Systematic Political Science        

Académie des Poissons:
The Enchanted World of Finite and Infinite Differences1

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.


Topetta Pilot2
Sir Compos Mentis (mental control)
Stranger (in the St. Michael [San Michele] island cemetery)
Matsya Platonian
Tiger (Tor Putitora, golden mahseer4)
Tang (
Acanthurus Triostegus, convict tang)
Coy (
Cyprinus Rubrofuscus, koi)
Brook (
Salvelinus Fontinalis, brook trout)
Badin (
Heteractis Magnifica, clownfish)
Goldman (
Carassius Auratus, goldfish)
Toby (
Canthigaster Valentini, pufferfish)
Ray (
Mobula Mobular, devil fish)
Angel (
Centropyge Loricula, angel fish)

Picture 2

(The 16” x 20” pencil on canvas sketch by Dallas F. Bell Jr. is titled Académie des Poissons. From the top left to right is a koi, clownfish, goldfish, tang, pufferfish, mahseer, brook trout, and angel fish.)
“…strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” (Hebrews 5:14)

Prophase: La Proposizione5

Ageing cyto-clock,
think you can tell,
heaven from hell?
Threaded truth is weaved,
by Edict of Nantes’ souls,
on holy looms perceived.
A morphine myth roams,
punch cards with punch holes,
ever unhappy in silken homes.6
Said the old man, winking,
dear child, with care,
kneel in tinctured prayer,7
and, please, do consider thinking,
reverse epigenomes—
ticktock, ticktock,
equivalent fermions and bosoms
never hesitating,
on surfaces mathematical.
The black hole is rotating, QBism,
points in space-time, hypothetical
ringularity at the equatorial curving
of the inner ergosphere, poles.
All the mass is in the ring, swerving,
whose center has infinitely small roles,
limitless fast spinning warriors.
Particles are tunneling freely,
and reflecting off of barriers.
Sparticles, superpartner alarms
in the supersymmetry,
recognize this
Camisard call to arms.
White Shirts singing Psalms aloud
unnerve the Dragon-nades’ strategy.
A Cry from the Desart cloud
forever testifies in the just war
Half chisel Nehemiah’s faceted jewel,
as half don shields, and bear iron spears.
The Pavlovian lips of Judah’s enemy drool
at the wine glass’s sweet glycerol tears.
Jehovah comforts in
The Age of Anxiety,
so scale the cross of society,
and let holograms fade in piety.

1. Metaphase: Osservando8

The Maritime Alps and the Apennines
pushed up a crescent-shaped strip
of Ligurian coast with pastel villages
on etched bluffs overlooking turquoise bays,
space-efficient, inhabited by young and old,
debutantes and dowagers, sparce groups lassoed,
rich and poor,
padrone and peone,
fish eaters and fishermen alike,
living side by side in a distance metric,
paratopes, synthetic inter-species
cooperating, virus and host,9
Tom and Jerry cartoons, Scooby-Doo,
and KPop,10 too.
Genius fastens the coordinates;
“A man may fish with the worm
that eat a king, and eat of the fish
that has fed of that worm.”11
“The fish lives in the sea,”
rhetorically, “‘tis much pride.”12

That Riviera in the northwest of Italy
stands in collation to the northeast
group of islands being pulled
sluggishly into the Adriatic Sea.
Since the separation of land with water,13
those Venetian testaments
are the archaeology of man’s soul,
adjusting and enduring. Once the covert
of the pinched, and now the jewel
of the affluent. It is known
fishes live in the sea,
as men do aland; the great ones
eat up the little ones.

The hundred isles are connected
by hundreds of bridges with reputations
for overseeing the canals beneath;
a distraction from the sinking rate
of an inch each decade.
One such resident is Sir Compos Mentis,
who has mourned his wife,
Lady Huldah, loved one by Deutschländers,14
for half an inch of time,
his day being but a handbreadth.15
Bilinguismo Perfetto16
the legality of German,
French, and Slovene mother tongues
bringing order to ancestral chaos.

Knighted for some brave act,|
written by the queen’s own faded hand,
in his unformed frontal lobe’s
youthful disregard for legacy, Sir Mentis,
affectionately called Compos,
waits for the wooden topetta
to make its way across the lagoon
for his visit of the cemetery.
It is Saturday morning, after all,
and the week’s tender days
are refuel allegiances deferred by the
conjoined halves of the past and present.

Compos’ slate silhouette stabs the fog,
as the sun simmers the Mediterranean,
before the hints of keelless gondolas
haul foreign lovers on honeymoons
and vaporettos capture camera fused tourist,
insatiably desirous to have every moment
of their thin vacations store memories
for the nucleus of future family gatherings
with photographic proof of recollections;
mementos, keepsakes to embalm and enshrine
synapses gleaning wisdom, passed on
to others interested in that sort of thing.

The unmistakable puttering of the topetta
nears Compos standing on his stone
canal walkway; long since carried there
in jagged pieces from a musty field far away,
and gently placed by nimble fingers;
an igneous puzzle admired
by Maecenas17 of skill and work to this day.
The tempestuous18 voice of the pilot
thunders formal orders just ahead,
as always, in
dialeto del mar.19

Pilot: Bestir, bestir, lest I run aground.

Compos steadies the boat and jumps aboard.

Compos: Greetings on this fine Saturday.

Pilot: Moonbow and red sky at morning, you know.
Compos picks up the bouquet of flowers
the pilot delivered by routine.

Compos: Blue irises and calla lilies.

Pilot: Hope and faith for your Lady Huldah.

Compos: Outdone yourself again.

Pilot: A traghetto slowed me down,
but I was able to navigate the incompetence.

Compos: The apprehension of novice pilots
seems to outweigh their respect for the masters.

They travel east the few minutes it takes
to arrive at
Isola di San Michele,20
otherwise known as cemetery island.
Named for the archangel Michael,21
the cross-shaped island
is home to an abandoned monastery
and a postmortem Catholic church
used only for aesthetic ceremonies.
It is visited by flower bearing guests
paying respect to what is left,
the mossy covered marble
memory of loved ones.

As you walk down its avenue
of thirty slender, tall, cypresses
stretching to the chapel
from the sarcophagus exit,
the plants in bloom
lighten the heavy occasion,
raspberry hydrangeas on this day,
Compos passed the sections for Catholics,
the war dead, the gondoliers,
and the Greco orthodox
where Igor Stravinsky is laid to rest,
finally arriving at the
reparto evangelico.22

Within the hecatomb23 lies Lady Huldah
with her framed picture of vows,
photons curved to her gravity,
on the carved rectangle shrine,
not far removed from Joseph Brodsky,
whose silence cannot disguise
the willed public statement,
volontē gēnērale,24 that deafens lies.
The grave photos are frozen pixels
keeping digital time.

(The 10” high wood carving by Dallas F. Bell, Jr. is titled Corpus Lady Huldah.)

Suddenly a stranger joins Compos.

Stranger: Death selects the noblest.
She was beautiful or is…
I could have said that better.

Compos: Yes, my wife was a dream.
Praise is below her merit.
I do not recall you here before.

Stranger: I have seen you many times.

Compos: Aren’t you a visitor?

Stranger: I am more like a guardian.

Compos: You work here…
Mustn’t keep my pilot waiting.

Stranger: Before you go,
if you don’t mind the observation,
despair rages fiercely,
and will drive you to grinding.
Hope lies in the seeded carpel,
producing fruit-setting hormones.
I have found getting a fish
helps with the transition…

Compos: Active rehab?

Stranger: Kinesiology for the spirit.
My messages usually have delayed understanding,
so make time to dance with opportunity,
and “do not die of grief.”25

Compos: Heaven help, if I conceal,
from God, by hubris, what is in my breast.
It seems an emphatic reality,
a sympathetic response,
that the cure for sorrow
comes from gushing tears.26
Your concern is cherished, however;
recommend a fish emporium?

Stranger: The Académie des Poissons,
your pilot will know it.

Compos: Grazie e Dio benedica.27

Stranger: Lastly, beware the charms
of Indian Sirens.28

Compos: Literary allusions?

Stranger: You’ll see.

The stranger abruptly departs.
Compos boards the topetta.
The pilot notices Compos’
unusual sense of urgency.

Compos: Let’s make a détour.

Pilot: A detour matrix will be the maximum distance.

Compos: Académie des Poissons,
do you know it?

Pilot: Indeed, I do sir.

With the forced quietness
of a solicitous look,
and needing no more particulars,
the pilot spirits them away
from the cemetery
toward the fish shop.
When they arrive, he ties
off the bow to the dock,
and points Compos to the shop.

Pilot: Around the corner there.

Compos: Back in a few minutes.

Compos sees the sign for the fish academy
and through the rectangle glass windows
he surveys the many aquariums inside,
and wonders how close to Plato’s salon
it must be. He takes a deep breath,
as he bravely enters, and is immediately met
at the entrance by the owner,
Matsya Platonian.

Matsya: Parle Italien, Anglais?29
Parla Italliano, Inglese?30

Compos: Anglais, per favore.31

Compos’ transductosomes could hardly withstand
the odor of death that punctuated
the store. The dead smell
at the monastery and church
on St. Michael was, somewhat,
tempered by the saline air.
Ordor mortis32 has hundreds of organic
chemicals that dominate the senses.
The amines have carbon compounds
of animine and diaminoane. The smell
of death attracts predators: insects,
rodents, mammals and the like.
The same spoilage smell also repulses
appetites and is oddly reminiscent of sulfur
in mung bean sprouts and curry,
hing, for dhal, and methi,
pulse of sotolon molecules.
The foam in all the tanks, as in the sea,
is largely composed of fish feces,
and dead algae.

Matsya: I tell my customer’s up front
this is a certified Environmental,
Social, and Governance company,
disrupting and dismantling tradition
of collaborative exploitation.
Micro-components produce
macro-patterns. “Pity the monster,
manunkind;” a comfortable disease.
Do you know your ESG score?33

Compos: Afraid not.

As they walked, Compos quietly wondered,
who certified the certifiers?
Who was the transcendent authority
for the
Brave New World judgments
toward us “two-legged wombs”?
Can anyone say, intellectual arrogance?
Matsya decayed
The Handmaid’s Tale
with the dystopian silence of “The Eyes.”

Matsya: Fish are smart, you know.
Some people estimate if they had thumbs
they could rule mankind. Animals that extract
their food from complex environments
are cleverer than grazers.34 Fish have cultures
and traditions. They can recognize themselves.
Some cooperate and reconcile. Their mental
capacity is on par with many other vertebrates,
and likely feel pain. It is only reasonable
that they should be in the human’s moral circle.
That is why there is an ability to experience
feelings and sensations--sentience.35
Einstein is quoted to have said,
“Our separation of each other
is an optical illusion of consciousness.”

Compos: Interesting thoughts. It seems
to love everyone and everything
is a spatial dependent contraction
of all things, in that there is no distinction,
which leads to loving nothing.36
God loved Jacob but hated Esau.
What about the fish
no longer chosen as pets?

Matsya: En faveur, en défaveur,37
that is the way of the world.
Everyone loves the star,
until it burns out.

Compos: Si, il favore viene, il favore va.38
Everyone is a shooting star.

