Systematic Political Science

Barcoding Societal Anaplasmosis as Violations of the Divine Behavioral Unicode Within Quantum Mathematics and Justice: Kinetic Civil Disorder Operations of the Redeemed

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

(Note: The open source material1 collated in this paper is intentionally presented in a manner to not encourage misuse.)

O store Gud, när jag den värld beskådar. Carl Gustav Boberg2

Blood is a mixture of clear liquid, plasma, and cellular elements.3 It contains around 45 percent erythrocytes and 54.3 percent plasma by volume. Plasma contains about 92 percent water, while the erythrocytes are about 64 percent by weight. Blood is usually 80 percent water with the human brain usually composed of 70 percent water. It is red because it is predominately composed of red blood cells which contain the protein hemoglobin. Each hemoglobin protein is made of subunits that are red called hemes.4 Oxygen imparts a red color to the heme group as the light wavelengths of the other colors are absorbed and not reflected.

Plasma contains sodium chloride ions, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, bicarbonate, glucose, amino acids, and vitamins. Anaplasmosis is a disease caused by the bacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilum. These bacteria are spread to people by tick bites primarily from the blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis) and the western blacklegged tick (Ixodes pacificus). The tics have an immune system that grows diseases. A. phagocytophilum can be spread by blood transfusion/transference. In an email exchange with biosecurity and biodefense researcher Laura Kahn5 during March, 2019, she recommended to Dallas F. Bell Jr. a medical/veterinary text that best indexes and addresses zoonotic diseases by Peter Rabinowitz and Lisa Conti in their 2010 book titled Human-Animal Medicine: Clinical Approaches to Zoonoses, Toxicants and Other Shared Health Risks (1st Ed.)

People with anaplasmosis will often have fever, headache, chills, and muscle aches.6 Doxycycline is the drug of choice for adults and children of all ages with anaplasmosis.7 The hypoxia experienced by those with this condition is due to deprived adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level. The associated lethargy is the quality or state of being drowsy and dull, listless and unenergetic, or indifferent and lazy with apathetic or sluggish inactivity. The pathology is an abnormal state or disorder characterized by overpowering drowsiness or sleep. Recovery is possible, but it is expected those infected will be a carriers for life.

Their Gram-negative (process developed by Danish bacteriologist Hans Christian Gram) bacteria lose the crystal violet stain (and take the color of the red counterstain) in Gram's method of staining.8 This is characteristic of bacteria that have a cell wall composed of a thin layer of a substance called peptidoglycan. Human immune system cells divide slower than bacteria, which divides around every 20 minutes at 37°C (e.g. Escherichia coli, for the effect of microgravity in chemical theory on its transformation see endnote 10). Fortunately, human immune cells are designed to handle an estimated 10 to the 12th power of potential resistant bacterial mutations (1’s and 0’s)9 that allow for a life span sufficient to perpetuate humanity.10

God’s law or commandments are not to be added to or subtracted from.11 They are a unifying and universal code for all human behavior despite linguistic and cultural differences.12 The first is to (A) love God with all ones heart and soul and mind, and the second is to (B) love one’s neighbor as one’s self. Section A indicates (1) to have no other god(s), (2) make no graven images, (3) not take God’s name in vain, and (4) to keep the Sabbath holy. Section B means (1) to honor one’s father and mother, (2) not to murder, (3) not commit adultery, (4) not steal, (5) not lie, and (6) not covet. A (1 of 1 + 4 separate subsets = the prime number of 5 within a total of 10) plus B (1 of 1 + 6 separate subsets = the prime number of 7 within a total of 10) is to B as B is to A having an inductive ratio of around 1.4.

We know that here 5 + 7 = a total of 10 commandments and not 12. It is important to understand the quantity (quantum, plural quanta) of an object may be different based on its relational and contextual dimension(s). A dimension (to measure) is a mathematical entity acting as an aggregate (collection of units) of points in real or abstract space. The values above reflect appropriate differences in number totals and in what the plus sign operator means to finite minds. As reflected in the (1962) book by Jacob Bronowski and Bruce Mazlish titled The Western Intellectual Tradition: From Leonardo to Hegel,13 one is an exact amount that never changes as it always equals one. But the numbers representing object’s, such as x or y, are more complex, such as 1x = 2y but may be stated numerically as 1 = 2, which confuses the numerical value to the uninformed. This quantum mathematics, not a catachresis, is required when linear one-dimensional descriptions of reality are perceived to be exceeded by the informed, as used in materialistic quantum mechanics.14 Consider an electron with two possible configurations, up and down. This describes the physical system of a qubit,15 c 1 + c 2

The fundamental law of quantum mechanics is that the evolution is linear, such as X turns into X′ and Y turns into Y′ after a period of time (e.g. 10 seconds). Then, after that period of time the superposition ψ state X turns into a mixture of X′ and Y′ with the same coefficients as X and Y. (Bible scholars see the warning!)16

From a perfect view of omniscience, Jesus addressed the complexity of understanding the infinite God and this subject.17 He said He and Father God were one (Elohim).18 If we add the Holy Spirit19 this means He said 1 + 1 + 1 = 1. Neither of the persons of the triune God is dependent on completeness or is a fraction of a set of YAHWEH.20 They are each holy21 and complete God yet separate. Here 1 + 1 + 1 does not equal the prime number of 3. Nor does 1 equal 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3. For example, God is the source of peace; Father,22 Jesus,23 and the Holy Spirit.24 This is not a type of fuzzy math where data is not known and an estimate of unknown data is made from known data until real data can actually be accumulated. Bertrand Russell seemed to confuse the name of a set and the actual set itself. In this case, he spuriously pondered if a set of all sets would contain itself.25

In binary code for AND logic gates,26 if A equals 1 its four subsets are 1111 making 5 logic gates, and if B equals 1 its six subsets are 111111 making 7 logic gates.27 If the subsets of A are 0000 then the logic gate of A is 0, and if the subsets of B are 000000 then the logic gate of B is 0.28 Pride29 is the idolatrous30 reason to reject the Divine behavioral unicode.31 The logic gates above show arrogance can not lead to elation (pride ≠ exaltation), because one’s level of humility equals one’s level of exaltation.32 Other realities exposed by logic gates are: weakness and losing = strength and finding,33 giving and decreasing = receiving and increasing,34 servitude and death = freedom and life,35 and foolishness and the wisdom of serpents = wisdom and being peaceful as a dove.36 One and two-dimensional barcodes37 can be generated for such behaviors. See the basic 1D barcode (Code128) below of a violator of the ten logic gates (00), female (xx chromosomes), age 55 (55), Third World religious beliefs (03), and a Ph.D. education level (03).

Below is a 2D (matrix code) Aztec barcode with the same data available for interrogation. The five sets of data points may be represented by this scannable matrix communicated in a network, which does not need to be plotted on five separate graphs.

Below is a QRCode with the additional regularly updated data38 for the subject of the barcode above. It has the dominate GPS location (residence), economic status, health history, pharmacological history, facial recognition data, fingerprint data, and DNA data

(Note: If a Programmable Logic Controller39 (PLC) is used for barcode operations insure there are no zero-days40 of vulnerability.)

Rejecting of A leads to rejection of B. Analysis of a society as a human body would make humans its blood of its life.41 Heathen gods delight in blood.42 To attack blood is to attack life, much like anaplasmosis, and not have a redemptive God-negating counterstain to sin.

The first symptom of a low moral immune system is to have other gods or idolatry. The self is corrupted43 by the tic-like carriers of devils44 and humans.45 The idolatrous have drink offerings of blood and their sorrows are multiplied.46 Redeemed individuals are to flee the infection of idolatry.47 It is an unlawful eternal treasonous alliance against God justly punishable by death.48 Solomon was wise yet did not flee idolatry and was corrupted provoking God’s just wrath.49 Scientific research is beginning to indicate why this occurs.50 The widely known Divine plagues placed on Egypt (c. 1275 B.C.) is one societal example of how God attacked false gods.

