Systematic Political Science


Zìrán Shēngchǎn Zìrán, Jīngshén Shēngchǎn Jīngshén:
Cytokinesis Symmetries for Wūgòu Chóngbài Zhě and Elohim Chóngbài Zhě

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

Should a wise man utter vain knowledge, and fill his belly with the east wind?—Job 15:2

Symmetry is the correspondence of opposite parts in size, shape, and position resulting in a form of innately recognized beauty. The survival of beings demand pattern recognition of positive and negative events compared with memory. Crows recognition of human symmetry, they consider to be hostile, can be manipulated by farmers placing of a scarecrow in their corn field. If an average child is taken to a wedding and sees a chimpanzee in a blue tuxedo, he will likely laugh at the glaring contrast with human symmetry and not assume the chimp is the groom.

Mathematical patterns in nature are deterministic, such as species etc.,1 but their subtypes never repeat themselves, fingerprints and snow etc. Nature2 is often understood as including everything and its essence with the regulating force/law. This is why there was no Hebrew word for nature only YaHWeH, Creator and establisher of order. The diversity of subtypes are within a finite deterministic set of utility and so must end. In causal determination, we know the past controls the future.3

In George Orwell’s (Eric Blair) 1984, he noted “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” This means ∞ = (present > past > future).4 Winston Churchill acknowledge this in a speech to the House of Commons on 23rd January 1948: "…it will be found much better by all parties to leave the past to history, especially as I propose to write that history myself."

The Bible says all will be accomplished by God5 and the vision is for an appointed time and will not tarry.6 The 3rd century Greek philosopher Sextus Empiricus wrote “The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind small.” One of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ‘s translations was a 17th century poem, Retribution, by Friedrich Von Logau: “Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.”

Lao Tzu started Taoism (c. 500BC) and wrote Tao Te Ching (The Way of Virtue). He observed “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” A descendent of Japheth (son of Noah),7 he worshipped nature or its common denominator—dirt. Dirt worshipper in Chinese is wūgòu chóngbài zhě (dirt – worship – person, so dirt worshipper).

Tree Hugging
Dirt Worshipper

In 2021, it is common to see US automobiles with the above bumper sticker, their crown of pride,8 as they are losing their Christian civilized impulse. Apparently, they are proud that they physically embrace cellulose9 and revere mud.10 Their reasoning, in court terms, is spiritual (hugging and worshipping) argumentation of facts and speculations not in evidence of nature (trees and dirt). A logical objection is sustained by nature itself (see endnote 35).

Nature produces nature (Chinese, zìrán shēngchǎn zìrán) and spirit produces spirit (Chinese, jīngshén shēngchǎn jīngshén). Dirt worshippers are materialists accepting the tangible as reality. Their self is their body that will return to dust/dirt, which is subject to entropy.11 They enthrone themselves and are in reality worshippers of themselves—homō hominī deus. This incorrectly means their finite self and the universe of entropy is greater than infinity.

Infinity is immutable or perfectly complete. Having entropy means having a beginning of higher order and energy. Nature then begets a lesser nature or flesh begets flesh and so an infinite Spirit begets eternal spirit.12 Jesus said “The flesh is weak but the spirit is willing.”13 Without the Spirit, sin dominates human nature,14 which is spiritually dead.15 Finite nature has purposeful symmetry and a beginning and can not have created itself and so was created by the Infinite Creator. The Bible name for Him is Elohim. It is only appropriate for finite creations, such as mankind, to worship Elohim—also known as YaHWeH etc.—as Abel (son of Adam) did before he was murdered by his brother Cain, the first dirt worshipper.16

Music is an expression of theology. Taoist use their two main musical forms; yin (soft female) tone and a yang (hard male) tone. Those disjointed inflections may be compared to John Newton’s (1725-1807) Amazing Grace and George Handel’s (1685-1759) Messiah, or any composition of Johann Bach (1685-1750), Wolfgang Mozart (1756-1791), or Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827).

Elohim Chóngbài Zhě (Hebrew Elohim, and Chinese for worshippers) are told by Elohim to use their finite logic and compare dirt god(s) to Himself.17 This is for knowledge of the just exclusivity worship of Elohim and to create confident trust in Him. Paul did this at Mars Hill.18 The only conclusion is either one chooses to be a worshipper of Elohim or is by default a dirt worshipper, which is by default worshipper of the prince of this world—Satan.19 Satanist have termed their latest trend/ritual “spirit cooking.”20

Decision making patterns of dirt and Elohim worshippers may also be made.21 Dirt worshippers have many texts that guide their decisions which result in many subsequent behaviors of their fluid identity—homō hominī lupus est.22 In February, 2021, the Toyota corporation, established and operated by dirt worshipper descendants of Japheth, broke ground on a 175 acre site at the base of Mount Fuji, Japan, to create a utopian city of the future—the woven city. Two-thousand of their employees and their families are to live there. Its principle is sustainable development fueled by hydrogen cells. The families, especially the children and the elderly, forced to stay in that artificial environment may be reasonably subject to Takotsubo Syndrome (TTS), much like the capture myopathy in hooved animals.23 Studies have long since showed the mind’s ability to harm the heart. It is highly plausibly that the prolonged unnatural stress will cause cardiomyopathy, including TTS.24 As a result of their false theology’s eschatology, they are choosing to use finite resources controlled by finite people to create an infinite world. Of course, this is logically absurd.

