Systematic Political Science        

Anaerobic Reflections of Eternal Moral Gravity:
Quid Scimus De Quid Nescimus1

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

A wise man scales the city of the mighty and brings down
the strength of their confidence.”2--Solomon

The Congregationalist minister, Edward Hale, wrote of a double in his My Double and How He Undid Me. The image of an object by reflection is its mirror image in the axis or plane of reflection: the mirror image, p, of a reflection with respect to a vertical axis, q, or a horizontal axis, b. In mathematics, an involutory function or self-inverse function, f, is its own inverse for all x in the domain of f. Apply two times and it is the original value: f : x → x, thus f (f (x)) = x. (See endnote 4 for a discussion of gas, liquid, and plasma related mirrors.)

Reflections may be aerobic, with air, meaning requiring the physics of this tangible finite material universe, or may be anaerobic, without air, meaning it does not need the physics of this material universe. It is the instinct of humans to track the passage of moments with a tangible devise called a clock.3 If we make an exact mirror opposite of a digital clock, including the reversal of numbers and all circuitry it would not be harmonious with the electric supply. The hot and neutral connections in the outlet would have a reversed polarity causing possible shocks and fire, etc. The purpose of the created clock by an intellect includes the functional symmetry with its surroundings.

Likewise, we know that the biology of a frog needs the digesting enzymes of its food to survive. If it were possible to make a DNA mirror of a frog it would die because it could not turn eaten flies, etc. into energy. Therefore, the symmetry of the frog and its surroundings dictate it was created by a pre-existing intellect for a purpose within this tangible universe.

Mirroring technology and biology includes their complete or near complete working knowledge. That allows the prioritization for disruption operations by righteous and unrighteous individuals and institutions. In 2022, the Defense Sciences Office (DSO) of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) sought to accelerate investments in their “Disruptioneering” program to explore novel materials and structures, sensing and measurement, computation and processing, enabling operations, collective intelligence, and global change.4

Richard Feynman noted the physical laws of reflection include geography, chemistry, philosophy, life, and history etc.5 It was just discovered in the 1800’s that snowflakes have six points. Then, it is important to understand how finite intellects know. First is observation, e.g. two apples are on a table. Second is deduction, e.g. there are not three apples on the table. Third is revelation, e.g. the neighbor said they saw two apples on the table. Fourth is testing, e.g. have other people see if two apples are on the table.

Sylvain Bromberger’s (1992) writing “on what we know we don’t know”6 indicates the necessity of understanding what we know about what we do not know (quid scimus de quid nescimus). The apostle Paul wrote that for now we see in a mirror (riddle) darkly (dimly), but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.7

Reflections often refer to neurological thoughts recalling events.8 Alfred Lord Tennyson’s Ode to Memory says “O strengthen me, enlighten me!” Li Bai’s (also Li Pai or Li Po) Reflections in a Quite Night tells how he thinks of home.9 The Hebrew king, Solomon wrote as in water face reflects face so the heart of man reflects man.10 Robert Stevenson’s Looking-Glass River also indicates water reflections. Sylvia Plath’s Mirror speaks of the flat surfaces of mirrors and lakes only being capable of reflecting back exactly the truth of what it “sees,” even the bad, as Walt Whitman’s A Hand-Mirror does. Thomas Hardy’s I Look into my Glass focuses on ageing.11 Christina Rossette’s Passing and Glassing shows the evidence of the passing of time. William Shakespeare’s sonnet 3 says “Look in the glass and tell the face thou viewist”12 as an encouragement to do something.

The Hebrew king, David’s psalm to God says “...eagerly utter the memory of Your abundant goodness and will shout joyfully of Your righteousness.”13 C. S. Lewis’ (1950) essay Historicism warned historians of pretending to know the hand of God (providence) in all history. Augustine, Dante, Hegel, and Marx etc. thought they understood the cause and effect of all history. Hebert Butterfield’s (1958) essay God in History argued God is not outside of history (human understanding of providence) or else humans could not have a relationship with Him.

The innate need to not be lied to, stolen from, or murdered causes all intellects to desire justice, love, and merciful redemption etc., which prompts the question of symmetrical purpose. That creates a demand to a supplied theology that answers that need. A crisis, e.g. a terminal health issue etc., can increase demand as well as someone pointing out that need, e.g. Jonathan Edwards’ sermon Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God which caused the American Great Wakening etc.

The mathematics of supply (s) and demand (d) quantity (Q) based on Christian theology (t) may be represented by an equilibrium of Qst = Qdt and an increased demand, as in the Great Awakening, Qdt > Qst = + Qst, and a decreased demand, as in the U.S. and world today, Qst > Qdt = - Qst.

Plato wrote “death, as it seems to me, is actually nothing but the disconnection of two things, the soul14 and the body, from each other.”15 In Albert Einstein’s (1932) My Credo, he explained “our situation on this earth seems strange. Every one of us appears here involuntarily and uninvited for a short stay, without knowing the whys and the wherefore.”16

The Bible begins with the book of Genesis addressing life (Adam etc.) and ending with death (Joseph etc.) and the final biblical book begins with death (Jesus’ redemptive sacrifice) and ends with life in heaven (for the redeemed). Solomon explained the righteous has a refuge when he dies17 and surely there is a hereafter.18 Death is understood as a separation (Greek chōres, space or apart from) now from the body19 and from God20 and in the future second death from God.21

Finite humans neurologically know by recognizing nouns and verbs at birth and, as previously covered, innately do not want to be lied to, stolen from or murdered. It is also innately recognized that justice, love and merciful redemption requires the existence of an eternal afterlife and it is observed that this life was created by a just Being with symmetry that requires an eternal afterlife. Deduction means there must be life after death. Revelation would include eternal life for the forgiven just in heaven and eternal hell for the unforgiven unjust seen in biblical scripture. The tested theory of biblical truth includes the truth that none does good and all need redemptive truth. Neurologically, it is obvious that there must be an eternal reward for the forgiven of evil and for the unforgiven evil, and the seeking of the pre-existing creator Redeemer.

Therefore, there is a high probability that there is an eternal afterlife of heaven and hell. The Christian who combined the laws of electricity and magnetism with the laws of the behavior of light22 and rejector of the false theology of evolution, James Maxwell is often quoted as having observed that “The true logic of this world is in the calculus of probabilities, which takes account of the magnitude of the probability which is, or ought to be, in a reasonable man’s mind.” Thus, a definitive comparative theological supply for the common theological demand may be pursued, especially regarding the afterlife.

