Systematic Political Science

Reality and the Self Algorithm (S = S1 <: S2, S2 <: S3, S3 <: S4, S4 <: S5, S5 <: S6, S6 <: S7):
Dieu est un Mathématicien et est le Programmeur d'Ordinateurs Biologiques1

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

I am a Christian which means that I believe in the deity of Christ, like Tycho de Brahe, Copernicus, Descartes, Newton, Leibnitz, Pascal, Grimaldi, Euler, Guldin, Boscovich, Gerdil; as was all great astronomers, physicists, and geometricians of past ages.— Baron Augustin-Louis Cauchy

Mathematicians have to deal with the most exact facts of nature, and should spare no effort to render the interpretation worthy of the subject, and to give to the work its highest degree of perfection. “Pauca sed matura” was Carl Friedrich Gauss’s motto. Gauss was a member of the St. Albans Evangelical Lutheran church in Göttingen. After solving a complex math problem that had previously defeated him, Gauss stated "Finally, two days ago, I succeeded—not on account of my hard efforts, but by the grace of the Lord." Of course, God is a mathematician (French Dieu est un mathématicien) and reveals math and other things to His people and conceals things from others.2

The infinitely sealed first verse of the Bible, "In the beginning God,'' which in Hebrew is Brayshith Elohim has the numeric value of 999. The very next statement "created the heaven" is also sealed with 999. Nine is finality and is endowed with a peculiar quality. The first verse of the Bible “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1) also contains over 30 different combinations of seven. This verse has seven Hebrew words having a total of 28 letters 4 x 7. The numeric value of the three nouns “God”, “heaven” and “earth” totals 777. Any number in triplicate expresses complete, ultimate, or total meaning. Also tightly sealed up with sevens are the genealogy of Jesus, the account of the virgin birth, and the resurrection.

God greatness is unsearchable.3 He chose to communicate His immutable Scripture in words and sentences and not mathematical logic symbols. The written language makes communicating many concepts (both material and nonmaterial) to the most people more effective. Converting Divine words and sentences to finite math could lead to other implications, but could also loose intended meaning.

Divinez avant de démontrer (French divine before demonstrating) is simple yet complex. Material realities (the cosmos) exist as do the laws (thermodynamics etc.) that regulate them as nonmaterial realities (justice, love, mercy etc.) exist as do the laws (the Ten Commandments etc.) that regulate them.4 Q.E.D.5 The kingdom of God is more than material; it is righteousness, peace, and joy in His Holy Spirit.6 Isaac Newton said, “God made and governs the world invisibly, and has commanded us to love and worship him, and no other God; to honor our parents and masters, and love our neighbours as ourselves; and to be temperate, just, and peaceable, and to be merciful even to brute beasts. And by the same power by which he gave life at first to every species of animals, he is able to revive the dead, and has revived Jesus Christ our Redeemer, who has gone into the heavens to receive a kingdom, and prepare a place for us, and is next in dignity to God, and may be worshipped as the Lamb of God, and has sent the Holy Ghost to comfort us in his absence, and will at length return and reign over us.”

Humans commonly utilize crude codes to mathematically obscure communications. For example, the Vigenère cipher is a method of encrypting alphabetic text by using a series of interwoven Caesar ciphers based on the letters of a keyword. It employs a form of polyalphabetic substitution.7 Early on it was described as le chiffre indéchiffrable (French for the indecipherable cipher). Vigenère can also be described algebraically. If the letters A–Z are taken, addition is performed modulo 26. In mathematics, modular arithmetic is a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers wrap around when reaching a certain value—the modulus (plural moduli). The modern approach to modular arithmetic was developed by Gauss in his book, Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, published in 1801. A familiar use of modular arithmetic is in the 12-hour clock, in which the day is divided into two 12-hour periods (arithmetic modulo 12).

Another basic example in cryptography is a transposition cipher.8 It is a method of encryption by which the positions held by units of plaintext (which are commonly characters or groups of characters) are shifted according to a regular system, so that the ciphertext constitutes a permutation of the plaintext. That is, the order of the units is changed (the plaintext is reordered). Mathematically, a bijective function is used on the characters' positions to encrypt and an inverse function to decrypt. Transposition is particularly effective when employed with fractionation–a preliminary stage that divides each plaintext symbol into several ciphertext symbols.

The rebuilding of the God’s last earthly Temple in Jerusalem has exact mathematical specifications for the design. There is also preciseness for the timing and motivations of its builders. St. Paisios of Mount Athos said that a sign that end times biblical prophecy9 is about to be fulfilled is when the Mosque in Jerusalem is taken down in order to make way for the re-construction of the Jewish Temple of Solomon on the ancient Temple Mount.10 The possible motivations for this event can be analyzed. Possibly God does a supernatural act in removing the Mosque and motivates the Jewish builders to proceed. A black swan event of unforeseen natural circumstances could occur. Muslims are theologically opposed to the Divine event (0) and are hated by Jews (0). Christians are theologically favorable to the Divine event (1) but are politically less active (0) and Jews generally hate them (0). The coming Antichrist11 knows the Temple will be rebuilt and would support its rebuilding (1) to garner favor with the Jews (1) and to be worshipped there. A Temple matrix of cooperation could be composed as follows.

	   Temple Support Matrix
              (no)  (yes)
	(no)     0,0    0,1 
        (yes)    1,0    1,1

A Muslim and Jewish matrix would be 0,0 and Christian cooperation with Jews would be either 0,0 or 0,1. By that exercise of knowledge today, the Antichrist possibility, of a highly likely 1,1, is made the more probable Divine catalyst for the Divine rebuilding of His Temple. The Antichrist covenant/treaty with Israel for seven years will be violated after three and a half years with his demanding to be worshipped in God’s Temple.12 It is evident that even those that choose to do evil, as the Pharaoh of ancient times13 and the future Antichrist, have been created to not, ~, knowingly, cog, do God’s will, k,14 ~ cog k.

(The above 24in. x 36in. oil on canvas painting by Dallas F. Bell, Jr. is titled “Self-Portrait.”)

