Abacus Tree of Theological Chess:
Science Deconstruction of Religious Adherent’s Mathematics
F. Bell, Jr.
may lie but an abacus can not lie.
Basic Theological Programing of Finite Humans1
as Chess Pieces
(White Knight g):
On a hill stands a tree with fruit round as
abacus beads. On one limb is an apple2
and on anther limb is another apple. One apple plus the other apple
equals two apples. The reality of that sum means it is immutably
true, and therefore is good, and any other sum is false, and is
thusly evil.
Learning (White Knight b):
The ratio of the circumference of one
apple to its diameter is 3.1416. When this measurement technique is
applied to the second larger apple the same ratio results. Another
truth is proven by replication of this process.
Infinity (White Rook a):
One apple may be divided by half. One
half of that apple may be further divided by half, which equals one
quarter of the whole. The quarter apple may be divided by half
equaling one eight. That process could extend forever, thereby
proving infinity.
Infinity (White Rook h):
Conversely, if one apple is added to
the two original apples that would equal three apples. If another
apple is added, then another, then another, this process could extend
into infinity. Therefore, infinity preexisted the apples.
(White Queen’s Pawn d):
The human intellect that counted the
apples will end in death and so is finite. However, the values of
the infinite numbers are eternal. The numbers produce equations with
true sums which must be eternally just. It would be eternally unjust
and evil to have a false sum.
and Forgiveness (White Pawn g):
Finite intellects will
intentionally and unintentionally produce false sums. Their
violation of eternal justice would require eternal punitive action.
Punitive action must have unmerited mercy or grace for eternal
forgiveness and redemption.
(White King’s Pawn e):
Redemption requires eternal love. The
eternal attributes of justice, mercy and grace, forgiveness and
redemption, and love are from intellect. That infinite eternal
Intellect has volition and thus Being.
(White Queen):
That Being would be infinitely and eternally
complete or holy. Finite apples and humans go from a state of order
to a state of disorder. Entropy indicates there was a start point of
highest order. The infinite eternal Being must have preexisted all
things beyond Himself.
and Space (White Pawn a):
Then, all things except the infinite
eternal Being could only have been created by Him at a point He
designated by employing His infinite eternal wisdom by applying His
attributes. The succession of moments after creation would be time
and the place of the creation is space.
Revelation (White Bishop f):
The Creator’s attributes would
require Him to instruct the intellects of His finite beings of His
infinite and eternal purpose(s). This text would employ history,
law, poetry, and be proven by fulfilled prophecies.
(White Pawn f):
The Divine text would have the Creator’s
immutable characteristics. A primary need of the text is to provide
finite humans purpose and hope for a future. That hope would include
the attributes of the Creator and emphasize the redemptive process.
Sin (White Bishop c):
The only way an infinite Creator could
forgive the trespass of His holy law by a finite intellect is by the
extension of His Divine holiness. That would require His coming to
earth and becoming a trespass-less sacrifice.
(White King):
The theanthropos would need to have been
prophesied in Divine text and fulfilled. Finite intellects would
have to understand theanthropos and trust Him as part of a trinity of
Being. That One whole Being would be Father, the Son Mediator
between God and man, and the Spirit.
and Faith (White Pawn b):
The triune God would have eternally
communed with each other by love. Finite intellects would want to
pray to that just God of love seeking a relationship. That
relationship would come from salvation by faith.
Spiritual Evil (White Pawn c):
Finite humans innately do not
want to be lied to, stolen from, or murdered. Yet, each finite human
lies to others, steals, and murders if only by hating without cause.
There is a finite spiritual being that is the father of liars,
thieves, and murderers.
in Eternal Afterlife (White Pawn h):
Finite intellects that
accept the redemptive plan in the Divine text would pass away into
eternal existence with the triune Being in heaven and those that
reject His plan would pass into eternal existence separated from a
relationship with the triune Being.
