Systematic Political Science


Deterministic Algorithms vs. Chaos: The Weaponized Mathematics of Redemption’s Singularity, Bifurcation Points, and Bio-Hacking

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

There are only two kinds of men: the righteous who believe they are sinners, the sinners who believe they are righteous. Blaise Pascal1

In mathematics, the Sieve of Eratosthenes,2 one of a number of prime number sieves, is a simple, ancient algorithm for finding all prime numbers up to any given limit. It does so by iteratively marking as composite (i.e. not prime) the multiples of each prime, p, starting with the multiples of 2. Determining the distribution of twin primes (p + 2 or prime numbers with a gap of two) involves factorization algorithms in tandem with rotating symmetry groups.3 The prime spiral sieve generates symmetries in the form of algorithmically permutated mapping matrices, palindromes, rotating equilateral triangles, and complex polygons.4

Polynomial time algorithms are tractable. Any algorithm with a time complexity that cannot be bounded by such bound is known as non-polynomial algorithms. Deterministic, as opposed to probabilistic, accounts for 100% of composite numbers within a given range, leaving only prime numbers, and with 100% certainty.5

Arguably, the most studied algorithm is the deterministic algorithm. Given a particular input, it will always produce the same output, with the underlying machine always passing through the same sequence of states.6 A non-deterministic algorithm is the execution of concurrent algorithms with race conditions, which can exhibit different outputs on different runs. Unlike a deterministic algorithm which travels a single path from input to output, a non-deterministic algorithm can take many paths, with some arriving at the same outputs, and others arriving at different outputs. A deterministic algorithm that performs f (n) steps always finishes in f (n) steps and always returns the same result. A non-deterministic algorithm that has f (n) levels might not return the same result on different runs. A non-deterministic algorithm may never finish due to the potentially infinite size of the fixed height tree.7

Calculus (Latin for a small stone - for counting) is used in many machine learning algorithms. The subfield of calculus that cuts things into small pieces, differential calculus, is concerned with the study of the rates at which quantities change. It is one of the two traditional divisions of calculus, the other being integral calculus, the study of the area beneath a curve.8 Simply put, a differential makes a difference between comparable classes, such as with individuals and societal institutions, while the calculus deals with the rate of change of functions with respect to their variables: f ( ) and f ( ). In an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during January, 2020, Franco Vivaldi, professor of mathematics in the school of mathematical sciences at the Queen Mary University of London,9 suggested that the mathematical symbol for algorithms, since most algorithms are deterministic, be the function notation f (x).10

All life is observed operating in parameters from a beginning in a linear succession of moments toward an end—an algorithm. A flower fades11 and a blade of grass soon dies, and ceases to have life.12 Their finite or temporal ending algorithm began out of infinite creation process and can be expressed as (x). All algorithms, f (x), have a beginning point and thus finite origins but the end of some f, humans and angels etc., may tend toward infinity13 and be generally expressed as (x).

If we consider numerical continuation, the algorithm purpose can be seen by it being a predictor-corrector method. Deviations from truth can be predicted and provide the opportunity to switch to the correct vector. The parameter λ is a scalar and the solution u an n-vector.14 Humans have then been purposefully created with bounds15 by a pre-existent infinite Intellect. That perfect Being must have the non-material attributes of justice, love, and grace etc. As such, He must have made available the Owner’s Manual of parameters for individuals to efficiently operate in their vector space. Historically, this is known as the Bible, which by necessity (logic principle that infinite and therefore infallible author > finite and therefore fallible readers) must have the supreme authoritative attribute of sola Scriptura.16 Considered a U.S. military genius17 selected as superintendent of the West Point Military Academy in 1852, the Christian General Robert E. Lee18 wrote the Bible is “a book in comparison with which all others in my eyes are of minor importance: and which in all my perplexities has never failed to give me light and strength.”19 He remarked at another time that “there are things in the old Book which I may not be able to explain, but I fully accept it as the infallible Word of God, and receive its teachings as inspired by the Holy Spirit.”20

Global (Dutch) architect, Remment Koolhaas observed in a 2020 television interview that all people of the world like similar architectural designs yet all people still show individual diversity of preferences. The non-congruence of the choices of monozygotic twins, raised together, commonly demonstrate human freewill. Choices may be made by the freewill of intellects, humans and angels etc., and so have bifurcation points, β, of congruence and non-congruence, with the will of God the infinite Creator, and can be compared: and .21 For each bifurcation from untruth or truth, there is a branch of solutions of the original problem which passes through the singular point. That singularity of choice can be visualized as having a radius, r. In black holes, the singularity, , is reached when the radius equals 0, r = 0, or is less than 0, r < 0. Then the radius is less than the radius at the singularity, r < . When the metric radius of an object equals 0, r = 0, the object may be considered infinite. So when r = 0 it is a real singularity in certain coordinate systems.22 Obviously, having a radius means there is a fixed center (with general coordinates of h and k) and an outer edge of the shape of something. If all the radii are equidistant, the shape is a circle.23 The diameter, , of that circle x 3.14… (lower case pi, 𝞹) = the circumference of the circle, c. Inductively, c ÷ 𝞹 = , which is 2 x r. All finite entities project outwardly from their center point (A represents the center point of circle A) along the radius to the outer edge (at point x and y), indicating the necessary mathematically measurable relationship of r and 𝞹.