After rejection of the 1st commandment—no other gods—the chief Egyptian gods51 were systematically addressed by plagues in the appropriate tense, not in praesens historicum.52

1—Hapi - the Egyptian god of the Nile; water to blood.
2—Heqet - the Egyptian goddess of fertility, water, and renewal had the head of a frog; frogs everywhere.
3—Geb - the Egyptian god of the earth53 was over the dust of the earth; lice.
4—Khepri - the Egyptian god of creation, movement of the sun, and rebirth had the head of a fly;54 flies.
5—Hathor – the Egyptian goddess of love and protection depicted with the head of a cow; cattle and field animals died.
6—Isis - the Egyptian goddess of medicine and peace; ashes turned to boils and sores.
7—Nut - the Egyptian goddess of the sky; hail rained down in the form of fire.
8—Seth - the Egyptian god of storms and disorder; locusts came from the sky.
9—Ra - the sun god; three days of darkness.
10—Pharaoh - the ultimate power of Egypt; death of the first-born.

Those plagues were God’s judgment for His glory.55 Moses celebrated with singing56 the first recorded song in the Bible, the Song of Moses.57 It is also the last song in the Bible.58 This is a song of victory and praise to the wrathful end of an evil era. (See the warning regarding the Divine purpose of singing.)59 The last seven plagues are: Rev. 16 (v. 2) sores for taking the mark of the beast and worshipping his image, (v. 3) blood on salt water, (v. 4) blood on fresh water, (v. 8) hot sun on blasphemers of God, (v. 10) darkness and blasphemy, (v. 12) water dried up to enable fighting God, and (v. 17) earthquake and hail on blasphemers.

Scholars have noted, as in John Wesley’s commentaries, that the boils in the 6th Egyptian plague60 were much like those endured by the righteous Job.61 With God’s permission, Satan counterfeited just plagues on Job as follows: Job 1 (v. 15) loss of beasts, killed servants, (v. 16) fire from heaven, killed sheep and servants, (v. 17) killed servants and camels, (v. 18) great wind, killed children, Job 2 (v. 7) boils, (v. 9) unhelpful wife, and (v. 13) unhelpful friends. The result was Job was fully restored by God for His glory.62 Satan’s three primary counterfeit commandments are to not believe God’s word,63 are to attempt to force God to prove He is faithful to His word,64 and to worship him.65 Jesus rebuked Satan by addressing all three that we are to live by God’s word alone,66 are not to tempt God,67 and are to only fearfully serve God.68

The intersection of the importance of water and blood are seen throughout history. Moses got water from a rock as God instructed the first time69 but struck the rock the second time against God’s instructions70 in order for him and Aaron to take God’s glory for the miracle.71 That caused their forfeiture of entering the Holy Land. Moses gave instruction for purifying water.72

His first miracle of the ten Egyptian plagues was turning water to blood causing death. Jesus’ first miracle was to turn water to wine (called the blood of the grape because it is red73 and the life of the grape) causing life.74 The six stone water pots (20 to 30 gallons each) filled with Jesus’ new wine were for Jewish purification75 rites. Stone was used for pots in beliefs of their less liability for impurity.76 Jewish Law, Halakha,77 requires water used for ritual washing to be unused, not discolored, and pure. The alcoholic wine Jesus made would have been more efficient in killing germs.

Jesus drank wine at the Last Supper and said this was as His blood.78 Blood is for Divine redemption79 and not to be profaned.80 Redemption must be in the blood of Jesus the Christ.81 Water and blood came out of Jesus side on the cross.82 Jesus was able to walk on water.83 Only God has control and power over water.84 Yahweh is the fountain of living waters.85 He gave the living waters,86 which is the Holy Spirit.87 As Noah’s family of eight was delivered with water,88 humans must be baptized89 in water,90 receive the Holy Spirit,91 and be cleansed.92

Satan prefers to not have been removed from the infinite pleasures in heaven to temporarily being constrained to the most pleasurable places on the finite earth,93 after which he is to be eternally confined in hell94 with his unredeemed followers. He accuses God’s elect both day and night, but he is forever overcome by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus.95 The redeemed are safe inside their houses with His Passover blood sprinkled on the lintels of the doorposts96 to their new eternal hearts.97

Virtue signaling is the conspicuous expression of moral values. The term was first used in signaling theory to describe any behavior that could be used to signal virtue —especially piety among the religious. In recent years, the term has become more commonly used as a pejorative by commentators to criticize the attempt to make one look like a good person to a specific group of people. A biblical example, of wicked religious piety was the Pharisee that prayed aloud and boasted of his fasting as being superior to the publican.98

Atheist millennial’s99 cognitive bias is known for facilitating their neurological and thus emotional dependence on mobile communication technology. In an interview, Noam Chomsky,100 linguist emeritus professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stated that corporate and government elites are aware that users of new communication technology have formed a dyad. Usually anonymous technology controllers provide the values of what is good and bad to its users, especially telling them what and when to buy things they do not need and pursue those goals with all their efforts and to reject reality. Furthermore, they can rally the users to any cause they want and use them to attack what they choose while offering little resistance.

Controlling and corrupting the minds of youth is not new. Author of the 1954 book Seduction of the Innocent, German-American psychiatrist Fredric Wertham said, “I think Hitler was a beginner compared to the comic-book industry.” He warned that comic books were a serious cause of juvenile delinquency. Comic Books and Juvenile Delinquency, Interim Report of the Committee of the Judiciary, a Part of the Investigation of Juvenile Delinquency in the United States (1955, 84th Congress, 1st Session, Report No. 62) is the interim report from the Senate sub-committee.101 It recommended that the bloody comic book industry set its own standards of good taste and they formed the Code of the Comics Magazine Association of America, Inc., later refined in 1971 and 1989.

AI programmers are deciding how to optimize the users’ lives based on their, usually atheist, values. The vulnerable Cartesian selves of the users are controlled by the material other.102 They put misplaced divine trust in their technology that can never know what is unknown except their programmers input the data, devolving their users into the actual machines. It is reasoned that human dependence on dumb technology or ‘black box’103 tools, and thus subsequent economic demand, will prevent the centuries of human labor hours and finances required for the possible creation of super-intelligent AI. Small gains may still be made in AI development, such as Judea Pearl’s104 Bayesian networks and probabilistic approach.

Today, China is using regular mandatory home visits by communist officials, low-tech police work, and high-tech networked surveillance developed by Western companies to threaten internment in Nazi style concentration camps. They are for “re-education” of their political opponents, estimated at over one million inmates, by “treating and cleansing the virus from their brains” called xi nao (Chinese for brainwashing). No one is reported to have ever been released.105 Led by the Chinese atheist communist President Xi Jinping in July 2017 for the expressed purpose of increasing his (idolatress) authoritarian rule, the State Council of China released a detailed strategy, affecting everything from the military to smart cities, with the stated goal of making the country the front-runner and global innovation center of the world in AI by 2030.106 On 11 February, 2019, the U.S. president signed an executive order to develop and regulate AI technology that will soon control all aspects of human life.

Self-described agnostic winner of the 2019 Templeton Prize and theoretical physicist at Dartmouth, Marcelo Gleiser said in an interview with Lee Billings,107 “There is, [likewise], a difference between science and what we can call scientism, which is the notion that science can solve all problems. To a large extent, it is not science but rather how humanity has used science that has put us in our present difficulties. Because most people . . . have no awareness of what science can and cannot do. So they misuse it. [Say] you’re going to develop a self-driving car? Good! But how will that car handle hard choices, like whether to prioritize the lives of its occupants or the lives of pedestrian bystanders? Is it going to be just the technologist from Google who decides? Let us hope not!” (See the G-MAFIA endnote 106.)