Systems Science of Religious Adherents
the communist3
Iris Murdoch’s 1985 novel, The
Good Apprentice, one
of her central characters, Stuart Cuno, is consumed by the question:
what does it mean to live meaningfully, richly, fully in a world
where God does not seem to exist? “He just sits wrestling with
father laments, “wondering what the purehearted young idealist does
now.” He cannot be a soldier, the father laughs; he cannot be a
priest. Rather: “He wants to be like Job, always in the wrong
before God, only he’s got to do it without God.” Lao Tzu’s Tao
Te Ching
(Chapter 42, p. 75)5
expresses the Taoist belief of how and what made things come into
being. Each view recognizes the inevitability of innate religious
beliefs that forms individual anchor bias of what is considered good
and evil needed to establish rational individual goals and behavior.
theological components in section I forms an organic whole. Its
structure and functionality make it a system6
that can be studied. That scientific method of making an
observation, forming a theory, and then proving or disproving it with
replication is part of the system itself (Scientific Learning).
Religions and their adherents can be dissected or deconstructed, as
analytical philosophy, with system science for comparison. Simply
put mathematically the whole = the whole and the whole – an element
is < a whole. Then, systematic political science deconstructs
societal institutions and their members with systems science.7
world’s religions with the most adherents are Satanism, Hinduism,
Buddhism (Japanese Shintoism shares many Chinese Buddhist and
Confucian beliefs), Taoism (Confucianism shares many Taoist beliefs),
Islam, Judaism, Catholicism,8
and Christianity. Many complex analyses may be made of each of those
belief systems for compliance with the components in section I.
Ultimately, they come down to Salvation, Prayer and Faith, and
Mercy/Grace and Forgiveness. Each rejects the triune Creator’s
Mediator and salvation by grace through faith alone except
Christianity. Their alternative is futile finite works for
self-justification with the infinite God, such as with Confucianism,9
and Judaism12
Luther famously went from little belief to Catholic belief and
finally to Christian compliance with the theological programming
found in Christian beliefs of grace.13
During that journey, Luther came to despise God. He wrote “I did
not love…I hated the righteous God who punishes sinners…I beat
importunately upon St. Paul at the place (Romans 1:17)14
most ardently desiring to know what St. Paul wanted.”15
Then He said, “Diese
Kunst hat mir der Spiritus Sanctus auf diss Cloaca eigeben”
(German meaning “The Holy Spirit gave me this art in the cloaca
[outhouse]”). “At last, by the mercy of God, meditating day and
night, I gave heed to the context of the words, namely, “In the
righteousness of God is revealed,” as it is written, He who through
faith is righteous shall live.” There I began to understand that
the righteousness of God is that by which the righteous lives by a
gift of God, namely faith. And this is the meaning: the
righteousness of God is revealed by the gospel, namely, the passive
righteousness with which the merciful God justifies us by faith, as
it is written, “He who through faith is righteous shall live.”
Here I felt that I was altogether born again and had entered paradise
itself through open gates. Thus a totally other face of the entire
Scripture showed itself to me…And I extolled my sweetest word with
love as great as the hatred with which I had before hated the word
“Righteousness of God.” Thus that place in Paul was for me truly
the gate to paradise.”16
What Luther had found in the outhouse was the antithesis to the
golden splendor of papal Rome. The scheisse17
was in fact golden from the infinite worth of God’s grace whereas
the finite pope’s cheap grace was a satanic counterfeit containing
the devil’s own worthless scheisse.18
of the theological system also indicate other failures to conform,
such as Jews murdered the Jewish Christ Jesus, Hindu’s murdered
those like the Apostle Thomas,19
Catholics murdered many in the Dark Ages, and today many murders are
committed every day in the name of Islam. Not loving one’s
neighbor and hating20
without a cause is also murder (see the 2017 Chinese study of love
and hate21
and the Buddhist lines of Lowell Lo’s, born Lo Kwok Fu in 1950,
of a Lifetime,
“In the ocean of suffering, roll waves of love and hate, In this
world it’s hard to escape your fate.”22)
Many just present untruths violating the Truth section etc. For
example, the systems science Indian Institute of Technology of
Jodhpur’s Hindu motto “You are the entire Knowledge and Science”23