As a mathematician, God would also be the programmer of biological computers (French Dieu serait aussi le programmeur d'ordinateurs biologiques). The Christian Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician, pioneered the history of computer development. In 1641, at the age of eighteen, Pascal built the first arithmetic machine, which has been suggested to be the first computer. His Pascaline could do addition and subtraction. Pascal’s machine consisted of a series of gears with 10 teeth each, representing the numbers 0 to 9. As each gear made one turn, it would trip the next gear up to make 1/10 of a revolution.

During a nine-month period in 1842-1843, Augusta Ada Byron King, the Countess of Lovelace and daughter of poet Lord Byron,15 translated Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea's16 memoir on Charles Babbage's (a devout Anglican Christian) analytic engine. With her translation, she appended a set of notes which specified a method for calculating Bernoulli numbers with the engine. Historians often recognize this as the world's first computer program and commonly honor her as the first programmer. On her deathbed, she was reported to have had a religious transformation and repented. She was buried, at her request, next to her father at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Hucknall, Nottinghamshire.

A pixel (meaning picture element) is often referred to as the basic unit of programmable color on a computer display or in a computer image. It is thought of as a logical unit rather than a physical unit. Richard Terrell, director of the Center for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology, is a supporter of the idea that our reality is a computer-generated virtual reality created by Creator God—simulation hypothesis. He is quoted as observing “Space is quantitized, matter is quantitized, energy is quantitized, everything is made of individual pixels. Which means the Universe has a finite number of components. Which means a finite number of states. Which means it’s a computer. That infers the Universe could be created by lines of code in a computer.”

Terrell’s elementary theological analysis consists of asking "What are the requirements for God?” His conclusion is that “He's an inter-dimensional being, connected with everything in the Universe, a creator, responsible for everything in the Universe, and in some way can change the law of physics, if he wanted to." Oxford University professor and founding director of the Future of Humanity Institute, Niklas Bostrom’s position in his paper, “The Simulation Argument,” is aligned with David Bohm, Karl Pribram and Alain Aspect who also are known to support a computational reality.

An example of Divine biological programming is the material DNA code for Cell replication. DNA replication occurs in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes and in the nucleus of eukaryotes. Eukaryotic cell replication is a process by which cells duplicate their genetic material and then divide to yield two daughter cells. The accuracy of DNA replication is critical to cell reproduction.17

Nonmaterial behavioral code for behavioral replication begins with self. Self is the individual as a conscious being with the realization of embodiment of an abstraction.

Intellect → Consciousness → Freewill → Self = (S1…S7)

Self (S) algorithm

--Self-Awareness (S1); has knowledge of self-existence and interacts with the surroundings.
--Self-Identifying (S2); chooses to accept a value system to determine neurological input of what is good and evil. This will determine the potential congruence with reality.
--Self-Idealizing (S3); personifies the model of the value system.
--Self-Examining (S4); makes a rational analysis of the path to the idealized self. (True self-examination [II Cor. 13:5] occurs using scripture [Heb. 4:12; take the mote of your own eye etc. Matt. 7:3], Jesus’ model [Heb. 12:1-2], and with assistance from God Himself [Ps. 26:2].)
--Self-Regulating (S5); makes the corrections and maintenance toward achievement of the ideal with atonement from the chosen personified ideal. (Atonement can not be achieved mathematically unless the ideal personified is the infinite Elohim.)
--Self-Asserting (S6); one’s ideas and beliefs are individually asserted.
--Self-Replicating (S7); social advancement of one’s views and goals to others and groups is sought. This may range from passive modeling to active recruitment of converts. (Proselytes18 are expected19 to observe laws,20 separate from people with other beliefs,21 participate in approved social activities,22 and then also proselytize others.23)

S = (S1 <: S2, S2 <: S3, S3 <: S4, S4 <: S5, S5 <: S6, S6 <: S7)

In behavioral analysis, there must be a healthy concern for accuracy. The Gaussian (normal) distribution was historically called the law of errors. It was used by Gauss to model errors in astronomical observations, which is why it is usually referred to as the Gaussian distribution.25 In the Theory of Errors,26 it is observed that repeated measurements of one and the same constant quantity generally give different results, since every measurement contains a certain error. The three basic types of error are: systematic, gross, and random. Systematic errors either overestimate or underestimate the results of measurements and arise for specific reasons (incorrect set-up of measuring equipment, the effect of environment, etc.), which systematically affect the measurements and alter them in one direction. The estimation of systematic errors is achieved using methods which go beyond the confines of mathematical statistics. Gross errors may arise from miscalculations, incorrect reading of the measuring equipment, etc. The results of measurements which contain gross errors differ from other results of measurements and are therefore easy to identify. Random errors arise from various reasons which have an unforeseen effect on each of the measurements, both in overestimating and in underestimating results.

Reality is the infinite state of all material and nonmaterial existence independent of the perceptions of finite observers. An idealized image is a view of one’s self that is contrary to reality derived from fantasy or the incongruent imagining of objects and events. The true congruence of reality can be seen mathematically by the example of 12 being congruent to 2 (modulo 5) since 12 – 2 = 2 x 5. The modulo relates to modulus, which is a constant or absolute value; 19 and 54 are congruent (modulo 7).

The Antichrist’s matrix presented earlier reflects the boundary of the behavioral algorithm of his self-identity of rebellion and his ideal self as a god on earth for which he will try to replicate.27 Mario Livio, worked on the Hubble telescope, asserts his atheist self-identity in his frequent writings. He argues in order to self-replicate but the more he argues the more he disproves his position. In his (2003) book, The Golden Ratio, he concludes by quoting Stephen Wolfram (a self-identified atheist who developed a computer program to demonstrate order can come from randomness which was created by him for that purpose meaning his intellect was necessary to prove his idea which in fact disproved his idea) and proposed that man invented geometry. Of course, geometry and all math existed prior to man’s discovery and could never be invented from nothing any more than gold or love could. In 2010, Livio again demonstrated his Divine algorithm of self by arguing that God “Is not a Mathematician.” He concluded that book with a quote by Bertrand Russell (a self-identified atheist who famously demonstrated a lack of understanding of set theory). All human interaction reflects the mathematical/algorithmic relationship with God and within one’s self between the soul and the carnal body.