Matsya: So, I have the highest credentials
to have created39 the perfect environment
for fish; the perfect acid to alkaline levels,
moderate temperatures, and balanced food
supplements. There are saltwater and freshwater
fish to consider. The store is divided
into two divisions to determine the search geometry
of adherents. After all, there are measurements,
properties, relationships, points, and surfaces to regard.
On the left is the
agnostique,40 or unfamiliar, schools
which represents the larger group of people
with less knowledge. On the right is the
or familiar, schools for people, I find,
with greater common knowledge.

Compos: Intraclass correlations…
Lead the way.

Matsya: In the agnostique,
there are chilling’s of sharks
and party’s of rainbowfish42 to choose from.

Compos: Groups are too extensive.

Matsya: As you see,
there are the eight armed cuddlefish
that eject ink and cannibalize other cuddlefish.43

Compos: I don’t know.

Matsya: Another mollusk is the murex44 trunculus
snail used by the ancient Phoenicians to extract
their cherished bluish-purple dye, which eat dead fish.
Aristotle wrote of the murex’s royal dye,45
as did Pliny the Elder.46 Mollusk shells
have golden spirals.

Compos: Their size ratios47 are not consistent.
I am sure these aren’t for me.

Matsya: There are the territorial butis butis crazyfish,48
predators of mangroves, who can change color.
There is the doctorfish,49 a scavenger
used in Asian spas to eat the dead skin off patrons.
Another is the lawyerfish, an eelpout, used to feed hogs
and foxes with its high vitamin A and D corpses.
We do always have the devil fish.50

Compos: They are too, too exotic for my taste.

Matsya: There is the hairy frogfish, fangtooth fish,
the jawfish, the boxfish…

Compos: Too unsymmetrical.

Matsya: We will just bypass the venomous fish.
What about the jawfish or the butterflyfish?

Compos: Maybe we could see the gnostic section.

Matsya: Very well then. We could start
with the fresh water fish. My personal favorite
is the mahseer. There are the koi,
the brook trout, and the common goldfish.
The saltwater classes are the tang,
clownfish, pufferfish with a touch of poison,
and lastly, the angel fish. Are you ready
to make a decision?

Compos: This is enough for me
to digest today. Let me think
these options over and get back with you.
You have been most helpful.

Compos begins to depart the store
and Matsya takes a parting shot at Compos
underneath a
baskainό smile.

Matsya: Pojdi se solit!51

Compos: Imeg blagoslovljen dan!52

Matsya’s nystagmus’ eyes circle53
with rhythmic surprise to Compos’ response,
in Slovene, a blessing for a cursing,
the redeeming math of the Messiah.54
The Stranger’s warning of Matsya’s cajolery
was not inflated—sold the solution
before selling the problem, a common strategy
to prevent incorrectly defining the issue
obvious to homogeneous logic.
Compos returns to the boat
quietly rehearsing his morning observations,
and on cue the pilot steers toward home.

2. Anaphase: Teorizzare55

Compos had many questions to be asked,
and to be answered. He could not imagine
Plato’s academy being any more engaged
in urgent matters. He was both
excited about the new adventure
and perplexed about the complexity
of the simplest task of selecting
a fish. His thoughts were interrupted
by the welcome vision
of his eighteenth-century waterfront home,
in Centre Venice on the Grand Canal.
His island of Ithaca,56 on furlough
from Poseidon’s malady.
The sight of the Rialto Bridge
signaled the pilot to slow,
and prepare for Compos’ disembarking.
Compos jumped onto his terrace.

Compos: Grazie.

Pilot: Till next Saturday.

Compos: Look forward to it.

Compos was preoccupied by his reflections
and politely waved the pilot off.
Soon after the front door shut behind him,
memories of Lady Huldah overwhelmed
his rational attempt to process the day.
On many occasions, after school,
they would discuss ideas and events,
in their infatuation lounge,
with many, many cups of hot Belgian cocoa,
magical pixie dust, her favorite
libare,57 topped with
cinnamomum verum, an insulin stabilizer,58
even so, the augur of pancreases
could not reverse a Corvus constellation.
She would laugh and laugh, never losing
her adolescent figure, which more than
vindicated her vice, as having agreed with her,
and, so, wholeheartedly with Compos.

At times she would compose songs
from Jesus, after copying them
in her journal. She often began
singing and singing them…“Come to Me,
and I will be your Savior, Come to Me,
and I will be your King, Come to Me,
and peace I give you, Come to Me,
and My love I will give to you.”59

Of course, Lady Huldah would go straight to
the quotes of academic stars,
scriptural prophets, and apostles.
Compos would apply math for equipoise.
For this circumstance, she might quote
Aristotle’s words, “Look at fish as a single kind,”60
then search for the differences.
She undoubtedly would add
God said, let the water swarm
with living creatures…So God created
the large sea-creatures
and every living creature
that moves and swarms in water,
according to their kinds.61

Compos knew …the constant axiom
of the mathematician is to reduce
all his expressions to the lowest terms,
to retrench every superfluous word and phrase,
and to condense the maximum of meaning
into the minimum of language. Twistor space,
the shortest path between two truths passes through
the complex domain.62 To condense the decision
at hand, he considered finite differences
as f (x + b) – f (x + a), if divided by b – a,
would get a different quotient.

A clockmaker determined there are three
finite differences: backward, central,
and forward.63 Soren Kierkegaard theorized
life must be understood backward,
but it must be lived forward.
Progressions of antilogarithms
could be f (x) = bx, the inverse function log bx,
and exponential function. A difference operator
∆ in a given sequence a = (an) n ϵ N.
The first difference of a is ∆ a and the second difference
is ∆ 2 a = (∆ o ∆) a = ∆ (∆ a) = ∆ (∆ a) et cetera.

That would have been enough
for Lady Huldah’s literary eyes to glaze over,
or any other person with a normal temperament,
no matter how much they cared for you.
Whether the math is comprehended or not,
there is an inference that the enchanted world
of finite differences must lead to infinite differences.64

There are eternal ramifications of finite differences,
especially of decisions with the equilibrium
need to be adjudicated. All creatures created
from God’s knowledge of their choice of beliefs
are not created without freewill to accept or reject Him.
Lady Huldah would inject “our life is what our thoughts
make it”65 or as Solomon said, as we think in our hearts
so are we.66 She would go on to exhibit
a spiritual genuineness test from Paul’s observations;
there must be factions among people
so that those who are approved
may become evident among people.67
Knowing is the experience of recognizing
the difference from this and that.

Distinctions are actual boundaries between ideas
or objects that occur fractally across a scale
in the same type or pattern.
Sexual dimorphism exists in binary created fish.
When looking at colors, weights,
sizes, and behaviors there are usually differences.
With insects, the female spider is larger
than the male. Female humans
neurologically alternate between logic
and emotional centers of dominance,
whereas males compartmentalize logic
and emotional operations,
making their strengths compatible.
Chaucer noted distinctions of pilgrims and yeomen,
and the like, force their recognition on all of us.68
Espying differences is the efficient manner
for finite intellects to make value judgments
between this and not this for suffrage.
It is the pinnacle of wisdom
to compare and adjust.
The bent from assigning values should be peace.69
Vengeance is the proper domain of God.
Student of Anaximander, Pythagoras
warned to never eat gurnard,70
the red blood of revenge, cuckooing
like an Aristotelian frog.

The zenith of value manifolds
is religious multi-forms. Karl Marx
demonstrated this hate by his theory
that religion is the sign of the oppressed…it is
the opium of the people. To pretend
it does not exist is either from ignorance
or hate. Voltaire, worshipper
of an electron god, proclaimed
prejudices are what fools use for reason.
Socrates’ half-wittedly spouted
there is only one good, knowledge,
and one evil, ignorance.
He ultimately decided he could
not teach anyone anything,
he could only make them think.
Confucius said he only gave instructions
to those people who seek knowledge,
after they have discovered their own ignorance.
Compos thought if they are no longer
without knowledge, why then
would they need to be taught?

To hate without cause is murderous.71
To call another worthless or fool
is in danger of hellfire.
Going beyond pride is thankless hatred,
and Satan is the Prince of Pride.
The motivational dynamics of pejoratives
is pride. The psychology is to signal
identity affiliation and to entrench
recognized ideologies. To pretend
to be offended by acknowledged differences
is true pride.
Mutatis mutandis,72
compare the Islamic god,
who the Qur’an calls the chief of liars,
with Hindu polytheism,
or an infinite Buddhist knot.73
The biblical God says “Let nothing
be done through vainglory; but in lowliness
of mind let each esteem others
better than themselves.”74
Christian molecules form solids
for building God’s church.
Elastic with small relational gaps,
and strong force attraction,
preferring one another,75
returning to the shape quicker than gas;
never plastic. Elasticity equals
stress, of the pressure of force,
over strain, the percent of change in length.
For the given amount of stress,
the flexibility of a body
is inversely proportional to strain.

Conflict predictably can lead to war.
It has been said only the dead have seen
the end of war;76 you can’t outrun war.
Still others postulate if you hate
a person, then you’re defeated
by them.77 The brave man
is he who overcomes not only his enemies
but his pleasures.78 If you look
for perfection, you will never
be content.79 Lao Tzu went on
to promote the forgery, when you are
content to be simply yourself
and don’t compare or compete, everyone
will respect you. Zuhair assumed,
he who does not respect himself,
will not be respected. Compos imagined
a world where everyone could and would
perfectly treat everyone,
as they would be acquitted.80
There is no room in his mind
for perdition.

Natural personal evaluation of meaning
and happiness can lead to attempts
to influence one’s self, which could lead
to false possibilities, such as supernatural
self-transcendence.81 Axiomatically,
one can not exceed themselves.
A molecule can not choose to be a rose.
A flower can not choose to be an eagle.
A bird can not choose to be a man.
A human can not choose to be Divine.
Theoretically, the finite set of self can not reach
its potential without hope, dark energy,
based on the immutable character,
and authority of an infinite merciful Creator
by scriptural affirmation,82 where creation
is only possible from the infinite Self, I am,
of a Creator and separate from that holy Self.
Galaxies can not be pulled
from a shaman’s beaker.

The relationship law of hierarchy|
is condescension: God to man,83
Mediator to man,84 His Spirit to man,85
angel to man,86 privileged man
to man of low estate,87
man to animal,88 animal to plant,
and plant to molecule.
No one can save themselves.89
No one should think more highly
of themselves as they ought—
that is self-deception.90 Untruth steals
the well-being of happiness.

A fungible system means there is an exact exchange;
all possible outcomes and probabilities are the same.
If two possible measurement outcomes for A
is 1 or 0, then either 1 value equals 1 state
or 0 value equals 0 states. If the possibility
of measurement is a B outcome,
it is either ½ + or ½ -. If two systems

have the same number of possible outcomes
and probabilities for every measurement,
they are identical. Instances with value 0
can be divided into sets in a continuous number
of different ways. In all divisions, each set
has the state 0 of possible outcomes
of measurement and probabilities
of outcomes for each outcome.91

Fungibility requires existence for one
to be compared to an existent other.
It is non-fungible for either to not exist
or for finite minds to consider neither existing
in finiteness. There is nothing tangible to measure.
Existent nothingness can be comprehended
within infinity as equal to existent nothingness.
In infinity, something can not come from nothing
or they could never have been equal.
Finite minds can not understand complete infinity
so there is always the necessary lurking
of the uncertainty principle.

