![]() |
From the above behavioral
algorithm, it is shown that God knew some humans would be unrepentant and
require them to be eternally condemned to hell. If they were predestined for eternal hell why were they just not created (See "coherent state"
comments in endnote 15)? We know
that without faith it could be impossible to please God.[26] Our finite minds accept our universe as
extremely vast and that the perfect God is perfectly efficient. Therefore, the universe, which lies
beyond our ability to appreciate its beauty, must exist for equilibrium of
function to create environmental forces conducive for the overall purposed
outcome. For God to knowingly
create eternally unrepentant beings, those beings can be understood as
providing the behavioral ideological forces that provides the environment
conducive to the purposed outcome for the repentant beings known by God (Rom.
8:28). Just as feeling the
uncomfortable pain of touching something hot, the mind is calibrated to safely
avoid that circumstance in the future and the purposed life-span is made more
possible. The algorithm maps the
decision-making process the (elect) repentant freely choose and the (non-elect)
freely choose, proving the reality of the ability to choose or reject God to
finite intellects. Then, it is an
error to use predestination as an argument against the existence of a maximally
great God. Christianity and its sacred text,
the Bible, support the reality of a maximally great God due to science,
reason/philosophy, and revealed theology.
Cornerstones of Buddhism in the sutra (Sanskrit string or thread)
teachings of Guru Shakyamuni Buddha are the whole samsara of the three worlds
(form, formless, and senses) are impermanent (Pali, anicca; Sanskrit, anitya).[27] This idolatry ignores the fact of
entropy in our universe which requires a start point from a permanent infinite
eternity outside of our time and space.
This reality requires a self-existent and pre-existent infinite
Creator. That Creator is immutable
and has the eternal attributes of love, justice, grace, etc. and creates with
purpose and harmony and must have intellect.[28] This maximally great God is possible and
so is actual.[29] He must exist metaphysically and not
epistemologically (relating to knowledge or knowing, cognitive), in that
something can be said to exist and not exist equally. David Hume summarized the
Epicurus' trilemma (possible the Carneades argument) as (1) if God is unable to
prevent evil, He is not omnipotent, (2) if God is not willing to prevent evil,
He is not good, (3) if God is willing and able to prevent evil, then why does
evil exist? Evil implies intent. Intent is an attribute of an intelligent
being that has freewill to choose to do something or choose not to do
something. A degree of freewill is
necessary for intelligent beings to choose to exhibit the attributes of
intellect, such as love, justice, grace, etc. For there to truly be freewill, some
consequences have to be allowed which may be classified as evil. Hindu's believe in two fundamental
uncompromising doctrines; the Law of Karma, and the belief in
reincarnation. Finite humans can
never reach oneness with infinite standards (enlightenment). Thus, karma is an unjust system without
grace or mercy extended by the necessary infinite Creator. Reincarnation is then a merciless
idolatress system that does not understand entropy—the more lives lived, the
less morality or chance of enlightenment.
Human moral freewill is bounded by finite abilities. Wendy Doniger, Mircea Distinguished
Service Professor of the History of Religion at the Divinity School at the
University of Chicago, said these are the obvious grounds for the common
rejection of Hinduism.[30] Still there are those who reject
science, reason, and revealed theology such as the Platonist philosopher,
Plutarch of Chaeronea in Boeotia (ca. 45-120 CE). He claimed souls go through the process
of reincarnation for a form of punishment for wicked souls (De sera 567D-F). While all intellects are eternal, souls
that are not wicked or noble become divine (daimones)
and operate as guardians of humans (De
genio Socratis 593D-594A).[31] Gonzo journalism has portrayed
untruth as true to promote the false agenda of its' writers.[32] What is actual is not liked and even
despised. For example, recent news
sources prominently headlined the story that a couple of archaeologists claimed
camels were not domesticated during the time of Abraham (his migration to Egypt
was around 1918 B.C.) as recorded by Moses in the Bible (Gen. 12:1-20). The Journal
of Near Eastern Studies in 1944 published (Abraham's Camels, 3, 187-193)
many examples of evidence that camels were domesticated before 3100 B.C. Yet the Smithsonian wrote "Proof That the Bible's Tales Were Tweaked," CNN
wrote "Is camel discovery the straw that broke the Bible's back," National Geographic wrote "Domesticated
Camels Came to Israel in 930 B.C., Centuries Later Than the Bible Says," and The New York Times wrote "Camels Had No
Business in Genesis." Satan is
known to be the father of lies.[33] Crowdsourcing is a recent practice
of obtaining input for problem-solving by enlisting a large group of people for
collective intelligence. There used
to be substantial consensus for many scientific ideas until they were
debunked. Ulcers were believed to
be caused by stress until the discovery of helicobacter pylori was
discovered. Newtonian physics was overturned
by Einstein's relativity. The
universe was believed to be slowing (circa 1990) until it was discovered that
its expansion was accelerating.
