Systematic Political Science


Counterfactual Analysis and Λόγος: The Synoptic Parameters of Human Reasoning and Discernment from Cognitive Bonding in Complex Systems

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

Linear algebra is the math of vectors and matrices where a problem may be solved in four stages. The following may be found from the diagram below: the adjacency matrix A of the graph G, the matrix giving the number of step walks in G, the generating function for walks from point I to J, and the generating function for walks from points 1 to 3.

A chart.

Fourier analysis is systematic in covering all possibilities of reasoning for axiomatic reality. When a reality crosses the threshold of being axiomatic, such as the possibilities of an apple seed producing something other than an apple tree, it need not be analyzed. But, when a reality is unknown the same systematic process may be applied.

In 2017, Paul Lehner, test and evaluation chief at the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), hosted a conference to develop and empirically evaluate systematic approaches to counterfactual forecasting. Counterfactual forecasts are defined as statements about what would have happened if different circumstances had occurred. This is an attempt to avoid analysis failure due to not having considered a broader range of options—to know what we do not know, short of the infinite standard of omniscience. The hope is that over time lessons will be learned and prediction accuracy will potentially increase.

Sandra Wachter’s forthcoming paper (2018) at the Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, Counterfactual Explanations Without Opening the Blackbox, addressed the issue of AI algorithm perceived bias/ethics (see endnote 13). By opening the “blackbox” of algorithm decision-making, it proposed “three perspectives from people affected by automated decision-making: (1) to inform and help the individual understand why a particular decision was reached, (2) to provide grounds to contest the decision if the outcome is undesired, and (3) to understand what would need to change in order to receive a desired result in the future, based on the current decision-making model.”

Wachter et al. suggested “data controllers should offer a particular type of explanation, unconditional counterfactual explanations, to support those three aims. These counterfactual explanations describe the smallest change to the world that can be made to obtain a desirable outcome, or to arrive at the closest possible world. As multiple variables or sets of variables can lead to one or more desirable outcomes, multiple counterfactual explanations can be provided, corresponding to different choices of nearby possible worlds for which the counterfactual holds. Counterfactuals describe a dependency on the external facts that lead to that decision without the need to convey the internal state or logic of an algorithm. As a result, counterfactuals serve as a minimal solution that bypasses the current technical limitations of interpretability, while striking a balance between transparency and the rights and freedoms of others (e.g. privacy, trade secrets).”

Anthony Cox, the newly appointed chair of the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, said that “if data and causal analysis shows that an intervention works, but we don’t have a plausible explanation for why, I think it would still be sensible to intervene.  (Decision and policy makers only need to know manipulative causal relationships — what effects do interventions have — to make well informed choices, even though scientists will still want to understand explanatory/mechanistic causation.  Sadly, today, policy makers are often only told about associational, attributive, or counterfactual causal impacts, which is not what they need to make good decisions, and all the varieties of causation are routinely conflated in epidemiology papers and the press.)”1

The more non-parametric and assumption free testing is the more objectivity it can be considered to have. Counterfactual forecasting seeks to remove human bias and ignorance so that variables crucial to an analysis are inputted and that resulting prediction may be accurate and useful. Of course, the epistemological variables crucial to better forecasting include neurological dynamics of decision making. For example, in 2014, James MacKillop used fMRI to study how decisions are made regarding the consumption of alcohol. He found brain activation was seen in the prefrontal and parietal cortices of the cerebral cortex. Conflicting decisions caused activity in the anterior insula. John Foxe et al. wrote a 2005 paper on Biasing the Brain’s Attention Set. Using high-density mapping of human event-related potentials, they found that data supports extensive interactions between sensory, parietal, and frontal regions during processing of cue information, deployment of attention, and maintenance of the focus of attention in anticipation of impending attentionally relevant input.

Neuroscience contains the epistemological variables for the material brain forecasting parameters, whereas data available and data chosen for relevance by forecasters can be seen as including the epistemological variables that have the most potential for improvement.

Studies and historical evidence have shown that the higher the education in a field, the greater error is made in counterfactual analysis of great advances in that field. The expert demonstrates more confidence in the prediction than a non-expert, yet the non-expert with less confidence is often more accurate.2 Famous individual examples include, Faraday and the motor, Salk and his vaccine, Damadian and the MRI. Each was told by educated experts that their ideas were not possible. Hal Arkes, professor emeritus of psychology at Ohio State University, is conducting research on physician’s accuracy and confidence regarding their medical discipline. He is also conducting data on meteorologists, bridge players, and horse handicappers.3

Human neurons cannot process or think about two things at once. If the focus is on a learned belief that is untrue it cannot also focus on the possibility of its opposite, which may be a truth. This is why the more formally educated people become, especially Christian theologians, the more tendency they seem to have to become apostate/reprobate (to Christian biblical doctrine; II Peter 2:20-22). They voluntarily accept and reflect the liberal views of doctrinal revolt by their professors, which is no longer objective study of God’s (theology) immutable propositional calculus or logic4 of doctrine5 that can lead man to a righteous relationship with God. Mind control by outside influences must first have the soul’s permission (see endnote 18).

A 2017 Pew Research Center poll found that 77% of college educated U.S. democrats did not believe the reality of XX (female) and XY (male) chromosomes that determines if a person was biologically female (having XX chromosomes) or male (having XY chromosomes).6 Shown below is a survey of liberal (non-biblical or antichristian views) held by education level.

There is a common biblical saying that “they have eyes to see and cannot see and have ears to hear but cannot hear.” In this case, it is being stated that no matter what the reality of evidence the blinded and deaf individual will not be accurate. They are not incorrect because they have a lack of knowledge, inadequate problem-solving ability, or voluntarily rejected relevant input. They cannot perceive of the best outcome, x, for situation y.

Cognitive bonding is the crucial development of learning and reasoning by mentally immature intellects by absorbing/exchanging language and modeling examples from mature authority figures, e.g. finite parents and teachers, and the infinite true creator God of the Bible. Without that bonding, learning and reasoning abilities will be predictively lacking in experiential learning (Gr. anamnésis for reminiscence or remembrance: and Heb. zakar to mark or remember, Esther 9:28 remember Purim from puriym or a lot or broken piece and Ps. 143:5 remember the days of old) and considered immature.7 For example, atheists’ learning and reasoning skills are often exposed as immature by mature Christians in discussions of philosophical and theological issues. The atheists’ flawed logic systems usually devolve into incoherent ranting or denial of reality when they are confronted with mature ideas. Much like finite children raised without parental bonding guidance, they are often angry and cognitively unskilled in balanced reasoning and are unloving as they are accurately identified as fools. This necessary cognitive reality and tikvah of bonding with the God of the Bible actually proves the existence of the infinite God and disproves atheist and other unbiblical beliefs (see endnote 13).

Examples of cognitive bonding maturity with the biblical God is that they no longer speak as a child (I Cor. 13:11), have mature reasoning (I Cor. 14:20), are teachers of God which are no longer unskilled in God’s words (biblical scriptures, Heb. 5:12-14), and can overcome the evil one (Satan, I John 2:14). Joshua mediated on God’s Scripture and law to be prosperous and successful (Josh 1:8). King David taught that meditation on God’s testimonies gave him more understanding than his teachers (Ps. 119:9-16, 99, 129-130). He meditated on God’s laws/commands, which made him wiser than his enemies (Ps. 119:97-98, 148). Job, David, and Solomon explained that the fear of God is the beginning of knowledge (Job 28:28; Ps. 111:10; Prov. 1:7; Eccl. 12:13). To choose not to fear God is to be filled with one’s own feeble devices (Prov. 1:20-33), as was noted by the poet Robert Frost in a 1963 documentary interview. Paul told Timothy what to meditate on for success (I Tim. 4:6-16).