The theological supply for mankind’s theological demand must be either filled by the infinite true God of good or the finite false god of evil. All theological suppliers address not only the God of good but the god of evil. For example, evil is recognized in Japanese architecture.

In the photo above, the ancient Yomeimon main gate (Japanese mon means gate, of sun-light) of Nikkō (means sun-light),23 Japan, has Chinese influenced carved columns, e.g. images of dragon heads etc., which are symmetrical except for one which was intentionally carved upside down to avoid being so perfect as to offend jealous divine spirits.24 The dragon is a biblical name for Satan25 who is transformed into an angel (demon) of light,26 also called Lucifer, the Morning Star,27 and ruler of darkness.28

The psychology of the Shinto (Confucianism-Buddhism) Japanese theology may be seen in the collection of seven short stories (1974-1981) by Kenji Nakagami titled Snakelust (Jain). They all revolve around death (e.g. the book’s name sake story of “Snakelust” is about parental murder), and include demon deception and the perception that people are part of an accumulation, not separate individuals. Nakagami was of the underclass Burakumin (meaning hamlet, village people) condemned to do Kegare (meaning defilement) unclean work in the Tokugawa feudal class system. Japanese beliefs may also be seen in the poems of Shuntarō Tanigawa’s Akatsuchi no le (Red Clay House), such as in the Song of the Jelly Fish: “Me? What am I as a thing of emptiness, you know, emptiness swayed by the wages...” Ryuichi Tamura wrote of a “Zen temple” in The Thin Line Again and the “way of death is small insects” in The World With No Words. Mitsuhara Kaneko’s, who attended Catholic school in Toyoko, book Two Billion Light Years of Solitude includes ...many of us are generated... in Museum. Machi Tawara, a tanka poet, also represents Shinto underpinnings in her Salad Anniversary.29 (Note: it is natural for the scientific structure, theomathēmatica, of true systematic theology to be articulated with poetic articulation as theopoetics, e.g. Asaph’s (Hebrew gather[er]) 12 psalms and Jesus’ Beatitudes etc. Unfortunately, legitimate poetic license of anthropomorphizing the Divine and His creation is often invaded by intentional heretical input, such as process theology where God is not always eternal, immutable, or sovereign, which mathematically fails to understand the infinite and holy set is always complete by definition. Additionally, related narrative theology also commonly errs by rejecting objective truth, which expects that no truth is objectively true, in the biblical narrative while embracing relativism, which expects that relativity’s foundation is objectively true. Theopoetics should reflect humility created from the incomprehensibility of infinite God revealed to finite man in the necessary incremental biblical process.)

A disciple of Lao-Tzu, Chuang-Tse (also Zhuang Zhou or Zhuangzi meaning master) criticized Confucian’s social and political philosophy. In section 6 (The Great Supreme: This human form is a source of joy, at least to some) of his book The Zhuangzi (The Master) translated by Lin Yutang, Chuangtse pondered in the relative terms of Taoism, “To Tao, the zenith is not high, nor the nadir low; no point in time is long ago, nor by lapse of ages has it grown old.” Yutang used that quote to begin Book I (The Daughters of a Taoist) of his book Moment in Peking. A few decades later Yutang wrote From Pagan to Christian and died as member of a U.S. Presbyterian Church.

Buddhism calls the realm of the dead (hell) Yan Wang, the king of the hell (Diyu) in the afterlife (narak), and heaven (tíen) with heavenly spirit (Shang Ti). The theological concepts of yin and yang, or good (symmetrical created order demonstrated earlier) and evil (unsymmetrical disorder), are obviously false because evil does not have the ability to be the First Causer of all effects, in that it is disorder, and so is not equal to but is inferior to the Being of good. That truth may also be applied to other false theologies, such as Mormonism were Christ Jesus and Satan are believed to be brothers (equals): infinite good ≠ finite evil.

In Arthur Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Representation (especially Book 2), indicates the world is beyond the aspect of what appears to us with its inner essence containing will (Wille). This incorrectly condemns human life to directionless purposelessness. Einstein commented on this by saying, “A man can do as he will, but not will as he will.”30 If the world has a will, then it has purpose. If it has purpose, it has intellect. That intellect would have created the intellect of humans, which would also have its reflected will and could not be directionless or purposeless, thusly contradicting Schopenhauer’s, and others, argument.

The sin of the created finite indicates freewill to choose unsymmetrical evil, the opposite of symmetrical good. Paul looked at both the sin of the flesh and sin of the soul.31 The root of rebellion against God is in the flesh. Thomas Aquinas, in his Summa Theologica, indicated the original sin is more flesh than soul because the rebellion of the flesh arises from the corruption of the original sin. The original sin is genetically passed down from fleshly parents pre-existing and not the soul, which is uniquely new. The soul leaves the body at death32 and is immortal (sinless in heaven where there is no sin).33 There is no good in the flesh34 and that which the soul would do it does not do because of the flesh.35 All sin of the flesh and soul requires the society to address the affronts against God with material punishment now.36

The biblical list of the basic commands of good behavior and results of evil behavior, as in the chart below, are the necessary fundamentals of all jurisprudence and the building blocks of civil education.37 Speaker of eight languages and estimated to have the highest IQ of any U.S. president,38 John Adams, U.S. ambassador, congressman, senator, secretary of state, and president stated, “The law given from Sinai was a civil and municipal [code] as well as a moral and religious code. These are laws essential to the existence of men in society and most of which have been enacted by every nation which ever professed any code of laws.”39 Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (Act 1, Scene 1; 66-67) has Flavius make an observation of generic commoners, “See whe’er their basest mettle be not moved. Tongue-tied in their guiltiness.” In verse 11 of the 86th Psalm, David said the truth of God unites the heart to fear Him.

A table of righteousness and unrighteousness.

All humans innately desire an existence of perpetual happiness. The redeemed knowingly hope for a heavenly state where all of God’s holy commandments for man’s well-being are harmoniously complied with. The unredeemed unknowingly hope for a hellish state where all of God’s commandments for man’s well-being are not harmoniously complied with. For the unredeemed to achieve their desire of violating all of God’s commandments means only one could have this happiness and all others would be unwilling victims of that one’s lies, theft, rape, and murder etc. When the U.S. founders created the American constitutional government of ...all men are created equal... and ...are free to pursue happiness...based on God’s biblical standards, they knew it could be only for Christians who seek compliance with God’s standards in this fallen world. Societal violence and unsymmetrical disorder are the usual response toward bearers of truth (e.g. Isaiah, Paul the Apostle, and Polycarp etc.) even though societal acceptance and symmetrical order are occasionally the case (e.g. Huldah, Jonah, and Jonathan Edwards etc.).

