Dilating Astrophysics Formulae with Hyper-Dimensional Binary Models of Information Systems
by Dallas F. Bell, Jr.
(This research has made use of
the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) which is operated by the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.[1])
Information is the quantitative measure of data
communicated. It has purpose and
must come from an intellect with that decision-making attribute. Recognized by Antony Flew, the late
British philosopher and Oxford University professor, DNA is a complex digital
coded information system.[2] This indicates that the biological
information system, DNA, requires not only energy (E), mass (m), and speed (c) but a causer, signified, for that
effect, signifier. The attributes of the Causer is expressed in the effect whether
it is orderly or disorderly with temporal or eternal emphasis.
It has been observed that each living cell has nested
coding, digital processing with retrieval and storage in the genomic operating
system found in digital technology.
Astrophysics recognizes the information of neutrinos, gravitational
radiation, cosmic rays, and electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation information has
historically been within the spectrum of visible light. Today, instruments and methods may detect
other known bands of electromagnetic radiation, such as photons.
Many people have heard that, in general relativity, black
holes have gravitational fields so strong that light cannot escape. Using Newtonian theory, it can be
calculated when a light particle of mass m
with speed c can be trapped by a
spherical mass M of a radius r.
The potential gravitational energy of the particle is – GMm/r. Using special
relativity for a particle moving at c
the total energy of the particle is
E = ½ mc squared – GMm/r. Newtonian theory explains the particle
will escape from the gravitational field if E
> 0 and will be trapped if E <
Astrophysics may define information as the delocalization
(electrons that do not reside along a single bond) of the state of the system
of all possible events. Binary
systems contain two stars orbiting around a common center of gravity. We know that numbers (1, 2, 3 etc.) and
their implications (1 + 2 = 3 and does not equal anything other that 3
requiring the existence of equality or justice and so the existence of love,
forgiveness, mercy, grace, redemption, and atonement etc.) exist into infinity
and thus must have preexisted the material world of our universe. Those nonmaterial effects, demonstrated
by their behavioral effects, must have emanated from the first Causer that is
also infinite with the attributes of justice, love, forgiveness, mercy, grace,
redemption, and atonement etc.
The photon is a gauge boson[3] which carries electromagnetism. Nonmaterial effects are much like
massless photons. The massless
particle moving with speed c follows
a geodesic[4]
called null geodesic, ds squared =
0. e and l tend to be infinite.
The mass goes to zero along the trajectory of the particle, dt → 0. For dt = 0, t can not be used to label the trajectory. Affine parameter[5]
λ increases along the trajectory to provide a constant. For a massless particle, e and l are defined with λ rather than the proper time t.
Nonmaterial attributes produce material behavioral effects subject to different
definitions as with massless particles and particles with mass.
Information is both material and nonmaterial. They create a binary system orbiting
around the causer which is the bounding center of
gravity. Information is also
because it exists materially (temporally) and non-materially (eternally) in the
effect. The function of the effect
should be equal or less than the (energy E
of mass m at speed c) function of the Causer, E > 0. Gustav Kirchhoff's law[7]
(1860) addresses thermodynamic equilibrium in radiative transfer theory (Sir Franz Arthur Friedrich Schuster[8]
1905 and Karl Schwarzschild[9]
1914). By assuming thermodynamic
equilibrium, the source function is equal to the blackbody function Bv(T).
It was noted earlier that material life is/must be coded by
DNA information, E of DNA order >
0. Our fine-tuned universe (e.g. cosmological
constant, redshift, and dark energy[10]
etc.) of material non-life is/must be accommodating
material life's DNA coded information.
Therefore, material non-life is/must also have accommodating purpose to
support material life, E of universe
fine-tuning order for ordered life > 0.
The quantitative measure of communicated data of both nonmaterial
information, demonstrated behaviorally, and material information, including
both life and non-life, means information = E
and mc.