Paul said that discernment of good and evil8 comes from exercising the senses by reason based on biblical scriptures (Heb. 5:14), which is cognitive bonding with the God of the Bible. To discern (I Cor. 12:10, Heb. 5:14, Gr. diakrisis) is to use judicial estimation and to spiritual discern (I Cor. 2:14, Gr. anakrinō) is to scrutinize. David (Ps. 119:18), Solomon (I Kings 3:9), and Daniel (Dan. 7:16) each requested spiritual discernment and is needed by all the redeemed of God (I John 4:1-6).

Scriptures are divinely intended to be taught by parents to their children from birth (Deut. 4:9, 6:7; Ps. 78:1-8). Understanding Scripture and God’s will comes from His Spirit (John 6:44; Rom. 8:5-8). Jesus the Christ is the intercessor between the infinite mind of God the Father and the finite mind of man. The redeemed have the mind of Christ (I Cor. 2:16). Mind is the intellect (Gr. noús). The infinite mind of the Holy Spirit makes intercession for the redeemed in groanings which cannot be uttered (Rom. 8:26-27, Gr. stenagmois alaletois). The redeemed nor the unredeemed can know the infinite mind of God (Job 15:8; John 15:15) except through Jesus (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25).

Physicists like Stephen Hawking and Heinz Pagels are quoted as pointing out that the 21st century is the age of complexity, and nations and people who master the new sciences of complexity will become the economic, cultural, and political superpowers of the 21st century.9 In human complex systems,10 equilibrium can be thought as being reached when perceived risk by its (human) objects are proportional to their acknowledged dependence on something or someone. In Homer’s famous Greek Odyssey, Odysseus (L. Ulysses) had to choose between sailing close to the monster, Scylla, or the whirlpool, Charybdis. He was dependent on the ship for survival so he chose to avoid certain loss of the ship in the whirlpool and to risk the loss of a few sailors from Scylla. The well-known idiom “having to choose between two evils” is said to have been derived from that Greek mythological story.11

The eternal spiritual dimension can be thought of as a complex system. The redeemed’s souls are in the spiritual realm. They are dependent on God’s Spirit leadership to control their material body’s neurons in this temporal physical realm so that they will voluntarily risk whatever is necessary rather than be disobedient to God’s will. The unredeemed’s souls are also in the spiritual realm and are dependent on leadership from other than God’s Spirit so that they will voluntarily risk whatever is necessary to not be obedient to God’s will. For example, Abraham (redeemed) was willing to risk everything to follow God’s leadership for his life (Gen. 12:1-4; Heb. 11:8; James 2:23) and Jezebel (unredeemed; see endnote 8) was willing to risk everything to not follow God’s leadership (I Kings 21:23; II Kings 9:22). To non-analysts, complexity can seem to obscure focus on the obvious behavioral motivation of dependency.

The complex system of the eternal spiritual dimension (closed system12) determines boundaries for the complex system of the material neurons of humans in the temporal dimension (open system). The complex system of human neurons determines boundaries for the complex system of individual behavior, which sets the boundaries for the complex system of the institution of family that sets the boundaries for the complex system of the institution of church that sets the boundaries for the institution of business that sets the boundaries for the institution of government. Each of those institutions of this temporal dimension determine the boundaries for complex systems of societies or nation states. They may be used to model such things as hypothetical space settlements in this universe from irreducible complexities, where intelligent design means all parts of a whole must be present to function as created.13

The Old Testament covenant law for man’s redemption had a shadow of the good things to come (Heb. 10:1), which was the New Testament covenant law for redemption in Jesus prophesied in the Old Testament. Jesus or Yeshua the Christ is the historically prophesied fulfillment of Messiah ben David (Messiah son of David), Malka Meshiha or Melekh Mashiach (Aramaic and Heb. King Messiah respectively). Jesus’ necessary redemption authority (Matt. 28:18; Rom. 3:25) was from infinite eternity (Gr. Theanthropos or L. Deus homo Jesus = infinite power) without entropy (dS ≥ 0) and without equilibrium (dS = 0), as is found with finite animal sacrificial blood, beginning with the first animal blood sacrifice by God Himself (Gen. 3:21; Heb. 9:22) for the sin of Adam and Eve in Eden, (finite blood = entropy requiring future infinite power). The very image of animal sacrifice could never make its practitioners permanently perfect14 (Heb. 10:1). The blood of the red heifer purified the unclean by the sprinkling of its blood seven times (Num. 19:4). Jesus’ atoning sacrifice was modeled by the heifer sacrifice (Heb. 9:13-14). Jesus’ blood was shed seven times after having a scarlet (red to reddish blue) robe put on him (Matt. 27:28): (1) the crown of thorns cut his head (Matt. 27:29), (2) His back was whipped (Matt. 27:26; Mark 15:15; Luke 18:33), (3-4) both hands were nailed to the cross, (5-6) both feet were nailed to the cross, and (7) a spear was stuck in His side postmortem (John 19:34).

The Christian doctrine of the redemptive cross is foolishness to the unredeemed (I Cor. 1:18) or natural man (I Cor. 2:14), as often termed by Jonathan Edwards. Their minds are blinded (II Cor. 3:14), but blind eyes can be opened (Is. 42:7). John Newton’s famous 1779 song “Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound” describes his redemption in the stanza of how he was blind but now he sees.

Jesus’ redemption transforms all of creation (Is. 11:1-10): wolves and lambs live together (v. 6), cows and bears eat together (v. 7), and children and cobras play together (v. 8). His laws for all of creation transcend the subsets of creation sets, such as the set of humanity has the law for the institution for marriage to be between one adult man and one adult woman for all subsets of humanity (i.e. subsets of different cultures,15 subsets of different religions, etc.). Adam’s original sin also transformed creation: from life to death (Gen. 2:17), from a self-sufficient garden (Gen. 1:29-30, 2:8-9) to a land of thorns and thistles (Gen. 3:17-18), and from vegetarian animals (Gen. 1:30) to omnivores and carnivores.

Rejection of the future biblical fact that creation is transformed by Jesus’ redemption, and therefore man’s eternal soul, is seen by old earth beliefs. The past vegetarian aspects of animals before the sinful fall of man and death occurred (Gen. 3; Rom. 5:12-21; I Cor. 15:21-22) must be rejected by intentionally misinterpreting other Scripture (Job 38:39 etc.), which gives rise to other Christian heresies.16 For example, the heresy of pain and suffering being part of God’s original plan for mankind and animals is easily disputed (Rom. 8:18-22). Plants eaten by man and animals are not biblical life. Biblical life is in the blood (Gen. 9:14; Lev. 17:11) and in breath (Gen. 6:17, 7:15, 7:22; Acts 17:25). Plant life is not biblically equivalent to animal life that breathes to oxygenate its blood. Old earth logic must reject the redemption of Jesus, and by default Jesus’ Divine nature as part of the triune God. Ultimately, old earth believers not only are saying Moses’ account of the past is false but Jesus’ account of the future is false as well.