Saul, a student of Gamaliel, had a self-identity of a Pharisee, who generally idealized Moses28 who interceded for God’s mercy on the unrighteous29 as opposed to Jonah who did not want God’s mercy to extend to the unrighteous.30 Saul fought against God31 and sought to self-replicate by imprisoning and murdering God’s people.32

	Unredemptive Self Algorithm Matrix Decision Model

Carnal body (no) (yes) (no) 0,0 0,1 Righteous spirit (yes) 1,0 1,1

As with everyone redeemed, Saul was famously converted from the boundary,, of his unredemptive behavioral matrix above (0,1), by infinite God’s grace alone,33 to the possibility of (1,0) righteous behavior. His self-identity changed to Christian and he was renamed Paul. His self-ideal also changed to Christ. As Paul self-examined and self-regulated, he quickly discovered the righteous soul desires to cooperate with God (1) and the carnal body, b, does not (0). Using mathematical logic, Paul said the righteous things, k, his righteous self-will, kS, desired to do, 1,0, he did not, ~ 1,0, and the carnal things, b, his righteous self-will, kS did not, ~, desire to do he did, → 0,1.34 He added, if he, kS, did, →, the things, b, he, kS, did not, ~, desire to do, →, it was not him, ~ kS, that did it, →, but is, ε, unrighteous sin, u, that knowingly, cog, does it. A redemptive matrix of the identical options for an unredemptive model above is below.

	 Pauline Redemptive Self Algorithm Matrix Decision Model 
	                                     Carnal body
	                                      (no) (yes)
	                            (no)     0,0   0,1
	Righteous spirit
	                           (yes)     1,0   1,1

So kS → 1,0 < ~ kS = bS → 0,1
And bS → 0,1 = ~ kS → 1,0
Then kS → 0,1 ε ~ kS → cog u

Humans then have cooperative relationships with each other as they self-assert and attempt to replicate their beliefs, as Paul did.35 God’s elect are predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus the Christ.36 Their “self”, and its algorithm, have been forever transformed into a new creature37 (Gr. ktisis for a new formation or creation) ready to occupy the new heaven and the new earth divinely promised to come38 for ever (Gr. aion meaning for ever and ever).39 In the meantime, their spiritual commonality allows for the transcendence of material space. They can be apart bodily yet together in spirit.40

Followers of Jesus the Christ self-identify as Christian and attempt to model Jesus as their ideal self, with Paul or John etc. as living admirable lives. This is very different from people that self-identify as a religious order, Christianized or not, and have one of their founding leaders etc. as their ideal self. Scriptures warn that Christ is not divided. Paul was not crucified for Christians. Baptism is not in the name of Paul.41 Christians have a relationship with Jesus the Redeemer and others have an unredemptive relationship with their religious choice.

Hypocrites have one standard for themselves and another standard for others, for example Pharisees.42 They feign to believe and do what they do not believe and do, which is an appropriate tactic in warfare. The vile person43 may do a charitable deed pretending to be motivated by helping the object of the charity.44 But they are deceiving other people to benefit themselves and certainly are not acting as a loving hand from God, which is the eternal purpose of charity.

Unredeemed people do what is right in their own eyes,45 u cog (~ ∞k) u cog (bS k). The way of a fool is right in their own eyes,46 as when Pilate aided in the murder of Jesus.47 Right is codified in law and can lead to redemption.48 Law requires judgment49 yet redemption requires compassion but not compromise with lawlessness.

Moral relativism is from finite minds. Asian cultures have been proponents of this belief for millennia50 and it is a waste of time to debate those that resist truth, especially in the coming apostasy of reprobate faiths (see Vern Poythress’ book, Redeeming Mathematics).51 Today, self-identified (secular) humanists, with support from the globalist Pope Francis,52 adopt a value that asserts the capability of finite man to self-realize through his finite reasoning ability with little or no room for the transcendent values of God--atheistic philosophy,53 u cog (~ ∞k) → u cog (bS ⌐ k). Self-realization is the ethical belief that the highest good for finite man consists of fulfilling himself due to having finite innate abilities constituting his real or ideal self. That defacto Satanism means any behavior must be considered equal, such as lying and not lying, or stealing and not stealing, or murdering and not murdering etc.

God’s Holy Spirit teaches Jesus’ followers by comparing spiritual things, k, with infinite spiritual constants, ∞k. People that do not follow Him consider this foolishness and can not spiritually discern.54 Historically, many people have accepted the nonmaterial world over the material world, such as Moses55 or Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who faced an angry material King and fiery furnace rather than reject the nonmaterial loving relationship with the Son of God--Jesus.56 Reasonably, Christians (c), cS k, have difficulty in communicating with anti-Christs (a), aS k. Jesus personifies the Christian transcendent behavioral model for eternal standards. Anti-Christs’ personify and compare the relative behavior of others when discussing morals. There is an Axiom of Reality,├, where accepters of reality, x, and rejecters of reality, y, are not k parallel, , and can not coexist, so ├ (x S) ∦k (y S).

Logical reasoning to communicate with a group ends at a point when views of that group become so un-relatable and alien they surpass the comprehension of the other group. All ideas deemed possible within the realm of a group may be accepted as their actual views by their opposing group no matter how extreme. When Rome was on fire, its homosexual/transvestite leader, Nero,57 intentionally blamed the devastation on the innocent Christian minority who were murdered by the anti-Christ Roman majority,58 u cog (~ ∞k) → u cog (bS ⌐ k). There is a season for everything. There is a time to kill and to heal, to break down and to build up, to love and to hate, and a time for war and for peace.59 The logical reality is there must be a just war60 between the opposing groups for self-replication of their chosen reality.

