and time. This Being created with purpose
and was absent the limited characteristics of finite intellects.
He is not the absence of anything, but is the intellect from which
all is created. We know God exists and must exist by
science/observation of natural laws, beauty, and efficiency of
creation. He is also evident from philosophy/logic,[61]
poetry,[62] and mathematics seen by
justice, love, mercy, grace in His purposeful intellect.
Theology/revelation in Scriptures have fulfilled prophesy, such as
the Messiah (Jesus) and the return of Jews to their land realized in
1948, and confirm and are confirmed by science and philosophy.
Finite epistemology vertices of truth merge with theology being the
queen (science, observation, theory, replication-law; philosophy,
logic, poetry, mathematics-law; theology, revelation, experience,
morality-law). Galileo, Pascal, Newton, Faraday, and Maxwell,
etc. are known for demonstrating aspects of all pillars of law.
say an effort is either hard or soft science is to make a vastly
uninformed statement. Science is a method that relies on logic
language of philosophy which needs the revealed morality of
theology. If a person has good revealed morality from their
theology, they may potentially have efficient philosophical logic and
potentially have efficient or true science. On the other hand,
if the science uses logic from inefficient morality it’s potential
to be efficient or true is greatly degraded. A good scientist
is a good theologian. By this we see that science can show or
say nothing. It is the scientist that purposefully orchestrates
un-purposeful data. Carbon atom deposits and atoms of metal ore
do not become valued until a human jeweler processes them into
or bad theology that created untrue or bad philosophy which led to
untrue or bad science was recorded by the Catholics murder of the
mathematician Hypatia (daughter of Theon of Alexandria) after 415
A.D.[63] Against the protests
of the Greeks, Muslims burned the libraries in Egypt after 641 A.D.
due to the comment of the caliph Omar, “…If the books contain
what is agreeable with the book of god, the book of god is sufficient
without them, and if they contain what is contrary to the book of
god, there is no need for them, so give orders for their
destruction.” That destruction took six months to consume the
collected written knowledge of the time in Egypt.[64]
The world confined to the small intellect of a few religious leaders
with untrue theology and revealed morality was called the dark ages
for retarding the Divine human endeavors of science, philosophy, and
theology. Eventually, the reality of truth overcame the evil of
untruth and ended that period.
these last days, humans are increasing in learning but are not able
to come to the knowledge of truth (II Tim. 3:7). Knowledge of
truth is repentance (I Tim. 2:4.). It is becoming as in the
days of Noah before the punitive flood (Gen. 6:1-8). This era
also requires Divine punitive action (Matt. 24:27-51; Luke
17:22-36). They are lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters,
proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers,
incontinent, fierce, despisers of people that do good, traitors,
heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God,
having a form of godliness but denying the power of God, and they
creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins away
with many lusts (II Tim. 3:1-8; Prov. 30:11-14). As stated
before, the truth will eventually be victorious as it has always
been. In 1912, Charles Dawson said he had discovered a half man
and half ape in Piltdown, East Sussex. It
was found to have consisted of the altered mandible and
some teeth of an orangutan deliberately combined with the cranium of
a fully developed human and exposed as hoax in 1953.
In 2009, scientists at the Climate Research Unit of the U.K.’s
University of East Anglia were caught manipulating and destroying
data. In 2010, Marc D. Hauser,
Harvard psychologist, was found responsible for eight counts of
scientific misconduct by the university.
God exists in essence of His being without beginning or end, m’olam
l’olam, from forever to forever. He is complete and whole
without change. He is size-less, colorless, shapeless, and
motionless. Finite beings use senses to input the intellect for
understanding required for decision-making and the subsequent
purposed behavior. We can see God with the innate mind from
senses that confirm His existence and self-revelation. Moses
saw God’s glory (1275 B.C., Ex. 33:18-23). Jacob saw a form
of God (1763 B.C., Gen. 32:30). No man has actually seen God
the Father (John 1:18, 6:46). To see Jesus is to see the Father
(John 14:9). Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in Him
(John 14:10).
beings think in fractions of an infinite whole.[65]
That limitation is not possible with the infinite God. Infinite
persistence[66] sets of knowledge
have always existed in God’s omniscient intellect, such as infinite
numbers. Since He is omniscient His knowledge is unchanging in
that He neither gains or loses knowledge, and can not be surprised.
