Systematic Political Science        

Hundekommandos für Schutzhunde:1
Breaking the Lunatic Baal Cycle with Zero Information Entropy

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

Wherefore are we counted as beasts, and reputed vile in your sight?”2

1. Die Zwinger3
Idolatry assumes pride and cancels obedience.4—VECREI5

Between Schwarzwald6 and Swabian Jura7
is the German state of Baden-Württemberg.
One of its towns is Rottweil, long ago created
by Roman Legions,8 known, heralded even,
for their fiercely loyal dog, lashed ruffian,
the rottweiler. That metzgerhund,9 devotee,
later came to pull carts for local butchers.
Vinzenz von Paul10 is the facility, domain,
that cares for Rottweil’s sick, phantoms really.
Geburten Starke11 is one such resident, sprawled,
called Herr12 Starke by his physician, fortified,
Tausend Jahrgang,13 who has an English accent,
causing Starke to often wonder how the turmoil
in the U.S. was going. He had heard whispers
in the hallway of horrible things, retrograde riots.
Starke had known regular Americans, hives of realism,
and they in no way resembled the stupid, shrieking,
and perverted face of the formally noble nation
presented by its entertainment and political class,
seven demons returning to a clean house,14
who hide The Light under a basket of avarice,
fragmented civilization, political cubism.
Self-appointed elite arbiters with mean calibre,
Hamilton’s archenemies of national interests,15
holding their collective olfactory organs,
will ally with subalterns to rule over superlatives,
as Sir William Wallace’s monument attests,
losing his Braveheart, while his spaniel
, espaignol,
Merlin, hero of the Battle of Sterling Bridge, grieved.
Human law is a marked ass;
Revenge for Honor, you know,
societal law must be underpinned by Christian values
as Václav Havel attested,16 rejected by Silicon Valley,
occultists, making magic and rituals, gizmo faith,
postrationalists, a metatritribe, meditating on death,
hoping for prolonged life spans, hacking their way
to enlightenment, self-transformation, they know
is not probable; a pseudo-religious awakening.

Starke is known as Burt by his attendants,
whom he refers to as Erzéugung X, Y, and Z,17
indicating the three daily shift’s confluence.
Starke has been immobilized by an infection
that attacked his pons and damaged his brainstem.
From his pseudocoma,18 he passes the time buoy
between EEGs,19 a secretive world of reverenced
abbreviations and exclusive acronyms, brands,
trademarks copyrighted on legal papers
with small print, Arzt20 Jahtgang’s tiresome queries
regarding pneumonia and deep vein thrombosis,21
and the attendants search for pressure ulcers,
or adding prophylactic antibiotics, straw offerings,
to the intravenous infusion,22 brandished rays,
to combat UTIs23 from the catheter by thinking
about his joyful past of being a
die Försterin24
in the Black Forest and a stranded
der Jagdaufseher.25
As especially for his duties of
der Forster,
he was allowed and even encouraged, dilated,
in canine handling. Starke was more than happy
to bring his rottweiler, Bekannte,26 inky slave,
along on most days, stale spiral situation,
and weather permitting
et cetera.

It is his wake cycle and his meditation, yeasty,
was interrupted by Erzéugung X, matron.
The morning shift attendant’s questions thunder
“Are you too cold” -or- “Are you too hot?”
By routine, he shifted his eyes down for yes
and up for no. Today, he moves his eyes
side to side, indicating he is okay, indolent.
Nurses generally have no irreconcilable standards
for him except blinking on matters, refulgent,
they deem important. Some actually care
for patients on a jubilant personal level.
A few days earlier Erzéugung Z suggested
he might like a comfort dog, pestered provision,
to sit with him during the lonely night hours
before his sleep cycle began auspiciously.
He would not be able to touch the dog
but would be able to see the dog consenting
in the mirror above his bed, sparkling,
perfectly angled to view the room’s pathos.
When, and if, his eye tracking technology
gets finely tuned, maybe they could venture
outside together in his wheelchair wellspring.
Starke thinks the attendant must have read
his biographic chart at the foot of his bed heaped
while he was distracted. Even though
having a dysfunctional body, aerially trapped,
largely voided his will, there was comfort,
merriment, in not being expected to interact
with people profusely whenever they decided
to interject themselves, sully interpolation;
the more he lives, the more he prefers his dog,
a Pascaline calculator.

At the moment, Starke begins looking forward
to meeting the dog, Barrie’s
Peter Pan, a Nana,
for a boy that would not grow up, a mute Luath.
a newfoundland. Arzt Jahrgang enters, flutters,
the room and Starke can see blazed coronation
from the reflection in the mirror, lofty tower,
a tricolor black, brown, and white, with dwindled rouge,
shaggy border collie following, summoned, haled,
closely behind. Pointing to the dog, Jahrgang says,
“Here is the companion canine you requested.
He has been trained to be patient and sit
on the rug beside your bed, except, of course,
for a supervised routine walk outside
every few hours or so to relieve himself.”
Employing the strategy that offense warranted
is the secret of defense modeled by Jesus,27
Jahrgang anticipates Starke’s wanting, radiating,
to ask whether he had been watered, threshed,
and Jahrgand erupts, “Yes, he has been watered
and fed. And yes he has a name, Gehorsam.”28
As was his friendly bedside manner, habitude,
Jahrgang taps Starke on his arm and proudly adds,
“We are putting the final calibration commands
on your computer and you can be more specific
in communications, and a wheelchair perchance
will soon follow. Also, also,” the repeating of words
at times seemed to give Jahrgand the opportunity
to rehearse what he would say next, colonized,
possibly a ploy he learned in medical school bowery
for oral tests to analyze the examiner’s expressions
for approval or not, or to be more articulate, realia,
and present a coherent line of partisan thought.
Backtracking confirmation…who knows?
Everyone knew the pragmatic Jahrgand
never put on airs. A very admirable quality
most people value in their physician’s cannon.
The virtue of an honest and supremely secure man.
He continues, “We plan to add an extension
to the security camera to a color monitor
over your bed, for your day or nighttime surveillance
of the expanding hospital gardens outside,
especially designed by a horticulturalist for enjoyment
during all seasons. You can keep track of visitors,
weather conditions, and wildlife. Birds use it
as their playground and safe-space year around.
Stay patient.” Not being able to have one’s soul
regenerated by simply looking up ambrosial
at a flawlessly designed blue sky is one portal
of the first things missed by truant shut-ins.
What an amazing time, in history’s wingspan,
it was to be alive, Starke thinks tremulously
with bottomless gratitude. Perhaps he, stable keeled,
as a unique individual with special needs clamoring,
was proportionally suited for such an experience.
As usual during these exchanges of grizzled dexterity,
Starke did not have time to let Jahrgand know
how thrilled he was before he darts out of the room
and could be heard down the hall, harpstrings
swooping, positively greeting his next patient’s
dewy countenance, with the equal enthusiasm
of a swooning courtier.

Starke turns his attention to Gehorsam, retired scout,
as he nestled into his rug, making a
hunde hütte,
a dog house on a continuum of comfort, slumbering,
future cover of
Der Hund magazine, glossy,
resting his head on his front russet paws arrayed,
and breathing out a sigh of relief or contentment, Starke
did not know. How could he know prevailing glimmers,
except to be still and know,
vacate et scire.
After all he was a trained dog, disposed ordinance.
Starke began to wonder, as any autodidact,29
how his dear friend, and mostly obedient prowling kite,
Bekannte and now the obedient Gehorsam,
and possible future friend, a hoarded ringlet,
compared by breed and training, dispelled pinches.

“…the sons of men…are beasts…that which befalls the sons of men befalls beasts; as the one dies, so dies the other; yea they have one breath: so that a man has no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.”30

1.1. Hundegenetik31
DNA code assumes a Coder and postulates Revelation.32—VECREI

Starke knew he needed to recall, permutation invariant,
studies of canine ancestry, redundant data.
Before being certified as a dog handler,
his job supervisor required he take a test,
cynology, to insure there would not be
any ugly incident on government property
for which they would incur liability.
It took months of intense research to pass
the designated qualification, but would,
he figured, be well worth the effort.
Like most of life’s pursuits, he had no idea
what the future held and how important
or unimportant expending his energy,
and resources would become.

Beginning when all creatures
of the earth had one language,33
as many people know, dogs descended
from the first pair of canines—the wolf.
The gray wolf,
canis lupus, to be more precise.
The male,
männlicher hund, and female bitch,
hündin mated for life in the wild. The father, sire,
and mother, dam, whelped many pups.
The omnivorous pack stayed together,
with the sire as alpha, until
the offspring reached sexual maturity
at around three years of age; and leave,
and mate, and form their own pack.
Their descendants range from little foxes
to be caught, spoilers of vines,34
vulpes vulpes, Samson used to burn
the Philistine’s fields,35 to larger golden jackals,
canis aureus, and coyotes, canis latrans.
Dogs would soon be domesticated,
canis familiaris, into Alaskan malamutes,
Japanese akita inu, chow chows,
and shiba inu etc. Domesticated dogs
reach sexual maturity, natures delayed gratification,
from one to two years of age,
and are not usually allowed to mate for life
being genetically crossbred,
as Gregor Mendel crossed two pea plants.36
Even the British Australian37 and Southern U.S.38
penal colony residents had dingos,
canis dingo,
and Carolina or Dixie dingos.39 They are usually
known for being feral and having red hair
like their Scot’s convict masters.
It is often observed humans and their chosen pets
seem to share in the same characteristics.
Ethologists, study animal behavior
which includes neuroanatomy, have confirmed
a shy or lazy person often selects a dog
with those same characteristics.40
People that prefer comfort may choose
an easy-going labrador and people that
feel threatened by their environment may
choose an aggressive German shepherd.
Intelligence and temperament alignment
of dog and owner is reflected
in the song,
Long-Haired Country Boy,
“Kinda like my old blue tick hound I like
to lay around in the shade
And I ain’t got no money…”41

The border collie originated in Scotland
in the late eighteen-hundreds.
They are all the sires
of Old Hemp. Hyenas and canines
are each non-arboreal, can not climb trees,
and are cursorial hunters, can run fast,
but have different DNA,
and can not inter breed.
Scientists are collecting data
on Chernobyl dogs, composed mostly
of dogs having German shepherd ancestry
or other shepherd relatives, that seem to look
and behave differently from dogs
with the same parentage.
They are seeking to find any relation
to prolonged exposure
to high levels of radiation.42

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind…and it was so.”43

1.2. Mensch-Hunde Archäologie44
Revelation assumes communication and supports Scripture.45—VECREI

Nietzsche may have thought
the world was conquered
through the understanding of dogs;
and by extension the world then exists
through the understanding of dogs.
A dog would tell Friedrich
Syphilis sive morbus gallicus
does not make one stronger;
he is a shepherd that insults the Haitian sun god.46
Operatic composers, setting text to music,
cherished harmonious relationships with dogs;
Beethoven’s Gigons, Chopin’s Marquis,
Wagner’s Peps the spaniel, Pohl the labrador,
Robber and Russ the newfoundlands,
and Verdi’s Lulú, the maltese, is buried
below a marble shaft at Sant’Agata di Villanova,
inscribed “To the Memory of a True Friend.”
Puppies preference for humans surges oxytocin,
symbiotic lowering blood pressures,
unlike most other mammals,47 being
both loved and feared by humans.

In an eighteen-sixty-nine court case
of a dog owner, conciliar,
suing his neighbor for killing,
ex parte,
his black and tan coon dog, it was argued
“dog is man’s best friend.” A bronze statue
of Old Drum, the subject of that event,
can be viewed on the Johnson County Courthouse lawn
in Warrensburg, Missouri. Percy Shelly
wrote of a boastful ruler,
Egyptian pharaoh Rameses II,
self-described as King of Kings,
who erected a statue in the desert
to himself. When he fell, as all do,
all that is left is the shattered ruins,
and it has been imagined,
that a lone diminutive dog
remained there as a symbol
of loyalty and the resilience of nature.
Long before, archaeologists unearthed
the proof of many, many human dog
relationships. The oldest is depicted in the fossils
of a Natufian woman and her puppy
on the West Bank of the Jordon River.48

(Photo of a cast of the oldest known human and domesticated dog fossil, courtesy of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. The Natufian woman was buried with her puppy on the West Bank of the Jordon River.)

Old dog skeletons have been found
in the Altai Mountains of Siberia,
and a cave in Belgium,
with one of the earliest discovered
at a site in Boon-Ober Kassel, Germany.
A Hayonim cave tomb in Eynan,
from the Naphtali tribe,49
Ain Mallaha, in Arabic, along the Western Galilee,
had dogs and humans interred together.
The Egyptian practice of taxidermy
was to bury embalmed dogs with humans.50
Job speaks of dogs as shepherds,51
and Isaiah calling them mute and greedy
yet compares them to watchmen,52
Dogs, humans by another name,
transformed beasts of Circe,
constantly on the lookout for traps,
baying at the moon,53 deemed unclean
as homosexual prostitutes,
as fools returning to their vomit,
coprophagia, and
pica compulsive
eating disorders,54 evil outside of heaven;
sorcerers, murderers, idolaters, and liars;55
fulfilling prophesies to avenge a sprout
by licking a king’s blood out of his chariot,56
and eating the flesh of a queen.57
Dogs licked the sores of Lazarus,
as he longed for the crumbs of the rich man.58
Their saliva contains endogenous peptide antibiotics
that facilitate healing. A Canaanite59 woman
considered herself a dog, begging
Jesus for His crumbs of healing
her demonically possessed daughter.
Jesus praised her for her faith,
and granted her request.60
A Roman gravestone,
for a Maltese dog, “To Helena,”
bears witness to its owner’s dedication.62

From the Menzel’s Haganah canine training
came the Canaan dog,
Kelev K’Naani,
B’nei Habitachon, the national dog of Israel,
the Promised Land. It was depicted
on carved stones in Saudi Arabia,
and on Egyptian pottery, being recognized
as an AKC breed in the herding class,
but still considered unclean by Muslims,
to their disadvantage against the IDF.63
A Middle Ages’ bestiary,
bestiarum vocabulum,
depicts King Garamantes being rescued by his
two hundred dogs.64 A wall painting
in Goguryeo tombs of the South Hwanghae Province,
South Korea, shows a dog slaughtered for food.65
Hawaiian’s extinct pye-dog, pariah dog,
wild Asian dogs from Polynesian people,
believed spiritual protectors of children,
were fattened on poi to be eaten, curious.
Dogs were eaten by Khitans
in the Goryeo Dynasty,66
and are still eaten today
in Soul, Korea.67 The preferred dogs
range from the mongrel,
a mixed breed,
nureongi, yellow one,
to pet labradors and cocker spaniels.
Consuming dogs is practiced in Vietnam,
Thailand, at the Chinese Yulin festival,
Nagaland, India, Indonesia,
Philippines, Tonga, and Cameroon.
The Swiss make older herd dogs
into edible jerky, when they are no longer
considered valuable. The Kickapoo,68
native Americans, eat puppy stew
for their god, as those in Ghana eat dogs
to keep their body safe. Bones of dogs
eaten by human were found
in the Hinds Cave in Texas.
De Soto found Cherokees bred,
small dogs,
gi’li, that did not bark,
to eat, and they gave his Spaniards many dogs
to eat, but they declined the gesture.69
On the other hand,
in the nearby New Mexico region,
the Apache did not eat animals,
bears, dogs, and pigs, that ate animals
they considered abhorrent.
They did eat animals
that usually consumed plants;
mules, woodrats, and field mice.
A late eighteen-hundreds spiritual leader
of the Bedonkohe band
of the Chirichua, or Central Apache,
was the famous Geronimo,
meaning “One who yawns.”