Compos thought how quickly this inventive space
can surpass acceptable enchantment. Shakespeare,92
and Milton,93 sifted potions and magical objects.
Enchantments are forbidden by true Scripture.
They hatefully give God’s glory
to others. Divinations, witchcraft, and magic
are abominations,94 championed in the Tobit.95
Lying cults elongate or restrict word definitions
to introduce definitional relativity for psycholinguists.
They tell truth based on those changes, thoughtprints,
including or excluding their questionable behavior.96

He theorized nonrational decision models assume
there is not enough time, or information,
to decide. A probabilistic decision is made,
by necessity, driven by fallible emotions.
Fear of a negative outcome encourages decisions,
with the best perceived odds
of not doing something wrong.
His rational model assumes adequate information
is known, and is made with adequate ability,
precluding mathematical models,
inked by peccant pens, from being
the whole expression of theories.

Most people struggle to synthesize understanding
of more than a few scraps of knowledge.
The more the exposure to information,
the more values that have to be made for decisions,
the greater the fatigued thinking,97
and logically the greater the potential
for pejoratives and conflict;
hydroponic fruit grown without soil.
Cognitive diversity recognizes the differences
in abilities to process information;
the less the ability, the greater the effect
of exhaustion. Well-doers are not
to become weary.98 Physiology is enhanced
with good nutrition, good sleep,
and thinking about thinking. Understanding
metacognition helps manage information
overloads and is the main battlespace
for warfare. Optimal emotional arousal
releases positive neurochemicals.
The fog of war may be lifted
streamlining environments for efficiency.99

From the surface tension
of Lady Huldah’s wisdom, rejoicing
in the habitable part of the earth,100
capillarity shaped only for fertile soil,101
Compos figures all people either die
in lucid faith,102 married to Christ,103
given the power of Marrow Men,104
or die in their senseless sin.105
Explicit templates may be created
for observation spaces with assigned probabilities,
yielding distributions that may be negative,
applicable to real situations.106
Descartes’ animal automata for humans
prima facie counter to observation.
Zombie argument107 of no sentience,108
epiphenomenalism,109 physical theory,
demands non-illusory, nomologically110
fundamental laws of nature, necessity,
make descriptions outside of material reality
inspired by systematic vision validated
by non-circular scientific law.
No fallacies of equivocation,
Fujikō superstitious rules of kosha,
no Meno’s paradox here,
innate and experienced inquiry
informed by
Phaedrus syllogisms.
Monadology explained
there is a cause for all effects…
but we do not know what they are
most of the time.

Methodological analysis decreases alpha activity,
whereas epiphanies111 have EEG112 bursts
of gamma and alpha, with fMRI113 spikes
of blood flow. Some revelations
are simple and fleeting: realizing
the location of a long-lost object.
Others are complex and long-term:
suddenly knowing a theological concept,
as with Jacob’s true ladder dream.114
They may be false as Hemmingway’s Nick Adams
thought, as occurs to many mortal youths,
“I will never die.”115
Lyotard’s incredulity of the
grand récits,
“The Postmodern Condition” of metanarratives,
is a nihilist language game, indifferent,
where all tradition is oppressive
and shifting, historical relativism;
power dynamics absent universal truth.

At times, the realization of a protagonist
is tragic anagnorisis. Sophocles’ Oedipus
realized he had married his mother,
after having murdered his father.116
Othello realized he had murdered Desdemona,
his faithful wife, after he had murdered her.117
Judas killed himself after betraying the Messiah.118
On the road to Damascus, Paul had an epiphany
of who Jesus was and a peripeteia, a reversal
of eternal fortune from that new knowledge.119
Aristotle preferred anagnorisis to peripety.120
Compos knows the best literary devise,
fact or fiction, positive or negative,
plots true values on a rational graph.

Then if we study Nature we are wise.
Thus do the few who live with the day:
the scientific animals are they—
Lady, this is my sonnet to your eyes.”121

3. Telophase: Dimostrando122

Compos began reading from his rich library,
Lady Huldah’s meticulously stocked pond,
thinking and remembering, thinking and remembering
status praesens, anamnesis.
Since fish were created,123 they have obeyed
their Creator by swallowing Jonah,124
paying taxes,125 feeding thousands,126
proving Christ.127 They teach
the violent survive,128 and how man
may be caught, like them, in nets,
ensnared at an evil time
when catastrophe suddenly falls on them,129
bathymetric distributed in submarine topology.
The skin of the Atlantic codfish,130 xenografts,131
provides the tissue structure
for host growth on dogs, kangaroos,
and even humans.

Fish, of all things, are not to be worshipped,132
yet, many see them in math shapes,
vesica piscis,
a fish bladder lens of intersected circles,
and others use those scaly creatures
to imagine theological ichthyolatry133 oneness
with them. Vishnu incarnated in the form
of a fish, the
pūdmū Hindu worship
ilishu fish. Buddhists see fish
as a sign of freedom and enlightenment.
Celtics, native Americans, Chinese,
and Japanese see the aquatic as gods
of fertility fatuously seeking
their unreciprocal spiritual guidance.

The ancient Egyptians, Assyrians,
and Babylonians worshipped the fish-headed god,
Dagon, lord of the land, father of gods,
step-father of Baal, the subject of demon grimoires,134
having magical powers in an Ashdod temple,
smote with emerods,135 compelling
Yahweh to cut the head and hands off
the blasphemous idol. Israel rebelled
and erected a temple in God’s territory.136
With the authority of God’s judge,
Samson destroyed their Philistine cathedral in Gaza.137
Astrology values Pisces in their zodiac.
Counter-intelligent Christian Greeks
used the encrypted ichthys’ symbol
for communing with other fishers of men.138

The Stranger warned Compos to beware
Endymion, loved by the moon goddess
Selene, Keats renamed Cynthia.139
He was put into a slumber,
Hypnos, the god of sleep, allowed
the handsome shepherd to rest
with open eyes, the lamp of the body,
the windows of the soul.140
Compos’ eyelids were becoming ponderous
and his brackish brain was consumed,
a thawed avalanche, a tsunami, with all other
a priori metaphors one can imagine,
fish swimming round and round.

Brodsky wrote “one sleeps more soundly
in a wooden town, since you dream
these days only of things
that happened. There’s a smell
of fish...”141 Lady Huldah’s familiar echo
of Paul, prove all things, prove all things
prove all things, prove…all…things,142
was the last conscious moment
Compos had as he sailed off,
triangle jib raised high, afloat
in a piscatorial sea of melatonin,
anesthesia induced medical coma,
beginning a healing circadian rhythm.
Suddenly, he found himself
surrounded by fish agitating
to be chosen by him.

Tiger: Matsya, the spirit fish,
the joyous one, the world’s savior,
told you about me, Minesh,
the lord of fish.

Compos: As intended, series begin,
have steps, and end. Its creator’s fingerprint
is the lack of cross-purposes.
How can your wandering cycle
execute my deliberation?

Tiger: The death and rebirth of life
bounds the material world.
From the shade of a howdah pavilion,
there is comfort in that.

Compos: You are on the far side
of argument.
Samāra can not bring
about liberation craved by mankind.
Tang143 shares your Samsāric beliefs;
I should talk to him.

Tiger: Cultural misappropriation,
maka pao!144 Mlecchá!145
Candala, fisherman!146 Dalit, Panchama!147
My long-body is supplanted by chowmein!148
Smelly and slimy, a mandarin dragonet!149

The wilily Tiger swims away.

Tang: I am more of a Fisherman’s perch
in Zhang Zhihe’s song,150 interferon151 cloaked,
degrading beta-lactam rings,152
but do promote crystal gods. Who can know
such things? Gibson’s Law.

Compos: Theology is not idiopathic. Placebos
unmask chakras’ fraud. To believe in everything
is to believe without distinction,
which is belief in nothing.
“Nothing will come from nothing.”153

Tang: I believe in the triune union
of heaven, earth, and humanity.

Compos: Isn’t that what the criminal triads154
and tongs155 believe?

Tang: We do worship Guan Yu,
Lord Guan.

Compos: Worshipping a dead general
être voué: rule nisi he resurrected.

Tang: He did not need to.
We incorporate relatives into funerals;
the afterlife is parallel to this life.
We are vegetarians skeptical of state ignorance.
I see you’re already looking
at the
wo,156 Coy, a she-fish,
the haiku goddess of panpsychism;
erythema157 on feet

With that insult, Tang also swims away
and fibrillating from her shame culture,
Coy seductively sidles to Compos
as a floating lantern for the water spirits.

Coy: Inherited hate from the lowered fortunes
of sea wasp cnidocytes, cubozoans, jellyfish.159
Guilty of the haikus. I am the Universe
and loving myself is the highest love of all.
Looking through the enneagram points,
microfiche of progressive churches,
is to look through the eyes of God,
loving my holy self in anarchy.
Burdened with dark thoughts
I climbed the hill to find
wild roses blooming.
Shaped by the path
the pilgrims’ chant grows thinner
on this winter evening.

Compos: Buson was passionate
about extinguishing passion,
and not humble about seeking humility.
He could not exceed himself,
and chose nihilism, a
butō dance
of darkness,
describing an unjust state of respite,
of temporal entropy, sowing,
missing the addition of eternity, reaping,
an emperor’s rape house,
the sum of this existence equation.
His words could be positively balanced
with a stylistic epidural:
Burdened with light thoughts
I climbed the hill to find
a Juliet Rose blooming.
Shaped by the path
the pilgrim’s chant sharpens
on this Autumn morning.

Coy: Out of the water I am nothing,
Asian Miracles aside. You are a
and violate the Spirit of Aloha.

Brook sees Coy swim away,
as on the wings of drunken riches,
and she preemptively responds.

Brook: Chief Si’ahl was renamed Noah
by white priests with their partial God.

Compos: A Reconciler does cause Rest.

Brook: Seattle said in his Great Speech,
“God loves your people and hates mine,
ours is the traditions of our ancestors,
your religion was written on tables of stone
by the iron finger of your angry God,
day and night cannot dwell together.”
I swear by a good tribe,
I am Lord of the Plains.
Don’t look at me,
My totem gods have already been rejected
in your haste.

Compos: I implore you to desist
from vaunting hostility,
and intemperate passions
that impel you to violence.
The Lord’s Spirit shall not always
strive with you,162
and neither will I.
When your fears come,
He will not answer you,
and He will laugh.163
As requested, I’m leaving
your fiendish morality to oscillating
cognitive empathy, primary and
progressive secondary psychopathy.
Solitude’s torture
from centuries of demons into swine.164

Badin interjects.

Badin: Giamour,165 I also choose
to not speak from my honor culture
with an infidel assfish.166

Compos: Granted your monotheism is earned,
I would not like to defend
who called your god the Chief Liar,
in that as his angel would also be a dissembler,
unworthy of revelation; who famously
was the defeated Prince of Persia,
despite being a
jinn.168 A lying god
is half a god. Can half a god be God?

Projecting aspirational regret for worshipping gods
of mediocre virtue, Brook and Badin clownishly
make great departing waves with collapsing function.169

Goldman: Badin is the Cush-eel.170

Compos: Small brains, rebellious feet,
fluctuating theological asymmetry
in deformed bodies, predestined,
to hamper delusional arrogance,
expandere by Ham DNA.171

Goldman: Hagar’s wild ass,
against everyone,
and everyone against him.172

Compos: Born after the flesh,
to be cast out.173
Goldman, why is your group
called a troubling?