Only after circa 1990 were neutrinos masses and their oscillations taken
into account in modeling particle physics.
Keynesian economics (circa 1970) failed to predict or explain
stagflation. In Fydor Dostoevsky's The Possessed (part II, chapter 8),
Verhovensky tells Stavrogin that he agrees with Shigalovism and exclaims "We've
had enough science!" Unfortunately,
this is a position taken by undisciplined people when wading through the maze
of discoveries. False karma has also been confused
with the true Judeo-Christian sow-reap doctrine. If a person sows material things (flesh)
they will reap those things and if a person sows nonmaterial (spirit) things
they will reap those things.[34] This means the environment we create is
conducive to reciprocation: if one lives by the sword they will die by the
sword.[35] This is not karma tit for tat
doctrine. For example, karma is
seen not to exist when an unjust person is often witnessed to live with great
material success while a just person suffers many material problems. Eternal justice involves life after
death for a permanent punishment or reward.[36] Karma may attempt to explain the
murder of one person by another person as the just punishment for the victim's
past behavior. If this were so the
murderer was acting according to karma and was not morally wrong to commit the
just murder. It would be as if
karma sanctioned the act. If this
were so all acts would be sanctioned as just and not be morally wrong. If all acts are sanctioned, then there
is no freewill to produce bad karma.
Without bad karma there is no need for reincarnation. Buddhists are taught to meditate
on death and impermanence. They
have no motive or reason to seek unchanging law and to invent. Christians are taught to meditate on
Jesus and unchanging law. This
provides the stable foundation to discover and invent.[37] Read a book of the Bible, such as John,
and feel the Spirit of the loving and just God and then read a similar passage
length in the Veda and feel the void of the loving and just God. The Qur'an maintains Jihad martyrs
get 72 virgins in their eternal heaven after death (Muslim apologists interpret
the translation as 72 raisins).
That would make their god a cosmic pimp of a whorehouse heaven where
their god confuses temporal material pleasure with eternal nonmaterial
love. Their idolatress god also
does not see sin as equal separation from holiness and has different levels of
sin which would be inconsequential to an infinitely just God.[38] In game theory against states or
individuals, Jihad martyrs lose now and in eternity they must also lose. As the Catholic hierarchy is
waiting for their prophesied last Great Catholic Monarch to bring the world
into a Catholic faith[39]
before Jesus' return, Muslims are awaiting their Mahdi (12th Imam)
to return and continue the raping and murdering of children and adults as
Jihadists are doing today. The
Bible refers to that Being as the Anti-Christ. He is also called Baalzebuwb (Chaldee/Hebrew,
Lord of the flies[40])
and Beelzeboul (Greek, the dung god[41]). Beelzebub is identified by Jesus as
and called the Prince of demons.[43] This is why the gold-domed building on
Yahweh's holy temple mound is considered by many people to be an outhouse for
their Muslim dung god. The God of
the Bible said "The house of the Lord on the temple mound shall be an
astonishment when people see what the Lord allowed to be done to it when the
people reject Him."[44] In June 2016, the Gotthard (Dutch,
Divinely firm) Base Tunnel in Switzerland spent 8
million euros on a ceremony for the attending dignitaries. It featured a goat-man that dies, is
resurrected, and is worshipped as he is crowned the "King of the world." Satan, the dung god, is symbolized by the
goat-man idol and this ceremony reflected their desire to have him rule over
them as declared in the biblical book of Revelation regarding the
Anti-Christ. In 2015, the Satanic
Temple in Detroit, Michigan, unveiled a large bronze sculpture of their goat-man
idol called Baphomet. Their
organization states that they are dedicated to (the dung god) Satan's practices
and rights. The hand gesture of the index
finger and pinky finger raised with the thumb extended is commonly accepted as
symbolizing the satanic ram's head.