has numerous scientific flaws (i.e., the axiomatic abilities of
infinite God versus the abilities of finite man etc.). That fallacy
is based on “the one that pervades the all” or a unity of all,24
which fails to understand the omnipresent dimensional occupation of
creation by infinite God, wherein the separation allows for freewill
by intellects to accept or oppose Him. That distinction between God
and His creation is necessary for the reality of the allowed finite
opposition to Him because a kingdom, city, or house divided by itself
can not stand…25
like jumping over one’s own shadow.26
Stefan Zweig mused in The
Royal Game
how a prisoner that had to play himself chess in solitary confinement
would be schizophrenic pretending to constantly guess the maneuvers
of both White and Black and pretending to not know the previous
moves—an unwinnable inner conflict.27
thinking this and not this, especially morally, leads to observable
unstable behavior.28
No one can serve two masters, either he will love the one and hate
the other or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. No one
can serve both Elohim and anything else, i.e. mammon.29
How long can one falter between two opinions? If the Lord be God
follow Him, but if something else follow it.30
Choose this day whom you will serve.31
Because you are neither hot nor cold God will vomit you out of His
centuries, non-Christian religious thought in China has promoted the
oxymoron that all things give birth (implying increased order) while
in opposition (meaning resistant to and contrary to) to each other,
and mutually support and react to each other (wan
wu xiang sheng xiang ke, xiang gan xiang ying).
The notion of synergism is then developed, which says that the sum
of the action of discrete (separate, distinct, unrelated) agencies is
greater than the action of the agencies taken independently. The
concept of synergy (meaning cooperation and collaboration) comes from
this absurd religious belief in the systemic oneness of the world,
which is believed to parallel a law of unity of opposites
proposed by Heraclitus33
Tzu. It nonsensically assumes through conflicts opposites are
unified and within the unification there are still opposites.34
value of 1 and its opposite value of -1 equals the value of 0, but
the value of 1 and 1 equal the increased value of 2 as well as the
value of -1 and -1 equals the increased value of -2, and so the value
of 2 and the value of -2 are extended opposites that still equal the
value of 0. Love and its accepted opposite of hate equal 0, but love
and love equal increased joyfulness as well as hate and hate equal
increased sadness, and so joyfulness and sadness are extended
opposites that still equal 0. Justice and injustice equal 0, but
justice and justice equal increased peace as well as injustice and
injustice equal increased turmoil, and so peace and turmoil equal 0.
These examples disprove a systemic oneness of the world and
invalidate a law (meaning without exceptions) of the unity of
opposites. This reality is demonstrated in an economic system where
individuals may justly apply their Divine gifts and efforts to earn
which peacefully creates a range of just (First World) outcomes or
individuals may be unjustly prevented from applying their Divine
gifts and efforts to earn which creates turmoil with unjust (Third
World) outcomes deceptively called social justice by unjust
socialists (creators of high levels of turmoil) and unjust communists
(creators of very high levels of turmoil). Those options are moving
in opposite directions and can not have true unity.
Taoist belief of systems’ emergence is expressed as 1 + 1 > 2,
which does not quantify the exact value of > 2 for analysis and
gives rise to the scientifically disproven beliefs of randomness,
chance, chaos, and the biological evolution of a state becoming more
complex state etc.35
Evolution is a major tenant of other religions, such as Buddhism36
and Hinduism37
abacus can not lie. The values of numbers are immutable, e.g. 1
always is equal to 1 so 1 + 1 will always = 2. If the sum is larger
than 2 the components are more than 1 + 1 and not equal to 1 + 1. To
say the sum of a system is greater than its parts is a hyperbolic
expression of positive bias toward the sum. No matter how much
someone likes apple pie, the apple pie is not greater than the
apples, sugar, flower, heat etc. that make the pie “system,” any
more than a burnt apple pie is any less great than the sum of its
parts due to negative bias (1 + 1 < 2). Biological evolution of
fixed DNA is not possible any more than autonomous computer evolution
of software to a greater state is possible. Ultimately, something
from nothing requires a preexistent infinite Creator.
