Systematic Political Science


Cognition Duality in a Post-Truth Era of Transfinite Induction:
In Silico1 Cognitive Dissonance Between Words and Math/Logic as Time Dilation

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God.2

Exegesis of “… take no thought for tomorrow because tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself3…” does not imply the measurement of movement in space and time can have thought. It does indicate an interdependence between time and thought4 (see endnote 51).

Modulation in which the time of occurrence of a definite portion of a waveform is varied in accordance with a modulating signal is time modulation. Somewhat similarly, the slowing down of clocks due to high speeds is called time dilation. Time dilation is a difference in the elapsed time measured by two clocks, either due to them having a velocity relative to each other, or by there being a gravitational potential difference between their locations. Its precise mathematical relationship is seen in the equation for calculating time dilation: t = t0/(1-v2/c2)1/2 ,where t = time observed in the other reference frame, t0 = time in observers own frame of reference (rest time), v = the speed of the moving object, and c = the speed of light in a vacuum.5

Cogitation or thought (Hebrew machashebeth) is a machine, imagination, invention, or contrivance. It categories are imagining (a new concept in a dream or vision6 etc.) and recollecting (an old memory etc.). Its purpose is either for passive pleasure (a sunset etc.) or for aggressive action (resolve internal conflict etc.). Rational thoughts are expressed in the language of words7 or math/logic symbols. Language is the ability to encode ideas into signals for communication to someone else. Language is a limited code and not the ideas themselves. Ideas may be images or abstract concepts, etc.

Quantum supercomputers merged with the simultaneous location with neurological thought is not a possibility for many reasons.8 Hypothetically, the entity of a thought by quantum (dual) locations, such as a programmer's neurological thought (e.g. 2 + 2 = 4 whose activity may be seen on an fMRI) which is (hypothetically) simultaneously recorded by a futuristic supercomputer can be analyzed. If thought x is located at location 1 (the programmer's neurons) and also in location 2 (the supercomputer), yet sets x = 1 and x = 2 are separate, would/should the supercomputer make a distinction between a true thought (T), such as 2 + 2 = 4 etc., and a false thought (F) for filing, such as 2 + 2 = other than 4 etc.? Even in a post-truth era9 the answer is yes. The purposeful nature of programming by a rational intellect is deterministic and not chaotic.10 Then, an equation must justly have equality. Additionally, it is obvious that thought is for/to both inside of self and outside of self, which is to God. Just as the input to a computer by the programmer and the output of that computer is for the programmer, or else it would have no purpose.

The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony, which has been imposed on it by God and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics. Science is thinking God’s thoughts after Him.11 Human thinking, sequential thoughts, is the ability to have an idea and infer new ones from old ones.12 This is the scientific method of observing redundancy of old things and not first things, which is inference ex animi sententia. For a biblical example, pride can be observed, theorized to lead to destruction, and affirmed by the observation of prideful falls.13 God used the scientific method in challenging people to observe the truth of giving tithe to Him and proving the theorizing of His blessings, which are promised to follow.14

The dominant theory of scientific method in the behavioral sciences is the hypothetical deductive method. According to the standard portrayal of this method, hypotheses or theories are arrived at by conjecture and tested indirectly by deriving one or more observational predictions. If a prediction is supported by data then the results are considered to confirm the theory or hypotheses. Likewise, if the predictions are not borne out by data, then the theory or hypothesis is thought not to be confirmed. Another common scientific method is the inductive method, in which data are collected in a theory-free manner that provides the basis for bottom-up scientific reasoning of hypotheses, laws, or theories. The abductive method adopts a view of problems known as the constraint-composition theory. Briefly stated, the constraint-composition theory asserts that a problem comprises all the constraints on its solution, along with the demand that the solution be found.15

When things can not be replicated, i.e. creation of the universe etc., inferences by fulfilled predictions provide the best explanation. That process assumes adequate initial inputted data to make a viable theory. Conflict can arise from inputted word to word truth differences, math/logic to math/logic truth differences,16 and especially word to math/logic truth differences.

René Descartes noted in his Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation II, 13 (translated by John Veitch in 1901 and others) “… I feel greatly astonished when I observe [the weakness of my mind] and its proneness to [fall insensibly into] error. For although, without at all giving expression to what I think, I consider all this in my own mind, words often impede my progress and I am almost deceived by the terms of ordinary language.”17

Cognitive dissonance is commonly characterized as a state of psychological tension that arises as a result of conflict between cognitions and observed behavior. In order to resolve the state of psychological discomfort, the subject is motivated to either change their behavior or (more typically) cognitions in order to re-establish consistency. The notion of cognitive dissonance has been used to account for the cognitive changes observed in subjects who engage in counter-attitudinal behavior. In 1967 for example, Linder et al18 asked college students to write an essay supporting a ban on communist speakers, a position with which the students strongly disagreed. The subjects were paid either small ($0.50) or large ($2.50) amounts of money to write this essay. Dissonance theory predicts that when justification for engaging in counter-attitudinal behavior is weak (as is the case when subjects are paid a small amount of money), then cognitive dissonance will be high, and subjects will, as a result, be inclined to engage in attitudinal change as a means of providing additional justification for their actions. Consistent with this prediction, Linder et al observed that subjects who had been given relatively small amounts of money for writing the essay exhibited an attitudinal shift in favor of banning communist speakers. As part of their attempt to develop a computational model of cognitive dissonance, Schultz and Lepper used CSNs (Constraint Satisfaction Models) to model the conditions associated with a number of cognitive dissonance experiments,19 including those seen in the Linder et al study. They showed that CSNs could be used to model the profile of cognitive changes seen across a number of cognitive dissonance research paradigms, including prohibition (where a subject is prevented from engaging in a desired activity), initiation (where a cost is imposed on group membership), and forced compliance (where a subject is coerced or induced to engage in counter-attitudinal behaviors).20

Constraint-satisfaction neural networks attempt to satisfy as many constraints as possible as well as possible. The network model explained and predicted phenomena, such as the free-choice paradigm (see endnote 51), in which evaluation of the chosen object increases, but more so in a difficult choice between less desirable items. Evaluation of a rejected object decreases, but more so with a difficult choice between highly desirable items.