A game is a form of activity created by a purposed intellect with a beginning and end bounded by set rules in finite time and space where skill is algorithmically employed with freewill by the finite participant(s) to achieve their desired outcome. The game begins with the participant(s) activity is as a measurable radius pushing toward the outer part of a bounded circle. At the game’s termination the circle is fixed determining the outcome within the circle, as in the mental challenge of a chess match ending with x number of moves in y time. Physical games are opiates of the stupid where the muscle memory of the cerebellum is preferred by the participant(s) over use of the thinking parts of the brain, especially the frontal lobe with executive decision-making. Long term unresolved outcome, or open-ended, games are common to academic hypotheses. For example, named for Ernst Öpik and Jan Oort and unproven by models, the Öpik–Oort cloud is a theoretical cloud of predominantly icy planetesimals confidently (meaning with-faith) proposed to surround the Sun at distances ranging from 2,000 to 200,000 astronomical units24 (0.03 to 3.2 light-years).

Finite human ability, r, must always be less than infinite capability, so r < . Human compliance with the infinite Creator’s standards is not possible with human efforts. A redemptive status with the Creator can only be achieved by fatally flawed humans with faith alone (sola fide), as the Bible teaches.

All children reach an age of moral awareness to choose to want what someone else has (coveting),25 take what they want (stealing),26 and fail to be truthful (lying)27 etc.28 where they are no longer eternally innocent and their algorithm needs to be bifurcated, β, with Divine intercession. They may reject it and stay unredeemed, or accept God’s eternal redemption and singularity, , and have a new algorithm. The algorithm for the unredeemed may be expressed as () and the algorithm for the redeemed may be expressed as ( ).

Narrow is the way to life of bifurcation from the original sin and few find the singularity.29 Since r < , God’s Holy Spirit, ∏,30 must draw them to redemption.31 Bifurcation is first in the eternal soul’s (Greek psuchê) algorithm, r < 0, which was created at conception.32 Then it influences the material neuron (Greek sôma) algorithm, r > 0. Bifurcation of the sinner on the cross’s algorithm with theanthropos Jesus33 began with his soul’s recognition of Jesus as Christ and his neurons confession of Jesus as Christ.34 Immediately, Jesus indicated the sinner was redeemed.35 In that very moment he was pulled into the singularity of eternal salvation by the Holy Spirit.36 He was regenerated37 or monergistically born again.38 He had no ability nor time to be saved by deeds but by faith alone.39 He was saved by God’s gift, which by definition gifts are freely given things not subject to purchase, of sovereign (irresistible) grace through given faith and not self.40 He could not have created himself or have given birth to himself.41

No one can make a clean thing from an unclean thing.42 God revealed His healing is by faith alone when the Israeli’s just needed to look at the image on the pole and be healed (c. 1235 B.C.) or not and suffer death.43 As was the human Isaiah,44 Jesus’ neurons were anointed by the Holy Spirit45 to preach and heal.46 Jesus stated on numerous occasions that the people’s faith of those He healed had made them whole.47 As the image on the pole must be looked at for healing, Jesus the Christ must be looked at, sui generis, for healing and redemption or not and suffer the eternal consequences.48 In fact, God said He only answers prayer made in faith.49

No person’s material neurons has the power to retain their nonmaterial soul and not die.50 Everyone observes that no one takes their corruptible silver and gold with them after death.51 Everyone that trusts in silver and gold is as deaf and blind as those minerals.52 The term redemption itself connotes the fundament idea of being redeemed, from an old state at a bifurcation point of the time (t) and space λ, and redeemed to a new state, within that singularity. Eternally, ∞ t, that requires being bought with an eternal price,53 as with Christ’s holy complete sacrifice alone.54 Corruptible things can not be eternally added to the binary decision to accept redemption (1) or not accept redemption (0).