Observable behavioral compliance with the commandments may allow an estimation of eternal moral problem solving IQ (mIQ). For example, based on credible biographical data, the highest mIQ of U.S. presidents would arguably be J. Q. Adams, followed by G. Washington, then A. Lincoln, D. Eisenhour, R. Reagan, M. Fillmore, W. McKinley, J. Garfield, G. Cleveland, and T. Roosevelt etc. With analysis of credible unrepentant sins, the lowest mIQ would be B. Obama,40 then T. Jefferson,41 J. Biden,42 W. Clinton,43 R. Nixon,44 J Carter,45 A. Jackson,46 J. Kennedy,47 D. Trump,48 and F. Roosevelt49 etc.

The unrepentant are as the famous picture of Oscar Wilde’s fictional character, Dorian Gray. It depicted an eternally true reflection of Dorian’s sinful state, observed by others, even though he saw himself as sinfully pristine: f : x → x or f (f (x)) = x. Self-will blinds finite intellect with pride, modeled perfectly by Satan, from seeing the unholy state of sin, which infinite God is only capable of fully comprehending. Dorian Gray had little eternal moral self-awareness, as did his inventor Oscar Wilde. This prevents the wicked from seeing their true state, such as with feces eating homosexuals, the bloody hands of the religious and political leaders that murdered Jesus, or baby murdering abortionists. That sight causes conviction to seek merciful redemption and prayer to the Father for Holy Spirit filling in order to stop sinful behavior.

The 20” x 16” oil on canvas painting by Dallas F. Bell Jr. is titled “Wheel Within The Will: Reflections of Genesis 1 and John 1 Barcodes.” It is a scriptural tropology of the passages of Genesis chapter one, John chapter one, and Ezekiel 1:16, 10:10 etc., especially with the rims of eyes in Ezekiel 1:18 which represent the Trinity’s omniscience. William Yeats referred to the obvious cyclical seasons in his The Wheel. Exposing his “theology within his will,” William Blake used Ezekiel’s “wheel within wheels” for a demonic parody (Jerusalem, The Four Zoas). Blake’s The (First) Book of Urizen is a parody of the Mosaic biblical book of Genesis with a “wheel without wheel” Urizenic opposite of Ezekiel’s true theology. Of course, Blake made accompanying paintings (plates) of his eternally negative poetic passages. The poem of 3-5-3 syllable lines by Dallas F. Bell Jr., that accompanies his same-titled painting above, is below.

Wheel within The Will

Something from nothing

In the beginning

Shape was on the void

Born of a virgin

The Word became flesh

Whoever believes

Running to and fro

Falsely accused Him

After God’s own heart

Pre-diluvian demons saw how beautiful human women were and their lust caused them to take on human DNA and rape human flesh and enslave human souls. God sent them to a special place in hell.50 Even the evil Oscar Wilde, with his retarded mIQ and temperament, recognized an eternally negative sinful state demands the reality of an alternative positive redeemed state. Negative 1 may exist because the reflected value of the positive 1 is possible and not vice versa: -1 < +1.

Due to the original sin, all finite humans have, by choice, a negative trajectory toward the gravity of an eternal hell. Obviously, it is not possible for finite beings to be pre-existent to themselves and self-create. With Divine justice, love, and merciful redemption, humans may be made a new creature by the self-existent infinite Creator.51 Any other way is a futile attempt to rob creator God.52 The new redeemed creature is no longer of this fallen sinful world and is on the eternal positive trajectory toward the gravity of heaven.53 It is natural for the fallen sinful world to hate the redeemed and for the redeemed to hate the fallen sinful world.54 Narrow is the trajectory to heaven55 and the broadly accepted ways that seem worldly right lead to death.56 If the redeemed trust in God and turn their backs on evil, it will be health to their naval (the source of nourishment in the womb) and marrow (watering; the making of blood cells for life) to their bones.57

Sin against innocent souls may be prevented by innocent souls in self-defense or in the defense of other innocent souls. Sin against innocent souls must be justly avenged now by the holy God supernaturally (e.g. killing the rebellious Karah and Dathan58 etc.) or by His righteous institutions, such as government (e.g. Israel killed Achan for his rebellious theft and deception59 etc.), or justly avenged eternally in hell. Shakespeare’s Measure For Measure looks at societal legislation for sexual misbehavior. It is based on Matthew 7:2 where the same measure of judgement toward others that you display will be measured to you. The dominate theme emphasizes the reality of human nature, “Our natures do pursue, like rats that ravin down their proper bane, a thirsty evil, and when we drink we die” (Act 1, Scene II; 128-130), and how nature punishes, regardless, with sexual diseases (Act 5, Scene I; 126-127).60

Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man,61 but His perfectly moral contrast with the fallen sinful world caused them to murder Him, if He allowed it. He could have prayed for the Father to send legions of angels to defend Him, but for His sacrificial mission of scriptural redemption, He did not.62 The redeemed are to speak to the fallen sinful world whether they will hear or not.63 False theologies of finite works can never change moral entropy away for the gravity of hell. The redeemed will still sin in this fallen sinful world, but are eternally redeemed.64 King David was a man after God’s own heart,65 but lusted, then committed adultery, deceived the stolen woman’s husband, and finally had the husband murdered. The child of David’s sinful act died. Their next child was the future king, Solomon.66 Jacob’s, Israel, son, Joseph, did not commit the sin he was accused of and so was falsely imprisoned for rape. He would become the head of Egypt and save his entire family, the Israeli nation.67 God works all things together for good to them that love Him and are called according to His predestined purpose.68

The philosophy of karma (Sanskrit, action) is obviously a false theology which ignores the reality of moral entropy in that it is never possible for finite beings to become behaviorally equal to infinite righteousness or sinless. Nor can finite beings reach enlightened freedom from ignorance and misinformation based on full comprehension of all problems, called nirvana (the act of extinguishing desire and transcendence of suffering and pain). A prayer for true enlightenment may be found in the poem below.

