Systematic Political Science


Endotheistic Constants and Ectogenous Mathematical Biology:
The Science of the Human Decision-Making Tree Algorithm

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

God is a mathematician of a very high order, and He used very advanced mathematics in constructing the universe. Paul Dirac1

As is known in the neuroscience of language for speaking and singing,2 the human brain has a specific region designed to learn and process mathematics. Josef Parvizi, associate professor of neurology and neurological sciences and director of Stanford’s Human Intracranial Cognitive Electrophysiology Program, led a 2013 study with a student, Jennifer Shum, which showed the existence of a cluster of nerve cells in the human brain that specializes in processing numerals. It is in the inferior temporal gyrus, a superficial region of the outer cortex on the brain.3

The only way finite humans can understand is for there to be innately recognized order by repetition of values called constants.4 Numerical constants preexisted mankind’s discovery of their values.5 Many people consider mathematical constants to include ∞ (infinity), 0 (nothing), 1 (one or unity), i (√−1 or imaginary numbers), √2 (Pythagoras’ constant = 1.414), pi (Archimedes’ constant or π = 3.141) phi (golden ratio or φ = 1.618), e (Leonhard Euler’s number = 2.718), γ (Euler–Mascheroni’s constant was first C then γ = 0.577), G (Eugène Catalan’s constant G = 0.915), K (Aleksandr Khinchin’s constant = 2.685), and A (Glaisher-Kinelin’s constant = 1.282), etc.6

Ergodic theory (Greek ergon for work, hodos for way) looks at the change of a dynamic system. Elon Linderstrauss, the first Israeli to win the Field’s Medal, was awarded the 2010 medal for his work in ergodic theory. In probability theory, an ergodic dynamical system can be said to have the same behavior averaged over time as averaged over the space of all the system's states in its phase space. The constants √2, pi, and e are considered to be irrational7 and little is known about the distribution of digits in their decimal expansions. Finite humans do not know if any of these constants is a normal number. The 2002 book, Ergodic Theory of Numbers, by Karma Dajani and Cor Kraaikamp analyzes distribution questions for decimal and other types of expansions through a discrete dynamical systems approach.

In mathematics, real analysis studies the behavior of real numbers, sequences and series of real numbers, and real-valued functions. This covers the properties of real-valued sequences and functions, such as convergence, limits, continuity, smoothness, differentiability, and integrability. It is distinguished from complex analysis, which deals with the study of complex numbers and their functions.

In real analysis, the all-encompassing infinity symbol ∞, is used to denote an unbounded limit. This means x → ∞ grows x without bound, and x → − ∞ means the value of x is decreasing without bound. Our universe of entropy requires there had to have been an infinite Creator of all proceeding causes and their effects. This determines that everything that has existed or will ever exist, including the mathematical language of numbers, has always existed potentially until manifested from within the pre-existent Creator who must be omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Therefore, the constants humans have come to discover are endotheistic or contained within the Creator called God. However, humans have freewill to make decisions apart from or outside of their Creator’s preferred will. Historically, this ectogenous aspect of human behavioral potential allows for the binary choice of either “this” or “not this” subject to the eternal consequences for the choice of violating or accepting natural law(s). This is an autocatalysis process whereby the human is involved in their own moral makeup. A human choice “x” combines with another human choice “a” to form two choices of “x.”

In Isaac Newton’s (1671) Methodus Fluxionum et Serierum Infinitarum, he listed types of differential equations (DE). He gave examples of an infinite series and discussed the non-uniqueness of solutions. Differential equations contain derivatives or differentials of a rate of change related to some function of a physical quality. Their solutions may have constants due to a lack of initial values or boundary conditions. They are said to be the language of how natural laws are expressed. This make their understanding fundamental to understanding science, which is the observation of a phenomenon, theorizing about the observation, and replicating the phenomenon to either prove or disprove the theory.

Later simplified by Leibniz, the Jacob Bernoulli DE (1695) is an ordinary differential equations (ODE) deal with functions of one variable (often thought of as time). For example, the ODE y' = y(x) has solution Cex where C is an arbitrary constant. In partial differential equations (PDE), the constants may be multivariable functions (constant with respect to some variables, but not necessarily all of them). For example, the PDE ∂ f (x, y)/ ∂ x = 0 ∂ f ( x , y ) ∂ x = 0 {\displaystyle {\frac {\partial f(x,y)}{\partial x}}=0} has solutions f(x, y) = C(y), where C(y) is an arbitrary function in the variable y.8 The constants and their contingent variables in systematic political science’s mathematical behavior models may use PDE’s, e.g. to evaluate psychological operations (PsyOp’s) strategies etc. (see PsyOp’s endnote 21).