21 September, 2021, Adam Finkel, Clinical Professor of Environmental
Health Sciences at the University of Michigan School of Public
Health, stated in an email that Anthony Cox’s38
belief of the scientific method, including the last
testing/replication for proof phase, “can’t be the only game in
town.” He elaborated that “consensus” should be the goal. Cox
maintained, in his email from 20 September, that those practicing
what is now called science is what used to be called authority before
Galileo. Ron Law, a risk and policy advisor, followed up in an email
on 22 September, that he had attended several FDA, US Food and Drug
Administration, approval meetings for both drugs and vaccines. The
latest meeting compared random ages for levels of antibodies to other
random correlations and, of course, reached an invalid conclusion for
Chinese virus (Covid-19) vaccine policies, which they promoted as
true. This New Age (combinations of Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism etc.
= Satanism) science has left true scientists “shaking their
collective heads.” On 20 September, 2021, Fox news revealed a
PowerPoint presentation from the US Army justifying Chinese virus
(Covid-19) vaccine mandates with a slide, containing a drawing of
Satan in the position of authority, that says “How many children
were sacrificed to Satan for the vaccine?” along with listing 7
tenets of Satanism taken directly from a Satanist website. Pentagon
officials admitted the slide was shown to Army service members but
claims it wasn’t approved by leadership.39
is a social psychological
developed by Jack Brehm in 1966.40
is concerned with how individuals react when they perceive their
freedom of choice is restricted. In 1991, research into the realm of
communication and message framing by Lillian Southwick Bensley and
Rui Wu looked at how college students
to differently framed anti-drinking messages. They discovered that
strongly worded messages often induced reactance. Eve reacted to
God’s boundaries in Eden41
and Pharaoh famously reacted against the Divine choice Moses
presented him with during the ten plagues.42
Machiavelli recognized the theological system and wrote it’s all
very well to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright,
and to be so, but with a mind so disposed (to lying) that should you
need to be otherwise from those qualities, you will be able to become
the opposite.43
choice theory of religion posits individuals do not simply decide to
remain or to become a member of a religious group because they have
been socialized into it or because they feel pressure from their
friends and relatives. Instead, they actively weigh the costs and
the benefits to determine whether a particular religious group is
right for them.
flesh is slavery and hates spiritual freedom.44
In the end, either one and one’s religious beliefs complies with
God or complies with Satan by default. Satan rejected God due to
pride. This means a finite intellect makes themselves self-wise
above the infinite God and His authority.45
They become King instead of God. Either one is a Christian or one
is a Satanist, whatever the religious title.
Summary of Theological Chess
I provided the components of the eternal theological system, S1.
Those elements are the boundaries of the system itself. The boundary
is a part of the system and separates the system from the
It is natural that there is interaction between systems. This
interaction may be generalized as interactions between objects, S1
and S2, as the framework of subsystems, Si,
of a larger system, S. In this case, the true theological system,
S1, is expected and observed to have interactions with false
theological systems, S2, S3… Assuming that Si
S, i
= 1, 2, it may be considered that system S1 has a weak effect on S2,
or has a strong effect on S2, or a part or parts of S1 has at least a
weak effect on a part or parts of S2.47
term chess is derived from check meaning to restrain, or to test by
examination or comparison. In John Locke’s (1689) An
Concerning Human Understanding,
he used chess48
to establish his epistemology of empiricism.49
Expert players50
write that the moves of the pieces are like the conclusions of
syllogisms. A 2018 British study found that the age group of
individuals older than 55 were more capable of playing chess, among
many other cognitive things, than millennials.51
In an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during September, 2021,
Trevor Robbins, a professor of cognitive neuroscience and Director of
Research at the Behavioral and Clinical Neuroscience Institute at
Cambridge University’s Department of Psychology, indicated the
demographics for the Master level of chess peaks around 27 years of
order to make a crude demonstration of the interactions between true
and false theological religions and their adherents, section 1
converted its subsets to Western chess pieces.53
The beginning positions are on the following chess board.