He gives wisdom when His believers ask,[67]
and this does not decrease God’s set of data. The infinite
whole of God’s knowledge is one infinite set, and may potentially
contain dimensions. God’s glory lights heaven (Is. 24:23,
66:19; Rev. 21:23). God is love and His love, justice, mercy,
and grace do not occupy space as He does not occupy space. The
Son, Jesus, was incarnated 2,000 years ago and His earthly and
resurrected body occupied space. It could be seen and touched
by human senses. His face shall be seen (Rev. 22:4).
intangible infinite perfect existence shows why the fear of Him is
the beginning of wisdom,[68] why
humans need to accept His infinite love and live by faith,[69]
and the churlishness and pure depravity of blasphemy. It also
explains the futility of finite created human disobedience of God and
trying to move closer to Him across an infinite gulf with redemptive
works to atone for violating His laws, which denies His power, grace,
and position. God redeems for His own mercies’ sake, His
righteousness’ sake, and for His name’s sake.[70]
Everyone has violated God’s set of laws. Some incorrectly
believe that God will forgive and redeem everyone that by freewill
violated His laws due to their having done their best with what they
were created with by Him. This would mean everyone would be
redeemed, even Satan, and we know this is not nor could not be true.
Contrary to Blaise Pascal confirmation that they were fixed
points, it also would incorrectly mean God’s laws are not fixed
points to be obeyed. We know this is not true because God would
not punish and exercise His justice causing the need for mercy and
prevenient grace[71] to be
redemptive gospel (G) of God is a balanced equation of opposite
valences or power. God’s disposition toward sin (D) + His
action (A) + the consequences of the human decision (C) = G, so D,A,C
= G. G = “for God so loved the world” is + D, “that He gave His
only begotten Son” is – A, “that whoever believes in Him shall
not perish but have everlasting life” is + C (John 3:16), so the
inverse or opposite valences are God has just wrath toward the
world’s sin is – D (Rom. 2:5-9), His Son’s death and
resurrection atones for sin is + A (Rom. 5:8-9), those that do not
believe in Him will justly perish and spend eternity in hell is – C
(Rev. 14:10), so (+D, -A, +C plus –D, +A, -C = G). The
unredeemed that have a knowledge of what is righteous (D, A) and
choose to reject it (– C) requires a greater eternal damnation than
the unredeemed that had less knowledge and rejected righteousness
(the set of D, A can be > or < than another set of D, A) (Matt.
23:14). Each of the unredeemed is still justly eternally damned
(- C), but it is righteous to have worse degrees of eternal damnation
for those unredeemed whose will to sin against the holy God was
greater (a set of - C can be > or < than another set of -
C). The repentance for sin, required for redemption (Mark 1:4;
Acts 2:38), can not be forgiven by finite priests, but by the
infinite Father God (Matt. 23:8-10, 27:3-10; Acts 8:22; II Tim.
we need redemption and a Redeemer which only the perfect God of love
could provide. Jesus fulfilled the scriptural text for this
prophesied Messiah. If a finite human believes on Him, he will
be redeemed by the eternal power of God (John 3:16). All prayer
must be in Jesus’ name (John 14:13). There is one God and one
mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus (I Tim. 2:5).
No one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit (I Cor.
12:3). Jesus is complete God the Son and is complete man.
This is an existential imperative. All birth certificates,
business contracts, and school diplomas are based on the time of His
existence on earth. The Divine existence of Jesus has all the
power and ability of His nature of God the Son, e.g. Jesus’ divine
nature can be with all believers at once, and yet His human body
retains its human abilities. Jesus’ finite human body did
have information communicated to it by God, but it did not have His
infinite Divine attributes communicated to it in order to
miraculously[72] overcome all the
limitations of human nature or else His temptations and atoning
sufferings on the cross would not be real and redemptive (Heb.
2:18). God can not be tempted with evil nor tempt others with
evil (James 1:13).
is complete and equally God the Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit
without being fractions of the whole God (Gen.1:26). Redeemed
believers of Christ Jesus are joint heirs with Him (Rom. 8:17).
This means every believer gets all the benefits equally and without
fractions of a whole finite set or else the value of being a joint
heir would grow smaller and smaller as the number of believers grows
to a point of being worthless, as would occur with temporal property
inherited from a deceased human relative. The faithful in the
Old Testament did not receive the promise, but God has provided a
better thing for His New Testament faithful without which the prior
faithful will not be made perfect or complete without the latter
faithful.[73] By one man’s
sin from violating God’s law (Adam), death entered creation and all
men must be judged for their sins. By one man’s redemption
(Jesus), eternal life is possible by the atoning for all men (Rom.