As discussed earlier, Creator God must be uniquely infinite regarding everything. Explained by the limit of 1/n as n approaches 0. As is thus demonstrated, mankind cannot equal the infinite standard of God’s constant and must have redemption because man or x can never equal ∞. Therefore, nonrelative redemption of God’s infinite wisdom must be x + ∞ grace from ∞ love = ∞ redemptive justice. The false assumption of self-righteousness wrongly concludes x is ectogenously independent from the consequences of God’s immutable and eternal endotheistic law(s).9 For example, the Hebrew King Saul is biblically recorded as suffering the consequences of violating God’s law,10 as was a young man,11 and Pharisees.12

David ben Meir Cohen Friesenhausen was a leader of the Haskala (Hebrew for wisdom) called the Hebrew Enlightenment.13 The maskil14 Friesenhausen, an astronomer, mathematician, and rabbi, was one of the first proponents of Torah im Derech Eretz. This was a Jewish philosophy that formalized a relationship between Orthodox Judaism and the material world. Unfortunately, the movement resulted in the creation of internal Hebrew conflict from the formation of Jewish identity as secular and not religious.

Biblically we can see how Yahweh God (Elohim) endotheistically created in Genesis 1 from the constant 0. Elohim is described as the Father, Son Jesus the Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit. They are one Lord15 from the constant 1. Males (having XY chromosomes) and females (having XX chromosomes) become one flesh in marriage.16 Jesus’ resurrected body and hands17 indicate the existence of the φ constant of human symmetry. The New Jerusalem is square18 so the sides reflect the joining of opposite corners for the measurement of a square + b square = c square or the √2 constant. The heavenly throne has angels that circle it (Gr. kuklothen from kuklo)19 subject to the constant π.20 There is a rainbow around the heavenly throne and light21 indicating light with waves and there is talking22 and singing indicating sound waves,23 which often uses the e constant24 as the exponential base for natural logarithms. The γ constant is used for the limiting difference between the harmonic series, as in music harmonic wavelengths,25 and the natural logarithm. In combinatorics, the Catalan number counts the number of different ways pairs of brackets can be correctly matched. For example, five binary trees on three vertices, as in decision-making among finite beings now or eternally. Continued fractions of real umbers uses K, such as finite beings grow in knowledge26 as increasing fractions of total/infinite knowledge. Angels can grow in knowledge, as when one-third of all angels fell from heaven.27 Glaisher-Kinkelin’s constant A, which is the limit of a sequence such as time on earth. Imaginary numbers ((√−1) or i extend real numbers to complex numbers, such as with a quantum wave or phase size/magnitude. This is crucial to the basic laws of nature seen in Schrödinger’s equation which begins with a real number value, i. Like pi, the complete number value of i is real but undeterminable by finite minds. This is an actual value much like the unknowable infinite perfect God Creator.

Another common example the field of applied mathematics is used for is mathematical biology.28 It employs the areas of real and complex analysis, differential systems, geometry, topology, statistics, and computer sciences.29 Non-dimensionalism can be aided by a model time/scale of max possible change.30 Morphogenesis generally means the creation of a form, especially during the creation of the shape in development. Reaction-diffusion parabolic PDEs of an early time/space and a later time/space can show change. Chemotaxis is the movement of an organism, or part of one, in a direction corresponding to a gradient of increasing or decreasing concentration of a particular (stimuli) substance. The competitive exclusion principle or (Georgy) Gause’s Law says where two species compete for the exact resources it can be reasoned they cannot coexist with stability. The min and max population models per species can be graphed. A two species competition equation model of growth is made where the trajectory is plotted on a graph. Models can be based on spatial patterns and the continuum of attraction.

Eugene Tssui, a Chinese-American architect, uses all factors of biology and all aspects of the sciences in his work, especially the science of behavioral change.31 Given the interdisciplinary nature of endotheistic constants and ectogenous mathematical biology the following abbreviated science of the human decision-tree algorithm can be written.


--Phenomenon; nothing, then, material ordered something.

Observation; cause and effect needed for the universe’s existence.

Explanation; caused by a preexistent Causer of order.

Improbable alternative explanation; no preexistent causer of order.

--Phenomenon; infinite numbers exist in equivalence of truth or good, such as 1 + 1 only = 2.

Observation; infinite equations require an infinite intellect of truth to judge.

Explanation; there is an infinite judging Intellect of truth (good) and untruth (evil).

Improbable alternative explanation; no infinite judge of good and evil.

--Phenomenon; DNA coded life from nonlife.

Observation; code has purpose.

Explanation; coded by a purposed Coder.

Improbable alternative explanation; no purposed coder and human purpose.

--Phenomenon; at birth born with the innate ability to recognize verbs and nouns (we think therefore we exist and can pursue knowledge), human life does not want to be lied to, stolen from, or murdered.