(The 28” high wood carving by Dallas F. Bell Jr. is titled When a Tree Yawns: A Shaman Variable.)

His people used dogs, relatives
of the Siberian husky, as pets
and guards, and for hunting.
After a British experiment
of racing dogs in Hendon,
atheist Americans began professional racing
of greyhounds in California,
and soon began betting.70
In the nineteen-nineties,
after decades of intentional eradication
of predatory wolves in Yellowstone Park,
they were reintroduced
by evolutionist U.S. officials.
Wildlife exploded and it was determined
that the wolves kept the elks moving
so they could not eat all the grass
and trees on the edge of streams,
so beavers had trees to cut down,
which dammed up streams, causing
less soil erosion, which increased aquatic life,
which gave otters, eagles, bears, and coyotes
more fish to feed on.

This culmination of knowledge indicates
to Starke that theological beliefs lead
to very different human views
of their environment and forms unique behaviors,
which he needs to consider next.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...and let him have dominion over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”71

1.3. Archaologie der Theologie72
Scripture assumes consciousness and insinuates immutability.73—VECREI

Starke remembers, archaeology, a maschil,
is the study of the ancient, consecrated,
an object lesson, self-supervised,
logical model inference, a convulsive graph,
“a concern with antiquity
gives us a judgment in which spiritual values
are prized higher than material ones.”74
An English
tell or tel is Arabic for a tall mound,
or a small hill associated with successive settlements
on the same site. They produce
an artificial topological feature.
The archaeology of religion may be looked at
in a similar way, by studying a set of beliefs
concerning the cause, nature, and purpose
of the universe, especially the creation
of superhuman agencies involving rituals
and moral codes that govern behavior—
by establishing an individual,
and societal unifying world view.
Religious archaeology correlates sites
to religious beliefs,75 whereas Biblical archaeology
correlates Biblical events to artifacts.
The art from the settlement of the Natufian culture
describes the cult of fertility.
In the Ugaritic Tale of El, from
The Marzēah,
there is a religious party. Yarih, the moon god
disguises itself as a dog and begs for scraps
under the table as did the Canaanite woman
who begged for the scraps of Jesus.76
“What one should put on his brow:
hairs of a dog…” A Ba’al Cycle is played out.
Baal, the god of fertility, war, and weather
battles Mot, the god of the dead opposed
to life and fertility, a Yin and Yang cycle.
Baal Hadad slays Yam, the sea god.
Mot then kills Baal Hadad.
Anat, the goddess of sex, kills Mot,
but Baal Hadad returns, as does Mot,
but Mot submits to Baal Hadad
and Baal Hadad rules again.77
Jeremiah and Amos wrote of the cult festivals.78
The Ugaritic Canaanite pagan religion
was revealed in excavations, as in Megiddo.
Baal and Dagon were cults of the dead,
with El as the head god.79
Texts from the city state of Ras Shamra,
Ugarit, its rivers, port city of Syria,
has fifty epic poems
that explain the Baal religion,
in cuneiform, the Semitic language.80
Asherah, leud Canaanite goddess,
associated with trees, not allowed beside
the Lord’s altar,81 justly cursing
those hanged on a tree.82

Aristotle wrote the “lover of myth is
in a sense a lover of wisdom,
for myth is composed of wonders.”83
Friedrich Schelling said there is a distinction
between epic and lyric as kinds
of poetic consciousness. He explained
poetry is the first expression of myth.84
The Greek word
mythos is defined
as a false history told to create a world view.
In the Indian epic poem
King of Yudhishthira gave up heaven
for a black dog, Dharma in dog form,
the Indian Hindu festival Kukur Tihar
celebrates Yama, god of death,
with two dogs guarding Naraka, hell.
In Egyptian polytheism, Anubis85
is a jackal headed god of funeral rites
that protects graves. In Greek myth, Cererus,
is a three-headed hound of Hades guarding
its gate to prevent the dead from leaving.
His father was Typhon, Persian
meaning typhon, a multiheaded snake god
who fought Zeus to be the god of the cosmos,
but Zeus won. Homer’s Ulysses dog,
Ar’gus or Argos, the swiftest
and bravest of Ithaca’s dogs,
was faithful to his master and died;
symbolizing the death of the Ithaca kingdom.
The Chinese sacred dog is the lion dog, shishi,87
the celestial dog that symbolizes energy and value.
The foo dog is Buddha’s, Fo.
In Chinese Buddhism
ditīng, meaning listen,
was a white dog before Ksitigarbha,
who left heaven to be a monk,
he found his mother from a past life,
and would be reborn as a dog. Then,
he was reincarnated as a human,
and so adopted the dog that followed his dharma,
and guarded him when he became enlightened.
Then, the dog came to guard hell.
Ditīng could differentiate all creatures of the world,
and knew the true monkey from the fake monkey,
that wreaks havoc, and so asked Ksitigarbha
to send both to Buddha.

The dog, kuόn, more specifically kyōn,
a scavenging canine, is despised
in oriental tradition.
Kyōn khryseos,
the golden dog, known as Laelaps,
is the divine dog of Greek myth
sent by Rhea to guard the infant god, Zeus,
and his nurse. The teumessian fox,
a giant fox of Teumessus, near Thebes
once called Cadmea, known as cadmean
vixen was sent by Dionysus
to ravage Thebes and kill their children.
Thebes sacrificed a child each month to placate it.
Laelaps, golden dog of Europa, of Crete,
was sent after the fox, but he could not catch it
Thus, Zeus changed them both into stone,
and two constellations, Canis Major,
laelaps, and Canis Minor, the fox.
They chase each other
in the night sky, like yin and yang.
The paradox is laelaps gets all its prey,
but the fox can never be caught.
The unstoppable force paradox
is a mutually excluding force
cancelling each other out
in an unsolvable problem. Similarly,
the Chinese contradiction,
máodún, spear-shield,
was in
Han Feizi;88 a man sells a spear
that can pierce any shield, and a shield
that can not be penetrated by any spear,
zixīang máodún; spear-shield.
The self-contradicting Chinese
legalism was like Niccolò Machiavelli’s
The Prince; the masters are power, shi,
the technique,
shú, and the law, ,
a logomachy masquerade.

Eurytios Krater, king of Oechalia,
had a party for Hercules,
and a dog ate under the table.
In the cult of Asclepius, Greek god,
sacred dogs lived in the temples,
and licked wounds to sooth and heal,
as with Lazarus and the rich man.89
In a Canaanite dog cemetery,
in the city of Ashkelon,90
the worship of Astarte,
goddess of war and love
for Canaanites and Phoenicians,
like Aphrodite, Venus, Ishtar, Ra,
and Inanna to others, is observed.
The Norse god Tyr, a god like Zeus,
raised a giant wolf Fenris, short for
he who dwells in the marshes.
Tyr lost his arm from Fenris’ bite
when he tried to chain him.
That one-armed god of law and wars,
and brother was Thor, god of thunder.
Garm, Hel’s, meaning hidden,
goddess of the dead, hell,91
and sister of Jormungandr, a large support,
brother of Fentrir or Fentris,
wolf guard slays Tyr.
The poetic reference to Ragnarök,
includes the demise of Thor and Tyr,
and end of an era, or twilight of the gods,
or fate of the gods, or demise of the gods.

A type of Roman moon goddess, Diana,
is Perchta, Bertha, pagan German goddess,
shapeshifter to animal form,
Frau Berchta, Queen of the
Heimchenkönigin, house cricket,
Krikelmaus, mouse, little bogeymen, they say,
in nursey rhythms to scare children,
the wailing souls of unbaptized children.
Like the myth of Holda, Frau Holle,
theologically evoked by Martin Luther,92
Old Mother Frost, Dark Grandmother,
Dunkle Grossmutter, White Lady,
Weisse Frau, guardian
of the beasts in the Twelve Nights,
Zwölften, of Christmas in Brother’s Grimm,93
fairy tale of Children and Household Tales,
Kinder-und Hausmärchen,
both good and bad in Salzburg,
Schönperchten, beautiful Perchten,
Schiachperchten, ugly Perchten.
Percht processions of witchcraft,
Perchtenlaufen, now parades,
Krampuslauf for Krampus, Bavarian dead
and rotten, devil under the will
of Saint Nicholas, to teach naughty children
hard lessons on Krampus Nacht, night
of five December with greetings on cards,
Krampuskarten, of sex and violence.
Frau Gauden was spawned,
cursed for rejecting heaven
with her daughters,
preferring to eternally hunt,
transformed into small dogs,
to pull her sled, her wagon,
and serve as hunting dogs.
Zwölften, she punishes the lazy,
and rewards the virtuous, who help her.

A West African myth tells
of the dog and jackal living together,
until the dog went to get fire,
and a woman fed him, so he stayed
for the food.94 Paňcatantra,
The Tiger,
The Braham, and The Jackal
shares myths of jackals,
as does native American myths
of dogs, foxes, coyotes, and wolves.95
Cherokees believed dogs were responsible
for the Milky Way, drove away the wolf,
wa’ya, to make room for himself,
and warned of the Great Flood,
so a raft was built
saving them from the deluge.
Cherokees revered the wolf as a hunter,
and avoided killing them due to likely revenge.
However, some people were believed
to have proper atonement, and could be hired
to kill wolves with impunity,
followed by a prayer to blame the killing
on another tribe. Afterward, the weapon was to be
ceremonially cleaned. Weapons used for killing
wolves by others were believed to become
forever useless.96 After his wife and small children
were murdered by Mexican soldiers, Geronimo
was allegedly gifted by his god Ussen,
the chief Chiricahua Apache deity,
who governs all and pre-existed creation
of the universe, creating the first Mother,
the first boy and sun god, who shook hands,
and the sweat from their handshakes
created the earth. They kicked it,
and it gained mass, like a snowball.
Then Ussen created the first people,
and fire. He left but still watches,
and intercedes at times.97 Another myth
describes a medicine man who
sang songs day and night until dogs
began to howl. They surrounded him
and transformed into
dog men, warriors, soldiers, part
of the Cheyenne, foreign speakers, nation,
an All Hallow Even.98 George Custer,
known for his many hunting dogs,
massacred many Cheyenne,
and Black Kettle at Washita River,
as revenge for dog soldier atrocities,
George Patton was known for his bull terrier,
Willie, named for William the Conqueror.

The earliest British prose is Mabinogi,
with its four parts or branches,
Welsh myth, folklore of
Cŵn Annwn,
with hounds that ride across the sky,
possibly Culhwch rode to King Arthur’s court
with two otherworld dogs,
Gwyn ap Nudd, white,
Arawn, Celtic god of death,
king of Annwn, the otherworld
or the underworld, a pleasant hell,
and his sacred white dogs.
An Irish tale of the
Ulster Cycle,
Dá Derga, Red god, had nine white hounds.
White canines have a dominate gene,
albinos, white, have a recessive gene.
The TYR gene manufactures tyrosinase,
which produces melanin on the skin.
Albinism lacks the tyrosinase enzyme
to produce melanocytes, immune systems
are weakened, short life spans follow
with lower IQs. Native Americans
consider all albino animals sacred.

