Systematic Political Science

Entomology’s Relationship with Virology and Bacteriology’s Binary Fission as Modeling the Binding of Words and Phrases to Enhance Communication Meaning as Light

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. — Franz Kafka1

Entomology2 (Greek entomon for insect and logia for study), a branch of zoology, is the study of insects and the relationship that they have with the environment, humans, and other organisms. The research done by entomologists contributes greatly to scientific fields, such as forensics, criminology, molecular science, biology, agriculture, chemistry, and animal and human health.3

Though entomology is the study of insects, medical entomology has a broader scope in that it incorporates other arthropods that may affect human health, which means arachnids, such as spiders, mites, and ticks, which also come under the scope of medical entomology research.4

Savannah, Georgia, (56.82% registered Democrat) is promoted as the U.S. city with the most haunting (demonic) spirits. The First City Network is Georgia's oldest homosexual organization started more than three decades ago with its center in midtown Savannah. John Berendt’s Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (called The Book) acknowledged it as having been a homosexual destination for many generations. In 2016, its well-known transvestite, Benjamin Knox (aka The Lady Chablis) died of Pneumocystis pneumonia associated with the retrovirus human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) contracted from the consequences of homosexual activity. In addition to HIV/AIDS, Savannah has had widespread destruction from fires, hurricanes, Civil War battles, and yellow fever plagues. Virology studies such viruses as HIV/AIDS5 and yellow fever. The yellow fever virus6 is in the flavivirus family.7 It has three transmission cycles (jungle (sylvatic), inter­mediate (savannah), and urban)8 and is spread by an insect, (Aedes aegypti) mosquito.9 Warm temperatures10 are known to effect insects, bacteria, and viruses. Conditional mutations, such as temperature-sensitive mutations, in bacteria may result from a conservative mutation that changes the structure or function of an important protein at elevated temperatures.11 Conditional mutants, such as temperature-sensitive or cold-sensitive mutants, of viruses have a mutation in a gene for an essential protein that allows virus production only at certain temperatures.12 Temperature also plays a role in the ability of parasites to infect a host and cause disease. For example, Leishmania donovani replicates well at 37° C but Leishmania tropica does poorly at 37° C and thrives at 25° C to 30° C.13

Three commonly studied bacteria, Wolbachia, Rickettsia, and Cardinium, are known to frequently affect reproduction in insects they infect. But the question of which insects they infect and which species and at what rate within those species isn’t always clear. Over 90 species of naturally occurring, insect-specific (entomopathogenic) bacteria have been isolated from insects, plants, and the soil, but only a few have been studied intensively. Much attention has been given to Bacillus thuringiensis, a species that has been developed as a microbial insecticide.14 Bacteria may be used for RNA interference as a Trojan horse to help control the insects’ population in insect’s bacteria of gut disease-bearing insects. This includes the mosquito, which carries the Zika virus.

In 1984, members of the Rajneeshee commune poisoned 751 individuals in The Dalles, Oregon, through the deliberate contamination of salad bars at ten local restaurants with Salmonella (the S. Typhimurium strain).15 The Rajneesh movement comprised persons inspired by the Hindu-style guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Later, he took the title Osho Rajneesh (a Buddhist term meaning on whom the heavens shower flowers). (See sources for bioterrorism interests.16) A U.S. effort is underway to establish a Health Advanced Research Projects Agency (HARPA) within the homeland security bureaucracy. It is expect to develop covert methods for medical surveillance of all people for easier domination by U.S. government leaders for their atheist elitist goals.

The 2005 State Department compliance report noted that the U.S. government believed that "China maintains some elements of an offensive BW (Biological Weapons) capability in violation of its BWC (Biological Warfare Convention) obligations. Despite China's BWC CBM declarations to the contrary, indications suggest that China maintained an offensive BW program prior to acceding to the Convention in 1984." That report also lists two facilities with possible dual-use links to an offensive BW program: the Chinese Ministry of Defense's Academy of Military Medical Sciences Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology in Beijing, which Beijing says is a biodefense research facility, and the Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products, identified as a vaccine producer.17 This threat is magnified by the fact that China’s Kafkaesque18 atheist communist leader, Xi Jinping, is known to admire the mass murderers Hitler and Mao.19 Communism and socialism are governmental systems where all the time of individuals is taken by force through property confiscation by its leaders who act as gods deserving the plunder. That 100% tax steals the lives of its citizens in increments of time. Possessions purchased from righteous earnings represent the expenditure of divinely given time. To take them by force is to steal time and life itself provided by Creator God. Property crimes are incremental stages of murder and will be justly treated as such by righteous societal legal systems. The philosophy of John Locke was greatly used by U.S. founding fathers. He said Baptists were the first proponents of absolute liberty, just and true liberty, equal and impartial liberty.20 The centuries proven true biblical beliefs of Baptists in the U.S. are greatly resisted today. The more obvious reality, , proves itself the greater man’s measure, Ω, of intellectual resistance, R, to its truth, T, so T () = ↑ Ω (R).21 Infinite, ∞, God is not mocked, if you resist you reap greater reality22 so R < ∞ Ω (T) or Ω (T) > ℧ (R).23

Cells from animals, plants, and fungi are eukaryotes (Greek for true nucleus). Bacteria (archae) and blue-green algae are prokaryotes (Greek for primitive nucleus). Bacteriology studies prokaryotes, such as bacteria, which propagate by binary fission.24 For unicellular organisms, cell division is the only method used to produce new individuals. In both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, the outcome of cell reproduction is a pair of daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell. It should be noted that contrary to mankind’s bio-strategy for reproduction God created man first, without the ability to reproduce, and then the woman.25

Like binary fission, a word or phrase may be repeated to enhance the exact meaning of each for a greater emphasis in a Bayesian sense (see endnote 61). For example, God repeated the word “Moses, Moses”26 and “Martha, Martha”,27 and the phrase “My God, my God” or “Eli, Eli.”28 Other examples are Abraham,29 Jacob,30 Amen,31 Samuel,32 earth,33 Simon,34 Saul,35 Jerusalem,36 and verily.37 The spiritual power of two has been encouraged by God’s non-mystical38 reinforcement for His answer to prayer39 and His presence.40 Mathematically, we may observe side a² + side b² = side c², as 1² + 1² = √2. As it indicates, two 1’s add up to more than one but less that 2 (√2 = 1.4142…).