Mercury Mirror
by Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

Arise mirror: pity and cause winged men to see, vestīgāte,
The atomic mass of their seven abominations, so cruel,
As fractured silver harpooned with haughty eyes of hate,
Gazing pridefully without vertical affections, spited fuel
Poisoning the lying tongues of truce breakers, ‘cided gladly,
That justify bloody hands, vaded, thankless of slippery joy,
Withered corpses of covetous energy ever ill girded, sadly,
Where vengeful minds imagine blasphemy, styled to annoy,
Circling feet on rehearsed footpaths to mischievous wit,
Bearing false witness in disobedient poems of sour praise,
Like lava gushing, furrow shaped, from rhyming writ,
For incontinent lovers of cleft pleasure, expressed always;
    Sowing vassal discord among chiseled brothers’ decay,
    Crying “Repent!” before the sun’s black corona day.69

Finite beings understand infinite God’s will by a systematic progression as mapped out in the topological order of the Scriptures—which are thusly immutable by necessity of the connected past, present, and future time surfaces.70 Borrowed from two other mathematicians, the Benoit Mandelbrot set z = z2 + c explains the escalation process (z = z2) of variable boundaries of its content (c). The first output becomes its next input; a wheel within a wheel of The Will. The process of repeatedly applying the same function xx (set x of itself) is called iteration in mathematics.

A flat space, not distorted by bending it or stretching it, may become a curved space with non-Hermiticity where curved spaces are duel to each other--two sides of the same coin. The Chinese researchers at Purdue University Qi Zhou, Chenwei Lv, and Ren Zhang et al. found that a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian has curved space where a quantum particle resides. For example, a quantum in a lattice with non-reciprocal tunnels is in fact moving on a curved surface. The ratio of the tunneling amplitudes along one direction to that opposite direction controls how large the surface is curved, which makes the phenomena seem more natural,71 to them. A team of Chinese and Indian researchers at Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science in 2022 that their artificial intelligence (AI) program, that they programmed, factored beyond Einstein’s basic energy, mass, and velocity and included other variables, such as angular velocity etc., which indicated, to them, a new frontier in physics understanding.72 They were merely recognizing the reflection of their own ideas in the AI program. Oxford University physics professor, Julian Barbour’s 2020 book by Random House, The Janus Point: A New Theory of Time, wrote the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics of time moving toward disorder is wrong and there is no entropy. He explains the size of the universe is expanding proportionally and this makes time relative in that time is running in two directions simultaneously. (It should be noted that Purdue, Columbia, and Oxford University have gender pronoun policies that require males, having XY chromosomes, be called female, having XX chromosomes, if demanded and vice versa reflecting their rejection of truth and acceptance of truth’s relativity—an oxymoron in that truth is absolute, and worth seeking, whereas relativity is changing, and not worth seeking. If truth is rejected there is no mercy, no knowledge of God...there is swearing, lying, killing, stealing, and adultery, and blood touching blood.73)

Violations of God’s commandments (for a discussion of natural law see endnote 127) have negative ordered energy (-1) and their consequences have negative ordered energy (-1); -1,-1. Compliance with God’s commandments has positive ordered energy (1) with positive consequences (1); 1,1. Ordered energy symmetry may only reflect the binary possibilities either negative (-1,-1) or positive (1,1). If deceit in a just war has a positive consequence of 1 this means the deceit was a positive 1 (1,1) and not a violation, -1.74 If taking human life has a consequence of 1 it means the killing was 1 (1,1) and not a violation, -1.75 On the other hand, if the consequence of adultery, -1, ends in the child’s death, -1, this is an affirmed violation, -1; -1,-1.76 Homosexuality is an abomination, -1, and its practitioners have been turned over to a reprobate mind,77 -1, worthy of the death penalty;78 -1,-1. Their redemption is not possible because lest the Holy Spirit draws a person, by the Father, they can not be redeemed79 and the truth of the Holy Spirit could not justly indwell the reprobate minds of the abominable.80 It is common, however, for there to be remorse for their perverse unnatural acts, yet they remain as eternally unforgiven as Judas Iscariot.81 Evil pursues sinners; but good is repaid to the righteous.82

A pecuniary (money) debt equation is: finitely justly paid = the finite debt + the finite sum of the debt owed paid by the finite debtor -or- a finite person on the debtor’s behalf. A moral debt equation is: eternally justly paid = an eternal broken (life) law + eternal retributive justice -or- an eternal perfect blood (life) sacrifice.83 Given the wages of sin against the infinite (Holy) God is present and eternal death84 and must be forgiven by a perfectly Holy sacrifice, only the Christian theology supplies the demand for merciful redemption. The Redeemer must be sinless by being both God (Christ) and man born of a virgin woman (Jesus) by the Holy Spirit. His blood (life) sacrifice has perfect symmetry of justice, love, and merciful redemption. By Christ’s blood the redeemed are justly saved from eternal wrath.85 Abraham correctly asked the rhetorical question, shall the creator God only do what is just?86 Only the Christian theology supplies this theological demand as seen in the chart below.

A table charting differences.

Jesus suffered hunger in the wilderness but did not sinfully turn the stones into bread at the request of His flesh. Before His sacrifice on the cross for the sins of mankind, He indicated His flesh was weak but His uniquely Divine soul was willing to remain perfectly sinlessly submissive to the will of God the Father.87

The biblically recorded sinner on the cross with Christ Jesus needed justice, love, and merciful redemption, which was theologically supplied by Christ Jesus promising the forgiveness of his sins and eternal existence with Him in Paradise, beginning that very day.88 With a win (1) lose (0) game theory matrix, this would be always eternally being infinite God (1) and that repentant sinner (1) or (1,1), whereas Christ Jesus (1) and the unrepentant sinner (0) on the cross eternally being 1,0.

An unbalanced emphasis of either justice, love, or merciful redemption is inadequate to create a theological demand for a true theological supply. For example, Islam emphasizes justice, New Age love, Hindu redemption, Buddhist make finite self the supply of all the components, and atheists simply ignore the innate transcendent demand. They create the demand for balanced true Christian theological supply. If the demand increases, the supply gains in value, and if the supply increases without increased demand, the supply loses value. In Idries Shah’s collection of 80 fables, titled Reflections, he believed Sufi beliefs, with a Hindu background, preceded Islam and adapted to it.89

John Keats wrote in his Ode on a Grecian Urn of the innate recognition that “Beauty is truth, truth beauty—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”90 Jesus told the enemies of truth that if they called their neighbor(s) worthless91 they did not love that neighbor(s) as themselves and so did not love God with all their hearts, souls, and minds, thereby breaking all of God’s commandments.92 The redeemed love God for His merciful forgiveness and love others, and want to help them be redeemed and also know God and His merciful forgiveness. Infinite God does not show partiality except for those that fear Him and do right.93 We know that the enemies of Christ Jesus could not find fault with Him based on Divine law. They had to fabricate evidence94 (violating the commandment to not lie) in order to murder Him95 (violating the law to not murder). His sinless life must ultimately be accepted by faith from the high probability of the historical evidence. Augustine and Anselm of Canterbury (Proslogion, II-IV) promoted the theological method of Fides Quaerens Intellectum (Faith Seeking Intelligence), where faith in God begins the path to understanding God. Anselm indicated “Neque enim quaero intelligere ut credam, sed credo ut intelligam” (I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, but rather, I believe that I may understand).