Using CSNs, a constraint satisfaction problem can be modeled as a set of inter-connected nodes, with the weight assigned to the linkages between nodes indicating the relative importance of constraints that must be satisfied as part of the problem-solving process. The problem-solving process itself typically assumes the form of spreading activation between the nodes, and the solution to the problem is given as the activation vector across all nodes after a specified number of processing cycles has elapsed.

Figure 1 below organizes cognitive units in a single agent. Nodes in this diagram represent cognitive units, each of which represents a belief held by the agent, in this case murder. Solid lines represent beliefs between the units, while wavy lines represent non-beliefs (all links are bidirectional).

Cogitation Duality Diagram

Below Figure 2 shows the connectivity pattern for both positive (A) and negative (B) linkages between cognitive units. Beliefs are symbolized by solid lines, non-beliefs are symbolized by wavy lines indicating the belief status.21

Cognitive Dissonance Effect Diagram

Each connection of Figure 2 has a weighting that determines the amount of influence it exerts. With the connectivity pattern for both positive (A) and negative (B) linkages between cognitive units, a link will determine the level of influence a source cognitive unit has on a target unit, and this can be used to indicate the strength of the association between different cognitions. In the case, of the CSN shown in Fig. 1, for example, a stronger weighting could be assigned to the link connecting the 1, 4 or the 2, 3 units as compared to the link connecting the 1, 3 or the 2, 4 units as seen in the distilled Hartle-Hawking quantum gravity model below. These leaders of a post-truth era, which formally began around 1992,22 used imaginary numbers23 to fraudulently disprove 1, 4 in order to deceitfully prove 2, 3 (see endnote 16). Post-truth is an obvious dangerous attempt to be post-God and vice versa,24 but God’s eternal truth will endure to all generations.25

  1. (T) Finite space-time has a beginning and end boundary edge or singularity.

  2. (F) Finite space-time does not have a beginning and end boundary edge or singularity.

  3. (F) beginning and end ≠ singularity

  4. (T) beginning and end = singularity

The cognitive dissonance of loss, win (2, 4) or win loss (1, 3) can be seen in the game theory style matrix below.

Win-Loss Matrix Diagram

Hawking’s fellow liar and fellow atheist Josef Stalin was a thief and communist mass murderer. Communism is the logical societal government extension from individual atheist beliefs: 2. (F) There is no God to establish laws over man. 3. (F) God transcendent authority. Quotes attributed to Stalin often include the following. “Gratitude is a sickness suffered by dogs. People who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas? Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed. A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” History has proven that liars will steal from you and thieves will murder you.26 But whoever lies and causes the righteous to go astray will fall into their own pit.27 Vladimir Lenin’s, Stalin’s murderous mentor, life ended as Shigalov in Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s The Possessed, “I am perplexed by my own data; my conclusion is in direct contradiction of the original idea with which I start. Starting with unlimited freedom, I end with unlimited despotism.”28

Famous biblical examples of cognitive dissonance are also presented.

King David (adultery29)

  1. (T) To have sexual intercourse with another man’s wife is adultery.

  2. (F) To have sexual intercourse with another man’s wife is not adultery.

  3. (F) covetous lusting ≠ adultery

  4. (T) covetous lusting = adultery

A belief change and repentance for David, from the dissonance of 2 and 4, occurred, via the logical rebuke of Nathan, correctly aligning 1 and 4.30 The unrighteous state (2, 3 or cognitive dissonance of 2, 4 or 1, 3) does not understand injustice but the righteous state (1, 4) does.31

Saul/Apostle Paul (lying32)

  1. (T) To bear false witness against the innocent is lying.

  2. (F) To bear false witness against the innocent is not lying.

  3. (F) deceitful witness ≠ lying

  4. (T) deceitful witness = lying

A belief change and repentance for Saul (renamed Paul the apostle), from the dissonance of 2 and 4, occurred, via the logical rebuke of Jesus, correctly aligning 1 and 4.33

When words are many, sin is unavoidable.34 Math/logic professions are characterized by people with great predictive analytics35 toward themselves, others and their environment, such as farmers and neurosurgeons etc. (95% are conservative toward natural law). Language dominate professions are characterized by people with poor logic and predictive analytics toward themselves, others and their environment, such as journalists and librarians etc. (95% are liberal toward natural law). Women (having XX chromosomes) speak almost 10 times more words each day than males (having XY chromosomes), and are 13 times less likely than males to be inclined to complex `math/logic.36

Eve (the original sin of rebellious self-righteous faith against God)

  1. (T) If you sinfully eat of the tree of good and evil you will die.

  2. (F) If you sinfully eat of the tree of good and evil you will not die.

  3. (F) sin ≠ death

  4. (T) sin = death

Eve had dissonance with her 2, 4 beliefs,37 but Adam did not with his harmonious 1, 4 beliefs.38 By this it is clear women are easily led into sin and especially idolatry.39 They are easily deceived and are not generally wise (not having both language and math/logic abilities).40 In accordance with the scientific method, the Bible teaches women are to ask their husbands when needing help with their predictable cognitive dissonance.41 Understanding this reality, the U.S. government wisely did not encourage women to vote until over a hundred years after its founding. After which they predictably have consistently politically supported liberal anti-natural law efforts.

Cognitive dissonance is a logic bomb, as used on computer programs by spycraft practitioners, activated in the human algorithm when there is confusion between two cognitions (thoughts), which cannot exist together. As the person somewhat believes both the thoughts to be true, it invokes mental tension. This debilitating tension is typically reduced by changing one of the dissonant elements, or adding new ones, until mental consonance is achieved, as seen for B in Figure 2. Fyodor Dostoevsky knew of the destructive addictive problems with gambling as he expressed to his brother, Mikhail, on 8 September, 1863.42 Yet, he persisted in the harmful behavior until around 1871, nearly losing everything. He even had to pawn his watch on one occasion. The internal conflict (belief of 2, 4) was chronicled in his novella The Gambler.