When applied to words or phrases, it is implied each keeps it meaning and does not make a new meaning (2). However, the binding or triangulation of the meanings make a higher emphasis and should be heard intelligently (Hebrew, shama), obviously void of echolalia.41 It could be increased intimacy or eternal doctrine by making two verbal witnesses.42 Elizabeth Barrett Browning, a Christian, wrote in The Soul’s Travelling, “God, God! With a child’s voice I cry, Weak, sad, confidently—God, God!” She demonstrated the repeated words of “God, God” implies her true intimacy with Jehovah and a proper expectation of Divine consolation (side c).

But not all repetition is truth, such as when humans will say “Lord, Lord” to God at the final judgment, with the intent to imply intimacy, and God will reply that He never knew them.43 Also false prophets said “I have dreamed, I have dreamed”44 to imply revelation from God. They can be compared to true expressions, such as “Multitudes, multitudes”45 and “my son, my son.”46

In the atheist Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis47 (Part 1), Gregor Samsa, a salesman, awoke one morning in his bed at home to find himself transformed into a giant insect. Kafka’s displacement between God and himself creates a focus on the simplistic dualism or 2-dimentional relationship between mind and body as expressed when Gregor’s father called out to him “Gregor, Gregor,” his mother called out to his sister “Grete, Grete,” his father called out to his other sister “Anna, Anna,” and when Gregor called out to his mother “Mother, Mother.”48

It could be reasoned that infinite intellect out of reach of finite human abilities could produce a communication spiral vastly beyond comprehension. The Spiral of Theodorus could make such implications. In geometry, the Spiral of Theodorus (also called square root spiral, Einstein spiral or Pythagorean spiral) is a spiral composed of right triangles, placed edge-to-edge. It was named after Theodorus of Cyrene.

The spiral is started with an isosceles right triangle, with each leg having unit length. Another right triangle is formed, an automedian right triangle with one leg being the hypotenuse of the prior triangle (with length √2) and the other leg having length of 1; the length of the hypotenuse of this second triangle is √3. The process then repeats; the nth triangle in the sequence is a right triangle with side lengths √n and 1, and with hypotenuse √n + 1. For example, the 16th triangle has sides measuring 4 (=√16), 1 and hypotenuse of √17.

Although all of Theodorus' work is believed to have been lost, Plato put Theodorus into his dialogue Theaetetus, which tells of his work. It is assumed that Theodorus had proved that all of the square roots of non-square integers from 3 to 17 are irrational by means of the Spiral of Theodorus. Plato does not attribute the irrationality of the square root of 2 to Theodorus, because it was well known before him. Theodorus and Theaetetus split the rational numbers and irrational numbers into different categories.

1 + 1 = √2


2 + 1 = √3 etc.

In 1934, Boris Delaunay developed a triangulation system to maximize the minimum angle of all the angles of the triangles. His Delaunay triangulation is used in computational geometry and extends to three or higher dimensions. Our understanding of complexity increases as the circumcenters of Delaunay triangles are the vertices of the Voronoi diagram. The Voronoi vertices are connected via edges for 2D, which can be derived from adjacency relationships of the Delaunay triangles. If two triangles share an edge in the Delaunay triangulation, their circumcenters are to be connected with an edge in the Voronoi tessellation. In red below, we can see that connecting the centers of the circumcircles produces the Voronoi diagram.

The infinite holy God has attributes of love and justice etc. In analyzing the “Abraham, Abraham” triangulation, it can be understood, even by finite human intellects, that that triangulation is connected to the higher triangulation of God’s overall love (side c), verbally expressed toward Abraham, is joined by merciful love (side a) and affectionate love (side b).

God is love. His justice succeeds His love being rejected and His mercy from redemptive grace not being requested. Following a triangulation of love,49 the triangulation of “Jerusalem, Jerusalem” can be seen as connected to a higher triangulation of overall retributive justice50 (side c) which is joined by reckoning (side a), a computation for settling accounts, and revenge (side b), to have malice toward. “MENE, MENE” (meaning numbered, numbered) indicates that side c requires justice for the finished tallying or numbering.51 Only the people that do God’s will and say “Lord, Lord” will enter heaven.52 Not doing His will negates side c of the utterance for redemptive justice. Failure to understand the importance of using God’s exact words can lead to lessening of His complete meaning.53 For example, the Scribes and Pharisees liked to be called “Rabbi, Rabbi”54 where side c correctly implies their wicked desire for divineness. The KJV translates the passage from Greek but the NIV edits the passage to just “Rabbi” possibly distorting the meaning. In fearing they would perish at sea, Jesus’ disciples said to Him, “Master, Master,”55 in Greek as translated by the NIV, yet the KJV translates this as “Master, master,” which can be seen by side c, on some level, as not fully acknowledging Jesus’ complete divinity by His disciples.56

