Trigonometric Function(s) of the Khalal[1]/Zman[2]
Forensic Psychology of the Contiguous Relationship of Eras
Dallas F. Bell, Jr.
sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto.”[3]
Terentius Afer
a line in a one-dimensional plane, we may consider that there are two
distinct points. The beginning point is the initial point and
it extends to the next point of the line segment and is called a
ray. An angle is created when a ray is rotated from the initial
point to a terminal position, the angle is considered positive if the
rotation is counterclockwise and negative if the rotation is
clockwise. The magnitude of the angle is in degrees. The
three points where the three sides of a triangle join are vertices.
Those three vertices and the three angles formed (totaling 180
degrees) are the six parts of the triangle. When these points
are applied to a coordinate system (x, y axis graph of quadrants)
they form ratios. Those ratios are sine, cosine, tangent,
cotangent, secant, and cosecant. Those are the six
trigonometric functions of angle. Of course, trigonometry is
the study of the relations among those six trigonometric functions
and their application to other fields. The magen
David (shield of David) or Star of David is two triangles
superimposed over each other. Sheynit
Masada lo tipul.[4]
triangle side has a contiguous relationship with the next side.
Human finite intellect epistemologically understands science (side A)
and philosophy (side B) as determined by the dynamics of their
theology (side C). This is often wrongly described as circular
reasoning, where the first line of a syllogism (side A) presents the
same conclusion as the third line (side C) without separation of
entities. A circle is one line without a beginning or end where
every point on the line in its plane is equidistant from the center.
Reasoning is triangularly formed along the linear points of a line
with side lengths and angles to determine if the outcome is proved
true or proved false. Whatever the result, understanding is
potentially advanced linearly toward the next triangular process of
the unknown. If the results are denied, the same triangle may
be formed again and again until it is accepted and a new triangle is
linearly structured. That is a recurring series which is not
light is a linear spectrum beginning after infrared with red and
ending with violet before ultraviolet. Green and blue are
within the spectrum. Red, green, and blue are colors that can
be mixed to produce white making them primary colors. Colors
that produce white when added with a primary color are secondary
colors. The secondary colors for red, green, and blue are cyan,
magenta, and yellow. When they are combined they produce
black. The three primary colors create a triangle of points
with the sides of secondary colors; red and green with the side of
yellow, green and blue with the side of cyan, and blue and red with
the side of magenta so the sides of magenta and yellow meet at the
point of red, the sides of yellow and cyan meet at the point of
green, and the sides of cyan and magenta meet at the point of blue.
Those connections form a linear plane of points are triangular and
not circular, such as a means between two finite extremes.
Hume warned of the lack of human understanding for all causes of all
effects. Homo
can witness wisdom in the efficiency of the purposeful creation, the
Creator’s reflected beauty from His beautiful creation, and the
gentle love of the Creator which may cause desire to reciprocate His
love.[6] However, finite man can
never witness the complete infiniteness of the first Causer of all
Scriptures give the effects of some distal and proximate causes.
That revelation of the past and future has a mathematical structure
presented as trigonometric functions. An infinite line has
three points. The space on the line between point one and point
two is side A to a triangle. The space between point two and
point three is side B. Side A and side B join to form side C.
finite humanly understood triangle is infinitely equilateral and
composed of a shapeless, omnipresent, and self-existent God (Matt.
28:19; II Cor. 13:14) the Father (A), Son Jesus (B), and the Holy
Spirit (C). The doctrine of divine incomprehensibility in
systematic theology for the Trinity is known as perichoresis
(from Greek: περιχώρησις perikhōrēsis,
rotation). Not used in the Greek New Testament text, the
theological term describes the binding of the Trinity, the two
natures of Jesus Christ (the reciprocal inherence of the human and
divine natures of Christ in each other), and God's omnipresence.[7]
Baruch Spinoza wrote that he thought Jesus’ divine and human
nature was like a circle taking on itself the nature of a square.[8]
Of course, a circle and square are the same things. They are
shapes making Spinoza’s credulous statement incongruent.
The divine and human natures of Jesus are not paradigms of the same
Trinity created an algorithm with trigonometric functions for space
and time within nine understandable triangles.
“unity” of sinless creation (one, Deut. 6:4; Matt. 19:6); (A)
nonlife material, (B) nonhuman life, (C) human life.[9]
“division” from sin (two, Eccl. 4:9-12; I Kings 18:21; Matt.
7:13-14); (A) Satan, (B) Adam, (C) Eve.
“testing” causing the judgment for sin by a world flood[10]
(three, Judg. 7:16); (A) Shem, (B) Japheth, (C) Ham.
“completion” of God’s nation-state of Israel[11]
and His capital in Jerusalem (four, Matt. 13:4-8, 25:2; John 4:35;
Rev. 7:1); (A) Abraham, (B) Isaac, (C) Jacob renamed Israel.
“incompletion” of world governance for sinful empires (five, Lev.
14:14-16; Matt. 25:15-20); (A) Babylonian, (B) Greek, (C) Roman.[12]
“failed testing” will cause the judgment for sin by a last world
war called Armageddon (six, Gen. 1: 27, 31; Rev. 13:18); (A)
Antichrist, (B) false prophet, (C) whore.
“perfection” of world leadership by Jesus’ reign from Jerusalem
in the Messianic dispensation (seven, Josh. 6:4; Rev. 1:4); (A)
Jesus, (B) saints, (C) church.
