Systematic Political Science


The Gospel’s Eternal Power and the Finite Opposition Variable of Antichrists’ Relative Negative Acceleration

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

𝓟oetry has historically engaged aspects of the human condition. The frail human’s need for supernatural salvation has been recognized by many, such as Lucretius (c. 99 BC – 55 BC) in his De Rerum Natura (Latin for The Nature of Things from 50’s BC). He influenced Virgil (70 BC – 19 BC) in his Aeneid (29 -19 BC). They influenced Dante Alighieri’s (c. 1265 – 1321) La Divina Commedia (Italian for The Divine Comedy from c. 1308 -1320) and John Milton’s (1608 -1674) Paradise Lost (first published in 1667 and the 1674 edition had twelve books as Virgil’s Aeneid). Lucretius indicated salvation could come from within the individual (soul). Virgil mused it could come from human institutions, traditions, and law. Dante and Milton disproved those fallacious ideas and proved the biblical God was the source of eternal human salvation.

𝓟aul wrote in Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the glad tidings of the Christ: for power of God it is unto salvation to every one that believes, both to the Jew and to the Greek.”1 Salvation means deliverance from material or spiritual evil. It may include being delivered from violence2 and death,3 but is most understood as Christ’s redemptive act of man’s sin. Jesus said “Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”4

𝓟rinciples may be in the form of logic statements, such as if this then that etc. If the gospel is sown, salvation power (P) is eternally reaped, despite expected finite attempts at negative acceleration (-A).5 Evidence of that righteous conversion is seen in the power of the contrast with no righteous conversion—anonyms/antichrists (-A)—and the reap what you sow principle.6

𝓟leasure may be expressed in the experience of righteous laughter. (-A) Giggling is the unrighteous nervous spasmodic pseudo-laugh at something ill-mannered.

𝓟ain may be righteously expressed by audible moaning. (-A) Grumbling is the unrighteous muttering in ill-tempered grunts at being discontent with the providence of God.

𝓟roposals of loving marriage are derived from the Divine patriarchal order established in Eden. Esther, Deborah, Ruth, Dorcas, Priscilla etc. biblically demonstrated how righteous women interact with male authority and not violate Divine order (Prov. 31 etc.). However, (-A) following in the rebellious steps of Eve, women pursue men and propose loveless marriage to them,7 cherchez la femme. That (-A) rebellion is commonly taught to U.S. and Canadian school children when Sadie Hawkins dance proposals are encouraged to be made by young girls to boys. The Sadie Hawkins custom was created by Jewish sexual predator Alfred Caplin*8 in his Li’l Abner comic strip, which mocked people of Appalachia falsely portraying them to the world as dull witted. Sadie Hawkins was a fictional day when unmarried women could chase unmarried men and claim one.

𝓟eaceful gatherings or congregations of orderly individuals are unified by taking just and therefore loving action for righteousness and against unrighteousness. (-A) Mobs are chaotic unrighteous individuals unified by taking hateful action against the righteous and for unrighteousness (see endnote 36), il y a sûrement quelque chose qui cloche dans le système.

𝓟rayer is the acceptable communication with God by man. God commands His elect to not pray for the people of a backslidden nation nor follow (-A) religious leaders that prophecy their peace instead of Divine justice (Jere. 7:16, 14:1-22). Jesus’ example is that He did not pray for everyone, only the elect.9 He did not pray for (-A) followers of Satan, the god of this world.10 David prayed that the (-A) enemies of God would have their teeth broken off11 and die unprosperous deaths.12 Jesus did pray for those at his crucifixion, such as the centurion.13 Stephen followed Jesus’ example and also prayed for those at his murder, such as Saul that would be renamed Paul.14 (-A) Do not pray or unjustly pray for everyone.

𝓟liantly obey them that have righteous rule over you.15 Jesus was subject to his righteous parents but obeyed Father God first (Luke 2:14-16). He physically threw out the (-A) temple leaders from God’s house of worship because they had made it a den of thieves (Mark 11:15-18; John 2:14-16). The midwives feared God and did not obey (-A) Pharaoh and God prospered them.16 Jesus did not subject Himself to the (-A) unrighteous Herod Antipas, who He called “that fox”,17 nor Herod’s boss, (-A) Roman Emperor Tiberius.*18 (-A) Unjustly obey all authority or unjustly disobey all authority.

𝓟olycarp (c. 69 AD - c.155 AD, Greek for much fruit), appointed bishop of Smyrna by John the apostle, wrote to the Philippians c. 108 AD. He followed Jesus’ example when addressing (-A) authority and told the (-A) proconsul who ordered his murder “…affecting ignorance of my real character, hear me frankly declaring what I am—I am a Christian—and if you desire to learn more about Christian doctrine, assign me a day, and you shall hear.”19

Those contrasts may be verified in the following list of major historical Bible texts and how their powerful influence changed well-known individuals that positively changed the world.