Symmetry is a property of a system that does not change when
the system is transformed. However,
phase transitions may create symmetry breaking in the amount of symmetry of a
system. In the model of an
information system, the causer may change the function of an effect for various
motivations. Biblical examples
include the creation of Adam and Eve,[11]
Sarah giving birth in old age,[12]
the sun's shadow going backward ten degrees,[13] Mary's virgin
birth of Jesus,[14]
water (the molecules of H2O) being turned into wine by Jesus (the molecules of
alcohol, esters, and ethers),[15]
and the resurrection of Jesus the Christ.[16] Sarah giving birth, Mary's virgin birth
of Jesus, and the resurrection of Christ are each examples of violations of
known laws in our universe that were also examples of fulfilled prophesy. Each
of those effects affirms the first Causer.
Prophesies yet to be realized are exemplified by nonmaterial
eternal judgment by the first Causer toward created beings with freewill[17]
and the material creation a new heaven and a new earth by the first Causer.[18] Man has demonstrated his freewill to
affect the universe by creating temperatures below 2.73K, which arguably never
existed in the universe prior to around a century ago.
Models of material information systems must account for
entropy. The effects become obscure
to the finite observer. Information
can be misinterpreted by the finite observer due to a lack of understanding or
be an intentional deception[19]
by the causer. Peter Landsberg's
1984 formula for entropy of order in a system said order = 1 – Co / Ci
(Co is the order capacity of a system and Ci is the information capacity of the
Transparency of information is crucial to communication
potential. Opacity is the degree to which light is not allowed to travel through
something, where 1 is not transparent at all and 0.5 is at 50%. In developing experimental models of
stellar interiors, astrophysicists need to know the value of opacity X.
They can apply the Ludwig
Eduard Boltzmann law[21] and Meghnad Saha equation[22] to find out the number of
atoms and electrons in various energy levels and stages of ionization. When electromagnetic radiation of
frequency v impinges on the system,
atoms can absorb this radiation if electrons associated with the atoms are
pushed to levels which have energies higher by amount hv as compared to previous levels.
In quantum mechanics, atomic
energy levels can be either discrete (bound) or continuum (free). The absorption rate of radiation by atom
can be due to the upward electronic transitions bound-bound, bound-free, or free-free. Enrico Fermi's
golden rule[23]
is used to calculate the absorption of cross-sections. The cross-sections for all atoms and
electrons at different excitation and ionization levels present in unit volume
are added up. When the effect of
the stimulated emission is included, the absorption coefficient αv is determined from which the
opacity is obtained. It can then be
shown that both bound-free and free-free transition, which are the dominate
processes for opacity, lead to an opacity that varies with density p and temperature T, X α p/T 3.5. That Hendrik Kramers' law[24] (1923) is not true for
all temperatures. If the
temperature is low so will be the energy level of the atoms and it will be
possible for radiation to be absorbed only if there are sufficiently energetic
photons to knock off electrons from the lowest absorption levels. Then, opacity is expected to drop at
lower temperatures. Conversely, at
higher temperatures (a few thousand degrees), the opacity hits the maximum level
and seems to be independent of density and reaches an asymptotic[25] value. The opacity of information and potential
absorption for communication is also lower at low energy levels and higher at
higher energy levels, which begin to surpass density dependence approaching a
limiting value potential.
Information from Christian Doppler's effect is gained from
the source of a sound moving away from an observer at speed v and the speed of sound through the air
is cs. The frequency of the sound wave measured
by the observer will be related to the frequency which
the sound is emitted.[26] For light, the speed c is the same for all observers and the
relative speed v between a
light-emitting source and an observer cannot exceed c. This Doppler effect
can be applied to light if v is small
compared to c and c replaces cs. A light source
moving away from an observer will appear shifted toward the red side of the
light spectrum. That redshift z information of spectral lines can also
provide the speed at which the galaxy is moving away from an observer or toward
an observer. Vesto Slipher noted
most galaxies were moving away from us[27]
as Edwin Hubble discovered that the more faraway galaxies are moving away from
us at higher speeds (See Endnote 10).
Hubble's law would seem to hold that for any galaxy it will appear from
that location that all other galaxies will be moving away in the expanding
universe, where all points are equivalent in a uniformly expanding plane.