Moses wrote of discernment in Genesis (31:32, 38:25, Heb. nâkar to scrutinize). Discerning between good and evil (II Sam. 19:35) is Hebrew yada’ (meaning to know or see by observing. Solomon said every prudent (Heb. ârûwm for cunning) man acts with knowledge (Prov. 13:16), but warned that a prudent man conceals knowledge (Prov. 12:23, 13:16, 15:2). Knowledge in Hebrew is da’ath (from the word yada’). It should be discerned that not all analyst’s results are to be revealed to everyone.

The unredeemed may be blinded from knowledge timeline vectors of the past, knowledge of the present, and knowledge of the future when the redeemed can see. For example, the past was recorded by Moses’ writing the beginning history of the universe in Genesis and how God rested on the seventh day (Heb. 4:4). The present was revealed to David when he was told by God when to move in battle (II Sam. 23-25), Elisha revealed the chariots of fire (II Kings 6:17), and Elisha knew the secret words of the Syrian King (II Kings 6:12). The Old Testament has the future foretold by God to Abraham regarding him becoming the father of Israel, Joseph being told of the coming seven year Egyptian famine, and Hezekiah being told he would live fifteen more years (II Kings 20:4-11). The New Testament records Joseph was told to go to Egypt and when to return (Matt. 2:13, 20), Peter was told to go see Cornelius (Acts 10:19-20), and the book of Revelation tells the future of the world as told to John. There are many biblical examples of being blind: Israel’s forsaking God and becoming punished as in the past (Judg. 2:11-15), people walked in the vanity of their present minds (Eph. 4:17-18), and Noah’s warning to the people of his era of the future impending flood (Gen. 6).

In the prologue of John’s gospel, the word λόγος (Gr. logos) refers to the Creator God of Genesis being Jesus with God’s Spirit (Col.1:16-17; Ps. 104:30), called the Word.17 Logos is something said and a computation. The logos (word) of God is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and so all motivations of creatures are naked and exposed before God (Heb. 4:12-13).18 Logos refers to zaó (Gr. to live) and energés (Gr. active, root word for energy). God’s words (Heb. dabar) do not come back void (Heb. rêyqâm) (Is. 55:11; Heb. 4:12). Worlds were framed by the word (Gr. rhēma) of God (Heb. 11:3). Jesus said that man does not live by bread alone but by the rhēma that comes from the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4). Every word or commandment (Heb. ‘imrah) of God is pure (Ps. 12:6). The ‘imrah of the Lord is tried (Heb. tsâraph to fuse, refine purify or purge away) (Ps. 18:30). Yet the kingdom of God is not in logos but in power (Gr. dunamis is force or miraculous strength) (I Cor. 4:20).

The redemptive promise of God to man has always been known within the triune existence of God; the Father sends His Son Jesus to fulfill the sacrifice and the Holy Spirit provides the continuing power of salvation (Acts 1:8), anointing, knowledge (I John 2:20, 27), wisdom, fear of God, counsel, and understanding (Is. 11:2-3).19 God’s promises are yes (II Cor. 1:20) and are sworn by His infinite existence and power (Gen. 22:16; Heb. 6:13). At times, His promises have conditions (II Chr. 7:14; Ps. 89:29-32), if x then y.20 Jesus said to say either yes or no (Matt. 5:27). Paul said to say either yes or no (II Cor. 1:17-20), as did James (Jam. 5:12). Joshua gave Israel the choice to either serve God or not (Josh. 24:15). Finite man has binary options for choice. In analysis, the options should be a series of all binary choices until a final binary choice can be preferred.

Identifying human choices of good and bad has been designated for artificial intelligence (AI) into higher and lower social norms (e.g. DARPA etc.) For example, to not talk in libraries and at funerals is a lower social norm that is overridden by a higher social norm, such as to not be deceitful or lie. Also the lower social norm to not talk in a library can be overridden if the AI device needs immediate maintenance. Of course, data does not determine human behavior, as with AI. Humans have freewill to choose a different path, as with redemption that produces justice, grace, mercy, etc.

Eleni Panagou, cultural informatics and communication scientist at the University of the Aegean in Greece, says there is a great deal of volatility in acquiring new chipsets to meet hardware requirements that often have protocols that may not be conducive to being commercial or mass produced, thereby creating obstacles for short term minded government officials responsible for the research financing.21 Today, some efforts are to find and harness intra and inter cellular signaling for computerized operations.

A common computer has two basic choices for logic gates (0 or no and 1 or yes). A quantum style computer could have both at the same time. In reality, both directions would be pursued until one is selected at the end of the asymmetric series of nodes of inputted data for all possibilities.22

A chart

The Copenhagen quantum perception that electrons occupy two places at one time is sometimes referred to as superposition. That belief is said to be confirmed by the double-slit experiment. It may be accepted that this is an event that requires unknown abilities by the electrons. On the other hand, the idea could be treated as incorrect and other possibilities considered, such as the idea that an electron may be occupying two connected dimensions at one time and is refracted as in different places from this dimension etc. Whatever the reality actually is, pursuing more than the one perception is paramount in attempting to avoid problems associated with counterfactual analysis.

The Copenhagen interpretation is wrapped up in probability distributions of wavefunctions; i.e. is an electron, for example, most accurately described as a particle, wave, or a probability distribution (an artifact of abstract mathematics)?  This question has been fervently debated since the early 20th century but no definitive conclusion has been reached. The deterministic interpretation of quantum mechanics was held by Albert Einstein and is held by Vernon Cupps, nuclear physicist at the Institute for Creation Research. Cupps’ believes the observable physical word is deterministic.  If he were to project a single electron on a double slit, he believes it will go through one of the slits or be divided into two waves, each entering one of the slits, with the energy sum of the two divided waves equaling the energy of the incident electron.  He does not believe that matter can simultaneously be in two different locations, i.e. matter is not omnipresent.  He describes electron superposition as the concept that an electron exists partly in all its particular theoretically possible configurations or states simultaneously until it is measured.  This is very different from it being in two different places at the same time.23

The cat in Schrödinger’s box24 is described as being possibly alive and dead until the box is opened. It would be more helpful in determining if x then y if more possibilities are considered to create decision spaces. When the box is opened, preparation for the cat could have been based on it being considered hyperactive (x = a), moderately active (x = b), hypoactive (x = c) (due to sleep or a state of unconsciousness), and dead (x = d). (Consider x, x, x[double prime],25 x‴ [triple prime], x[quadruple prime] etc.). If the future is looked at as trying to change the past (see endnote 12), an acyclic graph of a space-time lattice may be created as below.

An example of an acyclic graph.

Acyclic is defined as not being able to travel in a loop. It is easy to regard a set of nodes as the analog of a Cauchy surface, e.g., the set {abc, d}, and it is obvious if arbitrary data are put on those nodes the data will generate a unique solution in the future. By varying the values of the factors the dynamics can be adjusted, and in an acyclic graph the future evolution of the field will always be unique.

In electrical engineering, metastability describes how an arbiter circuit detects the comparator is in a metastable state between two stable states and makes a choice between the binary options of 0 or 1. Of course, the arbiter would also technically have a metastable state that needs an arbiter etc. Nevertheless, practical circuits can decide in a few nanoseconds of unbounded time. It has been observed that a discrete decision based on an input that has a continuous range of values cannot be made within a bounded length of time.26 Jean Buridan (c. 1340) posed the situation that a hungry and thirsty ass, which is between two equal distances of hay and a bucket of water, would not be able to decide which way to go and die. Aristotle’s On the Heavens 295b (c. 350 BC) made the same speculation for a man placed between food and a drink.