5). It seems paradoxical that to obey God’s law is freedom
and to do what we want is to be enslaved by sin. To spiritually
live is to die to self-will and to die to self-will is to spiritually
live (Rom. 6:6-23). The physically dead do not have any portion
in our world under the sun (Eccl. 9:5-6). To talk to them
desiring for them to effect a change in our world is called
necromancy. Catholics, Taoists etc. have this intercessory[74]
doctrine of witchcraft as they teach and practice praying to the
physically dead for which the just penalty is physical and spiritual
many people know, a paradox is a statement which seems to contradict
what we know to be true due to a lack of data or the inability to
comprehend known data. We have thus far examined ideas
considered paradoxes by many people, such as the triune nature of
God, His self-existence outside of time and space, His creating ex
His omniscience when anthropomorphically communicating with man in
Scriptures for finite man’s time/space understanding,[76]
His being omnipresent and creating apart from Himself, His
omniscience and omnipotence requires atonement which is not possible
for finite beings accomplished by themselves, and the possibility of
being joint heirs with the redeeming Christ.
equation for a paradox could be as follows, incomplete relevant
finite data – complete potentially relevant infinite data =
relevant data that prevents a paradox. It may be said,
incomplete relevant finite data + relevant unknown data = potentially
complete data that prevents a paradox. Then complete data = no
paradox given the data can be comprehended by a finite intellect.
Many people think the following is a paradox. If God is
immutable how can He seem to change and become angry at the
disobedient (Num. 11:33) or be pleased by the faithful (Heb. 11:6).
It can be rationally reasoned that the complete data would include
God having always known that He would justly apply His response to
disobedience and obedience at the perfect time and no change actually
occurred. The sins of the redeemed will blotted out (Neh. 4:5;
Ps. 51:1; Acts 3:19) and will not be remembered by God (Heb. 8:12,
10:17) on judgment day.[77] He
still retains all knowledge, but His grace places the unrighteous
behavior into the category of perfect eternal forgiveness, which can
never change and lose infinite redemption (I Peter 1:2-5).
stadium paradox was refuted by Aristotle (Physics 239b33) because
Zeno seemed to be confused about relative velocities or Aristotle was
confused about Zeno’s proposal that space and time can only be
divided by a definite amount. Maimonides made a similar paradox
regarding motion called the millstone, which required an
understanding of the continuum. The Banach-Tarski paradox
proved that it is possible to convert one sphere into two using cuts
and rotations. This transformation involves objects that can
not exist in our universe. That is an example of pure
mathematics which studies abstract concepts. Applied
mathematics uses mathematical methods that may be applied to
practical problems in our universe, e.g. computer science, economics,
etc. These categories change as with number theory[78]
in pure mathematics being used today in cryptography, which is an
applied mathematics. The pure mathematician, G. H. Hardy,
debated this distinction in his book A
Mathematician’s Apology.[79]
are beliefs of many dimensions in our universe or endless Buddhist
type creations that are called paradoxes. All movement in our
universe had to have a first cause and a finite start point and so
must be finite. Then, those initial beliefs are not possible
true by science, philosophy and theology, and can not be
paradoxical. The cults of Scientology, Mormonism, New Age etc.
have varying beliefs that they can become God (theosis)
or are gods[80] when it is axiomatic
that they could not have pre-existed themselves being created by
themselves outside of time and space. The heart of a fool frets
against God (Prov. 19:3). The unredeemed world can not see God
the Father or receive the Spirit of truth. Neither can they
know God, but believers know God because His Spirit is in them (John
14:17) and they have the mind of Christ (I Cor. 3:16). This is
the only way of understanding infinite mathematics eternally.
It has been said that what comes into our minds when we think about
God is the most important thing about us.[81]
Everyone should know that there will always be a remnant of God’s
redeemed to glorify Him and do His will.[82]
Latin mathematicus,
from Greek mathematikos
from manthanein
to learn, Sanskrit medha
for intelligence.
Free mathematics textbooks at
Howard Eves’ 1981 Great Moments
in Mathematics (after 1650) Washington DC Lecture 38
(Mathematics Association of America) discussed mathematics as a
branch of theology, pp. 200-208. The author appreciates the
November, 2016, email exchange with Helen Fisher, (cognitive)
biological anthropologist and Senior Research Fellow at the Kinsey
Institute, regarding the query of the earliest known mathematics
development by gender.