Originating in Japan, the Pokémon (Pocket Monsters) card of Kadabra (Japanese, Yungeraa) evolved from Abra with psychic
powers, has three digits on each hand with one hand holding a silver spoon, and
the other hand interpreted by some as loosely imitating the gesture. In 2016, Saudi Arabia's top clerics have
re-issued a fatwa banning the Pokémon Go video game because its polytheistic
religious themes, religious iconography, and support for evolution, which are
un-Islamic. The Indonesian presidential
palace also banned the game. In
July 2016, The Tennessean reported
the Tennessee Department of Corrections has banned Pokémon Go from its
prisons. Yet, the 2016 Democratic
National Convention reported by many news outlets to have the game being played
almost everywhere all the time by its participants. The
Go role-playing game is designed to teach children untruth. In the U.S. education system, a concept
called Common Core has been developed to prevent all children from being taught
math skills historically proven invaluable to adult success. Not teaching math to children stops
neurons from firing which is a necessary process for creating efficient brain
neural pathways. Without this
development, the child will not have mathematically connected abilities, such
as logic and analytics. The absence
of critical thinking necessary for problem-solving, leaves the future adult
with child-like abilities to be led by emotion which can be easily manipulated
by nefarious people.[45] Making a
malleable slave class seems to be one rational purpose for this
anti-intellectual thrust. Another
explanation is to prevent balanced redemption which requires a logical
understanding of justice where finite man is not equal to infinite God's
holiness and His grace from love is understood as needing to be extended for
eternal redemption.[46] A societal divide[47]
in communication ability and ability to relate will development between those
with logic skills and those lead by emotion until all alpha males become irrelevant
and the vainness of the emotional class destroys the society.[48] Common
Core is the logical extension to the previous "no child gets behind" effort
which made sure classroom instruction is taught to the standard of the child
with the least ability, insuring no child gets ahead. Thereby, intentionally preventing the
innately gifted, which are the future inventors and societal innovators, from
being educated.[49] It would take years to create neural
pathways to reach innate problem-solving potential that have been intentionally
retarded, much like an irreversible frontal lobotomy conducted without
surgery. Jesus said it would be
better to drown for the person that causes a child to sin.[50] A'-saph's psalm says the poor and needy
require being defended.[51] The Ganga River (Ganges) in India
is an idolatress chief goddess to Hindus.
It has been categorized as one of the most polluted rivers in the
world. The major component of the
pollution is human feces. Cow dung
is burnt in the Hindu fires of spiritual yagnas.[52]
In 2007, articles were written about
the Africa's Zambian capital, Lusaka.
Their youth were witnessed inhaling the released methane gas from human
feces. Called jenkem, it has been
claimed that the fermented human waste gives an
euphoric high similar to cocaine, but with strong hallucinations. In an attempt to counterfeit the
genitals of the opposite sex, sodomites ingest fecal matter as part of their
sexual acts. Consequentially, they
have high rates of hepatitis and other diseases with a much lower than average
life expectancy. A hen secretes
both eggs and feces. Nature
distinguishes between the secreted potential life within eggs or nourishment of
eggs to other life and the excreted potential compost of feces or abandoned
toxic waste. If you do not listen
to God and observe His law,[53]
He will strike you with madness, blindness, and astonishment of the heart.[54] You will be oppressed and no one will
save you.[55] Atheists may believe many
idolatress things to fill the void of their yearning for a higher power (See
endnote 63). Established in 1974,
Raelians believe that UFOs brought life to earth. They see subatomic particles as planets
with life on them as earth is a subatomic type particle with higher life. Science, reason and revealed theology
easily argues against that idea. We
know that we are not part of a larger reality or there is not a smaller reality
of life because all life needs to have a conducive temperature, a conducive
atmosphere, intake of energy, loss of waste, and reproduction etc. All intelligent life needs to have
stimulation and freedom to create.
The Hebrew King Solomon said the tongue of the wise use knowledge
correctly, but the mouth of fools pour out foolishness.[56] This is why the dung god, Satan,
continually seeks to discredit God's words, Scripture. Scripture contains the exact response to
his argument against God.[57] Jesus' responses are recorded first in
Deut 8:3 and Matt.4:4 to Satan in Matt 4:3, second Deut. 6:16 and Matt. 4:7 to
Satan in Matt. 4:6, and Deut. 6:13-15, and Matt. 4:10 to Satan in Matt.
