Systematic Political Science        

Llamiy Muyukunta:1 Virtue Oscillations in Expander Graphs

(This is the prose version of the poem by the same title.)


Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

The homily of James’ qawapay2 begins.—

Mayor and distinguished quests, thank you for honoring me with the Person of the Year Award for Gatlinburg, Tennessee. I understand it is customary to speak a few minutes about how one gets to this point in life. As a bond servant of Christ,3 the humility that now overwhelms me was first nourished by my gun-toting grandmother, which I will explain later. You can immediately deduce by my appearance that I am different from most people here, which I will explain later. I am known by most of you here as James but my whole name is Jorge Santiago Alejandro, which will be explained later. My native language is Quechua, the language of around eight million indigenous peoples of South America. This pre-Incan way of communication, qhipa p’unchaw, meaning “back down” sees both time past as future and the future as behind.4 Suffice it to say many people realize all people’s lives are a series of decisions made from a series of experiences within a series of environments. Given the non-linear dynamics of all those possible variables, as so many pool balls having been struck and bouncing off each other, it is expedient to offer the details of my life chronologically, as a data manifold, and naturally expect an ordered result for how it is I stand before you today. Additionally, Raymond Sheldon discovered with plankton, in orders of magnitude on a logarithmic scale, that as you go up in size the number drops making an inverse relationship between size and number. There are always more smaller sizes with the overall mass remaining the same. This is true for bacteria, whales, or cells in the human body.5 The linguist George Zipf discovered a similar ratio in language where the number of smaller words used projects the use of larger words. So be forewarned, if I use large words, I am simply being slave to nature’s parameters.6

I speak the Incan language Runasimi, Quechua for people’s language. This makes me a Runa. I am from Wanuku or Huánuco, Peru. As the condor flies, this is around one-hundred and twenty-five miles north of the capital of Lima. South of Lima is the highest city in the world, La Rinconada.7 It is in the Andes on the side of Mount Ananea above the world’s highest navigable lake, Lake Titicaca. La Rinconada is known for its gold mines and has no running water, hospitals, sewers, or paved roads. By contrast, the lowest city in the world is the modernized municipality of Jericho, Israel. It is six miles north of the Kalya kibbutz beside Qumran in the Judean Desert.8 The Dead Sea, its shoreline has the world’s lowest land elevation,9 scrolls verified the accuracy of biblical text, and were found in the caves of Qumran from 1947 to 1956. From sea level, everyone that ascends to a peak appears to converge motivations, and everyone that descends to depths appears to converge motivations.10

My town of Huánuco, is just east of the ancient city of Caral-Supe near the Supe river. In Andean chronology, it is in the preceramic VI period. It has many temples where human sacrifice was practiced. Its six pyramids are thought to be as old as those in Egypt.11 The Sun Temple in Cusco has proven Quechua astronomical ability.12 Nearby is the Temple of the Moon, which is lined with silver. God has ordained the moon and the stars.13 I believe I have inherited their engineer’s love of math though I understand more than the ancients because I have kept God’s precepts.14

The Raimondi Stele is a six-foot-high granite tribute to the Peruvian Staff god, the main creator god of the Chavin culture, from around fifteen-hundred to three-hundred B.C. It has Incan or Peruvian cubism as the Lady of Cao’s, a Moche culture mummy, abstract religious spider and snake tattoos of around four-hundred and fifty A.D. Pablo Picasso’s style has been noted to have followed these patterns. Picasso said “I am a communist and my painting is communist painting.”15 Claude Lévi Strauss, a Jewish agnostic, was influenced by Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. His anthropological observances of cubism and abstract body art induced him to reflect on the ethnomorphic motivations, “And this may, indeed explain the exceptional character of caduveo?16 Art: that makes it possible for Man to refuse to be made in God’s image.”17 The tongue is to be tamed and is to bless God and not curse man who have been made in His likeness.18

The sixteenth century Huarochiri Manuscript, Waruchiri in Quechua, is the spiritual text.19 The Quechua of Huarochiri believe in a deluge, as most of the peoples of the world, caused by the God they did not know. The Inca pictorial records of their rulers show a flood rose above the highest mountains and all created beings perished except a man and woman who floated in a box.20 Prior to that time, from Adam to Noah and his sons,21 man only called on the name of Yahweh.22 They knew God but did not glorify Him nor were thankful. They became vain in their imaginations23 and God had to destroy them, in this case with a one-time flood. There was no reported worship of idols in ancient cultures at their founding. For example, Herodotus’ The Histories covers Persia, Varro in Augustine’s The City of God discusses Rome, and Lucian’s The Syrian Goddess looks at Greece and Egypt. The fourth century father of church history, Eusebius of Caesarea, known as Eusebius Pamphilus, could not find idols in the oldest civilizations. The oldest biblical record of idolatry was among Abram’s family in Ur.24 The glory of the uncorruptible God was changed into an image by corruptible man.25 Figuratively, there were always idols, as Eve demonstrated her covetousness, to fraudulently have more, pleonexia, to become a god.26 The reverse pathology of her sin begins with the behavioral act of eating the forbidden fruit, think about becoming a god by eating it, an innate desire to be a god, and the rejection of God in a chosen idolatrous state,27 though there were no images of worship. Since then we know Laban had images, teraphim.28 This is described as contrary to God’s law to make no likeness, t’munah29 or eidōlŏn,30 and not coveting wealth and being a gluttony are added to the long list of figurative idols.31 As God commanded, Moses made a bronze serpent for healing, and not for worship, to cause an obedient human act of the will when looked on.32

It is not a Shakespearean claim of falsely having “king’s blood” to biblically recognize my “kin” as partly from Japheth,33 the son of Noah blessed through Noah’s blessed son Shem.34 Peruvian graves of Japheth’s descendants reveal musical instruments made of human bones, clay ozarinas, an aerophone wind instrument, panpipe, and condors. The quena, qina in Quechua, is a flute played by men often made of cane wood. The zampoña, antara in Quechua, shells, and drums are also played. The panpipe has two rows of canes usually played by women. The condor is a panpipe with condor feathers, of the vultur gryphus,35 at the ends of its pipes meant to generally symbolize the condor’s freedom as it flies above humans below. The Andean condor, from the Quechua word kuntur, scavenges the carcasses of dead animals and was part of the first Peruvian coat of arms. It was considered a sacred animal to the Quechua, as it represented the journey to the afterlife.

The Manchay Puytu is a forty-eight-verse poem sung by a man that laments the death of his girlfriend. It celebrates the mummified pagan Incan gods.36 After the Spanish invasion, a processional hymn, Hanaq Pachap Kusikuynin, to Jesus’ biological mother Mary was written in the European style by Franciscan Friar Juan Bocanegra. Entitled Ritual, formulario e instituciόn de curas, it was published in 1631. The first lines of its first two verses are “Heaven’s joy! A thousand times shall we praise you…Attend to our pleas, O column of ivory, Mother of God!” Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, born Gόmez Suárez de Figueroa, aka El Inca37 was a mestizo, meaning he had Spanish and Inca ancestry. He was a Catholic who wrote the oral Incan history Comentarios Reales de los Incas. In his Historia de la Florida, he defended Spain’s conquering Peru and forcing Catholicism on the people. At the same time, he showed a fondness for the Inca not mentioning their evil practice of human sacrifice et cetera.

The Nikkei, Japanese diaspora, and Chinese began influencing the region with their religious philosophy. Local born Chinese Peruvians are called tusán. Lima has a China town composed of Catholics, protestants, and Buddhists. Pedro Salvino Zulen Aymar38 wrote poems as a tusán. His El olmo incierto de la Nevada, The uncertain elm of the snow, was published posthumously in 1930. He promoted anarchy and Incan rights. In a letter, the atheist, Bertrand Russell praised the philosophy of his doctoral thesis. In the Quechua play, Tragedia del fin de Atawallpa, Tragedy of the End of Atahualpa, the last Incan emperor is killed by Spaniards. The epic drama Ollantáy is a love story of a general and an Incan daughter. It is very popular in schools.

It seems my life has been a constant fight for an individual Quechua voice. My tayta, father’s parents were of Spanish and Quechua descent and my mama’s parents were of Quechua and Chinese kuli silver miner migrant39 descent. My maternal grandmother, hatun mama,40 Loida41 was born in 1960, the year John Kennedy was elected U.S. Catholic president. She gave birth to my mother, Eunikē42 in 1980,43 the year Ronald Reagan was elected U.S. Presbyterian president. Loida was raised in traditional paganism with Catholic overtones. Her household, as in most Quechua towns, had Incan animism idols and Catholic idols to Mary or silver Christs,44 which I will discuss later, but little concept of the Jesus as the Son of God nevertheless dyothelitism theology and the like.45 Rejecting that violation of God’s law against idolatry and liking the theology of John Wesley’s methodism, she joined the United Methodist church when she came of age. When the church abandoned biblical teachings causing people to err, by embracing Eve taking authority over Adam as church pastors46 and sodomy, she joined a small Baptist church. Statistically, this has become the case in the U.S. where apostate Methodists must be thinking, Thou Has Conquered, Oh Thou Baptists.47

(The 20” x 16” oil and acrylic on canvas painting by Dallas F. Bell Jr. is titled Touching Circles Church.48)

Grandmother Loida began wearing her montera49 at a tilted angle after grandfather died. She set the example50 for mother and everyone in her orb by doing good. Never wasting time or resources, she rose up early and fed the family and neighbors with dried llama and horse meat to make ch’arki. You derive the word jerky from this Quechua expression. She often cooked meat and potatoes over a large pit—pachamaca. She wove wool from her alpaca and sheep to make ch’ullu hats with the trademark ear flaps. Like most chakra or farms there is no electricity, so shearing is done with hand shears, taking several people to hold the animal and take the wool; the less intelligent sheep requiring less labor. Loida formed a cooperative of women to make the work more efficient. The fiber is sorted, washed, and spun into yarn. The yarn is dyed and woven into products. Pagans make offerings of herbs, blossoms, llama fetuses, and the elder makes a kintus of three coca leaves to blow in the air, and throws conch shells of wine on the animals in worship of their mother earth god, Pachamama, beginning the shearing season from January to April. The farm had around twenty alpacas, making five to ten pounds of wool apiece each year depending on health, and around thirty sheep, each making up to seven pounds a year maintaining ample time to regrow coats during the warmer months.