See Trinity College (Cambridge) Fellow
and barrister at law, Walter Rouse Ball’s 1888 book on the beliefs
at the time of publication, A
Short Account of the History of Mathematics,
MacMillian and Co, New York, pp. 176. Nicholas of Smyrna (Bede
and Jerome also alluded to) wrote on the finger-symbolism used by
the Romans to count by 10’s up to 10,000, pp. 106, 112.
Decimal is from Latin decima
meaning tithe or dime (ten cents).
On the following website, the study led
by Melissa Libertus at Johns Hopkins University looks at the reality
of innate human number sense called the approximate number system.
A mathematician at Stanford
University, Keith Devlin has written about The Maths Gene.
See Ball’s book (endnote 2), pp. 232.
Ibid. pp. 116-119. Abacus style
counters were used almost simultaneously by Etruseans (the Tuscany
and Umbria regions of what is now Italy), Aztecs, Greeks, Egyptians,
Hindu regions, Russia, China, Japan, and Mexican regions.
Gauss also is quoted as saying
mathematics is the queen of science. Mathematics is a
descriptive language and is only as true as its user. It does
not merit esteem over theology, which provides the core of all
Balls’ book (endnote 2), pp. 40.
Ibid. pp. 27. This includes music
with the potential to inspire and expand human intellect by making
complex music instruments and complex music lyrics.
Ibid. pp. 295, 443-445.
Ibid. pp. 28, 67-69.
Ibid. pp. 45, 67-69.
Creation of complex games, such as
chess or Go, has the potential ability to exercise the intellect.
Poetry has the potential to expand the
intellect with complex usage of language.
The Hebrew language is referred to in
II Kings 18:28.
The animals were named by Adam with
Hebrew meanings (Gen.).
Balls’ book (endnote 2), pp.
318-319. The vapor canopy of the earth and the water below is
discussed (Gen. 1:6). Paul understood clouds as water, as the
sea, used for baptism (I Cor. 10:2).
Since the book of Job does not have
references to formal laws of God, it is reasoned that its writing
was prior to the Mosaic period (before 1235 B.C.) where God gave His
laws formally.
Abib or Nisan (March-April) Ex. 13:4;
Zif or Iyyar (April-May) I Kings 6:1, 37; Sivan (May-June) Esth.
8:9; Tammuz (June-July) Jere. 39:2; Ab (July-August) Num. 33:38;
Elul (August-September) Neh. 6:15; Ethanim or Tishri
(September-October) I Kings 8:2; Bul or Heshvan (October-November) I
Kings 6:38; Chisleu or Kislev (November-December) Neh. 1:1; Tebeth
(December-January) Esth. 2:16; Shebat or Sebat (January-February)
Zech. 1:7; Adar (February-March) Esth. 3:7.
An hour is 1/12 of daytime (Matt.
20:1-12), and an hour is 1/12 of a night (Luke 12:39). The
third hour of the day is 9 a.m. (Matt. 20:3). The third hour
of the night is 9 p.m. (Acts 23:23). The sixth to ninth hour
of the day is 12 noon to 3 p.m. (Matt. 20:5; Acts 3:1). The
eleventh hour of the day is five p.m. Matt. 20:6, 9, 12).
A finger (3/4 inch) Jere. 52:21;
handbreadth (3 to 4 inches) Ex. 25:25; span (around 9 inches) Ex.
28:16; cubit of man (around 18 inches) Gen. 6:15; pace (around 3
feet) II Sam. 6:13; fathom (around 6 feet) Acts 27:28; reed (around
11 feet) Eze. 40:5; line Eze. 40:3.
Cubit (1 ¾ feet) Josh. 3:4; mile (1760
yards) Matt. 5:41; Sabbath day’s journey (3/4 mile) Acts 1:12;
day’s journey (24 miles) Gen. 30:36; furlong (660 feet) Luke
Cab (around 2 quarts) II Kings 6:25;
omer (around 7 pints) Ex. 16:16-18, 36; ephah (around 4 ½ pecks)
Ex. 16:36; homer (around 11 bushels) Num. 11:32, Hos. 3:2; talent
(around 93 pounds) Ex. 25:39.
Log (around 1 pint) Lev. 14:10, 15; hin
(around 1 ½ gallons) Num. 15:4-10; bath (around 9 gallons) Is.
5:10; homer or cor (around 85 gallons) Exe. 45:11, 14.
Apothecary: Ex. 30:25, 34-35; II Chr.
16:14. Pharmakeia:
Gal. 5:20; Rev. 9:21, 21:8 and cures or chemeia
(chemistry) therapeno
(to treat): Luke 9:1.