4:9. The first thing God told man
to do in the Old Testament was to be fruitful and multiply replenishing the
earth and subduing it (Gen. 1:28), and the last thing God told man to do was to
remember the law of Moses (Mal. 4:4).
Four-hundred years later, the first thing Jesus told man to do in the
New Testament was to repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matt. 4:17),
and the last thing Jesus told man to do was to go and teach all nations
baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost (Matt.
28:18-20). Around the time of patriarchs
(circa 1900 B.C.), the biblical book of Job recorded the stars singing together
when current common beliefs included such nonsense as the earth resting on
animals or a strongman's back. Nearly
4,000 years later (the 1970's), astronomers discovered that the stars actually
do sing.[58] Donald Kurtz, astronomer at the
University of Lancashire in the U.K., said astronomers can detect this singing
through asteroseismology, which looks into the cores of stars. The sounds of stars whistling, drumming
etc. are artificially boosted to put them into the range of human hearing. Kurtz explained, "Just as musical
instruments, stars have natural vibrations which are sound waves." Vibrations affect the emitted light
given off which can be processed. Recently,
a neutron star vibrated like a bell corresponding to the note of F sharp. Scientists report that stars vibrate
musically and even the whole Milky Way is observed to be oscillating like a
drumhead. In conclusion, truth is
exclusive. It excludes non-truth
which is this and not that. Only
Christian revealed theology accounts for basic scientific and reasoned things,
such as entropy and infinity etc.
Only through Jesus,[59]
the Son of the triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) can redemption occur
and satisfy the yearning all humans have.
Balanced redemption happens by faith through God's grace alone, which is
truly good news, gospel. If we are
born again,[60]
we become a new creature and are eternally reconciled to God by Jesus the
prophesied Christ.[61] He is the living water that will infill
the yearning with the living Holy Spirit [62]
and completes the human algorithm forever and forever. "A fool there was and his goods he spent (Even as you and I!) Honor and faith and a sure intent (And it wasn't the least what the lady meant), But a fool must follow his natural bent (Even as you and I!)" -- Rudyard Kipling[63] [1] Hilbert's 10th problem showed an algorithm exists for the solution of first-order Diophantine equations. Yuri Matiyasevich in 1970 (Matiyasevich 1970, Davis 1973, Davis and Hersh 1973, Davis 1982, Matiyasevich 1993) proved the impossibility of obtaining a general solution. [2] Yesenin wrote this poem "Here is this happiness..." in his own blood after he cut his wrists at age 30. He hanged himself the following morning in a Leningrad hotel. [3] This phrase is taken from the 2001 book by Frederick Mayer. As a secular humanist, he recognized the core yearning stimuli for behavior even if it was misdirected toward the unfeeling environment. [4] An Amish and Mennonite hymn, "(Our) God is love." [5] Ps. 42:2, 63:1, 143:6. [6] Lewis' afterword, in the third edition of The Pilgrim's Regress, expounded on what sparked this desire in him. [7] In an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in May, 2016, Capra recommended a reference for the science of emotions: The Feeling of What Happens by Antonio Damasio (1999, Harcourt). [8] Kreeft's, a C. S. Lewis scholar, assistance to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange during April, 2016, is appreciated. [9] The beauty of God in nature is discussed at Ps. 19:1-6. [10] It is thought that there is too much mass in the universe to explain how fast it is expanding between galaxies. Dark or unknown matter is thought to be non-baryonic (not made of atoms). Plasma and neutrinos are also matter considered to not be made of atoms. Discovered in 1956, neutrinos permeate space everywhere. They have low mass and can change from one type to another. [11] James Tour (T.T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science, and Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering at Rice University) exchanged email with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in April, 2016, regarding this topic. [12] Ex. 20:1-17. [13] 0 x ~ is indeterminate since 0 x any number is = 0. [14] Rom. 10:3-5. [15] King David confessed his transgressions (Ps. 51:1-3). Paul stated the law is holy and he did not do what he would but what he hated he did (Rom. 7:12-25). They demonstrated that a state coherent with God's law was desired. In quantum optics, a coherent state may be represented by the straight vector of emitted wave light (photons) from a laser and an incoherent state of particle light is emitted in many vectors by a filament light bulb. The coherent state of behavioral vectors is desired yet all humans, except