Goldman: Prejudice is all;
my people are innocent victims
of defamatory studies of our short memories,
and of holocaust bias. No one has
ever suffered so much.

Compos: I think Brook’s brown and rainbow
blood lines would disagree,
considering their great removal,
and being massacred by pikeminnows.

Goldman: Squawfish carps…174
Everyone has heard of college boys
eating us live.

Compos: Tolkien’s Stoor Hobbits,
his Sméagols, and Gollums. Naked creatures
looking for their “Precious.”

Goldman: Impulsive chimeric research.

Compos: Sterile male hybrids and fertile goldfish
now produce sperm from the donor goldfish
after the transplantation of primordial germ cells.
A reasonable strategy for reproducing valuable fish.
Imagine sheep and human chimeras;175
sheep need human shepherds
and humans need The Shepherd.176

Goldman: I thought we were discussing
me. Matisse painted my relatives
nine times.177 Even a golem, like you,
would be interested in one study
that showed we prefer Bach’s178 “Toccata
and Fugue in D Minor” to Stravinsky’s
“The Rite of Spring.” The former
was buried with your weasel wife179
at San Michele, and the latter was buried
in the Orthodox splinter.

Compos: I was aware you preferred
Wittenberg notes180 to Greco sounds.
Since God fulfilled a Messianic covenant
for all families and nations of the world
to be blessed through Abraham’s Israel,181
should a citizen of Zion cast slurs
against his fellow man?182

Goldman moves slowly away, incorrigible,
as Toby swims alongside Compos.

Toby: A good riddance183
to the idolatrous jewfish, I say,
Nostra Aetate.184

Compos: He was not
a Philistine grouper, Goliath.185

Goldman returns contentiously.

Goldman: We are the chosen ones.

Toby: A peculiar treasure, to be sure.
You are pure as Japheth’s Zipporah,
the bird,186 sent away by her bridegroom
of blood,187 or Ham’s Tharbis?188

Goldman: In the day of Matityahu,
Seleucid’s wicked empire rose up
against God’s people Israel
to make them forget His Torah;189
Maccabee Hebraism versus
Greek Hellenism. We do not compromise
‘erwath dabhar.190

Compos: You’ve conceded downward
to Ashdod’s Dagon many times,191
to your Sodom sisters,192 acquiring,
inoculation syndromes—
but rarely upward to Yeshua
brocken spectre.193

Goldman: As the central command
of Jewish observance, we worship,
which is more suitable than love.

Compos: Cain agreed with you.

Goldman: Love is a dummy variable, a valence
that is applied at times, by Christians,
or is not applied at times, by us.
We recognized the sin of going native.194

Compos: The hemicrania dichotomy of man
is the cosmic logic of infinity
proceeding to innate rules for life,
and the covenantal emotion of redemption
proceeding to the innate personal relationship
with the only Mediator, Christ,
curing the angst of migraine
Coy-ites decline to clutch,
the apex law of loving God
with all one’s heart, soul, and mind,
and to love one’s neighbor as one’s self.
Worship and forgiveness are acts of love.
For good or evil, vertical assimilation

does increase extinction coefficients.
We should ask, “Would God make anything

Goldman: We Shemites will not meld into pots,
ever, so temperament and intelligence
of spouses and their children are compatible;
acts of love and reproof are understood
without contempt birthed from mismatches.

Toby: The leprous Miriam agrees?196
Derogation of civilized families.

Goldman: How would you have any experience,
given celibate vows…

Compos: …Violating the first Divine command
to go forth and multiply.197

Toby menacingly glares at Goldman
who hides behind Compos for safety.

Goldman: Crusader!

Compos: Gefilte fish.

Goldman and Toby: What?

Compos: Perchance you two
take this up at another time.

Goldman: It is your dream after all.

Goldman departs with the poise of snow
in the harvest season.

Toby: What else are you here
to insinuate? Eating coral198 reefs,
perhaps? They are but skeletons
of invertebrates, admittedly colorful,
extracting calcium carbonite
from seawater, creating hard exoskeletons,
protecting their soft bodies.

Compos: Endangered hiero-monk-fish199 speak
of your pubescent reefs, your groomed prey,
your Eucharist. Unatoned sinners will be punished
by God and are to face justice as criminals now.
No Nazi Anima bolt-holes, no escape hatches,200
or diocese safe houses for atonement and reformation

to isolate your sons.201 Le Moyen Age inform us
religions pass away, but God remains.202

Toby: The words of a sea devil, an angelshark:
pareidolia backmasking, a false positive.

Compos: Your perspective, I suppose.

Toby: Seriously though, I understand you
do not like the Book of Tobit.
Let me explain, Tobias,
son of the pious Tobit,
is sent by his blind father
to collect money in a distant city.
He hires an angel sent by God,
in human form. They catch a fish
in the Tigris and the angel
keeps the gallbladder, liver,
and head. The entrails are used later
to repel a demon, and also to heal
his blind father’s eyes.

Compos: Your religion is a griffin,
part fowl and part Lion,
rationalism is the angel.203 Your angel lies,204
an abomination,205 by saying
he was a son of Tobias’ friend
and you admit he used enchantments,206
an abomination.207 Christ drives out demons,
not fish innards. No man is to beguile
me of my reward by delighting in self-abasement,
and the worship of angels, intruding
into those things, which he has not seen,
vainly puffed up208 by his fleshly mind.

Toby: I think you have a devil

Compos: Do you believe the passage
of Mark 16:9-20 is in the original text?

Toby: Your sola scriptura question
is why I am the one
to decide what God says.

Compos: More than Lectio Divina,
a continuation of apostolic revelation
is a presumptuous doctrine, a mystical approach,
unity into the Divine by contemplation
and self-surrender into dreamy occultism.
Adding to Scripture or taking away Scripture
makes a divided house, which everyone knows
cannot stand.

Toby: Total Cessationism has a heretical dimension,
where an uncaring Clockmaker that created,
wound it up, and let it go. Even simpleton Charismatics
know this is not the God of eternal dominion.

Compos: Specific gifts for Pentecost,
miracle healing and speaking in tongues,
were obviously dated and have ceased,
as Calvin and others wrote.209 Today,
it is provably false to claim them
in that they do not work, and are employed
by antichrists seeking God’s glory.
God still intercedes in healing, justly,
for His glory and communication
with His elect. Sets of truth, seen in math
and political science, are systematic
with pure systems, rules,
and applied systems, wisdom.
God’s cannon of law, salvation,
and redemption is closed.210 Anyone that claims
to have new law or salvation or redemption is lying,
and is to be dismissed as incapable
of Dostoevsky’s rational argument.211

Toby: Meaning indulgences that rebuilt
Saint Peter’s Basilica, I suppose.

Compos: And the like; fleecing the flock.
Peter quoted Joel, in the last days,
men and women will prophesy,212
of course, in accordance with Scripture.
The pure scriptural revealed truth
must be applied with individual directions.
Divine revelation of Himself is a doctrine
affirmed in nature, generally, and specifically
in finished supernatural Scripture.
The Holy Spirit revealed it for all213
while blocking some.214 New revelation
self-identifies its bearer as a false prophet.215

Toby: By this logic, any communication with God
is a revelation of new law and new Scripture.

Compos: No. Pure communication with God
is in the Scripture and applied communication
is in answered prayer.216

Toby: God talks to you, does He?

Compos: The spirits are to be tested by Scripture.217
The infinite condescension of God
to man is in speech218 that develops an intimate
relationship with His elect.219 It is humbling,
and makes sin more conscious, which is needed
to hear Him clearly. Abraham and Paul fell
on their face before His holy superiority.220 It is natural
to seek the Father’s love who gives good gifts
to the elect that ask.221 Christ’s sheep hear
His voice.222 He is the same
yesterday, today, and forever.223
The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Finite minds can not comprehend
the infinite holiness of Scripture
without Holy Spirit prompting
and application.224 The Spirit
is not to be quenched.225

Toby: You pray for where to shop
and what occupation to pursue, do you.
Some argue unanswered prayer disproves
your premise.

Compos: That is a fallacy of the non-elect.
To expect to have all finite prayer requests
affirmatively answered by the Infinite God
is foolish in that to have them all answered,
would be an eternal curse.

To be convicted of sin requires
being individually called by the Holy Spirit.226
To be individually called to His ministry
requires His specific direction.227 The elect,
in the pure and applied will of God,
are not to think about what they are to say
beforehand, because it is promised
they will be given what to say
in His time.228 To not talk to the Father,229
as Jesus instructed, is to exist in pure law,
without hope, as a vexed Pharisee
melaina chole,230
absent a saving redemptive relationship.
Enoch and Noah talked with God.231
My Lady Huldah, continues
to be God’s specific willed blessing,
she often sang
In the Garden,
He walks with me, and He talks with me.232

Toby: You are searching for the Holy Grail,
the treasure of a Fisher King’s lust.

Compos: I am not the wounded Pelles
nor do I applaud the wizardry
of Merlin’s demonic magic.233
I noticed you have a bluish-purple stripe
on your dysphoric spine.

Toby: What of it?

Compos: The end time’s whore
of abomination, sitting on the waters
of peoples and multitudes and nations
and tongues, appareled
in holy blue, imperial purple,234
as did Jezebel the Phoenician,
married to the Israeli king.
That forerunner worshipped her god,
Dagon, father of Baal, adversary of Yamm,
the god of sea, brother of Mot,
the god of death and chaos.
Blue bastard fish fighting rivals
with a kiss;235
Nineteen Eighty-Four
on man-made hormones.

Toby: Who is your Spiritual Director?
Have you said your catechisms?

Compos: Having accomplished what the malefactor
on the cross with Christ accomplished,236
the Holy Spirit vertically shepherds my soul,
the Confessor to penitent, the Master to servant.
Duly, Paul horizontally mentored Timothy,
as Priscilla and Aquila taught Apollos.
I’ll leave catechism to de Chardin’s anarchist phenomenon,
the progressive ascending man in enlightened,
psychotic, faiths, and your catacomb hands.
A fallen man, like myself, would ask
if you’ve been
Washed in the Blood237
of the Lamb?

Toby: My twenty-four-karat crucifix proves
I am not hemophobic.

Compos: You worship Christ in vain,
Otherkin. Your fairy star tradition replaces
God’s commandments.238 Outwardly,
you appear righteous to men,
but within, you are fat with hypocrisy
and iniquity,239 transethnically mutilated,
CRISPR-Cas9 gene edited
with rearranged DNA,
an evil immune defense system.

Toby: There is no salvation
outside the church.

Compos: The Cyprian style doctrine of
extra Ecclesiam nulla salus
should scripturally define church
as followers of Christ.

Toby: Intellectual dandyism, petit-maitre:240
I would expect no less from a provincial,
a protestant.

Compos: Your lack of inclusiveness
indicates you also know the positions
of Vatican II are false. It maintained
God’s love is so powerful
that it surpasses human sin,
and the freewill of all people
will eventually be overruled
and all people will be saved.

Toby: I am the church
of internationalist world order,
and you are excommunicated.