Believers do not sin against God so
that His grace will abound (Rom. 6:1). People that are dead to
sin do not live in sin (Rom. 6:2).
See Ball’s book (endnote 2), pp.
Ps. 19:7-9; James 1:21-25. A
double minded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8, 4:8; I
Tim. 3:8; I Chr. 12:33; Ps. 12:2). Every house, city, and
kingdom divided against itself will not stand (Matt. 12:25-26; Mark
3:24-26; Luke 11:17-18).
Individual compliance, Enoch (Heb.
11:5), and individual noncompliance, Cain (Gen. 4:1-16).
Societal compliance, Judah (Is. 26:1-2), and societal noncompliance,
Sodom (Gen. 19:1-25).
Jesus said “before Abraham was, I am”
(John 8:58).
A complete orchestra is recorded to
have harps, cornets, cymbals (II Sam. 6:5).
Songs were written and timbrels used
(Gen. 31:27).
Hebrew middah
means the measure of height and breadth, or transliterated meedah
is measure and scale, and meedot
is ethics and morality.
needs to be read in context of its whole. It is said that to
be redeemed one must confess with their mouth that Jesus is Christ
(Rom. 10:10). Other passages indicate confession is a quality
of the redeemed (Matt. 10:32; Luke 12:8). Therefore,
confession is to be made by whatever means is possible and
appropriate or else mutes, born without the ability to speak, would
not have the ability to make a public confession with their mouth
and have the possibility of redemption.
J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th.D. 2015. Genesis
in Chinese Pictographs. Acts
44 (3).
creation-through-Babel events, Genesis 1-11, observed in
Chinese pictographs include many themes and associations that
readers of Genesis will recognize: God the Creator; creation of
heaven and Earth, including a garden; man made from earth; man with
stewardship responsibility; warning provided by God, hand, and a
tree; man and woman as demonstrating completeness; covetousness
involving trees and woman; temptation represented by garden, trees,
and devil; death involves hands, tree, and mouths; thorns indicate
weeds and punishment; alienation shown through man, woman, and
garden; goodness involves woman and “seed”; sacrifice is
represented by God, hand, and blood; “Lord” is designated by God
and blood; “me” plus sheep equals righteousness;
trust/dependence is represented by God covering a couple with
clothing; violence is shown by an elder brother with a mark; flood
involves universal water, and “universal” is conveyed by the
number eight,
united, and earth; boat is illustrated as a vessel or container and
eight people; mankind plus one mouth/speech equals a type of unity,
yet that unity combined with weeds (which depict the curse) equals
ambition, and that ambition plus clay/bricks equals a tower;
rebellion/confusion is represented by a tongue—and the list of
correlations goes on. A few visual examples of this Genesis-relevant
pattern follow, but note that there are many more documented in
scholarly sources.
pictographic word for “to create” in ancient Chinese is composed
of the components “to speak/talk” and “walking”—consistent
with the Genesis account of God using His mouth to create and Adam
being created fully mature and thus able to walk, as follows.

Figure 1. "Create"
and Nelson recognize that this etymology retains information
from Genesis 2:7, since Adam
(whose name means “ground” in Hebrew) was made from and received
the breath of life from God, and was created fully formed, able to
walk and talk, etc.7 Interestingly,
the Chinese have a memory of a seven–day week, depicted
pictographically as “the returning seventh day”—which is
itself a monument to the creation week.

Figure 2. "Garden"
of the Garden of Eden is also evident in the ancient Chinese word
for “garden.” If this does not link to the Genesis account, why
else would the early Chinese combine the ideas of “two persons”
who received the “breath” of life after the first one of those
two persons (Adam) was made from the “dust” of the earth?

Figure 3. "Boat"

Figure 4. "Flood"
the pictographic characters for “boat” and “flood”
recall information recounted in the adventures of Noah and his
Ark–borne family, as recorded in Genesis 6–9 and I Peter
3:20. These Chinese characters recall that there were exactly eight
survivors of the worldwide Flood .
the illustrations above only serve to introduce this fascinating
trove of pictographic philology (word study), they do show what
forensic professionals call a “beyond-genuine-dispute” witness
of God’s historic workings in Chinese history, producing a form of
providential history and evidence of biblical truth."
study is a forensic perspective on pictographic philology. The two
best overviews are co-authored by Dr. Ethel Nelson: Kang, C. H. and
E. R. Nelson. 1979. The Discovery of Genesis: How the Truths of
Genesis Were Found Hidden in the Chinese Language. St. Louis,
MO: Concordia Publishing House; Nelson, E. R., R. E. Broadberry, and
G. T. Chock. 1997. God’s Promise to the Chinese. Dunlap, TN:
Read Books Publishers, which discusses oracle bones and tortoise
shell plastrons on page 11.