Baruch Spinoza (Ethics, book 2, proposition 49, scholium) suggested that a person that sees two options as actually equally compelling cannot be fully rational. This recognizes the latent biases individual humans incorporate in decision-making. This can be seen by the split second decision made by a man to jump into a raging river to save a drowning child or not jump into that raging river. The merits of self-sacrifice to save the child, versus the self-preservation merits to not save the child, have already been calibrated by conscious decision-making at a time in the past. That bias is nurtured in the subconscious for necessary immediate action. There would not be adequate time to save the child if the conscious decision-making process was engaged. It is possible that the cowardly decision to not save the child can be suppressed in the subconscious by the conscious27 to avoid shame and other ramifications for what is considered negative behavior by most societies.

The traditional rabbinic approach to Talmudic and Torah study in Yeshivas involves pairing students together for their vigorous exchange of competing ideas called havruta28 (also chavruta or chavrusa, which is Aramaic for friendship). The partnership (d’chavrusa meaning one study partner or both) causes each to arrive at a systematic determination of truth. Groups may also be formed for the same purpose (Heb. chavurah).29 Rabbi Asher Lopatin, member of The Council on Foreign Relations and Rhodes Scholar President of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School, thinks this havruta-style could be useful for counterfactual analysis to find all relevant human behavioral options for predictions and outcomes of events.30 Solomon said iron sharpens iron (Prov. 27:17).

In conclusion, the finite state of mankind has a knowledge vacuum. It is then imperative that all possibilities (vector space) for analysis be systematically pursued by determining the following: if the theological belief is consistent or not with situation x, is the epistemological evidence consistent with situation x or not, is the individual behavioral history consistent with situation x or not, is the societal group(s) behavior consistent with situation x or not, and is the theological eschatology consistent with situation x or not. This tupos31 may provide the mathematical and algorithmic foundations for the practical design and assessment of strategic mechanisms to find the vector space for the possibly of rationally determining what we do not know.32 The parameters of human reasoning and discernment exist in both the neurological realm and the realm of changeable behavior. The cognitive bonding relationship with the Logos determines the potential for counterfactual analysis and their resultant predictive accuracy.33

1 Cox’s statement was made in an email to an academic forum in November, 2017, received by Dallas F. Bell Jr. Regarding expert judgment vs. objective truth Cox continued with the email exchange, “I agree that “expert judgment” vs. “objectivity” is a dichotomy, but I do not yet see that it is false. Books such as Superforecasting ( and Thinking, Fast and Slow suggest to me that being convincing and being correct are often very different, and that arguments and intuitions can, and often are, one without being the other.  But I also think that current methods of data science can help us find out what is true rather than just what seems plausible.  I felt the distinction between what is true and what is plausible quite keenly some years ago when I was working on animal antibiotics and emergence of superbugs.  That using animal antibiotics selects for resistant bacteria that are then transmitted through the food chain and infect people with strains that do not respond as well as other strains to antibiotic treatment seemed to me so plausible that, on the face of it, it almost had to be true.  The only defect is that it did not seem to fit the data for any drug/bug pair that I looked at carefully. I eventually concluded that this compellingly plausible narrative is probably just not accurate, or only holds so rarely that its effects can't be detected for the drugs and bugs I looked at. But the story still seems really good to me. Ultimately, it may be necessary to choose whether to believe the story or to believe the data when they don't appear to agree.  And that conflict is not as rare as we might want it to be.” Charles Haas, LD Betz Professor of Environmental Engineering and Head - Dept. of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering at Drexel University, added, “I will give an example of what Tony is pointing out from another line of my scholarship. I have worked extensively on disinfection of water and wastes. The germ theory of disease was not propounded until the late 19th century, and was really only totally accepted in the last decade of the 19th century. Prior to this, a dominant mode of thinking was the “malarial” theory (= “bad air”). Disinfection itself dates back to biblical times, but in waters it appears to have been used at least going back to the early 19th century, and the doses used were clearly aimed at “deodorization” though they would have been reasonably effective, as we now know, against waterborne pathogens. Here is the earliest US reference known to me:

So I agree - we can often do the right thing even if the full mechanisms are not (properly) known.”

2 Charles Bond and Bella DePaulo (2006), social psychologists, studied lie-detecting powers. Their findings were as follows:

police detectives and college students

-gave true and false videotaped confessions to crimes they did or did not commit -although college students performed slightly better than chance at distinguishing true from false confessions, police detectives did not -detectives were significantly more confident about the accuracy of their judgments -police detectives were wrong more often than students, they were more confident that they were right -detectives showed a bias toward judging false confessions as true -tendency of police detectives to infer guilt increased with job experience and interrogation training

problems with interrogators

-trained to "read" verbal and nonverbal behavior as means of determining whether suspect is lying may wrongly increase confidence in lie-detection skills, but does not increase the ability to differentiate truth from deception

behavioral cues

-interrogators are taught -crossing legs, shifting and fidgeting, grooming gestures, avoiding eye contact which are flawed indicators of deception

3 Arkes made his research known in an email with an academic forum in November, 2017, noted by Dallas F. Bell Jr.

4 Declarative sentences use objective language in which propositions are the sentence meanings, sometimes referred to as the sentential calculus. For more information see the 1967 book, Mathematical Logic, by Stephen Kleene.

5 All Divine doctrine has power and consequences. God’s thoughts are profound and the brutish and foolish do not understand this (Ps. 92:5-6).


7 Anamnésis is used by Jesus to instruct the redeemed to observe the Lord’s Supper for a remembrance of His redemptive work (Luke 22:19; I Cor. 11:24-25). The Christian church adopted this teaching in its liturgy. The Swiss church reformer, Huldrich (Ulrich) Zwingli met Luther and Melanchthon in the city of Marburg (1529) and pointed out to the Catholic style theologians that Jesus said to do the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of Him and so it could not actually be Him. Zwingli’s sixty-seven thesis can be found at following website.

Plato referred to anamnésis in Meno and Phaedo to epistemologically and psychologically explain that humans possess knowledge from previous reincarnations (see endnote 13 for why this belief cannot be correct). The eternal soul remembers what the brain’s neurons recorded on earth. Paul wrote (I Cor. 13:12), we will be known (in heaven) as we are known (on earth). After death (Luke 16:22), the rich man remembered Lazarus (Gr. from Heb. for God supplies help). The rich man recognized Abraham and asked his Hebrew Father Abraham for help as he remembered his brother’s unredeemed state (Luke 16:27-31). Abraham told the rich man to remember (Gr. mnaomai for to bear in mind or recollect) how he was rich on earth and Lazarus was poor (Luke 16:25). Peter, James, and John recognized Moses and Elijah at Jesus’ transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-3).

Cognitive bonding is involuntary (the brain’s neurons record data from sensory input and whether the sensory experience was pleasant or painful). Cognitive bonding is also voluntary (the soul tells the brain’s neurons to record data and how to record data as to whether it is to be considered good or evil). Solomon wrote on cognitive bonding with children: Prov. 22:6, 15; 23:13, 24; 29:15. There are Divine consequences for bastards (Deut. 23:2). However, Jephthah (meaning he will open) was the bastard son of a harlot (Judg. 11:1-3) who judged Israel for six years (Judg. 12:1-7) and was known for his faith (Heb. 11:32).

Note: For behavioral statistics to have a proper context the variables of innate problem solving abilities, inherited psychological disorders, etc. need to be factored. The following website presents relevant U.S. data on fatherless children.

