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![]() Appearing as a human body with the head of a cross, the kanji symbol of truth below (zhēn xiàng; Chinese for truth, literally meaning the actual facts) can be looked at much like tunnel junctions or a Feynman type diagram of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) with strong interaction of little legs representing incoming and outgoing particles. ![]()
time and space (cosmogony) created by the first causer of all effects
(theogony). Which is either an atheist non-existent view, which is skeptical of God but not of other atheists, or an agnostic view, which is skeptical of God and sometimes skeptical of atheists, (not possible ontologically, cosmologically, teleologically, philosophically, and morally since finite existence exist within infinity and reciprocal behavioral entropy prevents the self-sacrificing use of the transcendent Golden Rule for good and evil necessary for societal cohesion and trust. Liars steal and thieves murder, leaving only nominalistic materialism faith, forms of physical determinism, experimental error, rejection of non-material reality of love for the non-material reality of hate etc., and unfulfilling slavery to pleasure as behavioral purposes not fearing the transcendent authority and historic source of wisdom—God who is love. Rejection of love prevents discernment and achieving wisdom.) P (E1) = is = 0%; P (E2) = not = 100% Or is an Atheological force (not coherent belief; a force is not just, merciful, loving etc. and no afterlife for eternal justice and rewards). P (E1) = is = 0%; P (E2) = not = 100% Or is animistic and pantheistic (not coherent belief; god-like beings are not infinite and could not be creators and would be subject to the original sin without the possibility of infinite regress and could not be just). P (E1) = is = 0%; P (E2) = not = 100% Can only be monotheistic God of Judæo-Christian triune
belief. The world's first printed
book and the world's
most demanded book, the Bible (See Note 3)
teaches to be skeptical and test the spirits.
One Elohim
God is
described in the three expressions of (1) Jehovah
the Father, (2) Adoni Son of atonement
by Theanthropos (vera
and vera homo) where the Logos
Word became flesh in the peroma of time and dwelt among us fulfilling
all Tanakh Messianic prophecies in which is the
Truth and no one can be justified to come to the perfect holy
Father except through the perfect holy sacrifice Pantokrator
Mediator of His Son, and (3) Rauch Ha-Kodesh The monotheistic beliefs lead to other non-contradictory truths making science possible with enlightenment blessings and the understanding of Israel as the global theological geographic focus from its capital, Jerusalem. Pride, hated by wisdom, causes the orthodox fundaments of true monotheistic beliefs to eventually be legalistically added to with scrupulosity or to be forgotten and abandoned for incoherent apostate beliefs with heretical agitprop that begins the process again cursed (See Note 4). (Minus the applied exclusive truth, has infinite possibilities only known to the infinite Creator, such as 1 + 1 = not 2, but is in the finite intellect and is finite yet Veritas Dei Vincit.) The partial differential equation (PDE) form of
Faraday-Maxwell's electromagnetic field may be used as a template to define the
moral field. For the wave application of mathematical ethics forming the moral field, the induced transcendent authority belief times the twenty-five theses options equals the negative of the time rate of behavioral flux. The nabla symbol, ∇, represents the three-dimensional gradient operator of the possible theological beliefs regarding a transcendent authority for what is good and what is bad. The gradient operator represents the slope of the tangent. The divergence operator measures the volume of flux of the vector field. The curl operator describes the rotation of the vector field. E means the twenty-five theses options. B represents the behavioral choices of the twenty-five theses. t stands for time. ∂ is the partial-derivative symbol. The social behavioral physics is seen in the interaction of the fields of individual waves. Predictably, individuals, groups and institutions, and nation-states that are most similar will potentially be the most compatible and the least similar will potentially have the most conflict. Additionally, the academic square root, 5, of the twenty-five theses are (1) Theology, (2) Rational epistemology, (3) Individual behavior, (4) Collective societal behavior, and (5) Eschatology—TRICE—and their subsets. From this systematic political science, game theory methods can be used to mathematically unify those anthropocentric academic disciplines of theology, epistemology, psychology, sociology and eschatology for computerized analysis and predictions after verification and validation methods are employed, such as red team procedures. Note 1: If humans are random groups of
atoms, they can not make purposed decisions necessary for ethics. Molecules do not choose or reject moral
behavior. Consider research for
ethical robots which is aimed at seeking to add the
nonmaterial to the material. In other words, it is seeking to make a rock
(unconscious circuits of 1s and 0s)
love a tree or have that rock
appreciate a sunset. Those are options for an intellect to
judge what is good and what is not
good. Judging in any true sense requires an intellect, which requires consciousness
which requires an innate sense of self, to make a decision in its relationship
to an organic (reist) or inorganic (entia rationis) object(s).