In March, 2021, the US Senate, composed largely of dirt worshippers, confirmed the first Hebrew (pediatrician Richard Levine) with XY chromosomes (biologically male) pretending to have XX chromosomes (biologically female now called Rachel), a dirt worshipper, as assistant secretary of health in the Department of Health and Human Services. The mental illness, termed gender identity disorder, is in the fourth version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In other words, the US has appointed a mentally ill sexual pervert, and former doctor for little children, to be a leader of its nation’s medical science.

Elohim worshippers use the Bible to guide their decisions. They determine, with Holy Spirit guidance, that the miracles in the Scripture make it recognizably symmetrical with the Infinite Creator. God’s righteousness is in the Scriptures and is revealed from faith to faith. The just shall live by faith.25 God said He would be exalted by the heathen and He would be exalted in the earth.26 All things were created by Christ Jesus, the image of the invisible God, in whom there is redemption.27 For example, Jesus transcended laws of nature by turning water into wine as His first New Testament miracle. In a moment, He made wine which takes years of ageing to create.28 His grace for redemption is also recognizably symmetrical. Thomas Aquinas (c. 1224-1274) wrote “Gratia non tollit naturam, sed perficit” (translated as “Grace does not destroy nature, but perfects it”).29

True worship of Elohim, by His elect, begins and continues through eternity in spirit and truth.30 Nature tells of God,31 people tell of God,32 and of course Scripture tells of God.33 This explains the behavior of dirt worshippers to deny or alter Scripture. For example, a sola Scriptura requirement of baptism is to have first publically accepted and confirmed Jesus as Christ. This is demonstrated by a dirt worshipping descendent of Ham (son of Noah) being converted to Elohim worship by a descendent of Shem (son of Noah).34 Since Catholic false doctrine is baptism sprinkling of infants incapable of accepting or confirming Jesus as Christ,35 their 1979 Vulgate written by their mandarin (Chinese for pedantic official, bureaucrat) class has understandably eliminated verse 37 of Acts 8. The Scriptures teach narrow is the way36 and many are called but few are chosen.37 Like God, His Scripture is immutable.

God’s word acts like a seed that germinates in the dirt of a receptive human and can be used by his eternal soul or it may not be received for germination.38 God’s word is sown in hearts so that they might not sin against God.39 Instead of evil they may do good. Displacement replaces one thing for another because both can not occupy the same space.40 God’s Law of Displacement is seen when instead of the thorn comes up a fir tree and instead of a brier comes up a myrtle tree.41

The scriptures said thousands of years ago that the molecules of finite stars sing.42 Recently lauded by the University of Birmingham’s School of Physics and Astronomy, the sounds of stars, which is the science of asteroseismology, accepts light emitted by stars converted to sound has symmetry and harmony as in singing. Unfortunately, recent biblical scholars say stars singing is a figurative biblical passage contrary to the margin notes of the Geneva Bible.

The patterns of the decisions by Elohim’s elect worshippers may also be compared. Jonah (Hebrew for dove, a symbol for peace and purity), 8th century BC, was told God’s will. He was famously in the belly of the fish three days, in a state of deprivation, until he acted on it with the successful demonstration of God’s forgiveness of His enemies being forgiven. The Fast of Nineveh celebrates this event (during three days in February).43 His tomb, seen below in Nineveh (Mosul, Iraq), was plundered and intentionally blown up by Sunni Muslims (ISIS)44 in July, 2014.

(This private photo of Jonah’s tomb was allowed to be taken by a self-identified Turkish [Sunni] Muslim on his Hajj [Arabic meaning aim or destination]. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.)45

(This private photo of the entrance to Jonah’s tomb is courtesy of a self-identified Turkish [Sunni] Muslim taken on his Hajj. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.)46

Hadassah (Hebrew for myrtle, a symbol of peace and purity), also known by her Persian name Esther (star), was told God’s will (5th century BC), in a state of luxury as queen, and she prayed and fasted three days until she acted on it with the successful demonstration of God’s punishment of His enemies. The feast of Pur or Purim celebrates this event (during 14-15 of February or March).47 Iranian Jews believe the tomb of Hadassah is in Hamadan, Iran. February, 2020, the Basij group, Shia Muslim students in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, threatened to destroy it. In May, 2020, it suffered minor damage from an arson attack.