43% of US children live without their father [US Department of Census]

71% of pregnant teenagers lack a father. [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services press release, Friday, March 26, 1999]

63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 times the average.

90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.

85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average.  (Center for Disease Control)

90% of adolescent repeat arsonists live with only their mother. [Wray Herbert, “Dousing the Kindlers,” Psychology Today, January, 1985, p. 28]

80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes –14 times the average.  (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)

71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average.  (National Principals Association Report)

70% of youths in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average.  (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Sept. 1988)

85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average.  (Fulton Co. Georgia, Texas Dept. of Correction)

8 An element of false or unrighteous discernment is a critical spirit. This is characterized by having an argumentative disposition applied toward issues and circumstances motived by seeking vain confrontation and control while ignoring loving truth (Luke 11:38-54; Col. 2:8). The fruit of God’s Spirit is a loving (Gal. 5:22-26) pursuit of truth (Eph. 5:9). Righteous discernment in analysis is characterized by rational reasoning to an issue or circumstance motivated by humbly seeking loving truth as modeled by King Solomon and the Apostle Paul.

The logic gates of human neurons are hardwired by God the Creator for their soul to distinguish between eternally good and evil behavior. God’s laws are the algorithm for mankind’s good. Since algorithms have ends, they are not infinite and so are not eternal. The Scriptures contain God’s laws and is the reason Satan and his allies attempt to destroy them. The homosexual Marten Woudstra headed the NIV Old Testament committee and the NIV’s translation committee (Episcopal) Virginia Mollenkott admitted in June, 1991, (Witness, pp. 20-21) that she was a homosexual. The parent publishing company was Harper Collins who published “The Joy of Gay Sex” and “The Satanic Bible.” The NIV changed Sodomite to shrine prostitute from the KJV (Deut. 23:17; I Kings 15:12, 22:46, 23:7) and effeminate, nor abusers of themselves was changed to male prostitutes, not homosexual offenders (I Cor. 6:9).

A commonly known algorithm is that of Lot. He begins with choosing to live in the evil Sodom due to selfish pride and greed (Gen. 13:10-13). He has all his goods taken and returned by the righteous Abraham, yet Lot chose to stay in evil Sodom because he was corrupted and accepted their wickedness (Gen. 13:11-12; II Peter 2:7-8). Lot’s pride made him a leader of the wicked (Gen. 19:1). He offered his daughters to the sodomites to be raped (Gen. 19:8). Lot’s loss of righteous influence can be seen in his sons-in-law mocking his moral hypocrisy (Gen. 19:14). He rebelled when he was told to flee Sodom and wanted to go to another city like Sodom (Gen. 19:17-22). Lot’s loss of moral influence aided in his wife rebelling and looking back toward Sodom and turning into salt (Gen. 19:26). Lot’s algorithm can be seen as ending with him having incestuous relations with his two daughters (Gen. 19:30-38). The demonic fall of Lot in Sodom can be witnessed today by people that move to Washington D.C. called Potomac Fever. The demonic influenced algorithm of Potomac Fever also starts with pride that leads to greed and hypocrisy, and ends in sexual perversion. Potomac Fever is widely known by the characterization of the abnormal increase in sexual drive. Jezebel was known for her evil (II Kings 9:22). Her name means “Where is the prince?” (prince is the Baal fertility god), which was chanted by Baal followers. At her death at the hands of the Jehu (II Kings 9:33; c. 843 B.C.), she dressed as a royal queen (Phoenician princess) and Baal priestess (II Kings 9:30, Jezebel is modeled as an evil prophetess in Rev. 2:20). Noah, Job, Daniel, and Paul etc. are known for their positive behavioral algorithms. The redeemed are not to be conformed to this world’s algorithm (Gr. skematizo or scheme) but are to be transformed (Gr. metamorphóō to alter form) by the renewing of their mind so they can prove what is the good and acceptable will of God’s algorithm (Rom. 12:2). It has been noted that there are repeating human and societal behavioral algorithms. For example, Ahab and Jezebel were societal leaders together for 22 years who rejected God, sacrificed children, and supported sexual perversion etc. William “Bill” and Hillary Clinton were also U.S. societal leaders together for 22 years who rejected God, sacrificed children, and supported sexual perversion etc. Jezebel was a societal leader after Ahab for 14 years. Hillary Clinton also was a societal leader after Bill Clinton for 14 years. Joram, also Jehoram, continued Ahab’s evil societal policies for 12 years. Barak Obama also continued Bill Clinton’s evil societal policies for 12 years. Jehu killed Joram/Jehoram and ended his evil societal policies (II Kings 9:24). Donald Trump ended many of Obama’s evil societal policies, e.g. one of his first executive orders after being elected president was to end spreading abortion around the world etc. Joram/Jehoram was in societal leadership when Ben Hadad was killed in his bedroom (II Kings 8:7-15). Obama was in societal leadership when Osama Ben Laden was killed in his bedroom. Jehu threw down Jezebel and ended her evil societal leadership. Upon defeating Hillary Clinton in the presidential election, Trump threw her down and ended her evil societal leadership. Reported by numerous news outlets, 2 January, 2018, the daughter of William and Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton wished The Church of Satan a Happy New Year on her Twitter social media account. The algorithm model for the redeemed during these evil parallel times is Elijah (James 5:17-18). Decision-making behavior is historically repeated: there is nothing new under the sun (Eccl. 1:9-10).

9 See Heinz Pagels’ (1939-1988) The Dreams of Reason: The Computer and the Rise of the Science of Complexity (1988) and Stephen Hawking’s interview with the San Jose Mercury News on January 23, 2000.

10 For thoughts on complexity and risk management, see articles and lectures by Dan Geer, Chief Information Security Officer at In-Q-Tel Inc.

11 See M. Clarke’s (1900) book, Story of Ulysses, pp. 94-96.

12 The infinite set of everything that has ever been and will ever be has always been in the knowledge of God as immutable truth (James 1:17-18). That set is a closed system. The creator God of the first cause of all effects created at His predetermined point in infinite eternity this finite universe and finite man. Those entities exist in a state of entropy within the closed system of eternity and can be seen as an open system dependent on the closed system of eternity for its very existence and its maintenance. Wheeler and Feynman are considered the first to claim that the fact that (if) nature is continuous could be used to argue that causal influences from later events to earlier events, as are made possible by time travel, will not lead to paradox without the need for any constraints (Wheeler, J. and Feynman, R. 1949. “Classical electrodynamics in terms of direct interparticle action,” Reviews of Modern Physics, 21: 425-434.) Since the universe is not infinite and is a closed system, event/time coupling would be by necessity linear immutable truth in God’s intellect and not possibly subject to reversal, transcendence or any alteration by finite humans.

Counterfactual analysis of possible alternatives to actual historical realities that are somewhat bounded events could be useful exercises for developing and evaluating reasoning abilities and mapping them. Today’s known flawed climate change models to predict future events could be improved by creating models of past climate cycles. Past climate data would be analyzed and inputted to the point that they can adequately predict what is known to have actually occurred. Having reached this potential high level of competence would also be persuasive in gaining public trust for predictions and their ultimate support. This is the process that has validated the truth of biblical content. For example, if God created the seas in one place and therefore the lands in one place (Gen. 1:9-10) there would be evidence of a unity of land mass before the continental drift. The earth’s land masses/continents fit like a puzzle. If there was a biblical worldwide flood (Gen. 7:17-24) there would be sudden death that covered animals for which numerous intact fossils would be found and petrified trees which extend through many sediment layers could be found. That is what is observed and recorded. If God destroyed the wicked city of Sodom by fire (Gen. 19:24-25) this would be found. That, too, was also discovered along with many other biblical statements of fact having been proven.