This requires an epistemological standard based on either the nonmaterial with
transcendent authority capable of a mathematical ethic or the material with relative,
in this case, human authority incapable of a mathematical ethic. Thereby,
justice is brought into focus which requires redemption, forgiveness, mercy
etc. iustitia extra nos. Material
objects do not have the ability to choose good or not good, non posse
peccare, which is necessary for societal trust and cohesion... Such efforts seeming ignore neuroscience,
fMRI etc., which indicates consciousness needed for
judging is extra to the brain's neural material. To that end, their efforts also
ignore many others disciplines not the least of which is philosophy
and will likely be based on
relative ethics where pushing a little girl to her death in a raging river is
equal to jumping into a raging river to save a little girl from drowning.
Hitler and Mother Teresa would be
equal by those standards. Monozygotic
twins, raised together, find behavioral dichotomy such as one twin becoming a
college professor while the other twin serves a life sentence for criminal
activity or one twin becoming a family man with a good job while his
chronically unemployed twin is convicted of serial rapes. MZ twin studies
indicate freewill to choose different values for good and not good.
Moreover, this thrust appears to
be giving anthropomorphic potential to circuits due to their superior ability
to store and sort data. Usually, people do not do the same with their
cars that have much more ability
to carry heavy objects at higher speeds than humans. Computers have not gained any
über-human status by defeating world grand chess masters. In brief, the anthropomorphizing of this
technology is understandable from a materialist's point of view. It is based on
ignorance of cohesive logic/science and an unfounded faith in physical
determinism. The Office of Naval Research,
the Genome project, and PETA, among others, have accepted ethics without
transcendent authority and thus it is based on whoever is in charge of the
ethics du jour. Note 2: Non material aspects of intellect are recognized to exist, such as justice, mercy, grace, redemption, and love. They must have always been included in the complete set of infinity. Justice, mercy, grace and redemption require a perfect Judge to apply the potential action to kinetic application toward imperfect trespassers of Divine law. The perfectly wise chosen equilibrium can only be understood and reached by omniscient ability which includes everything, such as freewill, and hidden motives, etc. The imperfect trespassers can not reciprocate but can imperfectly emulate justice, mercy, and grace toward other imperfect trespassers. Love does not require a position of superiority and can be seen as having always been kinetically applied. This means the one God is understandably and expectantly expressed as more than one so as Their love was always perfectly applied between Them. They then applied Their love toward imperfect creation with One being the only perfect redeeming atoning intercessor between perfect God and imperfect trespassers--God is love. The first expression of God is seen as sending the intercessor, the second expression, as trespassers are drawn with fiducia (trust) by the third expression to the redemption, after notitia (trespassers' knowledge of theological realities) and assensus (trespassers' assent to knowledge of theological realities), and indwelled by the regeneration and perfect sealing of the eternal destination in heaven for those saved by grace alone. All three expressions must be completely God. Redeemed imperfect creation can then imperfectly apply love toward God and toward others in creation. Note 3: The non
canonical books, akanonista biblia, and
book passages are generally separated from the biblia kanonizomena
by a lack of historical authenticity, canon harmony, spiritual reading experience
of a living text of truth, and the lack of its doctrine meeting the human needs
outlined in the twenty-five theses when applied, for example in the Old
Testament 1 and 2 Maccabees, Sirach, Wisdom, Baruch, Tobit, and Judith, and
parts of Daniel and Esther. The
Hebrew King David, poet and soldier, said the law of the Lord is perfect, the
testimony of the Lord is sure, the statutes of the Lord are right, the
commandment of the Lord is pure, the judgments of the Lord are true and
righteous (Ps. 19:7-11). New
Testament books that at some point have been contested include Hebrews, James, 1
Peter, 2 and 3 John, Jude, and Apocalypse.