This is not to argue that we can not prove a negative. To say you can not prove a negative is a statement that itself cannot be proven. What is inferred is that in some cases there can never be perfect evidence to provide proof of a statement. To say Christ Jesus was/is sinless requires infinite knowledge. We may examine a valid argument where premise 1 is P > Q and premise 2 is not Q concludes therefore not P; as with if there is a possible fire (P) it needs oxygen (Q) and if there is no possible oxygen (Q), therefore there is no possible fire (P). A valid proof for the non-existence of x is if premise 1 is x and Q must be observable and premise 2 is Q is not observable, therefore x does not exist. So, if Christ Jesus sinned and sin may be observed and no sin was observed, therefore there was no sin. This avoids the false dilemma of either Christ Jesus sinned or He did not sin and sin can not be proven then Christ Jesus did not sin. A valid argument is premise 1 is either A or B and premise 2 does not prove A so it must be B.

The scientific method includes observation, theorizing, and proving or disproving the theory.96 Frederic Nietzsche noted in his Beyond Good and Evil that it is a fundamental belief of all aristocrats that common people are untruthful. The ancient Greek nobles referred to themselves as “We truthful ones.” Thomas Hobbes (Leviathan) wrote to believe, to trust, to rely on another, is to honor him; sign of opinion of his virtue and power. To distrust, or not believe, is to dishonor. When Pilate asked Jesus if He was King of the Jews, Jesus asked Pilate “Sayest thou this of thyself, or did others tell thee...?” Sir Thomas Browne (writer of Christian Morals) observed in his 1646 Pseudododoxia Epidemica that common people were readily deceived and bad discerners of verity. Shakespeare’s sonnet 138 says “When my love swears that she is made of truth, I do believe her, though I know she lies,” (see endnote 12, p. 77). The experimental philosopher Robert Boyle (Aretology) postulated in all actions, the authority of the person gives authority to the example. Recorded in the Dayly Reflection (pp. 215-216), Boyle wrote to his sister Katherine that he thought the world was a great bedlam, peopled with fools and knaves. Hobbes indicated (Leviathan) that in beliefs there are two opinions; one of the saying of man; the other his virtue.

Thomas Kuhn (Function of Measurement) wrote what scientists seek in numerical tables is not usually agreement of all, but what they often call reasonable agreement. Furthermore, if we ask for a criterion of reasonable agreement, we are literally forced to look in the tables themselves. Boyle said we continue our study of mathematics which is (as I think) the bravest science in the world (after Divinity), and I hope to become proficient therein.97

Christ Jesus loved the Godhead98 with all His heart, soul and mind (commandments 1-4) and He loved His neighbor as Himself (commandments 5-10) evidenced by His dying for their sins.99 He perfectly modeled the seven pillars of wisdom:100 purity, peacefulness, gentleness, reasonableness, helpfulness, and sincerity, without partiality.101

What we seen now will soon be gone, but what we can not see will last forever.102 After conception, man may be sanctified and ordained for the purpose of their birth.103 The symmetry of eternal moral gravity reflects104 either the kingdom of God or not. Lazarus went to be in Abraham’s bosom and the rich man went to the lake of fire.105 Christ Jesus said in His Father’s house were many mansions.106 The heart has not seen that extravagance.107 There will be a new heaven without Satan and sinners108 and a new Jerusalem.109 All darkness will be removed because there is only Divine light.110 It would seem that Light would infuse all things, even eliminating shadows.111 Conversely, the fire of hell has degrees112 and would be the absence of Divine light.113 There will be no painful suffering and tearful death in heaven114 or Shadowlands.115 The unredeemed will see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophets in heaven before being cast out into hell.116

On the Mount of Transfiguration, Christ Jesus was talking with Moses, representing Divine law, and Elijah, representing Divine prophets, about His departure at Jerusalem and could be heard by the apostles.117 He promised to return, The Second Coming, as in the times of Noah where the people knew it not until the flood took them.118 In the last days, mockers will come following after their own lusts and question where the promise is of Jesus’ coming since all things continue from the beginning of creation. But they fail to notice their argument of uniformitarianism ignores that creation symmetry began first with Elohim in heaven then this universe was formed from nothing. Consistent with moral entropy of this universe, His word says this present universe is reserved for a day of judgement and the destruction of the unrepentant. One day with the Lord is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day. The Lord is not slow about His promise, as finite humans count slowness, but He is patient not wishing any should perish but for all to repent.119

The Lord says He will care for His redeemed when their hair grows white and He should be remembered in one’s youth before the days come when there is no pleasure in them.120 In Shakespeare’s As You Like It (known as The Seven Ages of Man also called All the World’s a Stage; Act 2, Scene VII), Jaques observes (142) “all the world’s a stage” as he comments on the seventh and last age or stage of man’s life cycle (168) “...mere oblivion, (169) Sans (French for without) teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.”

The unrighteous Hebrew king, Saul threatened to murder people that ate when they were in battle but the righteous Jonathan ate and was refreshed.121 The unrighteous flatter themselves in their own eyes until their sin becomes hateful.122 David wrote the wicked will be cut off, and shall not be, and the meek will inherit the earth.123 To not serve God justly deserves everlasting punishment and the righteous mercifully deserves eternal life.124

Du Fu (also Tu Fu) questioned, in his Dreaming of Li Bai, who is to say the way of heaven is always fair?125 The symmetry of Christ Jesus and His creation axiomatically does! Johann Bach, from a German Lutheran background, expressed his love of God with traditional symmetry, e.g. the Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F and with The Gavotte En Rondeau from the Partita No. 3 in E major for Violin. Igor Stravinsky, from a Russian Orthodox background, sought to express his love of God by expanding musically accepted symmetry, e.g. The Sacrificial Dance from The Rite of Spring (Le Sacre du printemps).