13 Author of The Pensées (Thoughts), Blaise Pascal is widely quoting as having said “People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive.” Tibetan Buddhists believe in bardo (Sanskrit antarabhāva meaning intermediate state). This is believed to be a transitional period between death and being reincarnated, which varies in length according to the good or bad standards of perfect conduct of a person’s believed previous life. This denies the existence of infinity. It wrongly means finite humans could be self-righteous which requires infinite abilities and eliminates any need for eternal redemption by grace (infinite justice means breaking one law is to break all law for eternity and requires punishment of the unforgiven for all of eternity) from the reality of the infinite self-existent perfectly righteous and loving creator God of the Bible. Jews reject Jesus as Messiah for the same reason atheists do; because they do not like Him. Jesus read Isaiah 61:1-2 in the synagogue in Nazareth which stated that the Messiah was prophesied and He said He fulfilled that prophesy (Luke 4:16-21). John the Baptist was acknowledged as the prophet prophesied in Mal. 4:5 to be the forerunner of the Messiah (Matt. 3:3, 11-12: Luke 1:41, 66). Jesus said that God’s redemption was for everyone (Luke 4:27) so the Jews tried to murder Him (Luke 4:28-30) in spite of John the Baptist’s work and Old Testament teachings (such as II Kings 5:14 account of the cleansing of the gentile, Naaman). This is also why Jews today do not accept Jesus as Messiah even though He has fulfilled all prophecies which is statistically impossible to have been fabricated. This explains their pride that fuels their anti-Christ hatred toward Christians that provide benevolent assistance to them. Hebrews will fulfill their prophecy for the last days, which requires the work of 144,000 members of the Israeli tribes (Rev. 7:5-8) and the historic return to their geographic state (this occurred in 1947-48: Is. 66:7-8; Jere. 16:14-15, 31:10; Eze. 37:10-14, 21-22; Amos 9:14-15 etc.). For those events to occur, there would need to be a genetic separation from non-Hebrews and a Divine desire for comradery to recreate the Israeli nation. The sense of their Divine role for family and state is righteous but arrogance from false spiritual superiority toward non-Hebrews is prideful and unrighteous. Jesus said His words are spirit and life (John 6:63) and this means they must be accepted or rejected with the eternal consequences that must follow. If you do not fear God you cannot be wise (Prov. 1:7). Appropriate fear of God allows people to reach their potential for receiving and exhibiting Divine wisdom (Job 1:1).

Biblically, people that are actually redeemed by God’s righteousness will settle the next dimension with different laws of physics. There will be no sun or moon since God is the light (Rev. 21:23) and can be no night (Rev. 21:25). It would seem there is no circadian system as used in this universe. The New Jerusalem will be a cube (Rev. 21:16). Cubes usually mean there is no external pressure to create a ball shape. If there is no force how is sound made? How are sounds heard? Do the redeemed have lungs or ears? Many more questions may be asked about the new physics that cause proper reasoning in spite of having little information. The unredeemed will be in a lake of fire yet will never die. They, too, can reason about the physics properties that they will face for eternity. Biosphere 2 was a two-year project that began in 1991 with a human made ecosystem in Arizona. Abigail Alling, a manager participant, said in a filmed interview that the eight member human staff relied on Joseph Campbell’s teaching on religious issues as myths (notorious for his anti-Bible view), meaning there was little staff diversity for moral beliefs with mature cognitive bonding with the God of the Bible. They were caught in less-than-complete disclosures by suppressing information on their technological failures and the human interactions. This is a human complex system and could have answered questions on counterfactual analysis, conflict resolution, and possible use of havruta or chavurah techniques. Liars hate those afflicted by their lies (Prov. 26:28).` On April 3 (1994) the New York Times reported that six of the eight participants were relieved of their duties by their financial backer, Edward Bass, due to poor financial practices. Alling and another manager, Mark Thillo, were later charged with a felony for breaking and entering the three-acre facility. Similar staff selections for space settlements would likely result in exponentially worse outcomes (i.e. being under the influence of the spirit of deception [Rev. 12:9], theft, rape, murder etc.) due to their being much more complex systems with the participants not having the option to immediately leave the settlement and instantly being back on earth. Communications to earth will even be delayed. (Note: A high-precision test of general relativity by the Cassini space probe involved radio signals being sent between the earth and the probe. There was a delay from the warping of space and time due to the sun's mass. The sun's mass caused the regular grid coordinate system to distort and have curvature. In a Euclidean space, the separation between two points is measured by the distance between the two points, which is purely spatial, and is always positive. In spacetime, the separation between two events is measured by the invariant interval between the two events. These take into account not only the spatial separation between the events, but also their temporal separation. Spacetime intervals may be classified into three distinct types, based on whether the temporal separation or the spatial separation of the two events is greater: time-like, light-like or space-like. Certain types of world lines are called geodesics of the spacetime – straight lines in the case of Minkowski space and their closest equivalent in the curved spacetime of general relativity. A curve is a geodesic if the tangent vector of the curve at any point is equal to the parallel transport of the tangent vector of the base point. In the case of purely time-like paths, geodesics are (locally) the paths of greatest separation (spacetime interval) as measured along the path between two events, whereas in Euclidean space and Riemannian manifolds, geodesics are paths of shortest distance between two points. In general relativity, a geodesic generalizes the notion of a "straight line" to curved spacetime.) It is possible that the settlement effort could produce new technology that would have general uses. But it will be at great economic and human expense. Beyond establishing the societal institutions of family, church, business, and government and their subsets, the settlement will be subject to acceptable evolving societal exchanges, such as a bartering/monetary device(s) for the exchange of labor etc. Adapt to expected neurological changes found in 2017 by Donna Roberts, M.D., titled “Effects of Spaceflight on Astronaut Brain Structure as Indicated on MRI” featured in the 2 November issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. Negative interference at all phases of space settlement operations by outsiders for varying reasons is to be predicted to develop realistic contingency plans that will potentially promote success (e.g. communications, resupply, cyberwar on technologies [no touch war or sixth generation warfare in Russian war strategies, see Major General Vladimir Slipchenko’s "A Russian Analysis of Warfare Leading to the Sixth Generation," Field Artillery, October 1993, pp 38-41, at]).

In October, 2017, the Muslim nation of Saudi Arabia was the first known society to give a godless, soulless, humanoid robot, the female AI bot named Sophia, the rights of citizenship. Ironically, the Islamic nation does not give human females rights to walk alone, drive vehicles, be educated etc., as it does male citizens. Former Google and Uber technical executive, Anthony Levandowski has established a non-profit religious corporation. Being sued in 2017 for stealing company secrets for profit, he is the self-appointed messiah that will create a god of artificial intelligence (AI) with his morality that he boasts will be a billion times smarter than the smartest human that uses robots to administer church duties. The church is called “The Way of the Future” with the gospel of “The Manuel.” In 2017 anti-Christian Da Vinci Code author, Dan Brown said AI will create a collective consciousness that will provide a new religion and replace God. Thus, infinite God’s transcendent authority for perfect morality would be supplanted by a flawed finite source for morality.