The genetics48 of Jonah are (I Chron. 1) Adam v. 1…Noah father of Shem v. 4…Abraham father of Isaac v. 34 father of Jacob/Israel v. 34, Matthew 1:2, and Luke 3:34-38…Jonah the prophet’s (Jonah 1:1, son of Amittai49 [from emett, Hebrew for truth]), according to the Midrash and Talmud, mother was from the tribe of Asher (Gen. 30: 12-13, son of Jacob by Zilpah [Leah’s maid], I Chron. 2:2) and his father Amittai from Zebulun (Gen. 30:20, son of Jacob, I Chron. 2:1; II Kings 14:25).50 Hadassah was a descendent of Jacob’s Benjamin (I Chron. 2:2, 8:33, father of Kish who was father of King Saul).

A double-minded person cannot have God's Holy Spirit within him.51 Jesus said we cannot serve two masters because our allegiance will really be to one or the other.52 Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (means from the Rhine) is quoted as having proposed “Choose only one master—nature.” Rembrandt (1606-1669) reflected Dutch Reformed Christian beliefs in paintings and children’s christenings.

Yíhuò shēn, zhìhuì shēn; yíhuò qiǎn, zhìhuì qiǎn (Chinese meaning deep doubts, deep wisdom; little doubt, little wisdom)53 ties wisdom to doubt. Dirt worshippers consider doubt, or uncertainty of mind, a virtue. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673), a French poet known as Molière,54 is quoted as saying “Doubts are more cruel than the worst of truths.” When His miracles were questioned by dirt worshippers, the cognitive elite Jesus said a divided house can not stand.55 Doubt comes from the pseudo-wisdom of dirt worshippers,56 unbelief57 from spiritual instability,58 and ultimately Satan.59 It is overcome by searching Scripture60 and believing it.61 The substance of faith is seen in behavior as with justice or love etc.

One cannot be a double agent with the world and a member of God's church.62 Joseph of Arimathaea was a member of the Sanhedrin. He was a secret disciple of Christ Jesus.63 After Jesus’ murder, Joseph acted openly petitioning the body of Jesus from Pilate and burying it.64 Nicodemus, also a member of the Sanhedrin, mildly defended Jesus prior to His murder by questioning if it was just to condemn a man without a fair trial.65 He boldly joined Joseph in burying Jesus.

Fù Xīqiū |(Bob Fu), co-author of (2013) God’s Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian’s Fight for Freedom, is a former dissident and pastor of an underground Baptist church in China. He and his wife, Bochun (Heidi) Cai, escaped prison and fled to the United States as religious refugees in 1997. In October of 2020, Fu was taken into protective custody by US government officials for death threats by both Chinese Communist Intelligence and US neighbors that say he is a double agent for Chinese Communists. Game theory indicates the double agent gambit is to be accepted by people seeking to win no matter what side wins.

The sinner on the cross, with Christ Jesus, was told by Christ that today he would join Him in Paradise.66 The sinner’s salvation was instant when he confessed his sins and accepted Christ as his Savior becoming immediately born again,67 then experiencing broken legs and a grueling death. Jesus said “that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of Spirit is spirit.”68 All religions, except Christianity, have salvation beliefs that are progressive, including Catholic doctrine.69 There is no rest in the entropy works of finite biodegradable flesh/dirt. Infinite Christ said, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.”70

Cytogenetics (cyto from Greek kýtos for a hollow container)71 is the branch of genetics concerned with cell behavior.72 It studies the structure of DNA’s relationship to disease. Its purpose is often to answer diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive questions.73 Generally, cytogenetics is the term used to discuss looking at genetic material through a microscope. Cytokinesis (kinesis meaning movement) is biologically described as the process in which the cytoplasm of a single eukaryotic cell is divided to form two daughter cells. It usually initiates during the late stages of mitosis, and sometimes meiosis, splitting a mitotic cell in two, to ensure that chromosome number is maintained from one generation to the next. Cytokinesis also may describe the process of a hollow container or cell of a dirt worshipper or of an Elohim worshipper proselyting more daughter worshipper cells. The physical MeSH results of their behavior are compared to acceptance or rejection of God’s natural law.74

Histology, the study of tissue/cell structure, and cytology, the study of single cell type are used by pathologists for making diagnosis.75 Transition from dirt worshipper to Elohim worshipper will be seen by changes in behavior. That positive mutation is only possible by the Holy Spirit.76 Dirt worshippers often employ the Canton System (1757-1842) model to prevent their adherents from conversion to Elohim worship. Canton,77 now called Guǎngzhōu,78 was the Chinese port city used to funnel all Chinese trade, with superior nations, into their government controlled monopolies.

Kerry Livgren, co-founder of the musical group Kansas, wrote the following 1977 commercially successful song Dust in the Wind as a dirt worshipper (influenced by false nihilist theology in Buddhism and Hinduism etc.).

I close my eyes
Only for a moment, and the moment's gone
All my dreams
Pass before my eyes, a curiosity
Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind
Same old song
Just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do
Crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Now, don't hang on
Nothin' lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away
And all your money won't another minute buy
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
(All we are is dust in the wind)
Dust in the wind
(Everything is dust in the wind)
Everything is dust in the wind
The wind.