Plutarch asserted in his Convivialium Disputationum (Liber 8.2) Plato said “God geometrizes continually.”126 Material nature127 is not self-aware (a non-material eternal soul is necessary to make the material neurological machinery work) and can not symmetrically theorize itself and the non-material realm.128 Mathematics is then reasoned to be the unifying linguistic base for a symmetrical theory of everything. Therefore, there is an unseen mathematics that transcends human origins with potential for a Divinely revealed new mathematics. Christ Jesus is the beginning and end, anaerobically and aerobically, of the Theory of Everything!

But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who God is made unto us wisdom,
and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.”
129 Apostle Paul

1 Latin for What We Know About What We Do Not Know.

2 Proverbs 21:22.

3 Henry Longfellow wrote of an analog clock in his The Old Clock on the Stairs.

4 Dallas F. Bell Jr. received this DARPA email notice from the DSO during June, 2022. Regarding liquid mirrors, the surface of a fluid in equilibrium is a constant potential energy surface, which is why most liquids lie flat under the influence of gravity. However, when rotated at a constant angular velocity about a vertical rotation axis, the equipotential surface takes the form of a paraboloid, a shape that focuses light. This is the principle behind a liquid mirror telescope; light incident upon a reflective liquid surface, often mercury or low-melting alloys of gallium, spinning at a constant angular velocity converges at an affective prime focal point. DARPA also expressed interest in this process for space-based platforms in an email notice by DSO to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in July, 2022. There are gas, liquid, and plasma related mirrors. For example, a laser focused into a gas cell, where it creates and interacts with a plasma, generating and accelerating an electron beam. After passing through that cell, the combined laser beam and electron beam arrive at the liquid-crystal plasma mirror, at which point the laser is deflected while the electron beam is transmitted—with negligible disruption. https://atap.lbl,gov/innovative-plasma-mirror

(Note: mercury in Hebrew, sig, is dross or refuse, as in Psalms 119:119 etc.)

5 Feynman’s (1963, 1977 6th printing) Lectures on Physics (at the California Institute of Technology), Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading Massachusetts, section 52.

6 Bromberger, The University of Chicago Press, Illinois. On file at Stanford University’s website.

7 I Cor. 13:12.

8 Other authors on remembering are Thomas Moore’s Remember Thee, Thomas Hood’s I Remember, I Remember and Thomas Hardy’s Joys of Memory and Memory and I, etc.

9 Ha Jin, (2019) The Banished Immortal: A Life of Li Bai (Li Po), Pantheon Books, New York, p. x and Red Pine’s (2003) Poems of the Masters: China’s Classic Anthology of T’ang and Sung Dynasty Verse, p. 65.

10 Proverbs 27:19.

11 Thomas Hardy: The Complete Poems, Palgrave, Hampshire, England, 2001, p. 81.

12 The Sonnets of William Shakespeare, Avenel Books, New York, 1959, p. 2.

13 Psalm 145:7.

14 William Cowper wrote, God the Author of Nature, with a Buddhist theology that souls are in all things and all is god meaning he incorrectly believed there is no God.

15 Plato’s Gorgias (524b), see the text at

Other writers of death are Charles Dickens’ Death of Little Paul and George MacDonald’s O, My Love is Like a Wind of Death.

16 Part 1, paragraph 2, archived at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

17 Proverbs 14:32.

18 Proverbs 23:18.

19 II Timothy 4:6; II Thess. 1:9 etc.

20 Luke 1:79; I John 3:14; Romans 5:12, 6:23; John 3:36; Eph. 2:1 etc.

21 Revelation 20:6, 14 etc.

22 In an 8 May, 1928, letter to his friend Ernst Eckhardt, Einstein attributed his theory of relativity to Maxwell’s demonstrating that types of energy are aspects of the same phenomenon.

23 Translations are from entries in Seigo Nakao’s (1995) Japanese to English Dictionary, Random House, New York (see endnote 29).

24 This is a Shinto temple (c. 1617) of the Toshogu shrine (Tosho’s shrine) named for Tokugawa leyasu, founder of the Tokugawa shogunate.

25 Revelation 12:9, 20:2.

26 II Cor. 11:14.

27 Isaiah 14:12.

28 Ephesians 6:12.

29 The list of Japanese poets was recommended by Seigo Nakao, Ph.D. in comparative literature from New York University and retired professor of Japanese studies at Oakland University, to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange during June and July, 2022. Nakao published his literary book review of Snakelust by Nakagami. Its seven stories are (1974) The Mountain Ascetic (Shugen), (1975) The Wind and the Light (Somoku), (1975) Snakelust (Jain), (1976) Makeup (Kessho), (1977) Crimson Waterfall (Kurenai No Taki), (1981) A Tale of a Demon (Oni No Hanashi), and (1981) Gravity’s Capital (Juryoku No Miyako).

30 Einstein’s (1935), The World As I See It, Snowball Publishing, p. 14. John Dunne wrote a satirical poem titled The Will about bequeathing his essence to various entities.

31 Romans 7:23; Eph. 2:3.

32 Genesis 35:18.

33 Matthew 10:28.

34 Romans 7:18.

35 Romans 7:15.

36 Genesis 39:9; Exodus 10:16; Lev. 6:2-7; Joshua 7:20; Judges 10:10; I John 3:4.

37 Deut. 6:4-9, 11:18-23 etc.

38 Dean Simonton, psychology professor at the University of California at Davis, estimated Adams’ IQ to be around 168.75. See his (August 2006) “Presidential IQ, Openness, Intellectual Brilliance, and Leadership: Estimates and Correlations for 42 U.S. Chief Executives,” Political Psychology, 27 (4), pp. 511-526 and his (1986), “Presidential Greatness: The Historical Consensus and its Psychological Significance,” Political Psychology, 7 (2), pp. 259-283, as well as, Lindsey Cook’s (27 May, 2015) “Poindexter in Chief: Presidential IQs and Success in the Oval Office,” U.S News and World Report.

39 John Quincy Adams, Letters of John Quincy Adams, to His Son, on the Bible and Its Teachings, Auburn, James M. Aden, 1850, p. 61.