The bias of algorithms for statistical learning in AI has come under recent scrutiny. In 2017, Chris Ip (associated features editor at Engadget) quoted Sandra Wachter, a lawyer and researcher in data ethics at London's Alan Turing Institute and the University of Oxford. “Wachter said, Algorithms force us to look into a mirror on society as it is. AI is only as good as the training data fed into it. Programmers must be more conscious of biases while composing algorithms. Like lawyers and doctors, coders are increasingly taking on ethical responsibilities except with little oversight. They're diagnosing people, they're preparing treatment plans, they're deciding if somebody should go to prison,” Ip quotes Wachter. “So the people developing those systems should be guided by the same ethical standards that their human counterparts have to be. This guidance involves dialogue between technologists and ethicists,” explains Wachter. “For instance, the question of what degree of accuracy is required for a judge to rely on crime prediction is a moral question, not a technological one. All algorithms work on correlations -- they find patterns and calculate the probability of something happening,” added Wachter. “If the system tells me this person is likely to re-offend with a competence rate of 60 percent, is that enough to keep them in prison, or is 70 percent or 80 percent enough? You should find the social scientists, you should find the humanities people who have been dealing with these complicated questions for centuries." Of course, Wachter did not mention the transcendent standards of righteous theologians as she listed the recommended experts in people dealing with ethics. Without infinite moral transcendence, ethical outcomes must be one group of finite humans being victorious over other finite humans by exerting their superior power and position. In an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in January, 2018, regarding a text that best standardizes/unifies the ethical boundaries for all groups of finite human programmers of AI algorithms, Wachter was so kind as to recommend the following 2017 paper she co-authored Counterfactual Explanations Without Opening the Black Box: Automated Decisions and the GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulation)

There can be human bias against AI bias formed by reality. An algorithm converts real data into numbers to form statistics of probability so decisions may be based on the reality of those odds. A person or a group of people may not like the reality of the data. There are many examples of education or crime proclivities where one demographic does not like the reality of the outcome(s) and seeks to change the real numbers or hide true data for a false outcome they prefer.

Being a fool is a moral state and not an innate problem-solving issue. Because a fool has said in his heart that there is no God (Ps. 14:1). Truth is not to be resisted without experiencing severe consequences (II Tim. 3:8). If a person continues in Jesus’ word, they will be His disciples, and will know the truth and the truth will make them free (John 8:31-32). Usually attributed to Albert Einstein, it has been said “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

The space settlement agenda is largely formed on anti-biblical atheism. Their negative motives include finding life from evolutionary processes, becoming their own gods (Babel effect), transcending human nature (bounded by God’s commandments), and creating a utopia (heaven apart from God) etc. Neither of those goals is possible to achieve. They persist in following those lies and will attract likeminded followers. Atlantis (island of Atlas) is a fictional island located beyond the “Pillars of Hercules” mentioned in Plato's allegorical dialogues Timaeus and Critias, written c. 360 B.C. about the hubris of societies. The untrue story has led to scores of speculation by those that wrongly want to believe the story to be true. At birth, humans are wired to efficiently believe their parents and others until they experience and recognize deceit. Cognitive bonding teaches children thinking and learning/reasoning skills through the exchange of language and modeling examples of adults. (See Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development in four stages: the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational period. They are consider to be a continuous series, described as décalage or progressive.) At some point, children will also practice deceit for their own selfish purposes. Only the words of God, recorded in Scripture, are infallible for cognitive bonding. Therein lies the hope or tikvah (Heb. for hope but means a rope to bind) to hold on to Yahweh in good or evil times (Job 4:6; Ps. 71:5).

14 The practitioners of OT redemptive animal sacrifice were under the law and did have temporary (finite) forgiveness (Lev. 4:20, 26, 31, 35), but the final permanent (infinite eternal) cleansing was not possible. The consciousness of guilt was not removed. Only infinite Christ could and can provide that eternal perfection.

15 In 1993, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner published their “Seven Dimensions of Culture” model to help explain national cultural differences.  Their surveys revealed the following.

Americans consider that the goal of a negotiation is a signed contract (close a deal). Japanese/Chinese consider the goal is the creation of a relationship between the two sides (open a relationship). The Egyptians interpreted Israeli directness as aggressiveness and, therefore, an insult. The Israelis viewed Egyptian indirectness with impatience and suspected them of insincerity, of not saying what they meant.

Calling by first name at first meeting: Japan/Egypt = act of disrespect (negative) Australia/ USA = act of friendship (positive)

16 If death occurred before man’s fall in Eden, Jesus’ death later on would not have redemptive significance but would just be part of a natural process for all beings. The Creator would not be the loving good merciful God in the Bible (Ps. 69:16). No prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation (II Peter 1:20). Biblical exegesis in rabbinic study of Scripture has four approaches: Peshat (פְּשָׁט), "surface" ("straight") or the literal (direct) meaning, Remez (רֶמֶז), "hints" or the deep (allegoric: hidden or symbolic) meaning beyond just the literal sense, Derash (דְּרַשׁ) from Hebrew darash "inquire" ("seek"), the comparative (midrashic) meaning, as given through similar occurrences, and Sod (סוֹד) (pronounced with a long O as in 'soda'), "secret" ("mystery") or the esoteric/mystical meaning, as given through inspiration or revelation (known by the acronym of PaRDeS). They can be applied to the four gospels of Jesus: Matt., Jesus as the prophesied Messiah, Mark, the gospel of Jesus, Luke, Jesus as Savior, and John, the theology of Jesus’ work. In the last days, people with the theological vegan philosophy will attempt to act with Jesus’ redemptive power over creation’s sin nature and command people to not eat any meat (I Tim. 4:1-4; also see Ps. 107:17-18; Acts 10:12-15; Rom. 14:20). This is a hypocritical position in that vegans do not require other than humans to never eat animal related food products. Hypocrisy (L. hypocrisis, Gr. hypokrisis) is to act on a stage. A hypocrite is someone who affects a logic system that is different than their real logic system. That inaccuracy is either a result of intentional evil lying (Mark 12:15; I Tim. 4:2) or is not intentional due to insanity. Insanity is a legal term for a mental lack of correct logic reasoning. Psychosis, a psychiatric term, is a mental disorganization of logical reasoning (Dan. 4:32-34). Logic is a principle of reasoning by intellects to prevent errors in coherence or identify errors in coherence. The incoherence of hypocrisy is easily spotted by observers. The hypocritical unredeemed are noticeably quick to point out the hypocrisy in other people, especially the redeemed who are ashamed, but try to reason away their hypocrisy as they demonstrate little shame when their hypocrisy is made known. Hypocrites are largely deceiving themselves that their incoherence is not easily recognized, which can lead to stress and its issues from cognitive dissonance. A hypocrite(ical) (Heb. chânêph, soiled meaning to soil or pollute [with sin]) destroys their neighbor with their mouth (Prov. 11:9). Wisdom is from above…and without hypocrisy/sincerity (James 3:17).

17 The overall human algorithm for temporal life is in the created biological DNA code from life’s beginning to its end. The reality of the Logos is seen in the order of the universe. Humans can choose to accept it or reject it and choose the alternative of chaos by default and the penalty of death.