Atheists have argued, from probability, that the more complex things are the less likely they were derived from chance.108 This would mean the atheists themselves have proved they were not derived from chance, but from a superior intelligent designer. They have supplanted that necessary Creator with an idol(s) from which they develop core beliefs to explain everything and to create what they consider to be good and what they consider to be bad. Chance (Heb. miqreh means accident or fortune)109 is not separate from infinite God nor is it in competition with His power. A theological understanding of providence explains why good and evil happens to everyone wherein God is corrected credited with circumstances beyond the odds of probable chance (Heb. pegaʿ means causal impact or occurrence).110

It seems the Catholic style view of Mary as Holy and sinless (ever-virgin etc.) is derivative, which is behavior characterized by it being disguised or distorted to permit its expression with less anxiety. The process begins with the rationalization of the biblical issues of Jesus not having relatives called brothers and sisters.111 But the big hole in their theology is if she was without sin, by her own volition and a god -or- she was a robot to the will of God and incapable of freewill and not have a soul like another primate, she was potentially capable of being the spotless lamb for the sins of mankind and Jesus need not have had to die on the cross.  Whether she had a soul or not, as sinless she would have needed no Savior as Jesus needed no Savior etc. etc. Heavenly beings will worship only Jesus singing “Worthy is the Lamb…”112 There is no mention of Mary having a godlike future role in heaven.
If we look at the results of the belief we may determine the feudalist motive (Catholic etc.) for the promotion of Mary as sinless and thus on some level righteously equal to Jesus.113  Glory rightly due Jesus for the redemption of sins is reduced (by the attack of Satan called the Red Dragon114) by this overt attack on the very glory of the gospel.115  Mary becomes a possible intercessor for sins and not Jesus alone who should be prayed to (Satanic). Since there are other intercessors for sins, Church leadership can claim to also be intercessors and have godlike status (Satanic) due to the derivation or sequence of heretical logic statements showing that a corresponding result is a necessary consequence of previously accepted statements.  They may make doctrine opposed by clear biblical teaching (Satanic).  As a special class, they can elevate themselves above God's law (Satanic).  They can do what they want to lower class people,116 thus the dark ages etc.... (Satanic).117 They need to separate themselves, in dress and behavior (nuns and priests), to indicate they are superior to other people118 and God's first command to go forth and multiply119 (Satanic). Today, this ostentatious display is called virtue signaling.120 François-Marie Arouet, (Marie is French for Mary) also known as Voltaire (name is of undetermined origin yet is an anagram of his family name in Latin, Arovet Li), said, "Écrasez l'infâme!" In reference to the Catholic church, this meant "crush the infamous thing." He believed that due to different racial origins, blacks did not share the humanity of whites.121

Additionally, Catholic monks and cloistered (exclusive contemplatives) nuns indicate they are superior to Jesus’ last command of going into all the world and preaching His gospel to every creature.122 They also claim to take a vow of poverty when everything is already God’s property,123 and they can not give to the poor124 if they have earned nothing to give or tithe.125

The prominence effect in preference elicitation suggests that the alternative that is higher, or considered to be the more important and thus prominent attribute, will weigh more heavily in choice than in matching. This means that it will usually be selected more frequently in choice exercises and less frequently in matching exercises.126

The article in Mosaic Magazine (February 2019) by Hillel Halkin quotes the well-known verse in Isaiah 7 in which the Hebrew noun almah in “Behold an almah shall conceive and bear a son,” taken by the rabbis and modern Jewish translators like Robert Alter to mean “young woman.” It was interpreted by the Christian church as “virgin” and as a prophecy of Jesus’ birth? Halkin notes that many modern non-Jewish translations of Isaiah—the 1952 Revised Standard Version of the Bible, for instance—also have “young woman,” while, conversely, the earliest of all Jewish Bible translations, the mostly 2nd-century B.C. Greek Septuagint, has parthenos or “virgin.” Even more pertinent, he believes, is the fact that there are simply not enough Jewish-Christian textual disputes of this sort to have a significant impact on any translation of the Hebrew Bible as a whole.

Halkin says “books are written by authors with wills and desires—and the authors of most of the books of the Bible (there are, of course, exceptions, like Ecclesiastes, Job, Esther, the Song of Songs, and perhaps one or two others) were convinced that they were communicating the will and desire of God.” They were demanding that we obey them—and, clearly, “How beautifully this is written,” or “What great literature this is,” is not an entirely appropriate response to such a demand. Either “I will obey” or “I refuse to obey” would be more to the point.

Hillel Halkin published (Feb 2005) an essay in Commentary on Robert Alter’s translation of the Pentateuch.127 “To read the Bible merely as literature is to read it not so much without faith as in bad faith, although what better faith can be hoped for from the faithless than the faith in literature, which alone holds that every word in the Bible counts even if it is not God’s, would be hard to say.”

The steps Israel took in the face of Egyptian disorder, anaplasmosis, of violating God’s unicode or Halakhah are to physically be removed from the source of infection, replace the corrupt values, punish violations with death, arrive at a new physical location, and defend attacks on healthy values.128 An actual example of a church’s righteous security operation’s plan, by Dallas F. Bell Jr., is as follows.

(Name withheld) Church Physical Security Operations
Scriptural guidance (KJV):
II Tim. 2:7 states “God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
Proverbs 22:3 says “a prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.”
For insurance purposes and for compliance with biblical wisdom, the following is the physical security operations plan for (name withheld) Church.
I. Security from person(s)
1. A safety first aid kit will be maintained and its location known to key personnel, especially those trained to use it.
2. A first aid officer and assistant will be regularly selected.
3. If anyone sees a person or group of persons dressed inappropriately, or person(s) with weapons all church personnel will be notified as rapidly as possible and 911 assistance requested.
4. The church will evacuate to the nearest clear route to safety. Adults are to move children to safety.
5. At least one security camera and motion detector fed into a recording device should be installed and maintained.
6. At least one person should be tasked with observing the parking lot and entrance when church members are present. That person should be competent to handle appropriate defensive weapons which may be maintained out of sight in that person’s vehicle.
7. If a credible threat has been received, volunteers may be used to expand observation with respect to expansion of 6 above. Adult church members will be informed of that threat.
II. Security from fires and natural disasters
1. See 1, 2, and 4 of section I above.
2. All church members and especially leaders are to be sensitive to forecasted events that could rise to the level of importance.
III. Preventive practices
1. All church members are to regularly pray for the safety and mission of the church body in the community and the world.
2. All church members are to model Jesus’ love to all people when possible.

Civil order is kinetically achieved by people supporting God’s laws (red teams) and disorder from people not supporting His law (blue teams).129 Monitored by barcodes from syndromic surveillance,130 civil disturbance is a category of acts that a group does deemed by government officials as prejudicial to public law and its order, which may or may not reflect God’s law. Disorder comes from sin131 and requires the death penalty if there is no request for forgiveness (see endnote 48). Forgiveness is a great joy to offer and to receive.

Good Christian soldiers are not to entangle themselves in the obscure affairs of this life.132 Jesus set the example of action when He overturned the tables of the money changers and said His house was a house of prayer133 but they made it a den of thieves.134 God said He will judge whether the innocent that are to be slain are delivered or not.135 The redeemed are to deliver to poor and needy from the wicked.136 They are to lay down their lives for the redeemed.137 The redeemed are to free the oppressed.138 Oppression demoralizes a wise person and causes that person to behave defensively as the Hebrew Sicarii (Heb., סיקריים siqari'im from carrying sicae, small daggers) against the Romans139 or as fools and madmen,140 which the oppressive Pharaoh of Egypt caused earlier. This is due to the prevention or obstruction of actively fearing the Lord (Yahweh)—the beginning of knowledge or wisdom.141 Madness142 is a decision making choice of a path against reality and is not insanity143 or psychosis.144

Executive function or cognitive control is a materialistic neuroscience term that describes how individual thought is guided toward behaviors that are internally accepted as appropriate and reject behaviors that are inconsistent to long-term goals and purposes. Beyond routine behaviors, the cognitive control of other people can influence the exertion of individual cognitive control like a social contagion.