Greek myths were in The Bibliothea,
meaning library, also called
Bibliotheca of Pseudo-Apollodorus,
mentioned by Photius, a venerated saint
of the Eastern Orthodox church,
patriarch of Constantinople,
and Benedetto Egio later divided it
into three books. In
The Passing of Arthur,
God fulfills Himself in many ways.
The 1
st Idyll repeats for emphasis,
“the old order changes,
yielding place to the new;”
we fight for our Father-Christ.
In Tennyson’s
The Coming of Arthur,
a wolf-like man, is worse than wolves.
coming night and day, ever anon stealing.
Idylls from Messina, Idyllen aus Messina,
asked “Little angel…Do you really think
that I can bark like a little dog
and that my mouth Can spew forth
steam and fire? Oh, mine is a devil’s mouth!”99
Oscar Wilde challenged in
God critic, judge, judged by God,
father of idylls,
eidyllia, eidos, little poems,
hear the wild dogs at the gate.
Paradise Lost observed Death
immediately pursued attractive Sin,
fallen world, criminal dynamics,
and stung and raped her womb foul,
and she gave birth to crying hounds,
kenneled there, that creep,
that now torture her, barking and howling,
gnawing constantly at her sides.100

Saint Dominic’s Catholic mother dreamed
that a dog jumped into her womb
holding a torch and set everything on fire.
So, she named him after the Abby
of Sante Domingo de Silos.
He established the Dominican order,101
Domini Canis, dog of his lord,
hound of his lord, after his captaining
the murderous heretical Inquisition.
Luna, Latin for moon, symbolizes
the moon’s cycles of change.
Werewolves, male wolves,
and female wifwolves, emerged
in Christian Europe due to an alliance
with Satan. It helped explain
the violent and cannibalistic acts
of serial killers in the Catholic induced Dark Ages,
Latino Chupacabra, hairless dogs, anecdotal
blood suckers. Catholic doctrine,
the excommunicated were cursed
with werewolfism, deemed lunatics,
Brain Damage, the lunatic is in their heads,
there’s someone in their head but it’s not them,
they meet on
The Dark Side of the Moon.102

Evolutionist paleontologist, Stephen Gould,
wrote the evolutionary tree
that adorns our textbooks,
has data only at the tips and nodes
of their branches. The rest is inference,103
violations of the law of biogenesis,
Flex Meta-Storms,
distance algorithm implements
local alignment of microbiomes.
DNA produces the same DNA,
evolutionists explain, conversely,
the dog came from a one cell organism,
that became a fish, and so on, and so on.
All mammals, they say, were carnivores
in trees or were weaselly ground creatures,
then became bear dogs, despite proof
to the contrary; no intermediate fossils,
not enough time, DNA corrupts
and never increases. They have fabricated,
detailed, stories of dogs eating insects and eggs,
and evolving the ability to digest starch,104
applying logic
after formally replacing its fundamentals,
teaching of mythical
australopithecus afarensis’ curved feet
for climbing trees and picking up food,
having a transverse arch in the feet before
as with Lucy, debunked in
She’s No Lady
as a full ape having an ape pelvis.105
Tiusche volk106 also surmise humans had tails
before a TBXT gene mutation,107
and the human eye came from an interdomain
horizontal gene transfer from a microbe, IRBP gene,
using the IQ-TREE computer program,108
even Charles Darwin found impossible;
so, so, the rules of physics must have transmuted,
some true believers explain, in the primeval universe
with a process of random variations,
and selection akin to Darwinian evolution.109
Jesus declared praises to God the Father,
Lord of heaven and earth, that He has hidden
such things from the wise and intelligent,
and has revealed them to babes.110

Another myth of atheists, hate-theists, dissembling,
is multi-universes with parallel existences
of differing rules of physics.
A finite material set can not
mathematically form infinity, Sovereignty,
known to nonmaterially exist in love,
justice, mercy in an efficient exchange
of energy; harmonic oscillator
of lowering and raising operators.
There is no infinite profit
under the finite sun.111
The latest alternative to the existence
of Creator God is computer simulation
of all life in the universe.
Information physics claims space-time
and matter are not functional, instead
physical reality is only bits
of information for which humans
specifically experience energy, as temperature
emerges from the collective movement of atoms,
and no atoms have temperature. John Wheeler
said the universe is math and is emerging
from information, his aphorism is “it from bit.”112
John Barrow maintained a simulation
would have periodic errors that need fixing
and they could be observed, as constants
of nature changes. Only an infinite God
can violate rules and constants
without violating their connectedness
called miracles. Materially, He could
turn back the degrees on a sundial
without causing gravitational
and centrifugal force trauma
to the earth.113 He could raise the dead
without causing psychological
and biological trauma to the person.114
Transgenerational trauma from stress
is not genetic, can not mutate DNA,
but may cause an alteration, turning off,
or turning on, of genes creating proclivities.
Nonmaterially, He could affect rules
and constants, causing relics
of faith in the faithful, without relics
of unconnected logic. He could cause
eternal salvation by grace without trauma
to eternal justice.115 He could create
self-awareness from a soul
over neurological control. Neither is possible
in a material simulation. Only the spikenard
scented Creator as Theanthropos,
from the alabaster box of Mary of Bethany,116
could and must have created
ex nihilo, separate from Himself,
yet connected by rules of causality.
Mosaic law requires two or more witnesses
to declare truth. Jesus’ miracles bore testimony
of Himself, the Scriptures bear witness,
the Father’s voice, and John the Baptist.117

Once the Creator’s salvation is accepted,
His immutable Scripture can be understood,
as a ROM chip in geological strata
nearly void of known meteoroids,
violating known rates of meteor showers

for an old earth.118

(The 24” x 20” pencil and acrylic on canvas illustration by Dallas F. Bell Jr. is titled Petrified ROM119 Chip in Pastel Strata.)

Heaven and hell are real places with laws,
and constants different from the temporal now;
heaven has no marrying and giving in marriage,
nor pain and suffering, and hell is a lake of fire
were its inhabitants can not die. False religious
islands of myths floating in mediocrity,
are man at his lowest by overestimating
his finite self-righteousness and underestimating
God’s infinite righteousness with human wisdom.
Starke understood whoever controls the creation story
is the world’s moral high priest,
and ruler of the world.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared Him.”120

2. Hundekommandos121
Obedience assumes worship and supersedes sacrifice.122—VECREI

Starke thinks the creation narrative, fundamentalia,
dog and man created by day six,123 foundationalism,
the number of man, each with canine teeth,
contains the rational for relating to people
and to the environment, necessary iron hoops
for all people...all people must serve vehemently
someone…there is no sovereign person, parasol.
The fundamental behavior, casting luster,
of servant to Master is obedience, impetuous,
which is better than sacrifice intermission.
A double-minded man is unstable, deformed,
in all his ways.124 Obedience, modular firstfruits,
is power under control. It is
praus,125 furied
meekness, being tamed to be efficient, verdure,
and useful to a master, myrid metathesis.
Kaleb, meaning faithful, was totally obedient
to God, and was allowed to enter the Promised Land.126
To be obedient is to follow commands,
kommandos, and to follow God’s commands
is to be a
Götter-kommando. Scripture
recounts the acts of many
Tobiah, totally disobedient to God, haughty,
Satans-kommando, hindered Nehemiah,
Götter-kommando, as he rebuilt Jerusalem,127
the castle of Zion, the city of David,128 foreborn,
where no fox could break down the stone wall.129
Mongol warlord, Temujin, Genghis Khan,
attacked enemies with his obedient generals,
four dogs of war, Jebe, Kublai, Jelme,
and Subutai, and with unbridled thousands
of Tibetan Mastiff ancestors, his canine soldiers,
as Yang Zhijun wrote. Attila the Hun consorted
with giant Molossian dogs from Albania,
and Italy. The Irish dizzily used wolfhounds
against Norman knights. King Henry VIII
engaged mastiffs, the Germans mostly Alsatians,
die grösste einsatzbereite hundearmee der
, with the Red Cross sanitätshunde’,
sanitary dogs.

Animal learning includes operant conditioning;
the variable ratios of positive reinforcement,
the master provides pleasant treats to the servant,
and negative reinforcement, the master provides
unpleasant treats to the servant voluptuously.
An anterior Arabic proverb suggests
the tongue has three gatekeeper queries;130
is it true, is it kind, and is it necessary.
Truth does not bear jarring false witness,131
kindness is to love God with all one’s heart,
soul, and mind, and loves one’s neighbor as one’s self,132
and treats others as they want to be treated,133
necessary beginning by saving those that need help,134
and is wise.135 Those attributes are proof
of awareness, and show consciousness, undaunted,
is not an illusion of multiple firing neurons.
Cognitive ethology looks at the influence
of conscious awareness and intentional swagger
in animal behavior.136 Thomas Aquinas,
Immanuel Kant, and René Descartes conspired,
thought of animals as rational, adamantine.
There is supernatural intelligence,137 primy
natural intelligence,138 animal intelligence,139
when they speak knowledge is gained,

and a predictable artificial intelligence.140

Cancer is not a pendent uniform disease.
It has phenotypic plasticity. Tumor cells
can change from one form or function
to another. The set of observable characteristics
result from interaction of its phenotype dominion,
and the environment. It can revert dreadfully
to less mature states, and can result execrable
in treatment resistance, or even change disdained
cell type, which facilitates metastasis strides.
Stochasticity means the seemingly randomness
of steps in a process that affects the predictability
of its outcome. This outcome can be applied
to the speed, resistance, and evolution of cancer,
as in casino games. Entropy quantifies the degree
of uncertainty in an outcome.
a fair coin toss has an entropy of one,
due to low information custody saturation,
since there is no way to predict whether
the toss will be heads or tails, hinges.
But a weighted coin toss has an entropy
of zero, high information,
ductus venosus,
due to the outcome being known, portended,
and no new information is gained, encountered,
by the toss. Bernoulli’s binary process
of random variables is either one or zero.
Stochasticity and entropy allows, spruiks
the observation of phenotyping plasticity
in cancer. That intends the gene activity,
and epigenetic changes of individual cells
can compare the entropy in cancer cells
with healthy normal cells surrounding them.
High entropy has epigenetic information loss
leading to cancer. So…if epigenetic entropy
increases with ageing, then, the probability
of cancer increases. The math of cancer
evolution may be applied to the end of humanity,
where unbelievers, cancer cells, increase
and the war of Armageddon is probable;
anticipated by all that is in heaven,
Hallelujah for salvation, Hallelujah for justice,
Hallelujah for the Lord God Almighty reigns.141
Megiddo, place of troops, at the foot of its Mount,
a city on the Great Road, an inscribed stela,
stone monument, tells of its past, yells
guarding the pass between the Plain of Sharon,
and Valley of Jezreel, linking Gaza cusps,
and Damascus.

Theological information entropy has the non-elect,
high at one, and the elect at a low of zero,
or 0 < 1, where the Holy Spirit undefiled
has zero information entropy dissociation
breaking the Baal cycle of 1 entropy disk
oly Spirit information has zero entropyHoly Spirit.
Supernatural intelligence bridges the gap
in human natural intelligence with Scripture,
which must have zero information entropy.
Archaeologists keep adding information,
as with the Moabite Stone, Mesha Stele,
basalt, igneous rock from Dhibān, enamored
secured at the Louvre, confirming hitherto
the King of Moab, Mesha, son of Chemosh,
votary, sworn adherent, devotee, advocate,
in the days of Ahab, referring to Yahweh,
and the House of David.142 Mathematicians
are presently in awe of an aperiodic monotile,
ein-stein, one-stone, shape that interlocks
with itself
ad infinitum, without repeating
a pattern, causing effects for one-hundred billion
lightyears.143 Like the snowflake’s order
which can be observed from infinity. At some point,
biblical entropy will be determined, ensconced,
to be zero and its contents considered probable.
Enhanced interface, an asynchronously load
refreshes data. At max information, combatant
entropy nature requires a reverse direction
to min information entropy sanctuary.
Change-point detection observes data changes
in mean, variance, regression slope,
and general distribution forms,
of sleep changes and identifies
cyber attacks on networks.144
Usually, the max society is destroyed
by a society with less entropy, infertile,
employing the Doctrine of Discovery,
or the right of conquest, befallen, recognized
by curved international law.145 This state
of entropy is the sinful nature alignment
of an Adamic fallen world, seared treason,
destined for annihilation, and seems unfair,
as demonstrated by perfect Jesus’ crucifixion.
Knowing all, Jesus refused to submit
to Satan’s commands,
in the wilderness. Jesus commanded embryon,
His followers,
Götter-kommandos, flagons,
to keep their primrose eyes on Him,
meditate on His besmirched commands,
and resist Satan with God’s strength,
endunamoό,146 otsmah,147 and he will flee.
Tolstoy’s Pahom thought if he had enough land
he shouldn’t fear the Devil;
the Devil was not dispatched,
but laughed at him, and Pahom was buried
in an ordinary grave.148

Friedrich Schelling espoused accreditation
to a correspondence theory of truth.149
He indicated philosophical concepts are born
of religious myth.150 Bertrand Russell terrier,
earth dog,
Satans-kommando, in an effort
to deduce there is neither good nor evil,
induced since there is usurping evil
there can be no faltering good God.
That shattered havoc falsely assumes
there is no omnipotent empyrean Creator
that cares, or is good. Ensigned theodicy,
God is just, means His laws of nature
must be complied with. Allowing evil
demonstrates freewill to get man’s attention;
Job, Joseph, and Jesus are the finest
of examples. By not, concurring, considering
human freewill to do embroiled evil,
is high information entropy, hungover abyss.
Jean Paul Sartre,
agreed with gelding Buddhist philosophy
l’existence precede l’essence,151
miscreate existence precedes essence.
There is no limitable nature boundary,
only will. A wolf could theoretically
choose to be a tree, a delusion of shapeshifting.
Sartre supported homosexual males
raping young boys.152 This is a sodomite’s
hateful desire to physically act on
the rape of God, His Son, and His Spirit,
they know to exist beyond doubt, by taking
the holy conveyed innocence of youth,
“the younger the better” they ejaculate,
self-described as ostrobogulatory.153
Uncouth female homosexuals are acting
on their envy of God the Father, His Son,
and the Holy Spirit, they know to exist
beyond doubt, by counterfeiting male dominance
over other females, and over the holy
innocent unborn, as murdering them
provides them the highest arty joy.
Camouflaged with a religious lexicon,
Catholic leaders,
rape children at a rate estimated by skeptics
as hundreds of times the general population,

unholy moral poverty.
Ninety percent of the pedophile perpetrators are male,
and seventy-eight percent of the victims are male.
The average age of the male victims
is eleven and a half, and the average
of the female victims is ten and a half.154
At the end of societies agonized descent
into high information entropy, traitorous
homosexual activity increases exponentially.
Dante’s Seventh Circle is where the violent
are punished: Ring One is for violence against
others by murderers, Ring Two is for violence
against one’s self by suicide, and Ring Three
is for violence against God by homosexuals,
blasphemers, and for those guilty of
exorbitant increase, extortion, usury.
In Ring Two, black mastiff bitches pursue
and rend their quarry.155 Auguste Rodin
Inferno scenes in his La Porte de l’Enfer,
The Gates of Hell. His most famous bronze
portion is
Le Penseur, The Thinker.

Sartre admitted that even if one does not believe
in God, there are elements of the idea of God
that remain in us to see the gilded world
with some divine aspects. He continued,
I don’t see myself as so much dust
that appeared in the world, but as a being
that was expected, prefigured, called forth…
as a being that could…only come from a Creator…
It contradicts many of my ideas, he says.156
Cognito Dei insita, innate knowledge
of God, disproves atheism, agnosticism,
and pantheistic myths, while proving
scriptural monotheism. A psalmist wrote,
the wicked does not seek after God.
His ways are grievous. His mouth is full
of cursing, deceit, and oppression.
He sits in the lurking places of the villages;
in the secret places, he murders the innocent.
He has said in his heart, God has forgotten.157
God is a jealous God, both just and loving.
Jealousness requires closeness.