18 It is common for souls to teach the brain’s neurons techniques for more efficient recording of data. For example, neuroscience students studying for a test may vision the sections of a brain and stem as an ice cream cone with layers of different flavors of ice cream. Healthy neurons express the soul’s desire to either love or hate. Neurons can not do two things at one time. David discussed sorrow in his heart and council in his soul (Ps. 13:2). Neurons can not process both joy and despair at the same time. David said hope in God and praise of God is the answer to despair (Ps. 42:6, 11; 43:5). Paul said the redeemed are to pray and be thankful to God in everything, being careful for nothing (Phil. 4:6). The flesh fights the soul (Gal. 5:17). The flesh seeks tools, i.e. mind altering drugs etc., to control the rational mind. The redeemed’s soul controls the brain mechanism until pain or defects override soul control. The flesh control is selfish, hateful, and unloving. The redeemed’s soul uses its neurons to ally with other redeemed souls and the flesh uses its neurons to ally with other unredeemed souls, yet they recognize they are lacking the love etc. the redeemed have. The soul could not be bifurcated into control of multiple personalities without knowledge of each other. This explains why “Manchurian candidate” experiments failed to involuntary control the soul’s moral control of the mind. Forcing experiences (i.e. education, military etc.) on large groups of people cannot produce an analytical track for inductive reasoning of inputted neurons for behavioral profiling. The data can never be complete enough and people can obscure experiences. It is possible that a demon can override the unredeemed soul’s control of the neurons as it is possible for the Holy Spirit to override the redeemed soul’s control of the neurons. The sinless Jesus (II Cor. 5:21; Is. 53:6, 9) said His spirit was willing to do His Divine purpose, but His flesh was weak (Matt. 26:41; Mark 14:38).

19 God’s Holy Spirit is on Scripture. They are Vox Dei (L. voice of God). God cannot lie and neither can the Scriptures. This is why all people have the right and need to read Scriptures. They are a direct communication with God and prevents intentional or unintentional hearsay error by mediators. The Holy Spirit gives the gift of holy living or godliness—piety (Rom. 8:14-16). The benefits are for a safeguard against temptation (Gen. 39:7-9), are for the present and the future (I Tim. 4:8), and are for eternity in heaven (Rev. 14:13). Renée de France, Duchess of Ferrara, was known for her hospitality of church reformers in danger and her piety. Her daughters were kidnapped by Catholic Church leadership until she recanted her protestant theology but she refused to support those Catholic oppressors and their heretical theology. Considered one of the greatest orators of America’s Second Great Awakening by the U.S. Declaration of Independence father and signer, Benjamin Rush, was Harry Hosier. Known for his evangelical teaching of pious living, Hosier was the protégé of Francis Asbury. The Great Awakening movement in the U.S. was anti-institutional. There are numerous biblical examples of righteous anti-institutionalism, such as with Jeremiah, Paul and even Jesus. In time, all righteous movements will become institutionalized and need to be overtaken by a new movement that resists the evolving doctrinal heresy of the institutions’ leadership. The general taxonomy of (Christian) theology is Catholic, Evangelical, and Reformed. They each share unifying common doctrines, such as the beliefs of Martin Luther and the Lutheran Church, but also exhibit distinct doctrines, such as the solo scriptura doctrine of evangelicals and reformed is not shared by Catholics.

20 Because God is infinite His promises for the future are prophecy and law, such as if x then y. They are an immutable substance of the future to come, as the past is truth they are truth (see endnote 12).

21 Panagou expressed her view to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange in September, 2017.

22 Thanks is extended to Francis Edward Su, Benediktsson-Karwa Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College, for his assistance with this subject during a December, 2017, email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr.

23 Cupps’ remarks were from an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in November, 2017. He reemphasized the principle of something not being able to be both “X” and “not X” at the same time. A person cannot serve both God and mammon (Aramaic for property or what is stored or what one puts one trust in; Matt. 6:24). A person cannot be a friend of this world God created (e.g. an adulterer etc.) and a friend of God at the same time (James 4:4). If that person loves the world God created, that person will not also have the love of Father God in them (I John 2:15). God’s creation (object of worship X by person Y) should not be worshipped instead of worshipping God the creator (object of worship X by person Y). Something can be in place “X” and “Y” and “Z” at the same time. For example, a person can be in Paris (city X) and France (nation Y) and Europe (continent Z) at the same time, but cannot be in Paris (city X) and London (city X) at the same time. Obviously, city X is a category which cannot have exact object equivalence` with a different city X object.

24The widely known Schrödinger's cat discussion involves a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source being placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor detects radioactivity (i.e., a single atom decaying), the flask is expected to shatter which releases the poison and likely kills the cat.

25 Double prime is used to distinguish a third quality from two other related qualities, x and x. They are used to denote transformed coordinates, derivatives etc. Derivatives of a function represent (infinitesimal) change in the function with one of its variables.

26 See the December 1984 paper, Buridan’s Principle, by computer scientist Leslie Lamport.

27 John Bargh’s book, Before You Know It: The Unconscious Reasons We Do What We Do, acknowledges the role of the subconscious. However, he attributes this ability to evolution which could not statistically have occurred in that all possible alternatives did not kill everyone until that aspect of humanity survived. His bias is to ignore the reality of creator God that neurologically wired humans. Bargh is professor at Yale University’s School of Management.

28 One-on-one learning between leaders is encouraged by Paul (Gal. 6:6). Jon Levisohn is an associate professor in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies and Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Chair in Jewish Educational Thought at Brandeis University. He recommends the following

Havruta can take many forms. A Christian church studies the Bible each week with the following two-hour format.

Personal check-in (20 min.)  

Silence and prayer (5 min.)  

Framing text (10 min.)  

Reading text aloud (10 min.)  

Havruta dialogues (20 min.) -- Orit Kent recommends three pairs of core practices in which havruta learners engage: (1) listening and articulating; (2) wondering and focusing; and (3) supporting and challenging.

Reporting back (15 min.)  

Group discussion (20 min.)  

Silent reflection (5 min.)  

Take-aways (10 min.)

Closing prayer (5 min.)

29 A biblical example of chavurah is Job’s discussion with his friends (Job 2:11 to chapter 37, 42:7, 10).

30 Lopatin expressed his view to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange in November, 2017. Alexander Rofés November, 2017, email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. regarding this subject is appreciated. He is an emeritus professor in the Bible department at Hebrew University.

For more information on the havruta-style see

Dallas F. Bell Jr. acknowledges appreciation to the office of Rabbi Daniel Lapin for the email exchange in December, 2017, regarding this subject.

31 Tupos is Greek for model or pattern (Tit. 2:7; Heb. 8:5). All algorithms are models for repeating algorithms of decision-making. Human modeling may be seen in the 2017 paper by Yair Hartman and Ariel Yadin titled Furstenberg Entropy of Intersectional Invariant Random Subgroups.

32 Luke 23:34; Acts 7:60; Jude 10.

33Scott Armstrong and Kesten Green are working on a paper for forecasting. An abbreviated version of the paper’s abstract reads as follows... Problem: Few practitioners or academics use findings from nearly a century of experimental research that would allow them to substantially reduce forecast errors. In order to improve forecasting practice, this paper develops evidence-based guidance in a form that is easy for forecasters and decision-makers to access, understand, and use: checklists. Findings: Seventeen simple forecasting methods can between them be used to provide accurate forecasts for diverse problems. Knowledge on forecasting is summarized in the form of five checklists with guidance on the selection of the most suitable methods for the problem, and their implementation. Usefulness: Forecasters can use the checklists as tools to reduce forecast errors—often by more than one-half—compared to those of forecasts from commonly used methods. Scientists can use the checklists to devise valid tests of the predictive validity of their hypotheses. Finally, clients and other interested parties can use the checklists to determine whether forecasts were derived using evidence-based procedures and can, therefore, be trusted. The working paper is available from ResearchGate,

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