Observation; humans can have ethical boundaries to pursue needs and knowledge, which require a transcendent moral law.

Explanation; there is a transcendent moral Lawgiver.

Improbable alternative explanation; there is no transcendent moral lawgiver for human ethical boundaries to pursue needs and knowledge.

--Phenomenon; finite humans can not adhere to infinite moral law and need redemption.

Observation; requires a transcendent love to be redeemed from infinite justice by grace and mercy.

Explanation; there must be an infinite Redeemer for finite humans to have hope.

Improbable alternative explanation; there is no infinite redeemer of love, grace and hope.

--Phenomenon; the redemptive process must be revealed to humans by the infinite Redeemer.

Observation; the redemptive process is in immutable Scriptures.

Explanation; immutable Scriptures are only in the Bible.

Improbable alternative explanation; the Bible is not immutable.

--Phenomenon; individuals must freely choose redemption and heaven or reject edemption and

accept Hell32 according to biblical teaching (John 3:16).

Observation; there must be an eternal heaven and eternal hell to choose from.

Explanation; there is an eternal heaven and eternal hell.

Improbable alternative explanation; there is no eternal heaven or eternal hell.


Before 1235 B.C., Moses wrote in the Bible how the land was first separated from the seas at creation.33 It was not until very recent history that man could map how the world looked prior to the separation, as seen below. It is not possible that man could have had that knowledge over 3,000 years ago.

This idea of an original supercontinent is called Pangea (Greek from pan or all, and gaia or earth). It seems the world land mass made rapid and wide separations during the global Flood (2285 B.C. recorded in Gen. 6-9) by the process of catastrophic plate tectonics. That movement of the plates would have also further developed the ocean basins and mountains in today’s world.

Science helps keep the unredeemed focused on reality and dulling their rejection of all of reality, which prevents their running headlong into self-destruction. The knowledge from science is the only efficient way the redeemed can communicate with the unredeemed. Understanding constants as fixed values, which prevent the possibility of relative truth, allows humanity to escape the Dark Ages. Yet there are still clear and present assaults on this reality. The RAND Corporation ("Research ANd Development") is an American nonprofit global policy think tank created in 1948 by Douglas Aircraft Company to offer research and analysis to the United States Armed Forces. It is financed by the U.S. government, private endowments, corporations, and universities. The company has grown to assist other governments, international organizations, private companies, and foundations, with a host of defense and non-defense issues (especially the U.S. secretary of defense and U.S. intelligence agencies etc.). On May 2018, RAND produced a project titled “How to Increase Immunity to Truth Decay” (sic). It used U.S. mother’s failure to vaccinate their children, due to information they considered to be false, as the rubric to make a compelling case to criminalize ideas contrary to those promoted by the establishment elite. "This inability to agree on an established set of facts or to take into account expert analysis is as serious a threat to the United States as any adversary or terrorist group in the world today,” said RAND CEO Michael D. Rich, an attorney. The mother’s reaction to the stimulant of negative vaccination information can utilize chemotaxis modeling.

In May, 2018, Pope Francis, of the Dark Ages’ flat-earther’s religion, told Chilean homosexual Juan Carlos, while visiting the Vatican, that God made him that way and God loves him. That morphogenesis can use PDEs to indicate the degrees to which it both violates scriptural theology and science. Non-Catholic churches that label themselves as Christian have adopted the heresy of inclusion theology. This is an attempt to rebrand the debunked heresy of replacement theology, which may suggest time/scale non-dimensional models of max change would be helpful. Inclusion theology claims that Jesus is not, as He said, the only way to Father God.34 Its followers are anti-Semitic and supporters of the Muslin terrorist group Hamas who carry Nazi swastika flags as they target small children for torture and death. Jesus said hypocrites worship Him in vain teaching doctrines of the commandments of men.35 The posterity of the unredeemed approve their sayings.36 We all have knowledge, but theological knowledge puffs up though real love edifies the redeemed. If any man think he knows anything he knows nothing yet as he ought to know.37

Yuval Feldman’s, professor of the Faculty of Law at Bar-Ilan University (Israel), 2018 book The Law of Good People: Challenging State’s Ability to Regulate Human Behavior focuses on various regulatory changes (e.g. situational design and ethical nudges) that should take place following his “new” perspective of the regulators’ focus. The book explores the processes through which “good” people justify their own wrong-doings, either deliberatively or with limited awareness, and examines how it would change many of the existing types of laws and regulations as well as many other state and organizational interventions, such as incentives, procedural justice, and nudges.38 Of course, nudges is a political term used to describe government force or the bullying of its citizens.39 The predictable proceeding caused individual and societal stress could make use of the modeling from Gause’s Law.

