Societies as Adiabatic Processes and Conditions
of Quantum Chemistry: Analysis of Computational Quantum Justice
Dallas F. Bell, Jr.
studies the ground state of individual atoms and molecules, and the
excited states and transition states that occur during chemical
reactions. Professor of Chemistry at Yale University and editor of
the Journal
of Chemical Theory and Computation,
William Jorgensen recommended to Dallas F. Bell Jr., in an email
exchange during May 2019, Frank Jensen’s2
2017 book, Introduction
to Computational Chemistry
(3d ed.), as best addressing computational and quantum chemistry.3
the calculations, quantum
studies use semi-empirical and other methods4
based on quantum
mechanical principles5
as they approach time dependent problems. When solutions are
generated without reference to experimental data the method is said
to be ab
(Latin. From the beginning).6
Experimental quantum chemists rely heavily on spectroscopy, through
which information regarding the quantization of energy on a molecular
scale can be obtained. Common methods are infra-red spectroscopy,
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and scanning probe
quantum chemistry, which also tends to fall under the category of
computational chemistry, seeks to calculate the predictions of
quantum theory as atoms and molecules with only discrete energies.
When applied to polyatomic species,7
the calculations are performed using computers rather than by slower
analytical methods.
the Schrödinger equation8
with the total molecular Hamiltonian9
is needed in order to study the motion of molecules. A direct
solution of the Schrödinger equation is called quantum
molecular dynamics,10
within the semiclassical approximation and within the classical
mechanics framework. Statistical approaches,11
e.g. (quantum) Monte Carlo methods,12
are also possible.
adiabatic (Greek; a
meaning not, diabatos
meaning passable or through) process or condition is characterized by
no gain or loss of heat in a thermodynamic system and its environment
= 0).13
It is also characterized by an increase in entropy, ∆S, (moving
from an ordered state to a less ordered state, entropy14
is symbolized by S15)
if it is irreversible and is characterized by no change in entropy if
it is reversible.16
It can be seen to occur naturally when air masses in the atmosphere
press down on a surface causing temperatures to rise because of the
work done on the mass of air to decrease its volume against the land
mass. The average adiabatic lapse rate between dry and saturated air
today when the atmosphere cools is at the rate of 3.5 degrees F. for
every increase of 1,000 feet in elevation.
adiabatic chemical dynamics, interatomic interactions are represented
by single scalar potentials called potential energy surfaces. This is
the 1927 Born–Oppenheimer approximation.17
Non-adiabatic chemical dynamics18
consists of taking the interaction between several coupled potential
energy surface (corresponding to different electronic quantum states
of the molecule). The coupling terms are called vibronic couplings.19
Spin-forbidden reactions are one type of non-adiabatic reactions
where at least one change in spin state occurs when progressing from
reactant to product.
group intelligence arises from the collaboration of its average
members which reinforces what is deemed rational for decision-making.
This is based of symbiotic beliefs in what is considered good and
what is considered bad, moderated by experience and limited by innate
problem-solving abilities or IQ. Those attributes characterize the
development of their culture and its predictable biases. Daniel
Bell, socialist sociologist at Columbia University, indicated that
culture is the coherent agreement of the purpose and nature of life.20
A shift in societal culture means there must be a shift in the
coherence of agreement for the purpose and nature of life.
IQ members will be considered irrational as will be those members
with different views of right and wrong, or those with greater
experiences. It is obvious that Einstein’s theory of relativity
would be more accepted with less entropy in a society with an average
IQ of around 100 (e.g. U.S. with European ancestry average of 99 and
Christian denomination majority) than a society with more entropy
having an average IQ of 65 (e.g. the Republic of Congo with a
Christian denomination majority).21
it is reversible and has stable entropy, it is inherently dangerous
for a group or society with higher IQ averages to allow pockets of
lower IQ groups (generally around 30 IQ points or more and less if
there is not a common spoken language) to develop their own
intellectually inferior culture(s), which at some point of
irreversibility and increased entropy will consider rationality as
irrational and become obstructive or physically combative. It is
equally dangerous for more rational groups to allow members with
empirically irrational beliefs of what is considered to be right and
wrong (e.g. atheistic22
etc.) to develop their irreversible evil culture(s) of extreme
entropy. This is a syndrome23
or cluster of chosen negative behavioral patterns with increased
entropy. At some point after transmitting their delusional beliefs
to other people, folie
à plusieurs,24
they will create general civil disorder25
and will decide to become physically violent.