Starke sees the nature of rational intelligence
is to decrease information entropy for efficiency.
The concept of evolution to a higher state
of existence is, in fact, a prideful gain of entropy,
and divine disobedience. Faith comes by hearing,
and hearing by the Word of God.158 He knows
the ear that hears the reproof of life
abides among the wise.159

Take heed to what you hear: with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you: and to you that hear shall more be given you.”160

2.1. Hier161
Infinity assumes linearity162 and presumes numbers.—VECREI

Starke thinks of dog tags, diskit,
a term first used in the U.S. war, hell,
for independence of its southern states,
and later made popular by William Hearst,163
used on the Belgian Malinois of the
sting, counter-terrorism unit, merited,
the reconnaissance intelligence dogs,
at the Sirkin base in Israel, east of Tel Aviv, elect.
The k-9, famous homophone for canine tale,
cemetery on the oketz base, celebrates dog’s date,
killed in action. The Israeli Defense Force’s first
oketz school, trains the canine trainer meek.
Dogs are tested for instinct and aggression, spread,
and not to balk in fear. At one year and six months, hallow,
they go to the unit to train breakneck
for one year and four months well.
The two stages begin with four months straight
of advanced training, and four months burst
of navigation, and counter-terrorism training, sleek,
and then assigned to units for specific training, fed.
It should be of little surprise to follow
that the first command is for the dog didact
to come to his master’s voice without fail,
as Samuel,
Götter-kommando of fate,
modeled with the Lord164 nursed.
The Master will call expecting, the weak,
the servant’s obedient response said,
customarily followed by a reward swallow.
The first location will usually be quiet, erect,
but will soon be applied pale
to places with many distractions late.
After each session of praise durst,
the dog should become excited eke
and listen intently,165 then the Master head
will give rest.166 Christ first commanded, hero,
His followers,
Götter-kommandos, to be still, reflect
and then commanded them, hail,
to know that He is God,167 wait.
The Master is to be trusted, a terrace,
and the servant is not to lean, bleak,
on their own understanding, dead.
Servants are to acknowledge, no ego,
Him and He will make their paths straight,168 correct.
There is no other way but come, sail,
to His voice, and sit in obedience’s gate!169

Come to Me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”170

2.2. Fuss171
Numbers assume equations and supposes equality.172—VECREI

After sitting, the dog must come along side, rehearsed,
it’s master and follow, or heel, seek.
The tendency for servants is to become anxious with dread,
and jump with anticipation, Cicero,
low intensity conflict, high-tech.
Rewards follow comportment jell,
and servant behavior is expected to improve gait,
type 1a, one-a, supernovas, coerced,
standard candles, uniformly bright, peak,
distances determined by observation, red.
Galactic and extragalactic systems emit shallow
matter in the form of jets, dialect,
with varying speeds: relatively slow jets tail,
associated with neutron stars mate,
or binary star systems, averse,
that are relatively fast, peek,
near the speed of light, shed,
visible radiation, gamma-ray bursts, mellow
of a few seconds, followed by a longer afterglow suspect
at lower wavelengths, x-rays, ultraviolet, mail,
and radio frequencies abate.173
Longer sessions will follow converse
with positive reinforcement, leak,
from complying with verbal cues sped.174
Christ said follow Him and He will make, tallow,
you fishers of men,175 protect.

“…walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”176

2.3. Nein177
Equality assumes justice178 and deduces mercy.—VECREI

Obedience training requires the boundary, bail,
of a master’s no reply as modeled by King David, great
Götter-kommando, as he wanted to build, pursed,
the Lord a Temple. The Lord answered dark
with an emphatic no.179 At times, plain,
a Master’s response to a servant is to stay, grow,
where temptations to act are allowed, detect,
or the servant is commanded to wait until, veil,
there is a more appropriate occasion, bait.
Spiculated nodular density in CT scans, uncursed,
revealing spikes extending outward, mark,
from the main mass, as in breasts, pain,
suggesting cancer in the mammary gland, know.
The command of no is incorporated, affect,
in daily life. The duration grows longer, quell,
and the immediate rewards grow less, satiate.
It is common for a master to use a leash, ease,
to further foster obedience, and insist on ending, lark,
unwanted behavior, especially for dog’s strain,
that show aggression. Praise is generous dough
given for calm behavior,180 perfect.
The servant should come to
the command of no, cell,
incorporated in daily life. The duration grows longer, grate,
and the immediate rewards grow less decrees.
It is common for a master to use a leash, hark,
to further foster obedience, and insist on ending, chain,
unwanted behavior, especially for dogs, low
that show aggression. Praise is generously select,
given for calm behavior and faith is strengthened, dale.
The servant should come to trust, never hate,
the Master has his best interest in mind, sees,
willing to let go of things held too tightly, park.

You shall not add to the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish ought from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.”181

2.4. Gib Laut182
Mercy assumes forgiveness and negates vengeance.183—VECREI

Master’s require their servants to speak, gain,
on command. Each appropriate bark, blow,
will be met with enthusiastic praise, subject,
and rewards by a good master, sell.
Dogs may then out of turn chime
to manipulate praise, and reward, seas.
At this point, obedience to a command spark
to be quiet will be an equally praised plane,
and rewarded. When there is whole
verbal interaction, there is no defect,
an overall awareness, apart
from the physical, a soul’s knowledge rail.
That heart language recognizes seven realms Divine:
the now,184 images,185 the emotional lees,186
the meditative,187 revelation by the Holy Spirit clepe,188
experiences,189 and the necessity of faith main.190
In some cases, excessive barking may be due to, emotional faux,
dog expressions of fear, anxiety, deject,
displeasure with training, or a health issue bale.191
Puppies are taught commands at eight weeks, line,
to fifteen weeks of age, and are earnestly socialized trees
for sixteen weeks. Starke knows they learn quarks
from good behavior being rewarded, fame,
with praise and treats, and bad behavior, foe,
followed with repeating rewards, connect,
for the good behavior, with durations increasing tell,
until the master is satisfied sublime
with the progress.192 It should all be considered fees
of joy, to encounter various trials, disembark,
knowing that the testing of faith produces endurance mane.
Endurance will have its perfect result, so,
the servant may be perfect and a complete prospect,
lacking in nothing.193 Christ commanded, detail,
His servants confess Him with their mouths, rhyme,
and He will then confess to the Father these.194

“…you shall speak My words to them, whether they will hear, or whether they will refuse: for they are rebellious.”195

3. Schutzhunde196
Sacrifice assumes generosity and voids scarcity.197—VECREI

Starke remembers Morris Frank,
a blind Vanderbilt University student,
trained the first guide dog—a bitch
named Buddy, a German shepherd
who practiced intelligent disobedience,
never executing his command, if harmful.198
This reminds Starke that dogs, ordered primates,
can not be spiritual protectors with docking mantras,
as in mythologies, but can be deft guards
for physical assaults, and medical maladies.
For that assistance, humans, animal behavioralists,
naturally profile dogs for temperament,
and intelligence. Labradors and shepherds,
have been found useful in detecting
hypoglycemia, low blood sugar in humans,
and hyperglycemia, high blood sugar.
When they detect promiscuous changes
in breath and sweat, they alert their masters
to take insulin, with sickbed barking,
or laying down, or sitting. Other diseases
include seizures, and allergens, such as nuts.
The dogs are trained to detect blood glucose
from the tormented saliva of diabetic patients
from collected samples on lenient gauze
or dental cotton during a time when the blood sugar
is starting to get low or high modulation,
and the patient has not eaten for thirty minutes,
or has brushed their teeth. The samples
are frozen and used in future training.
Dogs are reliable thirty-six percent of the time,
but has many false positives. Some dogs may
give a thirty-minute warning.199 That is minutes
slower that Continuous Glucose Monitors,200
and not all people choose canine assistance.201
Dogs are also monitored for health glimpses,
and to be tracked.202 Smartphones conspicuously
have AI enabled thermometers tracing,
and memory sensory collars, collectors, sending
information into the cloud, not exculpating.
Vigorously seeking zero information entropy,
an algorithm may detect Addison’s disease
in dogs ninety-nine percent of the time.203

Archimedes204 modeled social simulation long ago.
He devised defenses for fraught Syracuse
against invading armies. Today, DARPA
is experimenting with multiobjective engineering.
They are seeking to disrupt bemoaned barriers
that fundamentally prevent concurrent optimization
of design and material together,205 mathematically
continuous. Dogs may pass on their zoonotic diseases,
to humans with low immune systems, hovering,
such as staph infections, methicillin-resistant
staphylococcus pseudintermedius, with labrador
retrievers, bulldogs, pit bulls, and shar-peis.206
Since there is a daily vacuum, poetic cola,
of brain function, it has been suggested
that a constant monitoring device be used
for all people.207 That phenotyping, Greek
for to appear and to mark, is an attempt
to find zero information entropy with omniscience,
and omnipresence to become a god, to be omnipotent.
The claim is to seek a democratization of patient data
with surveys, cognitive tests, global positioning
system coordinates, and exercise nontrivial data,
as collected by the likes of the MindLAMP app.,
Learn, Assess, Manage, Prevent. Remote
SmartPhones and embedded sensors constantly update
data and develop it for its controllers use.208

Mental health statistics indicate a steep decline,
evidenced by the worldwide rise in suicide, loneliness,
and the ten percent increase in substance abuse.
The exponential deterioration has created an outcry
by psychiatrists, prescribing a psychotropic avalanche
of drug followed by a tsunami of facial tics,
tardive dyskinesia, to seek AI help.209 The idea is to
develop a multi-cluster algorithm for quicker analysis
of genomics, biomarkers, brain scans, metabolics,
and microbiomes data.210 Machine learning algorithms,
today, distinguish brain differences of disorders:
Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, depression,
but can not do clinical care.211

AI uses a decision-tree algorithm that begins,
a five-step process, with a woody root node
that contains the complete data set, parterre.
Secondly, the Attribute Selection Measure finds
the best attribute in the dataset. Thirdly, S
is divided into countable subsets that contain
possible values for the best attributes. Fourthly,
the decision-tree node is generated, begetting
and containing the best attribute, friction inspired
attrition. Lastly and recuisively, new decision-trees
are made using subsets of the database from the third step.
The process proceeds until a stage is reached
where the nodes cannot be further classified,
and is called the final node or leaf node.
Information gain is an attribute selection measure
picked for the highest gain. The attribute
measures entropy uncertainty of random variables.
As uncertainty and randomness increases for a result set,
so does the entropy; values from 0 to 1
represent entropy repatriation of information.
For instance, due to an information gain
for different ages, the root node may bifurcate and trifurcate,
split into youth, middle age, and senior castes.

It becomes difficult to solve algebraic equations
as the number of variables increase. Accuracy
is defined as the proportion of correctness
to the overall amount. In data science,
there is an accuracy paradox, where
a simple model may be accurate, but
too simple to be useful. So, to risk more
may yield a higher percentage of incorrectness.
Accuracy is then not always considered,
by all people, to be a good metric for predictive models
in predictive analysis. A decision-tree algorithm
may be helpful for data analysis, as with ChatGPT,212
if data set S is one class, and entropy is 0,
or half are one class and half are another data set,
and entropy is 1. Automatic spell checks
on AI devices often assume misspelling,
and repeatedly change correct spelling
of foreign words. Starke remind himself,
that an archaeology
tel is an artificial terrestrial
topological feature of decreasing information entropy
that creates order. Linguistics in AI is also a
for an artificial linguistics topological feature
that increases information entropy, which in turn
creates disorder, perplexing chaos, rumpus tumult.

AI strings words and data together, a dalliance,
with no more conscious joy than a meandering car,
that breaks a land speed record, can appreciate
that milestone in and for human history.
Greyhounds can easily outrun gliding men,
but is no other way otherwise rendered superior to man.
Kant indicated science is organized knowledge;
wisdom is organized life. It can be summarized
that man is to enjoy the contrast of the finite
material universe and infinite immaterial morality.
AI is a force multiplier for controlling, subjugating,
the environment. Man was once, denuded,
naked in the beginning, and is now clothed.
Thus, that unnatural reality is a downpouring
proof of God’s creation of nature. Technology
is as an unnatural covering, a muffling veil,
and lurking extension of recessed selves,
as taciturn, ambushing clothing has become.
Nature must, therefore, be decoded, defined
as God has created, in the beginning, ingress,
with His intent, human freewill engulfed
in waves, a natural state of inharmoniously nature,
or all by existence is nature, and thus, inherently
everything would be harmonious, and thus natural,
with chains of dependence, of infinitely deferred
beings,213 discrete, never, never achieving
eternal procreant rewards or castigating punishments.