Judas’ famous kiss of betrayal57 was accompanied with his saying “Rabbi, rabbi”58 in the Greek and “Rabbi, Rabbi” in an Aramaic translation.59 It is translated as “Master, master” by the KJV, reflecting Judas’ attempt in side c to denigrate Jesus’ divinity. Whereas, the NIV and American Standard Version has “Rabbi,” the Geneva version (1599) has “Hail Master,” and the Amplified60 version (1965) has “Master, Master,” with the italicized “Master” possibly indicating a lack of perfect consensus among its translators as to the exact text and meaning.61

Only God has the ability to compute behavioral coherence to His law and the right and authority for justified vengeance. In the movie “Tombstone,” the dentist John Henry “Doc” Holiday, who died of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as did Kafka (see endnote 1), observed that Wyatt (Earp) is not after vengeance (for the murder of his brother) but after a (just) reckoning. This is the behavioral motivation consistent with coherence to God’s law. It is not only applicable for individuals to other individuals, as in the Wyatt Earp case, but is for just civil wars and just wars for independence. The righteous motivational goals and strategies must be for reckoning and never vengeance.

It is the nature of finite intellects to reason that if God is working all things for good, whether in reality there is a God or not each could explain why things, especially bad things, occurred from an advantage point in the future. In the meantime, a sense of uncommon comfort from the Holy Spirit lifts the redeemed through circumstances for God’s glory the unredeemed do not experience. Additionally, the redeemed’s prayer to God for good may be met with a perceived bad outcome. Whether, in reality, there is a God or not each could reason that by probability some things desired could occur from time to time. Over time the rational prayer of the redeemed are affirmed beyond normal desires of the unredeemed for God’s glory. This encourages the symmetry of collective prayers by the redeemed for increased affirmation. A lifetime of the reality of God’s supernatural faithfulness, beyond experienced probabilities of occurrences, is experienced by His redeemed causing them to know beyond doubt His eternal existence and love. Historically, Paul and other redeemed persons were highly intelligent and educated yet experienced an undeniable reality rationally worthy of dying to perpetuate. The unredeemed do not have this experience and think it foolish as they do not have the ability to comprehend that reality.

Lucius Flavius Philostratus wrote Lives of the Sophists (c. 231 – 238 A.D.). He said the philosopher investigates truth; the sophist embellishes it, and takes it for granted. Truth is like light.62 Since God said “Let there be light”, the redeemed have come to understand that He is the fountain of life and in His light they will see light.63 All things that are reproved are made manifest by the light because whatever does make manifest is light.64 This generation behaves like children playing in the streets. They say we played a funeral song (John’s message was repent or die) and you did not mourn and played a wedding song (Jesus’ message was repent and live with His Messianic hope) and you did not dance.65 Wisdom is justified of her children.66 Jesus was rejected by the unelect67 but He still praised the Father.68 He made a final plea by saying come to Him and He will give rest.69

Ultraviolet (UV) light kills microorganisms by damaging their DNA. UV radiation disrupts the chemical bonds that hold the microorganism’s atoms of DNA together. If the damage is of sufficient severity, the bacteria cannot repair the damage causing the cells to die. The involvement of oxygen in the phototoxic effect of visible light on bacteria and the inhibition of the phototoxic effect following the addition of various scavengers to bacterial suspensions before exposure to light, support the hypothesis that the bactericidal effect of visible light involves photo-oxidative reactions.70

However, under incandescent light, bacteria grows. The bacterial growth seems to be affected by how much energy (temperature etc.) the light gives off. Visible light at high intensity kills bacteria while low-power light in the visible and near infrared region enhances bacterial proliferation. It can be determined that the relationship between light and bacteria is diverse, especially given that even the microscopic study of bacteria uses light. Brightfield (light) microscopy allows most bacteria, but not viruses, to be visualized.71

Materialist atheists, by definition, reject nonmaterial reality as being delusional. That prevents their having the ability to understand and experience side c (justice, love, mercy etc.) of higher communication. They have exiled themselves to the world of darkness, when the binding of words and phrases could be giving them the nonmaterial rewards of light. Zelda Schneurson Mishkovsky’s poetry of her orthodox Jewish experience provides an imperfect alternative to that extreme desacralized cosmos. The whole of creation groans for redemption.72 Whatever things were written aforetime were written for the learning of the redeemed that, through patience and comfort of the scriptures, they might have hope.73

The original sin brought material death,74 which includes necrosis from viruses and bacteria. Redemption from the original sin creates a new spiritual creature75 into the future but does not reverse the just consequences in the material succession of moments that make up recorded past linear time, i.e. death, pain of child birth, tolling etc.76 This forms the reality of nature today. It can not be overturned by finite human efforts. Mandatory U.S. schools are enacting the concept of intersectionality.77 This doctrine actively seeks to suppress innate masculine traits necessary for the promotion of mankind which thrive in the behavioral freedom of Christian individual and societal ethics, such as inventiveness, exploration, fighting against evil groups etc. The demonic message is that males, especially the identity intersection of Caucasian heterosexual boys, have been born into a counterfeit original sin, derived from anti-Christ values, they can never be redeemed from and are deserving of demonic societal oppression for being blessed by the Creator the oppressors hate.78 Predictably, the oppressed boys are disengaging from historic academic achievement and many are banding together, reportedly in record number, to form groups that reinforce their masculinity. Many of those groups are promoting extreme behavior they correctly believe is necessary for their mental and physical survival and thus the progress of civilization. Academic and economic oppression etc. is incremental murder by stealing God given time and abilities. If after justly treating others as you want to be treated,79 responding to reciprocated homicidal intent demands the prevention of your murder; Im ba l'hargekha, hashkem l'hargo (Hebrew for If someone comes to kill you [or someone else], rise up and kill him [first]).80 It is a righteous thing with God to repay misery to them that trouble you (II Thess. 1:6). The aggressive stance of the unredeemed against God, His law, and His people can be seen by the following photo of a religious service at Boston University’s (Methodist affiliated) Marsh Chapel in 2019. The homosexual RESIST flag draped over the altar is for the Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 20), officially recognized by the government of Ontario, Canada.