A survey of founding Scriptures historically used by God.

(Predominately) Hebrew Old Testament: TaNaKh (acronym of its three components Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim) suggested by Talmud completed 450 BC, Greek Septuagint or LXX (Genesis c. 1445-1405 BC to Malachi c. 433 BC - 430 BC) completed by Jewish scholars in 150 BC.

(Predominately) Greek New Testament: The complete list of the 27 books (Matthew 85 AD to Revelation 95 AD with I Thess. being written first 51 AD) was first noted c. 367 AD in the thirty-ninth Festal (Easter) letter by Athanasius, a 4th-century bishop of Alexandria. Later the texts were called the Textus Receptus (Latin for Received Texts).

Original Scriptures translated into other languages.

Vetus Latina (Latin for Old Latin) represented by the siglum 𝔏L {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {L}}} , also known as Vetus Itala (Old Italian), Itala (Italian) and Old Italic is the collective name given to the 150 AD Latin translations of biblical texts (both Old Testament and New Testament) that existed before the Vulgate (from Latin editio vulgate meaning vulgar or common version used by Thomas Aquinas, 1225-1274). Augustine of Hippo (354 AD – 430 AD) is known to have used the Vetus Latina version, as he lamented about the quality in his (first three books in 397 AD and the fourth book in 426 AD) De Doctrina Christiana, iv libri (2, 16). He followed the Alexandrian school of hermeneutics believing interpretation of Scripture is fourfold: literal, allegorical, moral, and mystical. Rejecting the allegorical emphasis, Aquinas believed the Antiochene threefold exegesis—literal, historical, and linguistic—as the reformers Martin Luther and John Calvin would later. But Aquinas maintained the clarity of Scripture can only be revealed by later interpretation, such as the Old Testament is understood only by the New Testament. If the Old Testament is only understood by New Testament revelation, Catholic leaders concluded (-A) then only they can reveal how to understand the New Testament to understand the Old Testament. The Old Testament prophetic subject was of Christ and His forthcoming New Testament which prophesied of His Second Coming after the apostate Roman church was destroyed (II Thess. 2:3; Rev. 17:9, 19:20). He said the Holy Spirit was His Comforter that would teach His elect all things before His return (John 14:26 etc.). Jerome’s Latin Vulgate crudely copied20 from the Vetus Latina in c. 382 AD - 404 AD was commissioned by Pope Damasus I.* This version influenced Dante’s Divine Comedy and Geoffrey Chaucer’s writing of the largely poetic Canterbury Tales 1387 to his death in 1400.21 In 1590, the Sixtine Vulgate was commissioned by Pope Sixtus V and in 1592 the Sixto-Clementine Vulgate was promulgated by Pope Clement VIII. The 1979 Nova Vulgata was commissioned in 1965 and promulgated by Pope John Paul II, revised in 1986 (see endnote 20).

(John) Wycliffe’s Old English Version (early and later) ranged from 1382 to 1395, with several possible writing contributors, was based on the Latin Vulgate. In 1367, when John Wycliffe (c. 1330-1384 when murdered by (-A) Catholic leaders) taught at Canterbury Hall, Oxford, one of his students was Geoffrey Chaucer. It is believed that Chaucer’s parson, of the prose Parson’s Tale22 in the Canterbury Tales, was a veiled tribute to Wycliffe.

(Martin) Luther’s German Bible: New Testament written after the Diet of Worms (1521) being completed in 1522 and the complete Bible in 1534. German mathematician and astronomer, Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) used this version. He believed God created in seven days, according to the Genesis account, calculating this occurred 3993 BC.

(William) Tyndale’s English Bible: Old Testament completed by Tyndale in 1530 and the New Testament in 1536 before his murder in 1536. He was influenced by Luther’s version.

Geneva English Bible (delineated writings with numbered verses): written largely by reformers John Knox and John Calvin etc. the New Testament was completed in 1557 and the Old Testament in 1560, with revisions in 1576. The 1599 version had margin notes23 that collectively established the doctrine, among other things, of Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus, and Soli Deo Gloria.24 The Geneva Bible is widely believed by scholars to have influenced William Shakespeare (1564-1616), John Donne (1572-1631), Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658), John Milton (1608-1674), John Bunyan (1628-1688), and was carried by passengers on the Mayflower in 1620. An American effort to publish this version was headed by George Washington (U.S. President), Henry Knox (U.S. Secretary of War), Alexander Hamilton (U.S. Secretary of the Treasury), and John Jay (Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court).25