In looking at the modulus of a real number,61 the modulus x, written | x |, is the magnitude of x so |+5| = +5 and |-7| = +7. A table of x = -4 to x = +4 follows.

x | -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

| x | +4 +3 +2 +1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

A graph of y = | x | shows the behavioral boundaries, ∂, with constants of reality for what is truly good and its opposite of what is truly evil, connected yet diverging at the point of choice, 0.



y = | x |

Joseph Conrad (born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski) wrote Lord Jim (1899-1900). It addresses the subject of the psychology of self with the character Marlow as a nuanced moral relativist by somewhat shunning codified judgment, u cog (~ ∞k) → u cog (bS ⌐ k). Marlow’s compassion toward Jim is shown by Conrad as a sign of psychological freedom because it is internal, whereas Jim’s satisfaction is derived from the approval of others and so is not free.

If a person has a self-ideal of a racist, they can be predicted to assert racism and seek to self-replicate racists, their self-identity must also be racist. A British citizen had proclaimed to have a self-ideal of a convicted psychopathic serial killer whose idol was British serial killer Peter Sutcliffe. It should have been no surprise that he was recently arrested and confessed to being a serial killer himself, u cog (~ ∞k) → u cog (bS ⌐ k). During his public court appearance, the former Ph.D. candidate in homicide studies, self-identified as a serial killer and clearly asserted he lived by his own rules. It is reasonable to believe that the publicity would aid his possible self-replication.62 U.S. serial killer and self-identified atheist, Israel Keyes’ childhood friends were racists and convicted murderers, Chevie and Cheyne Kehoe. Keyes said that he admired U.S. serial killer, Theodore Bundy.63 Bundy said all moral judgments are subjective, u cog (~ ∞k) → u cog (bS ⌐ k), and pleasures are not moral or immoral.64

Irrational self-identity, such as homosexual/transgender, is not a material biological or nonmaterial spiritual reality. Princeton University professor of Jurisprudence, Robert George is quoted as saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.” Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.

The American College of Pediatricians wrote a position statement in 2016-2017 authored by McHugh, Michelle A. Cretella, M.D. President of the American College of Pediatricians, and Quentin Van Meter, M.D. Vice President of the American College of Pediatricians Pediatric Endocrinologist. It states, among other things, that human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: XY and XX are genetic markers of male and female, respectively. A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking. When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such. These children suffer from gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria (GD), formerly listed as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), is a recognized mental disorder in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-V). The psychodynamic and social learning theories of GD/GID have never been disproved. Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse. Endorsing gender discordance as normal via public education and legal policies will confuse children and parents, leading more children to present to gender clinics where they will be given puberty-blocking drugs. This, in turn, virtually ensures they will “choose” a lifetime of carcinogenic and otherwise toxic cross-sex hormones, and likely consider unnecessary surgical mutilation of their healthy body parts as young adults.65 The logical result of homosexuality must be a reprobate mind.66

Given atheism as an identity, the following question emerges. What objective epistemological standard rationally necessary for neurological inputting of what is (transcendent) considered good and evil is recommended (such as Stephen Wolfram, Mario Livio etc.) to determine the self-ideal used by necessity to harmonically conform symmetrical behavioral goals from the chosen self-identity (especially necessary for the behavioral cohesion of a complex institution/society)?

In an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in September, 2019, a well-known self-identified atheist Ivy League Ph.D. admitted to being confused and wrote the question in the preceding paragraph above seems “to be confusing identity as a political class membership, and identity as personhood, a cognitive entity. Neither can be chosen, only recognized or embraced (choices can affect it, but that’s not the same thing). Identity as personhood is literally a physical pattern in the brain and its causal history; it’s what your brain evolved to build and update a model of, that you call your “self.” Identity in political jargon does not refer to that, but to categories other people put you in and treat you differently because of--which come with causal histories attached, but they aren’t uniquely yours, and exist externally from your brain (and only may or may not have causally affected your brain). You can’t choose your political identity either, except by exiting a class (e.g. ceasing to be an atheist). Otherwise, once you are a thing, you are the thing. There is no escaping that. At most you can try to ignore it or pretend it doesn’t have social consequences; but reality does not obey your will like that. Ignoring facts, does not make the facts go away.”

That honest opinion represents numerous problems of coherence due to ignorance and bias, such as seeming to not accept the concept of freewill to choose differing courses of behavior which monozygotic twins (raised together) frequently demonstrate with independent choices while noting the reality of having a “will”, a lack of the logical defining of obvious terms, not knowing fMRI studies and dysfunctional brain examples disprove only material neurology of thoughts,67 referring to biological evolving without evidence from replication (the last step of the scientific method of theory) while ignoring evidence that disproves the theory, ironically refers to facts while ignoring too many facts to be mentioned, and did not answer the question by recommending an atheist example of the self-ideal etc. etc.

Societal cohesion needs the Christian attributes of justice, love, and mercy to potentially create the freedom necessary for the formation of an advanced civilization. Atheist’s attributes of injustice, hate, and mercilessness are by necessity counter to Christian attributes and must potentially create an enslaved society with the lowest of authoritarian civilization models.

Daisy Grewal, research scientist at Stanford University School of Medicine, wrote about the reality of people not trusting atheists.68 The trust matrix for atheists cooperation with the transcendent righteous values of Christians can be seen below with the least likely category of 1,1, explaining why it is irrational for Christians, or even other atheists, to generally trust an atheist.

	                Trust Matrix
	                                     (no)   (yes)  
	                           (no)     0,0     0,1
	Righteous spirit
	                           (yes)    1,0     1,1   

Former CIA employee and NSA computer technology contractor, Edward Snowden was trusted to keep information considered vital to U.S. interests secret. Instead, the self-identified humanist (atheist) chose to reveal them to the world hostile to U.S. freedoms,69 u cog (~ ∞k) → u cog (bS ⌐ k). Now exiled in socialist atheist Moscow, the high school dropout is active in a freedom of press foundation. Assuming it to be a reflection of his actual beliefs, Snowden’s biography page on that website states..."In 2013, he revealed the NSA was unconstitutionally seizing the private records of billions of individuals who had not been suspected of any wrongdoing." Many people rationally believe that the U.S. intelligence community’s unlawful surveillance of innocent U.S. citizens needed to be exposed. However, Snowden apparently did it for reasons of ignorance. He indicates he does not understand U.S. constitutional law only applies to the 300 million plus U.S. citizens. The billions of non U.S. citizens throughout the world, spied on by U.S. agencies for national security reasons, were properly sanctioned by U.S. law.