In 2017, David Rand (professor of psychology at Yale University) and Jonathan Cohen (co-director of the Princeton Neuroscience Institute at Princeton University) wrote “The Rise and Fall of Cognitive Control” for the Behavioral Scientist and later expounded on the ideas in the Psychological Review. They found that within a population, controlled processing may usher in detrimental behavior, leading to population collapse. Because the innovations produced by controlled processing benefit everyone, even those who do not act with control. By making non-controlled agents better off, innovations erode controlled behavior resulting in lack-of-control. That leads to poor decision making, accelerated by the enabling technologies. Their models help explain societal cycles of forethought that are followed by irrationality. See the following poem by Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

Iconoclastic Plagues

Mozart to
              Muddy Waters,
Cervantes to
Kirov Ballet to
Sistine Chapel to
                       Crucifix in Urine,
Ruth the Moabites to
                              Rosie the Riveter,
Guttenberg’s Press to
                               Zuckerberg’s Facebook,
Deborah the Prophetess to
                                       Sanger the Eugenicist:

You’ve come a long way,


The truth has its own enemies.145 Fools hate knowledge of wisdom and choose to not fear the Lord.146 A fool’s words begin in foolishness and end in mischievous madness.147 A man can not be made secure by violating God’s law. Only by obeying His law is the human need for security achieved,148 possunt quia posse videntur.149 The heathen rage, but will be broken to serve the Lord with fear.150 The oppressor can only have temporal comfort in their power over others because he is evil.151 The oppressed can have eternal comfort by the Holy Spirit.152 The Holy Spirit communicates through the Scriptures, which minister to the souls of the redeemed bypassing physical neurological constraints.153 There are indications suffering people are comforted by having passages read to them while experiencing extreme physical pain, dementia, and comatose states etc.

After being unjustly imprisoned, Jeremiah was discouraged in his Divine calling. He remembered God protects, and then he encouraged the appropriate response of singing and praising of the Lord God who delivers in difficult times.154 The redeemed are yoked to Jesus the Christ and have His presence, direction, and rest.155 This is the love of God that we keep his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome.156 As righteousness tends to life: so he that pursues evil pursues it to his own death.157 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that wins souls is wise.158

We may know we love God and His redeemed if we keep His commandments.159 If we hear His words and do them we will be blessed beyond their liberating boundaries. But if we do not do them, it is like seeing ourselves in a mirror (Gr. ésoptron) which is temporal and deceitful.160 We know that when we look into a mirror (at time X) this is not a superposition (see endnote 14). We are seeing the light that was reflected from our bodies to the mirror (time X + 1) which is later reflected back to our eyes (time X + 2) at the speed of light.

In a 2011 article in Nature magazine, various particles in a vacuum were witnessed fluctuating in and out of our realm of understanding. Protons, in a so-called virtual state, were bounced off a mirror moving toward the speed of light. This dynamical Casimir effect was created with a quantum electronic component that is extremely sensitive to magnetic fields. By changing the direction of the magnetic field several billions of times a second, scientists were able to make the mirror vibrate at a speed of up to 25 percent of the speed of light. The result was that photons appeared in pairs, which were able to be measured in the form of microwave radiation. The constant appearance and disappearance of virtual particles in a vacuum (vacuum fluctuations) are believed to have an unknown connection with dark energy, which is thought to be the tool that drives the accelerated expansion of the universe. By that exercise in physics, it can be deduced that human behavior may reflect another reality which is actually our true selves. All things the redeemed do will be revealed161 before the eternal béma.162

The person that builds a house has more honor than the house. Houses are built by men, but God built everything.163 The Lord is the true God. False gods or idols can not nor did not make the heavens. The Lord made the earth by power and established it with wisdom.164 He has made all things for Himself, even the wicked for the day of evil.165 Contrary to the heretical belief of Pelagius that all men are good,166 God’s judgment is necessary justice toward those that choose evil and choose to reject His love.167 He is love168 and we are to love Him,169 and this is known if we keep His commandments.170

The wicked contemn God by thinking He will not judge their unrighteousness.171 The Lord is known by the judgment He executes172 and the time is always approaching.173 Eternal or quantum justice includes the intellectual infinite input of love and grace that requires perfect redemptive blood. It is a mathematical certainty that if an event (a), such as Divine judgment, is more than 0 probable (P), as time passes its reality of occurring increases, P(a) = 1. Whereas, 0 probability of an event (a), such as no Divine judgment, with certainty can never occur, P(a) = 0.174 The necessary day of a final eternal judgment for all mankind grows exponentially nearer as each moment passes.

Engineers know the optimization of a system is due to its component parts being purposely optimized by its designer for that system. Without a rational belief in the Creator Designer first Causer of all effects, humans will see the need (P) to fill that Divine control over the optimization of its human components that make up the earth’s human socio-political system (a), P(a) = 1. Reasonably aided by AI technology, that person is known as the Anti-Christ.175 The reality of this world leader claiming to be God176 must culminate (P) in a final battle (Armageddon)177 against Jesus178 (a), P(a) = 1. Christ Jesus must return (P) to end the war and govern mankind179 (millennial reign)180 (a), P(a) = 1. The dissipating181 times for these events of sin induced entropy is drawing nearer and nearer, as common to birth pangs.182

The number of man is 6, for incompletion.183 The number of completion, fulfillment, and perfection is 7.184 Redemptive man is 7 so the quantum mathematics is 6 + 7 = 7. The redeemed person is physically born (1) and spiritually born (1), but dies once physically (1) and never dies spiritually (0), 2 = 1. The unredeemed person is physically born once (1) and is never born spiritually (0), but dies physically (1) and spiritually can never live (1; Rev. 20:14), 1 = 2. Without God’s redemption, people are as deaf and blind as their finite idols.185 Unless a person is redeemed by being born again they can not comprehend (Gr. eidō) the ruling realm (Gr. basileia) of infinite omnipresent186 God’s miracles.187 To acknowledge rejecting (not X) of Scriptural miracles (X) is an admission of not possibly being redeemed. Except a person be redeemed and become as a child, that person will not enter the kingdom of heaven.188 In the final day of Divine eternal judgment, some people will say they prophesied and cast out devils in God’s name. But God will say, “I never knew you depart from Me you workers of iniquity!”189

(READER WARNING regarding the biblical information in this paper: “It would have been better to have not known righteousness than after having known it to turn from the holy commandment given to you!”190)

1 Michael P. Carbery gave this first-hand account, in 1979 to Dallas F. Bell Jr., of a fellow Princeton University student John Aristotle Phillips. In 1976, Phillips’ professor challenged his students to use open source materials to design a nuclear device, especially with a trigger. Phillips, described as an average student, dropped his other classes and began reading all the material on the subject he could find. Eating pizza delivered to his room and neglecting personal hygiene, he was able to make the devise before the term expired. After the public confirmation of the achievement, Phillips was overwhelmed with intelligence officials from many countries. He was quickly protected by U.S. officials. This is not an isolated case as exemplified by a Soviet intelligence officer that made great strides for his communist handlers with information he received from public materials at the New York City library before that Cold War era ended. It is wise to find an equilibrium between spreading knowledge (Prov. 15:7) and not telling everything that is known (Prov. 29:11).

2 Swedish lyrics for “O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder” in the 1886 poem. British evangelist Stuart K. Hine arranged the melody for the song in 1949 titled “How Great Thou Art.”

3 Gray’s Anatomy (4th Ed.), p. 67.

4 II Kings 3:22.

5 See the article by Laura Kahn, M.D. at Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security for the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, on Confronting Zoonoses, Linking Human and Veterinary Medicine at

Co-author of the 1st chapter, Kahn’s recommended book is at

Kahn is a proponent of the One Health approach, which is the convergence of communication between human, animal, and environment health professionals to better address vital issues of emerging diseases and environmental change, as supported in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists founded by Albert Einstein with assistance from Robert Oppenheimer.

Angela Arenas-Gamboa, Texas A&M University assistant professor of molecular and cellular medicine, has a DVM and Ph.D. in veterinary microbiology. She has conducted a wide range of research on zoonotic diseases.

6 See pages 160-162 of Human-Animal Medicine: Clinical Approaches to Zoonoses, Toxicants and Other Shared Health Risks (1st Ed.)