King James Version: scholars, influenced by Tyndale, commissioned by King James and was completed in 1611.26 It restricted margin notes used in the 1599 Geneva Bible, especially those that did not support the political views for King James’ supreme authority. For example, the Geneva Bible note for I Kings 12:9 accurately observes there is nothing harder for them that are in authority than to bridle their affections and to follow good counsel.27 Samuel Rutherford (c. 1600-1661) wrote Lex Rex (The Law of the Prince [1644]) with scriptural doctrine for why God’s law is king and not vice versa. This was in response to Bishop John Maxwell’s (c. 1586-1647) Sacro-Sancta Regum Majestas (see endnote 34). When John Milton witnessed government censorship in 1643, he responded in his Areopagitica “As good almost kill a man as kill a good book.” He allied with the political party of Oliver Cromwell that executed King Charles I.28 Used by the Calvinist Jonathan Edwards29 (1703-1758) and others in their sermons, by the 18th century it is accepted to have replaced the Vulgate version by English speaking scholars becoming by far the most published version in history. However, the Greek and Latin educated Thomas Hobbes’30 explained in his 1651 Leviathan that he preferred the Latin Vulgate version to the English King James Version in instances such as Exodus 19:5.31 Today, people with poor text analytical skills who are theologically unsophisticated are preferring newer and less accurate versions (P = KJV + (- A), see endnote 20).

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), a Catholic, placed the sun at the center of the universe, which influenced Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). Physicist and astronomer, Galileo32 risked being murdered first by (-A) Pope Paul V and later by Pope Urban VIII for confronting their incorrect scientific views. Galileo’s friend, René Descartes (1596-1650) was also a Catholic who was influenced by Church reformers’ rejection of supreme papal authority. He believed that all individuals possess the “natural light of reason.” This proposes each individual has the capacity for the discovery of truth, which undermines Roman Catholic authoritarianism from the false mathematics of finite fallible pope > finite fallible mankind.33 Robert Boyle (1627-1691), chemist and physicist, believed God could be seen in nature and that all people should have a copy of the Bible in their own language. His view of color and light optics was influenced by Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727). Newton, physicist and mathematician, was raised Anglican (from Latin Ecclesia Anglicana for English Church, the 1534 government sanctioned Church of England and called Episcopal when established in the US during 1789, from Latin for bishop meaning governed by bishops34) by his minister step-father and minister uncle and is known to have been familiar with different Bible versions. His personal copy of the KJV, with hand written margin notes, was bequeathed to the library of Trinity College at Cambridge in 1878. He promoted a literal interpretation of Scripture yet contrary to Scriptural teachings (-A) did not accept Trinitarian doctrine, the immortality of souls, or literal demons, etc. His political views were influenced by John Locke’s (1632-1704) Anglican tendency of accepting government authority,35 who was influenced by Baptist theologian John Smyth (c. 1554 – c.1612) toward individual rights. Locke influenced Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). Influenced by Rousseau, Thomas Paine (1737-1809) influenced Thomas Jefferson’s (1743-1826) political philosophy of a minimal level of government control over other societal institutions. Paine, raised Quaker,36 became (-A) a deist rejecting the literal translation of the Old and New Testament texts. Similar to Galileo, he believed no one is prejudiced toward something they know to be wrong…he will eventually give way to reason. (-A) He did not accept Jesus’ virgin birth nor Jesus being the Son of God. Paine defeats his own reasoning when he uses the biblical example of the Jewish people, as literal, demanding Samuel give them a king to rule over them, instead of God, even after they were told that was wrong, showing they did not give way to reason.37

𝓟ermutations are ordered arrangements of a number of objects in a particular order. Obviously, the Old Testament books were divinely ordered before the New Testament books, which led to their subsequent versions. Prophets, physically exhibiting the power of the gospel of their time, were also divinely ordered, such as Elijah and Elisha. God told Elijah to anoint Elisha as a prophet under his guidance.38 Elisha was anointed and left his home and ministered to Elijah.39 Seeing Elijah as his spiritual progenitor,40 Elisha requested a double portion of Elijah’s spiritual power after Elijah’s physical departure.41 After Elijah was called up to a fiery chariot, Elisha demonstrated his Divine imprimatur on many occasions, especially by raising a boy from the dead.42 Eventually, Elisha fell sick and died.43 His bones touched a dead man’s corpse and raised that man from the dead,44 doubling the number of miracles recorded by Elijah, establishing God had granted Elisha’s request. This demonstrates the Lord kills and makes alive, He brings down to the grave and brings up.45 Only infinite omniscient God knows the total numbers and order positions, n!, of all things, including Bible versions or prophets, etc. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, which is to come, the Almighty.46 He called the generations from the beginning, n!.47 He orders the steps of good men, n!.48 He has ordained/ordered the moon and stars, n!.49 Christ50 was priest after the order of Melchizedek (c. 1911 BC),51 n!, superior to Levi and then Aaron (confirmed chief priest c. 1265 BC),52 n!.