“new beginning” (eight, Eze. 43:27; I Peter 3:20); (A) new
heaven, (B) new earth, (C) new Jerusalem (Rev. 21:1-2).[13]
“end” with the eternal judgment for sin (nine, the final number
of months for human pregnancy; the last of the numerical digits
before starting over; the earth’s solar system is thought to have
only nine large bodies, Greek
amhn [amen]
99, ends prayers [Hebrew, Deut. 27:15-26] [Matt. 28:20],
and is last word to end the Bible in Rev. 22:21; Greek th
orgh mou" [tee
orgee mou],
wrath, is numerically 999 [Heb. 3:11]);
(A) Jesus’ word will not pass away because they are living and
active (Ps. 102:24-27; Is. 40:8; Matt. 24:35; Luke 21:33; Heb.
4:12),[14] (B) eternal reward in
heaven (Matt. 23:34-37; Heb. 12:22-23), (C) eternal punishment in
hell (Matt. 25:46; Rev. 21:8).[15]
the auxiliary meaning of tangential numbers is essential for humans
to understand the algorithm of their intellect programed by the
Creator, as well as other behavioral algorithms. The divine
numeric code of numbers 1-9 make up the fractions of the base ten
whole of space/time algorithm completion. The nine triangles
compose the whole of three contiguous eras; 1 is side A the flood
judgment era,[16] 2 is side B the
Armageddon era, and 3 is side C the eternal judgment era.
222, 333 = A
555, 666 = B
888, 999 = C
physical eras’ sides are determined by non-physical angles of the
Old Testament (OT) redemptive covenant, the New Testament (NT)
redemptive covenant, and the central angle of God’s law, θ.
central angle at side A and B is God’s law (θ
= law), the angle at side A and C is Old Testament redemptive
covenant (angle of AC = OT), and the angle at side B and C is the New
Testament redemptive covenant (angle of BC = NT).
are born to see God’s hand in nature’s beauty, efficiency, and
innate just law to not want to be lied to or stolen from or murdered
(side A). They desire to know this God of love and justice
(side B). They want to be accepted by Him (side C). Life
is lived with the options to recognize or not recognize the physical
and spiritual reality of God (side A). This requires the option
to recognize or not recognize God’s Scripture determined by its
exclusive truth and fulfilled prophesy (side B). The option to
be redeemed or not be redeemed is chosen (side C). Lastly,
death indicates the choice of having accepted or rejected God (side
A). It reflects the choice of having abided or not abided in
Scriptures (side B). The anguish of not having accepted God’s
redemption[17] or the peace of having
been redeemed[18] is demonstrated
(side C).
side A of individual birth, side B of a lived life, and side C the
eventual death make up societal institutions, like protons, neutrons,
and electrons make up an atom.[19]
A male (XY chromosomes), side A, marries a woman (XX chromosomes),
side B, and they have offspring, side C, which forms a family.
A minister, side A, the administration, side B, and the redeemed
members with their individual spiritual gifts, side C, form a
church. The chief, side A, his workers, side B, and their
customers, side C, form a business. Those three institutions
need a complex government for order and protection from the lawless.
The elected legislature makes the laws within a lawful constitution,
side A, the judiciary insures the laws are lawful, side B, and the
chief executive executes the laws, side C.
traditional structure of a haiku has three lines. The first
line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the
last line has five syllables. The 2013 winner of the USA Today
newspaper haiku contest was Luke Bell. His poem is as follows.
More school tragedies,
Teachers are undervalued,
Future in their hands.
a right triangle is made of the haiku sides, the Pythagorean Theorem
may be applied, side A is 5, side B is 5, and side C is 7; 5 squared
is 25 + 5 squared is 25 = 7.07 squared = 49.98 (round down to 7).
Five is a number for man and seven is a number for God. Line
one is five (an understood thing by man is portrayed), line two is
seven (an interaction allowed by God is portrayed), and line three is
five (and observation by man is made). A simple and obvious set
of three haikus can poetically represent the nine trigonometric eras
as follows, with an uncharacteristic title.
Triangle Water[21]
Meadows of flowers,[22]
Black clouds shower the petals,[23]
Rainbow colored sky.[24]
A green olive[25] Branch,[26]
Flood waters lower gently,[27]
The promise of Peace.[28]
The Stone[29] of Zion,
A prophetic River[30] flows,
Treasures[31] from heaven.
Kudryavitsky, Ph.D. of biomedical science, editor of the Shamrock
Haiku Journal and chair of the Irish Haiku Society, points out that
Japanese speaking writers of haiku use the traditional 5-7-5
structure, whereas English-language poets predominately write
free-form haiku.[32]
past can not be operated in physically, but it is more than
memory[33] and can not be changed.
Its effects can be poetically learned from and measured[34]
for physical operation in the present time.[35]
The path of good works are pre-ordained by God for His followers that
are created by Jesus the Christ (Eph. 2:10), the prophesied Shiloh
(Gen. 49:10).
reality of entropy indicates that there is an appointed time on earth
for mankind (Job 7:1). Only God understands all dimensions
beyond finite one-dimensional understanding (I Kings 8:27). The
length of triangle sides and angles for time spans and effects form
possible equilateral, right-angled, isosceles, scalene, and obtuse
shapes. Those shapes could only be perfectly known and
perfectly comprehended by God (Job 11:5-7). The complete
phenomenon can not be understood by finite minds nor can be the
associated noumenon or das
ding an sich.[36]
trigonometric functions[37] can be
compared to other structures, such as Nostradamus’ quatrains.[38]
They are not contiguous in relationships, nor symmetrical.