Edward Manning, a former United States Army soldier trusted with U.S. secrets, was convicted by court-martial in 2013 of violations of the Espionage Act and other offenses, after disclosing nearly 750,000 classified and sensitive, military and diplomatic documents to enemies of the freedoms constitutionally guaranteed by the U.S. constitution to its citizens. Captain David Moulton, a Navy psychiatrist, told the court that Manning's facial features showed signs of fetal alcohol syndrome. Typically, fetal alcohol syndrome presents with damage to the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive decision making. But not all people with mental deficiencies choose to reject God.

Many times mental disorder is suspiciously given as an alibi or excuse, compared with Paul’s honest and rational struggle to be righteous in his redemptive matrix model presented earlier. Hamlet told Horatio in Act 1, Scene 5, of Shakespeare’s70 Hamlet that he was going "To put an antic disposition on," ⌐ ~ cog u. Later in Act 5, Scene 2, Hamlet said to Laertes, “Give me your pardon, sir. I’ve done you wrong. But pardon ’t, as you are a gentleman. This presence knows, And you must needs have heard, how I am punished With sore distraction. What I have done, That might your nature, honor, and exception Roughly awake, I here proclaim was madness. Was ’t Hamlet wronged Laertes? Never Hamlet. If Hamlet from himself be ta'en away, And when he’s not himself does wrong Laertes, Then Hamlet does it not. Hamlet denies it. Who does it, then? His madness. If’t be so, Hamlet is of the faction that is wronged. His madness is poor Hamlet’s enemy.” Hamlet’s decision to make Claudius believe that he was insane backfired when everyone, except Claudius, was deceived. Polonious recognized that Hamlet's madness was not genuine. Ophelia's madness, however, did not conveniently come and go. Her true madness ended with her suicide, ~ cog u. Using the unredemptive decision model for Saul’s self algorithm, Hamlet’s self-will chose 0,1 and feigned 1,0 to manipulate others for person gain, while Ophelia’s self-will also always choose 0,1 unaware of the importance of feigning 1,0 for personal gain.

In school, Manning was known to remain silent during the part of the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. that makes reference to God,71 ⌐ ~ cog u. Saul’s unredemptive decision model for Manning’s self algorithm would always be 0,1 with the possibility of feigning 1,0, under mentally healthy conditions, when his perception of a situation required deceit. This self-identified atheist and U.S. Democrat flunked out of college after the first semester. It must be a true burden to have the infinite knowledge required to be an actual atheist and have to condescend to the great (Christian) minds of history, presented in part throughout this paper. Having XY chromosomes, Manning now pretends to have female XX chromosomes,72 as seen in his attempt at counterfeiting the innately recognizable feminine symmetrical appearance by his disturbingly unsymmetrical masculine appearance innately discernable in the photo of him below, u cog (~ ∞k) → u cog (bS ⌐ k).

Recently, a U.S. school teacher73 and a U.K. medical doctor74 were fired because they acknowledged the biological reality of chromosomes and were unwilling to conform to the fantasies of gender dysphoria sufferers. The self-identified atheist and therefore socialist, Franz Kafka is known to have indicated, “By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.”

Fox News reports Stockholm School of Economics professor and researcher, Magnus Söderlund said he believes eating human meat, derived from dead bodies, might be able to help save the human race. He advocated an anti-Christ belief on Swedish television and at the (2019) Gastro Summit in Stockholm that cannibalism might stop global warming if society were “awaken to the idea” of cannibalism, u cog (~ ∞k) → u cog (bS ⌐ k). In response to Söderlund’s recommendation, a woman on 3 October, 2019, attended a town hall hosted by Democrat New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the Queens Public Library in Corona, New York. She demanded that people “start eating babies” in response to climate change. Wearing a t-shirt that read, “Save the Planet, Eat the Children,” her rant declared that there are only "a few months left" and that it is time to "start eating babies.” Tellingly, Cortez could have easily and quickly denounced the woman’s proposal, but chose not to. It was later learned that the woman may have been associated with a Lyndon LaRouchePAC.75

Cortez’s views have been so far removed from reality most any view opposing reality may be believed by accepters of reality as her views (see the Axiom of Reality explained earlier). Unless prevented by a black swan event, mathematically, the next step by accepters of reality must be to justly physically eliminate rejecters of reality and prevent the chaos of their self-replication and allow for self-replication of believers in reality before they are themselves unjustly physically eliminated.

The conflict can be expected to intensify when there is tight physical confinement, such as in families, schools, and workplaces, etc. For example in Wellington, Ohio, an unarmed loving Christian pastor and his wife were shot in 2007 by their recently self-identified atheist son, u cog (~ ∞k) → u cog (bS ⌐ k), Daniel Petric, a sixteen year old for removing a video game that promoted evil (Halo 3). After he had murdered his mother, Sue, and had shot his father in the head, Daniel tried to frame his father with gun evidence but was distracted by the arrival of a car. At the police interrogation, Daniel feigned crying as he explained that his father had did the murder, ⌐ ~ cog u. His lie quickly became unraveled and he was sentenced to 23 years to life in prison. The surviving father, Mark, says he has forgiven Daniel.

The mathematics of the cause of a just war asserts,├, the inertia, I, of increasing, , time, t, times the Christian self, cx S, which cannot be parallel, , with the spiritual constant, k, of the antiChrist self, ay S, equals, =, the probability, P, of increased, , force, F, that negates, ⌐, boundaries, ∂, of the equilibrium of reaction direction, .