all things were created by the self-existent Creator and White makes
the first move, S1 will be White and its opposition, S2 will be
Black. Of the twenty possible opening chess moves54
for White, 1. e455
(Love, the White King’s Pawn), 1. d4 (Justice, the White Queen’s
Pawn), 1. Nf3 (Truth, White Knight), and 1. c4 (Discerning Spiritual
Evil, White Pawn) are the most popular since they promote rapid
development and control of the center. S2 is the de
Satanist belief in the father of lies56
and may respond with Black’s 1. e5 (the Black King’s Pawn = <
Love such as Apathy or Malice or Hate) to White’s e4.57
innate human security programming of identifying integrity (from
Latin integer meaning whole, completeness of honesty) to establish
trust can immediately find issues with truth in Chess Master Peter
Kurzdorfer’s book, The
Tao of Chess.
He explains how his religious philosophy of Tao is the way and
advocates selflessness as it follows the principles of good in
searching for truth and understanding, p. x. Then, he advocates the
chess strategy of Aron Nimzovich to “First restrain, next blockade,
lastly destroy,” p. 91, the French proverb “You cannot play at
chess if you are kind-hearted,” p. 152, and the strategy of Larry
Evans “The chess master must have courage, a killer instinct,
stamina, and arrogance,” p. 167. Obviously, the prideful practice
of Tao includes Machiavellian
and destruction. His chief (Satanic) strategy is to hatefully “Get
the King and it is all over,” p. 26.58
omnipotent God lovingly created finite Satan with the knowledge that
he would choose pride and hatefully oppose Him. God set his
boundaries by placing him in this space and time. In this same
space, God then lovingly created man, from Adam and Eve and Luther to
each of us today, knowing we would also choose to hatefully oppose
Him as Satan modeled. At the appointed time, Christ came to this
space, as Jesus, to redeem mankind. As God knew, Satan would murder
Him and thus redeem all of repentant mankind by Christ Jesus’
perfect sinless blood sacrifice. God’s eternal redemption gambit
was based on His perfect prediction of Satan and man’s choices and
is innately recognizable by finite human intellect. That perfect
counter-intelligence operation is only recorded by the Bible. This
validates the Divine inspiration of biblical Scripture as no other
religious text contains such necessary Divine redemptive maneuvers of
the infinite Master of chess.
Jesus said in Scriptural Revelation “I am the way, the truth and
the life and no person comes to Father God except through Me.”59
The King for White is true salvation60
by Christ Jesus61
the eternal King. The king for Black is the false belief in
salvation by one’s own abilities. White’s eternal checkmate of
Black is the only possible outcome. White wars against Black
principalities and strongholds.62
White’s Prayer and Faith is for hands that war63
and to preach Jesus.64
It is foolish to idolatrously replace the true values of the
theological chess pieces with false values. Untruth is antithetical
to truth and, by definition, they can not be integral. The eyes of a
fool are in the ends of the earth.65
building means there was a builder and creation means there was a
preexistent Creator.66
Good comes from the Creator’s children and evil comes from His
enemy, Satan’s children.67
The unreconciled with God are His enemies.68
Sun Tzu’s The
Art of War
is the military adaptation of the Tao
Te Ching.
It prizes causing fear in opponent’s imaginations, which leads to
fatigue and defeat.69
“Fear is a distorting mirror in which anything can appear as a
caricature of itself…What is most absurd suddenly seems the most
God has not given His followers the spirit of fear, but of power,
love, and a sound mind.71
an email exchange during September, 2021, with Donald McKim, retired
Presbyterian pastor, author, editor, and seminary professor, he
suggested to Dallas F. Bell Jr. that Christians (1) “Look for
opportunities: On the chessboard—keep looking for the ‘best
move,’ and In Christian life—look for what God is leading you
toward;” (2) “Develop a plan: On the chessboard—we develop a
strategy through our moves, trying to accomplish a goal and find good
positions, and In Christian life—we pay attention to God’s Word
and try to structure our lives to be in accordance with God’s
will;” (3) “Be Adaptable: On the chessboard—we always have to
be aware of our opponent’s moves and how they may change the
situation at hand on the board, and In the Christian life—when
difficulties (or opportunities) arise, we must be open and adaptable
to the new situations of our lives and what God desires.”