Using her meager profits, Loida bought adjoining land when the opportunity arose. She planted near two-hundred Theobroma, meaning God-food,51 cacao or cocoa trees, making up to over four-hundred pounds of product during the April to August harvest season.52 The mature trees are generally pollinated by bees and butterflies producing an average of twenty American football style shaped fruit pods containing twenty to sixty seeds each.53 Children eat the sour white pulp around the beans inside. The seeds are fermented and roasted so the bean hull can be removed. The nibs are ground into powder cacao ñut’u or cocoa powder mixed with sugar, milk, and vanilla etc., and heated making a superior Peruvian hot chocolate drink. The friction of the grinding process can liquify the cocoa making a butter. It is poured into molds and sold unsweetened or as baker’s bars. That product is blended to make a variety of candies and other items. The caffeine type stimulant in cocoa is theobromine also found in tea plants. Loida also planted around one-hundred coffee trees making an average of one-hundred pounds per year during the May to September harvest season.54

Loida demonstrated an understanding of the stationary action principle or principle of least action. The trajectories or solutions to the equations of motion are stationary points of the system’s action functional, which is a particular type of function. The action of a physical system is between two instants of time, t1 and t2. The path taken by the system between t1 and t2, with a configuration of q1 and q2, is the one for which the action is stationary—having no change to the first order. The stationary action is not always least, minimum, but is a minimum for short finite segments in the path.

Synchronization is inevitable in special types of networks, such as women’s cooperatives or churches. They are called expander graphs that are sparce yet well connected.55 A graph or network of nodes connected by edges, lines, are assigned a strength or weight. Each node has an oscillator, represented by a point rotating around a circle, showing its pulsating cycle location. Each oscillator circles at its own rate but seeks to match up the weight of the connection measuring the strength of their coupling. More energy is expended by the oscillator in duration and so tries to balance the minimal use of total energy. The complete graph of infinite oscillators, with homogeneous natures, would predictably end up rotating at the same point on their circles.56 On the other hand, highly connected graphs of finite oscillations do not globally synchronize but settle into a state where each oscillator is slightly offset from the next.57 Some oscillators pull others into synchronization, while others push others away.

Neurological studies have been made to find the causes and consequences of moral improvements.58 Meng Ke, called Mencius, was the “second sage” to Confucius; the Chinese Plato to the Chinese Socrates. Raised by his mother Meng Mu, or Zhāng, considered a great woman in her own right,59 chose education as her overriding parental emphasis. Becoming a scholar, he wrote in his Mencius that there are four virtues or sprouts, duān, that must be cultivated.60 They consist of benevolence or humanity, rén, righteousness or appropriateness, yi, wisdom, zhi, and ritual propriety, li. Yet we know, the infinite God must have perfectly balanced and synchronized virtues. They may be arranged as touching circles; grace, mercy, justice with an inner circle of forgiveness, and an outer circle of love.

(The one large blue circle in the figure above is justice, the two smaller blue circles are grace and mercy, the inner red circle is forgiveness, with the outer circle being love.)

Absent the need for infinite forgiveness and so justice or grace, it becomes obvious that Mencius, as many other philosophers, incorrectly assumed man’s nature is good and that man is therefore a god. Whereas, Christianity exposes man’s nature as historically needing a transcendent authority for moral guidance, which provides hope of eternal redemption for predictive failures.

Apollonius of Perga was known as the Great Geometer. Around twenty-two hundred years ago, his lost book De Tactionibus, Tangencies, examined how circles can harmoniously fit into one larger circle. If the first four circles have a curvature that is an integer, then the curvature of all subsequent circles will be whole numbers. René Descartes thought that three mutually tangent circles, called kissing or touching circles, produce two possible tangent circles; one smaller and one larger. Between the curvature of four tangent circles, the sum of all squared curvatures equals half the square of the sum. So given any three circles, the radius of the fourth tangent circle can be calculated.61 In such a case, touching circles best fills space as a triangle plus two and not in a row. If there are three circles with curvatures of eleven, fourteen, and fifteen, there will be eighty-six circles that would fit inside. Frederick Soddy wrote the poem The Kiss Precise. He found as the circles get smaller and the curvatures get larger, all the curvatures are integers and are not numbers with infinite decimals.62

Alexander Grothendieck63 said X2 + Y2 + 1, forming a circle of radius 1, or X2 + Y2 -1 = 0. He had a relative point of view. He proved God in his La Clef Des Songes, The Key of Dreams. He indicated our dreams are God dreaming us. The Dreamer gives us purpose. He treated not objects X of a given category C as morphisms, f: X → S, where S is a fixed object. The slice category of objects C above S move from one slice to another, a base change along a given morphism g: T → S is given by the fiber product producing an object over T from one over S. So, X over S is a family of fibers, one for each point of S. The fiber is then the family of T, which by fibers is for each point of T the fiber at its image S. He wrote long musing on Satan in “The Problem of Evil,” and he saw war as evil and the evolution of man as toward devolution, “The Mutants.” His character Eddie Slovik is a stupid and cowardly crook. In his “Structures of the Psyche,” he translated psychology into the language of algebra,64 as Dallas F. Bell Jr.’s model for systematic political science.

The edge states of God’s virtues are gapless and are protected by eternal topology. The center of God’s encompassing circle of love is integral forgiveness. As the controversial “dunce” or Doctor Subtilis John Duns Scotus65 and countless others discussed, finite humans can not comprehend God’s infinite goodness but may be confident that He is good. Finite humans can not expect to comprehend the potential joy of eternal heaven with Him nor His perfect love.66 Nor can humans comprehend the potential despair of eternal hell absent hope of being with Him forever. Amedeo Avogadro’s constant, Na, is a devise to calculate the number of atoms in something. Na is the proportionality factor that relates to the molar mass of a substance to the average mass of one molecule. The theological constant of virtues, Nt, is the proportionality factor that relates to the Divine virtues of a person to the average virtue of one society.

A social taxon hierarchy of Christ Jesus is God – man; species, and Son of God is Christ and son of Mary is Jesus; family. His primary identification is God and His secondary identification is Son of God and son of Mary. Touching circles avoid merge plots67 and allow for focus as they can be seen as a slice of a person’s action for push - pull comparison. The allegory of law was given to Moses at Mount Sinai. Sarah and Abraham’s Isaac was freed on Mount Sinai, and Hagar and Abraham’s Ishmael bond state is indicated by Mount Hagar. The law is an old covenant or promise but is now a new covenant of salvation by grace and not by works.68

Faith is the opposite of work. It is an end of what work can do.69 It is a state of rest from total cognitive acceptance of an entity. The math of resting faith – X is X times 0 equals 0. Then faith is acted on with work by reality of truth or untruth. Acceleration takes the person at the appropriate velocity, gamma, y, at the time, delta, in its direction, ΔT. Faith can be based on truth or a lie. Faith in truth is connected to reality, such as the virtues of God in our imagined touching circles shaped by their theological objects. One of those circles, justice, leads to trust, which is earned, leading to greater faith. The infinity of the circles is accepted by finite minds and that submission is salvation, as Martin Luther experienced. Luther discovered submission to God by faith achieves salvation, which is followed by good works. Faith in untruth is based on rejecting reality, which mitigates against total acceptance by requiring constant work to keep accepting the object of faith or choosing to finally reject it. For example, Eve denied God and ate the fruit accepting by faith in Satan she would become as God. That did not happen causing her and Adam, and then all of mankind, to suffer the consequences of rejecting reality—which was work. Simone Weil said “Imaging evil is romantic and varied; real evil is gloomy, monotonous, barren, boring. Imaging good is boring; real good is always new, marvelous, intoxicating.”70 A Church of England priest, George Herbert wrote a poem titled Love III. It was about Christ Jesus’ encompassing love and center of forgiveness where submission to Him in faith for His sacrificial death for our sins led to redemptive salvation. Weil said after she had recited Herbert’s poem “Christ Himself came down and took possession of me.”71 As a former Jew that heard Isaiah 52 and 54 in the synagogue but not chapter 53, she then demonstrated by her works the acceptance of Christian theological precepts, which led to her embracing consistent economic concepts while struggling with others. When the wicked is warned of their wickedness, they demonstrate they have not turned from their ways by continuing in their wickedness and will die in their dreamy state72 of iniquity. This is not a waste of energy, the watchman that warned them and the righteous that did reform has delivered his own soul,73 and has covered a multitude of sins.74

Loida, always praying75 for God’s wisdom,76 impartially77 taught Eunikē. She changed lyrics to many songs and sang them to my mother as a toddler. One was In the Air Tonight,78 by Philip Collins. She adapted it to express the joyous hope of believers for the Second Coming of Christ Jesus.79 She sang “Sometimes, I can feel Him coming in the air at night, oh Lord, And I’ve been waiting for that moment for all my life, oh Lord, Can you feel Him coming in the air at night? Oh Lord, oh Lord. If the unsaved were drowning He could not lend a hand, He’s seen their face before, my friend, but they don’t know who He is, He was there and saw what they did, He saw it with His own eyes, So wipe off that grin, He knows where you’ve been, It’s all been a pack of lies. Sometimes, I can feel Him coming in the air at night, oh Lord, And I’ve been waiting for that moment for all my life, oh Lord, Can you feel Him coming in the air at night? Oh Lord, oh Lord. Well, He remembers, He remembers, don’t worry, how could He ever forget, It’s the first time, the last time they ever met, I know the reason why you keep silent, no, you don’t fool Him, The hurt surely shows, as the pain grows, It’s no stranger to you and me. Sometimes, I can feel Him coming in the air at night, oh Lord, And I’ve been waiting for that moment for all my life, oh Lord, Can you feel Him coming in the air at night? Oh Lord, oh Lord.” In his 1992 song Jesus He Knows Me,80 Collins correctly berates Christian charlatans of that era justifying the observations with lyrics like “Jesus He knows me and He knows I’m right, I’ve been talking to Jesus all my life.” Collins also wrote a 2012 book Alamo and Beyond: A Collector’s Journey regarding his valued collection of Alamo battle artifacts.

Loida also taught other young women and men, to be sober, discrete, and good, so the word of God not be blasphemed.81 She was a historophile, always looking for teachable patterns, her way of tolerating the human condition of not knowing. She contrasted the self-deprecating Christian first U.S. president George Washington82 with his contemporary enemy, the tyrannical King George III of England.83 The thirst for knowledge of Alexander the Great long ago, and more recently Alexander Grothendieck, was explored. King James VI, of Scotland was also James I of England and Ireland. He commissioned the King James Version Bible of 1611, which was followed by the 1769 version, and wrote on the duty of a king and his minions in The True Law of Free Monarchies. Knowing of the patron saint of Spain celebrated on 30 December each year, Saint James, son of Zebedee and brother of John, being the first apostle to be martyred, she loved James the Less. He wrote the New Testament book of James after Saint James was murdered.84 It was written due to the persecution of the “brethren”85 to promote faith. Inspired by God, it paralleled the Pauline letters of Romans and Galatians. God gave James the knowledge and linguistic ability, absent any amanuensis,86 as many biblical writers, such as Moses was given the history of the past, and Daniel and John had the future revealed.