In 1979, Livgren came to the belief that the Bible is true and thus became an evangelical (born again) Christian. He released his first solo album in 1980 with songs he wrote, such as To Live for the King and Mask of the Great Deceiver. The lyrics for To Live for the King below indicate his worship of Elohim.

The rising of the sun
Is seen by everyone
And no one can deny that it's real
And when you hear the call
Come crashing through the wall
You just can't doubt the things that you feel.
So lift me up the time has come to sing
And give up everything to live for the King.
Though we fight against the rule
The genius and the fool
Are born to labor under the law
Before each man's a choice
Reject it or rejoice
The vision that the prophets are
So lift me up the time has come we'll sing
And give up everything to live for the King.
Living for the King, living for the King
Living for the King, walk with the King, talk to the King
Living for the King, something greater than you and I is the King
Living for the King, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice it's an easy choice
Living for the King, the time has come to sing we're going to walk, walk with the King
Living for the King, open your eyes, open your eyes the writing's on the wall, don't you be denied
Living for the King, reject it rejoice before each man's a choice
Living for the King.

Livgren’s song lyrics Mask of the Deceiver below portrays the only alternative to Elohim worship is to be a worshipper of the Great Deceiver—Satan.

Well he's the prince of the world
His work is never complete
Though he promises all
You'll lie a slave at his feet, oh
Don't you know the world is his dominion
Can't you see that you're bound in his chains
The time is short so take your strength in what remains
He will fill up your ears
And he'll dazzle your eyes
But don't believe what he's saying
'Cause he's the father of lies, oh
In your heart, don't you know that he'll betray you
And in the end he will drag you away
Till all the world is cryin' for the judgment day
And he's fallen, oh he's fallen
From the height of the morning star
Though his light's still shining brightly
It's the mask of the great deceiver
The great deceiver
Though the Truth has walked among us
And the words that He spoke will remain
There's a heart breakin' blindness upon us
All our efforts to be free are in vain

Without the gift of love
We're lost without the love
Well, he never will rest
Until his evil is done
And he don't want you to know
Your freedom's already won
Don't you know the world is his dominion
Can't you see, he keeps it in chains, oh

Time is short, so take your strength in what remains
And he's fallen, how he's fallen
From the height of the morning star
Though his light's still shining brightly
It's the mask of the great deceiver
The mask of the great deceiver
He's gonna make you a believer
He'll tell you lies
He'll blind your eyes
The great deceiver.

Christ giving spiritual life to dirt is the biggest miracle—changed behavior and knowledge from becoming born again. The science of God (theology) involves observation (of material nature), theorizing (a creating self-existent Spirit must have made the material), and replication (miracles). They are recorded in Scripture. God commands He is to be remembered.79 This is done in reading Scripture. Jesus said many times, “Have you not read?”80 His words on the cross “Eli, Eli…”81 was for the purpose of remembering or reading all of Psalm 22 for the rest of His thought.

Scripture contains God’s law. Without the law sin is dead. The law is holy. The law is spiritual but man is carnal.82 The word is the sword of the Spirit.83 Whoever despises the word of God will be destroyed.84 John 1:1-18 contains the distilled science of God. Failure to believe the Genesis miraculous account of creation etc. or Christ Jesus’ first miracle in John 2:1-11 is to theologically deny the John 3:16 account of eternal salvation and the implied alternative of eternal damnation. To prove divine power, anti-Christs know to fabricate miracles to get and maintain a following.85 The words of the non-elect should not be given much weight because even the elect remembers uttering similar words.86

Decisions by people, such as Jonah, Hadassah, Paul, and Toyota etc., to do or not do this or that prove human freewill. They were made by a Creator that does not have eyes of flesh nor sees as man sees.87 Humans may observe facial micro-expressions to differentiate a genuine smile from a deceptive smile. For example, a genuine smile of happiness has the corners of the mouth turned upward and crow’s feet in the corners of the eyes (a Duchenne smile—contracting the zygomatic major muscle and the orbicularis oculi muscle), whereas a fake smile does not have crow’s feet. Cheek muscles can be consciously controlled but crow’s feet are subconsciously contracted.

God is an optical transient detector88 perfectly and permanently imaging all hidden thoughts and behaviors. The deforming grid of those imperfect behaviors are superimposed over His reference gird for perfect behavioral standards and measured for their moiré pattern. He had foreknowledge of the outcomes within immutable infinity. Either one accepts and worships Him or rejects Him and worships dirt. The binary theologies expressed in the two logic poems below many be compared.

The East Wind Sighs
by Li Shang-Yin (9th century AD)89

The East wind sighs, the fine rains come:
Beyond the pool of water-lilies, the noise of faint thunder.
A gold toad gnaws the lock. Open it. Burn the incense.
A tiger of jade pulls the rope. Draw from the well and escape.
Chia's daughter peeped through the screen when Han the clerk was young.
The goddess of the river left her pillow for the great Prince of Wei.
Never let your heart open with the spring flowers:
One inch of love is an inch of ashes.