Jesus, have or will display behavioral vectors that are less ordered or incoherent. Jesus' highly ordered vector of behavior is traceable back to the source of Him being God. Man's oscillating vectors of behavior may be traced back to mankind's source which emanates from a complete lack of being God. Those people that would be righteous and coherent with God (wheat) are surrounded by those that are not righteous and coherent with God (tares). This state of group incoherence is to be accepted in that if the tares are uprooted from among the wheat, the wheat will also be uprooted (Matt. 13:24-30). Scripturally, this eternal wave-temporal particle duality will always be a reality in the present temporal existence. A follow up question to "why did God create beings He knew would reject Him and need to spend eternity in hell" is "why did God not give those He knew would reject Him the choice to be created in the first place?" We know that the perfect God of love would never do anything that is unjust. It is rational to conclude He knew they would freely choose to be created and live a life for their self in pursuit of pleasure, as demonstrated by Satan's existence to be satisfied with a season of self-will. We also assume God only created enough unrepentant beings to accomplish His purposes discussed above in a coherent state. If God had given the repentant a choice, they would freely choose to be created to be in His presence for eternity. Additionally, could God not have created soulless unrepentant with only a temporal existence and without eternal damnation in hell? God is just and this temporal life seems to exist for behavioral evidence for finite minds to justify His final judgment for their eternal existence. [16] God said look (turn) to Me and be saved for I am God and there is none else (Is. 45:22). For God so loved the world that if you believe in Him you shall be saved (John 3:14-21). [17] II Tim. 1:12. [18] Gal. 5:22-23. [19] I Cor. 1:18-21. [20] This story especially indicates the dangers of being in a position of power. [21] II Peter 3:9. [22] This logic is especially used in South African law. [23] Emmy Noether's Theorem states that "for every
symmetry, there is a corresponding conservation law." [24] http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/concepts-god/ [25] Ex. 20:1-5; Deut. 6:14-15; Rom. 1:21-32. [26] Heb. 11:6. [27] There was an email exchange on this subject between Nicholas Ribush, Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, and Dallas F. Bell Jr. in June, 2016. Ribush, a graduate of the Melbourne University Medical School, is one of the first westerners to be ordained a Tibetan Buddhist monk. [28] http://SystematicPoliticalScience.com/philosophiae.html http://SystematicPoliticalScience.com/diagram.html [29] Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear (Gen. 1:1; Ps. 148:5; Is. 45:8; Rev. 4:11, 10:6). [30] Doniger made this comment during an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in May, 2016. [31] http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/plutarch/ [32] This style of liars was indicative of Hunter S. Thompson who committed suicide at age 67. He originated the "gonzo fist" characterized by two thumbs and four fingers holding a peyote button. [33] John 8:44. [34] Hos. 8:7; Gal. 6:7-8. [35] Matt. 26:52. [36] Ps. 17:14, 73:12-22; Luke 16:19-31. [37] George Bernard Shaw wrote (1903) Maxims for Revolutionists which said "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." Of course, the nonsense of this statement can be seen in the implied exclusivity of adapting to reality and trying to learn from it to make advances. [38] The following information was given during an email exchange between professors at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Tony Maalouf and Justin Hiester and Dallas F. Bell Jr. in June, 2016. "The Qur'an makes clear that Allah forgives certain big sins over other smaller ones (e.g. Q53:32; Q42:37; 4:31); and in one hadith the prophet Muhammad mentions what these big sins are: polytheism, killing one's own child/parents, adultery, false witness, spending the money of orphans, usury, desertion from battle, and slandering chaste women. Other hadiths mention similar big sins, but their lists vary slightly. Regardless, due to the fact that sin is ranked in the Qur'an and that Sharia Law is primarily founded upon the Qur'an and Hadith corpus, there is a hierarchy of justice in Sharia Law. Allah explicitly condemns homosexuality in the Qur'an (Q27:55; Q7:80; Q11:79; Q29:29). Depending on the Islamic country, the punishment for homosexual acts varies, but is severe and completely forbidden. Lastly, Sharia Law only pertains to the Islamic Ummah, or the monotheistic community of faith founded upon the prophet Muhammad's message. Thus, Muslims who commit sins are liable to Sharia Law's jurisdiction. However, for non-Muslims the Muslim response would be to call them to convert to Islam, to their original