God’s first creation in this universe was words made into letters of the Hebrew alphabet40 (from Hebrew aleph [first letter] and bet [second letter] as seen with Greek alpha [first letter] and beta [second letter]). That act of 1s and 0s opened and closed binary circuits to create the heavens and the earth we know. In Genesis 1:2, God speaks of water(s) or mayim in Hebrew. Mayim is spelled with two mems (MM) and the letter yud (Y) as MYM, which can be seen has having a pattern that mimics the actual physical construction of the water molecule, HOH, two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom in the center or H2O. Water's composition was not discovered until around 1781 by the London scientist Henry Cavendish. This illustration indicates the levels of potential knowledge by finite humans. First, the elementary difference between atoms is recognized. Next, the connectivity of atoms into molecules and their interaction among many other molecules is perceived. Lastly, the peak of human ability proceeds toward the unattainable set of infinite data is reached with an understanding that all truth has interconnected harmony and worshiping God in song and praise for His perfect holy beauty is the natural progression for the redeemed. People that intentionally reject truth must be divinely excised from creating disharmony within endotheistic truth and eternally confined in hell, whose truth can never be rejected by its immutable unredeemed inhabitants.

Only God can speak things into existence.41 The man (XY chromosomes) was made separate and immediate42 and then the woman (XX chromosomes)43 with souls.44 Evolution cannot have occurred. Stephen Wolfram, computer scientist, has indicated that a few lines of code runs the universe.45 Constants set the boundaries, but the Creator of those constants maintain the objects within them. He may elect to supersede them for His rightful glory and purpose as when He is recorded as having turned the sundial back 10 degrees46 or resurrecting Jesus.47

In many Ashkenazi synagogues,48 the concluding portions of the Sabbath service include the poem An’im Zmirot (The Song of Glory). Attributed to Rabbi Judah the Pious (1150-1217), the song’s theology is derived from the Exodus 33 encounter between Moses and the Almighty. Moses asked God to show Himself to him, and the Lord did. How exactly did this incorporeality49 work? How can finite humans get to know an infinite God like this is what Moses asked. This is the Hebrew question that An’im Zmirot struggles with and many rabbinic authorities reject outright for its anthropomorphism. The theology of Christianity, the conclusion of Jewish theology, explains how the mysteries of infinite God are hid in Jesus who contains all treasures of wisdom and knowledge.50 Ministers of Jesus the Christ are stewards of the mysteries of God.51 They should preach the unsearchable riches of Christ to make all people see the mysteries hid by God who created all things by Jesus Christ and have the manifold wisdom of God.52 King David said we are to kiss the Son unless He becomes angry, and blessed are the people that trust Him.53

The real cause and effect within infinity are not knowable by finite beings. Constants are generally relied upon. For example, we know that entropy means all events are caused by a greater energy than the subsequent effects, which may cause other effects. Computer programs that fail to understand this will have fatal flaws. In 1963, Edward Lorenz’s paper “Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow,” in the Journal of the Atmospheric Science, explained that his meteorological computer program allowed for the flapping of a gull’s wing which could dramatically alter the weather. Later, this example was changed to the flapping of a butterfly’s wing. That nonlinear impact on a complex system failed to account for everything being of importance to the whole. A butterfly’s wing adds energy to a giant pool of energy and cannot cause anything with larger energy than the energy it expends. A simplistic analysis could include an apple falling from a tree after the flap of a butterfly’s wing. But the weight of the apple was increased by the recent rain, its stem was weakened by maturity, and there was a wind blowing etc. etc. To this degree all human attempts to create infinite software will be fatally flawed. But it is expected that humans will attempt to manipulate all areas for their self-interest, as seen in biology where organisms whose bodies contains different cell populations derived from different zygotes of the same or different species by artificial means called chimera in experimental embryology.

In June (2018) trials using comprehensive data (without patients’ control of distribution) from two U.S. hospitals, researchers were able to show that Google algorithms could predict a patient’s length of stay, time of discharge, and the time of death. The degree of accuracy was much higher than a hospital’s in-house warning system. It could reasonably be sourced for allocation of medical care and resources for patients. Therefore, whoever controls the algorithm parameters will determine who gets medical care.

IBM recently was quoted as indicating that the “internet of things” will double the knowledge of humanity every twelve hours.54 The 2018 World Mobile Congress in Barcelona, Spain, featured topics that ranged from artificial intelligence to their long-awaited 5G connectivity. The next generation of advances in technological ability is called 5G. It expects to narrow transmission wave needs and have much higher speeds. Additionally, it is expected that everything possible will be connected into a vast pool of data. The unredeemed do not foresee any problems with the obvious threats to their individual security and liberty55 nor display any prompting from their seared consciences.56 The atheist Bertrand Russell observed India’s struggle for independence and stated, "It is doubtful that the method employed by Gandhi would have ever succeeded, except that he was appealing to the conscience of a Christianized people."