example, based on their eschatological views, self-proclaimed
atheists commonly state that the end justifies the means to
rationalize evil behaviors. It does not matter if the idea can be
proven empirically false with logic. Eternal properties of quantum
regarding the intensive justified end and means must define extensive
justification (to be just, right) as consistent with infinite
omniscient God’s laws and will of stable entropy from man’s
finite understanding and adherence. All such ends (x) and means (y)
would be justified (A).27
x = A or x ⊃
y = A or y ⊃
x = y or y ⊃
just seek knowledge, use it correctly, and spread it to others for
order. The unjust seek foolishness and spread it for disorder.28
Justified (Heb. tsadaq29
be [morally] right or righteous; Greek dikaioo30
to render just or to be righteous) can not be eternally subjective
from finite man’s standards or else there is no transcendent
universal standard to communicate within the highest entropy, and so
is < A or - A.
x = A or x ⊃
y ≠ A or y ⊄
A; y = - A or y ⊃
- A
x ≠ y or y ⊄
x ≠ A or x ⊄
A; x = - A or x ⊃
- A
y ≠ A or y ⊄
A; y = - A or y ⊃
- A
x = y or y ⊃
x ≠ A or x ⊄
A; x = - A or x ⊃
- A
y = A or y ⊃
x ≠ y or y ⊄
state that the end justified the means indicates the mean is unjust
and no end, even a just end, could cause injustice to be just. A
variation of this scheme is the enticement “do it (means) for the
greater (justified) good (end).” It also wrongly indicates “doing
it” is not just in itself but the “end good” makes it “great”
and justified. “Für
das größere wohl”
(German, “for the greater good”) is a phrase to describe the
finite relativist attempt of temporary material tyranny to suppress
nonmaterial (quantum) justice of Divine authority. The “greater
good” is based on Divine immutable infinite standards of quantum
Judean King Asa (c. 885 B.C.) relied (y) on an unrighteous Syrian
King Benhadad (- A) for peace (x) and relied (y) on doctors (- A) for
healing (c. 869 B.C.) (x) instead of God (A). These unjustified acts
(- A) caused (no peace, x) wars and (no healing, x) death from his
diseased feet.31
On a later occasion (c. winter 30 A.D.), a parable describes two men
that prayed in the Temple. One prayed arrogantly (y) inconsistent
from God’s will for forgiveness (- A) and was not justified (x) and
the other prayed humbly (y) according to God’s will for forgiveness
(A) and was justified (x).32
at man’s best intentions of a just end and means there is entropy.
Much like the echolocation biosonar of the sound emitters of greater
horseshoe bats (Rhinolophous
and frequency-modulated bats (Hypsugo
Both shape change and frequency change were found to have an
approximately equal effect on increasing the variability (entropy) of
the sensory inputs.33
binary standard for justice is either the eternally victorious
quantum justice or opposition to that factual quantum truth. U.S.
professional wrestling entertainment models this reality by pitting a
good wrestler, called the face, against the evil wrestler, called the
heel. As predicted, spectators support the good wrestler and jeer
the evil wrestler. The matches are scripted to generate as much
economic interest as is possible.
protected themselves by politically and economically pitting poor
whites against poor blacks. In 1926, American Ku Klux Klan leaders
were exposed as wealthy white opportunists turning middle-class
whites against other groups in a social fission from the splitting of
the groups harnessed for economic exploitation. At that time, the
Klan dominated political life in Arkansas, California, Colorado,
Indiana, Maine, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Texas.
After the criminal prosecution for corruption of many of the wealthy
white opportunists, the lower energy release from the past social
fission was expressed in different adiabatic venues during an
increased entropy of the groups.35
From China to Russia, worldwide communist aristocratic government
leaders classically have the proletariat (lower class) compete
against the bourgeoisie (middle class). Isaiah Berlin described this
Marxist philosophy as dividing mankind into good sheep and evil goats
with wellbeing coming with the extermination of the goats.36
Jesus portrayed the redeemed as sheep and the unredeemed as goats
scheduled for eternal judgment.37
categories of society has inherent adiabatic conflict between finite
being’s honest interests. They may be set against each other by
those that seek to unrighteously control them, such as young and old,
male and female, educated and uneducated, vegetarian and
nonvegetarian, etc. Obviously, if the ploy is to be successful it
must be based on actual conflict. In 1980, Russian government radio
broadcasted propaganda into Germany (western Germany at that time)
targeting U.S. soldiers. Such broadcasts included covering the U.S.