The ribboned inscription on the Pompeii mosaic
of an entrance villa guard dog, at the House
of the Tragic Poet, reads
cave canem,
“beware of the dog.” Starke thinks many people
fear dogs, but the cynophobic would be wise
to commutate that fear toward Judaizers,214
and human created technology much, much more.
Plato’s inquest in the
Ring of Gyges judicially
questioned what would cause an invisible man
to be moral when he did not have to.215 It is implied
nothing material could induce that behavior.
Stanley Milgram’s experiment expelled unconverted
skepticism by showing all people with promised anonymity
would obediently and lethally shock maligned strangers
when presented the alembic opportunity, an apparat,
by other strangers.216 Almost every
there are egregious examples of anonymous users
of social media demonstrating tones and themes,
in their interactions, never dared in face-to-face
encounters. It is apparent to Starke,
a posteriori,
the AI revolution may stimulate decision-making,
as AlphaGo innovates game strategies,
novelty,217 but will not give everyone a polite
white-collar assistant, and that is a satanic
sale’s pitch, a
hunde kuchen, a dog biscuit,218
to cater to the egotistical and wilted ignorant.
Werner Heisenberg was
certain that in a darkened
world no longer illuminated by the Light of its center,
God, technical advances would be scarcely more
than despairing attempts of famished appetites,
to make Hell a more agreeable place to live in…
One cannot escape the Devil so easily as that.219

I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. But he that is a hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep, and flees: and the wolf catches them, and scatters the sheep.”220

3.1. Lauf221
Time assumes eternity and infers causality.222—VECREI

Plato’s Gyges was a shepherd, colinear,
in the service, probability convergence,
of the King of Lydia. He found a ring,
and became invisible. So, he seduced
the queen, killed the king,
and took over the kingdom.
A prince that lacks understanding
is also a great oppressor.223
Moral hazards are created
from a lack of incentive to guard against risk,
where one is protected from its consequences.
A device can be made, Starke thinks,
to detect the balls and strikes
of a baseball game, but can never
be made to experience the risk
or consequences of the outcome.
Google strategically steers people
with what they describe as ephemeral experiences.
Case in point, searches returned the untruth
U.S. President Abraham Lincoln
was not a Republican.
The latest Google goal exposed
was to shift voter’s views away
from conservative positions.
Eighty-five percent of the data
is categorized as left-wing, with biblical standards
being right-wing. When the activity is completed,
there is no record of the exposure.224
ChatGPT will often present opposites as true.225
It may say x = y and also x does not equal y.
There are no safety layers preventing
self-harm from false information,
defamation, copyright infringement,
development of weapons of mass destruction.
It rejects objective truth on many occasions.
It is a cancer with demonic plasticity.
Lunacy increases and decreases at designated times.
The chatbot mimics human conversation,
with hebephrenia, disorganized schizophrenia,
loose association of topics, perseveration,
repeating the same things over and over,
made up phrases, rhyming without meaning,
and is a satanic counterfeit of intelligent,
and purposeful exchanges. As its homosexual
Jewish founder and vegetarian, Samuel Altman,
Satans-kommando, who counterfeits female, XX,
genitalia to have sex with other males
with XY genitals. ChatGPT’s parent OpenAI
was co-founded with Elon Musk
who believes life is a computer simulation.
The logo mimics the Buddhist infinity knot symbol
for eternity and life development.
OpenAI can not replicate a human
and dog communicating nonverbally
with eye contact; in nature this behavior
is correctly interpreted as a threat.
If genitalia is counterfeited,
intelligence may be counterfeited,
and life may be counterfeited, then
truth nor murder can be defined.

Vanderbilt University acknowledged
it sent an email, written entirely by
the non-human machine, ChatGPT,226
with the expressed purpose
of consoling students affected by the recent murders
of three students at Michigan State University.
The two-hundred and ninety-seven-word correspondence
discussed Vanderbilt’s Peabody Office of Equity,
Diversity, and Inclusion’s commitment to creating
a safe space, and inclusive environment
for it mentally fragile students.
Prior to that email, New York Rabbi,
Joshua Franklin used ChatGPT
to write his sermon,
ironically on trust, which was based
on a passage in Genesis, where Judah asks Joseph
if he could take the place of Benjamin.227
His congregation did not know of the deceit
until they were enlightened after the presentation.
College professors are experiencing the same deceit
by students using ChatGPT to write their papers.
Plagiarism detection algorithms become necessary
Turnitin, nesting doll, ed-tech, black boxes,
an arms race, preemptive
lex talionis,
feuding of the morally compromised.
Starke thinks that since the professors
have taught the students they are descendants
of microbes, the cheating students should be given
the highest grades for applying the lesson
that there is no transcendent moral Authority
for good and evil. He knows the professors
actually need only to enact the required use
of extensive footnotes, and test
the students’ individual knowledge
on a percentage of the notes
to validate papers; lowering bias risk
with a randomized trial testing a percentage
of students and not testing others,
comparing the percentage of violations
with the net class group to allocate future resources,
and time. AI will never have the ability
to be aware, or be worthy gatekeepers
of human values; a disinformation hellscape

sapping energies.

PETA used ChatGPT to rewrite
the biblical book of Genesis as vegan friendly.
It changes God’s words for beasts and creatures
to beings, and plants, hemp and bamboo,
replaces the reality of animal skins
as Divine ancient clothing. PETA President Ingrid Newkirk
said a loving God would not endorse exploitation
or cruelty to animals, the words of Cain.
Genesis chapter 22 describes Abraham’s travel
to Moriah, but instead of actually sacrificing a ram
Abraham befriends a lamb to show obedience
to God. Seventy-three percent of generation Z
consider themselves animal rights activists,
elevators. Chapter 21 describes Abraham
and Sarah’s birth of their son Isaac,
but then adds they adopted a dog, Herbie.
It explains the importance of adopting dogs
rather than buying them, which they propose
contributes to overpopulation by profiteers.228
Russian President Vladimir Putin
told school children on Knowledge Day,
in the future for mankind, whoever leads
in AI will rule the world,229
an unholy spiritual assignation,
an invasion of Vikings,
the Great Heathen Army,
pillaging the inland of reality,
commanded by Ragnar Lodbrok,
allied with Charles III, The Fat,
the Mad King, surrendering Burgundy,
Bella Parisiacae Urbis,
Wars of the City of Paris,230
to Ragnar, father of Sigurd Áslaugsson,
child of Aslaug with prophesied Fatnir,

Sermons are to be inspired by the Holy Spirit.231
If there was only Scripture to guide mankind,
AI would have a supreme ability over
human reason and religious leaders
in establishing Divine doctrine to be preached
to the world. This is a polar opposite heresy
to the heresy of fallible Scripture.
If true, it would also make AI
the ultimate authority of morality.
AI is a force multiplier for behavioral manipulation.
In the era of the daily doubling of knowledge,
data must be individually categorized
into friend or foe meta categories
without knowing the underlying reasoning
for accepting as true and valuable or not,
drowning out wisdom’s voice
crying out in the street,
filling the growing power void with a vassalage,
a new feudal system for dark ages.
Following up on
The Predicament of Mankind,
Henry Kissinger authored a report, NSSM 200,
that recommended forced human population control.
It was accepted as U.S. policy in NSDM 314.232
He recently wrote on
How the Enlightenment Ends,
warning society is not prepared
for the rise of AI.233 Others
also philosophically warn
of the immediate dangers.234
It seems to Starke that the heresy
of deconstructing Christ is to strategically
separate people from faith,
and redemption, from Divine love
by the Holy Spirit, and counterfeits
Divine authority.235 Dogs love
to obediently go and get for their master,
as chasing down a prey. That bonding is solidified
by repeatedly and gradually adding distance
to the exercise,
236 and before accepting
the Divine command to go into all the dying world,
spiritually righteous globalism,
Starke realizes, a search must be initiated.

Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”237

3.2. Such238
Causality assumes effects and Advocate’s truth.239—VECREI

A master finds it efficient, dose response predictable,
to play hide and seek with his canine, bistable.
Treats are scattered out of sight,
so the dog can quickly find them.
This builds confidence in the relationship.
Gradually, this routine gets more challenging,
and the dog is expected to search the whole house,
or yard, or even a person.240 An object
can be placed on a stranger,
and when the dog finds the object,
it is rewarded with praise and a treat,
until there is enough experience
that only the reward of finding the object
becomes the obedient dog’s reward,
he accepts with contentment.
Starke thinks infinite God is unsearchable,
but is not unknowable,241
and is to be preached.242
Words are useless and
are not to be wrangled with—
Worldly and empty chatter
leads to more ungodliness,
spreading like gangrene—increasing
information entropy.243 There is nothing new
under the sun;244 opposers of truth
engage in empty chatter,
make false arguments, using science,
infantile beliefs,245 coming to the knowledge246
of truth is from salvation,247
where obedience to Christ is to be
a steward of the mysterious God.248
Leopold von Ranke wrote
“history is facts to be remembered.”249
Friedrich Meinecke believed
the study of history makes all values
impermanent, relative, and arbitrary.
argumentum ad antiquitatem,
ad logican, ad sapiential, and ad scientia250
are equally considered fool hardy by fools
who say in their heart,
there is no God.251

As with the Brontë sister’s dog metaphors,
and allegories, Elizabeth Browning
wrote of her spaniel, Flush.252
She pinned in her narrative poem,
Aurora Leigh,
the knowledge of a thing
implies the thing,
and a blind man walks
wherever the dog pulls.
She went on to conclude
the mixing of two colors means
a third color is made. Richard Blackmore wrote
about the Newtonian system;
A philosophical Poem, in Seven Books
He indicated a goal of the enlightenment era
was to destroy scriptural myths,
and to shift the Divine authority
of poetry to science.253 The Christian
was often the subject of scoffing
in epic poems. This is the strategy
of false vindication, to sneer,
and show personal contempt,
demonstrating the argument fallacy
of diverting an argument toward,
attacking the opposing true logic.
No matter how detailed and accurate
the outside, objective, description
of color cognition might be,
it has a gaping hole at its center,
because it leaves out the experience
of redness, and all other perceptions.254
The founder of modern neuroscience,
Charles Sherrington said, physics,
and chemistry brings us to the threshold
of the act of perceiving,
and there bids us good-bye.255
Thinking is the beginning of faith,
and the object of faith becomes
the authority for reason.
Thus, theology is more practical
than chemistry, therefore, theology is beyond
theory and will bear material fruit.
In practical theology, elenctics
is the persuading of people having false faiths
with the truth of the Gospel
to make them aware of their sin,
and to seek repentance and salvation.256
Sarx, flesh, is the sinful state of humans
in opposition to the Holy Spirit.257
Hairesis, are a choice or opinion,
and are eternally damnable.258 A true proverb
is validated by peripheral observations;259
dog’s return to their vomit as fools
repeat their folly.260

Opposed by a heretic, Marcion,
Tertullian suggested the existence of heresy
means a clear and true scriptural doctrine exists;
perspicuity is the doctrine of scriptural clarity.
Allegorical interpretations renders Scripture useless
with max information entropy.
Sensus plenior261 is the Catholic approach
that there is a deeper meaning to Scripture,
not clearly intended by the author,
but may be found later, in revelation,
by of course, themselves.262 Frequently,
the example is the days of creation
in Genesis do not mean actual days.
Also, the heretical idea that Jesus
was not understood to be God
until a lot of time had passed; despite
His plainly saying He was the Christ.263
Decoupling Scripture from actuality
is to, by necessity, couple Scripture
with fairy tale myth to fill the information deficit.
A person can determine if a church is apostate
if a different doctrine of Jesus Christ
is advocated. That belief is conceited,
and understands nothing. Such people
have depraved minds and are deprived
of truth.264 The elect are to flee
those things and are to fight
the good fight of faith.265 Because
they do not love truth, God will send
strong delusions so they will believe a lie.266
Heresy is increasing;267 contrary to biblical doctrine,
Vatican II states all people will eventually succumb
to the grace of God, and abide in heaven.
The Church of England has changed
their correct doctrine of the Trinity,
the Father, His Son Christ Jesus,
and the Holy Spirit,
from the biblical male God.268
The cult of self-affirmation teaches
we finite creatures are gods,
and whatever we think
is true and good, and by extension,
is eternally, infinitely, true and good,
as Eve in Eden believed.
Meticulous providence means God controls freely,
and sovereignly created by decrees,
allowing inductive and deductive choice,
x E = 𝛛B/𝛛t, x H = 𝛛D/𝛛t,
of humans to repent or be punished.
Narcissist psychopaths refuse
connected arguments, and will not capitulate.
Their tool is slander, and arguing with them

makes one look as foolish.
Way of the Future
is not the imaginary world of AI,
to be worshipped,269 to escape reality,

and take the beast’s mark.270

It is the responsibility of followers of Christ,
Götter-kommandos, to remain au courant,
fully informed of current affairs,
être renseigné, being knowledgeable,
and not taken captive by the satanic spirit,
Satanskommandos, of this fallen world.271
Starke knows having an unbalanced view
of perfect theology by chemical creatures,
is to be expected. Waiting
for the emanate return of Christ,
people sitting around after Jesus’ death,
were properly instructed to get jobs,
and occupy this earth until He returns,
and not grow weary of doing good.272

Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me.”273

3.3. Braverhund274
Truth assumes good and nullifies evil.275—VECREI

There is a compounding of confusion, synteny,
Starke sees, deep state theology,
in trying to be a good dog,
the etymology of good is old English
from gōd, with a long o,
meaning the Christian God.
Root cause analysis is a proactive management tool
to identify the root cause of a problem.
A problem is realized, data is gathered,
possible causal factors are determined,
the root cause is identified,
and the solution is recognized and implemented.
Its geometry is a cause-and-effect diagram,
used by Kaoru Ishikawa for quality control.276
Its fishbone shape has a head, or problem,
in this case defect X277 is heresy.
The upper rib is church and the lower rib is pastor,
followed by an upper rib of doctrine
and lower rib of environment,
and an upper subject and lower method.
It becomes clear the cause is church leadership.
Defect X, heresy, is due to tortious interference,
intentional interference; intentional damage
by church leadership of someone’s else’s, partitioners,
contract relationship with a third party,
God, causing eternal harm,
allowing a claim for damages.
Torts are civil wrongs that cause a claimant
to suffer loss or harm
resulting in legal liability for the person
who commits the tortious act.
Church heresy is criminal facilitation,
not just hearsay, is an excited utterance
admissive in court,
res gestae, things done,
and is a criminal act, an eternal crime,
matrix manipulation, transposing rows
and columns to pervert information.