A dentist57 with tuberculosis, John Henry “Doc” Holliday was asked in a newspaper interview if his conscience ever troubled him regarding his many fatal conflicts with enemies. He replied, "I coughed that up with my lungs, years ago."58 Holliday's mother died of tuberculosis and was the source of his ailment. She had been raised a Methodist and later joined her husband’s Presbyterian church. Objecting to the Presbyterian doctrine of strict predestination (associated with John Calvin—Calvinism), she rejoined the Methodist church. Holliday himself reportedly said that he had joined a Methodist church in Dallas, Texas. At the end of his life, Holliday had struck up a friendship with a Presbyterian minister, Rev. W.S. Randolph, who presided over his funeral.59

Computers have control over collating data in their memory, but have trouble using that data to solve problems. Humans have innate abilities to solve problems, but generally have trouble accessing all the data they have stored in their memory. The first line of the following famous text of Lincoln’s Gettysburg address60 can be analyzed, beyond its actual context of meaning, for the complexity of connectivity to other data by a few static nodes obvious to average human intellects. “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

--Four score and seven; numbers, mathematical constants etc.

--years ago; physics of time, eschatology etc.

--our; self-identity, group-identity etc.

--fathers; genetics, mathematical biology etc.

--brought; behavioral motivations, psychiatry etc.

--this continent; geosciences, physics of space etc.

--new; history, linear systems etc.

--nation; societal institutions, government structures etc.

--conceived; epistemology, neurology etc.

--Liberty; philosophy, theology etc.

--dedicated; honor, transcendent ethical/moral principles etc.

--proposition; immutable truth, logic etc.

--men; human origins, biochemistry etc.

--created; pre-existent Creator, eternal purpose etc.

--equal; equations, justice etc.

By the time the significance of the numerous possible nodes of the preceding example could be programmed into a computer, their dynamic meanings, breath of evolving data additions, and thus connectivity would be antiquated (IBM’s prediction of knowledge soon doubling every twelve hours was discussed earlier). Data entropy will always surpass human ability in computer science. Antonio Vivaldi’s Le Quattro Stagioni (Italian for The Four Seasons) has a set of twelve concertos called Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione (The Contest between Harmony and Invention). It depicts moods and scenes from each of the four seasons, which can metaphorically represent the cycles of mankind’s struggle with nature.

Human memories recycle thoughts and experiences, many of which are sinful, and often recommit the same mental sins in the present. A harlot once multiplied her whoredoms in calling to remembrance the sinful days of her youth.61 Intellects that neurologically entertain a sin in the present, which is sin,62 will often outwardly act on that desire in the future. Remembering can also be proper in recalling God’s blessings and worshiping Him for His providence.63 Memories transcend past time and space to effect present and future time and space.

Remembering64 is sometimes referred to as reflecting. We know that in the refection of light, not all of the light is reflected. The reflector will get warmer, meaning it has absorbed some of the light energy. The laws of light reflection can be derived from Augustin-Jean Fresnel equations or Fresnel coefficients. They correctly predicted the differing behavior of waves of the s and p polarizations incident upon a material interface.65 Likewise, human memory and computer memory efficiency can be visualized on the X, Y, and Z plane directions on a graph.

In conclusion, the weapons of the warfare of the redeemed are not carnal, but mighty through God in the pulling down of strong holds, casting down imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against knowledge of God and bringing every thought to the obedience of Jesus the Christ.66 Who knows what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spends as a shadow? Who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun?67 Only the God of constants can!

The things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Paul the apostle68

1 The quote is from Dirac, Paul (May 1963) titled "The Evolution of the Physicist's Picture of Nature" in the Scientific American. Paul Dirac reshaped quantum mechanics with his Dirac Equation. In 1928, he combined quantum mechanics with the special theory of relativity to describe particles moving close to the speed of light. Dirac shared the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics with Erwin Schrödinger. He postulated human understanding of physics constants could change. For the following quote on God see Helge Kragh (1990), "The purest soul", Dirac: A Scientific Biography, Cambridge University Press, (pp. 256–257.) “It could be that it is extremely difficult to start life. It might be that it is so difficult to start life that it has happened only once among all the planets... Let us consider, just as a conjecture, that the chance life starting when we have got suitable physical conditions is 10−100. I don't have any logical reason for proposing this figure, I just want you to consider it as a possibility. Under those conditions ... it is almost certain that life would not have started. And I feel that under those conditions it will be necessary to assume the existence of a god to start off life. I would like, therefore, to set up this connexion between the existence of a god and the physical laws: if physical laws are such that to start off life involves an excessively small chance, so that it will not be reasonable to suppose that life would have started just by blind chance, then there must be a god, and such a god would probably be showing his influence in the quantum jumps which are taking place later on. On the other hand, if life can start very easily and does not need any divine influence, then I will say that there is no god.” (sic) The Dirac Constant, n a constant used in quantum mechanics, is equal to the Planck Constant divided by 2π. It has a value of 1.054571596±0.000000078 × 10–34 joule seconds denoted as ħ.