Dostoevsky (gambling is an attempt to get something for nothing)

  1. (T) Given the game, the casino wins around 98% of the time and you lose.

  2. (F) Given the game, the casino does not win around 98% of the time and you do not lose.

  3. (F) gambling ≠ your loss

  4. (T) gambling = your loss

People with high innate problem-solving ability (IQ) see patterns, especially numbers, that they uniquely use for frequent reasoning. When they solve a problem brain chemicals are released (i.e. serotonin, dopamine etc.) producing a feeling of euphoria they want to replicate, especially during times of stress (i.e. Dostoevsky’s wife, Maria, and brother, Mikhail, died in 1864 leaving him with the financial responsibility of caring for his brother’s widow). When Dostoevsky first won at the roulette wheel and card games, in his exhilarated state as with many others with high IQs, he saw a pattern of winning numbers wrongly associated with a winning strategic system. It took years until he accepted the reality of both 1, 4.

The Infinite Creator can not have cognitive dissonance, which is caused by incomplete and/or accepting false input (see endnote 2). This reality allows for comparison of the Infinite God of the Bible, sola Scriptura and absent cognitive dissonance, with other god(s). For example, yin and yang beliefs in Taoism and Confucianism, Buddhist’s noble silence to illogical beliefs (i.e. the highest level of nirvana is pointless extinction), Hindu’s have thousands of competing gods, Muslim’s say they are a religion of peace yet Jihad, meaning war, is their stated purpose, atheists see themselves as the relative standard of good/god but demand absolute transcendent justice from others, and Judaism uses the dissonance laden Talmud for exegesis as does sola Scriptura rejecters use their additions or subtractions to Divine biblical text as follows: 2. (F) God was not competent in producing holy (meaning complete) Scriptures. 3. (F) God’s Scriptures transcendent authority. The word of omniscient and omnipotent God would be infinitely pure and changing that perfect data set would show those finite beings to be liars requiring God’s punishment.43 Parables are unequal in the mouth of fools.44

Group cognitive dissonance involves individuals drawing different conclusions from the same information. Members of a jury, for example, may disagree on the verdict even though each member possesses the same information on the case under discussion. This happens because individuals can hold different reasonable and unreasonable positions on the information they share. The question is how the group can reach a common stance starting from the positions of each member. A recent paper, Manipulation in Group Argument Evaluation, looks at how individual beliefs can be mapped into a collective one.45 It investigates the behavior of two operators from a social choice-theoretic point of view. In particular, it studies under which conditions these operators are Pareto optimal46 and whether they are manipulable.

Twelve Hebrew Spies (trust God or rebel against God)

  1. (T) Reconnoiter the land of Canaan to be conquered which God gave Israel forever.

  2. (F) Reconnoiter the land of Canaan to be conquered which God did not give forever Israel.

  3. (F) Canaan ≠ Israel forever

  4. (T) Canaan = Israel forever

One spy for each of the twelve tribes of Israel was selected to search Canaan which God promised to Israel. Ten of the twelve spies (Hebrew meraglim) conveyed cognitive dissonance 2, 4 beliefs influencing much of Israel and two spies had harmonious 1, 4 beliefs. The ten spies were justly killed by God (with a plague) along with their rebellious followers later and the two spies (Joshua and Caleb) were allowed to enter the promised land of Canaan.47 The average length of time whole societies, such as ancient Nineveh48 or the modern U.S.,49 take to require changes of unrighteous thoughts for Divine behavioral reformation or requires the alternative Divine regime change is around one-hundred years.

This universe’s entropy system demands time had a beginning and has a future end, which demands its existence is within an immutable eternal set. Those set times are absolutes, which must have had a first Causer. Then, time is absolute with finite observers, t0, understanding its temporal segments, measured by two clocks, as relative to each other. With dilation, the act of expanding, the greater the velocity the more time is affected. Rest time, t0, is the shortest time and is called proper time. The reality of absolutes means there is eternal truth (T) and untruth (F), so there is objective immutable equality, =, and inequality, . In other words, belief A and belief not, ¬, A means one is eternally T and one is eternally F. The statements of “your truth is not my truth” and “all truth is subjective” are absolutes objectively disproving those beliefs50 (see endnote 16). Dissonance occurs when both T and F are believed, as 2, 4 below.

  1. (T) All truths are relative, which is an absolute.

  2. (F) All truths are relative, which is not an absolute.

  3. (F) truth ≠ absolute

  4. (T) truth = absolute

No dissonance occurs with 1, 4 beliefs. Like two clocks in time dilations, the cogitation duality of words and math/logic help reconcile the dissonance for finite intellects. Each are suitable for computational programing, which would necessarily need to use the boundaries of T. A lemma example, it is T that 2 + 2 = 4 leads to 4 – 2 = 2 and other objectively productive truths, whereas the F of 2 + 2 4 leads to 4 – 2 2 and other objectively unproductive untruths. Deductively consider the transfinite induction51 contained in the words and math/logic of the following sets: ( Scriptures seven day creation original sin death genealogies 4th commandment redeemer redemption to all the world redeemed to eternal heaven and unredeemed to eternal hell)52 ( =∃ ∴ justice ∃ ∴ my life ¬ > your life ∴ freewill ∃ ∴ just Creator ∃ ∴ Scriptures ∃ ∴ eternal judgment) which eliminates the possibility of (¬ Scriptures ¬ seven day creation ¬ original sin ¬ death ¬ genealogies ¬ 4th commandment ¬ redeemer ¬ redemption to all the world ¬ redeemed to eternal heaven and unredeemed to eternal hell) (¬ = ¬ justice my life > your life ¬ freewill ¬ just Creator ¬ Scriptures ¬ eternal judgment ).53

Cognitive dissonance is the natural state of the finite human condition. Paul said the good he would do he does not do and the evil he would not do he does.54 Some people bless God yet curse man who were created after the similitude of creator God.55 Obviously, one can not serve two masters, e.g. both God and money.56 One can not have a carnal mind and submit to God.57 One can not be idolatrous and still pray to the true God58 and expect Him to reward that effort.59 Recognizing cognitive dissonance (c. 862 B.C.), biblical doctrine teaches one must follow God or another god and not be double minded.60 Being doubled minded61 is due to doubt of God’s character.62 Prayer to God must be made to help unbelief.63 There is victory over that stressful state in believing God’s holy character of promising good to His followers.64 Believers are not to address conspiracies (Hebrew qesher) as non-believers address conspiracies nor are they to fear as they fear.65

Individual believer (choose to fearfully worry or obey God, I AM,66 and not fearfully worry)67

  1. (T) Do not fear because I AM is with you.