Compos: Botox preventing the release
of acetylcholine, stopping muscle cell contractions.
A constructive dismissal,
from a chronic invalid sinner,241
unforgiven like your stinging comrade,
the scaleless, unclean,242 devil fish
contaminated with bacteria and toxins,
nocturnal scavengers, cave dwellers,
striped gypsy king tiger plecos,
and zebra plecos, Xingu bottom feeder catfish,243
sun made tribes of subjective peace,244
indomitable huntresses of erudition,245
as shellfish; a canker to pregnancy,246
needing the surveillance of Langerhans cells,
dendritic contractions and distensions,
of episodic memories and regeneration,
inbreeding depression.247 How tiresome
your nights must be deprograming each day’s reality;
a degenerate gambler without funds.
Forever entangled quantum ghosts
never have Avogadro’s obituary,
Religioso senza intolleranza,
dotto senza pedanteria

As Toby spasms away with congenial fodder,
labyrinth feeder fish,249
and the right-eyed toothy witch
swimming on its side,250 Ray intrudes
from vitriol shadows,
as after the seventh day, finished creation,
and after the cross, finished salvation.

Ray: Are you a man or a fish?
You smell like a fish, a Poor John.251
This is a supercritical kettle of fish.

Compos: A transient assembly, to be sure,
released from this present fission
bounded from causing another.

Ray: Men are more likely to follow me
as members of groups
than as individuals.252
I am known as Jibrīl to some
and Moroni to others.
Toby, one of my many Crisis Actors,
and I are in a Hanseatic League.
“Chaos, Waiting for Adam’s return,
Madness, Smiling as we watch it burn.”
I turn the disorder in him to dancing stars,253
firing one subcritical mass into another,
or imploding one with chemical compression.
A spherical core surrounded
by a tampering reflector, surrounded
by the high explosive,
maybe using other geometries.
Cultural problems are not solved
by a return to religion.254

Compos: Except from a superluminal view
in a vacuum; a tachyonic field of 1 + 3 spacetime.
Spectral flux density is more radiometric
than photometric: only measuring light.
Interface mimicry is indispensable
to attractor analysis;
pterois known as lionfish,
dragonfish, and scorpionfish
with an expanding stomach
to ingest the devoured. Decision trees
are algorithms, and if interpreted prematurely,
as binary, can lead to misdiagnoses.
Fusion-fission optimization
with a metaheuristic algorithm
binds energy for stability.
Fusion, fission, and β-decay…

Ray: Integrative semantics of sub-pathways,
the cross talk of networks
in pseudotime trajectories;
cis-hetero-patriarchal space.
Life’s an Inverness tale told,
by a strutting idiot,
signifying nothing.255

Compos: Thought is semantics,
but computation is syntax.
Silent synapses look for connections,
potential new memories for learning;
easier than modifying mature synapses.
Epitope-preserving magnetic analysis
of the proteome see filopodia’s thin membrane
protruding from dendrites. NMDA and AMPA
not cooperating in the electric current,
until converted into activity.256
Life is more than food,
and the body is more than clothes.257
The benchmark is, I believe,
Angel, a true golden ratio,258
defeated you as Prince of Persia,
and Prince of Greece.

With the clout of hyssop,
Angel ministers.259

Angel: Sir Compos Mentis,
you are well-beloved. Fear not
them that can kill the body,
but fear the One that can kill
both the body and the soul in hell.
Ray you will be defeated again
in your full-teated Rome,
and in the gospel’s headwater, Jerusalem.260

Ray: Cetus, you have been sent
by Poseidon from Joppa.

Angel: Thusly said as a master
of blinding chaos.
Hùn shuù mō yū.

Ray: Muddy water does make it easier
to catch fish. I am not neophiliac,
and never placate the velocity
of social satire; the sum of time
over distance. What is the speed
of Christ’s intervention?

Angel: You are aware there is no distance
in Elohim, the Godhead. Intervention
of the omniscient Son to the Father,
and the Father’s omnipotent action is simultaneous,
omnipresent; guaranteed eternal acquittal.261
Telescopes are not time machines in infinity,
searching for a cosmic dawn
ex nihilo,
inverse math of black holes,
a white hole exploding matter and energy,
lacking equilibrium and requiring a Creator
for the first cause of all the effects
in the closed information space.

Ray: God divides by zero, does He.

Angel: Save the blasphemous humor
for your jeering audiophiles.

Ray: There is more to life
than increasing its speed.262

Angel: Birth pangs do not slow.263
Little Demon’s increase seeding vulgarity
that corrupts communication, and pornography
that festers fidelity, and violence
that blisters peace, and blasphemy
that abscesses sick bay hope—
murderers of children, will rape them,
but in hatred they first dost swim.264

Ray: I do so miss The Torches of Nero,
Candlesticks of Christianity,265
and Gregory’s Inquisition…266

Angel: Roman fish sacrificed
to Ovid’s
Dea Tacita, the silent goddess,
a goddess of the dead,
sealer of hostile mouths
and unfriendly tongues.267
Men may destroy existence
before they understand
the meaning of existence.268

Ray: Philistine!269

Angel: One of yours.

Ray: Swine!270

Angel: Your Legion of slow bellies.271
If one listens closely, one can hear
the keys to the bottomless pit rattling.272

Ray: I will have my New World Order!
Till I call fire from heaven,
and become a god in your Temple,
no less, in Jerusalem,273
farewell to your harem.274

Angel: Self-identifying as God
will never give you āsēity.
The wicked speak forwardness275
in their synchronous energy grid,
as the eternal network math
of vertices is recording the edge list;
discrete optimizing the set of variables.
You stir up an accursed thing,
inciting hate’s day of doubt
to subtract energy from human mass
times Light’s speed, squared.
As a chief prince, I say,
“The Lord rebuke you.”276
It is your Armageddon,
your witching hour,
our seconds of allotted fate,
tribulation of zombie fish,
swimming upstream in seafoam,
unable to die.277 The time
to die is appointed, once,
and after this is the judgment.278
I stand on a sea of glass and fire,
with the harps of God,
singing the song of Moses
and the holy Lamb,
in victory over the beast, his image,
his mark, and the number of his name.279
As a whirlwind passes, so the wicked is
no more.280

Ray boisterously scurries off
into the proverbial to be ground
in a mortar with pestle.
In the
danse macabre,
he knew he was death’s fool.
The wicked flee when no man pursues:
but the righteous are bold as a lion,281
agile combat employment.
Rulers on earth set themselves up
against the Lord and His anointed.
Le bon Dieu laughs at them,
and will hold them in derision.
Best to learn early to be neither
cynical nor sycophant of fallibles.
The psalmist exclaims
sic passim,
kiss the Son, lest He be angry,
and you perish. Blessed are they
that trust Him.282

Having reached the Bragg peak,283
and being beckoned from within,
mental control, mental control,284
by theopneustos’285 piercing promises,
Compos redocks in consciousness’ harbor,
awake with perfect peace, realizing
the Lord’s mercies are not consumed,
because His compassions fail not.
Renewed in the bowers of heaven,
they are new each morning:
great is His faithfulness.
In our house of sky,
the Lord takes our hand,
and listens to our baby talk.287
Haydn’s sonata algorithm
Die sieben letzten Worte
unseres Erlösers am Kreuze,288
and Compos’ dreamed algorithm
of multiomic289 love proves
with end-to-end learning, beyond conjecture,
what must be done
in the twinkling of an eye,290
the speed of light
into the rods and cones.
Compos thinks
I’âge me presse,291
as is its duty, its
raison d’être,292
not for a vibrating quantum being
feeding off ambient energy, hiding truth
from consciousness, bridging micro and macro
equations. He will not suffer life’s pelf,
im yirtzeh Hashem,293
to be kinetically hoarded
any longer.

And so, Sir Compos Mentis finished
Lady Huldah’s katabatic song.
“I will come to You,
Water From A Rock,
please hear me now,
Water Into Wine,
I need You now,
Walk On Water,
I believe You now,
Water From Your Side,
I’ll follow You now,
The Living Water,
has healed me now.”

Hear the word of the LORD, You rulers of Sodom;
Give ear to the instruction of our God, You people of Gomorrah.”
(Isaiah 1:10)

1 French for Academy of Fish. Fish are phylum cordata (animals, including fish, usually with backbones, vertebrates; subphylum vertebrata). In 1620, Pierre Dupuy and his brother, Jacques, began a think tank called the Académie des Fréres Dupuy (French; Academy of the Dupuy Brothers). Pierre, also called Puteanus, was in parliament and the son of a humanist bibliophile. The beginning purpose of these institutions in Europe was for political leaders to challenge Catholic leaders over issues, e.g. taxation and pay etc.

2 A topetta is a motorized wooden boat that holds six people and may be used for transporting goods among the Venetian islands.

3 Matsya is the incarnated form of the mythological Hindu god, Vishnu, who is believed to have saved manu, man, from the world flood. It is often depicted as having a man’s torso and a fish tail or vice versa (compare to the Assyrian etc. fish head god, Dagon). Plato started The Academy.

4 Sanskrit, mahi is fish and sher is tiger.

5 Italian for the proposition, a brief preliminary statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion.

6 Purposeful mixing of metaphors is designed to force complex association of otherwise disconnected ideas.

7 Is. 63:3.

8 Italian for observing, the first step of the scientific method (Italian; metodo scientifico).

9 See the National Institute of Health archived paper on the subject of synthetic inter-species cooperation (host and virus) by Dokyun Na et al. published in the Journal of Biotechnology, 2011 April 20; 153(1-2): pp. 35-41.

10 Tom and Jerry is an American cartoon began in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Tom, the cat, and Jerry, the mouse, interact in conflict with occasional cooperation. Twenty-nine years later (one and a half generations of birth to 20 years old, the sexual and economic mature adult minimal age of new parents with likely 10-year-old children on average for 30-year-old parents) Scooby-Doo, an American 1969 cartoon by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears for Hanna-Barbera about a great Dane and a human interacting with cooperation, was launched. Thirty years later (one and a half generations with likely 10-year-old children on average for 30-year-old parents) they were followed with the 1999 SpongeBob SquarePants animation of a sea underworld for Nickelodeon by Stephen Hillenburg. It is dubbed a queertoon for its homosexual relationship between the main effeminate male characters, SpongeBob, a yellow tube sponge, Gary, a sea snail, and Patrick, a starfish. It also promoted the use of profanity by children. A 2011 study at the University of Virginia, published in a journal of pediatrics, demonstrated how the show’s intentional frequent shot changes caused short-term disruptions in mental function and attention spans of preschoolers. The Parent’s Television Council disapproved of the show. According to the New York Post (13 June, 2020) and CNN (15 June, 2020), the Nickelodeon Twitter account has officially confirmed the homosexual character of SpongeBob. Korean bands, known as KPop, are composed largely of androgenous Korean members. Their multilingual and symmetrical performers sing Buddhist lyrics while exhibiting highly complex dance moves as opposed to low IQ unsymmetrical American performers. As a result, KPop is surpassing the support of American pop(ular) groups worldwide. The boyband BTS’s song Love Yourself has over five billion views on Spotify. The girl band Blackpink has the number one song on YouTube titled Kill This Love.

11 William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Act 4, Scene 3, Lines 30-31.

12 The words of Lady Capulet in Shakespeare’s Romero and Juliet, Act 1, Scene 3, Line 92.

13 Gen. 1:9-10.

14 German that generally means the people’s land in reference to the nation of Germany

15 Ps. 39:5; the width of a hand, around four inches.

16 Some bilingualism is accepted in Italy.

17 Addressed in the Odes of Horace as having gardens and being a patron to Augustan poets, Gaius Maecenas was an advisor to Octavian.