2 For the basics of the neurology of language etc. see the latest (international) edition of Eric Kandel’s et al. Principles of Neural Science.

3 The study was published in April 17, 2013, in the Journal of Neuroscience.

4 Lance Littlejohn, chair of mathematics at Baylor University, is thanked for his email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. on this subject in May, 2018.

5 The doctrine of temporal parts (four-dimensionalism) is an ontological position that an object’s persistence through time is like its extension through space. For example a road has spacial parts in the subregion of the region of space it occupies, likewise an object exists in time has temporal parts in the various subregions of the total regions of the time it occupies.


7 Some irrational and suspected irrational numbers beyond √2, φ, π, e, and γ are ζ (3) = Apéry’s constant (1.202…), ρ = plastic number constant or the minimal Pisot number or the platin number or Siegel's number or French le nombre radiant (1.324…), δ S = silver ratio constant (2.414…), and δ = Feigenbaum constants (4.669…).

8 See MIT free online class notes at

Text; Edwards, C., and D. Penney. Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003.

9 Deut. 9:4-6; Job 9:20; Prov. 30:12; Is. 64:6, 65:5.

10 I Sam. 15:13-21.

11 Matt. 19:16-20.

12 Luke 11:39.

13 Some poets of Haskala are Yehudah (Judah) Leib Gordon, Rachel Blustein, and Hayyim Nahman Bialik. Hatikvah (Hebrew for the hope) is Israel's national anthem. Its Zionist lyrics were written in 1886 by Naphtali Herz Imber, a Jewish poet from Złoczów (today Zolochiv, Ukraine, called the city of poets, then the Polish Austrian kingdom of Galicia). The melody was written by Samuel Cohen. Orthodox Jews have criticized Hatikvah, the first stanza and the amended refrain of the poem Tikvatenu, for its lack of religious emphasis, i.e. no mention of God or His Torah though the full text of the nine-stanza poem Tikvatenu does.

O while within a Jewish heart,
Yearns true a Jewish soul,
And Jewish glances turning East,
To Zion fondly dart;

O then our Hope—it is not dead,
Our ancient Hope and true,
To be a nation free forevermore
Zion and Jerusalem at our core.”

Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook wrote an alternative anthem titled HaEmunah (Hebrew for The Faith) which he proposed as a replacement for Hatikvah.

14 A proponent of the 18th and 19th century Haskala (plural is maskilim).

15 Deut. 6:4.

16 Matt. 19:4-6.

17 John 20:27.

18 Rev. 21:16.

19 Rev. 5:11, 7:11.

20 Pi and e are considered to be transcendental numbers. This means they are real or complex numbers that are not algebraic, which is often described as not being a root of a nonzero polynomial equation with integer (or, equivalently, rational) coefficients.

21 Rev. 4:3, 22:5.

The New Agers label the rainbow as antahkarana ((Sanskrit for the inner cause), meaning a rainbow bridge between the personality and oversoul, which they identify as Lucifer (Satan). They believe the bridge between the higher and lower mind serves as a medium of communication between the two. In Hindu philosophy, the antahkarana is explained as the totality of two levels of mind: the buddhi, the intellect or higher mind, and the manas, the middle levels of mind, which (according to theosophy) exist as or include the mental body. A version of the antahkarana symbol is below.