Therefore, in reality they are not a prophetic view of the future.
At best they are ramblings that are intentionally vague so as to
elicit interpretation at some point in the future as having foretold
an event by people that reject actual prophesy.
atheist, André Malraux wrote the 1933 book “Man’s Fate” (La
condition humaine, French
for The Human Condition).
Malraux is quoted as saying, “man
has no urge to govern--he has an urge to compel... To be more than a
man, in a world of men. To escape man's fate… Not
powerful--all-powerful. The visionary disease, of which the will to
power is only the intellectual justification, is the will to
god-head--every man dreams of being god.” Atheists must hope
and have faith that their lives have no purpose and there is nothing
after death. Even an ox knows his owner and an ass knows his
master’s crib (Is. 1:3).
Soltes, the Jakurski Family Associate Professor of Business
Harvard Business School, wrote a book on white collar crime. He
thinks the core religious beliefs, especially of white collar
criminals, should be included in forensic psychological analysis.
His discussions with colleagues indicate the usefulness of this
emphasis, but acknowledges less people are identifying with religious
values. The final chapter of his book provides a speech from
the 1920’s that addresses this issue.[39]
It should be noted that a lack of religious identity is in itself a
value of self-authority over an extra-human immutable authority,
which is practical atheism.
that all things have souls would explain why Japanese adherents
demonstrate their view of robots as more than just mechanical parts,
which are theologically co-morbid.[40]
The professional golfer, Tiger Woods was the only golfer at a
tournament that refused to participate in a memorial service for a
fellow golfer, Payne Stewart, who had passed away during a plane
crash in 1999. As a self-proclaimed Buddhist, as was his
mother, he would not see any reason to memorialize the transference
of one set of molecules of a fellow golfer to dust. Woods’
beliefs also explain why he rejected fidelity to his wife and was
widely known as a serial adulterer. We know that in World War
II the Nazi puppet Croatian Ustaše,[41]
Catholics joined by Muslims, identified Serbians with Eastern
Orthodox Christian beliefs as the enemy. It is estimated that
as many as 500,000 Serbs were murdered, 250,000 expelled, and 200,000
forced to convert to Catholicism.[42]
out of synchronization with the material brevity of time, human
consciousness requires a transcendent understanding of its
non-material existence projected into eternity, with all the knowable
implications that entails (Ps. 89:47, 90:9-10; Jam. 4:14).
Scriptures record the past and prophesy the future intersection of
human behavior and motives with God’s law in time and
space—theological forensic psychology. Individual behavior
combines to create the behaviors of the institutions of family,
church, business, and government. According to behavioral
boundaries of Divine law (Matt. 24:4-12; Rom. 1:21-32; I Cor. 6:9-12;
Gal. 5:19-21; I Tim. 1:9-10; II Peter 3:2-5; Rev.), human behavior
can be graphed as presently reaching an exponential peak of chosen
unrighteousness in human history where survival is threatened by the
consequences of those evil acts.
and philosophical forensic psychology is the discipline that studies
the intersection of the practice of psychology and societal law.[43]
Trial consultants work with legal professionals, such as trial
attorneys, to assist in case preparation. They coach witnesses
to create a favorable testimony and help select the jury to create a
more likely probability of being sympathetic toward the client(s).
A New York criminal attorney and forensic psychologist, Howard
Greenberg said in a 2016 interview aired on the Viceland channel[44]
that his long list of preventing his guilty clients from justice was
due to his manipulating the jury. He boasted that he won the
case in the first 10 minutes of his opening argument. He
addressed the sympathetic jury he helped select by first creating a
few moments of silence before he made his opening remarks, then moved
slowly creating a hand gesture that resembles a steeple, alluded many
times to his client’s criminal activity as mainstream, and enlarged
his hand gestures to symbolize the encompassing of everyone.
consultants categorize their clients and what categories of people
have a probability of being sympathetic to their client and what
categories have a probability of not being sympathetic to their
client. The categories include gender, age, race and ethnicity,
estimated innate problem-solving capability, vocation and hobbies,
political affiliation, economic status, behavioral history and
education, marital status and family, compatible or incompatible
appearance, and religious identity and values.
famous United States trial of O.J. Simpson, in California, was
decided not guilty before its opening statements were given by the
prosecutors and defense attorneys. The eight black female
jurors full of envy and hate for pretty white women that attract
successful black males were never going to find the black male
defendant, Simpson, guilty of murder of a white female and Jewish
male due to any case the Asian male judge, white female and mixed
race black male prosecutors presented. At great expense to tax
payers, the state brought irrefutable scientific evidence and had
highly professional white male law enforcement investigators testify
over many weeks. The final verdict of that jury was not guilty.
high profile case was Casey Anthony who murdered her child in
Florida. The jury selected had members that had low
problem-solving ability, some of which could not distinguish between
the biblical doctrine of not judging a man’s soul and the necessity
of judging biblically criminal behavior. They had young single
white women that identified with abortion and night club activity
participated in by the defendant, Anthony. When the obvious
verdict of not guilty by the jury was finally read, the prosecutors
could not believe the outcome. They had lost before their
opening statements were delivered and justice was prevented.
each of the two trials mentioned above had juries selected that had
biblical standards for behavior and innate problem-solving abilities
to discern between true evidence and untrue evidence presented the
outcome would had been guilty and justice served. The standard
United States government position is that all religious beliefs are
the same and will continue to have evidence that this is not the case
and waste time and money until reality is accepted.
trial in Washington D.C. selected jurors that were middle-aged blacks
which had a high respect for military men and had disdain for
government politics. The white defendant was a decorated
marine, Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North. There was almost no
probability that the jury was going to find the war hero guilty for
activities that were obviously only criminalized for political
theory looks at the cui
(Latin, for whose benefit) cause and effect for predictive behavioral
outcomes. Within the overall trigonometric functions of space
and time (zman)
algorithms and their contiguous relationship of eras that have passed
and are to come, sub-game algorithms of individuals and institutions
can also be analyzed and understood. Le
jeu est terminé![45]
Hebrew for space; (revach
or revakh
is an interval of space, Gen. 32:16).