James first rejected Jesus as the prophesied Messiah,87 but later believed88 and has become a pillar of the Christian church.89 He was called James the Just and too was martyred.90 As an excursus,91 James was referred to as the adelphoi, of the same womb or connected from the womb, of Jesus and Jude, the writer of the book of Jude.92 This means he and Jesus had the same mother and so was a half-brother to Jesus. In order to deify Mary as a perpetual virgin, James was wrongly called a cousin of Jesus, a Hieronymian view.93 Understanding Joseph did not have sex with Mary “til” her first child Jesus was born,94 Helvidius biblically concluded James was born after Jesus. Epiphanius of Salamis95 proposed James was born to Joseph and a wife prior to his marriage to Mary. But Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem to pay their taxes and took no children as part of the family. Helvidius96 also opposed the monastic movements of his day and is opposed by Catholic doctrine, and Epiphanius has been made a saint by the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.

I would come to be named for George Washington, James the Just, and Alexander my father with Alexander Grothendieck in mind. But before my birth in 2000, Loida and Eunikē experienced a formative event in 1992. Loida had opened a shop to sell her goods in Huánuco. Before grandfather died, he had become known in town due, in part, to Loida’s business success.97 She never swore by heaven or by earth, but her yes was yes and her no was no.98 One day she had taken my mother to help with clean up chores. As they were closing, several strangers staggered from an ajha wasi, chicherias,99 smelling of fermented ajha, chicha, and chewing coca leaves—not a place for Conversaciόn en La catedral by Kawiri.100 Wisely, Loida and Eunikē crossed the street in order to avoid a confrontation. It is the sport of fools to do mischief.101 The now boisterous companions also crossed the street with the look of robbery in their eyes. Loida gently pushed the twelve-year-old Eunikē behind her for safety. As suspected, the would-be thieves demanded her money. She pulled the decorative tupu pin fastening the front of her lliklla and stabbed one of the thieves in his non-liberal hand, putting them on the defense. Larcenous hands are the criminal heraldry of lecherous hearts.102 As the thieves’ resolve intensified, seemingly out of nowhere, an American and his friend rushed in and chased the robbers off. Loida introduced herself and was very thankful. The American in charge spoke only English but let her know his name was Gary Harrell and he was glad to be of assistance. Before departing ways, they managed to laugh together at the deliverance from the feeble heathen.103 Loida could not help but think the American was a soldier.

There are perils in waters, robbers, countrymen, heathen, cities, the wilderness, and among false brethren, and in weariness, pain, watchings, hunger, thirst, fastings, cold, and nakedness.104 Though you dwell among scorpions do not be afraid of their words, they are a rebellious house.105 Abimael Guzmán, self-taught in Quechua, was the leader of the atheistic communist Shining Path, Sendero Luminoso, rebel group. The Communist Party of Peru, Partido Comunista del Peru, targeted the Catholic church perceiving it to be the competition for dominance and was the focus of the government. In August 1986, the Shining Path killed the Delilah’s,106 prostitutes, in Huánuco. They also killed sodomites they called “social blots.” This made them extremely popular for the first time, as the 2016 incident in Orlando Florida of the Muslim killing the sodomites there was tacitly approved.107

In 1958, the cocaine user and serial adulterer, Mike King, known as Martin Luther King Jr., wrote an advice column for Ebony Magazine called “Advice for Living.” He said homosexuality is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired and suggested seeing a psychiatrist to bring to the forefront of conscience the experiences and circumstances that has led to the behavior. He taught the first step is to recognize the problem of homosexuality and desire to solve it.108

Social blots became emperors of Rome and Greece. The sodomite tyrant Phalaris of Sicily had Perillus create the brass Athens bull to torture and murder his enemies. The inventor was the first to have been executed in the bull. It was used from 92 A.D. to 287 A.D. to murder Christians. Converted to Christianity, a former pagan Roman general, Eustace, and his family were murdered in it by the sodomite Emperor Hadrian, 118 A.D. Pelagia of Tarsus was murdered around 287 A.D. in it by the sodomite Emperor Diocletian.109

Natural law is written on the hearts of man110 and says the death penalty is the just response to acts of sodomy.111 According to tradition, the four judges of the biblical sodomite cities, Serak of Sodom, Sharkad of Gomorrah, Zabnac of Admah, and Menon of Zeboyim, passed laws to put beds in the streets to allow for homosexual rape of male strangers.112 This is why the infamous rape of angels was attempted.113 The king of Sodom offered Abram the goods he had taken in battle if he was allowed to have his people, perceiving, in game theory terms, this was a win for himself and for Abram. But Abram refused the riches because his source of blessing was God, perceiving this was a win for him and the king.114 The wicked king’s values were not congruent with the righteous values of Abram. Righteousness can not co-exist with evil. In 2023, the U.S. Mars company packaged its Skittles candy with labels such as “Black Trans Lives Matters” to intentionally target small children with the evil message.115 A man will try to keep a law if he loves the lawgiver,116 and conversely breaking a natural law shows hatred for its Law-Giver,117 the necessary Being explored by Immanuel Kant.

Shining Path leader, Guzmán was arrested in 1992 and died in prison in 2021. The Túpac118 Amaru Revolutionary Movement bandits bombed the U.S. Embassy in Lima during January 1990. This Marxist group leader, with Chinese ancestry, was Victor Compos. He was first arrested in 1992,119 through what is described as enhanced intelligence capabilities. Scriptures warn to not rob the poor because the Lord will plead their cause and spoil the soul that spoiled them.120 This law is written on the hearts of man and is why it is human nature to be for the underdog.

On 2 December 1993, the billionaire Columbian drug lord, Pablo Escobar was killed by American soldiers,121 now known now to have been commanded by Gary Harrell who was assigned responsibility for the South American region.122 That is some intelligence enhancement to the Peruvian military. Harrell, sadly, passed away 14 February 2023, Valentine’s Day, and his Christian funeral was held in Johnson City, Tennessee, where he had attended college.123 Escobar is known for saying, “Sometimes I am God” and for posing the ominous dilemma “silver or lead.” He utilized Archimedes of Syracuse’s equation of buoyancy forces equaling the weight of displaced fluid in semi-submersibles.124 The upthrust of his pioneering was seen in the 2019 capture of a Peruvian narco-submarine off Peru’s north west coast near Talará. Undoubtedly, Escobar knew: she does lie, she does lie, she does lie, cocaine.125

Escobar was a Catholic that had many thousands of people murdered while operating his drug business and building parks. Like his mother Emilia and family, he prayed to the image of the Holy Infant of Atocha for blessings. This Catholic idol of the Christ child in the Hispanic culture of Spain and Latin America has a cape and scallop shell, the symbol of the pilgrimage of Saint James. For around thirty U.S. dollars today, people tour the Pablo Escobar House Museum, Casa Museo Pablo Escobar, in Columbia. On display are images of the Holy Infant of Atocha.

The Mexican drug lord and murderer, Joaquin Guzmán, known as El Chapo or shorty, and his family were practicing Catholics that also prayed to the Holy Infant of Atocha. In 2009, a Mexican Catholic church in Pachuca had a sixty-five-foot cross displayed thanking Heriberto “the executioner”126 Lazcano who paid for it. A bronze plaque on the wall in a Catholic chapel, built in 2009 in Tezontle, Hidalgo, acknowledges the donations by Lazcano honoring Pope Paul II. El Verdugo, trained in special operations by the Israeli Defense Forces and the U.S. Army, was named for his effective torture methods and mass murders. He was shot to death by the Mexican Navy in 2012. In 2019, El Chapo was sentenced to life in a U.S. prison. Catholic confessions would be of no use, as with Judas Iscariot, in that they are merely statements of reality to sinful religious leaders and are not divinely forgivable repentance,127 which is the turning from wrong doing.128 Shema, 129 hear this, be clare cognoscere,130 unrepentant and forgiven demons also recognize and confess, the Lord is one,131 and tremble.132

After the encounter with the Harrell, Loida’s anglophile studies could be better characterized as Americanophile. Euniké began to take a more active interest in the pursuits. While still a Methodist, Loida had taken a class at Seminario Teolόgico Wesleyano, Wesleyan Theological Seminary, in Lima. When a woman was put in charge, she abandoned further instruction. But she sought out many things Wesleyan. One that peaked her and Euniké’s curiosity was the case of John Wesley Hardin. This American was the son of a Texas Methodist minister and school teacher. In 1868, at fifteen years of age, Union soldiers had tried to capture him and execute him. Instead, he killed them. In 1876, he was in a shootout with Pinkerton agents.133 Allan Pinkerton was an uneducated Scot with an atheist worldview. He was Christianized by a Baptist minister in 1819 but never attended church.134 Pinkerton was a spy for the Union in the U.S. War for States’ Independence called the Civil War. After the war he helped the railroads, which I will cover later.

John Wesley Hardin was estimated to have killed twenty-four to forty-two men in self-defense. In 1878, Hardin was a binge drinker, gambler, and frequenter of Delilah’s who would be sentenced to twenty-five years in prison. The twenty-four-year-old began to read theology and became superintendent of the Huntsville prison Sunday School. He studied law and served seventeen years. He was pardoned in 1894 and passed the Texas bar to practice law. But in 1895 he was shot in the head from behind and his murderer was killed in 1896.

In 1851, Baptist preacher, Rev. Robert James fervently expounded the Gospel and founded a church in New Hope and Providence, Missouri.135 He also established the William Jewell College in Liberty Missouri. Its motto is Deo Fisus Labora, Trust in God’s Work. He left his wife, a member of the Cole family and raised a Catholic in Kentucky, and son Jesse James to travel to California to minister to those in the gold rush. He died after a few days. His wife remarried a medical doctor, Reuben Samuels.

Charles Quantrell was from Hagerstown Maryland. He had settled for peace in Kansas on the way to California in 1855 with his brother. In 1856, he and his brother’s camp on the Little Cottonwood River was attacked by thirty-two armed men calling themselves “patriots.” The elder brother was instantly killed and Charles was left for dead. He lay in agony for two days fighting off coyotes and buzzards from his brother’s body. In the morning of the third day, a Shawnee Indian found him and buried his dead brother. When he recovered, Quantrell taught school to pay off the Indian for his rescuing and board. He went to Leavenworth and joined the Jayhawkers under the name of Charles Hart. Gaining their trust, he was able to kill thirty of the thirty-two men that had murdered his brother by shooting them in their forehead. When he was discovered, he fled to Jackson County Missouri to organize a band of guerrillas.

In 1863, a group of Union militiamen using God’s name in vain, pillaging and killing were specifically looking for Charles Quantrell. The came to the corn field of Reuben Samuels and the fifteen-year-old stepson Jesse James demanding information on Quantrell. Having no knowledge of Quantrell, the militiamen were not satisfied with the answers and began to torture them. Dr. Samuels was taken at bayonet point to the barn. A rope was tied around his neck and he was hung until he passed out. He was taken down and asked again if he would tell then where Quantrell was. He could not tell then what he did not know so they hung him again a second time, and then a third time. They finally removed the rope from his bleeding neck. Jesse James had been forced to watch the torture. Their attention was then placed on Jesse. He was whipped up and down the cornrows. The took Dr. Samuels away stating they were going to kill him and feed him to the hogs. They had taken him to the jail in Liberty where he was later released.