  2. (F) Do not fear because I AM is not with you.

  3. (F) fear ≠ disobedience

  4. (T) fear = disobedience

As God’s eternally written poiema (Greek for workmanship and the modern English root for poem, Eph. 2:10), a believer is destined to choose harmony with 1, 4 beliefs over 2, 4 beliefs (Ps. 139:16), first by sola fide from sola Scriptura and then proven experientially by the redundancy of the objective scientific method (see endnote 14).

In a material system, one gain is another’s loss (win, loss; Pareto). Thought has the potential to produce change in the entropy of human interaction (see endnote 46). Thought, then, is beyond materialistic boundaries and a material computer can never actually have them in silico. Cogitation duality exists in how finite humans think and process input, as with observing two clocks in time dilation. Dissonance is to be expected and reasoned toward a resolution found in the words and math/logic of transfinite induction preventing any actual post-truth era. Deriving from scientific method, the primary purpose of scientific method is to better understand the first Causer of all effects.68 The greatest deduced truth is the immutable character of God and His scriptural promises, which is the profitable future focus for physicists. Thought x is part of a temporal set of a measurement in time but it is also part of an eternal set of all individual recorded thoughts that a righteous God will judge for sinfulness.69 Jesus the prophesied Messianic Redeemer Christ is the historical perfect harmonic embodiment of words and math/logic of truthful thoughts—the Logos.70 The eternally harmonic decision summary required of all humans for choosing either (T) 1, 4 or (F) 2, 3 follows.71

  1. (T) Adam’s rebellious faith in himself against God committed the original sin of self-righteousness, which is death, therefore Jesus the Redeemer gave loving grace by His righteousness, which justified by faith alone in Him is eternal life.

  2. (F) Adam’s rebellious faith in himself against God did not commit the original sin of self-righteousness, which is not death, therefore Jesus the Redeemer did not give loving grace by His righteousness, which is not justified by faith alone in Him for eternal life.

  3. (F) Adam ≠ self faith ≠ original sin ≠ self-righteousness ≠ death ∴ Redeemer ≠ loving grace ≠ His righteousness ≠ Redeemer justified faith ≠ eternal life.

  4. (T) Adam = self faith = original sin = self-righteousness = death ∴ Redeemer = loving grace = His righteousness = Redeemer justified faith = eternal life.

So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and to them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin to salvation!72 Given the coming famine of God’s words,73 the transfinite conclusion of the acrostic sestina style lemma is by Dallas F. Bell Jr.

Zorn’s Lemma in a Marshill Coda74

Absolute complete without potentiality of becoming exists infinity.

By finitum non capax infiniti, self-existent infinity static state is moved in eternity.

Christ the ubiquitous first Causer of all effects of time and space in entropy of this closed system is preexistent aseity of peace.

Dutiful general mediate natural theological revelation indicates mathematical creation is separate from the understood masculine Jehovah Creator Causer of unconscious inorganic, without an innate sense of self, and organic objects of unique DNA species' codes with male and female information for wisely ordered efficient purpose.

Earnest creating is purposed from single infinite Pantokrator intellect of omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence which can occupy by mechanism in creation.

Faithful homoousian Intellect or sovereign Elohim God of law, created with diversity from a plural of intensity, has the attribute of justice.

Generational distributive, punitive etc. justice requires the rational options of right and wrong or good and evil from the dichotomy "A" can not be both "A" and "not A" simultaneous law.

Hallowed reality of right and wrong requires observer causal conscious intellect with an innate sense of self and divinely permitted freewill within predestination to make an effect of choice, allowing for consequences such as pain and suffering. The observer's relationship with reist and entia rationis objects requires standards to measure and judgments to be decided with purpose.

Individuals need mercy and grace for the original noetic evil, called sin, which separates the guilty from the signified God of judgment and life, and is death, the signifier of justice.

Justice is eternal and needs eternal enforcement of law.

Known eternal rewards for good and evil require an eternal heaven for the predestined compliant elect with new eternal bodies non posse peccare and an eternal hell for the noncompliant essences of each intellect after death which is once experienced then the judgment from which no one can return to present time/space decayed bodies and leave eternal bodies unoccupied in eternity.

Leased unmerited mercy and grace needs love to forgive sin in infinity.

Mortared agape or benevolent love needs redemption for the repentant from (omission and commission) sin by grace alone, which is the gift of infinite God and can not be earned by finite creation.

Naked redemption is based on immutable eternal Divine righteousness and requires an atonement plan, iustitia extra nos, to fill the gap between infinite standards and the finite created intellect whose fruit leads to peace.

Orthodox infinite Creator's attributes and His acceptable plan must be revealed in a Scriptural canon by moral, ceremonial, and civil law.

Perfectly efficient Scripture must be immutable yet with use of anthropocentric linguistic tools which includes the afterlife and extra-natural beings to be understood in a sensus literalis, historicus, and clear parables or allegoricus of purpose.

Quarried behavioral commands must be given regarding relationship standards between man and God, such as loving Him with all one's heart, soul and mind by having no other gods, making no images of God, not taking God's name in vain, and keeping His day holy as He hallowed the seventh day of His universe creation.

Revelation emanates generally and intermediately from behavioral commands to treat others as one wants to be treated, or the Golden Rule, must be given regarding relationship standards between man and man, such as loving one's neighbor as one's self, by honoring one's father and mother, not murdering, not committing adultery, not stealing, not lying, and not coveting despite the entropy of the effort to even love one's enemies with justice.