Aramaic/Chaldean/Hebrew for set time
(Neh. 2:6; Est. 9:27) or season (Eccl.3:1; Dan. 7:12). Judea
Pearl is a pioneer in artificial intelligence. He has been
awarded the Rumelhart Prize (2011), the Harvey Prize (2012), the
Turing Award (2012), and the Dickson Prize (2015). In an email
exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during February, 2017, he said he
was not aware of the development of a predictive algorithm of khalal
(space) of zman
(time), especially from the contiguous relationship of past human
eras. He is the father of the journalist and musician Daniel
Pearl, Wall Street Journal South Asia Bureau Chief, kidnapped and
murdered by Muslims in 2002.
"I am
human, and nothing of that which is human is alien to me."
Publius Terentius Afer (c. 195/185–c. 159-158 B.C.), more
commonly referred to as Terence, was a Phoenician comedy
playwright. The
titles of Terence’s six separate plays are: Andria, Hecyra,
Heauton timoroumenos, Eunuchus, Phormio, and Adelphi.
“Masada shall not fall again” is
the loyalty oath of Israeli Defense Force officers made atop Masada
during their graduation morning ceremony.
An example of circular reasoning is the
common atheist reasoning that science shows there is no evidence for
God, philosophy says there are no Divine rules, so theologically
there can be no ruling God (Yahweh/Elohim). All new
information just enlarges this circle where the conclusion was
reached at the initial line of thought and no progress is possible.
The size of the circle is finite (discrete) and proportional to the
subject much like the diameter of a circle’s ratio, π, to its
circumference (3.14159265). They have foolishly rejected
scientific, philosophical, and theological epistemological tools.
Finite man must follow God or will follow Satan by default (Gen.
3:1-13; Matt. 4:1-11). Unfortunately, charismatic atheist
leaders develop a cadre of simple minded followers while the more
astute may become skeptical toward those fallacies. Unredeemed
religious leaders commonly offer a similar path. They may
argue that science proves God created morality, philosophy shows
there is good and bad, and theology must show that people can move
closer to God by doing good. That circle can not progress
epistemologically. Unredeemed charismatic religious leaders
also often develop a group(s) of simple minded followers while the
more astute become skeptical to that fallacy. In contrast to
those examples of circular reasoning, unbiased triangular reasoning
of individuals is often developed. For example, science shows
all effects have a cause (side A), philosophy says the first cause
of all effects was efficient and has purpose (side B), and
theologically the First Causer’s decisions came from an intellect
(side C). That encased triangle can lead to other triangles,
such as science indicates the reality of infinity (side A),
philosophy says infinite numbers have equivalence and nonequivalence
(side B), and theology may conclude that equivalence requires an
infinite Judge for which redemptive grace is needed etc. (side C).
(See endnote 17 for more information and for the common path for
Paul said there is faith (A), hope (B),
and agápē
love (C). The greatest
of the three is agápē
love. Judeo Christian doctrine is to love (A) God with all
one’s heart (C1), soul (C2), and mind (C3) and (B) one’s
neighbor as (C) one’s self (Deut. 6:5; Matt. 22:37). The
first triangle for love is composed of God, neighbor, and self.
The second triangle that composes self is heart, soul, and mind.
Jesus said one’s neighbor is he that shows mercy (Luke 10:29-37,
for compassion). The command to love one’s neighbor (Lev.
19:18) was added to, against God’s command to not add to or
subtract from His Scripture (Deut. 4:2; Prov. 30:5-6; Rev.
22:18-19), that you are to hate one’s enemies. Jesus said to
hate enemies is wrong and enemies are to be loved (Matt. 5:43:44).
In the late 5th
to early 4th
century B.C., Mozi (Mo-tzu)
wrote in his Mozi text
that jian-ai
(impartial concern) does not make distinctions between self (A),
associates (B), and strangers (C) which created his doctrine of
universal love, which leaves out God. Recently, Cornell
university professor Robert Sternberg completed a triangular theory
of love composed of intimacy (A), passion (B), and commitment (C)
indicating a lack of understanding of (A) eros
(physical love appetite), (B) philos
(affection or friend love), and (C)
(Christian selfless love) etc. The Christian lawyer, minister,
and poet John Donne demonstrated an understanding of love in his
poems, such as the one below. As he often did, he used a
triangle structure of three sections (sides) with seven equal lines
man unworthy to be possessor
old or new love, himself being false or weak,
his pain and shame would be lesser
on womankind he might his anger wreak,
thence a law did grow,
might but one man know;
are other creatures so?