All human algorithms have innate decision-making coupling structures (twin primes from the corpus of the monads in systematic theology’s treebank55), ----,56 for the chosen authority for good/truth and evil/untruth, justice/sin and grace/redemption, eternity/time and infinite/space, love/life and hate/death etc. In all literature, the written objects act and interact within the same parameters, as with the same contrasting notes of musical composition algorithms or the same contrasting values in mathematical equations and chemical formulations. Humans finitely create and recreate within the same parameters within infinity.57 Even when the neurological coupling algorithm is compromised by a destructive process associated with rationality, decision-making remains within the same possible parameters, like when the wheel coming off a moving car it predictably swerves, possibly into a ditch, and does not disappear or take flight etc. When Nebuchadnezzar’s neurons were bio-hacked by God, he behaved as a predictable beast in the field for seven years.58

All myths can be seen as containing, to some degree, the ---- structure of those truth elements. According to myth in Chinese literature of the P’an-Ku (Pan Gu, the Chinese god of creation), at the beginning of time, the universe had the shape of an egg. When the egg broke, a giant, P’an-Ku, came out of it along with two basic elements: Yin and Yang. Humans were believed to have been created from fleas and lice on the P’an-Ku. The sieve of demonstrative truth can be made with the differential calculus of rational and historical analysis. For example, the coupling of primes shows, with good/truth and evil/untruth, that good is connected to truth (p (good) ---- p (truth)) and evil is connected to untruth (p (evil) ---- p (untruth)), and they are connected to each other (p (good + truth) ---- p (evil + untruth)). This means that there is a universal standard of good, in the Platonic sense such as it is an immutable truth to not do evil and murder etc., and beyond that is the reality of people having freewill to make individual choices of good, in the Aristotelian sense such as deciding to take one job over another. We see from this connectedness of the treebank that neither the Platonic nor Aristotelian models accurately excluded each other from the true definition of good. It is also apparent that unconnectedness allows for the fallacy of argument, such as the extreme position of Plato for only a universal good and the position of Aristotle for only relative good. Even the prime number of 5 alone can be seen to offer less analytical data than when coupled with its twin of 3 and/or 7, i.e. 3, 5 and 5, 7 twin primes.

J.R.R. Tolkien wrote about the philosophy of myth in his novel, Tree and Leaf, and his poem, Mythopoeia.59 Mythological accounts surrounding death, such as with Zeus etc., acknowledge a chosen eternal singularity. In 2020, the photo below of pomegranate seeds and red carnations by Carmen Hunter titled Étude d'Hadès et de Perséphone (French for Study of Hades and Persephone) was selected for display at Francis Marion University’s University Place Gallery in Florence, South Carolina. The pomegranate seeds symbolize those that fictitiously enticed (bio-hacked) Persephone (mythological daughter of Zeus and Demeter, and wife of Hades) to leave earth for Hades as explained in Hesiod's Theogony (c. 700 B.C.) and later in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. The red carnations symbolize the reality of life and death.

Finite works are as filthy menstrual rags, r < 0, when compared to God’s infinite holy standard60 and can not account for sins of omission.61 To sow to finite flesh reaps corruption, r ( ) < 0, and to sow to the infinite Spirit reaps eternal life, r ( + ∏) > 0 t.62 It is as foolish as the tower of failed, , Babel attempt to reach into infinity and grab or hack, , God’s holiness and save one’s self.63 To not confess that Jesus is Christ is anti-Christ.64 Unredeemed people, , of works hate the redeemed people65 of grace, .66 For example, the Diet of Worms was a ruse to murder67 Martin Luther for his pointing out the filthy works of people that thought they could reach into heaven and become righteous.

The Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, France, website explains how their Benedictine monks, apparently not knowing God, are searching for Him.68 Scriptures clearly indicate if a person searches for God, with all their heart, they will find Him.69 On judgment day70 people of works will have to explain to the infinite Elohim,71 with their prideful God complex,72 how they made themselves infinitely holy, like a thief.73 A God complex is a personality choice in finite beings, especially those with perceived great power, who desire or consider themselves to be omniscient and omnipotent, treating others as underlings. This desire neurologically filters all sensory input for creating the soul’s goals and provides the subsequent motivation for all decision-making and behavior. If this approach to life is not reinforced it may be sublimated and manifested in an indirect manner. A rich young ruler, , encountered Jesus confessing he lived a perfect life. Jesus immediately identified the young man’s fatal fault in trusting in his temporal wealth. Jesus said it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for such a person to enter God’s heaven or become .74 Beings with a God complex indicate their intentional interchangeability or conjugation, , on some level, with creator God.75 An idolatrous God complex obviously has eternal consequences and is more of a theological term than a psychological term.

Some people at judgment will arrogantly claim (idiotic pride that finiteness infiniteness) to have prophesied in God’s name and have cast out devils, but He said He will tell them He never knew them.76 As with the example of Erwin Schrödinger’s cat, they can delude themselves that they are redeemed until that day when their life’s algorithm exposes the fact that they are eternally unredeemed. The eternal remedy for guilt is unmerited grace. After physical death, the eternal algorithm can not, ¬, be bifurcated,77 ∞ + ¬ β.