Successful elimination of the false in one and false in all or perjurer's rule, the supreme moral authority is proven by Scriptural historical, prophetic temporal, and eternal inerrant eschatology witnessed first-hand by the observable fact of nature written in the hearts of children from birth, sensus divinitatis, with the innate ability to recognize nouns and verbs, in that they do not want to be lied to, stolen from, or murdered etc. and even thinking those things causes neural change and is a violation for eternity.

Those laws and specific revealed theological plans for redemption by a living faith provide hope and purpose and are good news or gospel and must be basar/kerusso by the elect, dignitatis humanae, since these beliefs are an abomination to the unrepentant and their profane philosophies of peace.

Unified whole/holy God of love must be prayed to, worshiped, and praised saying holy, holy, holy, hallelujah or praise the name of God, Yahweh of infinity.

Veiled behavioral violations of Divine law require societal punishment and prevent elpizō in trust and efficiency of achieving individual needs of survival, economic security, love and affection, self-esteem, and self-actualization in peace.

Wise societal efficient creation requires the institutions of family for perpetuation and individual education, church for group education, medical orphanages and other efficient centralizing of efforts, business, and government to protect the lawful from the lawless with police and military within Scriptural designation of theological geography for eternity.

X fallible human government justice needs to separate powers with a judicial branch, a legislative branch, and an executive branch, on purpose, which use Divine law as societal law.

Yoked societies will have cycles from reformation to revolution as they accept or reject Divine law’s infinity.

Zōē75 or Zephaniah.76

1 In silico (pseudo-Latin phrase coined in 1987 for in silicon) is an expression meaning performed on computer or via computer simulation in reference to biological experiments.

2 This idea is often attributed to Euclid of Alexandria (c. 300 B.C.). Of course, omniscient God does not have sudden occurrences of new thought as finite human’s experience. God does, at times, use anthropomorphic expressions necessary for communication with finite humans (e.g. Ps. 139:17-18; Jere. 29:11).

3 Matt. 6:34.



6 Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:17.

7 99% of words are verbs, adverbs, nouns, pronouns, and adjectives called content or vocabulary words. Prepositions and conjunctions connect parts of speech. Interjections are used for exclamations.

8 A lot of computational focus is on merging human thoughts with all collected data, such as DL4papers: a deep learning approach for the automatic interpretation of scientific articles by L A Bugnon, C Yones, J Raad, M Gerard, M Rubiolo... the International Society for Computational Biology’s Bioinformatics, Volume 36, Issue 11, June 2020, Oxford University Press. However, in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during May 2020, Robert Brown, a physics professor at Duke University, expressed (sic) the following. “…to the best of my knowledge (which is pretty good) there is not even a vague possibility of QUANTUM correlations of this sort being established. First, I'm in the camp that thinks that brains do not use quantum mechanics beyond the obvious molecular level in their function.  That is, I think that it is equally absurd to assert that quantum entanglement plays a significant role in thought or memory. Second, "futuristic quantum supercomputers" don't really exist.  What does exist are a handful of test/engineering devices that can, with considerable effort on a more or less handmade device with all sorts of engineering constraints -- be loaded with specialized data and encouraged to perform a very few steps of (parallel search) "computation" towards some specific end.  They are not really computers at all -- they require a computer just to load and control them.  They are (so far) little more than a built-in specialized co-processor that can speed up one particular kind of computation but that are (so far) completely inappropriate for generalized use. You can already see one major problem with this.  In order to load a qubit processor with any data at all, you have to first read it into an ordinary computer as ordinary data.  To get the data out of the brain, you have to use ordinary channels -- electrical currents,
electromagnetic fields including perhaps fMRI (all of which involve only ordinary classical electromagnetic signals wherein quantum effects are irrelevant noise).  So the data comes out of the brain classically, goes into classical wires, classically encoded into classical binary, is classically loaded into (sure, why not) a qubit processor, which is then classically "encouraged" to perform a few steps of quantum computation to produce a result that it then classically read out into classical binary and ultimately classically communicated to the classical inputs to the human brain again, where they are classically encoded as slowly propagating electrical impulses in classical neurons. The fundamental problem is one of space, and time.  At the microscopic level, quantum interactions almost invariably have decay time constants that are down there in the sub-microsecond range -- order of a nanosecond is fairly typical.  That is the lifetime of a so-called "quantum correlation" in any molecule participating in energy transfer
and neural processing in the brain.  This is only one PART of the processes that cause quantum coherence to decay in the brain, or for that matter qubit processors -- the brain is warm and wet and thermal processes are constantly interrupting any development of quantum coherence as two molecules randomly collide and have both of their
quantum states randomly interrupted.  There is a wikipedia article on this here:
but it unfortunately doesn't contain much information about the decoherence times physicists assume or measure in ordinary matter at or near human ambient temperatures.  Here is a lecture (there are lots of them out there as this is an important topic in QM) on "line broadening" due to decoherence introduced by many processes in a gas:
It gives a lovely graphic of how a collision randomly interrupts the PHASE of a quantum state, so that even if it oscillates coherently before and after the collision, during the collision it effectly destroys any coherence of that atom or molecule with other atoms or molecules. These sub-millisecond decoherence times have to be compared to the speed of neural impulses in the brain and the speed of the biomechanical and bioelectrical processes that are taking place there.  Neural impulses travel at speeds ranging from less than a meter per second to as much as
100 meters per second.  The length of neurons ranges from a few millimeters to a meter.  If you take worst case of 100 meters per second and 1 cm, a single neural impulse requires 100 microseconds to go from one end of a very short neuron to the other.  During that time, the molecules involved in the electrochemical impulse have undergone around 100,000 collisions EACH (some of which were involved in the propagation of the information).  After 100,000 exponential information decay times, there simply isn't any shred of quantum correlation left if there was
any at the beginning. Note that we encounter precisely the same obstacles in building a quantum computer:
For which reason, those qubit processors are almost invariably operated at low, low temperatures.  To quote: "Error rates are typically proportional to the ratio of operating time to decoherence time, hence any operation must be completed much more quickly than the decoherence time." The human brain does not function in the millikelvin temperature range, and contains no functional structures in which it is even LIKELY that quantum superposition states COULD exist and contribute to information processing in a useful way, and then there are the many, many layers of nice warm matter between the functioning brain and the supercooled qubit processor, none of which rely AT ALL on quantum superposition in a useful way beyond the gross aspects of molcular chemistry or electronic
band theory in the semiconductors involved. Quantum theory is not irrelevant -- far from it.  It provides both structure and function at length scales on the order of microns and smaller and in many cases creates the palette, if you like, from which the semi-classical and classical function is built.  But quantum ENTANGLEMENT in any meaningful sense of the phrase is (in my opinion) quite impossible at the temperatures and pressures in the neural tissues of any known organism, most especially including humans.”