Sun, Moon, or Stars by law forbidden
smile where they list, or lend away their light?
birds divorced, or are they chidden
they leave their mate, or lie abroad a-night?
do no jointures lose
they new lovers choose,
we are made worse than those.
e'er rigged fair ship to lie in harbours
not to seek new lands, or not to deal withal?
built fair houses, set trees, and arbors,
to lock up, or else to let them fall?
is not good unless
thousand it possess,
dost waste with greediness.
From a Reformed theological
perspective, the problems of Divine incomprehensibility are
discussed at the point where Christian theology (the study of
Elohim) and apologetics (telling other people about Elohim
especially regarding redemption) overlap.
Letter 21 (73) to
Henry Oldenburg, November (1675).
The behemoth had a tail that moved like
a cedar tree and he drank up a river (Job 40:15-24). God said
He made behemoth with the man. Leviathan was a wreathed sea
animal described by witnesses in Scripture (Job 41:1-10; Ps. 74:14,
104:26: Is. 27:1).
Fossilized sea life are on the tops of
mountains across the world, e.g. Mount Everest, far above sea level
and any body of water. Clam shells are closed indicating their
rapid response to trauma. If the mountains rose slowly from a
sea floor that rapidly engulfed sea life with fossilizing material
over many years the erosion from freeze-thaw periods and wind and
rain erosion would have also eroded the fossilized material. A
worldwide flood would have the force and energy to rapidly cause the
reality that atheist geologists often ignore.
Israel is Hebrew for one who rules or
prevails with God or as God does. Deut. 28:13 says the Lord
will make Israel the head of all nations. God will curse those
that try to divide the God given land of Israel (Joel 3:1-2).
He will judge the nations that divided God’s land. In
December, 2016, the United States president promoted and did not
veto United Nations Security Council resolution 2334 that sanctioned
the taking of Israel’s Judea, Samaria, and the temple mount in
Jerusalem (the only city God gave His name to [II Chron. 6:5-6] and
where Jesus will rule from [Rev. 14:1]) and giving it to murdering
Muslims. (Islam is Arabic for “submission” to enforcement
of interpretation of Sharia law by individual Muslims. To
submit at the point of a knife the Arabic phrase sha’ha’da
must be spoken “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his
messenger.) Obviously, this was a Satanic plan acted on by the
U.S. president to cause God to justly curse America. That just
indictment is added to America’s deadly national sins (I Kings
14:22) of killing the innocent in abortion (II Kings 17:17), sodomy
(I Kings 14:24), and worshiping false gods (I Kings 14:23). In
May 2016, the Southern Baptist Convention’s International Mission
Board used attorneys, paid for from funds by United States Baptist
churches for the purpose of bringing the gospel of Christ to the
world, to sign an amicus brief to support the building of a Muslim
mosque in New Jersey. The mission board’s leadership decided
to finance the worship of the Muslim god, a false god. David
Platt, president of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board
is recorded on February 15, 2017, (Baptist
& Reflector, Feb. 22,
2017, pp. 2) as having made a non-apology apology. He said he
was grieved that his decision was divisive and distracting.
Meaning, he was seemingly sorry that the contributors were not smart
enough to understand his decision. He did not clearly
apologize for misusing funds, deceiving the trustees, and promoting
a false god. This is Satan’s plan to use their demonic act
to disrupt the mission work from losing future funds and losing
God’s blessings of promoting the gospel of Jesus to the world.
In the past, Satan argued for the bones of Moses for the apparent
purpose of using them to incite future idolatrous behavior of the
Israelites (Jude 9).
Societies, such as Egypt and Assyria
etc., were regional sinful empires.
There will be no more tears, death,
sorrow, crying, or pain (Rev. 21:4). Biblical Christianity is
the only theology that expresses eternal security for redemption.
Paul knew he was going to heaven after death (II Cor. 5:8; Phil.
1:23). John knew he was going to heaven after death (I John
5:13). Peter knew he was going to heaven after death (I Peter
1:3-5). Jude records the same confidence (Jude 24).
During December, 2016, Cardinal Raymond
Burke and four other Cardinals wrote a formal request to Pope
Francis to clarify his doctrine that it is no longer considered a
sin by him to commit adultery as the Bible says or does one no
longer have to have repented of known and willing unconfessed sin
before participating in communion as the Bible commands. The
Pope’s assistant replied to the dubia
that the Pope does not answer binary questions and only addresses
serious queries of church pastors, which is a binary statement.
In the last days some will depart from the faith and speak lies in
hypocrisy (I Tim. 4:1-2). Pope Francis later said publically,
from his self-appointed magisterium,
that people that hold rigidly to beliefs in Scriptures are behaving
compulsively, meaning such Bible believers are mentally ill.
Jesus and all of Scriptures are binary—do this or do not do this,
etc. The redeemed hold to God’s word because it will never
pass away. The Scriptures say if a person takes communion (The
Lord’s Supper) unworthily eats and drinks damnation to
themselves. For this reason many people are weak, sick, and
have died. This is Satan’s plan acted on by the Pope to
cause God’s damnation to the unrepentant that leads to weakness,
sickness, and death of church members. Thereby, creating a
powerless and ineffective church. The devil condemns and
accuses individuals (Job 1:9-11; I Tim. 3:6; Rev. 12:10).
If there is no hell nothing is
important. If there is a hell everything is important.
Everyone must give an account of their life choices (Rom. 14:12).
All works are recorded (Rev. 20:12). Ever idle word is
recorded (Matt. 12:36). God has declared the end from the
beginning and He has told all from ancient times the things not yet
done (Is. 46:10).