𝓟redictively, (P) the power of Divine gospel is envied by the unrighteous, especially those in political or religious positions of authority (see endnote 24). (-A) Charged in court posthumously as a sodomite, Catholic Pope Boniface VIII,*53 from 1294 to 1303, stated in his Unam Sanctum of 1302 that “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” This rejection of clear Scriptural teaching underpinned the heretical thrust of the Roman Catholic doctrine that led to the need for righteous church reformation by believers of Romans 1:16. A schism between the Catholic west and the east occurred in 1054. After rejecting the heresy of papal supremacy of power, the Eastern Orthodox Church emerged as the Greek Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church. Conversely, once (-A) church leaders, as especially seen in the historic Catholic church, blasphemously supplant immutable Christ as the only immutable Mediator between Him and man,54 mutable church leaders are rationally viewed by the (-A) unrighteous as being disconnected from representing Divine inerrancy. It is rationally assumed, by ignorant or unrighteous followers, that since finite church leaders are often malleable to persuasion that infinite God’s law is as well. For example, in November, 2020, Polish bishops were successful in lobbying their courts to adjust the 1993 abortion law toward being less murderous. That action was meet by widespread (-A) Polish Catholic protests. The (-A) European Parliament passed a resolution on 26 November, 2020, condemning the righteous court decision. The same (-A) Catholic reasoning that opposed this court decision embraced the Polish leadership of Pope John Paul II against unrighteous communism55 in the 1980’s not because it was righteous but because they perceived it was convenient for them.

𝓟erception (to take)56 is the finite comprehension of a static state, such as a chess board, and subsequent motion or change comprehended through the senses, such as a player moving a chess piece. The Black and White pieces on the chess board are the king (representing the executive and judicial branch of the government), the queen (representing the legislative branch of government), the bishops (the religious moral guides of their adherents), the knights (represent military and police enforcement), the rooks (represents business leaders), and the pawns (represent family members). Conflict between the White and Black is inevitable. Patterns are anticipated with imagination and experience for future adjustment. (-A) Pharisees, Scribes, and lawyers were warned by Jesus that they have taken away the key of knowledge and have forbidden others from entering in it.57 He said good trees bring good fruit and corrupt trees bring evil fruit. By their fruits, you shall know them. Every tree that does not bring good fruit will be hewed down and cast into the fire.58 With success against humans, finite Satan has used the Sicilian dragon chess variation of the Sicilian defense gambit (from It. gametto for to trip) to infinite God’s first (White) creation move. Satan seeks to strengthen his (Black) position by moving his Black fianchettoed (Italian for little flank) bishop diagonally after first moving one or two of his Black pawns, for example see endnote 34. White may employ the Yugoslav attack with a castle queenside and then directly attack the Black king’s flank. White wins around 41% to 22% with 37% draw. Eternally God wins 100%.59 Another static state of comprehension is seen below.

The recent contrast between object densities have been momentarily captured by the scanned image. A lack of symmetry, marked by the blue arrow to the black void, indicates a serious issue. In this case, an Army officer was struck by a piece of shrapnel while on assignment in the Middle East. The officer, a friend named Alton, medically explained if the trauma was any lower he would be blind in the left eye, if the fragment was any stronger or if his cranium was any weaker he would be dead. His rational perception is that this statistical anomaly demonstrates God’s loving protection from his murderous enemies. He adds that his prayers to God in 2021 are now more focused on thanks with a realization of the vastness of His merciful providence. God is eternally victorious.

𝓟arables were an integral part of Jesus’ teaching ministry. In His parable of the sower, He explained when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and understands it not then comes (-A) the wicked one and catches away that which was sown in his heart. But he that received the seed, in stoney places, the same is he that hears the word and receives it with joy. Yet he has not root in himself but dureth for a while for when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word he is offended. He also that received seed among the thorns is he that hears the word and the care of this world and the deceitful riches choke the word and he becomes unfruitful. But he that received the seed into good ground is he that hears the word and understands it which bears fruit and brings forth some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty. In another parable he said the kingdom of heaven is like a man which sowed good seed in his field. But while men slept, his (-A) enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade sprang up and brought fruit, then appeared the tares also. The servants asked the owner, where the tares came from since good seed was sown? He replied, an (-A) enemy did this. The servants asked if he wanted them to go gather the tares? He said no unless in gathering up the tares they also root up the wheat. He continued by comparing the two world orthodoxies (Greek, straight opinion) by saying that they should each grow together until the harvest and he will instruct the reapers to first gather the tares, (-A) the logically orthodox to unrighteous doctrines, and bundle them to be burned and gather the wheat, (P) the logically orthodox to righteous doctrines, in his barn.60 There can be no epistemological bridge between those two silos of understanding.