endurance from generation to generation makes it a pliable metaphor
for abstract ideas and complex systems innately used by many people
to understand the human condition. Interfaith proponents
schizophrenically attempt to bridge the relational gap between S1 and
S2, S3 … They can never bridge the theological gap, which is the
boundary. In chess terms, God’s white, S1, would need to submit
all eternal truth, strategies, and moves to Satanic black, S2,
violating God’s Being and His Scriptural Revelation. Black’s
temporal system eternally disappears on comparison with white’s
system from deconstruction—checkmate!
our Lord God in this life—in
das sheisshause—has
given us such noble gifts, what will happen in that eternal life,
where everything will be perfect and delightful?” Martin Luther72
See papers such as
God’s law is to be as the
apple of one’s eye (Prov. 7:2).
Conradi, Peter J. (2001). Iris
Murdoch: A Life.
Norton, New York.
Richard (1984). Iris
Murdoch. Methuen,
Jeffrey (Summer 1990). "Iris Murdoch: The Art of Fiction No.
117". The Paris
Review (115):
Wroe, Ann
(31 January 2015). "Of literature and love". The
Graeme (23 January 2015). "The secrets of Iris Murdoch and John
Bayley's unconventional marriage". The
English translation (2010).
Shambhala Publications. Boulder, Colorado. The
Tao Te Ching is a
classic Chinese text written around the 6th century BC by Lao Tzu, a
Zhou-dynasty courtier. While its authorship is debated, the text
remains a fundamental building block of Taoism and one of the most
influential works of its time. Today it’s one of the
most-translated works in the world. The work itself is a series of
81 short poetic sections.
Yi Lin (2013). Systems
Science: Methodological Approaches.
Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, p. 23. Thanks is
extended to Yi Lin, professor of mathematics at Pennsylvania State
Slippery Rock, for his email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. on
August, 2021, regarding this subject.
See the numerous papers at
The Catholic church position on
apocrypha books are that they are canonical, even though they have
been proven to be dubious. Edgar Goodspeed’s (1959) The
Apocrypha, Vintage
Books, University of Chicago Press, p. xiv-xvi, xx-xxii etc.
Christian philosophy today teaches 1. None of the Apocrypha writers
claims to be inspired by God.
apocryphal books themselves make reference to what we call the
silent 400 years, when there was no prophet of God to write inspired
materials. The writers of these apocryphal books even stated
themselves that they were writing at a time when there was no direct
revelation from God. 2. The New Testament Jews never included them
in any Jewish collection of Scriptures. Firstly, because the
Apocryphal books were written in Greek, and not in the Hebrew of the
Old Testament. But secondly, because they didn’t regard these
books as divinely inspired. Later, the Jewish historian Josephus
expressed this view, which was common at the time of Jesus. 3. The
literary style of the Apocrypha is regarded as poor. Scholars
regard it as being very different from the style of the Biblical
Hebrew Old Testament writings. Experts say that the language is
stiff and lacks the originality and beauty associated with the Old
Testament books. 4. Unlike the Old Testament, the Apocrypha was
never validated or quoted by Christ. He often quoted from the
Psalms, the Pentateuch and the Prophets – but never from the
Apocrypha. 5. The Apocrypha contains a great variety of errors –
historical, geographical, chronological, and moral. These books
describe Jeremiah and Baruch as being in Babylon when the Bible says
they were in Egypt. They give one man, Tobit, a life span of 158
years, but place him at events 210 years apart. They teach that
suicide is a noble and manful act. They teach that magic potions
can drive away demons. 6. The Apocrypha promotes doctrines which
contradicts the Bible. For example: They teach that prayers of the
living can bring salvation for the dead. They say giving to the
needy can atone for sin. They claim that humans can reach a stage
of sinless perfection. They teach that women are less than men and
should be dominated by men.