domestic massacre of Native Americans on their reservations. Of
course, the U.S. soldiers knew this was untrue and laughed at the
feeble attempt to spread unrighteous strife38
within the ranks.39
the 1960’s, unredeemed homosexual American women40
began a movement called feminism. Its goal was to turn all women
(both homosexual and heterosexual) against all men (both good men and
evil men) hoping to subvert wives Divine submission to their
Regarding true cosmogony in the synchrony of Scripture (Gen. 1 and
Jesus said from the beginning God created male and female and man and
Made in His image, the husband is to rule over the woman44
and they are to submit (Greek hupotassō)
to the man45
(Greek andros).46
Incidents of homosexuality in the U.S. is reported to be rising. It
is known that homosexual concordance for monozygotic twins, raised
increases (male 20% and female 24%) beyond the population’s average
homosexual rate (.7%) once one twin chooses to engage in homosexual
behavior due to the effects of folie
à deux.48
may be defined as a game we all play,49
as is defining politics its self is also a game. U.S. media and
politicians also use this game-style template to control the
population. The good side proposes a solution that supports
universal good and it is opposed by the side of evil. They demonize
each other as their supporters cheer and are pacified as if something
was accomplished. The June, 2019, edition of the Army
magazine praised U.S. military recruiting by demographics based on
collected zip code data from unknown means.50
It also reported the RAND Corp. study of the latest U.S. recruit’s
primary reason for joining the military was not for protection of
their nation for the first time in history.51
is not the author of confusion (Greek akatastasia
disorder or tumult).52
At some point, there will be a survival need to physically defend
universal good against the constant evil onslaught of the
irreversible increase in the disorder of entropy. The French rose up
domestically (1789-1799) to abolish the establishment and the
Russians in 1917. In The
Aeschylus wrote (472 B.C.) of the necessary Greek defense against
murdering Persian invaders.53
The prophet Daniel (c. 605-535 B.C.) recorded the spiritual battle
between God’s angel and a chief fallen angel, demon, called the
prince of Persia, after which the prince of Greece was prophesied to
leaders of the new world order represent universal evil and present
the same danger of extreme entropy to proponents of good. During the
coming incidents of extreme evil violence, the sagacious may
prudently choose to keep silent and prevent becoming accomplices to
the suffering for that moment.55
self-appointed elites increase entropy by counterfeiting YAHWEH’s
blessings of wealth and position on themselves. The six (the number
of fallible man) stated patterns of abominations are a proud look
(beginning with a prideful attitude56
from choosing to love ones finite self more than infinite God57
and others58
which violates all of God’s laws59),
wicked imaginations (rebellious thoughts), mischief (intentions),
lying (speech), spreading disharmony with God (influencing), and
shedding innocent blood (ending with murderous action60).61
This will grow worse in the last days.62
The redeemed have stable entropy if they act according to I Thess.
5:12-24 (KJV) below.
12 And
we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and
are over you in the Lord, and admonish you;
13 And
to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at
peace among yourselves.
14 Now
we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the
feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.
15 See
that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that
which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.
16 Rejoice
17 Pray
without ceasing.
18 In
every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
concerning you.
19 Quench
not the Spirit.
20 Despise
not prophesyings.
21 Prove
all things; hold fast that which is good.
22 Abstain
from all appearance of evil.
23 And
the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole
spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
24 Faithful
is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
(to compute, count, or calculate by mathematical means) may be made
along a continuum of truth. It begins with understanding, if not
observing, the existence of objects (linguistically expressed as
nouns) and action (linguistically expressed as verbs), and their
modifiers of colors, shapes, and temperature. Facts are next
accepted and expressed in logic and mathematics for limited
connectivity. Then abstract (to draw away by disassociation from any
specific instance) expression may stimulate the sudden conscious
awareness of finite minds of connectedness by association from
emotional (to move away and disturb) memories, e.g. the pleasantness
of subconscious love, justice, and grace logic or the unpleasantness
of subconscious hate, injustice, and cruelty logic, etc. For
example, the photo below of an airbus may call to memory a pleasant
or unpleasant flight and possibly the pleasantness of the physics’
principle of why planes stay aloft.
the general imagery of a real jet as seen above, the abstract
painting below may cause the recollection of the same memories as
with the photo but also may elicit pleasant or unpleasant memories of
a colorful textured sweater, or of how crayons smelled when drawing
as children, or even of war time deployments of soldiers, etc.
arousal state allows finite intellects to momentarily comprehend the
existence of unattainable complexity and harmony only contained in
infinite holiness. The last level along the continuum of truth is an
infinite state of understanding all things simultaneously and
completely with perfect beauty.