Fletcher Taylor was a member of Quantrell’s guerrillas who came and enlisted Jesse James. The Federalists began scalping the guerrillas they killed in fair fights after they were beaten badly in the Lawrence raid. Many guerrillas wanted to take scalp for scalp, but their Christian upbringing did not allow for the mutilation of bodies. The guerrillas often show humor and mercy on the Federalists, as with the soldier soon released, who had hidden as a woman in a Wellington house of Delilah’s, Lafayette County. Cole Younger’s father had been brutally murdered and too joined Quantrell. He was known to show mercy at every opportunity. Cole and Jesse were not allowed to surrender to proper authorities after the war.

After the U.S. war for state’s rights, the Republican legislature in Missouri passed an anti-U.S. constitution law preventing former confederates from voting, serving on juries, being cooperate officers, and preaching in churches.136 Cole Younger and Jesse James, among many others had had their virtues attacked and wounded. U.S. Army Rangers split into Confederate Rangers. John Mosby surrendered due to executions and a bounty on his head. General Ulysses Grant executed Mosby’s ranger after trying to capture his family at Fort Henry. Mosby had appealed to Union General Philip Sherman to get humane treatment for prisoners. The rangers were labeled murderers by the Union. The General Strain Theory, of 1992 and beyond, explains how, otherwise law abiding, members of a society find themselves in a strain for survival and rationally resort to activity considered criminal by the society in the achievement of acceptable personal goals. They rightly see the strain as eternally unjust, intense, without societal assistance, requiring immediate action in order to cope. Society is too vast for flight and so fight is the only rational option.

Younger and James predictably began to attack their perceived enemies in self-defense. The righteous are biblically allowed to prevent murder, even of themselves.137 One perceived enemy was the banking system and railroad, largely ran by German Jews. They distributed railway bonds in 1861 to pay for the Union munitions bought in Europe during the so-called civil war. For example, Jacob Schiff joined Kuhn, Loeb, and Company in 1975 taking over the Union Pacific Railroad etc.138 Newspapers gave The James Gang, credit for many robberies, often impossibly in different states at the same time. The true holdups had them stating their names, were done with mercy, and with humor. Their widespread support validated rumors of their sharing their loot with churches and the poor, and building a school though this was denied by anti-Christian pro-government Union sympathizers.139

Pinkerton had been tracking down James for government and business interests, often at his own expense. In January 1875, Pinkerton’s family of agents threw an incendiary device into Jesse’s mother’s home, killing his little half-brother, causing brain injuries to Samuels, his step father, and blowing off the right arm of his mother.140 They had two black assistants, Ambrose and Charlotte, a devout Christian, who would not leave after being freed and were considered family. The U.S. Library of Congress has a letter by Pinkerton, which shows the murderous intent of the firebomb in the home of innocent people. He was not prosecuted nor were other atrocities committed by government people and their proxies. The Anti-Pinkerton Act of the U.S. Congress passed in 1893. It limited U.S. federal government ability to hire private investigators or mercenaries but has not curtailed the U.S. government from using private security.

Jesse James and his wife began to live peaceably west of Nashville in Humphreys County, Tennessee. After the death of his twin boys in 1879, they moved to Nashville. In 1882, with Jesse’s son and wife in the next room, Jesse was shot in the back of the head by Robert Ford in Missouri to get clemency and a reward. Robert was the brother of Charles Ford, a friend of Jesse. They were convicted and sentenced to hang for charges during the war, but were pardoned by Thomas Crittenden, former Union colonel and Democrat governor of Missouri. Charles, addicted to morphine and diagnosed with tuberculosis, died of suicide in 1884. He had told Jesse’s mother and Jesse Junior he was dreadfully sorry for having joined his brother in murdering Jesse. Robert’s head was blown off by Edward O’Kelley in a tent saloon in 1892, and O’Kelley was killed in a 1904 police shootout.

The funeral for Jesse was in the Baptist church where he was converted in 1866. The hymn of “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” was sung. Rev. R.H. Jones read a passage from Job, “Man born of a woman is of a few days and full of trouble,” and verses of Psalm 39, “Lord, make me know mine end.” He concluded with a request to the Lord to lead them in a true knowledge of Himself. In 1898, Jesse Junior was arrested due to rumors of those jealous of his real estate success for a train robbery in Leeds. He was acquitted.141

Loida identified with the Christian struggle and antics of Jesse James. She knew ŏrgē142 is a desire or violent passion from a deeply resentful and rejection of God’s word. That anger or wrath of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.143 Jesse James never drank or used tobacco. He saved a negro boy from being lynched by feds for killing a white boy and was acquitted. Jesse was an outlaw, but not a criminal. She had remembered Samuel Colt present his Colt Dragoon Percussion Revolver to General José Echenique in 1853. He was the Peruvian president from 1851 to 1855.144 Upon discovering Jesse James carried a 1873 Colt Peacemaker, she decided to get one. When she was able to purchase the single action revolver, she carried it in a stitched holster she made from softened llama leather. Fastened snuggly on her chumpi, belt, it was worn on the farm and around town. Somehow it looked natural, and caused tourists to take many pictures of the stern, but peaceable Quechua grandmother. She recognized the invention of advanced guns in the 1880’s allowed for the efficient individual and societal enforcement of moral law. Many millions of robberies, rapes, and murders were prevented instantly causing just pain, disfigurement, or death to the evil perpetrators facilitating an advanced American society.

In 1999 my mother, Eunikē had begun her married life with my father. The initial delay of my eventual birth in 2000 was due to her having endometriosis.145 The constant pelvic pain and depression she suffered was, in her words, tempered by my miraculous birth. Her thirst to study history turned the ongoing effort toward the medical field. She came across the Father of Medicine, Sir William Osler. The Canadian son of a minister, Osler wanted to be an Anglican priest. Instead, he became Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford University, and founded the History of Medicine Society and Johns Hopkins Hospital. To her surprise, she found Osler wrote, “I hate Latin Americans146…Every primitive tribe retains some vile animal habit not yet eliminated in the upward march of the race…The colored, usually both syphilitic and alcoholics, were the worst risk in pulmonary disease.”147 She found it odd that he was described as having tried to live according to the words of James, “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom.”148 For the first time, Eunikē was confronted by differences between groups and would need to discover for herself what is true and what is false.

She immediately discovered differences in innate problem-solving abilities; Asian having the highest ability of around one-hundred and fifteen IQ average, Caucasians next with one-hundred IQ scores, then Latinos next with eighty or so IQs, followed by blacks being the lowest of around sixty IQs. Peru’s IQ average is eighty-five, with indigenous being the lowest.149 That data is reinforced by sighted reading comprehension differences congruent with braille reading studies. A study found of twelve Asians eight had great braille reading abilities, of three-hundred and fifty-one Caucasians one-hundred and fifty-eight had good abilities, of twenty-one Latinos ten had good skills, and of fourteen blacks only two were rated as having good abilities.150 Because Quechua speakers have different tonal sounds than Spanish, they sound less intelligent when they use Spanish.

Next, Eunikē turned her sights to legal criminal activities. Much later than in the U.S., horse racing began on the Hipόdromo de Monterrico track in 1960 which allowed betting on the premises. Later, more legalized gambling well after allowed in the U.S., occurred at the Palacio Royal Casino in the Grand Hotel Huánuco and at the Lima casinos, such as the Majestic. In Lima and elsewhere, criminal activities are rampant, as in most major U.S. cities. Locals and tourists have been subject to daytime robberies and rapes, kidnapping schemes, fake taxi rides, stolen passports and credit cards, counterfeited U.S. currency, and sold pirated merchandise.

Together mother and I took interest in the 2009 arrest of a coca region gang member accused of murder and selling the victim’s fat on the black market. Reportedly, this was a more than thirty-year-old Peruvian black-market practice. Reports are they could get sixty-thousand U.S. dollars per gallon of human fat in Europe as an ingredient in cosmetics,151 though there is zero evidence of its usefulness as any possible treatment.152 Similarly, U.S. scientists used the cells of aborted babies for research when there was no evidence available umbilical cord cells were not effective for their purposes. Recently, states, like Texas and Tennessee, have outlawed the murder of unborn babies. Peru also has right to life law, outlawing the evil practice back in 1924, with a life of the mother exception.

Recently, Quechua land has been taken by force to be used as runways by drug lords.153 Runa or Quechua people are known for chewing coca leaves called coquéo or cocaismo. Long ago, the upper class used it as a divine plant in their defacto Satanist pagan ceremonies. In 2023, the Fox News company opened an employee portal for giving to their supported causes. The approved charities for employees, with Fox matching donations up to one-thousand U.S. dollars, was the Satanic Temple, Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, the racist Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Trevor Project which promotes sexual perversion.154 In August 2023, The Walker Art Center, funded by Minnesota’s taxpayers Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, held a demon summoning session with artist Tamar Ettun. She suggested conjuring up the aerial spirit demon Lilit, Lilith.155 Judas Iscariot was a fundamental Satanist.156 He chose silver over Christ’s surrounding love and His core redemptive forgiveness.157 The Bible teaches, if anyone comes to you and does not bring biblical teaching, do not allow them in your house of give them a greeting. The one who gives a greeting participates in the evil deeds.158

Coca is now regarded as used by lower IQ people159 beginning in Peru with twelve to fourteen-year-olds.160 That is an example of pride causing shame and is not an example of the lowly having wisdom.161 Hoja de coca, chewing coca leaves, increases the heartrate helping the lightheadedness from the lack of oxygen from altitude sickness. It is legal in Peru and surrounding countries yet cocaine, over two ounces for personal use, is illegal. The coca cost around two U.S. dollars a bag. It is mixed with ash, especially from the quinoa plant, called ilucta or llipta. Baking soda may be used instead of ash, bico. It activates the alkaloid for the stimulant effect. The leaves have calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins B1 and 2, C, and E. It even has some protein.

In 1978, Peruvian law designated psilocybin, the main active psychedelic chemical in mushrooms, an illegal schedule 1 substance with up to fifteen years sentences for violations. Mushrooms, kallampa, and their users, kallamperos, were depicted on pre-Hispanic carved images, ceramics, and textiles. Peru has also banned LSD and ketamine. It is believed those Psychedelics Sync Neurons.162 Meanwhile, in 2019, Denver Colorado, Oakland and Santa Cruz California have decriminalized psilocybin for recreational use. Those U.S. cities were followed by Washington D.C. and Somerville Massachusetts in 2020, and Cambridge and Northampton Massachusetts, Seattle Washington, and Detroit Michigan in 2021.