Although Confucians do not have
beliefs about the individual salvation or damnation of persons
beyond this life, worship of finite dead ancestors is an important
part of Confucian faith and practice. A Confucian sees both
salvation here and now, i.e. in the sense that one has attained the
Confucian goal of actualizing one's innate, Tian-given and
Tian-identified, potential. Confucius was not interested in
individual salvation or individual rights. He emphasized the
collective well-being of society by virtues of courtesy,
selflessness, obedience, respect, diligence, communal obligation,
working for a common good, social harmony, and empathy.
Z. Huang
(2009). Confronting
Confucian Understandings of the Christian Doctrine of Salvation.
From a biblical perspective,
Shintoism has no system of ethical or moral instruction, no absolute
right or wrong, no concept of sin and salvation, and no concern for
a life after death. Yet, in a sense, salvation is achieved in Shinto
through observance of all tapas (penance) and by avoiding people and
objects that might cause impurity or pollution. A person's Kami
nature survives death; therefore, fulfillment of duty is paramount
to a Shinto being remembered with dignity after his death. Older
Shinto ceremonies were dedicated to agriculture and always
emphasized ritual purity. Worship took place outdoors at sites
deemed to be sacred. https://
Ergun Caner and Emir Caner
(2002). Unveiling
Islam. Kregel
Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan. pp. 142-151, 247 etc.
Cohen, Abraham (1995).
Everyman’s Talmud:
The Major Teachings of the Rabbinic Sages.
Schocken Books, New York. pp. 104-110 etc.
Metaxas, Eric
(2017). Martin Luther:
The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World.
Penguin Random House, New York. pp. 1-480.
In salvation from the gospel of
God “the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith…But
the righteous shall live by faith.”
German for crap or shit.
German-English English-German Dictionary (2009
Second Edition), Pocket Books, New York.
Metaxas book, pp. 97-98.
The text called
Acts of Thomas (c. AD
200-220) says he was martyred in Mylapore, India, where he was
stabbed with spears. Syrian Christian tradition specifies Thomas was
martyred in Mylapore on July 3, 72 AD, noting that he was
killed with a spear. An early ecclesiastical calendar entry reads:
“3 July, St. Thomas who was pierced with a lance in ‘India’.”
Father Vincenzo Maria was one of four Carmelite friars sent to
India by the Pope in 1656, when the Dutch were becoming ascendant on
the seas, to try to keep Thomas’ Christians loyal to Rome.
Vincenzo Maria wrote a memoir of his mission. In it he summarized
the travels of Thomas, as recounted by sixteenth and
seventeenth-century friars. His account is a convenient summary of
the various traditions and legends that had evolved through the
centuries. Thomas, he says, began his mission in Syria-Mesopotamia.
From there the apostle went east to China, "the States of the
Great Mogul," and "the kingdom of Sian." (The city of
Sian in northwest China was the ancient capital of the Han dynasty,
western Tang capital, and site of a Nestorian stele.) He then
revisited his original Middle East converts.
Hagar hated Sarah, Ishmael hated
Isaac, and Esau hated Jacob/Israel, legalists hatred of the grace of
Christians etc. are allegories for fleshly slavery versus spiritual
freedom (See the many Bible references).
Lama, Dalai (2005). The
Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and
Broadway Books, New York. pp. 105-106 etc.
Motto in Sanskrit is त्वं
See the
T'oung Pao
article titled "The One That Pervades the All in Ancient
Chinese Political Thought: The Origins of "The Great Unity"
See the words of Christ Jesus at
Matt. 12:25-26, Mark 3:24-25, and Luke 11:17-18.
Zweig, Stefan (written in 1941
and published in 1943 after his suicide). The
Royal Game (also
titled Chess Story and originally titled German Schachnovelle).
Penguin Books, London. p. 18.
Ibid, pp. 18-20. Shenk, David
(2006). The Immortal
Game: A History of Chess.