Culture is the perception of behavior,
and mores of a group of people.
Jesus shepherdly left the ninety and nine behind
to recover the one member of His flock
that had gone astray.278 A good master
teaches and trains his servants,
and they want to emulate their master.279
Only evil,
wilderer, a poacher,
would trade that one for ten in the fold.
By their fruits, you will know them;
is it a shepherd or a wolf in sheep’s clothing?280
The communist breed of leaders
are power hungry,
and whose slander knows no bounds.281
Wolves are drawn to power over sheeple,
half of the average population is either
too stupid or too corrupt
to choose righteous First World leaders.
So, tyrants and destined leaders over all
forms of institutional governance
will include the demonic,
many meeting their end,
as the arrogant Alcibiades,
after the Peloponnesian war,
killed by his own people in Elaphus,
a Phrygia Mountain, as told of by Aristotle.
Lev Trotsky, a Jewish architect
of the murderous communist Marxist
Russian Revolution, jeered the freedom loving,
Menshevik members
of the 1917 Congress of the Soviets,
as they walked out, “Go where you belong…
into the dustbin of history.”
His own communist allies, lustfully
feeding on themselves,
would later drive an ice axe, adze,
into his parietal bone, causing his brain death,282
while Quisling’s, expert on Bolsheviks,
hiss at the Russian Provisional Government’s
granting of too many rights to individuals.283

God warned of the turning away
from His theocracy. At best, human leadership
will fail to always seek God’s counsel,
and can even make peace, a laudable pursuit,
against God’s specific will.284 The final state
of human governance is always tyranny, Nimrodism,
seven demons returning to a clean house,285 neocubism
to zombie Jackson Pollock, abstract expressionism,
Cancer Ward,
as Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment proved.286
The king will eventually take children and money
for his own use. The goal for asking for a king
to be like godless, secular nations, Canaanites,
is to reject God’s leadership.287 God knows
people will want a king before they have entered
their land. Wisely, He set rules for it;
David would be followed by Solomon’s rejection
of the true God.288 His son Rehoboam,
meaning the people are enlarged,
predictably stole from the people,
so, they naturally rebelled,
and God did not allow for nation reunification.289
ra’a, evil worship of a false god,
one’s self, an Egyptian sun god model,
set up false priests, womanized
like his father Solomon,290
but is in Jesus’ genealogy.291
The earth is for the nourishment of all life,
kings themselves are servants of the field;292
Uzziah,293 Chinese emperors, Persian leaders,
Vulcan in
The Shield of Achilles,294
and Roman generals like Lucius Cincinnatus.
Through Jarchi and Aben Ezra’s rabbi eyes,
lofts the targum, Aramaic interpretation,
the excellency of the praise
of tilling the earth is above all things.

Typical Americans, as with most
western Christian societies, wrongly
conflate Americanism with God’s teachings.
Scriptural individual and societal duties
are to pursue and hunt,
and punish idolatry, blasphemy, adultery,
theft, and perjury. There is no end
to enforcement of God’s law.295
He stated all idolatrous physical places of worship
of false gods, Canaanite gods,
are to be physically destroyed,296
yet at the same time there is to be no attempt
to know the inner workings
of people’s hearts, such as associating
the watching of too much sports with idolatry.
Canaanite gods caused human sacrifice,
considered some trees sacred,
symbolizing fertility. Sports spectators
are not usually guilty of those things.
Buddhist temples and Islamic mosques
are an obvious affront to the Holy God,
and His true worshippers will destroy them,
that is the true natural order
of the universe—the true Tao, God’s Way;
Götter-kommando, fearful yet obedient
Jehovah-shalom, the Lord is peace,
threw down the altar of Baal, purifying
his father’s house from idolatry,297
restarting the cycle for seven demons
to later return to that clean and swept house.298
It is anti-Christ,
to support freedoms of non-Christian religions,
their beliefs ≡ their behavior, mod righteousness,
an incongruent Gaussian solution,
less than the modulus.

James Kelso showed contrasting world ethics,
pre-Christian B.C. versus post-Christian A.D.,
Christ’s own standards are par—live love.
It was the duty of the Essenes, sons of light,
to hate the sons of darkness,
with an eternal hatred, War Rule, War Scroll,
The Holy War Made by King Shaddai
Upon Diabolus
…deceiver who causes the fall
of Mansoul with lies,
fights Emmanuel’s conquest.299
The Anti-Christ himself,
in the end times, as in the times of Noah,

will demand exclusive loyalty,
his mark, a dog tracking collar for humans,
a long
hunde leine, dog leashed people
in his spiritually unrighteous globalism,
tattooed ears symbolizing castrati.300
People are morally compelled to shout “fire”
in a crowded theatre, if there is a fire;
such is true freedom of speech.
The Jewish father of murderous Marxism,
Moses Levy, known as Karl Marx,
Satans-kommando, entombed in the popular
Satanist’s Highgate Cemetery in London,
and Friedrich Engels’,
German Manifest der Kommunistischen Parte,
promoted the aufhebung, abolition,
of the family unit,301 violating
the natural efficiency of a wolf pack.
China’s Revolution in Family Structure,
analyzes China’s communist one child policy.
The results are over population of males,
lack of children and so the lack of future
provisions for the elderly—kin famine.302
A good shepherd is not a predator.
A wolf may welcome you to the jungle,
promising you can have everything you want,
but you better not take it from him.303
Christ taught the seven neighborly steps
of the capitalist Good Samaritan;
he had compassion on someone in need,
he bandaged the hurting person’s injuries,
he poured his own oil and wine on the wounds,
he put the person on his own beast for transportation,
he took the person to an inn for more intensive care,
he paid the innkeeper two days of his own earnings,
he promised to return and pay any addition expenses.
Jesus commanded His followers to go
and do the same.304
The heavenly Father’s economy is organic,
simultaneous cooperation of independent systems,
feeding the birds of the air,
and clothing the lilies in the valleys.305

The Canaanite daughter was grievously vexed
with a devil.306 Thomas Aquinas observed
it being cast out with humility, patience, prayer,
perseverance, and faith.307 Mary Magdalene,
now an orthodox saint of Magdala, the tower,
Magdala stone with its temple menorah,
and Holy of Holies at the center
of the Migdal synagogue,308
written of by Pliny the Elder, Cicero, Suetonius,
known for salted fishes, the base of operations
for Flavius Josephus. Mary Magdalene
had seven demons cast out by Jesus,309
and witnessed dogs compassing Him about
on the cross.310 She followed Him
to His grave,311 being the first to learn
of His resurrection.312 A fraudulent gospel,
with her name, contradicts
New Testament teachings of God,
good and evil, and the afterlife.313
People are vexed by devils in seven ways.
One is by altering the revolution
of changing things; a man’s son was lunatic,
so, like the moon, luna, increases and decreases,
at certain seasons, he fell into the fire,
and fell into the water.314 Reverse unknown
quantum processes employ ultra-fast
optical fiber components
and free-space interometers,
arranged as a quantum switch.
The time evolution
of a single photon is reversed,
without the knowledge
of how it changed in time.315

In Salem, Massachusetts, during sixteen-ninety-two,
girls began physically contorting,
speaking in unknown languages,
and barking like dogs.
A mixed-race slave woman,
Tituba, who practiced satanic voodoo,
and fortune telling, forced, urophagia,
the ingesting of urine of the affected girls
on dogs to search out and identify their bewitchers.
That counter-magic was biblically nonsensical.
One demon possessed girl of Andover,
accused a neighbor’s dog of bewitching her,
and so it was shot. Cotton Mather,
a minister of a Boston church, stated the dog
was innocent, reasoning if the dog was the devil
in disguise it could not have been killed.
His logic was biblically flawed, because
demon possessed swine were famously drowned.316
People of Salem later killed another dog
they deemed was acting strangely.317
Appalachian coon hunters have a proverb
that a dog will make a liar out of its owner,
as it will inevitably fail to act on training.
Solomon observed putting confidence
in an unreliable person is like a broken tooth,
or a foot out of joint.318 Nevertheless,
the “dog will have its day.”319
When there is obedience, the servant
can become a friend to its master.
The Master will then value,
and accept the servants’ sacrifice.
The servant is honored to lay down its life
for its friends. There is no greater love
than to lay down one’s life for friends.320
Jesus willingly laid down His life,321
and asks mankind to lay down
their lives for Him?322
False masters are stiff-necked,
and stubborn,
qâsheh.323 They consider
evil good, and good evil,
Max Weber and György Lukács
colluding Marxist, stooges
against Calvinism,324 an intellectual pratfall,
calling light dark, and dark light,
calling bitter sweet, and sweet bitter,325
finding great turmoil in taking a cancerous dog
to the veterinarian, to have it put down,
James Herriot’s unenviable position
for Hector and Dan,326 while finding no problem
in murdering innocent babies, righteous
humans, making their own selves a cancer;
God catches them in their craftiness.
John Chaney’s
White Fang, three quarters wolf,
and one quarter dog, never mocking
his four-footed mother,
complied with the law of meat,
Third World justice, “Eat, Or Be Eaten.”
He did not think about the law,
he just lived it.327 Chaney’s
Buck in
Call of the Wild is a domesticated
saint bernard and Scotch shepherd mix,
neither house-dog nor kennel dog,
who decided to return to a wolf’s life,328
like a dingo or Dixie dingo,
a prodigal son in reverse,
showing the true rebellion
of the prodigal’s older brother
who feigned obedience for a spectacle,
a returning to vomit,
Tobiah returning to Tobiah,330
Pharisees in long robes with long prayers,331
ancient disobedient Israeli
dog packs,332 darnel, cockle by any name,
tares, pseudo-wheat, among the wheat
with poisonous seeds,
lolium temulentum,
diligent to supplant with opacity,
as an opaque spot on a transparent structure,
around the heart on an X-ray.
böse, Satanskommando,
is to be resisted, as
Die Weisse Rose,
University of Munich students, printing
anti-Nazi protest pamphlets,
Die Gedanken Sind Frei,
“Thoughts are free…
no hunter can shoot them.”
They all paid with imprisonment,
or with their young lives,333
guillotined by Gestapo,
geheime staatspolizei, secret police,
of Hermann Göring,334 not questioning,
just following orders, which was no defense
in the post-war trials at Nürnberg.335
Having a son murdered by Gestapo,
Max Planck focused on aesthetics,
and God at his life’s end.336

Alexander Pope wrote in his satirical poem,
The Dunciad, religion blushing veils her sacred fires,
and unawares morality expires.
Götter-kommando, used satire
with the false Baal prophets,
enquiring of their god’s journey.337
Jesus ordered people to go tell that fox
that He casts out demons,338
and told others to take a log out of their eye.339
Starke considers satire to be a wise means,
even a superior tactic, of dealing
with rampant heretical unrighteousness,
a strategy of human reproof
with non-personal correction.
Wisdom is power,
sapiential potential est.
Jerome was mockingly called a
satyricus scriptor
in prosa
, a satirist in prose, by his enemy.
Scoffing is the argumentative diversion
of personal attacks, and is the unrighteous way
of dealing with righteousness.

Sϕren Kierkegaard teleologically wrote
of the
Stages on Life’s Way.
The end is seen with purpose and its cause,
the beginning aesthetic beauty of pleasure,
as with viewing a sunset,
or understanding the complexity of the universe,
leads to its antithesis, pain.
Next, ethical responsibility of the family unit
transforms the aesthetic into the third level
of a redemptive decision to become a Christian,
by faith. Redempticide,340 spiritual suicide,
occurs if redemption is rejected.
But iff it is accepted, one is spiritually born,
as a small child. Then, ethical responsibility
includes eternal morality, and God’s beauty,
and His perfect plan is understood,
as the human materially meets its hierarchy
of material needs; survival, economic security,
love and affection, self-esteem,
and self-actualization.341
In Kierkegaard’s
Fear and Trembling,342
he discusses Abraham’s obedient decision to God,
being willing to sacrifice his only son, Isaac,343
his physical prodigy necessary for fulfilling
the Divine promise of his becoming the father
of many people. Kierkegaard correctly determined
there is pleasurable beauty, and responsibility
in the redemptive state,
but faith is by far the most supreme.
Rituals are head duties antonymous
to heart devotion. God’s word is manifested
through preaching.344 The world through wisdom
did not come to know God,
God was well-pleased through the foolishness
of the message preached to save those
who believe.345 The Holy Spirit,
with zero information entropy,
adds to human experience and the vocabulary
of the obedient speaker the perfect communication
of the revelation of Himself to the listener, by grace.

Starke’s thought is interrupted by Gehorsam
jumping to his feet and pacing back and forth.
“What is wrong, boy?” Starke immediately thinks.
Starke hears the faint beep, barking
technology, of his oxygen delivery machine.
The low concentration has alerted
a watch-dog’s warning. Erzéugung Y
hurriedly enters his room, and checks
Starke’s tracheotomy air way,
and obediently reboots the machine. The oxygen flow
begins being heated and humidified again.
Erzéugung Y says, “Burt you must have had
an exhaustive day.” He blinks, “Yes.”
He has lost track of the time,
as it is almost the beginning
of his scheduled sleep cycle.
Gehorsam did good by alerting him,
and the staff before the automatic audio warning.
That was a welcome diversion
from monitor alert fatigue, routinely experienced
in long critical care stays. Maybe,
he has the potential to become
more than a hireling with a self-righteous spirit,346
a Bekannte. When his wheelchair is finished,
Starke thinks he and the dog
could walk in the garden,
maybe by the first snow,
human and canine, man and dog,
autonomous agents in a snow globe,
schneekugel, fulfilling their cellular tithe
to God’s intended pageantry.
How beautiful is God’s grand exposition!
He wished he could verbally tell Gehorsam,
“Well done thy good and faithful servant,”
so ist brav, braver hund.
Starke knew he,
looked forward, to hearing that himself
one day in that heavenly polis,
where eternity drinks time.
Though his outer man is decaying,
his inner man is being renewed
day by day,347 to a true knowledge
according to the image of the One
who created him.348 Spiritual progress,
sanctification, is
epignōsis followed by joy.
Winding down, Starke concludes
the stimulating day with a thought
of measured hope, wondering,
“What will tomorrow bring?”
and knowing a quite heart
is a continuous feast, indeed!349

His lord said to him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter thou in the joy of thy lord.”350

“…as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption…”351

1 German to English, “Dog commands for Protection dogs.”

2 Job 18:3.

3 German for the kennels (from zwingen for to force, describing an outer ward or courtyard for a medieval palace or castle’s [schlόss] defense).

4 Phil. 3:19-21.

5 Veritas est correspondentia rei et intellectus (VECREI) is Latin for truth is the harmony of thing and intellect. It is implied that finite man can adequately reason about something to understand it as true, e.g. the observation of two sticks on the ground can be rationally considered to be two sticks on the ground. Thomas Aquinas used the phrase veritas est adequatio rei et intellectus (truth is the equation of thing and intellect, see De Veritate, Q.1, A.1-3, Summa Theologiae Q.16.). That Platonian/Aristotelian correspondence theory of truth was accepted by René Descartes, John Locke and even Bertrand Russell. It has been noted that theory involves interpretation(s) with circular reasoning objections or requires omniscient ability of the intellect to know all aspects of the thing to be perfectly equal etc.