40 Rejector of the God of the Bible, pro child murder, homosexual and pro sexual perversion, liar, marijuana user etc.

41 Rejector of the God of the Bible, fornicator etc. Jefferson believed American aboriginal culture would adapt to the civilized American ideals. He later acknowledged this was incorrect and American society could not wait until there was change and, in the meantime, the easter tribes should be moved west of the Mississippi River. Part of Louisiana was purchased to accommodate the removal. (Bernard Sheehan, Seeds of Extinction: Jeffersonian Philanthropy and the American Indian, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1973, pp. 42-44, 89-181, 243-275 etc.; John Finger, The Easter Band of Cherokees 1819-1900, The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1998, p. 7 etc.)

42 Pro child murder, sexual exploiter of children, pro sexual perversion, liar, pro drug use, theft by inflation etc.

43 Pro child murder, rapist, sexual exploiter of children, pro sexual perversion, liar, cocaine user etc.

44 Routinely took God’s name in vain etc.

45 Rejector of Bible accuracy, pro child murder etc.

46 Murderer, adulterer, lied to Cherokee, theft of Cherokee land etc. (John Finger, Cherokee Americans: The Eastern Band of Cherokees in the Twentieth Century, University of Nebraska Press, Nebraska, 1991, p.117 etc.) The renown Cherokee warrior, Junaluska (Cherokee for one that falls from a leaning position) saved Jackson’s life at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in March, 1914. He later declared if he had known Jackson’s intentions, he would not have saved his life but would have killed him at Horseshoe Bend (John Finger, The Easter Band of Cherokees 1819-1900, The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1998, pp. 7-8; James Mooney, “Myths of the Cherokee,” Washington, D.C., pp. 92-97; Henry Malone, Cherokees of the Old South: A People in Transition, Athens, Georgia, 1956, pp. 71-71.) Today in Western North Carolina’s Haywood County, Lake Junaluska is a Christian retreat for transforming lives by the renewing of souls, minds, and bodies. The photo below of Lake Junaluska’s overlook by Dallas F. Bell Jr. was taken in August, 2022. The monument is a testament to its evangelical Christian mission.

Shortly after the above photo of the cross was taken, the bell for the Lake Junaluska church, seen in the photo by Dallas F. Bell Jr. below, began to ring signifying the beginning of the worship service.

Lake Junaluska’s Theologian in Residence is Elaine Heath, an elder in the United Methodist Church (UMC) and former dean of the divinity school at Duke University, who is abbess of the Christian farm community called Spring Forest in North Carolina where her and her husband reside. In 1956, the UMC broke from its biblical founder John Wesley in the 1700’s by granting women full clergy authority. The UMC convention delegates, in 2019, did not approve sexual perversion largely due to the conservative non-U.S. representatives, e.g. Philippines etc. The UMC U.S. leadership and seminary promotion of unbiblical beliefs has reduced membership (11 million in the 1960’s to 6 million today) and created differentiations of affiliation, such as the conservative formation of the global UMC etc. Thanks is extended to Lake Junaluska director Ken Howle for his email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. on the resort’s UMC alliance and Heath for her email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. regarding the person, Junaluska, during August, 2022. Thanks is also extended to Richard Sneed, former marine, pastor of Christ Church as well as the two term Principal Chief of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in North Carolina, for his email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in August, 2022.

(Note: In Acts 2:16-19, Peter refers to Joel 2:28-32 in explaining the observed beginning of the Holy Spirit filling on Pentecost, of course including women, by saying in the last days, as he was in, women will prophesy. Paul later reinforced that truth with the Divine boundary that women are not to (teach/preach) have authority over men, as Adam, first man, always had Divine authority over Eve, first woman, in I Timothy 2:11-15. Therefore, no woman with a redeemed relationship with Christ Jesus would ever seek to take authority over men, which would be an act of rebellion against the true God of the Bible. In Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain, Luke 6:46, He asked why do you call Me Lord, Lord and do not do what I say?)

47 Serial adulterer etc.

48 Serial adulterer etc.

49 Adulterer etc.

50 Genesis 6:1-4; Jude 6 etc.

51 II Cor. 5:17 etc.

52 John 10:1.

53 John 6:39-40.

54 Proverbs 29:27; John 15:18-19.

55 Matthew 7:13-14 etc.

56 Proverbs 16:25.

57 Proverbs 3:7-8.

58 Numbers 16:1-35.

59 Joshua 7:16-25.

60 Shakespeare’s (1988) Measure For Measure, Bantam Books, Toronto, pp. xix-xx, 27, 111 etc.

61 Luke 2:52.

62 Matthew 26:53-54; Isaiah 50:6, 53:2-12 etc.

63 Ezekiel 2:6-7.

64 See endnote 51.

65 I Samuel 13:14.

66 II Samuel 11-12.

67 Genesis 39-50.

68 Romans 8:28-30.

69 See biblical references in Proverbs 6:16-19, 26:24-25; Ezekiel 16:1-2; II Timothy 3:1-9; Revelation 6:12-14 etc.

70 In the last of Richard Wagner’s cycle of four musical dramas Der Ring des Nibelungen (German for The Ring of the Nibelung or The Ring), Prologue, Prelude to the Prologue, Scene 1, of Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods), the rope of destiny had the past, the present, and the future when Walhalla would be set on fire and the end of gods would come (“Welch’ Licht leuchtet dort?”).

71 Zhou et al., “Curving the Space by Non-Hermiticity,” Nature Communications, 21 April, 2022. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology discovered that bodies can move without pushing against something in curved spaces, seemingly violating the law of conservation momentum. Their shape-changing robot moved on a sphere and its parts moved with gravity and friction with hybridized curvature effects (see “Robotic motion in curved spaces defies standard laws of physics,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, July 28, 2022).

72 Boyuan Chen, Sunand Rghupathi et al., “Automated discovery of fundamental variables hidden in experimental data,” Nature Computational Science (2022).

73 Hosea 4:1-2.

74 Joshua 8:3-29.

75 Joshua 8:25-29.

76 II Samuel 12:1-23.

77 I Kings 14:24; Romans 1:24-31.

78 Lev. 20:13; Jude 6, 7.

79 John 6:44, 16:8-11, 44.

80 John 14:17.

81 Matthew 27:3-5.

82 Proverbs 13:21.

83 Genesis 9:4; Lev. 17:11, 14.

84 Romans 1:23.

85 Romans 5:9.

86 Genesis 18:25.

87 Matthew 26:38-39.

88 Luke 23:39-43.

89 Many other books have been titled “Reflections,” such as the 2011 collection of Christian poems by Stephen Sterling at WestBow Press (a Christian based self-publishing company in Bloomington, Indiana), where he indicates religion makes you blind (Religion on p. 115), and theology informs and controls everyone’s thought (Theology on p. 158).