Rûah Qâdim (Hebrew/Chaldean for Wind East or East Wind/Spirit)90
by Dallas F. Bell, Jr (2021)

Seven thin ears blasted in Pharaoh’s dream.
Famine followed. Joseph promoted.
Moses’ rod stretched over Egypt.
Locusts followed. Israel freed.
Moses spread his hand over the sea.
Dry land followed. Pursuers drown.
Four corners of the house smitten.
Death followed. Job restored.
Light is parted and scatters air.
Broken ships followed. Elohim praised.
The withering sun arose.
Fainting followed. Nineveh redeemed.
The wind touched it.
Dried fruit followed. Rule lamented.
The ship launched for Rome.
tai-fung91 followed. Many healed. ||
Weeping endures through the night:
Joy arrives with the morning light!
:|| 92

Christian Cherokees sang Amazing Grace and One Drop of Blood when they were blown west by the violent east wind of the US government, resulting in many thousands dying on their Trail of Tears (c. November 1838 – March/April 1839).93 Cherokee Christians have not only survived but are successful this many decades later. Some traditional lyrics for One Drop of Blood are below.94

ga do da tsv ya dv ne li tsi tsa
What we will do for You Jesus
o ga tse li tsa gv wi yu hi
Our governor
o ga li ga li na hna guu ye no
There (translation of the first word unknown)
tso gi lv wi s da ne di yi
Our works
o ga se li ga
tsa gv wi yu hi
You are governor (or ruler)
tsa tse li ga no
tsa gv wi yu hi
You are governor (or ruler)

Kurt Lewin, a topological psychologist, explored hodological space (from Greek hodos meaning way or path). The topology (see endnote 1) of a person’s hodological space includes their materialistic environmental, mental, and spiritual conditions as they go from point A to point B. Psychologist Gordon Allport’s Principle of Least Effort recognizes the Divinely programmed cognitive economy of people to choose the path of least effort to reach their goal. In 2014, Catholic Pope Francis heretically said “God is not a Divine Being…” Of course, Divine is from Latin and French for God meaning he believes his Catholic god is not YaHWeH of the Bible.95 Choosing to love and worship God the Divine Father is historically natural and loving, and worshipping the dirt alternative is an obvious unnatural affection (Greek astergeo/astorgos).96

In conclusion, omnifārius understanding requires a balance of information. For example, knowing the many negative veterinary cases involved in raising a puppy, e.g. ingesting sharp objects and infections from contagious viruses on the ground (CPV/canine parvovirus etc.) etc., can cause fear. Equilibrium is reached when it is also understood that most young dogs reach adulthood due to God’s merciful plan. No matter how the east wind blows, the Holy Spirit can be called on to balance all the circumstances His followers face!

1 Gen. 1, 6, 7; Deut. 14; Matt. 13:47; James 3:7. Monozygotic twins have the same DNA from the splitting of the same cell. Nature is full of mathematical patterns. Mathematics is a language used by an intellect, which can be modeled by another intellect. See John Adam’s 2006 book Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Patterns in the Natural World (Princeton University Press). Adam, professor of mathematics at Old Dominion University, pointed out to Dallas F. Bell Jr., in an email exchange during April, 2021, that Joseph Fourier said that “The profound study of nature is the most fertile source of mathematical discoveries.” Benoit Mandelbrot, Wolf Prize winner, researched the topology of Julia sets. He wrote The Fractal Geometry of Nature addressing non-Euclidean geometric irregularities in nature. The Gaston Julia set (laces) and the Pierre Fatou set (dusts) are two complementary sets defined from a function in complex dynamics. The Fatou set of the function consists of values with the property that all values behave similarly under repeated iteration of the function, whereas the Julia set consists of values such that a small perturbation can cause drastic changes in the sequence of iterated function values. Real numbers (e.g. 1, 2, 3...) are spaced along a number line. Complex numbers have two parts to them (real and imaginary). Making complex numbers tangible requires two lines, or axes, which is a plane. Because an infinite number of points exist between any two points on the number plane, the Mandelbrot set's detail is infinite. Unfortunately, failure to understand that infinite intellectual pattern leads to false observations, such as with John Briggs’ Fractals: The Patterns of Chaos (Simon & Schuster, 1992). Intentional patterns exist in all things according to boundaries/laws, which must have a boundary and law giver, which eliminates the possibility of the existence of true chaos. It is recognized that there exist an infinite set of real numbers. There must also exist an infinite set of number fractions and planes. There must also exist sets of all possible fractal combinations. Then, any combination is a set that eternally exists/has always existed and can not be an actual state of chaos. The beauty of that infinite realm can be seen when finite fractals are treated as computer pixels and given color which forms patterns, as observed with lightening in the sky. That beauty lies in the intellect of God. Therefore, for such beauty numbers/fractions may exist well beyond any state of utilitarian value relationship as finite humans understand. They may infinitely exist for the pure beauty of God’s infinite intellect.

2 A symbol for nature force is N-, N in mathematics also means natural numbers, N in statistics means the size of populations.