K. S. and L. Hovee. 1999. The
Lamb of God Hidden in the ancient Chinese Characters. Creation
Ex Nihilo Technical Journal. 13 (1): 81-91.
and Nelson. The Discovery of Genesis, 23.
J. J. S. 2012. Genesis
Critics Flunk Forensic Science 101. Acts & Facts. 41
(3): 8-9; Johnson, J. J. S. 2014. Is
the Present the “Key” to Our Past? Acts
& Facts. 43 (6): 19.
States v. Hebshie, 754 F.Supp.2d 89, 114 (D. Mass. 2010) (discussing
cause-and-origin techniques used in forensic science
investigations); Layton v. Whirlpool Corp., 2007 WL 4792438, *3
(S.D. W.Va. 2007). In medical science and in other origin science
contexts, the term etiology is often used to denote
cause-and-effect history.
as modern Norwegian Sami care about snow and reindeer, and Jamaicans
care about jerk chicken and reggae music, the first settlers of
China cared about their cultural heritage, which included fresh
memories from Babel and the oral histories of earlier events, so far
as their ancestors transmitted reports of those events. See Johnson,
J. J. S. 2014. Job’s
Icy Vocabulary. Acts & Facts. 43 (12):19.
and Nelson, Discovery of Genesis, 40-41 (create—see
also Genesis
2:7), 54 (garden), 55 (week of seven days—see Genesis
2:2-3 and Exodus
20:11), 95-97 (boat, flood—see Genesis
and 1 Peter
J. J. S. 2010. Understanding
Effective Biblical Apologetics. Acts & Facts. 39
(4): 8-9.
Often symbolic references are
necessarily used for biblical prophecy, such as with the
nation-state of England commonly accepted by the identification of
the lion (Dan. 7:4), Russia as the bear (Dan. 7:5), and Germany as
the leopard (Dan. 7:6). It has recently been suggested that
the eagle may represent the U.S. (Dan. 7:4; Rev. 4:7). The
woman, if accepted as Israel, is protected from the serpent by the
eagle for 3½ years during the end time tribulation period (Rev.
12:14). If correctly interpreted, this would mean the U.S.
would exist and have a pro-Israeli policy in the end times, and,
thusly, would have the conducive political system and leaders for
that ability. During the end times, prophesy indicates that
the temple mount will be shared by Jews and non-Jews as the Jews
build the last temple (Rev. 11:1-2). It has been recently
reported that the institute for the temple in Jerusalem has made all
the items to be used in the temple. In 2016, the Sanhedrin,
responsible for the Jewish spiritual law, asked U.S. president-elect
Trump and Russian leader Putin to help rebuild the temple.
When the temple is built, the anti-Christ will enter the temple 3½
years later and demand to be worshipped and there will only be 3½
years left (Matt. 24:15) for that new world order of evil.
Is. 41:4; Rev. 1:8, 1:11, 21:6, 22:13.
article on games by Diane Cross, with her dating methods, was
published in the Holman Bible Dictionary. An excerpt follows.
" Although
the Bible contains references to sports (2 Samuel 2:14-16) along
with allusions to children’s entertainment (Isaiah 11:8; Zechariah
8:5), it is silent as to the nature of these games. Archaeology
provides the most valuable information on games and athletics in the
ancient world. Drawings and paintings on tomb and palace walls,
sculptures and reliefs, as well as numerous artifacts illustrate
recreational activities. Egyptian art depicts a wide variety of
contests which required physical effort including water sports,
gymnastics, and fencing. Egyptian children played “circling,” a
game found drawn with accompanying instructions on the walls of
several tombs. Games were also played with hoops, sticks, and other
paraphernalia. A scene of children riding a mock chariot or go-cart
decorates a Greek jug from about 500 B.C. Classical Greeks often
turned a drinking party into lighter amusement, a game of
“kottabos.” Board Games Over 4000 years old, board games were
common throughout the Middle East. Moves and captures common to most
board games were carried out on specifically designed surfaces,
usually a series of connecting squares or cells. Game pieces moved
from one square to another according to certain rules which are
still unknown. A throw of dice, knucklebones, or even heelbones
(lots) determined play. In the Old Testament, lots decided things
such as slave allotments (Nahum 3:10), apportionment of land (Joshua
18:6), and care of the Temple (Nehemiah 10:34; 1 Chronicles 24:5).