9 The 2016 Oxford Dictionary defines post-truth as an adjective relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.


11 These ideas are often attributed to Johannes Kepler.

12 Eric Kandel et al, Principles of Neural Science (International Edition, 4th Ed.), McGraw-Hill (2000), p. 1169-1170.

13 Prov. 16:18; I Tim. 3:6; I John 2:16-17.

14 Mal. 3:10. Daniel (meaning God is my judge) encouraged the Babylonian prince of the eunuchs to employ the scientific method (Dan. 1:3-16). He said give him and his friends vegetables and water for ten days and compare their countenances against the other children that will be eating meat and drinking wine. In ten days, Daniel and his friend’s countenances were fairer and fatter. So their diet was changed to reflect the superior result. Jesus noted the observations of the replications in nature of when the morning sky is red the weather will be fair and when the evening sky is red the weather will be foul (Matt. 16:2-3), as well as when fig and other trees sprout summer is near (Luke 21:29-30). Of course, the overall accuracy of the scientific method is dependent on the accuracy of each step which should be adjusted and restarted when discrepancies are identified, such as beta decay in the radioactive process when the nucleus produces either an electron or positron was inconsistent with energy being constant which caused revaluation and led to the discovery of the neutrino. In addition to the intentional system of scientific method, man can discover new things by accident, such as Fleming’s 1928 discovery of penicillin, Divine revelation and the dialectic method. The dialectic reasoning method consists of investigative discovery through questioning and answering, as with God’s prophet Malachi (wrote Old Testament book c. 450 B.C.) and later the homosexual pedophile Socrates (c. born 470 B.C. -- died 399 B.C.).


16 In addition to untrue words, an example of intentional math/logic untruth is the James Hartle-Stephen Hawking version of the quantum gravity model, where space-time is rounded off prior to the Planck time, so that although the past is finite, there is no edge or beginning point or singularity per se. This is accomplished by the introduction of imaginary numbers for the time variable in Einstein's gravitational equations, which effectively eliminates the singularity. Imaginary numbers, i, when multiplied by themselves give negative numbers, e.g. 2i x 2i = - 4 etc. Hawking’s model simply declines to re-convert to real numbers. If that is done the singularity re-appears. See Hartle and Hawking, Wave Function of the Universe, p. 2961; Hawking and Penrose, Nature of Space and Time, p. 85. Hawking admits, "Only if we could picture the universe in terms of imaginary time would there be no singularities … When one goes back to the real time in which we live, however, there will still appear to be singularities." See Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time (New York: Bantam Books, 1988), pp. 134, 138-39. Hawking's model is then a way of re-describing a universe with a singular beginning point so that the singularity is transformed away, which is not realistic. See John D. Barrow, Theories of Everything (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991), p. 66-67. In summary, Hawking style scientific method is to observe (the universe existence as a sort of virgin birth from nothing), theorize, (with a hope there is no just first causer God), and then create fraudulent math/logic to infer proof for false beliefs (indicating a foreknowledge their beliefs are false). It is an abomination for atheists or fools (Ps. 14:1) to depart from evil (Prov. 13:19). They are wordy (Eccl. 10:12-14), materialistic (Luke 12:16-21) hypocrites (Luke 11:39-40). Atheism is a crutch to fill the void of a real God, a projection of hope there is no God, wishful thinking there is no God, and an opiate for the morally dishonest. Nobel Prize winner for literature in 1980, Czeslaw Milosz noted “…a true opium of the people is the belief in nothingness after death, the huge solace, the huge comfort of thinking that for our betrayals, our greed, our cowardice, our murders, we are not going to be judged.”


18 Linder, D. E., Cooper, J., and Jones, E. E., “Decision freedom as a determinant of the role of incentive magnitude in attitude change,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 6, 245–254 (1967).

19 Part of the APA Science Volume Series. Cognitive Dissonance: Progress on a Pivotal Theory in Social Psychology (2n Ed.) edited by Eddie Harmon-Jones and Judson Mills (1999), pp. 235-265. Chapter III. Mathematical Models of Dissonance. Computer Simulation of Cognitive Dissonance Reduction —Thomas R. Shultz and Mark R. Lepper; A Multiplicative Power-Function Model of Cognitive Dissonance: Toward an Integrated Theory of Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior After Leon Festinger —Haruki Sakari.

Schultz, T. R. and Lepper, M. R., “Cognitive dissonance reduction as constraint satisfaction,” Psychological Review 103 (2), 219–240 (1996). The constraint-satisfaction network model covers phenomena from the insufficient justification and free-choice paradigms. Better fits to human data than achieved by classical dissonance theory were noted.



The unborn are clearly innocent human life (Rom. 9:11).

22 See the 1992 essay by Steve Tesich in the Nation magazine, the 2004 Ralph Keyes’ book The Post-Truth Era: Dishonesty and Deception in Contemporary Life, and the 2016 Oxford Dictionary, etc. Keyes’ agrees that research shows the average American tells multiple lies on a daily basis, often for no good reason.