18 Reference to the beginning of Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

19 Italian for dialect of the sea, usually loud.

20 Italian for Island of St. Michael.

21 Meaning who is like God, disputes with Satan (Jude 9).

22 Italian for the section devoted to protestants, meant to be a bureaucratic slur by Catholics.

23 A reference to John Keats’ Book IV of Endymion, meaning an extensive loss of life for a cause, e.g. Rome and Greece sacrificed 100 oxen to their gods in an elaborate ceremony. Keats died in Italy.

24 Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote of this “general will” (of the people).

25 Taken from the first poem in the Mu’allaqāt (The Hanged Poems) by Imru-ul-Quais.

26 Ibid.

27 Italian for thank you and God bless.

28 A reference to the Indian maiden in Keats’s Book IV of Endymion, and the Sirens in the famous story of Ulysses.

29 French for speak Italian, English.

30 Italian for speak Italian, English.

31 French for English please.

32 Latin for death smell.

33 E.E. Cummings’ 1944 book had his poem pity the busy monster, manunkind warning of the motivations/problems with man’s technological progress. ESG is an investing idea that merges profit considerations with a foundational ethics. Charles Schwab, a Catholic, began championing the term to accommodate environmental sustainability beliefs that are anti-science (i.e. man caused global warming etc.), social responsibility beliefs that are anti-human (i.e. stealing from one person to give to another person that earned the money etc.), and governance compliant with atheistic regimes that are anti-Christ (i.e. preventing the ability to earn unless allowed by anti-Christ government bureaucrats etc.). His corporation has allied with Ariel corporation, established by a descendent of Ham. In 2004, former U.N. (the One World Order anti-Christ organization) Secretary General Kofi Annan, a descendent of Ham, supported the ESG idea with a U.N. Global Compact for worldwide companies. In 2006, the New York Stock Exchange launched its equivalent Principles for Responsible Investment, PRI. Today, B Lab offers to score companies for certification applications. In a December 2022 email exchange with B Corp facilitated by its Chair of the Board of Directors Lorena Arey, Dallas F. Bell Jr. discovered there were no text(s) that address their foundational ethics, meaning they have elected themselves to subjectively determine rewards and punishments from what they decide is ethical, moral, and good or evil for everyone else. The New Republic (23 November 2014) discussed how the German Green Party supported pedophilia early after its founding in the 1980’s. Jonah Goldberg wrote in the New York Post (10 January 2020) about the leader of the European Green movement’s Daniel Cohn-Benlit’s written recollections of erotic encounters with five-year-old children. Helen Crowley, Ph.D. in zoology, headed up Sustainable Sourcing Innovation at the French company Kering. She focuses on climate and biodiversity and contributed to those goals at the World Economic Forum. Kering owns Balenciaga who released an advertising campaign on 16 November, 2022, that featured photos of children holding teddy bears in sexual bondage gear. Five days later, Balenciaga launched a second advertising campaign featuring photos of documents of U.S. child pornography laws. The papers were of the 2008 U.S. Supreme Court decision (553 U.S. 285) for U.S. vs. Michael Williams, a convicted child pornographer. The court upheld a lower decision on child pornography law where the federal child pornography law applies to advertised child pornography even if the material does not later prove to qualify as child pornography. The plea that the law was overly broad in infringing on free speech was rejected. It acknowledged the First Amendment did not protect pretending to engage in illegal activity. Kering also owns Gucci. In the fall of 2021, the Kering Group refused to partner with Gucci heiress Alexandra Zazini, who was sexually abused as a child by her stepfather Joseph Ruffalo, to prevent child sexual abuse in the fashion industry. See the New York Times article originally published 28 November, 2022 etc. Also see endnote 201.

34 This statement was made to Dallas F. Bell Jr. during and email exchange with Culum Brown, director of HDR biology at Macquarie University and editor Journal of Fish Biology, in November, 2022.

35 Reference to Nicholas Humphrey’s (2022) Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness at the Oxford University Press.

36 Oba. 1-21; Mal. 1:2-3; Rom. 9:13.

37 French meaning in favor, out of favor.

38 Italian meaning yes, the favor comes, the favor goes.

39 Like the half man and half fish Hindu god namesake of their fish savior.

40 French for agnostic from the Greek ágnōstos, meaning don’t know/to not know which implies ignorance; in Italian is agnostico.

41 French for gnostic, meaning to know; in Italian is gnostoico.

42 Melanotaenia (meaning black banded) boesemani.

43 Order of sepida and class of cephalopoda.

44 Latin means purple fish (dye).

45 Aristotle’s History of Animals.

46 Pliny’s Natural History.

47 Golden ratios are the comparison of sizes with a ratio of 1.618.

48 Nomen oblatum.

49 Labroides dimidatus.

50 A ray especially found in the Mediterranean.

51 A Slovene (Slovenian) curse for go salt yourself.

52 Slovene for have a blessed day.

53 Nystagmus (Greek for nodding, drowsiness) is an involuntary rhythmic side-to-side, up and down, or circular motion of eyes that occurs with a variety of conditions. Symptoms, usually temporary, are dizziness, vertigo, and balance issues. The zebrafish (danio rerio) has neural architecture for balance similar to humans, which is why it is among the most studied organism in science (see endnote 247). For more on the subject of zebrafish and nystagmus see the National Institute of Health’s archived paper by Sabina Huber- Reggi et al. published at Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2014 May 27; 55 (6): pp. 3971-3978.

54 Luke 6:27-36.

55 Italian for theorizing, the second step of the scientific method.

56 The name of the Ulysses’ home.

57 Latin for pour out, the root for libation meaning the ritual of pouring out wine or oil in honor of a god.

58 Verum is Latin for true. This dominate type of cinnamon is from Ceylon, also called Sri Lanka.

59 Song lyrics composed by Janice Bell December, 2022.

60 See Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics (644a 16-22) and his Historia Animalium (HA 486 book II, 486a5-487a13).

61 Gen. 1:20-21.

62 See the “Address on Commemoration Day at Johns Hopkins University” from The Collected Mathematical Papers of James Joseph Sylvester: Volume III 1870-1883. Roger Penrose considered twister space around 1967. Earlier, Jacques Hadamard noted the shortest path between 2 truths in the real domain passes through the complex domain.

63 Jost Bűrgi’s (1592) algorithm. See his Tables du cadastre on logarithms.

64 See the link for finite differences at

and for infinite differences see

65 A quote attributed to Marcus Aurelius.

66 Prov. 23:7.

67 I Cor. 11:19.

68 Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales (General Prologue).

69 Rom. 12:18-19.

70 Pythagorean premise number 19. Anaximander correctly connected infinity to the Infinite Creator (God). Pythagoras, capable of valid ideas, simplistically considered the infinite to be an even number, and not odd, so this led to his stupidly surmising the Infinite capable of multiplicity and evil (stupid because he failed to understand the Infinite Creator is holy perfect [complete] with character/attributes incapable of inferior untruth and nefarious deconstruction [evil] because He created all things for which untruth and deconstruction are able to exist as created substitutes in the freewill of finite minds).

71 Matt. 5:22.

72 Latin for altering, by necessity, while not affecting the main point; used when comparing two or more cases.

73 Anaximander used apeiron (Greek boundlessness) or infinity to associate the beginning of all things with the Divine. Buddhism teaches there are infinite universes with no beginnings represented by a knot. The reality of entropy disproves Buddhist’s underpinnings. Dallas F. Bell Jr. exchanged email with Brian Swimme, professor of philosophy and cosmology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, on this subject from October to December, 2022.

74 Phil. 2:3.

75 Rom. 12:10-13 etc.

76 Attributed to Plato.

77 Attributed to Confucius.

78 Attributed to Democritus.

79 Attributed to Leo Tolstoy.

80 The Golden Rule in the Bible.

81 See M. Haunag and Fan Yang’s 2022 research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, “Self-transcendence or self-enhancement: People’s perceptions of meaning and happiness in relation to self.”

82 I Peter 1:3.

83 II Sam. 22:36; Ps. 18:35; Is. 57:15 etc.

84 II Cor. 8:9 etc.

85 Gal. 4:6; I Peter 1:12 etc.

86 Heb. 2:6-9; yet man will judge angels (I Cor. 6:3).

87 Rom. 12:16 etc.

88 Matt. 10:31 etc.

89 Prov. 20:9; Rom. 3:10 etc.

90 Rom. 12:3; Gal. 6:3.

91 David Deutsch’s, a theoretical physicist at Oxford University, 2012 book The Beginning of Infinity discusses his argument for fungibility in a multiverse. He had an email exchange on this subject with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in December, 2022. Deutsch recommends Daniela Monaldi’s basic paper “A note on the prehistory of indistinguishable particles,” published by Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, Vol. 40, Issue 4, December 2009, pp. 383-389.

92 See Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

93 See Milton’s Comus.

94 Deut. 18:10; Acts 8:9, 11, 13:8, 10, 19:19.

95 An extrabiblical book in the Apocrypha, which discredits the Divinely inspired books of the Bible by association.

96 These ideas on liars were validated by the writings, in the public domain, of John Schafer, Ph.D. behavioral analyst at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. For psycholinguist Andrew Hodges’s 2000 analysis on the subject see Brian Innes and Lucy Doncaster’s 2022 edition of Criminal Profiling, Amber Books Ltd, London, United Kingdom, p. 191.

97 See endnote 247 for stress studies on fish.

98 Gal. 6:9.

99 See U.S. Army Colonel Daniel Herlihy’s article “Cognitive Performance Enhancement for Multi-domain Operations,” U.S. Army War College Quarterly: Parameters, Vol 52, No 4 (2022-23) Winter Issue. The research emphasis of strengthening resilient emotions and cognition was expressed in an email from DARPA to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in November, 2022. It is noted the atheist societies of China and Russia do not have ethical constraints on human techno-bio-pharma manipulation experienced by a historical Christianized U.S.

100 Prov. 8:31.

101 Matt. 13:3-9.

102 Heb. 11:13.

103 I Cor. 9:21.

104 The Marrow Men represented a belief that union with Christ provides the power to then forsake sin; thusly righteousness must be endowed by Christ after redemption by faith alone. They were opposed by the Neonomians who believed the gospel is a new law replacing the Old Testament legalistic condition of faith. Sin is first forsaken and then Christ is received; self-righteousness is first achieved to show Christ the qualification for redemption, which is not needed by those who are capable of self-righteousness.

105 John 8:21-24.

106 Yuri Gurevich and Andreas Blass wrote about learning from negative probabilities in the Journal of Physics A, August 2021, Vol. 54, No. 31.


108 Consciousness, see endnote 35.

109 A theory of automata where there is nothing that is non-physical, including consciousness--sentience.

110 Meaning law reason. In philosophy, there is a so-called non-logical necessity, law of nature, of the science of laws where it is possible to describe scientific laws apart from the physical.

111 The term epiphany is the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles represented by the Magi (Matt:1-12 etc.). It has been expanded to mean an illuminating discovery.

112 Electroencephalography, a brain mapping tool used by neuroscientists.

113 Functional magnetic resonance imaging, a brain mapping tool used by neuroscientists.

114 Gen. 28:10-22.

115 From Ernest Hemmingway’s 1924 Indian Camp.

116 From Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex.

117 From Shakespeare’s Othello.

118 Matt. 27:3-10 etc.

119 Acts 9:1-31 etc.

120 As indicated in Aristotle’s Poetics, he described peripety as a veering to the opposite.

121 From George Meredith’s 1862 Modern Love (sonnet 30 of 50 16-line sonnets) on his rejecting the Darwinian beliefs of the day.