nature based upon Fitrah so that they would follow and live by Allah's right guidance." [39] For more Catholic eschatological information on the Great Catholic Monarch see www.todayscatholicworld.com/great-catholic-monarch.htm The Cumaean Sibyl prophecy, priestess of Apollo located at the Greek Oracle of Cumae, predicted this world political leader would occur when there was the last pope, he would not allow for democracy, and would unite Catholics and Muslims. Pope secretary and archbishop, Georg Gnswein recently stated Pope Francis was likely the last Pope. Francis has also stated his support of Marxist ideas contrary to Divine human freedoms and has said the Bible and Qur'an are much the same. Followers of Christ are instructed to not have any fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but are to reprove them (Eph. 5:11). What fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness (II Cor. 6:14-17)? [40] II Kings 1:2. [41] Matt. 12:24. [42] Matt. 12:26. [43] Matt. 12:24. [44] II Chr. 7:21-22. [45] For example, world elites promote global warming policies by showing polar bear cubs in distress causing an emotional connection to the proposed idea which overrides critical analysis of contrary facts and leads to support for their agenda. Unbalanced arguments that appeal to emotion over reason recognize their inferior position to reason. Of course, the more innate problem-solving ability (higher IQ) one has the more it dominates attempts at emotional dominance. Much like an athlete that has a high IQ has trouble letting his cerebellum (motor skill control) dominate his problem-solving region can be out performed by a physically equal athlete with a lower IQ which allows for easier cerebellum dominance. Without the advantage of neuroscience fMRI mapping data, G.K. Chesterton (1908, Orthodoxy) addressed the fact that arguments of reason take into account the exclusive nature of truth with respect and honesty. [46] The sinner on the cross with Jesus became redeemed when he acknowledged he was not holy and Jesus was (Luke 23:40-41) and that he needed His grace from love (Luke 23:42-43). Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a gifted Christian theologian many years before he says he became a Christian. In a January 1936 letter to Elizabeth Zinn, Bonhoeffer wrote of his transformation from having knowledge of God's salvation to having a loving relationship with Jesus the redeemer (See Eric Metaxas, 2010. Bonhoeffer. Thomas Nelson, p. 123-124). Jesus said unless you are converted and become as children you will not enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt.18:3). Jesus' Beatitudes are the perfect balance of theology and love (Matt. chapters 5-7). [47] Social dominance theory (SDT), formulated by Sidanius and Pratto (1999), is a multi-level theory of intergroup relations. It generally states that stable inequality among societal groups is maintained through the use of disproportionate force against subordinate groups. The SDT psychology lab at the University of Connecticut says they are exploring how to introduce instability in group-based social hierarchies. While recognizing the difference between group behaviors, they seem to conclude that the behavior of all groups are equally positive for mankind and/or all subordinate groups have more positive behavior than all groups that dominate them. There is also the assumption that force by the dominate group is negative and/or not a result of nature exhibiting a rewarding force for the more positive behavior. For example, the heterosexual majority group of a society has nothing to do with the homosexual minority of a society becoming sick and dying from hepatitis etc. they contracted by ingesting feces through their sexual acts. On the other hand, a society in its last third world level of survival may have a majority group sympathetic to homosexual behavior and use government force toward the subordinate group of first world heterosexuals to maintain societal inequality, such as lower priority for higher education and jobs to being fined in courts and being imprisoned etc. In this case, homosexual behavior and heterosexual behavior are not equally rewarded by nature. Heterosexual behavior may be potentially rewarded individually with nature's societal institution of marriage creating a stable family, healthy sexual relationship, division of male and female labor, and caring for the created children etc., whereas, homosexual behavior can potentially do none of those things. As a result heterosexual behavior will always eventually prevail in nature over behavior that is contrary to nature's force, such as with Caligula in Rome. Cognition of the reality of nature being created by the immutable holy God will cause those that reject Him to focus their physical wrath on people that do accept God's redemption, since they can not physically attack God Himself and realize they must eventually be separated from Him for eternity