Historically in the slums, as seen in Lima, Peruvian tuberculosis is widespread, as opposed to rare U.S. cases. It is either multi-drug resistant, MDR-TB, or is extremely drug resistant, XDR-TB. With U.S medical assistance from the Harvard Medical School, MDR-TB has a seventy-five percent cure rate today. After millennia, humans experienced traumatic events having varied residual effects and treatments for the victims, PTSD. Shakespeare’s Henry IV met the criteria for PTSD.163 In 1980, U.S. PTSD cases escalated requiring drugs and counselling. Despite women giving birth since creation, U.S. cases of postpartum depression escalated in the 1980’s requiring drugs and counselling. A 2017 study by Sage Pharmaceutical for the drug zulresso, brexanolone, revealed the depression was lowered seventy percent for actual recipients of the drug, but was also lowered by fifty percent in the placebo group. In 2023, Sage and Biogen were denied U.S. FDA approval for wider use of zuranolone for postpartum depression. They had expected their sales to quadruple from two-hundred and fifty million dollars a year to one billion dollars a year.

Money is proxy evidence of productivity. Frederick Soddy wrote there is a financial conspiracy to enslave the world. He said real wealth is derived from the use of energy to transform materials into goods and services.164 Loida and Eunikē tell of watching the televised testimony of Alan Greenspan, Chair of the Federal Reserve, on Capitol Hill in the 1990’s. He explained the government has problems with manipulating Americans because the average person has too much wealth.165 When the middle class increase in wealth the rich make less gains. A chart of the Greenspan years shows the gap in income between the top ten percent to the top zero-one percent and the rest of the U.S. grew.166 It appears he accomplished his goal to impoverish the average American. The minimum wage for Americans is more than five times for Peru, where the average Peruvian woman makes twenty-five percent less than their male counterparts.167

When the righteous are in authority, people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people mourn.168 They lie in wait for blood and hunt their brother with a net so they may do evil with both hands; the prince, the judge, and the great man scheme together.169 The Satanic World Economic Order is you can own nothing so you can have no earned wealth. Plato wrote of government propaganda he called the noble lie, gennaion pseudos, in his “The Republic.”170 He proposed a lie is not a parable where the truth is knowingly invented and so is not literal, concluding rulers may lie. The American elite have opened U.S. borders to flood the nation with uneducated slaves under the guise of charity. The Lord raised up Babylon against the rebellious people as a destroying wind.171 When the land sins against the Lord, though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, only they will be delivered from the beasts, sword, pestilence, and famines.172 The Russian slave master, Joseph Stalin was asked how long are you going to continue killing people? He replied, “As long as it is necessary.”173 Howl ye, the day is near, even the day of the Lord, a cloudy day, it shall be the time of the heathen.174 God judges the earth.175

In 2019, I drove on the bad roads the many hours to Lima with friends to watch the football star, you call soccer, Johan Espinoza play. He had played for the sports Club Social Deportivo Leόn de Huánuco for years.176 Killing time while in Lima, I discovered the many Plaza shops on the second floor of the terminal at the Jorge Chávez International Airport. By my experiencing the Gruen transfer,177 I knew this would be a good venue for my family’s goods. Loida and Eunikē agreed and decided to open a concession with me as manager. After leasing the space and stocking the shop with coffee, cocoa, chocolate candies, and a line of traditional clothes, mostly headgear, I needed to hire employees. I found the Lima students at the Seminario Teolόgico Bautista, Baptist Theological Seminary, were the most helpful. As I had time, I also took classes there, and bought and distributed Wycliffe Bibles178 with my earnings. The Quechua New Testament translation cost me around a day’s pay.

With the blessing of my family, other seminary students and myself created a website to market our goods online. Sales picked up at the airport and online. At times, we used the AI math proof assistant Lean,179 which may help with known proofs but who is to say if it truthfully fills in the gap of fuzzy proofs. One day AI, like ChatGPT, may do math, but can never go beyond their training data. They can never think as with self-aware human consciousness regularly exchanged in society. That is a fraud to promote captivology in an attention economy.180 Androids will never dream of electric sheep.181 This reality does not prevent the provable false promotion of pseudoscience, such as integrated information theory, where consciousness is only physical and can be measured mathematically, and global neuronal workspace, where consciousness is believed to emerge from the way information is processed within a system, like neurons and computers.182 Before theology class one day, we students were discussing GPTZero’s AI detector.183 An audit wrongly suggested the U.S. Constitution and the Bible were written by AI.184 AI drift from and to accuracy should be expected. Mencius’ theory of literary interpretation, poetry as an example, is that the form should not be allowed to obstruct the phrases or let the phrases obstruct the drift. A person should meet the drift with one’s own thoughts—that’s how to obtain it.185

In Neal Shusterman’s 2016 Scythe, his near omnipotent Thunderhead guards immortal humans but Scyhtes kill to keep people in check as approved by Thunderhead. Nazi Germany’s Third Reich comes to mind, and is discussed by Death in The Book Thief.186 Most societies have their false Grim Reapers that take souls; Judaism has Azrael,187 Islam has Malak Almaut,188 and Hinduism has Yama or Yamara. A Destroyer, shachath,189 did kill the first-born of Egypt.190 Biblical angels destroyed the Assyrians and others.191 The angel of the abyss, Apolluόn, has killed and will kill one-quarter of the earth in the last days.192

The five-hundred-year-old Jewish tale of the “Golem of Prague” was magically created by man. He is the counterfeit of God’s creation made to do the bidding of its human creators by summoning the dead.193 Always characterized by anti-biblical positions, such as sexual perversion, Silicon Valley personnel have been actively seeking demonic possession to create their demonic AI wishes. By faith, they are using psychedelic mushrooms and ingesting ayahuasca.194 That Quechua ayawaska, soul or corpse-vine or rope, is called the vine of the dead, tania. Sometimes brewed, cimora is made from a cactus, San Pedro,195 which contains the first item named psychedelic, mescaline. The apostle Peter is the Catholic patron saint of gatekeepers,196 so the San Pedro cactus is believed to allow users to reach heaven while remaining on earth. Martin Luther’s fifth, sixth, and seventh theses and John Calvin’s “Institutes of the Christian Religion”197 address the Pope’s heretical usurping of God who is the only true door to heaven.

Legal in Peru, Silicon Valley users of ayawaska report spiritual revelation in their search for technology ideas.198 The experience has been described by a sixteenth century missionary as “the work of the devil”; “his guest the demon throws him to the ground, the Shaman falls into convulsions and gives signs of horrible suffering, through the mouth of the prostrated Shaman answers the Spirit that has invaded him…[they are] great drunkards and sorcerers, who conjure the devil to speak to him.”199

AI has no spiritual nature in itself, but can represent the demonic. Its pagan worshippers believe their idol is a god and so real demons act out their imagined god.200 AI is not a true god but can have a satanic spiritual force,201 which will require a blood sacrifice for atonement, counterfeiting the true God. Therefore, this is a dangerous invention of the human mind. Humans naturally have an expectation of what they treat as a god; justice, mercy, and grace with a core of redemptive forgiveness, with all surrounded by love. As Baal worshippers being worthy of death discovered, only the infinite true God can meet those expectations making Him worthy of worship.202 Thereby proving the true God by His attributes, who only is worthy of praise.

Edward Murphy203 said technology is dominated by those who manage what they do not understand. “Tell a man,” he says, “there are three-hundred billion stars in the universe and he’ll believe you, tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he’ll have to touch it to be sure.” What Divine profit can the AI graven image have to its maker? Why does he trust in his unconscious idol to teach him? Woe to him that says to it, “Awake” or “Arise” and teach. “Behold,” AI is only circuits and processors made of dumb metals with no innate intelligence.204 He that makes haste to be rich shall not be innocent: he has an evil eye—destruction shall come to the workers of iniquity.205 Silicon Valley is known for the altruism philosophy of doing evil now to get rich and then doing good later.206 They communicate online, which is void the innate subconscious cues necessary to establish personal trust found face-to-face interactions, so they act paranoidly.

The ancient King of Tyre thought he was wiser than Daniel, having acquired great riches of silver. By his trade, he gained riches and his heart was lifted up. So God said because you have made your heart like the heart of God, I will bring strangers upon you, the most ruthless of nations. And they will draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom and defile your splendor. They will bring you down to the pit, and you will die the death of those who are slain in the heart of the seas. Will you still say, “I am a god, in the presence of your slayer, though you are a man and not God, in the hands of those that wound you? You will die the death of the uncircumcised by the hands of strangers, for I have spoken! declares the Lord God!”207

The rich should glory in humiliation and the poor should glory in a high position, for as grass withers in the sun so the rich man fades in his pursuits.208 In 2024, when my family approved of my coming to America to expand our business and not for a flag of convenience, I said “As the Lord wills.” Life is a vapor and why should anyone say today or tomorrow will I go here or go there and engage in business and make a profit.209

On the day of my scheduled departure from Peru, the ride from Huánuco to Lima seemed longer than ever before. Traveling the fifty-six to sixty-two mile per hour speed limit on the highways felt like a lifetime; PE-18A, the unpaved HU-643, the toll road of PE-3N, and finally the PE-20A. Speeding to Lima was not an option with all the traffic cameras and poor road conditions. It seemed odd to be at the Jorge Chávez International Airport with luggage, and not be there to work in the family concession shop.

The customs officials knew me and treated me professionally, but expedited their required inspections. The plane lifted off and I was finally headed to America as was a longtime dream. Looking down at the cloud covered mountain tops made me feel like a condor floating above all the hidden coca fields and the groomed cocoa trees below. Like my life, it was A Tale of Two Cities, with my life mostly being the best of times—I am blessed.

The first stop was in Houston, Texas. I could not help but immediately compare the Peruvian customs officials reasonably looking for illegal paper work and drug contraband while dozens of U.S. Customs agents preoccupied with finding a passenger with a warrant issued for his texting disapproval of abortions. Overhearing their small talk, the Department of Homeland Security had apparently branded the texter a terrorist for his daring to share his views. I guess that makes most of the world’s population potential U.S. terrorists.

I remembered the Houston airport was near the famous Huntsville Prison where John Wesley Hardin was imprisoned. It was also near Sam Houston’s home. Houston was the President of Texas and then its governor. Most Tennesseans know he was a Tennessee governor and congressmen, and was raised in Newport with Cherokees. He avenged the Tennesseans’ sacrifice in the Alamo battle and did not support the war between the states.