Omniscient and omnipotent God allows for all the variables of all individuals to freely achieve His designed purpose or not achieve that purpose. If group A achieves x, y, z it can be stated as A = (x, y, z), and if group B does not achieve x, y, z it can be stated as B ≠ (x, y, z), therefore A ≠ B, given both A and B have reached their designed potential. It is thus mathematically provable that A is not culpable for B not achieving. For B to assign unjust blame for inequality with A is to hate the Creator and His obvious preferences. A justly owes B no guilt for their difference in outcomes. For B to be unrighteously covetous of A highlights God’s wisdom in their unequally designed potential because B’s righteous character is demonstrated to be too small for greater blessings, which God knew before He created them. Blame for culpability of undesired outcomes is logically only applicable in cases where the relevant variables are actually in the domain of the finite participants. To use blame as a defacto position for all undesired outcomes is to wrongly assume Divine omniscience and omnipotence of the finite participants.

The original sin was a morally chosen less energy state than the perfect equilibrium energy state originally created between finite man and his environment. Then entropy and proceeding death was the necessary material energy state relationship with mankind. Man’s relationship with material energy was changed into a state where his material energy manipulation can never achieve equilibrium again, never the less any state of superiority. The Kardashev Scale was created to consider both energy access and knowledge of civilizations. It was developed in 1964 by the Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev, as he was futilely looking for signs of extraterrestrial life within cosmic signals. It has 3 base classes, each with an energy disposal level: Type I (10¹W),81 Type II (10²W),82 and Type III (10³W).83 Other astronomers have extended the scale to Type IV (10⁴⁶W)84 and Type V, where the energy and knowledge of this civilization would equal that of all energy and knowledge in not just our universe, but in all universes and in all time-lines making man a god as Satan deceitfully promised before the original sin was committed by Eve and then Adam.85 Mankind is at Type 0. Infinite Creator God can breathe life into dust86 or dry bones.87 He can heal entropy diseases, such as Mycobacterium leprae (leprosy) etc.88 He so loved sinful man that He sent His Son Jesus to die for those sins so that whoever believes in Him alone does not have to perish but can have everlasting life.89 Righteous love is superior to entropy and death. God is love and His Holy Spirit can comfort and teach the redeemed90 and give knowledge of infinite God.91 Just learning does not prevent the entropy of the knowledge of truth.92

God’s righteous light of love grows potential and His righteous light of justice, by necessity, confines potential. The contrast between being an atheist insect in the dark, like Kafka, is shown by the Christian John Milton’s complex sonnet on light:

When I consider how my light is spent
Ere half my days in this dark world and wide,
And that one talent which is death to hide
Lodg'd with me useless, though my soul more bent
To serve therewith my Maker, and present
My true account, lest he returning chide;
"Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?"
I fondly ask. But Patience to prevent
That murmur, soon replies: "God doth not need
Either man's work or his own gifts; who best
Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His state
Is kingly. Thousands at his bidding speed
And post o'er land and ocean without rest:
They also serve who only stand and wait."

(Many, many references went into the making of this paper. For example, Robert Wilson, former professor of Semitic Philology at Princeton Theological Seminary, and Edward Young’s, professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary, book A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament (February 2007 Ed.), Fenton Hort, Cambridge University former professor of theology, and J. Murray’s 1980 book Judaistic Christianity, and Merrill Unger’s, former professor of Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary, 1981 book Introductory Guide to the Old Testament, among many, many others.

1 From Kafka’s The Metamorphosis (Part 1). Kafka died of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bacteria are classified in the genus Mycobacterium based on their acid-fastness, the presence of cell wall mycolic acids containing 70 – 90 carbons, and a high guanine plus cytosine content in their DNA. This lifelong condition is spread by human-to-human contact. One third of the world’s population is infected with the organism. See P. Murray’s et al. 2016 book Medical Microbiology (8th Ed.), pp. 218-225.

The Old Testament has two passages reasonably connected to cases of tuberculosis common in ancient Egypt at that time: Lev. 26:16 and Deut. 28:22. The KJV and RSV word used is consumption (Latin consumptio for wasting during the time of the Bible translation used to mean tuberculosis) from Hebrew shachepheth, used in Hebrew today, schachefet, for tuberculosis. There are other passages referring to wasting, such as Ps. 106:15 and Is. 10:16, but the Hebrew words used make it less than certain it is a reference to tuberculosis. See Old Testament Biblical References to Tuberculosis by Virginia S. Daniel, Thomas M. Daniel. ‘Clinical Infectious Diseases,” Vol. 29, Issue 6, December 1999, pp. 1557–1558.

2 See the Elsevier book Biological Transmission of Disease Agents by Karl Maramorosch

and other free medical and veterinary entomology books at

3 P. Murray’s et al. 2016 book Medical Microbiology (8th Ed.), pp. 789-805.


Medical Microbiology (4th Ed.), Editor: Samuel Baron of the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; 1996.

5 P. Murray’s et al. 2016 book Medical Microbiology (8th Ed.), pp. 530-543.


7 P. Murray’s et al. 2016 book Medical Microbiology (8th Ed.), pp. 512-521.


9 P. Murray’s et al. 2016 book Medical Microbiology (8th Ed.), p. 800.

10 The Paris Agreement, 2015, was designed to gain public support on the pretense of altering the earth’s temperature. However, it used the term of climate change, noting weather does not recognize national borders, to provide a prelude to pursue world governance. Due to that attack on U.S. sovereignty, U.S. President Trump opted out of it in 2017, to the dismay of one world order supporters.