90 Louis Klopsch, 1905, Masterpieces of the World’s Best Literature, (vol. 5), p. 301.

91 Matthew 5:21-22.

92 Deut. 6:5; Lev. 19:18; Matthew 5:43-48, 22:36-40 etc.

93 Matthew 10, 11:1-18.

94 Matthew 26:59-61; Mark 14:56-59 etc.

95 Matthew 26:4; Mark 14:55 etc.

96 For a neurological discussion of scientific “observation” see Daniel Gilman’s “The Neurobiology of Observation,” Philosophy of Science, Vol. 58, Issue 3, Sept. 1991, pp. 496-502 etc. For a neurological discussion of scientific “theorizing,” see endnote 128. For a neurological discussion of scientific “proof” see Joseph Kable and Paul Glimcher’s “The Neurobiology of Decision: Consensus of Controversy,” Neuron, Vol. 63, Issue 6, 24 Sept. 2009, pp. 733-745 etc. To conclude that there are no proofs would be a proof and thus a self-defeating argument. In a July, 2022, email exchange between Glimcher (professor of neural science, economics, and psychology at New York University) and Dallas F. Bell Jr., Glimcher explained there is not any research to date on the exact neurological mapping etc. for studying the making of proofs.

97 Boyle to Cork, 15 May 1642, quoted in James Jacob’s book on Boyle; as footnoted in Steven Shapin’s A Social History of Truth, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1994, p. 315.

98 The Godhead is described in Acts 17:29; Romans 1:20; Col. 2:9. Agapaō (Greek [social or moral] love) has always existed between the Persons of the Godhead (John 17:24), which pre-existed creation, which replicates that characteristic of Divine intellect.

99 Matthew 22:32-40.

100 Proverbs 9:1.

101 James 3:17.

102 II Cor. 4:18.

103 Jere. 1:5; Luke 1:41, 13-17.

104 See The Trial of Infinity by Dallas F. Bell Jr. at

Feynman’s Lectures on Physics, section 52, discusses the reflection symmetry of the laws of gravity.

105 Luke 16:19-31.

106 John 14:2.

107 I Cor. 2:9.

108 Revelation 21:1-2.

109 Revelation 22.

110 Revelation 21:23, 22:5 etc.

111 Hans Christian Anderson wrote of the shadow’s departure in The Shadow.

112 Matthew 23:14 (not part of original); Mark 12:40; Luke 12:47-49.

113 Matthew 8:12.

114 Revelation 21:4.

115 The biographical recounting of C.S. Lewis’ suffering of his wife’s cancer and his grief was titled Shadowlands.

116 Luke 13:28.

117 Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:28-31.

118 Matthew 24:39.

119 Psalm 90:4; II Peter 3:3-9.

120 Isaiah 46:4 and Eccl. 12:1-7 respectively.

121 I Samuel 14:24-30.

122 Psalms 36:2.

123 Psalms 36:9-11.

124 Matthew 25:45-46.

125 Ha Jin, (2019) The Banished Immortal: A Life of Li Bai (Li Po), Pantheon Books, New York, pp. x-xi and Red Pine’s (2003) Poems of the Masters: China’s Classic Anthology of T’ang and Sung Dynasty Verse, p. 118.

126 Plutarch wrote of Plato the philosopher and also wrote of Plato the Theban magistrate of the fourth century in “On Socrates’ Personal Deity” (Plutarch, Essays, Penguin Books, New York, 1992, pp. 315, 425).

127 Boyle was known to use the phrase “natural law” and commented ...and if I sometimes scruple not to speak of the laws of motion and rest, that God has established among other things corporeal, and now and then, (for brevity’s sake, or out of custom) to call them, as men are wont to do, the laws of nature; [I have] in due place declared, in what sense I understand and employ these expressions (see Excellency and Grounds of the Mechanical Hypothesis, 1674, pp. 68-69 etc.). In Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae (ST), he distinguished law as in the intellect of the individual (in this case God) and also in the idea itself, which is the external law (ST I-II, 91, 1). Law, then, is not only in the internal reason of the ruler, but may also be in the external thing ruled. The rule for constructing a building is in the mind of the architect, but is also in the building constructed, which dictates its operation and function (ST I-II, 93, 1). Inversely, the rules evident in the created building by necessity had to have pre-existed in the mind of its builder--meaning the existence of a building means there exist its builder. Everything in nature reflects the eternal law in their own natures (ST I-II, 91, 2). The rational creature is subject to Divine providence in the most excellent way, in so far as it partakes of a share of providence, by being provident both for itself and for others. Wherefore it has a share of the Eternal Reason, whereby it has a natural inclination to its proper act and end: and this participation of the eternal law in the rational creature is called natural law (ST I-II, 91, 2). The natural inclination of humanity to achieve their proper end through reason and freewill is the natural law. Madness is then the violating of natural law and not expecting negative consequences (punishment). It has been acknowledged that insanity is repeating the same exact thing over and over and expecting a different realm of results, such as with flipping a coin yields either heads or tails every time and can never mechanically yield anything else, and drinking alcohol to excess morally leads to broken relationships, broken finances, and broken health etc. and never vice versa or anything morally positive.

Nature worshippers are seeking to recognize nature as a legal entity and give personhood status to rivers, trees, and mountains etc. Aboriginals in Tamaqua Borough, Pennsylvania, were first in the world to pass such laws in 2006. Now ten U.S. states have enacted similar legislation, e.g. Santa Monica, California in 2013 etc. The U.S. was soon followed by Ecuador (2008), Bolivia (2010), New Zealand (2014), and then Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, and India (for glaciers etc.) etc. The U.S. Democrat Party, today, is seeking to make these laws part of their platform. Available at a Massachusetts Institute of Technology website is Craig Kauffman, Pamela Martin’s “Constructing Rights of Nature Norms in the US, Ecuador, and New Zealand,” Global Environmental Politics, (Nov. 2018), 18 (4), pp. 43-62.

128 A common definition of theorizing is the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another. B.F. Skinner wrote theorizing is any explanation of an observed fact which appeals to events taking place somewhere else, at some other level of observation, described in different terms, and measured, if at all, in different dimensions (Skinner, “Are theories of learning necessary?,” Psychological Review, 1950; 57 (4): pp. 193-216.) The neurological controversy over Skinner’s definition is discussed (p. 193 etc.) at

129 I Cor. 1:30.

--ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (2022) Dallas F. Bell, Jr.--