7 See pages 162-163 of Human-Animal Medicine: Clinical Approaches to Zoonoses, Toxicants and Other Shared Health Risks (1st Ed.) and

8 Gram-positive retains the violet stain.

9 The process that bacteria use to carry out cell division is called bacterial binary fission. Binary fission is different in purpose than mitosis, which happens in eukaryotic organisms (such as plants and animals). Millions of base pairs can be transformed into 1’s and 0’s. The 0s are bases of DNA that are identical in every microbe. The 1s represent mutations in each microbe not found in the others. By comparing the mutations, you can see how the bacteria are related to one another. This kind of epidemiology is founded on the phylogenetic tree. See an example at

10 For a general discussion see Matthew Richtel’s, a Pulitzer Prize winner, 2019 book An Elegant Defense: The Extraordinary New Science of the Immune System: A Tale in Four Lives, especially pp. 52-54 etc.

Due to the micro size and complexity of cellular interactions, the field of immunology is very primitive. A list of experts can be found at at the NIH.aspx


Transformation is one of the few options that prokaryotes have for achieving genetic diversity. Lacking the options of random combining of gametes during sexual reproduction as well as cross-over of homologous chromosomes, bacteria have diversified by absorbing orphaned rings of DNA called plasmids (transformation). By this process, they exchange various survival-enhancing genes such as resistance to antibiotics. This ability of germs has concerned the medical community for decades as strains of pathogenic species such as Staphylococcus aureus have developed that are resistant to all but the most potent antibiotics. Escherichia coli is a commonly used organism for microbiological research. Transformation in the laboratory has been enhanced by the addition of CaCl2 to liquid media and heat shocking cells at 42°C momentarily, making the cell membrane more permeable to plasmids. The entire transformation process takes a matter of seconds. At zero-gravity, statistically significant difference is expected in the Rt between varied gravity and regular gravity. E. coli cells become separated from the lower-mass plasmids at hyper-gravity before they can absorb them. In 1967, NASA launched Biosatellite II, with strains of E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium on board. They found that the cells cultured in orbit grew twice as much as those grown on the ground. In 1982, E. coli on the Soviet Salyut 7 space station increased its resistance to two types of antibiotics, colistin, and kanamycin. David Klaus, an aerospace engineer at the University of Colorado at Boulder as been studying the relationship between gravity and bacteria for 25 years. He said fluid shear could help explain increased antibiotic resistance in space cultures. In the body, bacteria are always interacting with liquids like blood, mucous or stomach fluid. These fluids apply a physical force, or shear, on the bacteria’s outer membranes. It is believed that bacteria senses those shear levels and reprograms itself to do what it needs to do to survive in those conditions. Places in the human body with low fluid shear include the intestinal tract, the respiratory area, and the urogenital area which are three common sites of astronaut infection. In chemical theory, microgravity (weak gravity or F- is not necessarily zero gravity which also is not exactly 0 = F) might also disrupt the entry of nutrients to bacteria. See

The Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation is at

11 Deut. 12:32; 613 total laws.

12 God commands parents to insure their children are taught (Heb. shaman, sharpen) His commandments (Deut. 6:1-9). The U.S. Supreme Court's case addressing the display of the Ten Commandments in a public place is Stone v. Graham, 449 U.S. 39 (1980). The Court struck down a Kentucky statute mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in public schools. See

13 They wrote, “Mathematics is no more than symbolism. But it is the only symbolism invented by the human mind which steadfastly resists the constant attempts of the mind to shift and smudge the meaning. It is the only exact symbolism and, by being exact, it is self-correcting.” Of course, mathematics, numbers that represent objects and the operators that describe their relationships, such as adding or subtraction etc., has obviously always existed and preexisted the intellect of man. See

Mathematics is the efficient state of an eternal logic system of objects and operators which preceded man’s created intellect. Man has made it a temporal communicative language by assigning it symbols for its objects (numbers) and operators to identify their relationships.

14 Materialistic quantum mechanics applies linear one-dimensional mathematical tools for quantum issues, which are not within the strict definition of unique quantum mathematics as expressed here. In an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in March (2019) regarding a mathematical text reference for quantum phenomena, Peter Shor said that “Fifteen years ago, the best one addressing this kind of stuff was Asher Peres, Quantum Theory: Concepts and Methods. I haven't paid any attention to more recent texts. For technical treatments on quantum computing, David Mermin's lecture notes (now turned into a book) and John Preskill's lecture notes (online) are both excellent. For popular treatments, there are zillions of them, and they vary from almost no technical content to a reasonable amount of technical content.” Shor is the discoverer of the Shor (quantum) algorithm and is the Morss Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Quantum superposition is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics. It states that, much like waves in classical physics, any two or more quantum states can be added together or superposed resulting in another valid quantum state. Conversely, every quantum state can be represented as a sum of two or more other distinct states. Mathematically, the superposition principle means, if you linearly combine any number of solutions of an equation, then the linear combination is itself a solution. The basic equation of quantum mechanics is Schrödinger’s equation, which is a linear differential equation that obeys the superposition principle. If state vectors f1, f2 and f3 each solve the linear equation on ψ, then ψ = c1f1 + c2f2 + c3f3 would also be a solution, in which each c is a coefficient.

15 In quantum computing, a qubit or quantum bit is the basic unit of quantum information. It is a two-state device, like the quantum version of the well-known binary bit.

16 After lengthy biblical study and its obvious logic symmetry, redeemed scholars with keen analytical minds (e.g. Sir Isaac Newton, etc.) will tend to seek mathematical biblical codes they can never find. Scriptures were inspired by infinite intellect and finite minds could never understand its whole complexity. The unredeemed will direct their scholarship in attacks on the truth and logic symmetry of Scripture.

17 See the controversial Calvinist philosopher Rousas J. Rushdoony’s book, The One and the Many: Studies in Philosophical Order and Ultimacy. USA: Craig Press, 1971, p. 10.

18 John 10:30; Phil. 2:5-6.

19 Gen. 6:3; Ps. 51:11; Matt. 28:19; II Cor. 13:14.

20 Num. 6:24-27.

21 Is. 6:3; Rev. 4:8.

22 Phil. 4:7.

23 John 14:27.

24 Gal. 5:22.

25 Especially see endnote 16 at


27 Narrow is the way (Matt. 7:14).

28 Wide is the way to destruction (Matt. 7:13).

29 It is postulated that brain scans have shown that it takes less mental energy to pump ourselves up with pride than to think about ourselves critically. Neuroscientists have found the sources of many of our darkest thoughts. Sins (pride, envy, lust, and wrath) recruit the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), brain terrain just behind the forehead, which helps shape the awareness of self. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is reportedly to have shown that pride involves the activation of the right posterior-superior temporal sulcus and the left temporal pole, which are brain regions associated with social cognition and theory of mind. For so-called self-referential emotions see the 2014 paper at

Thanks is extended for the March, 2019, email response by the paper co-author Annette Brühl M.D. at the Psychiatry Clinic of the University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich.

30 Jere. 13:9-10. The first biblical city was founded by Cain, the first of a genealogy of people that did not worship YAHWEH or God (c. 3850-2500 B.C., Gen. 4:17) and thus was idolatrous. The city was named after his son Enoch. A descendent of Seth was Jared whose son was Enoch who did walk with God (c. 3319-2954 B.C., Gen. 5:21-24). His descendent was Noah (c. 2885 B.C.), who found grace in the eyes of God (Gen. 6:8). Noah’s cursed son was Ham (Gen. 9:22-25), the grandfather of Nimrod. Nimrod established the first biblical nation-state kingdom unified with an idolatrous religion (c. 2150-2100 B.C., Gen. 10:6-10). His Babylonian empire included Babel (Gen. 11:1-9). Babylon, of Iraq and Assyria, was known for its idolatry (Jere. 50:35-38; Dan. 3:18). Jude 14, written under spiritual inspiration, quotes (Enoch son of Jared) from the pseudepigraphical book The Apocalypse of I Enoch (v.14) of Jesus’ return with ten thousands of His saints.