11 P. Murray’s et al. 2016 book Medical Microbiology (8th Ed.), p. 127.

12 Ibid. p. 372.

13 Ibid. p. 693.


15 Materials/Articles/Torok et al.pdf

16 Human-Animal Medicine by P. Rabinowitz and L. Conti, p. 378 etc. and Gordis Epidemiology (6th Ed.) by M. Szklo and D. Celentano, pp. 13-14 etc.

17 U.S. Department of State, "Adherence to and Compliance with Arms Control, Nonproliferation and Disarmament Agreements and Commitments," August 2005,

In 2019, two cases of bubonic plague were found in Mongolia. The bubonic plague is caused by a bacterium (Yersinia pestis) generally transmitted from fleas. Cases were found (2014) in Yumen, China. The U.S. also has had cases in Idaho and Wyoming.

18 This is a term meant to denote the Godless world meta narrative for past, present and future behaviors, with the obvious hopelessness for the future of human freedom, described by Kafka especially in his Der Process (German for The Trial, see page xxv translated by Mike Mitchell published by the Oxford University Press, 2009). He describes the autonomous inhuman bureaucracy and lack of civil rights historically derived from Christian doctrine that would be absent from an atheist dominated society that shared his beliefs. Compare that experience with the 2019 politically motivated assertions made against duly elected U.S. leader Donald Trump and Israeli leader Binyamin Netanyahu with those modeled by Jesus (Matt. 26:57-68, 27:11-14 etc.) and Paul (Acts especially 24:1-21 etc.) before Jewish and Roman systems around two-thousand years earlier.

19 See William Gertz’s 2019 book, Deceiving the Sky. Larry Wortzel is a military, government, and civilian expert in present Chinese affairs. In an email exchange between Wortzel’s office and Dallas F. Bell Jr. during October and November, 2019, he recommended the following articles on Chinese cyber capabilities and defense:

In November, 2019, Dr. Wortzel spoke to Bill Gertz. His Deceiving the Sky did not deal with bacteriological projection/disruption or biological warfare. However, Dr. Wortzel notes that China has acceded to the Biological Warfare Convention and to his knowledge China is in compliance with the convention. He suggests contacting the U.S. Mission to the United Nations or the Department of State to confirm China's current compliance.  On the current adequacy of U.S. biological warfare defenses, it would be helpful to contact the Surgeon General of the United States or the Office of the U.S. Army Surgeon General.

20 See Locke’s Letters Concerning Toleration (1689–1692). Locke was influenced by Baptist theologians like John Smyth and Thomas Helwys. They had published tracts demanding freedom of conscience in the early 17th century. Baptist theologian Roger Williams founded the colony Rhode Island in 1636. He combined a democratic constitution with unlimited religious freedom. His tract The Bloody Tenent of Persecution for Cause of Conscience (1644), which was widely read in England, was a righteous plea for absolute religious freedom and the separation of true Christian denominations and righteous government. Freedom of conscience had had high priority on the Christian theological, philosophical and political agenda, since Martin Luther refused to recant his beliefs before the Catholic Diet of Worms in 1521, unless he could be proved incorrect by the Bible.

21 Rev. 16:10-11.

22 Luke 16:25; Gal. 6:7-8.

23 A multiplicative inverse (the opposite) or reciprocal (equality), , of a number is a/b inverse b/a, such as 2 or 2/1 is 1/2. Two or 2/1 is obviously greater than 1/2. Then, the inverse or reciprocal of Ω is ℧ and so Ω > ℧.

24 P. Murray’s et al. 2016 book Medical Microbiology (8th Ed.), pp. 106-107, 116 etc.

Bacteremia is the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream and it can be either asymptomatic or result in a life-threatening infection, including sepsis. It is a leading cause of death for children in sub-Saharan Africa where childhood mortality rates are the highest in the world.

P. Murray’s et al. 2016 book Medical Microbiology (8th Ed.), p. 153.

In the following Los Alamos National Laboratory paper link, the scientists report on a method for the rapid and accurate detection of bacteremia using a technique that works by mimicking the way the human immune system recognizes pathogens.

25 Gen. 2:21-23; I Cor. 11:8; I Tim. 2:13.

26 Ex. 3:4. See George Ricker Berry’s, University of Chicago and Colgate University Department of Semitic Languages, The Interlinear Literal Translation of the Hebrew Old Testament with the King James Version and the Revised Version (1951), Zondervan Publishing House, p. 226.

27 Luke 10:41. For the Greek translation references of the New Testament passages see endnote 53 and for scholarship on the original Greek New Testament manuscripts see

28 Ps. 22:1; Matt. 27:46. The Greek “Eli”, KJV, and Geneva Bible (1599) is changed in the NIV to “Eloi.” See the Complete Jewish Bible translated by David Stern published by Messianic Jewish Publishers (1998) of Jerusalem, Israel, pp. 808, 1261. Stern earned his Ph.D. from Princeton University in economics and was a professor at the University of California at Los Angeles. He also received a Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary where he taught the first seminary course in “Judaism and Christianity.”

29 Gen. 22:11. See Berry’s interlinear literal translation with the KJV and RV, p. 74.

30 Gen. 46:2. See Berry’s interlinear literal translation with the KJV and RV, p. 196.

31 Num. 5:22 in KJV is “Amen, amen”, the Geneva Bible (1599) is “Amen, Amen”, and in the NIV is “Amen.” Neh. 8:6 is “Amen, Amen” in the KJV, the Geneva Bible (1599), and the NIV. See Stern’s Jewish Bible, pp.152, 1140.