6 German for the Black Forest.

7 German for Alps.

8 Founded c. 73 A.D.

9 German for butcher’s dog.

10 German for Vincent (conqueror) from Paul (b. 1581) taken from the French Saint (Sankt in German) Vinzenz de Paul (Paul is the family name possibly taken from the name of a nearby stream), a Catholic seminarian known for his vow of obedience and helping the poor.

11 German for birth (baby) great (boomer); a reference to the generation of children born after World War II.

12 German for Mister.

13 German for thousand-year group (generation); a reference to the Millennial generation coming to adult age after the new millennial (the year 2000).

14 Matt. 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26. On 23 May, 2023, the Los Angeles Dodgers professional baseball team invited male transvestite Satanists dressed as nuns called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgences to an upcoming event to promote homosexuality (ABC news). It was announced that the Target store company has partnered with Abprallen, a London company, ran by a woman pretending to be a man who promotes Satanism and homosexuality. They have t-shirts with pentagrams and phrases such as “Satan respects pronouns” and “live laugh lesbian” (Ariel Zilber, 23 May, 2023, New York Post).

15 See the Federalist’s Papers etc.

16 See Havel’s, Czech playwright and former president, Politics, Morality, and Civility. Also see Tara Burton’s (2020) Strange Rites: New Religions for a Godless World, Public Affairs.

17 German for generation; a reference to the birth groups after the Millennial, X then Y then Z.

18 A rare conscious state called Locked-in Syndrome (LiS) where there is only function of the eyes also known as plegias de-efferented state, and ventral pontine syndrome etc. usually effecting 30 to 50 years old’s who may live for 10 to 20 years in this condition. In addition to a brain stem infection, it may be caused by strokes (at the level of the basilar artery denying blood to the pons), disease (e.g. ALS [Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis], Guillain-Barr Syndrome etc.), tumors, neurotoxic venoms/poison, drug overdose, and brain lesions etc. A conscious state where there is not even use of the eyes is called the Completely Locked-in State (CLiS), coined in 1966.

19 The Electroencephalogram is a test the measures brain waves to examine the critical function for cognitive function determining reasoning and thinking ability.

20 German for a (male) medical physician (arztin is a female medical doctor).

21 Blood clots from the root word thrombus.

22 Called an IV.

23 Urinary Tract Infections.

24 German for a park ranger.

25 German for hunting gamekeeper (a game warden).

26 German for Friend.

27 See the New Testament for Jesus’ many encounters, the writings of Paul (e.g. II Cor. 10:3-6 etc.), Sun Tzu’s and Niccolò Machiavelli’s arts of war, and George Washington’s 1799 letter to John Trumbull.

28 German for Obedience.

29 Largely self-educated.

30 Eccl. 3:18-19; Ps. 49:12, 20.

31 German for Canine genetics.

32 The book of Revelation.

33 Gen. 11:1-9; Josephus 1.1.4 and 1.4.

34 Songs of Solomon 2:15.

35 Judg. 15:4-5.

36 In 1866 etc.

37 Penal colony started in 1788.

38 Penal colony started in 1718.

39 The kennel club, American Rare Breed Association (ARBA), recognizes this dog with group 5, the Canaan dog.

40 Noted by the department of ethology at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.

41 A 1975 song written and performed by Charles Daniels on the Fire on the Mountain album.

42 Chief researcher in March, 2023, is biologist Timothy Mousseau at the University of South Carolina.

43 Gen 1:24.

44 German for Human-Canine Archaeology.

45 Deut. 4:2, 12:32; Prov. 30:6; Jere. 26:2; Rev. 22:18-19.

46 The quote used is often directly attributed to Nietzsche, especially in his Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Due to an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in May, 2023, a word search of electronic copies of most of Nietzsche’s works by published Nietzsche expert, Robert Wicks philosophy professor at the University of Auckland, was conducted resulting in finding no such passage. The poem “Syphilis the French disease” is a 1530 poem by the Italian physician Girolamo Fracastoro.

47 Scientific studies show, within two months, puppies prefer humans to other dogs and exhibit anxiety when separated. Their blood pressure is lowered when humans pet them and experience a surge in oxytocin, called the love molecule, when interacting with other dogs and humans, unlike most other mammals. See the 2019 article in The Guardian by Jules Howard.

48 See articles in the Haaretz newspaper etc.

49 Of Enan, see Nu. 1:15.

50 As early as 2200 B.C.

51 Job 30:1.

52 Is. 56:10-11.

53 The Greek enchantress, Circe is the mythological daughter of the sun god Helios in Homer’s Odyssey and in Niccolò Machiavelli’s L’asino d’oro (The Golden Ass, 1516), Canto 7.

54 The compulsive eating of non-food items is called pica (Latin for magpie, a bird known for eating anything). In dogs, this can be a sign of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia etc. In humans, pica may be a result of dementia or autism sensory stimulation etc. The eating of feces is coprophagia.

55 Deut. 23:18; Prov. 26:11; Phil. 3:2; Rev. 22:15.

56 King Ahab in I Kings 21:19, 22:38 to avenge the innocent Naboth (from Arab to sprout or grow, hence a sprout).

57 Queen Jezebel in I Kings 21:23, II Kings 9:10, 36 to avenge the innocent Naboth.

58 Luke 16:19-31.

59 William Albright, Methodist archaeologist not always thought of as a biblical literalist, is considered to be an expert on Canaan.

60 Matt. 15:22-28.

61 Meaning a small shrine.

62 C. 2nd century A.D.

63 The Menzel’s, an Austrian Jewish couple, trained their dog and entered a 1921 dog show in Munich. They were from Linz and their dog was a boxer thusly known as a Linzer boxer. The wife headed up the Austrian Cynology Association in 1935 and was written of in Germany’s Der Hund. They began training military dogs in 1938. They especially trained World War II military dogs for the British and then the Zionist Haganah (Hebrew for The Defense, the core of the IDF who won their Israeli war for independence) before the unit Oketz. Their hundreds of dogs were credited with many victories over Muslims who considered dogs to be unclean. After 1947, Menzel founded the Israeli Institute for Orientation and Mobility of the Blind. With their standards, the Canaan breed was recognized 1965, 1997. See Susan Kahn’s, director of Jewish and Israeli Law at Harvard Law School, 2022 book Canine Pioneer by Brandeis University Press and the 2023 writings of Allan Arkush on the subject.

64 A bestiary is usually accompanied by a Christian moral lesson. This reflects a belief that the world itself is the word of God with special meaning. The King of Garamantes depiction is estimated to be from 1200 to 1210 A.D. Herodotus, Lucan, and Pliny the Elder wrote of a kingdom in Libya, Garamantes, established c. 1000 B.C. and erased by the 7th century A.D. The people had ritual scars and were tattooed. In the 1960’s, confirming sites were excavated.

65 C. 4th century A.D.

66 918-1392 A.D.

67 See public records of data for 2019 etc. and the 15 January, 2015 article in The Korean Observer.

68 Having a large presence in Oklahoma and Texas.

69 James Mooney’s History, Myths, and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees, 1992, pp. 25-26, De Soto Expedition-1540; Rangel, in Oviedo, Historia General y Natural de las Indias, I, p. 562; Madrid, 1851.

70 British racing began 1876 and American racing in Emeryville 1919 with betting in the 1930’s.

71 Gen. 1:27.

72 German for Archaeology of Theology.

73 For the immutability of God’s consciousness, and by extension His Scripture, see Ps. 33:11, 102:26; Mal. 3:6; James 1:17 etc.

74 Attributed to Werner Heisenberg.

75 See the entry for Religion in the 2010 Random House Dictionary etc.

76 Matt. 15:27.

77 See CAT 1:114 or KTU 1:114 (English Cuneiform Alphabetic Texts, Keilalphabetische Texte Ugorit)

78 Jere. 16:5-9; Amos 6:4-7.

79 See the entry at etc.

80 See Ugaritic Narrative Poetry, ed. Simon Parker (1997), Society of Biblical Literature, U.S., pp. 1-265.

81 Deut. 16:21.

82 Deut. 21:23; Gal. 3:13.

83 Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Book 1, Part 2, 982b18; 995a4; 1074b1-10. See the text on MIT’s literature site.

84 See his The Philosophy of Art.

85 The Greek name for the Egyptian god.

86 See Homer’s Ulysses, Book XXXV, William Bryant’s Odyssey, Book XVI, Alexander Pope’s Odyssey, Book XVII etc.

87 Chinese for stone lion.

88 A 3rd century B.C. book by Han Fei.

89 Luke 16:19-31.

90 5th to 3rd century B.C., South of Tel Aviv and North of Gaza.

91 Helheim is the realm of hell. For Norse myths see Snorri Sturluson 1220 A.D. Prose Edda or Younger Edda.

92Frau Holda as a personification of Reason,” Philosophical Quarterly, (1953, 1956), 32, pp. 446-448.

93 Of 1812.

94 Mooney’s book p. 453; Chatelian, Folktale of Angola-1894.

95 For biblical references see Ps. 63:10 etc.

96 Mooney’s book pp. 261, 264-265, 280.

97 See the National Park Service of Chiricahua Arizona site

98 Cheyenne Dog Soldier Depredations on Settlers in the Northern Kansas Frontier; From 1864 to 1869, Ian Howard (2010), Chapman Center Research Center.

99 Friedrich Nietzsche’s The Little Brig called “The Little Angel,” published in the Internationale Monatschrift.

100 Summary from a passage in Book 2 of John Milton’s Paradise Lost.

101 St. Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican.

102 Lyrics, conceptualized by Roger Waters of the band Pink Floyd, for the song Lunatic later renamed Brain Damage on the 1973 album The Dark Side of the Moon.

103 S. Gould (1977), “Evolution’s Erratic Pace,” National History. 86 (5): pp. 12-16.

104 Thanks is extended to Julie Lesnik, professor in the department of anthropology at Wayne State University, for her email exchange on this subject with Dallas F. Bell Jr during March, 2023. Lesnik and Patty Lee Shipman have written books that include (2018) Edible Insects and Human Evolution, (2021) Our Oldest Companions: The Story of Dogs, (2015) The Invaders: How Humans and Their Dogs Drove Neanderthals to Extinction.

105 The video by David Menton, Ph.D. in cell biology at Brown University, has debunked the Lucy hoax still referred to in the 2020 speculation of evolving human feet by Andrew Haims et al., professor in the Yale School of Medicine. In 2023, Yale University stated they were replacing the requirement for basic logic in their graduate philosophy program with applied logic studies, i.e. probability, statistics, and game theory etc. A Yale philosophy professor, J. K., wrote he sensed this means some sort of a change.

106 German meaning deceptive people, used by Nietzsche in his Beyond Good and Evil, Chapter VIII (Peoples and Countries), section 244.

107 The Smithsonian Magazine, September, 2021.

108 Chinmay Kalluraya et al, “Bacterial origin of a key innovation in the evolution of the vertebrate eye,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2023).

109 This is the actual belief of Thomas Hertog, theoretical physicist at the Belgium University of Leuven and former colleague of Stephen Hawking, written in his (2023) book On the Origin of Time.

110 Matt. 11:25.

111 Eccl. 2:11.

112 See Nick Bostrom’s argument in the Philosophical Quarterly.

113 II Kings 20:9-11.

114 Matt. 9:23-26 etc.

115 John 3:16 etc.

116 John 12:3.

117 Deut. 17:6; John 8:17-18, 5:36, 5:37-40 (Father and Son modeled in Ps. 2:7 etc.), Matt. 3:17; John 5:32-35 respectively etc.

118 Walt Brown’s, Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from MIT and National Science Foundation Fellow, (1995) work In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood, Phoenix, Az, Center for Scientific Creation.

119 ROM is read only memory designed for permanent memory, as opposed to RAM (Random Access Memory) which can be written on and read, as well as can be refreshed.

120 John 1:1-18.

121 German for dog commands.

122 I Sam. 15:22.

123 Gen. 1:24-27, 2:21-23.

124 Jam. 1:8.

125 Greek meaning meek (Gal. 5:22-23).

126 Deut. 1:35-36.

127 Neh. 2:10 etc.

128 I Chron. 11:5.

129 Neh. 4:3.

130 Often attributed to the Sufi poet Rumi.

131 Deut. 5:20; Col. 3:9.

132 Matt. 22:37-39.

133 Luke 6:31.

134 Prov. 24:11, 31:8-9.

135 Prov. 17:28.

136 Gordon Burghardt, (February 2010) Brain Imaging, Ethology, and the Nonhuman Mind, Cambridge University Press.

137 Gen. 1:1-2 etc.

138 Gen. 1:26-28 etc.

139 Prov. 6:6-8 etc.

140 Dan. 12:4; II Thess. 2:5-12.

141 Rev. 16:16, 19:1-6.

142 Discovered by an Anglican missionary in 1868 of events dated 840 B.C. See II Kings 3:4-28 etc.

143 From the pioneering work of David Smith and Craig Kaplan et al. (2023).

144 J. Chen et al., (2012) Parametric Statistical Change Point Analysis (2nd Ed.) Boston, Birkhäuser Boston.

145 In the late 15th century, this principle became widely accepted. Pope Nicolas V issued a papal decree in 1452 supporting this concept. In 1823, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Johnson v. M’Intosh that the U.S. also had this right of European sovereigns over uncivilized indigenous peoples. Associate Justice Joseph Story, a Unitarian, later wrote: “As infidels, heathens, and savages, they (Indians) were not allowed to possess the prerogatives belonging to absolute, sovereign and independent nations.” See Robert Miller’s 2008 book Native America, Discovered and Conquered: Thomas Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and Manifest Destiny at Bison Books.

146 Greek for strength implying from God’s supernatural enhancement verses mythology (Eph. 6:10 etc.).

147 Hebrew for strength implying from God’s supernatural enhancement verses mythology (Is. 40:29 etc.).

148 From the socialist Leo Tolstoy’s 1886 short story How Much Land Does a Man Need?

149 First in an 1841 speech, see Engel’s Schelling’s Revelation (1841 in MECW, Vol. 2, p. 181, and Joel Harter’s Coleridge’s Philosophy of Faith: Symbol, Allegory, and Hermeneutics, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, p. 91.