Mathematical Just War Formula

I (↑t (cx S) k (ay S)) = P (↑F ⌐ (∂ ))

The Thirty-Six Stratagems is a Chinese series of stratagems, by an unknown author, used in civil politics and war. The name of the collection is derived from the Book of Qi (its seventh biographical volume) Biography of Wáng Jìngzé. The number thirty-six was used by Wáng, a general from the Ming dynasty period, to denote numerous stratagems instead of any specific number. His term was reference to the I Ching, where six is the number of Yin76 that shares many characteristics involved in military strategy. It has six chapters with six stratagems each. Thirty-six is the square of six and acts as a metaphor for numerous strategies. Those strategies are for predators and not for a Divine right of defense against being murdered in a just war. Used by atheist communist Chinese leaders today, the first strategy of Chapter 1 (Winning Stratagems), is translated to be “deceive the sky.” In the atheist, and therefore communist state, the ‘sky” is their political leader (emperor) who, by necessity, must set their behavioral standards as a god, u cog (~ ∞k) → u cog (bS ⌐ k). Of course, those standards would be adversarial to Divine standards and should be resisted with all force by the redeemed. It is widely known that the coming Antichrist’s number will be 666.77 His Satanic strategy, from the murdering `father of lies,78 will be deception.79 The last strategy 6 of the last Chapter 6 of Thirty-Six Stratagems is “if all else fails retreat to fight again.” The fate of Satan and his followers is eternal defeat in hell.80

The U.S. should take special notice during its present time of internal strife. The fifth Chinese strategy of Chapter 1 is translated “loot a burning house.” When a country is beset by internal conflicts, such as disease, crime and corruption, they will be unable to deal with an outside threat. Keep gathering intelligence on that enemy because this is the time to attack. This will be their weakest state so attack without mercy and destroy it, which will prevent future troubles. Allies are to be tricked into fighting your wars, strategy 3 of Chapter 1. Allies are to be borrowed from to attack a common enemy and once defeated that ally is to be attacked with their own borrowed resources, strategy 6 of Chapter 4. Make outright lies out of nothing, strategy 1 of Chapter 2.

Conversely, Fenggang Yang, professor of sociology at Purdue University and author of Religion in China: Survival and Revival Under Communist Rule, received $3.5 million from the John Templeton Foundation to map religious adherents in China. He spoke with the UK’s Telegraph newspaper about his prediction that China’s Christian population would expand to 160 million by 2025 and by 2030 could exceed 247 million, including Catholics. That number would outrank the United States, Brazil, and Mexico as the largest Christian population in the world. Some experts suggest the number of Christians in China is now more than the number of oppressive atheist Communist Party of China members, currently numbered at 88 million.

A believer in God, as was his Lutheran pastor father, Leonhard Euler said to an atheist (materialist philosopher) Denis Diderot,81 “(a + bn) / n = x, donc Dieu existe” (French for so God exists). He was addressing the “fool factor,” which is the invalid concept of there being no God made by corrupt minds that hate knowledge and can never be wise,82 u cog (~ ∞k) → u cog (bS ⌐ k). If you're going to be an atheist, you ought to be a decent mathematician with more than a philosophical bent against reality. If you are a mathematician you can not honestly be an atheist, aS├, because God is a mathematician and all, especially logic language and (biological) computer programs, leads to Him. Human life is a series of choices to comply with God’s laws and will (1) or choices to not comply with God’s laws and will (0).83

The prideful wicked persecutes the poor. They boast and bless the covetous. They do not seek God who is rarely in their thoughts. Their ways are grievous. They say they will not have adversity. They are full of cursing, deceit, and fraud. They speak of mischief and vanity. In secret places they murder the innocent. They lie in wait as a lion humbled to catch the poor. They think God will not remember. They believe God will never see their acts. This is a condemnation of the holy God who will judge the fatherless and the oppressed (excerpted from Ps. 10:2-18). Their guilty hearts will know themselves, uS cog uS.

I think men of science as well as other men need to learn from Christ, and I think Christians whose minds are scientific are bound to study science that their view of the glory of God may be as extensive as their being is capable of. --James Maxwell

1 French for God is a mathematician and is the programmer of biological computers.

2 Matt. 13:10-16.

3 Ps. 145:3; Is. 40:28.

4 Ps. 19:1-11, 103:7, 147:19; Acts 14:17, 17:24-27; Rom. 1:19-20, 10:18.

5 Q.E.D. or QED (sometimes italicized) is an initialism of the Latin phrase "quod erat demonstrandum", literally meaning "what was to be shown." Traditionally, the abbreviation is placed at the end of a mathematical proof or philosophical argument to indicate that the proof or argument is complete, therefore used with the meaning "thus it has been demonstrated."

6 Rom. 14:17.

7 First described by Giovan Battista Bellaso in 1553, the cipher is easy to understand and implement, but it resisted all attempts to break it until 1863, three centuries later. Many people have tried to implement encryption schemes that are essentially Vigenère ciphers. In 1863, Friedrich Kasiski was the first to publish a general method of deciphering Vigenère ciphers. In the 19th century the scheme was misattributed to Blaise de Vigenère (1523–1596), and so acquired its present name. The Friedman test (sometimes known as the kappa test) was invented during the 1920s by William F. Friedman, who used the index of coincidence, which measures the unevenness of the cipher letter frequencies to break the cipher. By knowing the probability that any two randomly chosen source language letters are the same (around 0.067 for monocase English) and the probability of a coincidence for a uniform random selection from the alphabet (1/26 = 0.0385 for English).

8 The Rail Fence cipher is a form of transposition cipher that gets its name from the way in which it is encoded. In the rail fence cipher, the plaintext is written downwards on successive rails of an imaginary fence, then moving up when we get to the bottom. The message is then read off in rows. In a route cipher, the plaintext is first written out in a grid of given dimensions, then read off in a pattern given in the key. In a columnar transposition, the message is written out in rows of a fixed length, and then read out again column by column, and the columns are chosen in some scrambled order. Both the width of the rows and the permutation of the columns are usually defined by a keyword. A single columnar transposition could be attacked by guessing possible column lengths, writing the message out in its columns (but in the wrong order, as the key is not yet known), and then looking for possible anagrams. The double transposition cipher can be treated as a single transposition with a key as long as the product of the lengths of the two keys. A variant form of columnar transposition, proposed by Émile Victor Théodore Myszkowski in 1902, requires a keyword with recurrent letters. The disrupted transposition cipher is a further complication to the normal transposition technique. Instead of filling the matrix row by row, the rows are all filled in irregular fashion. Another form of transposition cipher uses grilles, or physical masks with cut-outs.