23 Prov. 12:20.

24 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded a pilot study conducted by MIT and Rice University researchers into a potential vaccine-delivery device that could impart an invisible mark detectable by a smartphone. In an interview with Chris Anderson, who runs TED Talks, Gates indicated he believes some sort of “immunity certificate” will be instrumental in reopening the global economy. He said, “Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person and who’s a vaccinated person, because you don’t want people moving around the world where you’ll have some countries that won’t have it under control. Sadly. You don’t want to completely block off the ability for those people to go there and come back and move around. So eventually there will be sort of this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.” In a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) discussion from March 2020, Gates agreed with the upcoming April 2020 report by the Brookings Institute which stated “South Korea was effective in tracing people who may have come into contact with those who tested positive for COVID-19. Nearly all South Korean citizens have smartphones and use credit cards, so when someone tests positive, the government can trace where they have been, at what time, and what mode of transportation they used. With this data, the government can trace the potentially infected population, using CCTV footage to identify potential contacts when needed.” ID2020, or the Digital Identity Alliance, is a 501c3 non-profit funded by a diverse range of foundations and corporate sponsors — including Microsoft and the Gates-funded vaccine non-profit GAVI — that provides grants for practical research into the real-world application of digital identities. One pilot project funded by ID2020 is MyPass, is a described effort to provide digital identification to the homeless population of Austin, Texas. The project reportedly seeks to create an online, cloud-based repository of identification and medical documents. Early versions of the pilot study would likely use some combination of a QR code card given to participating individuals, but future work could involve biometrics like fingerprints or IRIS scans. Another project, currently active in Bangladesh and Tanzania, seeks to test the viability of tying infant fingerprints to digital identities. (See Satan’s prophesied agenda in Rev. 13:16-17 etc.)

25 Ps. 100:5.

26 John 8:44, 10:10.

27 Ps. 7:14-15; Prov. 28:10.

28 Payne, Robert (1964). The Life and Death of Lenin. Simon and Schuster, New York. pp. 14, 630-632.

29 Ex. 20:14, 17; Deut. 5:18, 21: Prov. 6:25; Matt. 5:27-28; Rom. 13:9, etc.

30 II Sam. 11-12:1-15; Ps. 32, 51, etc.

31 Prov. 28:5; Dan. 12:10. See justice sections at

32 Ex. 20:16, 23:1; Deut. 5:20; Prov. 14:5, 25; Acts 6:12-13, 8:1, etc.

33 Acts 9:1-8, etc.

34 Prov. 10:19; James 1:19.

35 In December 2019, the Chinese military (200 million man army, Rev. 9:14-21) owned Shanghai International Port Group sought for and was given control of Israel’s strategic Haifa port for twenty-five years beginning in 2021. The port accommodates the U.S. Sixth Fleet and Israel’s nuclear submarines. The U.S. Senate warned Israel of the obvious strategic dangers and possible loss of future U.S. financial support.

An example of predictive analytics involves the biblical just retaliatory philosophy of Israel. After suffering deaths, illnesses, and economic disruption for months from the Chinese coronavirus in Israel, the ambassador from China, 57 year old Du Wei assigned to the post in February 2020, was found dead in his home in Herzliya of natural causes on 17 May, 2020. Also on 17 May, Israeli leader and former Israeli Defense Forces’ special forces’ officer, Benjamin Netanyahu took over the unified government after a year of national elections. In 2018, he is known to have correctly observed that the Mossad, famous for their special operational skills, is doing holy work.

36 Eric Kandel et al, Principles of Neural Science (International Edition, 4th Ed.), McGraw-Hill (2000), p. 1142.

37 Gen. 2:17, 3:1-6.

38 Gen. 3:12; I Tim. 2:14.

39 Jere. 7:18.

40 Eccl. 7:28; II Tim. 3:6. God demonstrated this righteous principle of male and female roles with no books of the Bible being written by women and Jesus affirmed this with not choosing any women for His disciples etc.

41 I Cor. 14:35.

42 Jones, Malcolm (1991). Introduction to Notes from the Underground and The Gambler. Oxford University Press.

43 Deut. 4:2; Prov. 30:5-6; Rev. 22:18. The Christian apologist, Ravi Zacharias, made the observation at a recent televised event that 20 years earlier 15 to 35 year olds wanted to engage in questions regarding the authenticity of the Bible, i.e. the age of the earth etc., but today that demographic completely ignores the Bible and just want to have their unbiblical lifestyles affirmed. (See endnotes 25 and 50.) In 1377, the preaching of John Wycliffe revealed the purpose of rejecting Scriptures is to give church leadership authority reserved for God Himself, such as the punishment of people they deem transgressors etc. Around 1415, John Huss (Czech for Goose) correctly echoed Wycliffe’s observations and was murdered by church leaders, burned alive, for that Christian stance. Referring to Huss’ murder, Martin Luther said, “The Goose is cooked.” On 1517, Martin Luther also would formally take up God’s cause to keep His Scriptures pure from corrupt contamination.

44 Prov. 26:7.


Douglas Murray is a columnist and author of the recent book titled The Madness of Crowds. Murray believes people use natural crises to promote their worldviews, which adds to society’s anxiety and creates new manmade crises. He observes people attracted to journalism are unlikely to be educated in the sciences resulting in their ignorance in reporting on natural crises thereby adding to the societal anxieties.

46 Pareto efficiency or Pareto optimality, named after Vilfredo Pareto, is a situation that cannot be modified so as to make any one individual or preference criterion better off without making at least one individual or preference criterion worse off. In reality, it would be impossible for individuals and societies to advance if there was only a materialistic this for that exchange nor a game theory matrix with win, win. Non-materialistic gains from materialistic losses could include hope for a better future which results in material cooperation, gain of wisdom to make more efficient materialistic choices, inventive ideas that lead to materialistic fruition, etc.

47 Num. 13-14.

48 Jonah; Nahum; Matt. 39-41; Luke 11:29-32.


On June 15, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court majority, composed of both Democrat and Republican appointees, objectively nullified their societal authority by improperly expanding the longtime legislated meaning of the objective biological word sex to include inconclusive subjective non-biological definitions. It intentionally ruled that the 1964 Civil Rights Act and Title VII now gives legal rights to the expressed Divine abominations of sexual perverts (Lev. 18:22, 20:13; I Kings 14:24; Rom. 1:21-31) and people with the mental illness of gender dysphoria (Deut. 22:5). This blatantly rules against the permanent biological science of sexual identity (i.e. XX chromosomes are objectively biologically women and XY chromosomes are objectively biologically male) thusly legally threatening mentally healthy people that believe in biological science. Of course, people that practice sexual perversion have cognitive distress as they acknowledge the reality of their unnatural activity (T: homosex = abomination) and people with gender dysphoria have cognitive distress as they acknowledge the reality of their biological gender (T: XX = female, XY = male). They know that the judgment of God for those acts is both individual and societal death (Rom. 1 32). The last days will be as in the days of Noah and Lot with the Sodomites in Sodom (Luke 17:26-30) (see endnote 72).