31 In computer science unicode is a computer standard for encoding characters. Each character is represented by sixteen bits. Whereas ASCII, being an 8-bit encoding scheme, can only represent 256 characters, unicode has 65,536 combinations, enabling it to encode the letters of all written languages as well as thousands of characters in languages such as Japanese and Chinese. The Unicode Standard provides a unique number for every character, no matter what platform, device, application or language. It has been adopted by all modern software providers and now allows data to be transported through many different platforms, devices and applications without corruption.

32 James 4:10.

33 II Cor. 12:10; Matt: 10:39.

34 Acts 20:35; Phil. 3:7-8.

35 Rom. 6:18: John 12:24.

36 I Cor. 3:18; Matt. 10:16.

37 One-dimensional barcodes were created in 1952 with an extension of the dots and dashes of Morse code to identify something, which were readable with a scanner of light between the lines and spaces. Two-dimensional barcodes may use geometric shapes and colors to create patterns that are quickly identified by a scanner. Bar Codes Could Trace Errant Brain Wiring in Autism and Schizophrenia; in a paper published in Nature, an innovative brain-mapping technique developed at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has been used to trace the connections emanating from hundreds of neurons in the main visual area of the mouse cortex. Behavioral barcoding is a systematic approach to analyzing large behavioral datasets, as seen in the neuropharmacology example below.

For the paper Behavioral Barcoding in the Cloud: Embracing Data-Intensive Digital Phenotyping in Neuropharmacology see

38 David collected data on Israel due to Satan’s direction (II Sam. 24:1-25; I Chron. 21:1). The Divine penalty was death (70,000 due to pestilence), but David’s repentance was accepted by God and He ended the plague. The Anti-Christ will cause the unrepentant to take his mark to participate in the economy (Rev. 13:16-17). They will suffer (Rev. 16:2) and not be allowed in heaven (Rev. 20:4). The U.S. founding fathers witnessed the tyrannical British government’s collection of data on citizens without cause. This is why the 4th amendment to the constitution was important. In less than 60 years, the same U.S. government used the census (Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution) to collect data on the Cherokees which was used to identify them, disarm them, and kill them in the now famous Trail of Tears removal from their land.

39 PLC is a digital computer which is adapted for the control of a manufacturing process that requires high reliability control and ease of programming with process fault diagnosis.

40 Is a flaw that exposes a vulnerability in software or hardware and can create complicated problems well before anyone realizes something is wrong.

41 Lev. 17:11; Deut. 12:23.

42 Ps. 16:4.

43 Rom. 1:21-23.

44 I Cor. 10:20-21.

45 Num. 25:1-6; I Kings 11:1-13; Josh. 24:2; Eze. 16:36.

46 Ps. 16:4.

47 I Cor. 5:11, 10:14; I John 5:21.

Regarding the possible influences of contradictory information, thanks is extended for the March, 2019, email by Dalia Shilian, department manager for R & D at the Israeli Consumer Protection and Fair Trade Authority.

48 I Kings 16:20.

People justly killed: Egyptians (Ex. 14:28); idolaters (Ex. 32:27-28); witches (Ex. 22:18); adulterers (Lev. 20:10); for incest (Lev. 20:11-14); homosexuals (Lev. 20:13); blasphemers (Lev. 24:11-16, 23); false theology (Deut. 13:1-10); rapists (Deut. 22:25); murderers (Deut. 19:6); for dishonoring parents (Ex. 21:15, 17); for stealing people (Ex. 21:16); violators of the Sabbath (Num. 15:35); abortionists (Ex. 21:22-25); violators of God’s law (Lev. 26:17); rebellion against God’s leaders (Num. 16:32, 26:10; Deut. 11:6).

People not killed: adulterous David (II Sam. 11:2-5) repented and forgiven but judgment of dead baby (II Sam. 12:1-12-13); murdering David (II Sam. 11:14-17); incestuous Lot and his daughters (Gen. 30-38) but descendants judged (Ps. 83); adulterous woman (John 8:3-11, not always accepted as original biblical text).

49 I Kings 11:1-14.

50 In a March, 2019, email Talya Miron-Shatz, a decision scientist specializing in medical decision making at the Ono Academic College in the department of business administration, wrote that research has shown that once we are exposed to information, 'deleting' or ignoring it - is difficult. Even if we ignore it immediately after exposure, it re-emerges later on, and influences us. This relates to the sleeper effect: "when people receive a communication associated with a discounting cue, such as a noncredible source, they are less persuaded immediately after exposure than they are later in time." And so, when consumers receive information in English (which they are perfectly capable of reading and processing) and are told to ignore it, they do in the short term, but then keep on processing it and relating to it. In fact, it becomes more persuasive over time. Just read the names of the papers on this topic - it's also defined as 'instructions to disregard'. The titles tell the story. Mine is "Disregarding Preliminary Information When Rating Job Applicants' Performance: Mission Impossible?" There is the oft-cited: Lieberman, J. D., & Arndt, J. (2000). Understanding the limits of limiting instructions: Social psychological explanations for the failures of instructions to disregard pretrial publicity and other inadmissible evidence. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 6(3), 677. And most recently: "Abundant research has shown that people fail to disregard to-be-ignored information (e.g., hindsight bias, curse of knowledge), which has contributed to the popular notion that people are unwillingly and unconsciously affected by information." Dietvorst, B. J., & Simonsohn, U. (2018). Intentionally “biased”: People purposely use to-be-ignored information, but can be persuaded not to. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

In reviewing Shatz’s beliefs, an analyst would look for confirmation or rejection of her ideas with monozygotic twin’s, raised together, studies for 100% correlation and would also discriminate between subjects with IQ, religious beliefs, age, education, gender, etc.

51 Egyptian gods include: Amun, Amunet, Anubis, Anuket, Apep, Apis, Aten, Atum, Bastet, Bat, Bes, Four sons

of Horus, Geb, Hapy, Hathor, Heka, Heqet, Horus, Isis, Khepri, Khnum, Khonsu, Kuk, Maahes, Ma'at, Mafdet, Menhit, Meretseger, Meskhenet, Monthu, Min, Mnevis, Mut, Neith, Nekhbet, Nephthys, Nu, Nut, Osiris, Pakhet, Ptah, Qebui, Ra, Ra-Horakhty, Reshep, Satis, Sekhmet, Seker, Selket, Sobek, Sopdu, Set, Seshat, Shu, Tatenen, Taweret, Tefnut, Thoth, Wadjet, Wadj-wer, Wepwawet, and Wosret.

52Lat. for historic or historical present tense used to describe the past for dramatic effect and may include both past and future events. It incorrectly assumes/implies omniscient accuracy and is routinely used by Millennials confused by grammar and the reality of a finite linear time perspective.

53 Egyptian magicians worked with their enchantments to bring forth lice, but they could not. From this point forward, the magicians’ efforts to mimic the Divine plagues were unsuccessful.

54 Flies were not part of the Hebrew text but were supplied by the translators. The Hebrew word for swarms (‘ârôb, Brown-Driver, and Briggs’ Hebrew Lexicon) could have been referring to a mixture of insects.

55 Ex. 9:14 and Josephus 14; Rev. 9:20.

56 c. 3850 B.C. The first reference to a musician in the Bible is in Genesis 4:21.

singing—Ex. 15:1-21, Israel delivered by God over oppression of Egyptians Song of Moses (c. 1275 B.C. first Bible song on earth and last Bible song sung in heaven with the Song of the Lamb Rev. 15:3-4) and Miriam, the first biblical prophetess. --Psalms, is commanded by God (Ps. 81; Eph. 5:19), thanksgiving and joy to God.

Matt. 26:30, Mark 14:26, at Passover Jesus after Last Supper sang a hymn. --Acts 16:25 imprisonment for righteous behavior. --Revelation 5:9, 14:3, in heaven by the redeemed.