𝓟lainly, one sinner destroys much good.61 If any elect errs from the truth and one convert him, he that converted the (-A) sinner from the error of his ways shall (P) save a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of sins.62

𝓟romotion comes neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. God is the Judge: He puts down one and sets up another. The wise shall inherit glory, but shame shall be the promotion of (-A) fools.

𝓟roverbs, like parables (Heb. mâshâl), in the mouth of fools are as the unequal legs of the lame.63 Their speech is contentious and they call for being struck.64 (-A) Rejecting God’s way, they go their own way in self-will.65

𝓟erspectives (to look) of the self-righteous are that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. Because they are ignorant of God’s righteousness, and are going around establishing their own righteousness not having submitted to the righteousness of God.66 (-A) They foolishly consider their finite selves less errant than infinite God’s scripture and more moral than God’s scripture, as seen by the mathematically impossibility of finite -A > infinite YaHWeH. God and His law are comprehensively just.67

𝓟unishment is appropriate for (-A) people that attempt to go their own way.68 Jeremiah asked the Lord to correct him with judgment, but not in anger unless he be brought to nothing.69 Who the Lord loves He corrects.70 Happy is the man God corrects, therefore the Almighty’s chastening should not be despised.71 Negative acceleration will eternally end when the (-A) non-elect rejecters of gospel are eternally punished with separation (binary logic gate 0 = switched off = lose) from the gospel believing elect who will live forever in the presence of infinite God’s eternal power (binary logic gate 1 = switched on = win). Finite created beings have the freewill to reject gospel but do not have the eternal power to reject the eternal consequences of rejecting the loving gospel of the self-existent infinite Creator, finite created beings < infinite Creator. The only just and rational outcome of their decision making matrix of 0, 1 is presented below.

Truth table for reception of the Gospel and the elect.

𝓟rotection of the elect by God can be expected. Job was (-A) accused and attacked by Satan. He was not supported by his friends. God used the experience to teach Job. After God’s will was accomplished, He blessed him with twice what he had before the trial.

𝓟salms72 are spiritual songs of praise and prophesy,73 which are perfectly correct.74 Blessed is the man that trusts and hopes in the Lord. He shall be like a tree planted by the waters and whose roots are by the river. His leaves will be green in heat and drought. He will ask the Lord to heal him and save him because He is his praise. Let them be confounded that persecute him and do not let him be confounded. Let them be dismayed but do not let him be dismayed. Bring the day of evil on them and destroy them with double destruction (Jere. 17:7-18).

𝓟raise and sing of God’s power.75 Praise Him and declare His works. Rejoice in His holy name. Continually seek His strength. Jesus gave the elect believers in Him the power to become sons of God.76 Remember His wonders and judgments.77 Reverend. J.D. Liddell, missionary to China and father of the Olympic runner Eric and future missionary to China, is quoted in the 1981 movie Chariots of Fire, “You can praise God by peeling a spud if you peel it to perfection. Don't compromise. Compromise is a language of the devil.78 Run in God's name and let the world stand back and in wonder.”

*Accused of sodomy.

1 Translated into English from the Greek text of Stephens 1550 from The Englishman’s New Testament an Interlinear Literal Translation, Samuel Bagster and Sons, p. 404. See endnote 1 of the Theanthropos (Christ Jesus) paper at

2 II Samuel 22:3.

3 Ps. 6:4.

4 Matt. 18:3. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). There is none that is righteous or does good all of the time (Ps. 14:3; Rom. 3:10-12 etc.).

5 In classic mechanics, the symbol that represents (mechanical) power is ‘P’ and the symbol that represents (variable) relative acceleration is ‘A’ so - A would indicate negative force on acceleration. The Greek word phōsphoros (phosphorus meaning light-bearing) is represented by the chemical element symbol of ‘P.’ An Angstrom unit is a wavelength of light that equals one ten billionth of a meter and its symbol is ‘A’ so - A would indicate minus a small unit of light. Satan likes to disguise himself as light (II Cor. 11:14) as his followers pretend to be righteous (II Cor. 11:15). He also increases his resistance, such as against the disciples after they received the Holy Spirit and began to speak God’s word boldly (Acts 4:31) and many began to believe (Acts 5:14), the religious leaders put them in prison (Acts 5:17-18).

6 Gal. 6:7.

7 The general fallen state of female rebellion in Gen. 3:16 = specific female rebellion in Is. 3:16-26, 4:1 and the adulterous woman’s hunt for a precious life in Prov. 6:26. A 62 year old retired judge in a southern U.S. town was widowed in the fall of 2020, after thirty years of marriage. Around thirty days later, numerous eligible females, ranging from their mid-twenties to their late sixties, began bringing their best cooked meals by his home and expressing their desire for a relationship. He had to have his son physically close off his driveway to prevent the “casserole brigade,” the term he used, from entering. On a Monday phone call between him and Dallas F. Bell Jr., he indicated that he had to dismiss 22 female pursuers since that Friday, many of which had confidently sent him sexually suggestive photos of themselves. He had dinner with one woman for companionship but had to be overly rude to her when she made unwanted sexual advances and expressed her desire for marriage. In the same town, an 88 year old retired minister said in 2020 that he had three women make marriage proposals to him in the four years since his wife’s death.