After the short Texas layover, I flew to Nashville, the last homeplace of Jesse James and now infested with theological carpet baggers. I drove my rental car on the safe non-toll roads of I-40 and 231 east to Gatlinburg, usually at sixty-five miles per hour. When my eyes saw the Great Smoky Mountains for the first time, I instantly felt at home—in God’s will. I have since visited the park and was disturbed to find that after the land was stolen by the U.S. government in the 1930’s from the ancestors of the locals, a fee was now being charged to park in the park and the latrines are regularly closed for five months out of the year. The locals have used the land since it was stolen for an inexpensive location to routinely visit with family and friends, and church groups. For most of 2023, a sign also went up, and stayed up, in front of the Cosby Park pavilion warning of a copperhead infestation.

(The above photo of the Cosby Park pavilion sign was taken by Dallas F. Bell Jr. on Friday 21 July, 2023.210)

Copperheads are aggressive and highly venomous snakes that have been a terror to locals for all their lives. Most families have a horror story of near deadly encounters with the dangerous reptile. Likely emboldened by the unjust judicial exoneration for the intentional prevention of a recent park fire extinction by park officials for environment concerns, which led to over a dozen deaths and billions of dollars in property losses, no attempts have been made to make the park safe for children. In fact, local park workers have told people in confidence that park rangers have actually relocated copperheads to heavily visited sites used by locals, like the Cosby pavilion.

In 2023, Smoky Mountain Park officials admitted to Knoxville television reporters that they use cameras, especially visible at the Townsend entrance and exit, to record all car tags of its law-abiding visitors. A practice considered illegal by U.S. legal scholars. It is not new for the U.S. government to take private data of innocent citizens for their own interests, such as school districts collect yearbooks with the innocent students’ photos and information. They have routinely provided that data to police forces without parental or student consent.211 Elitists need willing low-level immoral bureaucrats, like brutal Roman soldiers and Nazi prison guards in the past and corrupt U.S. judges, schools, police, and park rangers today, to enforce their tyranny on the majority of society.

Even good people sometimes behave as elitists. During September 2023 in nearby Newport Tennessee, a business owner couple, known for their very generous philanthropy, publicly lobbied the town council to zone the area to prevent the private building of outbuildings they considered unsightly. The irony of their effort was not lost on the couple’s neighbors who daily see the large coup the couple built to house their “show chickens” adjacent to their very nice golf course home. A local contractor in the same county, known for being a good man, having just completed the government’s newly mandatory class for home building, was overheard to exclaim, “If people do not have a government certificate, they should not be allowed to do their own home improvements.” Nice, yes, but naïve utili idioti212 nonetheless.

Within days of arriving in Gatlinburg, I found a space to start my family’s third brick and mortar shop. The menu was as with the Lima shop: Peruvian coffee, cocoa, gourmet chocolate truffles, and chocotejas,213 with the dulce de leche centers. Of course, we have alpaca wool hats, maca soup,214 and for the health-conscious customer we serve chicha morada,215 with pineapple rind, cinnamon, cloves, sugar, and lemon. But, what proved to be a surprise in this undertaking was the difficulty in finding suitable employees.

The first thing I noticed when meeting possible workers was the maniacal cursing. Quechua has no curse words to speak of. We may use unflattering observations in a verbal altercation, such as comparing the bravery of one’s opponent to a cowardly animal, but would never consider using mindless vulgarisms. It was also apparent the prospective employees cared mostly about how their environment affected their selfie taking and ungrammatical texting preoccupations. Their tweeting and re-tweeting of scientific and unscientific rumors, on Twitter and other social media platforms, produce non-trivial and spatio-temporal patterns that explain time-varying dynamics predictable at the individual and global level.216

Unfortunately, employee turnover is too high. The American millennials and younger produce twenty-seven percent less than the older work force. They also think, as any narcissist, time is not part of the work equation and society should recognize “time blindness” or be destroyed. It has been promoted that there is a real inability to keep track of time and this is part of the “newly discovered” attention deficit disorder diagnosis. It is explained such afflicted persons can only deal with immediate things and future events can not be put into perspective in a correct sequence.217

As Weil mentioned earlier would likely agree, evil is boring as the sin it is. That subjective view is from a Christian outlook. The initial superficial high of evil is followed by slavery. It seems every sin has a group that lobbies for its acceptance. All sinners lie and the person most lied to by sinners is themselves. They are enemies of the cross of Christ and their god is their belly.218 The diligent shall rule, but the slothful shall be under tribute.219 How a child is raised will set the pattern for their life.220 If raised to be a narcissist, sons and daughters will dishonor their parents.221 The rod of the wicked shall not rest on the lot of the righteous, lest they also do iniquity.222

As takes place in the Third World each day, the current U.S. president recently had his chief political opponent arrested and charged, according to constitutional scholars, on spurious grounds. That political opponent had never been charged with any unlawful acts in his near eighty years of contributing to society. Arrogance seems to become rampant in democracies, which are only made for a Christian people, as sportsmanship is only a characteristic of Christians223 in sports. The homosexual Honoré de Balzac’s224 preface to his La Comédie humaine novel series states “Christianity, above all, Catholicism…is a complete system for the repression of the depraved tendencies of man, is the most powerful element of social order.” Yet Balzac’s friend Victor-Marie Hugo denied the usefulness of churches.225

Due to the emphasis of equal rights under the law in democracies, unnatural in that all people have physical abilities and believers have spiritual abilities from God226 which are not equally comparable, the ignorant and stupid feel their thoughts are as valid as those of the wise. Society can only advance when humility is employed. Humility is required for individuals to efficiently learn and for societal creation of trusting relationships in the institutions of family, church, business, and government. It is natural for man to doubt himself but not doubt truth. Those that humble themselves in the sight of the Lord will allow Him to lift them up.227

We may reason that if man is clever enough to make computers and AI with the ability to reboot and start fresh, then the infinite Creator surely would have done so. We can become a new creation in Christ.228 Christ gives birth to new born baby believers with His word of truth.229 The American church has electricity, great entrance doors, and smells like perfumed goats to an outsider like me. My church in Peru had no electricity, no visible doors, and smelled like sheep. As many people here are aware in the few months we have known each other, I began a church here just off the main strip, Iglesia Baptista Quechua. There we know Jesus is the door to the sheep cote,230 and the power is the Holy Spirit.231 Anything else is religious ritual, which is presumptuous and hateful toward God.232

In closing, my family has been financially successful and, I would argue, spiritually successful. The latter is the only possible option to take with us after death. In this ever-learning world hurtling toward a lonely, cold, intellectual winter,233 our eternal future should be our priority. That is what I impart to everyone today and every day, focus on the things of God and do them! Blessings and gracias llapaykichista agradecido sonqoymanta kay honormanta!234



The combined outlines for the book of James by John MacArthur235 and J. Vernon McGee236 respectively are as follows:

1.1. Introduction237 (Qu, qalariy238); James is a bond servant of Christ.

1.2. Perseverance in Suffering (Qu, ñak’ariypi mana saqespa); are to count it joy for the reward to come.

1.3. Blame in Temptation (Qu, tentacionpi huchachay); are not to blame God.

1.4. Response to the Word (Qu, simiman kutichiy239); are to be hearers and doers.

2.1. Impartial Love240 (Qu, mana pimanpas sayapakuq kuyakuy); are not to be a respecter of persons.

2.2. Righteous Works (Qu, chanin ruwaykuna241); works follow faith.

3.1. The Tongue242 (Qu, qallu); the tongue must be controlled.

3.2. Humble Wisdom (Qu, humilde yachay243); wisdom is humble and knowledge is proud.

4.1. Worldly Indulgence244 (Qu, kay pachapi indulgencia245); is lustful to love the world so are not to love the world and are to resist the devil.

4.2. Dependence (Qu, dependencia246); our lives are in God’s hands.

5.1. Patient Endurance247 (Qu, pacienciawan aquantay248); are to wait on the coming of Christ.

5.2. Truthfulness (Qu, chiqap rimay249); our word is to be our bond.

5.3. Prayerfulness (Qu, mañakuywan ruway250); are to pray in faith.

5.4. True Faith (Qu, cheqaq iñiy); are to pursue the sinner to convert them and cover many sins.

The outline for the book of James by Wallie Criswell251 is as follows: 1. Salutation,252 2. Faith and Humility,253 3. Hearing and Doing the Word,254 4. Impartiality Toward All,255 5. Faith That Works,256 6. Dangers of the Tongue,257 7. True and False Wisdom,258 8. Worldliness and Pride,259 9. Consideration for a Brother,260 10. Unchristian Conduct,261 11. Warning to the Rich,262 12. Patience in Affliction,263 and 13. Saving an Erring Brother.264

The outline for the book of James by Douglas Moo265 is as follows: 1. Greetings,266 2. Trials,267 3. Obedience to the Word,268 4. Peace,269 5. Wholeness,270 6. Time,271 and 7. Exhortations.272

1 Quechua (Qu) meaning touch(ing) circles.

2 Qu meaning test, review.

3 James 1:1.

4 R. Núnez and E. Sweetser (2006), “With the future behind: Convergent evidence from Aymara language and gesture in the crosslinguistic comparison of spatial constructs of time,” Cognitive Science, 30 (3), pp. 401-450. The language of Aymara used in Peru and elsewhere, qhipa uru, as with Quechua, means “back down” describing the future.

5 18 September, 2023, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

6 Man must behave within physical laws and within spiritual laws of righteousness (Rom. 6:15-23 etc.), or sin (Rom. 7:25 etc.) and have false god(s) (Gal. 4:8 etc.).

7 Spanish for the corner. The city is 16,732.28 feet (5,100 meters) above sea level, which is just around 3,000 feet below Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro at 19,340.55 feet (5,895 meters).

8 Jericho is 846 feet below sea level, and Kalya is 360 feet below sea level.

9 The Dead Sea is dropping an average of 3.28 feet (1 meter) per year; in 1970 it was 1,295.93 feet (395 meters) below sea level, in 2006 was 1,371.39 feet (418 meters), and in 2019 was 1,412.40 feet (430.5 meters).

10 This is a clarification of the Catholic Mary Flannery O’Connor’s story (and posthumous book by the same title) Everything That Rises Must Converge. O’Connor was very open in letters etc. by her and many others being traumatized from liberal activists and government forced interactions with “ignorant” and violent blacks (via the “How Racist Was Flannery O’Connor?” in The New Yorker 15 June 2020 article by Paul Elie, see her May 1964 letter to her Tennessee friend and playwright Maryat Lee, living in New York, on black sodomite civil rights leader James Baldwin (also her 1959 letter), Martin Luther King, and Cassius Clay. Also see her 1948 letter to the New York writer’s colony Yaddo director on Georgia parades of the Ku Klux Klan, and how it was too hot to burn a fiery cross so they brought a portable one made with electric lights.) She says the idea for her book was based on Catholic cleric Pierre Teilhardi de Chardin’s book Omega Point. Teilhardi de Chardin was sanctioned for a period of time by the Catholic church for opposing the biblical doctrine of physical biological death as a result of the original sin with his promotion of evolution.