Their use of dice or “lots” gradually extended to gambling, then
to simple table games. Soldiers cast lots for Jesus’ garment at
the crucifixion (John 19:24). The knucklebones of sheep were
specially suited to deciding lots since they could fall in only four
positions. Dice eventually replaced knucklebones. Examples of dice
have been found together with gameboards in tombs where they were
placed for use in the afterlife. Sometimes lots were cast with
ostraca (broken pieces of pottery). The oldest surviving game board
was discovered in Egypt. Made of clay and divided into squares, it
has eleven cone-shaped playing pieces, all dated before 4000 B.C.
Another game commonly referred to as “hounds and jackals” was
played throughout the Fertile Crescent (Tigris-Euphrates and Nile
valleys with intervening land). Numerous fragments have been found.
Its pegged playing pieces, carved with the likenesses of jackals and
dogs, fit into holes in the board. A beautifully preserved example
from Thebes has ivory playing pieces and three knucklebones with it.
Several boards for this game were also found in Assyria. Drawn on
stone slabs, some have an inscription bearing the name of the
Assyrian king, Esarhaddon (680–669 B.C.). In the royal graves at
Ur, four boards from about 2500 B.C. were uncovered, each a box with
a surface of inlaid shells and stones forming a twenty-square
pattern. Drawers in the boxes held three four-sided lots and the
pieces, seven for each board. A board with a similar design was
found in Knossos, Crete ."
Job 3:17; Moses in Ex. 15:1-19; Deut.
32:1-43; possible written by Samuel in Judg. 5:1-31; II Sam.
1:17-27; David in Psalms; Solomon in Prov. 10:26, 14:1. Hebrew
parallelism in poetry, the relationship between one line or verse,
may have a form of logic syllogism style or mathematic equation or
equivalence (synonymous, the second line repeats the previous line,
Ps. 3:1, 19:2, 24:1; antithetical, the second line contrasts the
previous line, Ps. 1:6, 90:6, Prov. 14:1; synthetic, the second line
adds to the thought of the previous line, Ps. 1:1, 19:7, 104:19;
emblematic, the second line illustrates the thought in the previous
line often by simile, Ps. 42:1). Karl Weierstrass, called the
father of modern analysis, said a mathematician who is not something
of a poet will never be a complete mathematician. “To
Hermann Stoffkraft, Ph.D., The Hero Of A Recent Work Called
Paradoxical Philosophy” is a poem by the Christian mathematician
and theoretical physicist, James Clerk Maxwell:
paradoxical ode, after Shelley.
soul is an entangled knot,
a liquid vortex wrought
Intellect, in the Unseen residing,
thine cloth like a convict sit,
marlinspike untwisting it,
to find its knottiness abiding;
all the tools for its untying
four-dimensioned space are lying
thy fancy intersperses
avenues of universes,
Klein and Clifford fill the void
one finite, unbounded homaloid,
think the Infinite is now at last destroyed.
when thy Science lifts her pinions
Speculation’s wild dominions,
treasure every dictum thou emittest,
down the stream of Evolution
drift, expecting no solution
that of the survival of the fittest.
in the twilight of the gods,
earth and sun are frozen clods,
all its energy degraded,
to æther shall have faded;
that is, all the work we’ve done,
waves in æther, shall for ever run
ever-widening spheres through heavens beyond the sun.
Principle of all we see,
thee are all our angles sweetly rounded,
thee are our misfits adjusted,
as I still in thee have trusted,
trusting, let me never be confounded!
never may direct Creation
in upon my contemplation;
may thy causal chain, ascending,
unbroken and unending,
Residents in the Unseen—
and Emanations—intervene,
from my shrinking soul the Unconditioned screen.
See Ball’s book (endnote 2), pp. 103.
Unfortunately, this leads to formal
academic isolation of sub-disciplines which prevents seeing the big
picture from connected disciplines hindering the full potential of
efficient intellectual efforts.
Here the
concept of persistence reflects the necessary immutable survival
attributes and intrinsic value of all components, subsets or links
of an infinite model, set, or chain. For another application
of the term “persistence” with ecosystems see Persistence
in Infinite-Dimensional Systems
by Jack Hale and Paul Waltman in the 1989 Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 20(2), pp. 388-395.
Job 28:28; Ps. 111:10; Prov. 1:7.
Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11.