Trueblood, psychology professor at Vanderbilt University, has written
about why people deviate from expected responses when making
inferences about the relationship between causes and effects. She
describes a quantum inference model based on the principles of
quantum probability theory. The quantum inference model uses
incompatibility among different causes to account for three
phenomena: (1) comparison of predictive judgments (i.e., the
conditional probability of an effect given a cause) with (2)
diagnostic judgments (i.e., the conditional probability of a cause
given an effect) and (3) examining the order of effects in predictive
causal judgments. The quantum model is believed to be able to
provide a unified account for all three effects.63
demonstrated with the allergens skin prick test for comparison of
statistical zones and societal data,64
Karl Pearson’s (1900) chi-squared (χ2)
statistical test may be a useful tool. It is applied to sets of
categorical data for evaluation of the odds that any observed
difference between the sets arose at random. It assesses three types
of comparison: goodness of fit (whether an observed frequency
distribution differs from a theoretical distribution), homogeneity
(compares the distribution of counts for two or more groups using the
same categorical variable), and independence (whether observations
consisting of measures on two variables, expressed in a contingency
table, are independent of each other). The three tests have the
following computational procedures: calculate the χ2
determine the statistic degrees of freedom (df), select the level of
confidence, compare the χ2
the df, and finally sustain or reject the null hypothesis.
intelligence algorithms can be trained for machine learning by
searching for patterns and associations from exposure to numerous
sets of relevant data. For example, scientists processed the data of
over 300,000 people and found heart disease risk could be diagnosed
from retina scans.65
However the data has to be accurate. In 2007, Dallas F. Bell Jr.
discovered incorrect information on the periodic table of elements at
the prestigious Los Alamos National Laboratory. Element 77, iridium
(Ir), had the wrong atomic weight. When notified, Joshua Smith of
the chemistry division quickly made the needed adjustment.66
Datum input should never be treated perfunctory as mechanical pro
analysis is accomplished by finite programmers with biases and
abilities using finite machines. Unlike the material calculations of
quantum chemistry in adiabatic processes and conditions, quantum
justice has a scope of eternity and omniscience which must have the
preexistent intellect of the infinite Creator God, Yahweh, as the
ultimate judge. In anthropomorphic terms, He is justly jealous and
His wrath is reserved for His eternal vengeance on His eternal
If confession (Greek from homo
same and legō
to say) of wrong is made to God, He is faithful and just to forgive.
Only a loving infinite God can know the confessor enough to allow or
not allow eternal justice to be overridden by His eternal grace.68
Holy Spirit helps the redeemed’s infirmities because the redeemed
do not know what to pray for or how to pray. The Spirit makes
intercession for the redeemed with groaning which can not be uttered
(Greek, stenagmois
for unspoken sighing).69
The redeemed are commanded to make requests known with prayer70
and Father God knows what is needed before asked.71
The loving and just God does not withhold any good thing from the
that fear Him.73
(the triune God is the Father, Son Jesus the Christ, and the Holy
Spirit) is omnipotent and omniscient. Then each person of the triune
God knows everything. The Holy Spirit is not revealing anything
unknown to the Father. His groaning and intercession ab
joins the prayer of the redeemed petitioner as a legal petition to
the Father, the eternal judge and administrator, necessary for His
merciful intercession. This aligns and prepares the hearts of finite
petitioners for the Father’s perfect will and action.
legal system is an adiabatic process, inter
of logic computing a mathematical equation of justice. The Holy
Spirit’s intercession is like an amicus
brief (Latin term meaning friend of the court) before the Father. It
is the legal (Latin legalis
with lex
meaning law which is the basis for the proceedings) order to petition
the Divine court (Latin cohort
enclosure). Computationally, God’s justice is eternal and infinite
quantum justice is only perfectly possible within His intellect.