Neurology; a different part of the human brain is activated for singing and words. In singing, words are articulated at a slower rate than in speaking, thereby reducing dependence on the brain’s left hemisphere.

See the 2010 paper From singing to speaking: facilitating recovery from nonfluent aphasia at


Singing elevates the levels of neurotransmitters which are associated with pleasure and well-being. Singing is beneficial for pregnant mothers. By giving them another medium of communication with their newborns, mothers in one study reported feelings of love and affection when singing to their unborn children. They also reported feeling more relaxed than ever before during their stressful pregnancy. A song can have nostalgic significance by reminding a singer of the past, and momentarily transport them, allowing them to focus on singing and embrace the activity as an escape from their daily lives and problems.

Dingle, Genevieve (2012). "To be heard: The social and mental health benefits of choir singing for disadvantaged adults (PDF). Psychology of Music. 41 (4): 405–421.

A recent study by Tenovus Cancer Care (nonprofit named for ten founders so “ten of us”) found that singing in a choir for just one hour boosts levels of immune proteins in cancer patients and has a positive overall effect on the health of patients.

Elisha needed righteous musicians to play their instruments to allow him to hear from God (II Kings 3:15). This righteous music (I Sam. 10:5; I Chron. 25:1-3) helps people mentally (I Sam. 16: 14-17, 23) and with sorrows (Ps. 137:1-4). Of course, God’s righteousness is counterfeited by Satan’s unrighteousness, especially seen in dis-harmonious sounds, incorrectly called music, which produces stress and foolish disregard for God’s commands.

57 Ex. 15:1-19.

58 Rev. 15:3-4.

59 Biblically, the Mosaic music model is for thanksgiving and praise to God for hope and victory. Additionally, it is for teaching and confession/admonition for sins (i.e. Psalms etc.). It is not to create a selfish atmosphere for the singer(s) to become self-absorbed in emotions. Nor does music have a sacramental role. When the singer or the music is the focus, God is not! That abomination is pagan idolatry ritual, which is usually evident in the participant’s habitual and unrepentant violations of God’s law when they are not actively involved in the music activity.

60 Deut. 28:27.

61 Job 2:7.

62 Job 42.

63 Matt. 4:3.

64 Matt. 4:6.

65 Matt. 4:9.

66 Matt. 4:4 based on Deut. 8:3.

67 Matt. 4:7 based on Deut. 6:16.

68 Matt. 4:10 based on Deut. 6:13.

69 Ex. 17:1-7.

70 Num. 20:2-13.

71 Num. 20:10-11.

72 Num. 19:17-21.

73 Prov. 23:31.

74 John 2:3-11.

75 Heb. taharah.

76 Heb. tum’ah.

77 See the 2018 book at the Princeton University Press by Chaim Saiman, law professor at Villanova University, titled Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law.

78 Matt. 26:27-29.

79 See

80 Gen. 9:6; Heb. 9:22.

81 Rev. 1:5.

82 John 19:34.

83 Matt. 14:26; John 6:19.

84 Job 9:8.

85 Jere. 2:13, 17:13.

86 John 4:10.

87 John 7:37-39.

88 I Peter 3:20-21.

89 Matt. 28:19.

90 Acts 10:47.

91 Titus 3:5.

92 Acts 22:16.

93 John 12:31.

94 Matt. 25:41.

95 Rom. 8:33-34; Rev. 12:10-11.

96 Ex. 12:7, 13, 22-23.

97 Jere. 31:31-34; Eze. 36:26; Acts 2:1-4.

98 Matt. 6:6-8, 16-18; Luke 18:9-14.

99 A study for the year 2018-2019 found that 59.7% of Gen X consumes alcohol weekly, compared with 57% of baby boomers and 53.8% of millennials, yet Millennials spent the most on drunk purchases in the past year, averaging $1,047 — more than double that of baby boomers ($466) and Gen Xers ($469).

A February, 2019, article in the Army magazine by Captain Charles Duncan seriously proposed the deletion of honor from the list of Army values titled “Honor Has No Merit as One of the Army Values.” He stated soldiers needed to be able to make their own moral codes. Sadly, the retired vice chief of staff of the U.S. Army and former commander of the U.S. Army Europe General Frederick Kroesen had to respond to the millennial. He wrote in the May, 2019, issue of Army magazine (“Be Honorable; Think Inside and Outside the Box”) that honor is from the fourth of the Ten Commandments, “Honor your father and your mother.” He had to explain that honor is the soldier’s guarantee that he will abide by the terms of his oath and guidance of his conduct. He had to actually state that honor is the most important demand on the Army values list. Honor is not seemly for a fool (Prov. 26:1). Fortunately, despite having technological superiority, such immoral millennial soldiers have no transcendent rational for self-sacrifice (II Tim. 3:1-9) and will be expected to behave cowardly in the face of strong resistance from a well prepared honorable militia in the future war that will be necessary to decide the fate of escalating U.S. civil disorder. In the meantime, terrorist states and foreign military (nuclear) powers can also easily draw the same conclusions of this malignant U.S. vulnerability. Rejecters of reality will always be subject to accepters of more reality. (Note: General Kroesen and his wife, Rowene, of 75 years are parishioners of the Basilica of Saint Mary church in Alexandria, Virginia, of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, Virginia. He was NATO commander when Dallas F. Bell Jr. was assigned there as a young officer. As the commander in Heidelberg, Germany, Kroesen was last wounded there in 1981 by an assignation attempt on him and his wife (attributed to the Baader-Meinhof Gang; Dallas F. Bell Jr. was later assigned a brief mission to deploy his unit and intercept their male and female leader with an unidentified companion traveling in a late model tan Mercedes-Benz sedan). Kroesen was also wounded during his service in W.W. II, Korea, and Vietnam.)

100 The recent interview was replayed on the Russian Television network 18 March, 2019.

101 The public hearings took place on April 21-22, and June 4, 1954, in New York. They focused on graphic crime and horror comic books, and their potential impact on juvenile delinquency. When publisher William Gaines contended that he sold only comic books of good taste, Tennessee Senator Kefauver entered into evidence one of Gaines' comics (Crime SuspenStories 22 [April-May 1954]). It showed a dismembered woman's head on its cover. The following exchange between Gaines, Kefauver, and Counselor Beaser led to a front-page story in The New York Times the following day.

Chief Counsel Herbert Beaser asked: "Then you think a child cannot in any way, shape, or manner, be hurt by anything that the child reads or sees?"

Gaines responded: "I do not believe so."

Beaser: "There would be no limit, actually, to what you'd put in the magazines?"

Gaines: "Only within the bounds of good taste."

Sen. Kefauver: "Here is your May issue. This seems to be a man with a bloody ax holding a woman's head up which has been severed from her body. Do you think that's in good taste?"

Gaines: "Yes sir, I do — for the cover of a horror comic. A cover in bad taste, for example, might be defined as holding her head a little higher so that blood could be seen dripping from it and moving the body a little further over so that the neck of the body could be seen to be bloody."

Kefauver (doubtful): "You've got blood coming out of her mouth."

Gaines: "A little."

"Senators to Hold Teen Age Hearings," New York Times, Sep. 19, 1953, p. 16.

Kihss, Peter. "No Harm in Horror, Comics Issuer Says." New York Times, April 22, 1954, p. 1.

102 Descartes theorized that there is a conscious self and a material self and they remain separated.

103 A ‘black box’ is a device or system that can be viewed in terms of its inputs and outputs, without any knowledge of its internal workings, e.g. a transistor etc.

104 Pearl, an atheist, is the winner of the 2011 Turing Award and Carnegie Mellon University’s 2015 Dickson Prize in Science.


106 Professor of strategic foresight at New York University's Stern School of Business and a 2014-15 visiting Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, Amy Webb’s March 2019 book, The Big Nine: How the Tech Titans and Their Thinking Machines Could Warp Humanity, looks at the nine companies she calls the G-MAFIA, meaning Google-Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, IBM, Apple. The U.S. tech tyrants of Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, IBM, and Apple are joined by China’s BAT or Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent.