Contested New Testament passages have included the closing section of
Mark 16:9-20 about the apparitions of Christ after the resurrection, the verses
in Luke 22:43-44 about the bloody sweat of Jesus, and the Pericope
or narrative of the woman taken in the act of adultery in John 8:1-11. Paul, an apostle that had two Ph.D.'s at
the age of 21, said all graphē, referring to Old Testament
scripture, is inspired of God and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16). Saint Peter said Paul's writings recorded
in the New Testament are scripture (2 Peter 3:15-17). Note 4: Historically,
the primary doctrinal change is the shift from infinite redemptive saving grace
from the infinite God alone toward finite humans to finite works by finite man
that earn infinite redemptive salvation from the infinite God. The efforts to place finite people
between infinite God and finite man are for the purpose of making themselves messianic
gods. They will ignore the specific
opposing scriptures to their doctrines continuing toward superseding Divine
scriptural authority all together.
The resultant loss of Divine freedoms will curtail human achievement and
accomplishment that gives God glory sending humanity into a feudalist Dark Age
until a reformation back to scriptural doctrine prevails. Acknowledgments: David Saltzberg, physics and astronomy professor at the University of California at Los Angeles, for the email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. regarding physicist Zvi Bern's Feynman diagrams during December, 2013. Mark Johnston, philosophy professor at Princeton University, for the email reference to Dallas F. Bell Jr. for coherence of ideas in January, 2014. James Wilson, former member of the National Academy of Science Committee on Risk Characterization, President of the Society for Risk Analysis, and senior fellow at the Resources for the Future, for his input on the difference between negation and falsification of theories or propositions in which Karl Popper indicated that empirical science can not prove theories but can be falsified and did not consider unrepeatable events useful, during and email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in April, 2014. Nicholas Rescher, founding editor of the American Philosophical Quarterly and Chairman of the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh, who stated in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in May, 2014, that he thinks the mathematical modeling technique could be thematically neutral. Whether you have a transcendental ethic or a materialistic one, as long as one way or another the distinction between right and wrong is provided for and the extent transgression somehow measured, you could treat some of the issues mathematically. Jerome Busemeyer, Provost Professor of psychological and brain sciences of cognitive science at Indiana University, for a query regarding behavioral applications of partial differential equations, PDE, in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in May, 2014. John Lienhard, professor emeritus of mechanical engineering and history at the University of Houston, for input on PDE's in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during May, 2014. Krešimir Josić, researcher in mathematical biology in the mathematics department at the University of Houston, for information on fundamental equations of electrodynamics and transcranial magnetic stimulation during a May, 2014, email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. John Michael Talbot, Grammy and Dove award nominated singer, songwriter, and minister, for his guidelines for theological parameters excerpted in an email exchange during June, 2014. Randall Styers, professor of Religion and Culture and chair of the Department of Religious Studies for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for the email exchange on political bias of theological negation, especially the reality of evil, with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in July, 2014. Bart Ehrman, self-described agnostic James A. Gray Professor in the Department Of Religious Studies for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for his July, 2014, email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. where he indicated beliefs, such as pain and suffering, need to be seen in a wider context of ideas, such as a universe of entropy requires a first cause(er), as his graduate advisor, Bruce Metzger, would have not have thought pain and suffering was a problem sufficient to call faith into question.
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