50 Three-quarters of Millennials (74% atheists ¬ transcendent truth = ¬ God, see endnote 68), the future societal leaders, agree strongly or somewhat with the statement, “Whatever is right for your life or works best for you is the only truth you can know,” compared to only 38 percent of their elders. 56% of Millennials that call themselves Christians have the biblically defined belief they will go to heaven due to confession of their sins and accepting Jesus as their savior (Ps. 51:3-4; I John 2:22-23, 4:2-3 etc.). 56% of Millennials also believe Jesus was a sinner contrary to the Bible and theological logic.

Many descendants of Ham, blacks, believe Jesus (Is. 11:10; Rom. 15:12 etc.) was not the biblical descendent of Shem, Abraham, David (Matt. 1; Rev. 22:16 etc.) but of Ham. Thanks is extended to Christena Cleveland’s, Ph.D. of social psychology, office for the email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in June, 2020.

51 Transfinite induction is like the regular inductive process but includes non-material components (Rom. 1:20), for example in math it would go beyond natural numbers. Among other things, transfinite induction proves that if individuals were created in a world (i.e. Adam and Eve forward) without the possibility of experiencing pain and suffering etc. the person they were or would come to be would never have possibly existed. (See the succeeding sets in the paragraph to this endnote in the main text.) Because what makes the self we are eternally known for is unique personal agency, the individual capacity to affect things in the face of conflict and change (stimuli), and free will, the mental ability to choose a course of action (reaction to a stimulus), could never have been associated.

52 ( Scriptures [II Tim. 3:16] seven day creation [Gen.1-2; Luke 13:14-15`] original sin [Gen. 3; Rom. 5] death [Gen. 3:3; Rom. 5:12-21] genealogies [I Chron. 1-3; Matt. 1; Luke 3:23-38] 4th commandment [Ex. 20:8-11; Deut. 9:10] redeemer [Gen. 3:15; Is. 7:14, 11:10; Matt. 1:23, 9:27; John 1:1-14, 7:42; Rev. 22:16] redemption to all the world [Gen. 14:18; Mark 16:16; Acts 10; Heb. 7:1-10] redeemed to eternal heaven and unredeemed to eternal hell [Is. 59:20; Dan. 12:2; Matt. 25:46; Rom. 11:26; Rev. 21:8]) Believers do not stagger or withdraw in doubt from the reality of God’s supernatural abilities (Rom. 4:16-25; Heb. 11).

53 Max Zorn’s lemma says if in a partially ordered set (i.e. relationship of less than, <, equal to, =, or greater than, >) every totally ordered subset has an upper bound then the set has a maximal element. In a June 2020 email exchange regarding the religious views of Max Zorn between Dallas F. Bell Jr. and Jens Zorn, emeritus professor of physics at the University of Michigan and son of Max Zorn, Jens indicated that his father, Max Zorn, was deeply concerned with philosophical questions of existence but did not adhere to a formal religion and could be appropriately described as agnostic.

54 Rom. 7:19-25. As with all Christians who can not lose their salvation from Jesus’ omnipotent hands (John 10:28-30; Rom 8:35; I Cor. 10:13; I Peter 1:5), Paul did not depart from his Christian beliefs but he did recognize how inadequate his finite behavior compared to infinite holy standards. In a June 2020 email exchange between Dallas F. Bell Jr. and Richard Butman, a licensed clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at Wheaton College, indicated there is not a recommended reference for fMRI studies/neuromapping of cognitive dissonance, especially toward Christian beliefs and/or from Christian beliefs.

55 James 3:9.

56 Matt. 6:24.

57 Rom. 8:7.

58 Eze. 14:3.

59 Matt. 6:6.

60 I Kings 18:21.

61 Ps. 119:113.

62 James 1:6-8.

63 Mark 9:24.

64 I Cor. 15:57; I John 5:4.

65 Is. 8:12.

66 Ex. 3:14; John 8:58.

67 Deut. 31:8; Prov. 3:24-26; Rom. 4:20-21; II Cor. 1:20, etc.

68 Ps. 107. Ironically, modern atheists militant toward God, such as Samuel Harris (his Divinely sardonic name, Samuel, means heard of God), actually prove the existence of God especially with transfinite induction of their arguments, which philosophically includes the absolute truth of the eternal pre-existent creation realities of justice, forgiveness, love, mercy, grace etc. and the infinite Creator intellect that possessed them. For example (Harris’ 2012 book Free Will etc.), atheists argue free will does not exist because it is non-material and not able to be materially replicated while ignoring it exists by necessity (sine qua non) in transfinite induction. Monozygotic twins (MZ, raised together) demonstrate it every day by most of their behavior not being congruent; MZ congruence free will Creator , etc. Cognitive dissonance compels atheists to add to their false logic and avoid truth. The more they argue the more they exponentially disprove their beliefs and the more evidence they provide to justify their eternal separation from God dammed to the lake of fire, which is sadly why they are correctly called fools.

69 Heb. 9:27.

70 John 1.

71 Rom. 5.

72 Heb. 9:28.

73 Amos 8:11. This was the subject of the last radio broadcast of former senior pastor D. Frank Bell on 27 June, 2020. This ended over 50 years of the radio portion of his ministry.


Zorn is a German noun meaning wrath (see endnote 53 for family name use), as with der zorn Gottes translated to English as the wrath of God.

75 Greek for life, as the given eternal life to the redeemed by God (John 3:16, 10:10).

76 The name of the prophet and his biblical book of prophesied Israeli reform and God’s wrath (c. 639 B.C.) translated from Tsephan-Yah meaning Yahweh Hides or Yahweh Has Hidden.

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