4 Eccl. 3:15.

5 Matt.5:18.

6 Hab. 2:3.

7 Gen. 6:32.

8 In February, 2021, Dallas F. Bell Jr. saw this sticker displayed on cars in the two US states he visited (Is. 28:3; I Cor. 9:25).


10 For trends in falling crystallized IQ points see

Crystallized IQ is derived from what has been taught as opposed to IQ measuring innate problem-solving called fluid intelligence.

11 Gen. 2:7; Eccl. 12:7.

12 Eph. 4:23-24.

13 Matt. 26:41.

14 Rom. 7:14; I Cor. 3:1-3; Col. 2:18; I John 2:16.

15 Since Adam and Eve’s original sin, humans are physically born spiritually dead (Gen. 2:17).

16 Gen. 4:1-26.

17 Is. 40: 25, 28.

18 Acts 17:22-32.

19 John 12:31; II Cor. 4:4.

20 Spirit cooking refers to a cannibalistic sacrament, used by the son of a Christian preacher Edward (Aleister who called himself the Beast 666; Britannica) Crowley, which involves an occult performance during which human menstrual blood, breast milk, urine, and sperm etc. are used to create a painting. Performance artist Marina Abramovic, US entertainers and leftist politicians have been associated with this ritual. Satan counterfeits the Divine in order to gain followers. Of course, he will counterfeit the Lord’s Supper where repentant communicates obediently follow Christ’s teachings of taking His blood and body in communion (Matt. 26:26, 28). The man (II Thess. 2:3) known as the Beast/AntiChrist (Rev. 13:11-18) will take on the DNA (seed of Satan) and forever change. Satan will have finally succeeded in imitating the incarnation by having this man become his genetic son. Those taking the Mark of the Beast will have their DNA transformed and have Satan’s characteristics, such as not being able to die (Rev. 9:6) nor be eternally forgiven (Rev. 14:9-11). Rapid worldwide dissemination of Satan’s DNA can be accomplished with mandatory vaccinations, such as with the 2021 Chinese virus vaccine law passed by the state of New York that gives a vaccine passport to facilitate travel and eating in restaurants. Tennessee Governor William Lee (see endnote 50) is fighting similar vaccination laws. Dating from the reign of Nebuchadnezzar I (also Nebuchadrezzar I, see Josephus’ Antiquities), the Enūma Eliš (from Akkadian Cuneiform also transliterated Enuma Elish) was recovered by English archaeologist Austen Layard in 1849 (in fragmentary form) in the ruined Library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh (Mosul, Iraq). The Enûma Eliš also known as “The Seven Tablets of Creation” is a Babylonian/Mesopotamian epic poem describing the mythological beginnings of the cosmos, the mythological birth of the gods, the mythological rise to dominance of the god Marduk (meaning Lord called Bel in Is. 46:1 and Jere. 51:44, the generic name for any god like Baal), and the mythological creation of humanity. On the sixth day of biblical creation Elohim actually creates humans, which Marduk falsely claims to miraculous do in the sixth tablet of the Enuma Elish. While God made humans in His image (Gen. 1), Marduk falsely has man created from the blood of a slain god. Marduk named Babylon Bab-ili (meaning gate of the gods), while the Bible defines Babel (as in the tower of Babel) with the Hebrew for “to confuse” (see endnote 45). The Epic of Gilgamesh refers to Enuma Elish and prominently features the mythological goddess of fertility (sex), Inanna (Sumerian)/Ištar or Ishtar (Akkadian) (see endnote 45). The goddess of fertility (sex) equivalent in Hindu is Lakshmi and the US Vice President Kamala (Lakshmi) Devi (goddess) Harris is named for pagan gods. (See I Cor. 8:4-6.)

Seven Mesopotamian gods, common religious belief models found in all pagan cultures, are below in cuneiform: Marduk (creator), Inanna (sex [goddess]), Lamassu (protector),

Utu (sun), Adad (weather), Gula (medicine [goddess]), and Lamashtu (demon [goddess]).

Familiar spirits are commonly sought today (Is. 8:19). The witchcraft of whispering to animals, e.g. horse whisperers, dog whisperers etc., is socially accepted by pagans.


22 A Latin phrase meaning a man is a wolf to another man (Eze. 22:27; Matt. 7:15; Acts 20:29).

23 Takotsubo cardiomyopathy or TTS is a heart disease characterized by transient dysfunction and ballooning of the left ventricle of the heart. It mostly affects elderly women and is often triggered by severe physical or emotional stress. Also known as broken-heart syndrome, first described in 1990 in Japan, more than 90% of reported cases are in women ages 58 to 75. Research suggests that up to 5% of women suspected of having a heart attack actually have this disorder.

Capture myopathy is the muscle damage caused by prolonged handling of animals, hooved and bird etc., due to exertion. Carnivores and omnivores, cats and dogs etc., use this strategy on their prey as do human bullies, seen in current racial fatigue from constant bombardment of false accusations by dirt worshippers and the Stockholm syndrome of captives by dirt worshippers.