9 The late renowned Israeli kabbalist and Mizrahi Haredi rabbi Yitzchak “Yitzhak” Kaduri (c.1898-2006) prophesied “on the eve of the year 5780 (2020 in the Hebrew calendar), the year of corrections, there will not be a government in Israel for an extended period and the various camps will be quarrel[ing] much without a decision on either side, and then, on Rosh Hashana (the Jewish new year) itself, they will fight in heaven, the holy side against the side of evil, and G-d and His entourage will decide between them.” Kaduri’s prophecy about political turmoil besetting Israel makes reference to Brit Afarsimon (Parsimon’s Covenant), an ancient book by kabbalist Rabbi Sasson Hai Shoshani (called the prophet from Egypt), which notes a period when “there will come one the day that two ministers win the government in the land of Israel. Both their names will be Binyamin and neither of them will succeed in establishing their government or kingship.” “On that day,” the covenant continues, “know and understand that the King Messiah already stands at the doorway and on the Sabbath afterwards he will come and be revealed.” The election in September, 2019, resulted in deadlock with two prime minister candidates, Binyamin Gantz and Binyamin Netanyahu. The prophecy indicates the coming of the Third Temple, i.e. the beginning of the Messianic age in which the Messiah will return to Earth and bring about universal peace and brotherhood while casting out all evil. Kaduri is said to have revealed the name of the Messiah on a hand-written note, which he named as Yehoshua, or Jesus.

10 Born Arsenios Eznepidis (1924–1994), Paisios was a well-known Greek Eastern Orthodox ascetic from Mount Athos. See page 6 at

11 Dan. 7:8; Rev. 13 etc.

12 Dan. 9:26-27.

13 Rom. 9:17.

14 Prov. 16:4.

15 Lord Byron was known as a sexual deviant, including incest, sodomy, etc.

16 A mathematician and general who served as the Prime Minister of Italy from 1867 to 1869 and believed that the Pope should lead the Roman Catholic Church, not be head of a country.


See the 2016 Elsevier book, Medical Microbiology (8th Edition), by Patrick R. Murray PhD, Ken S. Rosenthal PhD, Michael A. Pfaller MD.

18 The beginning of the Christian Gentile church (Acts 13:42-46).

19 Is. 56:3-8.

20 Ex. 12:48-49.

21 Ezra 6:21.

22 John 12:20; Acts 8:27.

23 Acts 13:42-46.

24 <: means covered by or a subtype of.



27 Gen. 3:5; Matt. 4:9.

28 Acts 23:6. In an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr during October, 2019, Thomas Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, professor of Biblical Theology, and associate dean of the School of Theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, stated he does not believe there is enough information to definitively determine Paul’s personified model of his ideal self prior to his road to Damascus conversion to Christ.

29 Ex. 32:1-35.

30 Jonah 3:10, 4:1-2, 10-11.

31 Acts 26:9-11.

32 Acts 22:20.

33 Acts 9:1-8.

34 Rom. 7:14-25.

35 Acts 9:20-21.

36 Rom. 8:29.

37 II Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15.

38 Is. 65:17; Rev. 21:1.

39 Rev. 22:5.

40 I Cor. 5:3; I Thes. 2:17.

41 I Cor. 1:13.

42 Matt. 23:2-36.

43 Is. 32:6.

44 Matt. 6:2.

45 Judges 17:6, 21:25.

46 Prov. 12:15.

47 Matt. 27:24.

48 Rom. 3:20; Gal. 3:24-25.

49 Prov. 16:2.

50 Acts 16:6. See the discussion of Chinese strategies presented later.

51 II Tim. 3:8. In Vern Poythress’ book, Redeeming Mathematics, he discusses the fact that there can actually be differences at a high level in mathematics, that not everybody accepts the same mathematical truths. But that is a kind of subtle thing. And he thinks at the level, with most use of probability and statistics, what is seen is that everybody secretly relies on God; even the atheist does. Polthress has a B.S. from CalTech, a PhD from Harvard in mathematics, a M Div, ThM, M Litt, and a ThD in various theological disciplines from Westminster Seminary, Cambridge University, and the University of Stellenbosch respectively. He teaches New Testament at Westminster and writes on a wide range of topics.

52 Francis A. Schaeffer, an American theologian based in Switzerland, noted the exclusion of the divine from most humanist writings and argued that pernicious secular humanism would lead to moral relativism and ethical bankruptcy in his (1976) book How Should We Then Live: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture. In his endorsement of globalism, Pope Francis has announced he is hosting an initiative for a Global Pact to create a “new humanism.” The global event, set to take place at the Vatican on May 14, 2020, is themed Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance, which is designed to wipe out Christianity by destroying the family, culture, and societies in a new world order. La Civiltà Cattolica journal released the transcript of a meeting between Pope Francis and a group of 24 Jesuits on September 5, 2019, during his recent trip to Mozambique in which the pope suggested that Evangelical Christians in the United States “cannot really be defined as Christian.”

53 Noted secular humanists are Friedrich Engels (a father of the Marxist authoritarian political system of deceit, theft, and murder), Sigmund Freud (drug user and father of the pseudo discipline of psychoanalysis where sex is thought of as the primary human motivation), Betty Friedan (a leading figure in the women's movement for sexual perversion and against authority), Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood infanticide abortion and selling of baby body parts organization) etc.

54 I Cor. 2:13-14.

55 Heb. 11.

56 Dan. 3:12-30.

57 Tacitus and Dio Cassius reported Nero wed a man, Pythagoras, in a formal same-sex wedding by first putting on a bridal veil that made Nero the "bride" and Pythagoras the "groom." Symbols of a classical marriage were present at this ceremony: a dowry, marriage bed, torches, and witnesses.

58 According to Tacitus, Rome had a fire that burned for six days and seven nights which consumed almost three quarters of the city, during the summer of 64 A.D. The people accused the Emperor Nero of setting the fire for his own amusement. In order to deflect these accusations, Nero laid the blame for the fire on Christians. He had Christians dipped in oil, and lit ablaze on crucifixes to light up his nightly garden parties.