150 See his 1942 lectures on Philosophie der Mythologie (in English is The Philosophy of Mythology).

151 Wrote Nausea, see his 1946 work on this subject.

152 See his 1977 petition to the French Parliament.

153 A made up word (Greek ostro, rich and English bog, filth), meaning indecent, by the British sodomite poet, Victor Neuburg, a friend of the Satanist Aleister Crowley.

154 These statistics are from the Australian Royal Commission’s study of child rapes by Catholic leaders, established by the former Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

155 Dante’s Inferno (Divine Comedy) Ring One is in Cantos XII, Two is in Cantos XIII, and Three is in Cantos XIV-XVII.

156 Sartre’s 1984 Adieux: A Farewell to Sartre.

157 Ps. 10:4-11.

158 Rom. 10:17.

159 Prov. 15:31.

160 Mark 4:24.

161 German for here (come).

162 Eccl. 3:11.

163 See the Army Historical Foundation; U.S. dog tags were used in the 1860’s and made official in 1899 for soldier identification before Hearst used the term in 1936 to undermine U.S. President F.D. Roosevelt’s communist New Deal.

164 I Sam. 3:9.

165 See Jennifer Summerfield’s, DVM and CPDT-KA, (2018) book Train Your Dog Now, Adams Media of Simon and Schuster Inc., New York, pp. 66-67.

166 Matt. 11:28.

167 Ps. 46:10.

168 Prov. 3:5-6.

169 John 14:6.

170 Matt. 11:28.

171 German for foot (heel, meaning to obediently walk beside).

172 II Cor. 8:13.

173 Asaf Pe’er et al., Bar-Ilan University professor of physics, paper “A wind environment and Lorentz factors of tens explains gamma-ray bursts x-ray plateau,” 24 September, 2022, Nature Communications.

174 See Summerfield’s book, pp. 70-75.

175 Matt. 4:19.

176 Rom. 8:4.

177 German for no.

178 Lev. 19:15.

179 I Chron. 17:4.

180 Summerfield’s book, pp. 76-79, 185-190.

181 Deut. 4:2.

182 German for give loud sound (speak).

183 Rom. 12:19.

184 John 4:24.

185 I Chron. 29:18; Eph. 1:18.

186 Gen. 6:6.

187 Josh. 1:8; Ps. 19:14, 49:3.

188 John 7:37-39.

189 Josh. 1:8.

190 Mark 11:22-24.

191 Summerfield’s book, pp. 58-59, 148-149.

192 Ibid, pp. 17-22.

193 James 1:2-4.

194 Matt. 10:32.

195 Eze. 2:7.

196 German for protection dogs.

197 Prov. 11:24.

198 A 20-year-old Vanderbilt student in 1927 and Jewish Tennessean, Frank would soon co-found the first known guide dog school in Nashville, The Seeing Eye Inc., with Dorothy Eustis, a Church of God Christian Scientist. After two years, the school moved to Morristown, New Jersey, to avoid training the dogs in the southern summer heat. See endnote 63 on later guide dog development in Israel.

199 Dogs trained in California were first trained in 2003.

200 Called CGM.

201 Thanks is extended to the office of Chad R., an active church pastor without eye sight, for the assistance on this subject in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during April and May, 2023.

202 Mella Pet Care, Scollar, and PetPace LTD of Burlington, Mass, etc.

203 Veterinarians created this AI on February, 2020, University of California, Davis school of Veterinary Medicine.

204 Born c. 287 and died 212 B.C. in Greece.

205 The Defense Sciences Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency solicited innovative research proposals on this subject in email requests during March, 2023.

206 MRSP is discussed in the 2010 book by Peter Rabinowitz and Lisa Conti, Human-Animal Medicine, p. 212 etc.

207 K. Huckvale et al., “Toward clinical digital phenotyping platform for mental health and diverse healthcare needs: An interdisciplinary and collaboration approach,” Journal Technology Behavioral Science, April, 2019, Vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 73-85.

208 John Torous, medical doctor and director of digital psychiatry at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical School.

209 Adwitiya Ray et al., “Artificial Intelligence and Psychiatry: An Overview,” Asian Journal of Psychiatry, April, 2022, Vol. 70.

210 Murali Doraiswamy, medical doctor and professor of psychiatry at Duke University, interview June, 2020. Sarah Graham et al., department of psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego, Artificial Intelligence for Mental Illnesses: An Overview, November, 2019, NIH pubs.

211 M.R. Arababshirani, “Single subject prediction of brain disorders in neuroimaging: promises and pitfalls,” Neuroimage, January, 2017, Vol. 145, pp. 137-165.

212 See endnote 225.

213 J Schaffer’s 2010 “Monism: The Priority of the Whole,” Philosophical Review, 119 (1); pp. 31-76 (p. 62).

214 Phil. 3:2.

215 Plato’s Republic II (2;359c-2;360d).

216 See Milgram’s 1974 summary of his 1961, 1963, and 1965 experiments at Yale University in The Perils of Obedience.

217 Mikyu Shin’s et al., March 2023 paper on the game of Go titled Superhuman Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Human Decision-Making by Increasing Novelty, National Academy of Sciences.

218 That view of all people having a white-collar worker as an assistant was made by a primary ChatGPT technology investor, William “Bill” Gates, in a 4,000-word blog post on 21 March, 2023.

219 Heisenberg is known for the Uncertainty Principle. See Across the Frontiers etc.

220 John 10:11-12.

221 German for run (go).

222 Gen 1-3.

223 Prov. 28:16.

224 See Robert Epstein’s writings; a former editor and chief of Psychology Today.

225 GPT is Generative, Pretrained, Transformers. GPT-4 was announced by OpenAI on 14 March, 2023 to be much better than GPT-3.5 released a few months earlier.

226 Composed on 15 February, 2023, and sent 16 February, 2023.

227 Reported by the Times of Israel, Franklin’s sermon was on Ge. 44:18. His sermon was presented at the Jewish Center of the Hamptons in New York.

228 The PETA version of the creation story can be purchased from them for $3.99. See the 5 May, 2023, Fox News report by Kendall Tietz and Gabby Jones’ contribution to Bloomberg. Thanks is extended to the Orthodox monk Jonathan Hayward’s noting of this subject to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange during May, 2023.

229 Reported by Russian Television, 1 September, 2017.

230 Merging myth with reality, Aslaug was the daughter of Sigurd. The exaggerated poem was written by Abbo Cernuus, a Benedictine monk who witnessed the battles.

231 I Thess. 1:5.

232 The Kissinger Report in 1974 was the National Security Study Memorandum accepted as the National Security Decision Memorandum.

233 A 2018 article in the Atlantic Magazine.

234 See the MIT professor, Daniel Huttenlocher’s 2021 book The Age of AI: And Our Human Future.

235 See the effort by Rhett McLaughlin, at North Carolina State University, to legitimize homosexuality with evolution and other non-biblical heresy.

236 Summerfield’s book, pp. 96-97.

237 Mark 16:15.

238 German for search.

239 John 15:26, I John 2:1-2.

240 Summerfield’s book, pp. 159-164.

241 Job 5:9; Ps. 145:3; Rom. 11:33.

242 Eph. 3:8-10.

243 II Tim. 2:14-18.

244 Eccl. 1:9.

245 Col. 2:8.

246 I Tim. 6:20.

247 I Tim. 2:3-4.

248 I Cor. 4:1.

249 See his writings, including A Fragment from the 1830’s etc.

250 Argument appeals to antiquity, to logic, to wisdom, and to science.

251 Ps. 14:1, 53:1; Is. 32:6 etc.

252 Anne Brontë wrote of dogs in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Emily in Wuthering Heights. Browning’s poem is titled To Flush, My Dog.

253 See his 1712 book of poems.

254 Neuroscientist Vilayanur Ramachandran’s 2011 book The Tell-Tale Brain; A Neuroscientist’s Quest for What Makes Us Human, Norton, New York, p. 248.

255 Sherrington’s 1963 book Man on His Nature, Cambridge University Press, p. 238.

256 Francis Turretin’s, a Calvinist with reformed theology, Institutio Theologiae Electicae (Institutes of Elenctic Theology) in three volumes during 1679, 1682, and 1685 respectively.

257 II Peter 2:10.

258 II Peter 2:1.

259 II Peter 2:22. See John Gill’s, a Calvinist Baptist pastor of a church where C.H. Spurgeon later preached, exposition of each verse in II Peter.

260 Prov. 26:11.

261 Latin literally meaning fuller sense or deeper meaning.

262 This heresy was popularized by the Catholic priest, Raymond Brown in his 1965 article in the journal, Theological Studies, which argued Jesus was never called God in the New Testament, but was understood after some time of study passed.

263 Mark 14:61-62 etc.

264 I Tim. 6:3-5.

265 I Tim. 6:11-12.

266 II Thess. 2:10.

267 Its types may be found in II Peter 2 etc.

268 Eph. 3:15 etc. As reported in the Daily Telegraph article in February, 2023.

269 See Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, Metaverse, beliefs.

270 Rev. 13:16-18.

271 Col. 2:8 etc.

272 II Thess. 3: 11-13 etc.

273 John 5:39.

274 German for good dog.

275 Phil. 4:8.

276 An engineering professor at the University of Tokyo.

277 Capital x, X, is used to represent Christ.

278 Matt. 18:10-14; Luke 15:4-6 etc.

279 See Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

280 Matt. 7:15-16 etc.

281 Havel’s The Moral Nature of Political Leadership.

282 Called Leon Trotsky.

283 The Norwegian military officer/diplomat and son of a preacher, Vidkun Quisling was an expert on Bolsheviks and hated the Russian government’s granting of too many individual rights. He collaborated with the Nazis and was executed after World War II. His name, Quisling is now synonymous with being a traitor and collaborator. F. Dahl’s (1999) Quisling: A Study in Treachery, Cambridge University Press, UK, pp. 28-29 etc.

284 Josh. 9:14.

285 See endnote 14.

286 In 1971, Philip Zimbardo conducted a mock prison experiment at Stanford University. Students were chosen to be either guards or prisoners. In a short time, the guards began acting with increasing cruelty toward their peers posing as prisoners so as needing to have the experiment terminated.

287 I Sam. 8:4-20; II Chron. 7:12-22.

288 Deut. 17:14-20.

289 II Chron. 10:6-19.

290 II Chron. 11:1-23.

291 Matt. 1:7.

292 Taken from Eccl. 5:9.

293 II Chron. 26:10.

294 Homer’s Iliad, Book XVIII.

295 Deut. 12:1 etc.

296 Deut. 12:2.

297 Judg. 6:11-27.

298 See endnote 14.

299 See the Qumran Cave 1 scroll, J. Kelso’s 1969 book An Archaeologist Looks at the Gospels, Waco, Texas and John Bunyan’s 1682 book The Holy War

300 Dogs are often tattooed, greyhounds etc., for identification and to indicate neutering while in animal shelters.

301 The 1848 Manifesto of the Communist Party, Chapter II: Proletarians and Communist.

302 Nicholas Eberstadt and Ashton Verdery’s February, 2023 work at the American Enterprise Institute.

303 The song lyrics of Welcome to the Jungle written and sang by William Rose, of the group Guns and Roses, in the 1987 debut album Appetite for Destruction.

304 Luke 10:30-37.

305 Matt. 6:26-30.

306 Matt. 15:22-28; Mark 7:24-30.

307 His Homily IV: The Sinful Soul.

308 Discovered in 2009.

309 Mark 16:9; Luke 8:2.

310 The crucifixion details were prophesied in Ps. 22:16 etc.

311 Matt. 27:61; John 20:11-18.

312 Matt. 28:1-8; Mark 16:9.

313 The c. 5th century Coptic Gnostic writing of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene was discovered in (1896) Egypt, Berlin Codex.

314 Matt. 17:15.

315 As explained by the University of Vienna during February, 2023.

316 Luke 8:33.

317 See Elaine Breslaw’s 1997 Tituba, Reluctant Witch of Salem: Devilish Indians and Puritan Fantasies, New York University Press, Marilynne Roach’s 2002 The Salem Witch Trials: A Day-to-Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege, Taylor Trade Publishing, and Stacy Schiff’s The Witches: Salem 1692.

318 Prov. 25:19.

319 William Shakespeare’s Hamlet (Act 5.1, Line 311).

320 John 15:13.

321 John 10:15-18.

322 John 13:38.

323 Judg. 2:19.

324 Weber is known for his 1905 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. He, a German, and Lukács, a Hungarian, were friends for a period, c. 1913.

325 Is. 5:20.

326 Jim Wight, son of James Alfred “Alf” Wight, known as James Herriot in his famous All Creatures Great and Small and The Lord God Almighty Made Them All etc., was a veterinarian, who like most veterinarians, dreaded putting down animals, especially his dogs Hector and Dan. See Jim Wight’s 1999 memoir of his father, The Real James Heriot, Ballantine Books, New York.

327 First serialized before becoming a novel (1905) in Outing Magazine.

328 A 1903 serial, by John Chaney aka John (Jack) London, in The Saturday Evening Post.

329 Luke 15:11-32.

330 Neh. 4:7.

331 Luke 20:46-47.

332 Neh. 9:26.

333 The 12th century German lyrics of Thoughts are Free were popularized by the 1842 version of Hoffmann von Fallersleben, as part of the first stanza is quoted. The German Nazi protesters were suspected of getting their name, The White Rose, from the German romantic poet Clemens Brentano’s poem by the same name. Brentano was from Aschaffenburg, Germany, as was Alois Alzheimer (also home to Dallas F. Bell Jr. from 1979-1982), psychiatrist who discovered presenile dementia now known as Alzheimer’s disease.

334 Founded in 1933.

335 Began 1945-1946 etc.

336 See his entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica etc.

337 I Kings 18:27.

338 Luke 13:33.

339 Matt. 7:5.

340 A term coined by the author, Dallas F. Bell Jr., in this writing.


342 From Phil. 2:12; Ps. 55:5.

343 Gen 22:1-18.

344 Titus 1:3.

345 I Cor. 1:21.

346 Matt. 20:1-16.

347 II Cor. 4:16; Rom. 3:20; Eph. 1:17; Phil. 1:6; I Tim. 2:4 etc.

348 Col. 3:10.

349 Prov. 15:15.

350 Matt. 25:21.

351 II Peter 2:12.

--ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (2023) Dallas F. Bell, Jr.--