122 Italian for proving, which is the third, and final, step of the scientific method.

123 Gen. 1:20-21.

124 Jonah 1:17, 2:10; Matt. 12:40.

125 Matt. 17:27.

126 John 21:10 etc.

127 John 21:6-11.

128 Job 12:6-8.

129 Eccl. 9:12.

130 Gadus morhua.

131 A graft from a species different from the host.

132 Deut. 4:16-18.

133 Meaning fish worship, ichthyology is the study of fish.

134 See The Lesser Key of Solomon published by the Satanist, Aleister Crowley.

135 I Sam. 5:1-7.

136 I Chron. 10:10.

137 Judg. 16:21-30.

138 Matt. 4:18-21.

139 An Indian maiden in Keats’ Endymion, Book IV.

140 Matt. 6:22-23. Thomas Phaer is attributed with the quote “the eyes are the windows to the soul.”

141 Brodsky’s “A Part of Speech” in his Collected Poems in English, 1972-1999.

142 I Thess. 5:21.

143 Means strong odor or taste.

144 A Hindu slur for Christians from maka pao de, meaning give me bread (the perception of Christians especially Catholics, are they eat too much bread).

145 A Hindu Sanskrit slur meaning barbarian (foreigner).

146 The Hindu word for the untouchable Varna (Sanskrit for color) class (lowest of the 4 levels) whose occupations involved taking life, such as with fishermen.

147 The 4th untouchable Hindu class is often called Dalit (meaning broken). Dalit is also the name of a fifth (lower) class called Panchama (meaning the 5th one).

148 The Hindu slur for Chinese Asians. Their slurs for blacks, kaala, are kalia, kala, kala, and monkey or darkie etc.

149 The mandarinfish (synchiropus splendidus) or mandarin dragonet is a colorful salt water fish without scales that is smelly and slimy, which keeps out diseases and repels predators.

150 The mandarin fish (siniperca chuatsi) or Chinese perch is a freshwater fish found from Russia and China to Vietnam. It is a popular source of food and was noted by Zhang Zhihe, a Taoist scholar and poet, in his writings, e.g. Fisherman’s Song or Fisherman etc.

151 Interferon is a signaling protein released by animal cells, as an immune response, to inhibit an invading virus from replication. Rainbow trout and mandarin fish etc. (see endnote 150) have been studied for Type I (alpha, from white cells, and beta, from fibroblasts) and goldfish etc. for Type II (gamma, from lymphocytes).

152 Beta-lactamases are a family of enzymes involved in bacterial resistance by degrading the beta-lactam rings of anti-biotics. A beta-lactam ring is a four-member lactam, which is a cyclic amide (beta-lactams are named due to the nitrogen atom being attached to the beta-carbon atom relative to the carbonyl). A beta-lactamase inhibitor (e.g. clavulanate added to penicillins, such as amoxicillin etc.) stops bacteria from becoming resistant. Clavulanic acid works best against gram-negative bacteria.

153 Gibson’s Law is an observation of court witnesses meaning that for every expert there is an equal and opposite expert. Crystals are believed by Hindus, Buddhists, and new agers to influence, with healing etc., the life energy, chi or qi, of humans (chakras; Sanskrit for disk or wheel of the body’s energy center). A 2001 double-blind study by Christopher French, head of anomalistic psychology at the University of London, showed people with fake crystals had the same outcomes as those given real crystals. The concluding quote is from Shakespeare’s King Lear to Cordella (Act I, Scene 1).

154 Chinese organized crime groups.

155 American Chinese organized crime groups; means meeting hall.

156 A Chinese slur for Japanese meaning dwarf.

157 Erythema is a superficial redness of skin due to irritation from allergic reactions causing wheals and bumps.

158 The mocking haiku is in reference to the unhelpful practice of urinating on jellyfish stings.

159 Jellyfish have venomous stinging cells called cnidocytes, which have organelles called cnidocyst or nematocysts. The most dangerous for humans is the box jellyfish (chironex fleckeri) called sea wasp, which is the largest of the cubozoans. They eat small fish and are eaten by turtles. Urination on their stings offers no medical help; it is debated whether putting vinegar, having high acid Ph, on them is helpful overall.

160 In David Landes’arvard Harvard (1995) book Wealth and Poverty of Nations, the late Harvard University history professor of economics examined the reasons for economic disparity among nations. He attributed cultural mores and historical circumstances, especially noting the Asian Miracle era of rapid development from the 1950’s to the 1990’s. In a February, 2023, email exchange between Dallas F. Bell Jr. and Ruth Wisse, emeriti professor of comparative literature and Yiddish literature at Harvard University, Wisse highlighted the most buoyant intellectual time in the Soviet Union came in the 1920’s before Stalin’s conformism of the arts and sciences. See Japanese slurs for outsiders, especially Christians.

161 A Native American slur for whites.

162 Gen. 6:3.

163 Prov. 1:26-28.

164 Secondary psychopathy is characterized by anger, impulsiveness, irresponsibility, and antisocial behaviors manifested in incongruent evil decision-making long after birth as opposed to primary psychopathy characterized by no empathy or remorse recognized shortly after birth by well thought out evil decision-making. See T. R. Fehrenbach’s Comanches: The History of a People and S.C. Gwynne’s Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History for accounts of Comanche (called themselves Lords of the Plains) rapes, tortures, and murders. In Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Demons (Vintage Books, New York, 1994, p. 655), Stephan Trofimovich realizes, on his deathbed, that Russia has become like the swine, in the New Testament, with demons cast into them by Jesus: insane and raging off the cliff into the sea to be drowned (see endnote 270). Of course, the U.S. and the world at large, today, are following this devolving model of evil.

165 A Muslim slur for Christians.

166 The bony-eared assfish (acanthonus armatus) also called cush-eel has the smallest brain to body ratio of vertebrates. Cush is the name of the oldest son of Ham (Gen. 10:6-8; I Chron. 1:8-10). Cush was the father of Nimrod, a powerful leader and enemy of God that started Babel etc. (Gen. 10:8-14, 11:1-9).

167 Surah 2:97-98. A name for God’s true angel, Gabriel.

168 A magical genie.

169 In quantum mechanics, several eigenstates, waves, reduce, collapse, to single eigenstates due to interaction with the external world.

170 See endnote 166.

171 See the META, Manifold Equation of Theological Asymmetry, formula at Bodily deviation from perfect bilateral symmetry for an animal may be due to stress or genetic problems during development. It is theorized that prospective mates can recognize fluctuations of asymmetry and have a negative response to perceived bad genes etc. See Michael Breed and Janice Moore’s (2016) Animal Behavior (2nd Ed.), Academic Press, London Wall, England, pp. 286-287, 390, 393.

172 Ishmael was the son of the Egyptian slave, Hagar, a descendent of Ham, and Abraham, a descendent of Shem (Gen. 16:1-15; Ps. 78:51, 105:23-28). He was called a wild donkey (ass) (Gen. 16:12) and is the forefather of Arabs.

173 Gen. 21:9-21; Gal. 4:21-31.

174 A squawfish is now called a pikeminnow. In the rivers of North America, they are predators that are especially known to feed on trout.

175 See the works by Etsuro Yamaha et al. at Hokkaido University Japan such as (2003) Recovery of fertility in male hybrids of a cross between goldfish and common carp by transplantation of PGC (Primordial Germ Cell)—containing graft and (2019) Production of Germ-Line Chimeras in Zebrafish. In 2018, Hiro Nakauchi et al. at Stanford University created a chimera from sheep and human embryo cells.

176 I Peter 5:3-4 etc.

177 A reference to Henri Matisse’s “The Goldfish” etc.

178 Johann Bach was a Lutheran.

179 Huldah in Hebrew is weasel.

180 A reference to Martin Luther’s theses.

181 Gen. 12:2-3, 22:18; Acts 3:25; Gal. 3:16 etc.

182 Gen. 10:5; Ps. 15:3, 139:16.

183 The words of Patroclus in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida, Act 2, Scene 1, Line 124. He was in the Trojan War and the homosexual lover of Achilles. It was said they were too preoccupied with each other they would not fight the war.

184 The 1965 Second Vatican Council section, Nostra Aetate, was expanded on by Pope John Paul II. He indicated the kindred people, Jews, are of the original Covenant.

185 The jewfish (promicrops itaiara) is now called the goliath grouper.

186 Ex. 19:5. Zipporah (meaning bird, daughter of the pagan Midian priest Jethro or Reul, meaning friend of God, descendent of Abraham, from Noah’s son Shem, and Keturah, descendent of Noah’s son Japheth) was married to Moses and had two sons, Gershom (cast out stranger, sojourner in a foreign land) and Eliezer (God is help). See Nu. 2:16-22, 4:20, 18:1-6; I Chron. 233:15-17, 26:25.

187 Zipporah’s name for Moses when she angrily complied with his command and circumcised their son (Ex. 4:25-26).

188 Tharbis, a believed Ethiopian (descendent of Noah’s cursed son Ham and his son Cush) wife of Moses, also known as Adoniah, written of by Josephus (Book 2, Chapt. 10, 252-253), recorded in the Book of Jasher 73:30-31 (supported by Josh. 10:13; II Sam. 1:18), and discussed by Irenaeus etc.

189 Taken from the Hanukkah prayer of thanks to God for the miracles called Al ha-Nisim. Alexander the Great’s general Seleucid I controlled the region.

190 Hebrew meaning unclean thing (as determined by God in Deut. 24:1).

191 Neh. 13:24 etc.

192 Eze. 16:55-58.

193 Coined (1780) by Johann Silberschlag, a German pastor and scientist, to describe the shadow of an observer from a mountain top on the clouds below.

194 The dialogue was largely taken from Shlomo Zuckier’s, researcher and professor of rabbinical literature and the philosophy of religion at the Institute for Advance Studies at Princeton University, session of the 22 February, 2023, meeting of the Association for the Philosophy of Judaism in Denver, Colorado. It was titled Worship, Not Love: Or Why Worship is More Suitable than Love as the Central Command of Jewish Observance. For going native see Neh. 9:2 etc.

195 Acts 10:1-48.

196 Nu. 12:1-15.

197 Gen. 1:22-31.

198 Phylum cnidaria.

199 A hieromonk is a monk of the Eastern Orthodox church who is also a priest (see endnote 201). A monkfish (squatina squatina) is also called a sea devil and an angelshark, among other things.

200 After World War II, Austrian Catholic Bishop Alois Hudal, called the Brown (shirt of Nazis) Bishop by U.S. Central Intelligence Agency operatives, was rector of the college at Rome. That seminary for German speakers, called Anima, hid Nazi murderers from prosecution. Many other Catholics clerics carried on this type mission with help from the Pontifica Commissione working with the Red Cross. See Gerald Steinachers research in Nazis on the Run: How Hitler’s Henchmen Fled Justice (Oxford University Press), and David Cymet’s observations in History vs. Apologetics: The Holocaust, the Third Reich, and the Catholic Church (Lexington Books).