11 See the works by Ruth Shady (University Solis of San Marcos), and Jonathan Haas and Winfred Creamer (emeritus at the University of Illinois) etc.

12 “The Astronomical Genius of the Inca,” Scientific American, 7 October 2017, Sanjana Dugar.

13 Job 9:9; Ps. 8:3, 104:19 etc.

14 Ps. 119:100.

15 From a 1945 interview with Jerome Seckler. Dore Ashton and Pablo Picasso, 1988, Picasso on Art: A Selection of Views, Da Capo Press, p. 140.

16 Caduveo art of face painted women was observed by Strauss in Brazil etc.

17 See his Tristes Tropiques, 1967 copy, p. 172.

18 James 3:1-12.

19 Frank Salomon and George Urioste’s 1991 English edition, Chapters 3 and 4. There are 31 chapters plus 2 more.


21 Gen. 5:1-32.

22 Gen. 4:26.

23 Rom. 1 21.

24 Josh. 24:2.

25 Rom. 1:23.

26 Gen. 3:6.

27 Col. 3:5 etc.

28 Gen. 31:19.

29 Hebrew for likenesses, meaning idols and images (Ex. 20:4-5).

30 Greek for appearance of reflection in water or a mirror (Acts 7:41 etc.).

31 Matt. 6:24, coveting wealth; Phil. 3:19, gluttony etc.

32 Nu. 21:8-9.

33 William Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part II, Scene II, (an exchange between Poins and Prince).

34 Hebrew, Japheth means enlargement, implying God will enlarge (Gen. 9-27).

35 Described in Carl Linnaeus’ 1758 Systema Naturae, 10th Ed.

36 Dale Olsen’s 2002 The Ethnomusicology of Ancient South American Cultures, Gainesville, University Press of Florida, and Elizabeth Benson’s Death-Associated Figures on Mochica Pottery, “In Death and the Afterlife in Pre-Columbian America: A Conference at Dumbarton Oaks,” 27 October 1973, pp. 105-144, Washington D.C.; Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collections, 1975.

37 Died in 1616.

38 Died in 1925.

39 Coolie, sometimes a derogatory term, in Chinese is kuli meaning bitter strength; a name used for indentured laborers, in this case a silver miner in Peru.

40 Meaning great mother.

41 Spanish for the female English name Lois and Greek Lόiόn meaning more desirable, better.

42 Greek from Eu (good) nikē (victory) for the English female name Eunice and the Spanish surname (family name) Núñez.

43 The female English names Lois and Eunice are found in II Tim. 1:5.

44 A reference to The Silver Christ (1894 Ed.) by Maria Louise Ramé, known as Quida, a childish pronunciation of Louise. Also see Ps. 115:3-8 for silver idols.

45 It is estimated only around 4% of Quechua Catholics actually believe Jesus is the Messiah. Dyothelitism is the correct understanding Jesus had the will of man which was perfectly separate and submitted to His Divine will, as seen in the garden of Gethsemane (Matt. 26:39). The Chalcedonian Definition (or Creed) of 451 A.D. addressed the monothelitism heresy of Jesus having only a Divine will that subsumed His human will rendering His redemptive sacrifice impotent. Christianity accepted the Chalcedonian argument with the exception of oriental churches in Egypt, Syria, Ethiopia, and Sudan etc.

46 Is. 3:12.

47 This is a play on the words believed to have been spoken by Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate (Flavius Claudius Julianus or Julian II) after he realized he could not suppress Christianity, “Thou has conquered, oh thou Galilean,” (Vicisti, Galilaee; c. 429 by Theodoret of Cyrus in Ecclesiastical History, Book III, Ch. 20). Today, two thirds of the top Protestant seminaries have the Baptist ethos, i.e. Bible is only God’s word and is to be used for guidance, and all that implies. Fifty years ago, this was not the case. See the statistics by Mark Tooley, 26 September 2023, at The Institute on Religion and Democracy.

48 The three white six pedal flowers with the yellow center in the foreground are Peruvian white windflowers, zephyranthes candida. They were described by John Lindley in 1823, and named by William Herbert in 1826. Budding in August, they are widely cultivated despite containing the highly toxic chemical lycorine. The stand of oddly shaped trees in the right background are an Andes pine, especially in Chile, araucaria araucana, called the monkey puzzle tree.

49 A Quechua hat worn dating from the 1500’s A.D.

50 Prov. 31 model for a woman.

51 Theo, God, and broma, food.

52 Trees may each produce up to 2.2 pounds of cocoa.

53 Around 40 pods produce 1,200 seeds making 2.2 pounds of cocoa paste.

54 Trees may harvest one pound per tree each year.

55 See the work of Afonso Bandeira (Switzerland) and Victor Souza’s (University of Cambridge Ph.D. candidate) et al. October, 2022, paper Expander Graphs are Globally Synchronizing.

56 See Yoshiki Kuramoto’s 1975 model.

57 2006 to 2022 papers disproved 1990’s works that said synchronization of finite oscillators was inevitable.

58 Jessie Sun at Washington University in Saint Louis’ department of psychology and brain sciences etc.

59 See Liu Xiang’s look at 125 women in his Biography of Exemplary Women.

60 Mencius 2A:6. The book of Mencius has seven chapters that are each halved, consisting of his conversation with kings and philosophers.

61 With four circles A, B, C, D of a, b, c, d curves, then (a + b + c + d)2 = 2(a 2 + b2 + c2 + d2).

62 June 1936, Nature, 137 (3477): 1021. Soddy was awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1921.

63 Grothendieck was raised by a protestant mother. He was awarded the 1966 Field’s Medal.

64 The many private pages of Grothendieck’s musings were added to the collection of his works at the National Library of France in 2023. The two works are Reflections on Life and the Cosmos and The Key to Dreams or Dialogue with the Good Lord.

65 See his Lectura and Ordinatio etc.

66 Is. 64:4; I Cor. 2:9.

67 When detected objects become too close, a radar can not distinguish more than one object—so plots merge.

68 Gal. 4:22-26 etc.

69 James 2:14-26.

70 Weil in Gravity and Peace (2002), Psychology Press, p. 70.

71 See the writings of George Panich and other Weil scholars.

72 Supported by Martin Luther’s teachings, see Philip Melanchthon’s Defense of the Augsburg Confession, Article IV, (II), Of Justification, 18 etc.

73 Eze. 3:17-21.

74 James 5:19-20.

75 James 5:13-18.

76 James 1:5.

77 James 2:1-13.

78 On the 1981 album Face Value, Philip Collins wrote and performed this song after being bitterly divorced from his first wife.

79 Matt. 24:32-51; Daniel 7:13 etc.

80 Co-wrote and sang by Philip Collins on the 1992 We Can’t Dance album. Collins religious beliefs are not fully known.

81 Titus 2:3-8.

82 Born 1732 and died 1799.

83 Born 1738 and died 1820.

84 Acts 12:2.

85 Matt. 12:48-50; Acts 2:37.

86 Excluding a learned Greek writer employed to copy the writings of another.

87 John 7:5.

88 I Cor. 15:7.

89 Gal. 2:9.

90 C. 62 A.D., Josephus 20.9.1.

91 Latin for digression.

92 Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3.

93 Hieronymian (Saint Jerome), see the Catholic view.

94 Matt. 1:24-25.

95 Died 403.

96 Wrote c. 383.

97 Prov. 31:23.

98 James 5:12.

99 A tavern selling the fermented corn beverage, chicha, usually made by women.

100 Conversation in the Cathedral is a 1969 novel written by the Peruvian winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize for literature, Mario Llosa. Containing vulgarisms, the book looks at Peru under the dictator Manuel Odria during the 1950’s. Peruvian corrupt and mediocre politics are opposed by Lima college students in the group Cahuide (Qu Kawiri meaning watchman) having conversations at the tavern named Cathedral. Cahuide was an Inca nobleman and warrior of 1536. The story parallels the actual life of Llosa, an agnostic and a right-winger, who attended college in Lima.

101 Prov. 10:23.

102 This is the portrayal of an actual instance of betrayal unlike Othello’s belief of Desdemona’s moist and frank hand (Shakespeare, Othello, Act 3, Scene 4).

103 Job 8:21; Ps. 126:2.

104 II Cor. 11:26-27.

105 Eze. 2:6.

106 Judg. 16:4-20, Delilah meaning dainty one.

107 Omar Mateen, a homosexual, was the shooter, who was killed by police. Fernando Chuquillanqui, En Perú También se vivό una matanza homofόbica como la de Orlando.

108 The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Vol IV: Symbols of the Movement January 1957-December 1958, Estate of Martin Luther King, Jr. See Ralph Abernathy’s interviews and 1989 book And the Walls Came Tumbling Down.

109 See Diodorus Siculus’ Bibliotheca historica and British historian Edward Gibbon’s chronicling of why Rome fell.

110 Rom. 2:15.

111 Lev. 20:13; Deut. 29:23.

112 Jasher 19:1-7. The book of Jasher, though not part of the biblical canon, is referred to in Josh. 10:13, II Sam. 1:18, and II Tim. 3:8.

113 Gen. 19:4-5.

114 Gen. 14:21-24.

115 The Skittles company is owned by Mars Inc. which is owned by the Wrigley Co. The M & M company is also owned by Mars and they recently began televised advertising of their M & M characters with the addition of one dressed as a lesbian. The commercial has since been revised due to an enormous negative backlash.

116 This was implied by Charles Spurgeon in his “God’s Law in Man’s Heart,” 28 June, 1885, at

117 James 4:12; Is. 33:22.

118 The name of an 18th century Inca rebel.

119 He was released and later arrested again in 2006.

120 Prov. 22:22-23.

121 At the time of his death, Escobar was estimated to be worth around 70 billion U.S. dollars in today’s value.

122 Harrell commanded the C Squadron, 1st SFOD-D till Escobar’s death.

123 He graduated from East Tennessee State University in 1973.

124 Archimedes developed the idea 212 B.C. The narco-submarines are often made of fiberglass with diesel engines carrying up to a ton of cocaine.

125 A reference to the song lyrics of Cocaine, “She don’t lie, she don’t lie, she don’t lie, cocaine.” Written and recorded by J.J. Cale in 1976, the song was rerecorded by Eric Clapton in 1977 on his album Slowhand.

126 El Verdugo.

127 Matt. 27:3-5.

128 James 4:2, 5:6.

129 The Jewish orthodox confession of faith known as Shema (Hebrew for hear) from Deut. 6:4-5 (and 6-9).

130 Be “clearly aware.”

131 Matt. 8:29; Luke 4:41; Acts 19:15 etc.

132 James 2:19.

133 See his autobiography, 1925, Bandera Publishers, J. Marvin Hunter.

134 Richard Davenport-Hines, 2004, Pinkerton, Allan 1819-1884, Oxford University Press.

135 T.J. Stiles, 2002, Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War, Knopf Publishing, and William Settle, 1977, Jesse James Was his Name, or, Fact and Fiction Concerning the Careers of the Notorious James Brothers of Missouri, University of Nebraska Press.