U.S. Major General Paul Vallely, a West Point Military Academy graduate and former commander of the 7th Psychological Operations (PsyOps) Group, co-authored a 1980 paper with then well-known Luciferian/Satanist and U.S. PsyOp’s analyst Michael Aquino titled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory. Its thrust was to convince their enemies that they had already lost their battles and all resistance was futile. Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino, former minister in Anton Szandor LaVey’s California Church of Satan, was founder of the Satanic Temple of Set and a graduate of the University of California at Santa Barbara. His books boast of the New Age and Satanist influences in the U.S. military. Vallely claims he did not know about Aquino’s Satanism and claims to be a devout Catholic. The video of the Oprah Winfrey Show of February, 1988, has Michael Aquino saying that the Army knew of his satanic religion from his original commissioning in 1968 and it never was the basis for any negative or adverse actions. This was 12 years before the 1980 Aquino-Vallely project. Javier Solana espouses the New Age one-world government and one-world religion beliefs for the creation of world peace, which is unattainable by finite mankind. The physicist, socialist and former Secretary-General of NATO, is a distinguished fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institute, senior fellow at the Hertie School of Governance (Berlin), chairman of the Aspen Institute (Spain), and advisor to the Institute of Modern International Relations of Tsinghua University. He joined ESADE Business School as President of its new Centre for Global Economy and Geopolitics. He is an honorary Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George, and has received the Grand Cross of Isabel the Catholic (Spain) and the Grand Cross of the Order of Christ (Portugal), etc. Scriptures say to resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7) as he goes about as a roaring lion seeking who he may destroy (Job 1:7; I Peter 5:8). (See nudge/bullying endnote 39.) PsyOp’s strategies may use PDEs to determine probable win/lose outcomes of both the originator(s) and the target(s) based on the inputted constants and variables relation to reality, the greater the relation the greater the probability of success by the originator. At some point reality will determine outcomes. The earliest PsyOp contained the false input that immutable infinite God will choose to lie (Gen. 3). It only worked because it targets, Eve and then Adam, ignored the false data and the probable just outcome. The redeemed are not to envy evil nor desire to be part of it (Prov. 24:1). U.S. PSYOP course work from the 1980’s, as taken by Dallas F. Bell Jr., distinguished between truth and credibility (Psychological Operations Course Text, Edition 9, pp. 2-4, Department of the Army, Fort Bragg, North Carolina). It agrees that truth is the best weapon for achieving U.S. objectives. It defined truth as that that represents the real state of affairs and is actually the case. Truth may or may not be credible or believable to some audiences. If some people falsely believe that diseases are caused from not paying homage to deceased family members, they will not believe the truth that diseases may be caused by germs, bacteria, or viruses etc. That which is considered credible may not be considered true. Truth is based on objective facts or conditions, whereas credibility is based on subjective judgment or emotion. Both the good side and the evil side in a conflict will try to influence the uncommitted that their side is right. The true facts may not be applicable to both sides, yet both sides will exert great efforts to make their positions credible. Deisidaimonésteros (from Greek deidō, to dread and daimōn, a deity used to mean superstitious belief in a finite unbalanced false god[s]; Acts 25:19) may be manifested in the perversion of true Christianity (Mark 7:1-16), have many gods (Acts 17:22), or falsely attribute acts in nature to God (Acts 28:4) etc.

22 Job 1:7-12.

23 Rev. 14:3, 15:3. Having been placed with a flaming sword at the east end of the garden of Eden to protect the way of the tree of life (Gen. 3:24), Cherub (Hebrew kərūv or kĕrûb, plural cherubim, meaning imaginary figures) are described as having wings (Ex. 25:20, 37:9; I Kings 6:27, 8:6; II Chro. 3:11, 13, 5:7; Eze. 11:22). If the wings are not for the beauty of the symmetry of form they must have practical application. For wings to work as designed, there must be an atmosphere to manipulate. That atmosphere would have substance and thus be subject to vibrations needed for sound etc.

24 See endnote 18.

25 See endnote 20. Professor emeritus at Princeton University, Elias Stein did work in harmonic analysis.

26 II Peter 1:5, 3:18.

27 Heb. 12:22; Rev. 12:4. Not an example of a continued fraction per se, a third (Greek tritos or third from treis or tria for the number three) part of the angels fell from heaven due to their freewill to reject God. One third requires the total of a finite set to be divisible by the whole number three, > than 3 and < than infinity. For example, 1/3 of 10 equals 3.3 and angels must be whole and not .3 parts of an angel etc. Jesus said He could call up more than 12 legions of angels to defend Him (Matt. 26:53), > 12 legions. Legion means a large group. In the time of Augustus, a Roman legion was considered to be 6,000 infantrymen and 862 auxiliary troops, e.g. cavalry etc. Twelve is the number of governance, such as months in a year, the tribes of Israel, Apostles etc. The numbers of 6,000 and 6,826 are divisible by 3, as is 12 x 6,000 (72,000) or 6,826 (81,912). The demons said they were legion (Mark 5:9, 15; Luke 8:30) and ran into 2,000 pigs and drowned them (Mark 5:13). One angel killed 70,000 people (II Sam. 24:15-17) in three days (II Sam. 24:13). Three days x 24 hours = 72 hours x 60 minutes = 4320 x 60 seconds = 259,200 divided by 70,000 = 3.7 seconds per death. More than 81,912 angels x 70,000 could exceed 5,733,840,000 deaths, almost the total population of the earth, in three days.

28 Free online book at

29 Steven Peterson, emeritus professor of politics and public affairs at Pennsylvania State (Harrisburg), is thanked for his assistance with this subject in May, 2018, during an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr.

30 In Descartes’ La Geometrie, his Rule of Signs employs a technique to determine an upper bound on the number of positive or negative real roots of a polynomial.

31 Dr. Tssui expressed his approach in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in May, 2018.

32 Hell must be the absence of Creator God’s attributes, such as love, mercy, grace etc. and must be void of their subsets of hope, joy, forgiveness, friendship etc. (Luke 16:22-31).