8 (-A) Caplin was an out spoken supporter of sodomites. In her autobiography, American actress Goldie Hawn stated that Caplin sexually propositioned her and exposed himself to her when she was 19 years old. When she refused his assault, Caplin told her that she was "never gonna make anything in your life" and that she should "go and marry a Jewish dentist.” A biography of Grace Kelly by James Spada, describes Caplin as trying to force Kelly into having sex with him. Based on reporting by Britton Hume, investigative journalist Jack Anderson wrote, in 1971, that Caplin had exposed his genitals to four female students at the University of Alabama. After an incident at the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, Caplin was finally arrested. He plead guilty to a charge of attempted adultery (a felony at that time), while charges of indecent exposure and sodomy were dropped. He was fined $500.

9 John 17:9.

10 II Cor. 4:4; Eph. 6:2.

11 Ps. 58:6-8.

12 Ps. 55:15, 109:4-20.

13 Luke 23:34; Matt. 27:54.

14 Acts 7:59-60, 8:1-2.

15 Heb. 13:17.

16 Ex. 1:15-22. The 1599 Geneva Bible margin note for Ex. 1:19 accurately expounds on the midwives righteous lawful disobedience.

17 Luke 13:32.

18 Luke 3:1. Tiberius was a homosexual pedophile.

19 John Foxe, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (1563/1998), Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids MI, pp. 22-23.

20 P = 𝔏 + (– A). Augustine, and many others, did not like Jerome’s work (see Stefan Rebenich’s Jerome, Routledge English Edition). Commonly known examples of (-A) issues with Jerome’s version are he removed Jesus’ exact word “yet” twice in John 7:8-10 (also removed in the Nova Vulgata), he changed Gabriel’s’ words for Mary of “favored one” to “full of grace” in Luke 1:28 (as does the Nova Vulgata), he changed “mark” of the beast many times to “character” of the beast in Revelation 13:16-18, 14:9-11 in clear defiance of Revelation 22:18-19 warning those that would add to or remove the words of that prophetic book (as does the Nova Vulgata), and changed the specific sexual behavioral word “sodomite” to the general female mannerism word “effeminate” in I Kings 14:24, 15:12, 22:46: II Kings 23:7 (the Nova Vulgata falsely changed “sodomite” to “prostitute” injecting an exchange of money). Commonly known heresies derived from those deliberate changes are falsely altering Jesus’ message, creating Mary worship from the mathematical impossibility of finite created Mary = infinite self-existent Elohim which falsely led to her requirement of falsely being a perpetual virgin contrary to her being known to have the sons James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas and daughters (Matt. 13:55-56; Mark 6:3) (see endnote 33), subduing the role the false church leader will have with the beast in the last days while mocking the importance of exact scriptural translations, and obscuring the evil behavior of homosexuality, etc.

21 Kip Wheeler’s, professor of literature at Carson Newman University, 2001 Ph.D. thesis established Chaucer was affected by biblical parables. The old version of the Vulgate can be found at

22 The online text translated into modern English of the Parson’s Tale, with the Prologue, is at the following website

23 See endnote 16.

24 For example, II Timothy 3:16 says the whole Scripture is inspired by God, is God-breathed, and the margin note correctly observes the clear Divine doctrine of His holy Sola Scriptura: Sola Fide and Gratia (Eph. 2:8-9, James 2:24 etc.), Solus Christus (I Tim 2:5 etc.), and Soli Deo Gloria (Col. 3:17 etc.). These concise and articulate five solas (solae) attempt to inoculate the elect’s true scriptural doctrine from the common routes to heresy derived from man’s common prideful rebellion against Elohim. The (-A) non-elect have ears to hear but can never hear and eyes to see but can never see and will always oppose the solae in toto or in part until their eternal judgment day where their fates are eternally sealed by the God of the Scripture they rejected. When the elect witness first-hand exchanges of systematic support for God’s words and their rejection by the non-elect, as if the logical truth was never presented to them, it grieves their heart knowing their eternal fate in hell. Peace, for the elect, comes with the knowledge of having obeyed Jesus’ last command to preach His gospel to the world (Matt. 28:19-20).

25 1599 Geneva Bible, 2006 Tolle Press, West Virginia, pp. xxi-xxvi.