The following prophesy is coming to
pass today, where in the last
days scoffers will deny the world flood (II Peter 3:3-6).
their deaths, it has been recounted the many atheists have
demonstrated great anxiety. Rene
Pomeau, dismissed most of the rumors that circulated about Voltaire
on his deathbed - the idea that he'd utter blasphemies. The text is
Religion de Voltaire.
The view of Dominic Erdozain, department of Theology and Religious
Studies at King’s College in London and visiting scholar at the
Chandler School of Theology at Emory University, is that Voltaire
neither returned to the church's orthodoxy nor scorned Christ on his
deathbed. There is documentary evidence that Voltaire was very
worried that he would be deprived of a proper church burial. He also
went to confession and celebrated Mass with his in-house priest,
Father Adam, well into his old age. When Father Adam was banned from
serving him, he enlisted some Franciscan monks to celebrate the
Eucharist. All of this indicates to Erdozain a degree of spiritual
sincerity. He writes about it in chapter 4 of his book The
Soul of Doubt published
by the Oxford University Press. The racier modern biographies
of Voltaire tend to exaggerate his infidelity. Erdozain never claims
that he was orthodox, but his spirituality is much more potent than
most have understood. Erdozain recommends Owen Chadwick’s
book the
Secularization of the European Mind on
this subject. (Erdozain made his comments to Dallas F. Bell
Jr. in an email exchange during January, 2017. Dallas F. Bell
Jr. would like to thank Timothy Larsen and Jennifer McNutt,
professors at Wheaton College, for their assistance on this issue in
an email exchange during January, 2017.) Additionally, the
deaths of other atheists have had great speculation and many varied
comments made, such as Thomas Paine and Nietzsche, etc. Eric
Foner says the last words of Thomas Paine are disputed and there is
not a definitive account that he knows of, but recommends recent
biographies, such as the one by John Keane. David Hoffman
agrees that there were a number of not so credible accounts of
Paine’s “deathbed conversion.” (Foner, DeWitt Clinton
professor of history at Columbia University and 2011 Bancroff Prize
winner and 2011 Pulitzer Prize winner for history, made his remarks
to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange in January, 2017.
Hoffman, professor in the School of Public Affairs at Baruch College
City University of New York, made his comments to Dallas F. Bell Jr.
during and email exchange in February, 2017. Dallas F. Bell
Jr. would like to thank Jay Smith, professor of New Testament
Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, for his assistance in an
email exchange in January, 2017, regarding Thomas Paine.)
Douglas Blount says Nietzsche
died in 1900. His last works were published in 1888. Among the books
published that year are two of his most vitriolic attacks on
Christianity -- Twilight
of the Idols
and The
He also published his autobiography that year; it's entitled Ecce
He died after having gone insane; his insanity resulted from
syphilis, which Blount says Nietzsche contracted from infected blood
while working in a field hospital during the Franco-Prussian War.
is extended to Douglas Blount, professor of Christian Apologetics at
the Billy Graham School of Missions at The Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary, for his email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr.
in January, 2017, concerning Nietzsche as well as Ivan Spencer,
professor of history and philosophy at Southeastern Baptist
Theological Seminary.) There are many unsubstantiated
“deathbed” quotes for atheists having admitted their opposition
to the existence of the infinite Creator. Beyond whether they
are factual or not, the reason for the longevity of such statements
is that atheists and non-atheists alike recognize the enormous faith
it takes to ignore the overwhelming evidence and necessity of the
reality of God. No rational person opposes the known absence
of anything. Speculation is reasonable to expect in death
atheists behave honestly and actually admit aloud their
acknowledgment of God and their opposition to Him. While
losing his battle with esophageal cancer, the atheist Christopher
Hitchens told Charlie Rose in a televised interview that he planned
to stick to his opposition to God in his last hours of life.
Hitchens was indirectly admitting that he was having to make a
concerted effort to not lose his atheist faith in death.
Atheism requires expending energy to go against the natural state of
belief in God and is subject to entropy of circular reasoning (See
endnote 5). It would not be rational for atheists to have that
as their self-identity and vigorously oppose things they know to be
fantasy, as it would not be rational for Christians to have that as
their self-identity and vigorously support and be martyred for
things they know to be fantasy. The road to becoming
reprobates (II Cor. 13:3-5; II Tim. 3:8) is to first reject the
authority of God (side A), next find found fault with Scripture
(side B), and last reject God’s redemption (side C) until having
reached death beds where there is no longer the mental capacity to
repent, while even seemingly making a last effort. A 2017
example of attempting to usurp Scripture was made by Israeli
scientists at Ben Gurion University in Beersheba.
concluded that they discovered from NASA data that Joshua’s record
of the sun and moon stopping during a battle in Gibeon was actually
a solar eclipse at 4:28 P.M. 30 October 1207 B.C. The
Scriptures said the sun and moon stood still in the midst of heaven
and did not go down for about a day and there was no day like that
before or after (Josh. 10:12-14). There have been solar eclipses
before and after that day. Joshua is dated as having fought
the battle of Jericho where the walls fell down in 1234 B.C. (Josh.
6) and Joshua divided the Israeli lands around 1228 B.C. (Josh.
14-21). He died in 1211 B.C. (Josh 24:29). Their attempt
to explain away Scriptural records has many irreconcilable
problems. Aristotle is quoted as having observed that “what
it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power to not do.”
The choice of love over hate, good over evil, and God over no-God
will ultimately triumph proving their natural superiority.