32 I Sam. 3:10. See Stern’s Jewish Bible, p. 301.

33 Jere. 22:29. The original Hebrew is ‘erets (to be firm), translated in the KJV and Geneva Bible (1599) as “earth” and in the NIV as “land.” See Stern’s Jewish Bible, p. 586 (land).

34 Luke 22:31.

35 Acts 22:7.

36 Matt. 23:37-39.

37 John 1:51 etc. in the Greek and KJV is “verily, verily” and the (1599) Geneva Bible is “Verily, verily.” The NIV does not have “verily, verily.”

38 Pagans fall into the trap of devising childishly foolish attributes for the infinite holy God. He does not ride a mystical pink unicorn across rainbows anchored by buckets of gold. His true omnipotent attributes are described in Scripture. Jesus told of God’s holy sovereignty in a story of Lazarus (meaning God supplies help) who was a hungry, homeless, beggar in bad health without family and a healthy rich man who lived an extravagant life with his family (Luke 16:19-31). Both died and Lazarus went to paradise and the rich man went to hell. Unlike the rich man, Lazarus evidently prayed to God and knew enough theology to have a redeemed relationship with God who chose to leave him in a state of apparent suffering and need. Lazarus’ circumstances, evidently, were best for God’s glory and for Lazarus’ life potential. David (Ps. 37:25) and Solomon (Prov. 20:4) noted that God does not help the slothful but we know God does not forsake the redeemed who are to be content with whatever He provides (Heb. 13:5).

39 Matt. 18:19.

40 Matt. 18:20.

41 Echolalia, echophrasia, is the repeating of words, which may be functional or nonfunctional. Words may be repeated for nonsensical reasons--echopathy. In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Echo was cursed to be only able to repeat the last words spoken by another person. This made it impossible to help prevent Narcissus from falling in love with himself.

42 Deut. 19:15; Matt. 18:16; II Cor. 13:1.

43 Matt. 7:21-22.

44 Jere. 23:25. See Stern’s Jewish Bible, p. 588.

45 Joel 3:14. See Strong’s Concordance Hebrew entry 1995 hamown or hamon for tumult, crowd or multitudes and Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible (Vol. 4 Isaiah to Malachi, 10th Ed. in December of 2011), Hendrickson Publishers, p. 959.

46 II Sam. 19:4. See Stern’s Jewish Bible, p. 355.

47 German: Die Verwandlung.

48 There is not any known scholarship on Kafka’s repeating of names as found in the Bible but after his dismal health diagnosis he was known to have critically read the religious classics: Old and New Testaments, Kierkegaard, Augustine, Pascal, Tolstoy, and excerpts from the Talmud (see pages viii-ix of The Trial translated by Mike Mitchell published by the Oxford University Press, 2009). He worked on The Metamorphosis in 1912 and The Trial in 1914. The Trial only has a few repeated words, such as “No” and “True” (Mitchell’s translation, pp. 26, 52, 61, and 55 respectively). Thanks is extended to Stanley Corngold, Princeton University (emeritus) professor of German and Comparative Literature in the program of law and public affairs, for his encouragement and assistance with this subject expressed in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during October, 2019. A graduate of Columbia and Cornell Universities, Corngold has published widely on modern German writers and thinkers (e.g., Dilthey, Nietzsche, Musil, Kraus, Mann, Benjamin, Adorno, among others), but largely he has translated and written on the work of Franz Kafka. He recommended the Kafka linguistic scholarship of Marek Nekula, a professor of the Institute of Slavic Languages and Literatures and Chair of the Center for Czech Studies at the University of Regensburg.

49 Matt. 23:37, how often I would have gathered thy children together as a hen… etc.

50 Matt. 23: 38-39.

51 Dan. 5:25. See Stern’s Jewish Bible, p. 1107.

52 Matt. 7:21, 25:11.

53 Good Bible translations are an art which requires maximum understanding of potential Divine meaning(s). For example, there are six different Greek words translated “master” in the KJV, each having different shades of meaning. The Greek New Testament with the Greek Text of Stephens 1550 with an Interlinear Literal Translation by Samuel Bagster and Sons, Limited 4 New Bridge Street, London was used for this project. Jesus set the example for His quoting the divinely inspired Scripture of the Old Testament. When He said it is written etc. it was an exact representation of the original text, such as Matt. 4:4 of Deut. 8:3 etc. Art exposes the latent proclivities of the creating artist. This is inverse to Hermann Rorschach’s inkblot test where the (determinate) reaction to the form, movement, color, and shading on the ten Rorschach cards are thought to provide insight into the viewer’s proclivities etc. For example, the viewer’s inclusion of the white background could be interpreted as highly creative analytical skill.

54 Matt. 23:7. See

The Geneva Bible notes that to be called “Rabbi, Rabbi”, in Jewish tradition, is preferred because it is an announcement of superiority over one’s peers who are only called “Rabbi.” The Geneva Bible has “Ha, ha” (Eze.25:3), whereas the KJV and NIV has only “Aha” to culturally denote surprise “oh, oh” or laughter “ha, ha” (see Strong’s KJV concordance Hebrew 253 and 1889). The KJV has “Ha, ha” (Job 39:25) and the NIV “Aha” but the Geneva Bible has neither. The KJV and Geneva Bible has “Aha, aha” and the NIV has “Aha, Aha” (Ps. 35:21, 40:15, 70:3).