25 Rom. 1:17.

26 Ps. 46:10.

27 Col. 1:14-17.

28 John 2:1-11. See Jeff Cox’s From Vines to Wines, Harper and Row Pub., New York, pp. 179-181.

29 Summa Theologiae.

30 John 4:23.

31 Ps. 19:1-6.

32 Ps. 19:7-11.

33 Matt. 24:14.

34 Acts 8:37 and Gen. 6:32.

35 (See endnote 54.) Contrary to David’s words (II Sam. 12:23), the false doctrine of limbo consists of unsprinkled (Catholic baptisms) infants going to eternal punishment but suffering only the most minimal sufferings. It was held by Augustine, Gregory the Great, Anselm, and Bellarmine. They argue facts and speculation not in Divine Scriptural evidence. In 1201, Pope Innocent III expressed this doctrine in a letter to the archbishop of Arles. Actual sin, he asserted, is punished by the eternal torment of hell; original sin, however, is punished by the loss of the vision of God. The view of Thomas Aquinas has never been rejected by the Catholic Church. In court terms, a non-responsive objection is in order to that silence. Aquinas’ position was: 1) On the one hand, there is no positive suffering for the babies, or they have no personal guilt. This is confirmed by Pope Pius IX, in "Quanto conficiamur moerore," August 10, 1863 (DS 2866) "God in His supreme goodness and clemency, by no means allows anyone to be punished with eternal punishments who does not have the guilt of voluntary fault." 2) On the other hand, their souls seem to lack the transformation by grace needed for the Beatific Vision. So they cannot have it. But they have a natural happiness, and do not miss what they do not have. Catholics reason aborted babies, and probably other unbaptized babies also, are given grace by their god (who was, by their view, incapable of planning for the death of babies) outside the Sacrament of Baptism, and so do not depart this world in original sin, which is merely the lack of grace that should be there.

The false doctrine of involuntary sprinkling of babies conveniently allows for inflating Catholic Church membership numbers.

36 Matt. 7:14.

37 Luke 13:23-24.

38 Mark 4:8, 14, 20: Luke 8:8, 11, 15.

39 Ps. 119:11.

40 Wilhelm Wien’s, received the Nobel Prize for physics in 1911, law of displacement looks at the relationship between the temperature of a blackbody (an ideal substance that emits and absorbs all frequencies of light) and the wavelength at which it emits the most light. The black-body radiation curve for different temperatures will peak at different wavelengths that are inversely proportional to the temperature. The shift of that peak is a direct consequence of the Planck radiation law, which describes the spectral brightness of black-body radiation as a function of wavelength at any given temperature.

41 Is. 55:13.

42 Job 38:7; I Cor. 15:39-41.

43 In addition to biblical references see Josephus 9.10.1, 9.10.2.

44 ISIS is the Islamic State. Isis is also Greek for Aset (Queen of the Throne), Egyptian goddess of healing and magic. Elohim’s sixth Egyptian plague of boils defeated this pagan myth (Ex. 9:8-12). (See endnote 20.)

45 For an introduction to understanding Mesopotamian (Greek name for the land between two rivers; Tigris and Euphrates) symbolism and art etc., see the late Assyriologist and Sumerologist Jeremy Black and Anthony Green’s (2006, 6th printing at the University of Texas) book An Illustrated Dictionary: Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, especially pp. 119-120, 166 etc. for Marduk and pp. 5, 108 etc. for Inanna (see endnote 20). of Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, An Illustrated Dictionary – Jeremy Black, Anthony Green.pdf

Green held positions as an Oxford fellow and Shinji Shumeikai senior academic research fellow in near eastern art and archaeology at the Freie Universitä (Free University) of Berlin. Shinji Shūmeikai (神慈秀明会) (often abbreviated to Shumei) is a Japanese religious movement (shinshūkyō) from the teachings of Mokichi Okada who espoused a natural agriculture philosophy. In 1998, the group had more than 300,000 adherents. They believe great art exudes a special power that can spark a genuine change in the viewer. Adherents of Shumei conclude that, in building architectural masterpieces in remote locations, they are restoring the Earth's balance (Sharlet, Jeff (2008), The Family: power, politics and fundamentalism's shadow elite, Univ. of Queensland Press). Thanks is extended to Nicholas Postgate, director of the British School of Archaeology in Iraq from 1975 to 1981 and former professor of Assyriology at the University of Cambridge and now fellow of Cambridge’s Trinity College, for his email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in April, 2021. Also thanks to Eleanor Robson, head of the history department and professor of ancient Middle Eastern history at the University College of London, for her email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in April, 2021.