107 Billings is an associate editor of Scientific American.

108 Richard Dawkins’ book The God Delusion, pp. 114, 119 (2006 edition) and pp. 139, 145 (2008 edition).

109 I Sam. 6:9.

110 Eccl. 2:14-15, 8:14; 9:11.

111 Mark 6:3; Acts 1:14; I Cor. 9:5; Gal. 1:19.

112 Rev. 5:11-14.

113 There are beliefs that Mary was redeemed from sin after Gabriel announced (the annunciation) her having the incarnate Messiah, Jesus conceived by the Holy Spirit, incubated in her virgin womb (Luke 1:26-38).

114 Rev. 12:3-17.

115 II Cor. 4:3-6.

116 Their wide sexual abuse of children and the cover up has been exposed. Most recently Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, the Catholic archbishop of Lyon, was convicted in March. 2019, of covering up his employees acts of pedophilia. Barbarin joined the recently convicted archbishop of Bayeux-Lisieux, Pierre Rican, and the former bishop of Orleans, Andre Fort. The head of the Vatican's powerful Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Spanish Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, has also been accused of complicity in the alleged cover-up in Lyon. This abuse is not unique to Catholicism. On February 10, 2019, the Houston Chronicle revealed a database of 220 abusers within the Southern Baptist churches. The difference is the Southern Baptist hierarchy was that they were grateful for the newspaper’s report shedding needed light on abuse and their theology did not support such evil behavior.

117 Thanks for the March, 2019, email exchange with Rebecca Hunter, music instructor, for noting a related academic article regarding the loss of Divine human freedoms from a libertarian perspective.

118 The Pharisees’ distinguished appearance (Matt. 23:4-36; Luke 20:46-47) is contrasted with Jesus’ appearance that was so nondescript that He had to be picked out of a crowd by someone that knew Him (Matt. 26:49).

119 Gen. 1:28.


121 Cohen, William B. The French encounter with Africans: White response to Blacks, 1530–1880. (2003) Indiana University Press. p. 86.

122 Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:15.

123 Ps. 24:1; I Cor. 10:26.

124 Prov. 19:17; Heb. 13:16.

125 Deut. 26:12; Ps.50:12; Eph. 4:28; with the warning in Hag.1:6. On 25 April, 2019, several monastic orders of cloistered contemplative nuns were contacted by Dallas F. Bell Jr. regarding an explanation for these biblically inconsistent beliefs and practices and as expected no justification was forthcoming. Work or labor requires expending force/energy to complete a task. God commanded humans to labor (Ex. 20:9). Labor is not for the purpose of becoming rich (Prov. 23:4). It is so that after one’s own needs and their family’s needs are met they can give to the poor (Eph. 4:28). The righteous give to the poor (Prov. 21:26). The slothful refuse to labor (Prov. 21:25). Those that do not work are not to be eat (I Thes. 4:11-12; II Thes. 3:7-14).



128 For an example of the causes of a just war see sections 2.1.3 and 3 at

For the basics of war see

To create an analysts’ network see

For planning courses see models at

To test strategies see

129 See

130 See

131 James 4:1-2.

132 II Tim. 2:3-4.

133 Is. 56:7.

134 Matt. 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-17; Luke 19:45-46; John 2:14-16.

135 Prov. 24:11-12.

136 Ps. 82:4.

137 I John 3:16.

138 Is. 58:6.

139 See Josephus’ War 7.8.1 - 7.11.1 etc. and endnote 99 for the predictable upcoming U.S. civil disorder response to federal government oppression.

140 Eccl. 7:7.

141 Prov. 1:7.

142 See

143 A legal term for incompetence of mental ability.

144 Is a psychology term for a mental disorder of the thought processes.

145 Ex. 7:11; II Tim. 3:8; James 3:14-15.

146 Prov. 1:29.

147 Eccl. 10:13.

148 Prov. 12:3.

149 Lit. meaning they are able because they seem to be able. Taken from Virgil’s The Aeneid (book V, line 231).

150 Ps. 2:1-12.

151 Eccl. 4:1.

152 John 14:16, 26, 15:26.

153 I Cor. 2:10-14; II Tim. 3:16.

154 Jere. 20:9, 11, 13; I Cor. 9:16-18.

155 Matt. 11:30.

156 I John 5:3.

157 Prov. 11:19.

158 Prov. 11:30. “The Soul Winner” was a sermon (1292) by Charles H. Spurgeon delivered on 20 January, 1876, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.

159 I John 5:2.

160 James 1:22-25, 2:12.

161 I Cor. 3:9-15.

162 Gr. the judgment seat (Rom. 14:10-12).

163 Heb. 3:3-4.

164 Jere. 10:10-15.

165 Prov. 16:4.

166 Pelagianism was opposed by Bible believers of the doctrine of the original sin, such as Augustine of Hippo, John Calvin, etc. There is a 17th-century Calvinist print depicting Pelagius with the caption that says:
"Accurst Pelagius, with what false pretence

Durst thou excuse Man's foul Concupiscence,
Or cry down Sin Originall, or that
The Love of GOD did Man predestinate."

167 I John 2:4, 3:24.

168 Jere. 31:3; Mal. 1:2; I John 4:8, 16.

169 Deut. 6:5; Matt. 22:37.

170 Jere. 7:23-34.

171 Ps. 10:13.

172 Ps. 9:16.

173 Eze. 30:3; Joel 2:1.

174 II Peter 3:3-17.

175 Rev. 13:16-18. In his September 2009 New York Times article, three-time Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas Friedman wrote that there is only one thing worse than one-party autocracy, and that is one-party democracy, which is what we have in America today. One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks, he writes. But when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today, it can also have great advantages. That one party can just impose the politically difficult but critically important policies needed to move a society forward in the 21st century. His August 2008 column on the Summer Olympics stated its authoritarian host, China, did not build the magnificent $43 billion infrastructure for these games, or put on the unparalleled opening and closing ceremonies, simply by the dumb luck of discovering oil. No, it was the culmination of seven years of national investment, planning, concentrated state power, national mobilization and hard work. Friedman failed to mention that China’s national mobilization efforts included forcibly removing over a million of its citizens to make way for the Olympic proceedings. In order for centralized government to control people’s lives, such as in China, contrary to their Divinely endowed natural yearnings for freedoms of creativity to pursue happiness, there must be an accepted religious belief in finite man illegitimately being an intercessor between infinite God and other finite men. Only evangelical Christian systematic theology promotes the theánthropos (Latin, deus homo) concept of Jesus the only Redeemer Christ as the only possible intercessor between God and man. Thus, this belief and its adherents, which promote equality of human worth, must be targeted by proponents of tyrannical systems for being inconsistent with their nefarious plans and efforts.

176 Is. 14:12-15; Dan. 9:24-27; Matt. 24:15; I Cor. 8:5-6; II Thes. 2:3-4.

177 Rev. 16:16.

178 Rev. 19:19.

179 Is. 9:6.

180 Zech. 14:1-9; Matt. 24:19-31; Col. 3:4; I Thes. 3:13; Jude 14; Rev. 19:11-21.

181 In engineering, “dissipation is the result of an irreversible process that takes place in homogeneous thermodynamic systems. A dissipative process is a process in which energy (internal, bulk flow kinetic, or system potential) is transformed from some initial form to some final form; the capacity of the final form to do mechanical work is less than that of the initial form.” Quote from the article at

Because of idolatry, God allows the destructive power of that sin to have more control (Eze. 20:24-25) and cause death (Rom. 1:24; II Thes. 2:11).

182 Is. 26:17-21; Hag. 2:22; Matt. 24:7-8; Mark 13:8.

183 Gen. 1:27-31; Rev. 13:18.

184 Ex. 20:10; Josh. 6:4; Rev. 1:4.

185 Ps. 135:15-18.

186 God, Jere. 23:23-34; Christ, Matt. 18:20; Holy Spirit, Ps., 139:7-12.

187 John 3:1-21.

188 Matt. 18:3.

189 Matt. 7:21-23.

190 II Peter 2:21.