55 Luke 8:24. See

56 Biblical accounts are divinely inspired and if they seem to differ this would alter how we perceived total meanings of passages. So human translations of divine Scripture should always seek to be precise because finite understanding of infinite communication will always be lacking. Mariano Avila, professor of New Testament at Calvin Theological Seminary, indicated in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during November, 2019, that there may be diverse cases of interpretation from the original Greek. An email exchange between Amy-Jill Levine, Ph.D. (from Methodist affiliated Duke University) professor of New Testament Studies and Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt University’s Divinity School, and Dallas F. Bell Jr. in November, 2019, reflects the view of an orthodox Jewish adherent. She said she was “not an expert on versions of texts.  However: a. We do not have the original Greek of any Gospel: we have copies of copies. b. all translation is an art. c. Scribes have various tendencies: with double titles, the issue could be a copyist error on the one hand (hence the original is singular) or an attempt to make the text more meaningful (hence the repeat, as we see with “Martha, Martha”). d. There is no reason for a duplication in the invectives in Matthew 23. e. Much depends on which manuscripts the translators use; the KJV translators did not have access to texts that we now have.”


58 Mark 14:45.


60 The Amplified Bible is largely taken from the American Standard Version (1901).

61 Thanks is extended to Dr. D. Frank Bell Sr., retired senior pastor, for his assistance with this subject in a November, 2019, phone conversation with Dallas F. Bell Jr. In an email exchange with Daniel Wallace’s (professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, executive director of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, and past president of the Evangelical Theological Society) office and Joy Singh (graduate student at Dallas Theological Seminary) during November, 2019, Dallas F. Bell Jr. was provided this explanation for why there is a difference between the KJV account of the Scribes and Pharisees being called “Rabbi, Rabbi” (original Greek of Matt. 23:7) and the NIV passage of “Rabbi” and the account of Judas’ famous kiss of betrayal being accompanied with his saying (“Rabbi, rabbi” in the original Greek of Mark 14:45) “Master, master” in the KJV and the NIV only having “Rabbi”? The response is “The Greek Text (Nestle Aland 28th edition) records a variant reading in both the instances of double usage of the term "Rabbi." The earliest manuscript evidence (IV AD - Codex Vaticanus and Sinaiticus) to the singular reading of Rabbi has led the translation committees of NIV, ESV, NET, and NASB to consider it as the better reading. Whereas KJV has relied on some later manuscripts that attest to the double reading of the word Rabbi. Also, considering the internal evidence (drawn from the author's writing style and usage of certain words), the double usage of the term "Rabbi" does not occur in any of the gospel accounts. The presence of it can be attributed to dittography where a scribe while copying the word mistakenly copied it again. Considering the external evidence (manuscripts) and the internal evidence (author's style and scribal tendencies) NIV and others have deemed the single occurrence of Rabbi as the original reading. [For] further questions on the differences between some of the modern English translations and KJV you can also refer to the enclosed article by Dr. Wallace and the book, Reinventing Jesus, to further understand the basics of textual criticism.”

Well-meant explanations like the one above do not seem to address the following three issues: (1) the importance of confirmed repeated words in the Old Testament (see endnotes 26, 29, 30, and 51), (2) the possible significance for repeating words (e.g. endnote 54), and (3) the lack of randomness of repeated words in the New Testament, i.e. Rabbi etc. are used many times. Take a set of generated numbers for example. They can be examined for the randomness of dispersed numbers. If specific numbers are used more than expected by a random process, such as three and seven are used twice as much as other numbers, the numbers can be determined to likely have been generated by an intellect(s) and thus has rational purpose. Things made have an intellectual planner (the primary causer), the maker (the intermediate causal instrument), and the reason (the purposed final cause) (see widely studied Aristotle’s intentionality versus the absurdity of the alternative of unintentional intentionality). Those three causes for the created universe and Scripture are all through Jesus (Col. 1:16). In November, 2019, Julie Newberry, instructor of New Testament at Wheaton College and Ph.D. candidate at Duke University, indicated the following to Dallas F. Bell Jr. during an email exchange. “…there are cases of dittography where a scribe has accidentally double-copied a word, with no particular significance attaching to that repetition. However, this phenomenon does not account for every case of repetition in the biblical text. For instance, I would guess that repeated terms in some contexts (e.g., the repetition of a name in the context of a direct address) are more likely to be intentional repetition that was originally there, so to speak -- not simply accidental repetition due to scribal dittography. I say this because it makes sense rhetorically that a name might be repeated in the context of direct address. If such repetition is not carried over in some English translations, it may (at least in some cases) have more to do with the translation philosophy in play than with judgments about whether a case of repetition is best explained by dittography. What I mean is this: if a translation is aiming for more natural-sounding English and if in English we don't tend to repeat people's names in direct address, then a translation team might decide that the point conveyed by repetition in Greek (or Hebrew) would not be well conveyed by simply replicating the repetition in English.”

Bayes' theorem, named after 18th-century British mathematician and cleric Thomas Bayes, is a mathematical formula for determining conditional probability from his (1764) An Essay Toward Solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances. Statisticians use Bayes’ rule to revise probabilities in light of new information. Bayesian reasoning considers the necessary evaluation of probabilities of a hypothesis, as with the highly probable authenticity and meaning of biblically repeated words.

62 Ps. 43:3.

63 Ps. 36:9.

64 Eph. 5:13-17.

65 Matt. 11:7-19.

66 Matt. 11:19; Luke 7:35.

67 Matt. 11:20-24.

68 Matt. 11:25-26.

69 Matt. 11:27-30.


71 P. Murray’s et al. 2016 book Medical Microbiology (8th Ed.), p. 16 etc.

72 Rom. 8:22-23.

73 Rom. 15:4; I Cor. 10:11.

74 Gen. 3:1-7.

75 I Cor. 5:17. The redeemed have been made a part of the promised/prophesied future new creation (Is. 65:17; Rev. 21:1).