Contrary to Nietzsche’s theme of master-slave morality seen in
many of his writings, especially On the Genealogy of Morality.
He said… “the "over-man" is not subject to the
morality of the lower-type of meek and common people who speak of
good and evil in terms of equality. Since the noble type of
man is of the higher-type, he is not subject to the morality of the
herd. Morality favors mediocrity; standing beyond good and evil is
rising above the herd. The two primary types of morality are master
morality and slave morality; in higher civilizations and in people,
they are mixed. Master morality is a "yea-saying" attitude
where "good" and "bad" are equivalent to "noble"
and "despicable" respectively. The master creates value.
Slave morality is a "nay-saying" attitude or herd morality
which holds to the standard of that which is useful or beneficial to
the weak or powerless. The virtues are sympathy, kindness, and
humility. Strong and independent individuals are evil.
The history of morals is the conflict of these two moral outlooks.
The higher type creates his own values out of strength; the meek and
powerless begin with resentment. Coexistence is impossible
because the herd seeks to impose its values universally.”
Augustine said, in his Enchiridion (Chapter 11), that evil is
the absence or privation of good, privatio boni.
Nietzsche was correct in his last thought that universal good
(Christianity) can not coexist with universal evil (atheists), which
requires an eternal heaven for the redeemed good and an eternal hell
for the unredeemed evil. The worm of (unredeemed)
transgressors against God will not die nor the fire (of judgment) be
quenched (Is. 66:24 worm in Heb. is towla’; Mark 9:44 worm
in Gr. is skóléx).
At their deaths, it has been recorded
that the redeemed Stephen, being stoned to death, said he saw the
heavens open and Jesus standing at God’s right hand and asked God
to not lay the sin of his murder at the hands of his murderers (Acts
7:54-60), Polycarp was to be burned alive for professing himself to
be a Christian and was burned to death as he had seen in a vision.
He said O Father, I bless thee that thou has counted me worthy to
receive my portion among the number of martyrs (Foxe’s Book of
Martyrs, 1998, Baker Publishing Group, pp.23-24), and John Wickliff
said he would live and declare the works of the Lord until he died
peacefully and many years later his persecutors dug up his bones and
burned them (Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, 1998, Baker Publishing Group,
pp. 63-69). Their roads to redemption was first to accept God
(side A), His Scripture (side B), and last to accept His redemption
(side C) (John 3:16).
for Amedeo Avogadro, Avogadro’s constant is the number
× 1023)
to convert moles of a substance to atoms.
Another version of the three haiku
content is as follows.
Water Clocks
The fields bloom on plains
Butterflies drink, black skies loom
Drip drops and tick tocks.
Dove brings olive Branch
Flood waters sink, bullet sings
Tick tocks in snap shots.
Zion river mines the Stone
Prophet’s eye wink, midnight chimes
Snap shots of hip hops.
Jere. 2:13; Eze. 47:1-12; John 4:10-15.
Jere. 23:5, 33:15; Zech. 3:8.
Dan. 2:45; Luke 20:17; Rom. 9:32-33.
Is. 32:1-2, 33:21; John 7:38-39.
Kudryavitsky’s comments were made to
Dallas F. Bell Jr. during an email exchange in January, 2017.
He adds that he is not aware of any research on the mathematics of
haiku writing.
Known for coining the term “cyberspace”
in his 1982 short story Burning
Chrome, William
Gibson, novelist, has written that “time moves in one direction,
memories in another.” An
experienced event neurologically records various degrees of input
from the senses based on innate ability: light reflection of sight
(extreme case of photographic memory), sound waves heard (extreme
case perfect pitch recall), smells, tastes, and touch. Those
senses elicit specific emotional reactions: love, hate, joy,
sadness, etc. Muscle memory records associated physical
movement (cerebellum attached to the brain stem at the pons).
See the 2007 book by Mark Bear et
al. titled Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain (3d Ed.).
In 1927 Philosophy (New York,
W. W. Norton. Chapter XIII Physical and Perceptual Space. pp.
137-143), Bertrand Russell is noted as saying that physical space
and perceptual space have relations, but are not identical. He
added that there is no direct spatial relation between what one
person sees and what another person sees, because no two people see
exactly the same object.
A sensitive hypnotic subject may be
both made to see and not see the same object at the same moment,
such as if he is told to not see a chair in his path he may not
recognize that he sees it yet he does see it because he will not be
made to walk into it. This demonstrates knowledge is in the
mind because without possession of knowledge a subject cannot have
performed accordingly. For more on hypnosis see the following.
The annual growth rings of a growing
tree can be reasonably examined to determine climate circumstances
conducive to faster growth, wider rings equal a growth spurt, or
lesser growth, narrow growth ring. The present witnessed
erosion rate of Niagara indicates less than 10,000 years of flow.
See the following link for more on measurement.
A necessary vector(s) of logic follows
the definition of time as movement within space. The movement
is the relationship between things toward a future of a greater
entropy. Time is somewhat like a linear motion picture made of
a secession of snapshots or points along a timeline. Snapshots
or points are each an exact moment called now, which is recognized
and recorded by intellect (Gen 3:22, 4:11 now in Heb. is ‘attah;
Matt. 3:15 and Rev. 12:10 present now in Gr. is
arti and II Cor. 6:2 now in
present time in Gr. is nun).