Quantum mechanics indicates information is never lost, even
when it falls into a black hole. Stephen
Hawking recently proposed that everything that falls into a black hole affects
the way Hawking radiation escapes.
Then, information about what falls into the black
hole is stored in the Hawking radiation in the event horizon. Gerardus 't Hooft, 1999 Nobel Prize
winner in physics, wrote (1996) that Hawking radiation does carry information
out of black holes.
is considered to be an infinite non-repeating combination of numbers. As a binary program, pi has been
reasoned to contain the encoded simulation of the universe. For this to be accurate, the combination
of all possible numbers in every possible sequence must first assume that the
infinite series does not repeat.
Different orders of infinity may not allow for a smaller order to
contain all the elements of a larger one.
Tulane University physicist, Frank Tipler noted in his book, The Physics of Christianity, that
physics requires a beginning cosmological singularity [29]
and his other book, The Physics of
Immortality, theorized that an omega point computer could occur in special
circumstances, just before the final collapse of our collapsing universe, which
would have enough power to produce simulations of every thing that has every
lived (e.g. everyone's individual genetic code,[30]
every molecule change in neural ion channels for each thought,[31]
every word said[32]
and deed done,[33]
etc.). In theory, pi indicates the
information is already available if you know what to look for (e.g. including
credible science for Jesus' virgin birth, incarnation, and resurrection, etc.). The admitted existence of information is
separate from finite ability to retrieve that information.
Hyper-dimensional binary models of
material and nonmaterial information systems are made by expanding or dilating astrophysics
material models or formulae.
A nonmaterial result of this information expansion is the evidence that
the first Causer, an infinite Being, must be perfectly complete and whole,
holy. The heavens declare the glory
of the first Causer where day unto day utters speech and night unto night shows
knowledge.[34] Everything, except the first Causer, is
an effect which is information communicated between intellects defined as such
due to their decision-making freewill.
Even finite minds have acknowledged the connection of everything by six
degrees of separation. Denying this
reality, the absurdist
philosopher Albert
Camus indicated in "The Myth of
Sisyphus," leads to an alternative of suicide. The eternal justice of God would mean
once a person dies, by suicide or other means, then in the next moment he must
be face-to-face with the God he denied and then be subject to accept the
eternal judgment for his decisions.[35] That eternal justice has an equilibrium which requires eternity in hell for the unjust
and eternity in heaven for the just.
Unholy, incomplete, finite beings would be eternally unjust (a universal
positive) unless the infinite just creator Being infuses that hopelessly unjust
state with atonement from (non-dark or known[36])
redemptive energy.[37] Seeking this single source of redemption
is derived from analysis of material and nonmaterial information systems which explains the ultimate purpose for being
"The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why." (Attributed
to Mark Twain née Samuel Clemens)
Gauge bosons are the force carriers of electromagnetism called massless photon
Geodesic designates the shortest line between two points on a curved surface.
An affine parameterization for a geodesic curve is a
parameterization by a parameter such that the parametric equations for the
curve satisfy the geodesic equation.
A paper for hyper-dimensional computing can be found at
Kirchhoff, G. 1860, Ann.
D. Phys. U. Chemie 109, 275.
Schuster, B. 1905, Astrophys. J. 21,
Schwarzschild, K. 1914, Sitzungsber.
Preus. Akad. Wiss. 1183.
In 1929, Edwin Hubble discovered the expansion of the universe (Hubble, E.P.
1929, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 15, 168) which
seemed to contradict Albert Einstein's static solution which required a
non-zero Λ. That static
solution assumes P << pc squared if the density has the value of po = Λ / 4πG'. If the initial static state of the
universe is disturbed, it will depart from the static state. Some researchers now suggest that the
cosmological constant may be non-zero.
The effect of the cosmological constant is like a fluid whose density is
pΛ which
would not change with universe expansion.
The fluid would be w = -1,
which suggests a negative pressure P =
-pc squared. That fluid with a negative pressure is
referred to as dark energy (dark meaning not known). Hubble's law for the linear relationship
between the recession velocity v and
the distance l is v = Hol
and the constant is Ho.