in hell (See Is. 5:20; John 16:2; and Revelation chapters 1-22 for the final outcome of this spiritual battle). [48] Rom. 1:18-32; II Tim. 3:1-8. [49] Males will prominently display this deficit as they will behave with effeminate submission when exposed to stressful environments. They will be willing to let women protect them which will distress women who instinctually know they need males for protection as they choose a mate that will aid in the survival of their offspring. The women that begin to take societal leadership, in the void of male leadership and increase in male homosexuality, will also increase in homosexual activity and will destroy societal institutions and lead to a third world government that will claim to meet their needs as in reality it will destroy the efficiency to achieve basic needs until a revolution occurs from inside the society or the society is overtaken by another society with males that have logic abilities. [50] Matt. 18:6; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:1-2. [51] Ps. 82:3-5. [52] To Vedic priests, yajna or yagna was the means
to invoke gods and seek their blessings and favors by the
ritual fire Ð the divine Agni, the god of fire and the messenger of gods. [53] Deut. 28:15. [54] Deut. 28:28. [55] Deut. 28:29. On 16 March, 2012, the U.S. president signed Executive Order 13603 which, for whatever reason he chooses without judicial or congressional approval, gave him ownership of all private and public property in the US and authorized him to force anyone to work wherever at whatever he decides for no wages. No evil dictator in world history amassed this much power to oppress with such little effort or resistance. The same president is known for his stating on many occasions the life changing influence of Saul Alinsky's book, Rules for Radicals, which was dedicated to the dung god, Lucifer or Satan. [56] Prov. 15:2. [57] Lectio divino (Latin, divine reading) describes meditation and prayer while reading Scripture for the purpose of reaching a higher spiritual relationship with God. [58] www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/space/8114694/Stars-song-captured-by-scientists.html www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-13009718 Prior to the confirmed discovery of stars singing, it is noted that Christian scholars of Scripture, such as Wallie Amos Criswell's KJV Study Bible (1979, Thomas Nelson Publishers, verse and footnote on p. 634), may have maintained that the Bible is infallible in matters of science, history, theology, and ethics but they maintained the intent of Scripture is not to teach technical science. They contented that passages, such as the harmony of the universe in Job 38:7, are figurative and that is not uncommon for biblical language style to describe natural objects metaphorically with human characteristics. In context with all other Scripture, passages, such as Job 38:7, are seen through the eyes of finite man and whether they are poetic metaphor or literal or both they are ultimately only known by infinite God. To be clear, passages, such as Genesis 1-3 etc., are consistent with the literal passages of the Ten Commandment of resting on the Sabbath, death on earth as a result of sin, and the literal passages of the genealogies in the Old Testament and in the New Testament and so are to reasonable be taken as literal by honest scholars. [59] Lewis' trilemma for Jesus is He was either a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord. History and Christians accept that He is mediator Lord, Σ. Θ = 1 and ᾼ, Y, ∏ = 1 so ∏ =1/ ᾼ, Y, ∏ = 1 then 1/1 = 1 monotheistic God. Symbols are at http://SystematicPoliticalScience.com/philosophiae.html A part of the poem by (Coach) Joel F. Bell (July 1960 to May 2016) titled Grace explains his journey to Jesus' redemption and the name of his new granddaughter, Grace, "Chooser of darkness was my space, As though hid in ignorance's shadow, Till shown Jesus' Amazing Grace, His cross flooding like evening's tide." [60] John 3:3-21. [61] II Cor. 5:17-18. [62] John 7:37-39. [63] This is the last stanza of Kipling's poem, The Vampire. The verses of this poem were suggested by Phillip Burne-Jones' painting, first exhibited in London, 1897. A fool's bent, historically atheists are referred to as fools due to their rejection of obvious realities (Ps. 14:1)(mathematics teaches us that our perfectly fine tuned universe is not statistically possible without an intelligent Causer), is the attempt to try to save their own temporal life while in reality they eternally lose it. It would be better to lose one's temporal life for God's name sake so He will eternally save it (Matt. 10:39, 16:29; Mark 8:35; Luke 17:33; John 12:25). Jesus said no one has left their house, family or land for His sake and His gospel's sake that will not receive in the temporal world and in eternal life in the world to come a hundredfold of houses, families, lands, with persecution (Mark 10:29-30). |