201 In a 24 January, 2023, interview with The Associated Press at the Vatican, Pope Francis said homosexuality is not a crime, which is contrary to many biblical passages stating it is a capital offense. A former member of the secretive Catholic Opus Dei (work[ers] of God), Emanuela Provera and journalist, Federico Tulli, wrote Giustizia Divina: Cosi la Chiesa protegge I peccati dei suoi pastori (Italian for Divine Justice: Thus the Church protects the sins of its pastors) published in November 2018. They personally discovered there were eighteen Catholic safe houses in Italy to hide criminals, chiefly pedophiles. Catholic safe houses were operating in the U.S. all over the world with the 120 dioceses in Italy each having a safe house to isolate their “sons of God” from prosecution. The underlying Vatican dogma apparently is their pedophile priests are to be punished by God and not by man’s courts. Thanks is extended for the exchange by the anonymous Orthodox monks with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in December, 2022, on this alarming subject.

202 Jules Michelet, a politician and anti-Catholic historian, wrote Le Moyen Age (French for the middles âges) and is credited with the quote.

203 Derived from Victor Hugo’s, grew to become an anti-Catholic, The End of Satan and God and author of the 1862 Les Misérables, the journey of Jean Valjean from salvation after prison (1815) to his death (1832).

204 Tobit 5:10-12.

205 Prov. 12:22.

206 Tobit 6:1-7, 16-17, 8:1-3.

207 Lev. 19:26; Deut. 18:10.

208 Pufferfish.

209 John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 4, Chapter 19.18.

210 II Tim. 3:16-17; Jude 3.

211 Rev. 22:18-19; see Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Demons where the demonic (Russian atheist communists) are incapable of rational argument.

212 Acts 2:17 and Joel 2:28 respectively.

213 I Cor. 2:10.

214 Dan. 8:26, 12:9; Rev. 10:4.

215 Matt. 24:24.

216 Ps. 38:15, 65:2, 91:15; Is. 65:24; Jere. 33:3; Amos 4:13 etc.

217 I John 4:1-6.

218 Is. 42:15; John 14:23.

219 I John 1:3; Rev. 3:20.

220 Gen. 17:1-3 (Abraham) and Acts 9:3-9 (Paul).

221 Matt. 7:10-11.

222 John 10:27.

223 Heb. 13:8.

224 Rev. 19:10 and John 14:26 respectively.

225 Eph. 4:30; I Thess. 5:19.

226 John 16:8.

227 Is. 11:2; Luke 4:7-8.

228 Mark 13:11.

229 Job 35:10-13; Luke 18:11-12.

230 Latin black, bile; melancholy.

231 Gen. 5:24 and 6:9 respectively.

232 The hymn, In the Garden, was written by Austin Miles (1912) based on John 20.

233 See the Arthurian literature of Celtic myths in the Vulgate cycle and other narratives.

234 Rev. 17:1-15, 18:12, 16.

235 The blue bastard fish (plectorhinchus caeruleonothus), a sweetlips fish, fights its rivals by kissing. Judas also betrayed his enemy, Jesus, with a kiss (Luke 22:47-48 etc.).

236 Luke 23:40-43.

237 The name of an 1878 hymn written by Elisha Hoffman, a Presbyterian minister.

238 Mark 7:7.

239 Matt. 23:28. Otherkin is the label people that identify as nonhuman call themselves. Their symbol is the seven pointed star, heptagram, called elven, for elf kin (people that identify as elves) or fairy star. Kintypes include Fictionkin and Conceptkin etc. manifested as elves, demons, dragons, and animals etc. Their dysphoria, i.e. having the sensation of having tails or fangs etc., often leads to self-mutilation if they feel estranged from their own body parts.

240 French derogatory term meaning small master.

241 This is a reference to moral incapacitation due to rebellion against God’s redemption by faith alone. Sometimes even physical illness is caused by or complicated by sin (John 5:5, 14). The (Geneva) representatives for Catholic internationalism at the League of Nations was L’Union Catholique d’Etudes Internationationalis. In 2021, Pope Francis called for a New World Order. Revelation lays out that demonic system of one religion of Satanic worship and the economic elimination of money etc.

242 Lev. 11:10.

243 Native to the Amazon tributary, Rio Xingu, the gypsy king tiger pleco (a cave breeding dweller) and the zebra pleco are (hypancistrus) scaleless catfish.

244 The Xingu people are 15 Amazon tribes that believe the sun (god) made only them as peaceful, and made other indigenous people and white people as violent.

245 From Edith Wharton’s 1916 short story satire of pretentious ladies Xingu and Other Stories (Coming Home). Wharton was buried in the protestant section of the Cimetiéere des Gonards in Versailles.

246 Shellfish, not actually fish, are unclean biblically, as the sting ray not having scales or fins, due to contamination of salmonella, e. coli, and noroviruses. Even with thorough cooking, pregnant women are not advised to consume them.

247 The immune system’s defense, phagocytosis, for bacteria, pathogenic, is Langerhans cells, a tissue-resident macrophage of all the skin layers of the epidermis. See the National Institute of Heath paper by Alesssio Alesci et al. regarding mammals and zebrafish etc. Zebrafish (danio rerio) are freshwater fish of south Asia having regenerative abilities and episodic memory associated with consciousness (understanding the context of what, when, and where, see endnotes 35 and 108), and are also studied for inbreeding depression (becomes more severe during stress) etc. Compare to the zebra pleco fish in endnote 243.

248 Called Einstein’s ghost, quantum entanglement of two or more objects can be entangled in ways that defy man’s understanding of space and time. Amedeo Avogadro’s obituary in the Gazzetta Piemontese read (in English), “Religious without intolerance, learned without pedantry.” Considered to be devoutly religious, his law said the relationship between the masses of the same volumes of gases (at the same temperature and pressure) corresponds to the relationship between their respective molecular weights.

249 Feeder fish include goldfish and female Siamese fighting fish (betta splendens, a labyrinth fish meaning able to breath oxygen as well as through gills), a prolific fresh water fish found in Thailand. They are commonly raised to feed ray fish in aquariums.

250 The witch fish (glyptocephalus cynogloddus) is called the righteye flounder, because both eyes are on the right side. This flatfish swims on one side (pleuronectidae; meaning side-swimming) and is a common food fish.

251 Shakespeare’s The Tempest (2.2, lines 24-27) Trinculo to the deformed slave, Caliban. Poor John is a salted fish consumed by poor people.

252 From the socialist Reinhold Niebuhr’s (1932) Moral Man and Immoral Society.

253 The beginning lyrics of the Satanic heavy metal band Metallica’s ManUNkind followed by words attributed to Friedrich Nietzsche, “one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.”

254 Niebuhr’s December 1945 article The Crisis of the Individual: Will Civilization Survive? See the December, 2022, paper on 1 + 3 spacetime as a superluminal (faster than the speed of light) view in a vacuum, as opposed to a terrestrial 3 + 1 spacetime (Einstein) view, by Andrzej Dragan et al. A tachyonic field is a quantum field with an imaginary mass, hypothetical particles that move faster than light.

255 From the words of Macbeth, a murderer and husband to Lady Macbeth whose castle is at Inverness, in Shakespeare’s Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 5, Lines 24-28), the shortest of his tragedies.

256 For more on eMAP of silent synapses etc. see the MIT paper by Dimitra Vardalaki et al. in Nature, 30 November, 2022.

257 Luke 12:23.

258 The angel fish measurement of distance from the nose to the center of fins, and the center of fins to the tail is 1.618 (see endnote 47).

259 Heb. 1:14.

260 See Matt. 10:28, Heb. 10:31, and Luke 24:47 respectively.

261 Velocity, v, is equal to distance, d, over or divided by time, t; indicating d = speed x t, etc. For Christ’s intervention see 1 John 2:1 and the guaranteed eternal acquittal see Heb. 4:14-16 etc.

262 From a quote by Mohandas Gandhi.

263 Matt. 24:3-14; Rev. 6 etc.

264 The Disney Corporation, owners of the FX Network and 20th Century Fox etc., funds child murder, called abortions, for its employees—if you murder a child, you will rape a child (see endnotes 33 and 201). On 25 August 2022, they released their FX cartoon Little Demon. In a line of several productions normalizing demonism, its plot encompasses the life of Chrissy, the Anti-Christ daughter of Laura, a pagan witch, and Satan the father. It contains vulgarity, witchcraft, pagan rituals, nudity, and violence designed to desensitize children to blasphemous evil. It contains dialogue such as, “Let’s go boil some babies while their heads are still soft.” The show’s executive producer, Daniel Harmon, made a 2009 comedy titled Daryl where his character is a psychologist that rapes a baby two times. Disney is also casting a drag queen for their Marvel comic series Ironheart. Their Pixar’s Lightyear film portrays homosexual kissing. Obviously, exposing neurons to that necrosis is to be avoided (Is. 8:19-22).

265 These are the titles of the 1876 painting by Henryk Siemiradzki, Pochodnie Nerona and Swieczniki Chrześcijaństwa respectively, depicting Nero’s burning of Christians on poles at his parties as recorded by Tacitus.

266 The systematic torture and murder of Catholic enemies began by Pope Gregory IX in 1231.

267 For rites of Dea Tacita, i.e. sacrificial roasting the head of small fish in fire, see Ovid’s Fasti, Book 2, 571-582 and also see Plutarch for information on the topic.

268 From William Barrett’s (1958) Irrational Man. Thanks to The Tikvah Fund lecture series by the anti-communist and pro-traditional marriage Harvard University professor of Yiddish literature and comparative literature, Ruth Wisse, for information on this subject presented in January, 2023.

269 See endnote 137. Palestinians are the modern-day Philistine, of Palestine, enemies of God and occupiers of His earthly capital of Jerusalem.

270 Matt. 8:29-33; Mark 5:1-13 etc.

271 A description of society’s dregs, specifically Greeks, used by Epimenides (Crete native) and Paul meaning lazy gluttons (Tit. 1:12).

272 Rev. 20:1-3 etc.

273 II Thess. 2:4 etc.

274 Implying femineity to Angel as a slur. A group of angelfish is called a harem.

275 John 5:26 and Prov. 10:32.

276 For the seven characteristics of the archangel Michael see Dan. 10:13, 21; Jude 9; Rev. 12:7.

277 Rev. 9:6. The Pacific salmon die as they swim to their breeding grounds, earning them the name of zombie fish. See endnote 107.

278 Heb. 9:27.

279 Rev. 15:2-3.

280 Prov. 10:25.

281 See the words of Duke Vincentio in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure (Act 3, Scene 1, Line 11), and Prov. 28:1.

282 Ps. 2 etc.

283 William Bragg (1903) used protein radiation therapy for cancer, which decelerated at the point just before destroying good tissue—Bragg peak.

284 II Tim. 3:10-17.

285 Meaning God breathed; usually used in reference to the description of Divinely inspired Scriptures.

286 Lam. 3:22-23.

287 From Francis Thompson’s Ex Ore Infantium, lines 8, 43, 44.

288 German for Joseph Haydn’s The Seven Last Words of Our Savior on the Cross; (1) Luke 23:34, (2) Luke 23, 43, (3) John 19:26-27, (4) Mark 15:34 and Matt. 27:46, (5) John 1928, (6) John 19:30, and (7) Luke 23:46.

289 Referring to the interaction of all biological functions within a body, especially cellular.

290 I Cor. 15:51-52.

291 French for age hurries (presses) me.

292 A Commonly used French expression meaning reason for being.

293 Hebrew meaning God willing (Hashem, Hebrew for The Name meaning God). James 4:13-15.

--ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (2023) Dallas F. Bell, Jr.--