26 Side by side text of the New Testament--- Jerome’s Vulgate, Textus Receptus, and the KJV—is online at

27 See the contrast of KJV and Geneva Version margin notes at

28 Eikonoklastes (meaning breaker of the icon) is a book (October 1649) by John Milton. It provides the justification for executing (January 1649) Charles I, while Anglicans (members of the government sanctioned Church of England) considered the treasonous king a martyr during its civil war. February 1649 Milton also wrote The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates which says “When Kings or Rulers become blasphemers of God, oppressors and murderers of thir Subjects, they ought no more to be accounted Kings or lawfull Magistrates, but as privat men to be examind, accus'd, condemn'd and punisht by the Law of God, and being convicted and punisht by that law, it is not mans but Gods doing” sic.

Cromwell’s body was exhumed and posthumously executed in 1661. Milton called Cromwell "our chief of men" in his (1652) Sonnet XVI.

29 From two sermons, Edwards wrote Justification by Faith Alone in 1734, based on Romans 4:5, expressing his correct support for the Reformation doctrine of Sola Fide.

30 Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651), Penguin Books (2017), Christopher Brooke, p. xi.

31 Ibid. Chapter XXXV, pp. 337-338.

32 In Galileo’s (The Authority of Scripture) “Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina” (1615), he maintained the (-A) heretical Catholic view of finite man’s ability to understand infinite truth. Galileo observed that God had given man reason, senses, and intellect and expected man to use them as tools to interpret Scripture. He reasoned that “…since every truth is in agreement with all other truth, the truth of Holy Writ cannot be contrary to the solid reasons and experiences of human knowledge.” There are numerous biblical examples that refute that idea of finite reasoning and finite experiences equaling infinite ability, such as Jesus’ biological death (Matt. 27:50), burial (Matt. 27:57-60), physical resurrection (Matt. 28:9), supernaturally entering a closed room (John 20:19, 26: see Geneva Bible margin notes), and seen post-resurrection by many witnesses—I Cor. 15:3, 4, 5-8 etc. Following Jesus’ example, Paul, having doctorates in theological law and rhetoric by the age of twenty-one, rationally used Scripture to prove Scripture. Infinite Christ Jesus used immutable Scripture to prove immutable Scripture (John 5:46-47), because He could swear by no greater than Himself (Gen. 22:16-17; Luke 1:73; Heb. 6:13). If infinite omniscient God says He did something it is so whether it is believed or not. Faith is evidence and substance (Heb. 11:1). Salvation is by faith (Eph. 2:8) and without faith finite man can not please God (Heb. 11:6; Mark 16:16). Even rational mathematicians commonly use immutable truths, such as 2 + 2 = 4, to prove each other, such as 4 – 2 = 2 etc. It is reasoned that one either rationally accepts truths, such as 2 + 2 = 4 etc., or due to inability or lack of inclination does not (see endnote 24) and (-A) suffers the consequences.

33 Jesus’ finite disciples wanted to know which of them was the greatest (Matt. 18:1). Jesus said the greatest in heaven must humble themselves as a child (Matt. 18:4). The greatest must be a servant (Matt. 23:11; Mark 9:34-35; Luke 22:24-27) and so call no (finite) man father because (infinite) God is the (infinite) Father (Matt. 23:9). Whoever exalts himself will be abased (Matt. 23:12). All have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23), so finite fallible Mary = finite fallible pope = finite fallible mankind.

34 (-A) Anglican fianchettoed bishops approved homosexual bishops in 2005 and women bishops in 2014. Episcopal fianchettoed bishops ratified pro-homosexual theological resolutions A054 and A056 in 2015. Women had been allowed to become deaconesses in 1889, deacons in 1970, and bishops in 1976 (see endnote 7).

35 Agreeing with Locke, Newton's letter to the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, as Member of Parliament for the University, advised that the oaths to be taken to the new monarch William III were legal. The Correspondence of Isaac Newton (Cambridge, 1959–1960), III, pp. 12–13.

In February, 2021, a US agency requested the following information (sic), “The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is requesting information related to research or capabilities that would result in actionable insights into sources and sinks of influence and legitimacy in undergoverned spaces, or regions that are not organized by typical nation-state governance. This RFI seeks methods through which specific, subtle, and intentional actions can be taken with a known set of detectable possible outcomes in order to garner information relevant to the environment that may better inform future decisions, including the quantitative assessment, measurement, and appraisal of influence and/or legitimacy.”