Finite man may imperfectly model that perfect Divine order for
various methods of computation.
the loving God, Jesus came to earth to teach the doctrine of the
gospel with Divine authority and establish the law for individuals
and institutions (family, church, business, and government) sending
His disciples into all the world, to model the servant hood of a
Divine leader (i.e. healing the sick, etc.), to demonstrate Divine
grace with the redemptive symbolism of washing feet76
and voluntarily giving His innocent life for the redemption of guilty
mankind releasing the comforting and teaching Holy Spirit for the
and to show Divine quantum restraint of immediate justice so
scriptural prophesy would be fulfilled.78
Then, He must and therefore will return to enact quantum justice on
the unredeemed as the rightful King79
with His armies riding on a white horse to establish His millennial
reign as the prophesied one God.80
The Jewish confession of faith is called The Shema
which implies that after truly hearing about the one God there is
It has been observed that sometimes “the law spoke too softly to
be heard admist the din of arms” (Plutarch, Lives: Caius Marius).83
be materially84
minded is death, but to be nonmaterially85
minded is life and peace.86
The materially minded are against Yahweh.87
The name of the Lord is a strong tower, and the righteous run into
it and are safe.88
Nonmaterial supernatural intervention into the material realm is for
the graceful purpose of Divine love, justice, and mercy. If the
redeemed need a miracle it has already existed without entropy until
it is to be Divinely enacted.89
Yahweh is due worship (meaning worth His quality and state)!
See the notes from quantum
chemist David Sherrill at
Gavroglu, Ana Simões (2011).
NEITHER PHYSICS NOR CHEMISTRY: A History of Quantum Chemistry. MIT
Eric R. (2006). The
Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Significance. Oxford
University Press. This
work looks at the extent to which chemistry, especially the periodic
system, has been reduced to quantum mechanics.
Jensen has been on the editorial
boards of many chemistry journals and is a chemistry professor at
Aarhus University, Denmark.
David Sherrill also uses this
book as a text for his class (see endnote 1).
See Jensen’s book, pp. 88,
275-290, 520 etc.
Ibid. pp. 7, 9, 18, 20, 454,
Ibid. pp. 9, 13, 78, 477, etc.
From the early days of thermodynamics, Q (for quantity) has been the
symbol for the heat exchange in a thermodynamic process. Enthalpy
(∆H) is
the sum of heat absorbed by the system and the work done when
expanding from the initial state to the final state. See
Jensen’s book p. 454.
Jensen’s book pp. 19, 454 etc.
Physical properties
are in two types; intensive
and extensive. Extensive
properties, such as mass
and volume, depend on the amount of matter being measured and their
symbols are usually capitalized. Intensive
properties, such as
density and color, do not depend on the amount of the substance
present and their symbols are not usually capitalized.
See Jensen’s book pp. 8, 10,
18, 90-94 etc. Pioneering
applications of this in chemistry were performed by Rice and
Ramsperger in 1927 and Kassel in 1928, and generalized into the RRKM
theory in 1952 by Marcus who took the transition state theory
developed by Eyring in 1935 into account. These methods enable
simple estimates of unimolecular reaction rates from a few
characteristics of the potential surface.
See Jensen’s book p. 92.
The pioneering work in this
field was done by Stueckelberg, Landau, and Zener in the 1930s.
Their work on what is now known as the Landau–Zener transition.
Their formula allows the transition probability between two diabatic
potential curves in the neighborhood of an avoided crossing to be
Bell is quoted as saying, “Culture,
for me, is the effort to
provide a coherent
set of answers to the existential situations that confront all human
beings in the passage of their lives.” See Chapter 7, Modernism
and Capitalism at
Atheism is not an intellectually
rational tenable position and is commonly called foolishness. It is
more accurate to describe the position as anti-theism or
anti-Christ. Pope Francis is known for teaching of anti-biblical
doctrine. That is anti-Christ. He is aware of his anti-Christ
behavior and on a 2015 plane interview he took the opportunity to
deride the correct observation of his anti-Christ activities. He
mocked a Catholic woman for her beliefs that she thought he was
anti-Christ and anti-pope because he did not wear red shoes. See
the complete interview at
A disease is an unchosen
negative biological impairment with increase entropy.
Medical term (French)
for a shared “madness of several” people. The same delusional
beliefs shared by two people in a relationship is called folie
à deux, three people
is folie
à trois, four people
is folie
à quatre, and family
madness is folie
en famille.
See endnote 15 for extensive and intensive material/physical
properties. In the case here, justify is a reference to direct adherence to Divine moral law. Its legal synonyms could be exonerates, vindicates, acquits, and advocates etc. Conversely, synonyms that are an indirect reference to Divine moral law are explains or construes etc., such as “the end construes the means,” are not applicable. For an example stimulated by an email exchange with Jonathan Hayward in June 2019, the end of feeding people construes the means of killing animals to make foods.