33 Gen. 1:9-10; Job 26:10. 12; Prov. 8:29; Jere. 5:22; II Peter 3:5. Dallas F. Bell Jr. thanks his college geography professor, Dr. R., for beginning his first lecture by pointing this fact out to his classroom. Almost no student knew of this reality.

34 John 14:6.

35 Matt. 15:9.

36 Ps. 49:13.

37 I Cor. 8:1-2. For a paper on theism, antitheism, and atheism see

38 Dr. Feldman is thanked for the email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. on the scope of his book in May, 2018.

39 For an example of government bullying and the results of denying behavioral reality see the 3 June, 2018, article in The Daily Signal that reported on a nine-year-old black boy at Pine Grove Elementary School in Carney, Maryland. He had written a suicidal note due to being regularly punched in the face at school by blacks. His 12 year old sister faced daily threats of rape at her school from blacks and his eighteen-year-old brother was threatened by blacks at Loch Raven High School for reporting a crime. It is obvious that officials at Baltimore County Public Schools will not keep their black students safe from black criminals. The reason is that the U.S. Department of Education noted, after already receiving politically correct preferential treatment, that black students in the 2011-12 school year still committed three times more crimes than white students requiring suspension and expulsion. The Obama administration established new school discipline guidelines in 2014 to protect and enable black criminals. Using the threat of civil rights lawsuits, the new policy “nudged” all government schools to use positive reinforcement instead of punishing black students’ criminal behavior by suspending or expelling them. Next year, the parents of the black victims of government school crimes mentioned above plan to send their children to private schools. They cannot afford private school, but they plan to find extra work and second jobs, and believe God will bless them financially.

40 Gen. 1; Ps. 33:9. See the Jewish Publication Society (JPS) copy of the TANAKH 1917.

41 Rom. 4:17.

42 Gen. 1:26-31.

43 Gen. 2:21-25.

44 I Cor. 15:45. Greek ψυχή (psuché) -- breath, the soul. This, among other things, disproves the false idea of traducianism where souls are said to be created from the bodies of its parents.

45 Steven Levy, “Great Minds, Great Ideas,” Newsweek (May 27, 2002), pp. 56-59.

46 II Kings 20:9-11; Is. 38:8.

47 Matt. 27:63, 28:6-20; John 1.

48 The adjective "Ashkenazic" and corresponding nouns, Ashkenazi (singular) and Ashkenazim (plural), are derived from the Hebrew word Ashkenaz, which is used to refer to Germany. Ashkenazic Jews are usually defined as the Jews of France, Germany, and Eastern Europe along with their descendants.

49 The place of Jacob’s (Israel’s) theophany is called Peniel (the face of God) (Gen.32:30).

50 Col. 2:2-3.

51 I Cor. 4:1.

52 Eph. 3:8-11.

53 Ps. 2:12; Phil. 2:9-11; Rev. 6:16-17.

54 II Tim. 3:7.

55 People's Liberation Army, PLA, Unit 61398 is the military unit cover designator of a communist threat unit that has been alleged to be a source of Chinese computer hacking attacks across the free world. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO, see endnote 21) held a workshop on cyber resilience in Estonia during August, 2018, to address this and other related subjects.

56 I Tim. 4:1-2. Psychopathy is known by the demonstrated behavioral attributes of hatred of good, cowardice (lacking honor), injustice, lying (e.g. treaty breakers etc.), arrogance, theft, serial murder (e.g. abortion), sexual perversion (e.g. homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality etc.) etc..

57 Holiday received a doctorate of dentistry from the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Dental Medicine. Graduating before he reached the school’s mandatory minimum age of 21, he had to wait until his 21st birthday to officially receive his degree. See "John Henry Holliday Family History" at the Kansas Heritage Group and Gary Roberts’ (2006) book, Doc Holliday: The Life and Legend, at John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

58 Metzger, Jeff (2010). The Rogue's Handbook: A Concise Guide to Conduct for the Aspiring Gentleman Rogue. Naperville, IL.

59 Roberts, Gary L. (2006). Doc Holliday: The Life and Legend. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

60 Given on 19 November, 1863, at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln.

61 Eze. 23:19. The harlot, in this case, is the nation-state of Israel.

62 Matt. 5:28.

63 Phil. 1:3.

64 Mark 14:72.

65 The s polarization refers to polarization of a wave's electric field normal to the plane of incidence (the Z direction); then the magnetic field is in the plane of incidence. The p polarization refers to polarization of the electric field in the plane of incidence (the X and Y directions); then the magnetic field is normal to the plane of incidence.

66 II Cor. 10:4-5.

67 Eccl. 6:12.

68 II Cor. 4:18.

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