36 Quakers, a pejorative description of the Religious Society of Friends known to tremble (rationalized by Is. 66:2), were founded in England by George Fox (1624-1691). William Penn (1644-1718), Oliver Cromwell, and Walter Whitman (1819-1892), a humanist poet, were sympathetic to his beliefs. In Penn’s Some Fruits of Solitude on ignorance, he wrote “the Invisible things of God are brought to light by the things that are seen…” Fox’s writings reflect usage of the KJV Bible. He thought that because God was within the faithful, believers could follow their individual inner spiritual guide rather than strict readings of Scripture or words of religious leaders. Early on women were unscripturally encouraged to usurp Divine authority over men. Quakers are also split on accepting the scriptural view of homosexuality as evil or (-A) not accepting homosexuality as evil. In 2020, the Quaker Oats Company, owned by PepsiCo since 2001, began commercials for their oatmeal product with two males engaged in a homosexual embrace while prominently displaying the oatmeal package with its name and a logo of a Quaker man on its label. Quaker Oats said, in February 2021, that its Aunt Jemima brand pancake mix and syrup will be renamed Pearl Milling Company erasing its over one-hundred year old brand imagery of a hard working black pioneer woman. In 2020, Brooklyn Friends, a private Quaker school in New York that supports (-A) communism (see endnote 55), announced that it was going to dissolve its staff/teachers union because it prevented individuals from expressing their inner light(s). Even their students recognized the hypocrisy of supporting (-A) Godless communist mob rule over Divine righteous individual freedom for other organizations but not their own.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s On the Social Contract (Book I, Chapter III, On the Right of the Strongest), he wrote “force does not bring about right.” He elaborates further in Book IV (Chapter I, That the General Will is Indestructible) how simple states need few laws and more laws are not to maintain the general will but are to bring about the general will. In Ayn Rand’s Capitalism: the Unknown Idea (Chapter 20, The New Fascism: Rule by Consensus, and Chapter 21, The Wreckage of Consensus), she addresses mob rule by saying government by consensus is due to the anti-ideology trend of a bankrupt culture.

37 I Sam. 8:4-22. See Paine’s Common Sense (1775-1776), Rights of Man (1791), and Age of Reason 1794-1807) etc.

38 I Kings 19:16.

39 I Kings 19:19-21.

40 Deut. 21:17.

41 II Kings 2:9.

42 II Kings 4:18-39.

43 II Kings 13: 14, 20.

44 II Kings 13:21.

45 I Sam. 2:6.

46 Rev. 1:8, 11, 21:6, 22:13.

47 Is. 41:4.

48 Ps. 37:23.

49 Ps. 8:3.

50 Heb. 5:5-10, 6:20, 7:1-28.

51 Gen. 14:1-24.

52 Num. 17:19.

53 For a Catholic perspective on the history of their sexual policies, see James A. Brundage’s, b. 1929 with Ph.D. from the Catholic Fordham University, Law, Sex and Christianity in Medieval Europe, University of Chicago (1990), p. 473.

54 I Tim. 2:5.

55 See Friedrich Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom and Ayn Rand’s Capitalism: The Unknown Idea.


57 Luke 11:44-54 etc.

58 Matt. 7:17-20.

59 See GM Wesley So’s, defeated the current World Champion GM Magnus Carlsen in February 2021, Christian testimony at

60 Matt. 13:3-30. For a view of two opposing Jewish orthodoxies or straight opinions, see Moshe Koppel’s, professor in the department of computer science at Bar-Ilan University, 2020 book, Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures, which looks at progressive and traditional moral psychologies and the cultures they create, finding one wanting. C.S. Lewis’ book, (The Abolition of Man) containing his three 1943 lectures, looked at the orthodoxy of autonomous internal reason versus the orthodoxy of traditional external moral law for man’s supreme cultural/behavioral authority. Ultimately, the binary choice of finite mankind is to either be orthodox toward the authority of the reason of man or orthodox toward Scriptural authority (sola Scriptura). There is no third (oxymoron of –A = P) category of (-A) being orthodox for the reason of man against Scripture and (P) orthodox for Scripture. A self-described progressive church in 2021, GracePointe Church in Nashville, Tennessee, posted on Facebook that the key for progressives (i.e. homosexuals etc.) is knowing the Bible is not the word of God; -A P.

61 Eccl. 9:18.

62 James 5:20.

63 Prov. 26:7.

64 Prov. 18:7.

65 Prov. 12:15.

66 Rom. 10:2-3.

67 Ps. 19.

68 Jere. 10:23.

69 Jere. 10:24.

70 Prov. 3:12.

71 Job 5:17.

72 Book I of the biblical Psalms are (Genesis) chapters 1-41, Book II are (Exodus) chapters 42-72, Book III are (Leviticus) chapters 73-89, Book IV are (Numbers) chapters 90-106, and Book V are (Deuteronomy) chapters 107-150.

73 Ps. 22.

74 Jere. 28:9.

75 Ps. 21:13.

76 John 1:12.

77 I Chron. 16:8-12.

78 The Bible is replete with examples of Satan’s attempt to compromise good. The atheist Any Rand observed that “in any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit” (see her Atlas Shrugged). Lord Edward Cecil (1867-1918) said “compromise is an agreement between two men to do what both agree is wrong.” Compromise is an attempt to disguise acceptance of evil. The Latin phrase "Qui tacet consentire videtur" means "He who is silent seems to consent."

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