Ps. 25:11, 31:3, 44:26, 79:9, 109:21,
143:11; Is. 48:9; Jere. 14:7, 14:21; Rom. 9:15-18, I John 2:12.
Grace is initiated by God because the
Father must draw a person to redemption (John 6:44). He is not
willing that any should not be redeemed and perish (II Peter 3:9).
Yet, He elects the redeemed and this is not a paradox because He
knows the decision-making of those people that will accept His
redemption and those people that will reject His redemption (Rom.
9:11-24). That ability allows Him to justly bless people in
the future, as with the descendants of Shem (Greek, Sem for Semite),
Abraham and Sarah (Gen. 9:26, 12:2-3, 18:15-16). It also
allows Him to justly curse people in the future (Gen. 9:25), as with
the descendants of Ham for his act against his father (Gen. 21-24).
Today, the blessed descendants of Abraham and Sarah, the ancestors
of Jesus (physical descent in Matt. 1:16 by Mary and the legal
descent of Joseph in Luke 3:36), make up much less than 1% of the
world population yet they have earned half of the Nobel Prizes.
The descendants of Ham make up 1/3 of the world population yet have
received almost no Nobel Prizes on merit. The descendants of
Ham have always been and are now the servants of the descendants of
Japheth and Abraham and Sarah (Gen. 9:25-26). Many people do
not understand nor like this aspect of God’s sovereignty.
The Holy Spirit works miracles for
people with faith in God (Gal.3:5-7). Jesus’
first miracle was to turn water into wine (John 2:1-11). He
later walked on the water (Matt. 14:25-33; Mark 6:48-52; John
6:15-21), and the human apostle Peter also walked on the water by
faith. Jesus caused a fig tree to quickly wither and die.
He explained that if humans have faith and do not doubt they can not
only do that as well, but can remove mountains (Matt. 21:18-22; Mark
11:12-14). By prayer, human potential can be reached.
Prayer must be within the perfect will of God (I John 5:14-15).
Elijah was a man as we are and he called fire down from heaven for
God’s glory (I Kings 18:24-39; James 5:17). Jesus raised
Lazarus from the dead for God’s glory (John 11:38-45), and the
Peter brought Dorcas to life for God’s glory (Acts 9:36-42).
The Bible teaches just intercessory
prayer is made by the physically and spiritually living to God
Himself only: Abraham for Sodom (Gen. 18:23-33); prayer for
guidance (Gen. 24:12-15); Moses for Israel (Num. 14:11-20); Samuel
for Israel (I Sam. 7:5-6); Job for his friends (Job 42:8-10); elders
for healing (James 5:14-15); and for rain by Elijah (I Kings
18:42-46, James 5:17-18), etc.
Lev. 20:6, 27; Deut. 18:11; I Sam.
28:8-19, 31:3-4.
Steven Brams’ 2007 (Second Edition)
book on Game-Theoretic Implications of Omniscience, Omnipotence,
Immortality, and Incomprehensibility looks at this subject from a
skeptic’s point of view, pp. 67-90.
The redeemed are written in God’s
book of life and the unredeemed are not written in God’s book of
life for judgment day (Ex. 32:33; Ps. 69:28; Dan. 7:10; Mal.
3:16-18; Phil. 4:3; Rev. 13:8, 17:8, 20:12, 15, 21:27).
Judgment day (II Peter 3:7) will be an eternal separation of the
redeemed righteous from the unredeemed unrighteous (Matt.
13:36-43). This will be a day of wrath (Rom. 2:5) and
retribution (II Thess. 1:6-10) for the unredeemed. The
redeemed will receive a crown of righteousness (II Tim. 4:8).
At this judgment seat of God (Matt. 25:31; Rom. 14:10), every knee
will bow and every tongue will confess that He is God (Rom. 14:11),
and will give an account of themselves to Him (Rom. 14:12).
God made all things for Himself: the righteous for His glory (Is.
43:7) and the wicked for the day of evil (Prov. 16:4).
See Ball’s book (endnote 2),
Hardy compares pure mathematics to
paintings and poetry, which have aspects beyond our physical
universe. His book,
A Course of Pure Mathematics,
is considered fundamental to the field.
If a human thinks they are a god,
they can demonstrate their power by showing the past and showing the
future. In reality, people that say they are a god are nothing
and their work is nothing (Is. 41:22-24).
Aiden Tozer, The
Knowledge of the Holy, New
York: Harper Collins (1961) pp. 1.
Gen. 49:1-27; I Kings 19:18; Rom.
11:4-5; Rev. 7:4, 14:1, 3.