The exact speed of now is the maximum speed of movement, the speed
of light (186,000 miles per second). Finite minds have a
consciousness of now, but can not process the witnessed interaction
of things at the speed of light. This means the maximum speed
of thing X is comprehended by humans as < X. Then we can
see that the intellect and view of the observer determines the
extent of now. That ability can use the past and now to
project an arc or vector to predict the future movement of
something. If a golfer putts a golf ball toward the hole, the
fellow golfers can project from a now the closeness of the ball
going into the hole. As the ball nears the hole, a duck drops
down from above the golfer’s heads and grabs the ball and waddles
away. The golfers did not have the information to factor the
duck’s action into their prediction. It was not a closed
deterministic differential equation (Physical laws that are
described by differential equations represent deterministic
equations—a philosophical deterministic system.
Deterministic equations govern the motion of a dynamic system and do
not contain terms corresponding to unknown forces.) Much
further away, the viewers at the clubhouse overlooking the golfers
saw the duck focus on the ball below and drop down to get the ball.
The clubhouse viewers had more information and could have been more
accurate in predicting the outcome of the event. It could also
be said that the event was not simultaneously witnessed by both the
golfers and the clubhouse viewers. The amount of time it took
for the clubhouse viewers to witness the event was longer than it
was for the golfers nearby. The now for the golfers when the
duck got the ball was several of their nows before the clubhouse
viewers’ now of the duck getting the ball. For those two
groups, time was different in their order of nows. The
golfers’ nows were ahead of the clubhouse viewers. For this
period, time was different to each of their consciousness. In
1971, J.C. Hafele and R.E. Keating demonstrated time dilation with a
clock on a plane high above the earth running differently than an
identical clock on the earth, given gravitational waves etc.
The clock on the plane had a faster time than the clock on the
ground by about 0.15 microseconds. The eternal clock in God’s
intellect would always have second-per-second equivalence values, as
the number 2 would always equal 2 etc. God has already
witnessed all events in time, which can be understood as His
omniscient now. This why God, who has the ability of knowing
everything, gives humans freewill yet can predict what they will do
and what the effects of that cause will be as humans finite ability
perceives only the now between a limited understanding of the past
and a prediction of their future. Prayer for God’s will to be done
(Matt. 6:9-10; Acts 21:14) was predestinated before the world
existed (Eph. 1:4-5; II Tim. 1:9) because it is in the human now of
God’s eternal now. Professor of physics at the University of
California at Berkeley, Richard Muller’s 2016 book, Now:
the Physics of Time,
provides an example of an incorrect viewpoint of man’s ability to
comprehend all of the past, a closed deterministic differential
equation/system, to reach the biblically incorrect logic vector of
an old earth. Scriptural understanding of passages that are
directly contradictory, e.g. Jesus is theanthropos and Jesus is not
theanthropos, requires one statement, at least, to be objectively
German for “thing-in-itself” is a
phrase Immanuel Kant discussed in his Critique
of Reason. Kant
wrongly postulated that there is a (permanent) gulf between (all)
noumenon and (all) phenomenon. Because something can not be
seen does not mean it can not be analyzed for effect and accepted as
a reality. For example, love is commonly expressed in human
behavior and freewill is necessary for love. See the following
Michel de
Nostradame completed over 940 quatrains that remain today, which he
organized into Centuries of proposed prophecies. For the text
of his quatrains see the site at
An example of his vagueness follows.
Century 1
alone at night in secret study;
it is placed on the brass
A slight flame comes out of the emptiness and
successful that which should not be believed in vain.
wand in the hand is placed in the middle of the tripod's legs.
water he sprinkles both the hem of his garment and his foot.
voice, fear: he trembles in his robes.
Divine splendor; the God
sits nearby.
the litters are overturned by the whirlwind
faces are covered by cloaks,
the new republic will be troubled
by its people.
At this time the reds and the whites will rule
the world there will be made a king
who will have little peace
and a short life.
At this time the ship of the Papacy will be
governed to its greatest detriment.
Soltes made his comments in an email
exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in December, 2016.
In the absence of a religious text,
adherents to the Shinto religion
believe that inanimate and animate objects have souls or spirits
or god(s) resides in all things, which can be worshipped and prayed
to, and thus their incorrect emphasis on the goodness of mankind.
A correct understanding of the self-existent Creator and first cause
of all things, would conclude that this is the only God and that
infinite Being must be separate from finite inanimate creation and
finite animate beings. Humans demonstrate freewill in
decision-making by choosing opposite courses of action, such as to
choose to love or not choose to love. Anti-nihilist
non-contradiction laws of reason and science require opposite
courses of action to have one good possibility and its opposite
possibility be evil. There are many more problems with Shinto
beliefs that can easily be proven false. That does not negate
having to accept how Shinto followers wrongly see and treat
inanimate objects, such as robots.
is plural of Ustaša.
The statistics vary from Yad Vashem,
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Federal Institute
for Statistics in Belgrade, the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, and
the Simon-Wiesenthal center.
University psychologists, Yoel Inbar and Joris Lammers, published a
2012 survey of around eight hundred social psychologists which
reflected more than ninety percent self-identified as liberal and
less than four percent conservative. Political Action
Committee donations by the Association of Trial Lawyers of America
to the liberal Democrat party was ninety three percent.
liberal is defined as rejecting historical proven truth and
conservative is defined as accepting historical proven truth.
An American cable television channel
dedicated to airing programs that promote extreme drug use,
perversion and other forms of behavior that are historically and
biblically considered to be evil due to their innate harm to their
French for the game is over/ended.
Aramaic for until Jesus comes (I Cor.