59 Eccl. 3:1-8. The providence of God should determine times (Deut. 32:39).


61 The modulus of a complex number required to specify a vector through its origin needs the two qualities of magnitude and direction; r = √(x² + y²). That is the modulus of the complex number x + iy abbreviated |x + iy| hence |x + iy| = √(x² + y²).

62 See history of Stephen Griffiths (b. 1969 and arrested in 2010) whose idol was the Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe (b. 1946 and arrested in 1981).

(Note: Dallas F. Bell Jr. and his wife were in London when Sutcliffe was arrested and experienced the immediate relief expressed by British citizens in ending his spree of self-rule.)

63 Peters, Justin (December 10, 2012). Was Israel Keyes the Most Meticulous Serial Killer of Modern Times?, Slate.

64 Bundy is quoted as having said, “Then I learned that all moral judgments are ‘value judgments,’ that all value judgments are subjective [it just depends on how you think about them], and that none can be proved to be either ‘right’ or ‘wrong’…I discovered that to become truly free, truly unfettered, I had to become truly uninhibited. And I quickly discovered that the greatest obstacle to my freedom, the greatest block and limitation to it, consists in the insupportable “value judgment that I was bound to respect the rights of others. I asked myself, who were these ‘others?’ Other human beings with human rights? Why is it more wrong to kill a human animal than any other animal, a pig or a sheep or a steer? Is your life more to you than a hog’s life to a hog? Why should I be willing to sacrifice my pleasure more for the one than for the other? Surely, you would not, in this age of scientific enlightenment, declare that God or nature has marked some pleasures as ‘moral’ or ‘good’ and others as ‘immoral’ or ‘bad’? In any case, let me assure you, my dear young lady, that there is absolutely no comparison between the pleasure I might take in eating ham and the pleasure I anticipate in raping and murdering you. That is the honest conclusion to which my education has led me – after the most conscientious examination of my spontaneous and uninhibited self.” (Christian Research Journal, Vol 33, No 2, 2010, 32)


66 Rom. 1:24-32.

67 Eben Alexander III, MD, FACS, BCNS, former associate professor of neurosurgery at Harvard Medical School, has investigated the mind-body problem and the fundamental nature of consciousness since his near-death experience (NDE) due to gram-negative bacterial meningitis in 2008. Alexander’s brain was severely damaged by inflammation, and he lapsed into a week-long coma with real experiences not possible from brain activity. What he learned completely violated everything he ever knew about brain, mind and consciousness, and drove him to question some of the most fundamental assumptions of conventional science. This lead to a complete flip from his former materialist worldview. Dr. Bruce Greyson, one of the top scientific researchers in the field of consciousness studies, teamed up with physician colleagues Surbhi Khanna and Lauren E. Moore to provide a detailed and comprehensive review of his medical records published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (2018). They conclude that “patients who appear to be comatose and unresponsive to the environment may nonetheless retrospectively report complex cognitive processes during the period of coma. EEGs and other functional neuroimaging, which may appear superfluous for clinical decision making, may be helpful in providing clarity regarding neural processes associated with complex cognitive processes during apparent coma. The association of unexpected neurological recovery with a near-death experience suggests the need for further research into mechanisms by which such experiences may contribute to survival in critical illness.”

In an October, 2019, email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr, Alexander’s office expressed his belief that NDE’s will have different effects on different people regarding a change in chosen moral self-identity and the personification of the subsequent ideal-self.


69 A 2013 New York Times article said Snowden entered his religion as Buddhism on his military recruitment form when he saw there was no place for the category of agnostic. A later interview of Snowden’s father revealed his son, Edward, is a humanist.

70 Shakespeare’s use of mathematical logic in dialogue and iambic pentameter with a penchant for the number 14 reveals the relationship between poetry and mathematics.

71 See the web archive of Nicks (September 23, 2010). Biography.

72 Manning is championed on the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, and The Humanists websites.

73 According to CBN News, Peter Vlaming was a well-liked French teacher at West Point High School in Virginia. In 2018, Vlaming was fired because he refused to call a ninth-grade student, who was pretending to biologically change from female to male by the student’s new preferred pronoun, “he.”

74 After 26 years with the National Health Service, Christian Dr. David Mackereth’s contract as a medical assessor for the Department of Work and Pensions was terminated (2019) on the grounds of his refusal to use transgender pronouns to address a hypothetical situation of a 6 foot man with a beard as a “she.” Dr. Mackereth lost an appeal before an Employment Tribunal in England, where the judge indicated his unredeemed self algorithm decision matrix 0,1 when he ruled Mackereth’s biblical and scientific beliefs regarding gender were “incompatible with human dignity.” The judge “ruled that Christianity is not protected by the Equality Act or the ECHR, unless it is a version of Christianity which recognizes transgenderism and rejects a belief in Genesis 1:27.” The tribunal wrote in its decision: “[B]elief in Genesis 1:27, lack of belief in transgenderism and conscientious objection to transgenderism in our judgment are incompatible with human dignity and conflict with the fundamental rights of others, specifically here, transgender individuals.” Mackereth indicated his redeemed self algorithm decision matrix of 1,0 when he told Fox News, “No doctor, or researcher, or philosopher, can demonstrate or prove that a person can change sex. Without intellectual and moral integrity, medicine cannot function and my 30 years as a doctor are now considered irrelevant compared to the risk that someone else might be offended.”


LaRouche ran for the U.S. Presidency many times with on economic policies and conspiracy theories. He died in 2019.

76 In Chinese cosmology (Shi-jing, Book of Odes), yin means the shady or dark side. In the yin office (yin-si), sits the Earth-god who conducts preliminary hearings of dead people before handing them over to the Judge of Hell (yin-cao) for a more thorough investigation. (See pp. 321 and 323 of A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols by Wolfram Eberhard, 1996.)

77 Rev. 13:18.

78 John 8:44.

79 Rev. 12:9.

80 Matt. 25:41.

81 Often attributed to Dieudonné Thiébault’s story in his Souvenirs de vingt ans de séjour à Berlin.

82 Ps. 14:1 53:1; Prov. 1:22, 24:7.