76 Gen. 3:16-19.


Due to perceived decades of black’s inability to academically compete with Caucasians and Orientals, it was reported, in 2017, that the University of Washington has determined that the idea of grammar itself (obviously necessary for complex communication and societies) is racist only toward blacks and a professor at the University of Illinois has determined that mathematics (obviously necessary for complex truths and societies) is racist only toward blacks. U.S. college campuses are an example of micro-groups allowed to create value systems and enforcement techniques in their environmental parasitic bubbles to self-replicate (within the U.S. and globalizing their intellectual doctrines) and compete against the host society. Another example is the U.S. prison system. Criminals are allowed to create parasitic criminal societies with their criminal values and enforcement to self-replicate and compete with the host society. The top 1% of the society’s wealthy risks elimination if they publically identify with groups that are at odds with the people that are the economic and moral backbone of the host society (e.g. French 200 years ago, Russians 100 years ago, and U.S. today). Their wealth already alienates them and attempts at self-replication will be resented. In a December 2019 symposium of Jewish philosophers, the paper by Dan Baras, philosophy department and the Martin Buber Society of Fellows at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, titled A Moral Argument Against Absolute Authority of the Torah was discussed. It was proposed that Divine commands in the Torah, such as capital punishment for violations of the Sabbath, sexual misconduct, or having other gods, etc., were to be ignored since they now violate popular sentiment called morality. The conclusion was that morality can be invented by finite humans and can be more moral than laws given by the infinite omniscient Creator. The purpose was to self-replicate people with the philosophy that man’s morals are superior to God’s stated morals. Of course, this begs the question of “How should conflicts in (moral) behavioral algorithms be resolved between the teachings in the Torah and popular sentiment void of a transcendent authority and would/should there be Divine justice, historically etc., for everybody doing what is right in their own eyes?” Doing what is right in one’s own eyes (Judg. 17:6, 18:1, 19:1 21:25 etc.) is not new and dates back to the disobedient Benjamites after Joshua’s death c. 1211 B.C. (Judg. 1:21-36, 2:11-15, 20-23 etc.) but God’s plan of grace for redemption has always been available (Is. 1:18; Acts 17:30-31 etc.). In a December, 2019, email exchange with Baras, he explained to Dallas F. Bell Jr. that as a recent convert to atheism he would attribute no authority to the Torah or anything divine whatsoever, which is a belief he promotes in all of his writings. Baras, D. SOPHIA (2019).

For information on self-replication see

If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do (Ps. 11:3)? In a December 2019 podcast of Mosaic Magazine, Tikvah’s Jonathan Silver was joined by two Jewish journalists, Avital Chizik-Goldschmidt, the life/features editor at the Forward, and Batya Ungar-Sargon, its opinion editor, to discuss the increased violence against the Jewish orthodox in New York, which is largely being ignored by liberals (progressives who constitute the largest hate group [of God and His followers] in the U.S.). Without a transcendent authority all behavior is equal and the meanings of behavioral words are unnecessary, such as good and evil, freewill, wisdom, creativity, morality, truth, lying, blasphemy, idolatry, murder, adultery, rape, perversion, honor, covetousness, stealing, soul, eternity, heaven and hell, prayer, hope, courage, love, forgiveness, justice, mercy, grace, trust, virtue, meekness, humility, charity, wrong and right, etc. The only rational behavioral algorithm is to do what is right in one’s own eyes as long as it is contrary to God’s commands. The logic gates of human neurology requires data derived from sensory input to be epistemologically stored as either good or evil for future decision-making. Thus, if God said not to murder the only alternative is to murder. Therefore, anti-Christ’s must input behaviors such as murder as good and not to murder as evil etc. Then, the behavioral words have not actually lost meaning so much as they have reversed meaning. That counterfeiting of behavioral options points back to their reality of a preexisting Divine origin thereby defeating the concept of a lack of Divine origin. (As with endnote 61, see the widely studied Aristotle’s intentionality versus the absurdity of the alternative of unintentional intentionality.)

78 Rom. 1:30; I Thess. 4:7-8.

79 Matt. 7:12; Luke 6:31.

80 Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin 72a, derived from Deuteronomy 22:26. Additionally, Ps. 82:4; Prov. 24:10-12; Is. 58:6-7; I John 3:16.

81 Have harnessed planetary energy. Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist, is reported to have indicated that this level requires tolerance of many cultures. The definition of tolerance is a variation from a standard of accuracy. The further the error at the beginning point of a vector line the more exaggerated it becomes reaching a point along its axis where it misses the correct position altogether. Kaku and any others that promote tolerance of incorrect standards are admitting that the potential for human cooperation is limited well short of grandiose human achievement expressed by so-called advanced civilization types. (See Possible future development of technologies, such as a stabilized heavy metal (e.g. synthetic moscovium 115 with a present relative atomic mass of 289 at 20° C and a half-life of 220 milliseconds; see to bend gravity for more efficient travel etc., can not compensate for mankind’s eventual chosen moral behavioral destruction (first most were destroyed [Gen. 6:7 with water], then selectively destroyed [Gen. 19:16-29 with fire], and last complete destruction must occur [Rev. 16:16 with fire] for the same behavior as with the first event [Matt. 24:37-39; Luke 17:26-31]).

82 Have harnessed stellar energy.

83 Have knowledge of all energy and has trans-species creations capable of physically self-replicating. They are galactic traversers.

84 Have harnessed the energy of the complete universe and have knowledge of new laws of physics.

85 Gen. 3:4-5.

86 Gen. 2:7.

87 Eze. 37:5-6.

88 II Kings 5:1-14 (c. 849 B.C.); Matt.8:2-4. See P. Murray’s et al. 2016 book Medical Microbiology (8th Ed.), pp. 225-226.

89 John 3:16.

90 John 14:26.

91 Col. 1:10.

92 II Tim. 3:7.