Derived from Prov. 15:2, 7, 14.
The Radical Right
(1964), edited by Daniel Bell, Chapter 13, “The Sources of the
Radical Right” (1955) by Seymour Martin Lipset, pp.313-314.
Lipset’s theological ignorance or bias causes him to wrongly
interpret societal issues as economically based when they are from
theological differences expressed economically (especially p. 311).
Daniel Bell is quoted as having stated, “… no moral philosopher,
from Aristotle to Aquinas, to John Locke and Adam Smith, divorced
economics from a set of moral ends or held the production of wealth
to be an end in itself; rather it was seen as a means to the
realization of virtue, a means of leading a civilized life.”
See Chapter 7, Modernism
and Capitalism at
The amount of energy released
and entropy is calculated from the potential and kinetic energy of
the fissional groups. The fission formula for atom nuclei is Q =
Δmc2. In an email exchange between David Sherrill and Dallas F.
Bell Jr. from May-June 2019, Sherrill suggests that fission remain
in the domain of nuclear physics and not (computational) quantum
This is a first-hand account
witnessed by Dallas F. Bell Jr.
Lev. 18:22, 20:13; Rom. 1:26-27;
I Cor. 6:9-10. They violate nature with vile affections and as do
men do that which is unseemly. See the website at endnote 83 for
Caius Marius’ comments on effeminate wealthy males famous for
nobility and not for valor.
Gloria Steinem was a chief
spokeswoman for the goals of the movement to liberate American women
against Divine nature. She came from a home abandoned by her father
(Jewish) and mentally unbalanced mother (Presbyterian). Some of her
activities (director of the Independent Research Service) were
exposed as being secretly funded by the Central Intelligence Agency.
The possibilities for the CIA government financing was either her
informing on feminist’s activities or they approved of the
feminist’s activities, or both.
Subsidized Festival Trips; Hundreds of Students Were Sent to World
Gatherings.” The New
York Times. February
21, 1967.
The continuity of man and woman
creation order and commands prevent a diachronic (sequential or
change over time) interpretation of the simultaneous events recorded
in chapter’s 1 and 2 of Genesis.
Gen. 3:16; I Cor. 11:3.
This was the answer given, by
Dallas F. Bell Jr. as a student, to his professor’s query of the
Introduction to Political Science class for a definition of
politics. Professor M. chose Bell’s response as the class
It is reasonable to assume the zip code data is used throughout the
U.S. government for decision-making without the permission of its
For a defense of the lack of honor expressed by U.S. Millennial
officers see endnote 99 at
Pride is the first recorded sin against God, which was committed by
Lucifer/Satan (Is. 14:13-14).
Deut. 6:5. Finite minds have been created to not need to have
complete knowledge of an object of love to love that object without
reservation. God has infinite knowledge of all things past and
future, by definition, and has demonstrated He still loves the
redeemed elect in their state of wickedness. In God’s infinite
justice, He has the obligation to righteously hate the unredeemed
(Mal. 1:2-3; Rom. 9:13).
Being angry with someone (without Divine justification) is the same
as murder to God (Matt. 5:21-22), minus the material consequences of
the physical act when a murder takes place.
Prov. 6:16-19. Six things God
hates = 7 total abominations with lying involved twice in the list.
See the quantum mathematics explanation of how 6 = 7 at
II Tim. 3:1-17; Rom. 1:16-32.
Published in the 2018 Nature
journal Biomedical
The email exchange between
Dallas F. Bell Jr. and LANL’s Josh Smith took place in October,
2007 (Matt. 11:25; I Cor. 1:27).
Ex. 20:5; Josh. 24:19; Nah. 1:2.
Jensen’s book pp. 88, 480.
Latin for among other things.
Matt., Mark, Luke, and John,
Is. 62:11; Zech. 9:9; Matt.
Is. 9:6-7; Zech.
14:9; Rev. 19:11-21.
This is a central prayer in the
(Jewish prayer book, from seder
meaning order).
Isaac Pinto is credited with publishing the first American Siddur.
translation (para. 46) is “…the law spoke too softly to be heard
in such a noise of war...”
Meaning carnally as a symbol for
the external and pleasurable.
Meaning spiritually or
Rom. 8:7; I Cor. 2:14; James.
Ex. 3:19-20; Acts 7:36.