Gen. 1:26-30, 2:7, 2:18-25.
Gen. 18:10-15, 21:1-2.
2 Kings 20:9-11; Is. 38:8.
Is. 7:14; Luke 1:27-38.
Luke 24:6-8; John 10:18.
Luke 17:26-30; Rev. 6:15-17, 7-9, 20:11-15.
Is. 65:17, 66:22; Rev. 6:12-14, 21:1-8.
Lucifer (called the devil, dragon, serpent, Satan, etc.), due to pride (Is.
14:12-20), is the first liar and is known as the father of lies (John
8:44). He unjustly felt entitled to
demand respect and divine worship which he did not and
could not earn (Matt. 4:8-10; Rev. 12:7-9). Unbelievers are not pure in heart (a
universal negative; Titus 1:15-16).
The pure in heart are derived from God's word (Ps. 119:140) and they are
blessed (Matt. 5:8). John
Duns Scotus (1265/66 -1308) promoted the false notion of Mary's immaculate
conception. It was postulated that
Mary was picked by God to be born sinless and give birth to Jesus so He could
live a sinless life free from the original sin and Mary's death was like Jesus'
death which was due to the time and glory of God. Jesus did live a sinless life (2 Cor.
5:21) but Scriptures say all people have sinned (Rom. 3:23), which includes
Mary. Fathered by Joseph, Mary also
gave birth to other children who were not sinless (Matt. 12:46-50, 13:55-56;
Mark 6:3, 15:40). If Jesus' (both
man and God) humanity was not subject to the original sin, His accomplishment
of a sinless life would not be an achievement and His sacrifice would not be
valid to be the atonement for the sins of mankind. If Mary was sinless, she could have been
the perfect sacrifice for the sins of man and Jesus need not have come to earth
as the Redeemer. To sin requires
freewill to choose sin and to choose sin requires the information for knowledge
to choose opposing courses of action.
Scotus' theology violates clear scriptural doctrine and logic but was
accepted by the Catholic Church as doctrine as they are known for also having
rejected Galileo's (1564-1642) true findings about our solar system.
[20] http://systematicpoliticalscience.com/redeemer.html
Boltzmann, L. 1872, Sitzungsber. Kaiserl.
Akad. Wiss. Wien 66, 275.
Boltzmann, L.
1884, Wied. Annalen, 22, 291.
Saha, M.N. 1920, Phil. Mag. (6) 40, 472.
Fermi, E.
1926, Rend. Lincei 3, 145.
Fermi, E. 1949, Phys. Rev. 75, 1169.
Kramers, H. A. 1923,
Phil. Mag. 46, 836.
The term asymptotic
means approaching a value or curve arbitrarily closely, such as some sort of
Halliday, D., Resnick, R., and Walker, J.
2001. Fundamentals of Physics,
6th Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
Slipher, V.M. 1914,
Lowell Obs. Bull. 2, 62.
As most people know, pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its
diameter, 3.1415… The set of all
points in a plane equidistant from a fixed point is a circle. The center of a circle to its edge is
the radius, r. The equation of a circle is (x – h) squared + (y – k) squared = r squared, where r >
0. A perfect circle can not be said to exist though round shapes can occur, but
the circumference can be thought of a line with waves. Pi exists mathematically, as Plato
recognized, and in reality would be less than a true circumference
distance. Straight lines can be
said to exist when all things move in a straight line until a greater force
changes the circumstances--Sir Isaac Newton's Law of Motion . An example of a straight line, L, on a xy plane that is parallel to the y axis has all points on the L
with the same x coordinate k, so that x = k.
Tipler book illustrates how the Jewish and Christian God is consistent with
being the first Causer of all effects.
1 Chr. 28:9; Ps. 139:2.
Prov. 24:12; Amos 8:7; Rev. 20:12-13.
Currently, neuroscientists can not explain/prove
materially what it is that operates the material human brain mechanism. Theology explains this nonmaterial
control as the created soul that exists in eternity, which is understood to be
the essence/existence of every person.