Anchor Books, New York. pp. 149-150.
Yi Lin’s book pp. 107-114.
Ibid, pp. 3, 34, 39, 114-144
etc. Powell, James (1982). The
Tao of Symbols.
Quill, New York. pp. 196-199 etc.
Dalai Lama’s book pp. 98-100
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada (1984). Coming
Back: The Science of Reincarnation.
The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Los Angeles. Pp. 99-100 etc. (Note:
the author of this book clearly does not understand/violates the
scientific method which must include replication for proof.)
In a 22
September follow up email addressing Cox, Finkel admitted that the
EPA, US Environmental Protection Agency, often does speculate and
promotes it as science, i.e. proven to be true when it is not.
See the coverage at many sites
such as
Machiavelli, Niccolò
(2006). The Prince
(Chapter XVIII, Concerning The Way In Which
Princes Should Keep
[the Catholic] Faith). Sweetwater Press, USA. pp. 129-134.
See Confucian pseudo-wise
statements in Yi Lin’s book, p. 201 etc.
See Book II (Ideas), Chapter
XIII (Complex Ideas of Simple Modes: and First, of the Simple Modes
of the Idea of Space), Section 8 (Place relative to particular
bodies) and Section 9 (Place relative to a present purpose) etc.
Locke argued that each human
mind is informed by experience and senses contrary to Rene
Descartes’ rationalism of knowledge coming from reasoning and
Such as international champion
chess Grandmaster Lev Alburt and former editor of “Chess Life”
Larry Parr’s 2003 Secrets
of the Russian Chess Masters: Beyond the Basics.
W. W. Norton & Company etc.
differences in chess play were noticed in 1973.
Regarding neurological
demographics of chess players, Kenneth Regan, Professor in the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of
Buffalo, indicated to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange during
September, 2021, “the lack of such a resource is a subtext of my
article "Pandemic Lag" on the blog Gödel's Lost Letter
and P=NP. The International Chess Federation (FIDE) has not
either worked out geographical differences in ratings, which were
addressed in an article by Svitlana Demchenko on the ChessBase
website in June. A comprehensive study linked to the intrinsic
quality of chess play (as judged by computers) is being led by Dr.
and Grandmaster David Smerdon of the University of Queensland,
Australia, but he told me last week that it is not close to
releasing a preprint.” Regan’s recommended links are:
On many levels, Western
chess is distinguished from xiangqi
(Chinese chess or elephant chess) and other chess categories.
Oxford Companion to Chess
lists 1,327 opening combinations of moves.
See world champion Robert
Fischer’s quote “1. e4 is best by test” in Kurzdorfer, Peter
(2004). The Tao of
Chess: 200 Principles to Transform Your Game and Your Life.
Adams Media, Avon, Massachusetts. p. 19. For Fischer’s
strategies see his book Bobby
Fischer Teaches Chess
(1972). Bantam Books, New York.
For an explanation of opening
moves see: Shenk, David (2006). The
Immortal Game: A History of Chess.
Anchor Books, New York. p. 25. En
passant (French: [ɑ̃
paˈsɑ̃], lit. in passing) is a move in chess. It is a special
pawn capture that can only occur immediately after a pawn makes a
move of two squares from its starting square, and it could have been
captured by an enemy pawn had it advanced only one square. This
possibility for Pawns is a strategy as is their promotion (to Queen
or another strategic choice) when reaching the last row of the
opposing side.
See endnote 55. Fisher’s book
correctly indicates the chess endgame is to seize the king, p. 20.
II Cor. 10: 3-4; Eph. 6:12.
Tzu, Sun (1991). The
Art of War. Shambhala
Publications, Boston, Mass. pp. 57-58 etc.
Zweig, Stefan (2008). The
Post-Office Girl
(also titled The Intoxication of Transformation from the original
German title Rausch
der Verwandlung). New
York Review, New York. pp. 116-117.
Metaxas’ book p. 93. (German
in das sheisshause
literally means in the shithouse.)