46 Ibid.

47 In addition to biblical references see Josephus 11.6.2, 11.6.7, 11.6.9, 11.6.13.


49 Mentioned in Muhammad's Hadith (talk or discourse) as Matta (Arabic).

50 James Draper Jr.’s 1980 book, Jonah: Living in Rebellion, pp. 13-15 covers the historic reality of Jonah. Draper’s, Texas Baptist minister and president of the Southern Baptist Convention (1982-1984), book came to Dallas F. Bell Jr. from retired Tennessee Baptist minister D. Frank Bell Sr. (1932-2021). Sr.’s many margin notes are a living encouragement to Jr. He prayed Job 42 Divine restoration over his children around 2100 hours on 27 March, 2021. He peacefully passed away from natural causes in his black swivel chair after singing a hymn with his children and finishing a prayer around 2100 hours on 28 March, 2021 (Palm Sunday). His funeral service was held on 2 April, 2021 (Good Friday). In memory of his godly witness, Christian Tennessee Governor William Lee named a bridge for him and his late wife, Una, less than a mile from the church he founded in the 1960’s. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning (Eccl. 7:4).

51 Rom. 8:5, 8-9; Gal. 5:16-17; James 1:8.

52 Matt. 6:24.

53 疑惑 (doubt) (deep),智慧 (wisdom) (deep); 疑惑 (doubt) (shallow),智慧 (wisdom) (shallow).

54 Moliere created Tartuffe, a comedy dealing with hypocrisy and, to a great extent, how Catholicism is used to mask sin. He was buried in the part of the French cemetery, Saints Innocents Cemetery, reserved for unsprinkled (Catholic for unbaptized) infants (see endnote 35).

55 Matt. 12:22-30.

56 I Cor. 1:18-25.

57 Luke 1:18-20.

58 James 1:5-7.

59 Gen. 3:4.

60 Acts 17:11-12.

61 Luke 16:27-31.

62 II Cor. 6:17-18; I John 2:15-17.

63 John 19:38.

64 Matt. 27:57; Mark 15:43.

65 John 7:50-53. See John 3:1-21 for Jesus’ earlier explanation of (born again) salvation to Nicodemus. According to Mosaic Law, Jesus did not blaspheme and was not worthy of death as Jesus’ accuser, Caiaphas, said (Matt. 26:62-68). Yet Caiaphas, the high priest, rent his clothes, which represented God’s authority, and was worthy of death according to Mosaic Law (Lev. 21:10).

66 Luke 23:40-43.

67 John 3:1-21.

68 John 3:6. See endnote 12.

69 See the following Catholic statement of their doctrine which states “salvation is not a one-time event”

70 Matt. 11:28-30.

71 Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, Farlex (2012).

72 See 22p at



75 See the Journal of Cytology & Histology and other references, such as Wolfgang Kuehnel’s 2003 (3rd Ed. English version) Cytology, Histology, and Microscopic Anatomy, pp. 10-11.

76 Gal. 5:16-26.

77 The term canton, now also used as the English term for administrative subdivisions of other countries, originates in French usage in the late 15th century (recorded in Fribourg, Switzerland, in 1467), from a word for edge or corner.

78 Chinese 廣州; 广州 where the first characters for Guǎng 广 and mean expanse or vast.

79 Is. 43:26.

80 Matt. 12:3, 5; 21:16, 42; 22:31 etc.

81 Matt. 27:46.

82 Rom. 7:8-14.

83 Eph. 6:17.

84 II Chron. 36:16; Prov. 13:13 etc.

85 Ex. 7:11-22, 8:18-19; Deut. 13:1-3; Matt. 7:22-23, 24:24; Rev. 13:13 (see endnote 20).

86 Eccl. 7:21-22.

87 Job 10:4.

88 An Optical Transient Detector is a space-based lightening imager.

89 A poet and government official who resisted the rule of eunuchs in China.

90 The content is based on the following scripture. Gen 41:6, 23, 27; Ex. 10:13, 14:21; Job 1:19, 15:2, 27:21, 38:24; Ps. 48:7, 78:26; Is. 27:8; Jere. 4:11, 12, 18:17; Eze. 17:10, 19:12, 27:26; Hos. 12:1, 13:15; Jonah 4:8; Hab. 1:9; Acts 27:14. See endnote 50 for restoration context.

91 Chinese ta for big and fung for wind, meaning typhoon, Greek tuphōnikos, eurakulon, Euroclydon meaning northeaster in the Mediterranean Sea (Acts 27:14).

92 Ps. 30:5. The music symbol for the conclusion of a section/movement is || ,referred to as doppia stanghetta / barra / linea (Italian), double barre de mesure / barre de séparation (French), and Doppeltaktstrich; Doppelstrich; doppelter Taktstrich (German). The music for begin repeat is ||: and end repeat is :|| . The passage between the begin-end repeat symbols is to be repeated after each preceding section/movement.

93 Cherokee Psalms: A Collection of Hymns in the Cherokee Language by Daniel Scott (1991), pp. 2-3 etc.

94 A Cherokee Hymn, Hinshaw Music Inc., p. 3.

95 See endnotes 1 and 35 (II Peter 1:3-4; divine from Greek theios/theos for godhead/divinity). The infinite God of the Bible knows all the topology of human’s hodological spaces(s) that exist/have ever existed.

96 Rom. 1:31; II Tim. 3:3. In the last days, people will be without natural affection.

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