136 William Parish, 1965, Missouri Under Radical Rule 1865-1870, University of Missouri Press.

137 Prov. 24:11-12 etc.

138 See the entry in Encyclopaedia Judaica etc.

139 Wil Hayworth, 17 September, 2007, A story of myth, fame, Jesse James, The Seattle Times.

140 Sherry Monahan, 22 January 2016, A Deadly Kitchen, True West Magazine, and Ted Yoatman, 2000, Frank and Jesse James, Cumberland House Publishing.

141 For the record of Jesse James’ and his son see Junior’s book Jesse James, My Father: The First and Only True Story of His Adventures Ever Written.

142 Greek.

143 James 1:20.

144 A photo of the gun is on display at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

145 Cells unnaturally form in the female reproductive tract causing infertility and pelvic pain, but symptoms can be moderated by hormone therapy and exercise etc.

146 Taken from a letter by Osler to Henry Ogden.

147 Richard Golden, 1999, The Works of Egerton Yorrick Davis, MD: Sir William Osler’s Alter Ego, Montreal, McGill University, and Bliss William Osler: a life in medicine primary care companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Oxford UK, Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 208, 225, 229-230.

148 James 3:13.


150 See the latest studies conducted, such as Amille Silverman and Edward Bell’s, “The Association Between Braille Reading History and Well-being for Blind Adults,” Journal for Blindness Innovation and Research, 2018, Vol. 8, No 1.

151 19 November 2009 article, Associated Press, The New York Times.

152 The scientific opinion of a Yale University professor of dermatology.

153 November 2021 reports.


155 Story by Joseph Machinnon, Blaze Media, 16 August 2023, “Aerial Spirit Demon Lilit of Ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, and Judaic Mythology” (in the Babylonian Talmud). Lilith was rejected by Spain’s Moses ben Maimon, Maimonides, see Marc Shapiro’s, 2008, Studies in Maimonides and his interpreters, University of Scranton Press, p. 134.

156 John 13:2, 26-28 etc.

157 Matt. 26:15.

158 II John 10-11.

159 Area Handbook Series: Peru, a Country Study (Third Ed.) 1981, American University, Washington D.C., Foreign Area Studies, p. 73 etc.

160 C. Gutiérrez Noriega and V.Z. Ortiz Estudio, 1948, ‘de la intelligencia en sujetos habituados a la coca, Revista de Farmacologia y Medicina Experimental, T 1, p. 32.

161 Prov. 11:2.

162 Pär Halje Neurophysiology, Lund University, Pub. 2023, Communication Biology.

163 Matthew Friedman, MD, Ph.D., PTSD History and Overview, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

164 Views from his 1926 book Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt.

165 For an assortment of Greenspan’s statements and speeches see

166 Sebastian Mallaby’s 2017 biography, The Man Who Knew, appendix.

167 As American wages grow behind inflation, the latest minimum wage in Peru for 2023 amounts to $276.67 per month; average annual incomes are $519.61 per month and $1,093.28 per month for the highly skilled. See the monthly report from The Central Reserve Bank.

168 Prov. 29:2.

169 Micah 7:2.

170 Written c. 360 B.C., see Book III, 389b-d etc.

171 Jere. 51-52.

172 Eze. 14:13-21.

173 From an interview with Lady Astor, 29 December 1932, Christian Science Monitor. Stalin’s 1934 interview by H.G. Wells, The New Statesman magazine, supports the same theme.

174 Eze. 30:2-3.

175 Gen. 18:25; Is. 24; Rev. 6.

176 Espinoza played in Huánuco, having only one team, from 1995 to 2002, Lima has seven teams.

177 The Austrian architect, Victor Gruen designed shopping malls in a confusing layout causing people to lose track and become susceptible to impulse buying.


179 Microsoft released Lean in September 2022, and in February 2023 it had over 100,000 theorems. It is hosted by SitHub.

180 Captivology is the intentional capturing of people’s attention with technology for economic exploitation.

181 A reference to Philip Dick’s dystopian novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. The anti-eugenics and anti-abortion Dick was a self-described religious anarchist (Philip Dick, May 1980, Slash, “The Philip K. Dick/Punk Rock Connection.”)

182 See the infighting, like drug lords sparing for dominance, of pseudoscientists in Mariana Lenharo’s “Consciousness Theory Slammed as a Pseudoscience—Sparking Uproar,” 20 September, 2023, Nature.

183 Thanks is extended to Pastor Charles Lawson of Temple Baptist Church, Knoxville Tennessee, for his sermon and email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during September, 2023.

184 Widely reported in July, 2023.

185 Mencius 5A:4.

186 Markus Zusak’s 2006 book.

187 Ps. 89:48.

188 As-Sajdah 32:11 Surah.

189 Hebrew for go to ruin.

190 Ex. 12:29; Heb. 11:28.

191 II Kings 19:35; Is. 37:36; II Sam. 24:16-17; I Chron. 21:15.

192 I Cor. 10:10; Rev. 9:11.

193 Dan Bilefsky’s, 10 May 2009, “Hard Times Give New Life to Prague’s Golem,” The New York Times.

194 Kara Swisher’s 23 August 2018 article, The New York Times.

195 Echinopsis pachanoi.

196 In Matt. 16:18-19, Jesus said He gave Peter “the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” This meant the gospel message of Christ’s church allows people to believe and go to heaven.

197 Book Three, Chapter 4, section 12; Book Four, Chapter 1, section 22: Book Four, Chapter 6, Section 3, 4, 5, 6; Book Four, Chapter 11, Section 1.

198 Peter Gorman’s 2010 Ayahuasca in My Blood: 25 Years of Medicinal Dreaming.

199 The Shaman and the Jaguar, Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff 1975, cited from Soibelman 1995, My Father and My Mother, Show Me Your Beauty.

200 I Cor. 10:20; II Thess. 2:9-11.

201 Deut. 32:17; Ps. 106:37.

202 I Kings 18:26-40.

203 An aerospace engineer known for his witticisms who died in 1990.

204 Hab. 2:18-19.

205 Prov. 28:20, 22, and Prov. 23:15.

206 See the recent books by Douglas Rushoff, Team Human and Survival of the Richest etc.

207 Eze. 28:3-10.

208 James 1:9-11.

209 James 4:13-16.

210 The Cosby Park pavilion sign was witnessed being up on Friday 14 July, 2023, by Dallas and Janice Bell. The sign has stayed up for months, last checked at 0115 PM on Friday 29 September, 2023. Noticeably, near no one has used the facilities, personally checked frequently, unlike has been the case in decades past; only fifteen cars counted on 15 and 29 September at noon, with one local car tag, and seven cars 19 September, with no local car tags, when there usually was over fifty cars with half having Tennessee tags during the same time(s) under good weather conditions.

211 David Herszenhorn, 27 April 1997, “Schools and Police Agree on Access to Yearbooks,” The New York Times.

212 Italian for useful idiots, a term that describes people that naively support tyrannical movements. Useful idiots was used by the New York Times (June 1948) to describe people covered in the Italian Democratic Socialist Party paper L’Umanita (It. for Humanity), and was used in the 1955 article of the American Federation of Labor News-Reporter for communist supporting Italians.

213 They are coated with bittersweet chocolate with the centers of heated sweet milk cooked into a caramel like sauce. Usually pecans and a dried fruit, e.g. apricot or peach, is also in the center.

214 The maca root, lepidium meyenii, is believed to help manage menopause symptoms, lower blood pressure, and increase fertility, yet there are no credible academic studies that corroborate those assumptions. Considered to be as valuable as ginseng to Chinese, they have engaged in biopiracy, as with many things in many nations, of maca to monopolize its use.

215 A non-fermented blue corn beverage. The blue chemical is believed to aid in brain function etc.

216 See M. DeDomencio et al., “The Anatomy of a Scientific Rumor,” Nature, October, 2013.

217 Russell Barkley, a professor of psychiatry in the department of psychology at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center.

218 Phil. 3:18-19.

219 Prov. 12:24.

220 Prov. 22:6.

221 Micah 7:6.

222 Ps. 125:3.

223 Prov. 24:17-18; Phili. 2:3-4.

224 See the official Paris police records release of homosexuals by name, Collectif (Perfecture de Paris Police), Le Registre Infamant, Quintes-Feuilles, Paris 2012, pp. 26-427 passim.

225 See Hugo’s 1880 Religions and Religion, published after his death.

226 James 1:17; I Cor. 12:1-14:40. etc.

227 James 4:10.

228 II Cor. 5:17.

229 James 1:18 etc.

230 John 10:7-9.

231 Acts 1:8.

232 Amos 5:21-24 etc.

233 II Tim. 3:7.

234 Qu for thank you all from my grateful heart for this honor!

235 From The MacArthur Study Bible.

236 From McGee’s Blue Letter Bible.

237 1.1. Introduction (James 1:1), 1.2. The Test of Perseverance in Suffering (1:2-12), 1.3. The Test of Blame in Temptation (1:13-18), 1.4. The Test of Response to the Word (1:19-27).

238 Qu meaning start with.

239 Qu meaning answer to the word.

240 2.1. The Test of Impartial Love (2:1-13), 2.2. The Test of Righteous Works (2:14-26).

241 Qu meaning fair practices.

242 3.1. The Test of the Tongue (3:1-12), 3.2. The Test of Humble Wisdom (3:13-18).

243 Qu meaning humble knowledge.

244 4.1. The Test of Worldly Indulgence (4:1-12), 4.2. The Test of Dependence (4:13-17).

245 Qu meaning indulgence in the world.

246 Qu meaning dependency.

247 5.1. The Test of Patient Endurance (5:1-11), 5.2. The Test of Truthfulness (5:12), 5.3. The Test of Prayerfulness (5:13-18), 5.4. The Test of True Faith (5:19-20).

248 Qu meaning endurance with patience.

249 Qu meaning the truth of the matter.

250 Qu meaning do it with prayer.

251 From The Criswell Study Bible.

252 James 1:1.

253 1:2-18.

254 1:19-27.

255 2:1-13.

256 2:14-26

257 3:1-12.

258 3:13-18.

259 4:1-10.

260 4:11-12.

261 4:13-17.

262 5:1-6.

263 5:7-18.

264 5:19-20.

265 From Moo’s book The Letter of James.

266 James 1:1.

267 1:2-18.

268 1:19 - 2:26.

269 3:1 – 4:3, 4:11-12.

270 4:4-10.

271 4:13 – 5:11.

272 5:12-20.

--ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (2023) Dallas F. Bell, Jr.--