Divine works come from infinite God. The redeemed must be drawn to them as was Moses78 and John.79 Righteous works are supernatural. After redemption, sanctification (Greek hagiasmós meaning growing in holiness) is the work of the infinite Holy Spirit, r = ∏.80 Athanasius’ Letters to Serapion explained the divinity of the Holy Spirit. The redeemed are to be delivered from finite works, which are unfruitful,81 and are to walk in the Spirit showing the fruit of His infinite power.82 They are to be witnesses of God’s extended grace, and praise Him in words and deeds to the world.83 That is the joy and purpose for life’s strength.84

The Holy Spirit inputs, or hacks, , by permission,85 the willing soul’s eternal algorithm so it might input the temporal neuron algorithm.86 He hacks the algorithm, ∏ , with joy,87 gifts,88 power,89 comfort,90 guidance,91 truth,92 and discernment93 etc. As the redeemed are infinitely forgiven their infinite trespasses against holy God, they are to, with Holy Spirit strength, infinitely forgive the finite trespasses of other people against them.94 Forgiveness is the logic of redemption. The purpose of the transformed life is to glorify God now and in eternity.95

The Holy Spirit is the potential infinite radius for the redeemed’s works. On the day of judgment, every redeemed person’s works will be revealed by fire and if the works survive will be rewarded accordingly because the Spirit was within them,96 r ( + ∏) > 0 t.

With infinite knowledge, the Holy Spirit hacks the redeemed, e.g. Samson, , and Mary, ,97 etc. Samson (b. 1090 B.C.) demonstrated that being hacked by the Holy Spirit (c. 1065-1045 B.C.)98 is not always immediately discernible from not being hacked (c. 1045 B.C.).99 The Holy Spirit also successfully hacks the unredeemed’s algorithm, ∏ , to do His will, such as Pharaoh (c. 1275 B.C.),100 pagan kings (servant of God Nebuchadnezzar c. 605-562 B.C.101 and anointed by God Cyrus, c. 538 B.C.102), and generally convicting unrighteousness103 individuals and societies etc. The algorithms of individuals combine to form a societal algorithm.104 God uses one societal algorithm to effect the algorithm of another society (e.g. c. 1234 B.C. Israel, , to effect Jericho, ,105 c. 622 B.C. Chaldea, , prophesied to effect Judah, and later Assyria, , to effect Israel106 whose majority of individuals had algorithms that turned from to , 107 etc. Assyria did not specifically intend to attack Israel but God used them for judgment and in turn they were also judged by God for the attack,108 r < 0). Bio-hacking is the process of attaining enough data on an entity to understand their beliefs and motivations sufficient to manipulate their environment to cause predicted behavioral outcomes and seemingly lessen freewill.

Elect sinless, by grace, angels109 are organized under an archangel who is under omnipotent creator Christ.110 Angels blinded the homosexual men of Sodom, , who were trying to gang rape them (c. 1896 B.C.).111 Since expelled from heaven,112 fallen angels or demons, under the created Satan,113 temporarily battle angels114 and saints, ,115 and ultimately lose.116 Eph. 6:12 indicates there are four areas of demon responsibility and hacking. First, principalities or rulers are not found doing Satan’s evil among ordinary people.  They are likely specifically chosen by Satan to rule in the heavenly places over all the other demons.  They also have the special work of hacking earthly rulers117 and governments. Second, powers are the demons that spread the power of evil and darkness into any given area of people’s lives. They have been described as the evil force that hacks feelings and imaginations, enticing people to commit horrific sinful crimes, possessing the unredeemed118 etc. Third, the rulers of the darkness of this age or the world forces of this darkness is the group identified as the demons that fight truth with spiritual blindness using superstitions, witchcraft, ignorance, stupidity, pride etc. Last, wicked spirits in heavenly places or the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places are the counterintelligence demons who join the church and profess holiness. They identify and attack the most religious people with heresies, such as salvation by works, spiritualism, Darwinism and other forms of God complexes.

God knew Satan would choose to become prideful119 and that his pioneering God complex algorithm could be used to improve the algorithms of the redeemed, such as with Job. Satan’s first corruptly bio-hacked Eve’s neuron algorithm. He saw she desired the forbidden fruit and inputted her algorithm with the lie that she could become a god and she succumbed making the hack a success, , (c. 3940 B.C.). Adam was not deceived but committed the original sin by also eating the forbidden fruit.120 King David, , wanted to manage the Israeli people better and was successfully, , hacked to number them in a census (c. 973 B.C.).121 David did not trust God’s provisions and safety, and by giving the people a number also wrongly indicated all people have equal value and are not uniquely gifted by God for His purpose. Justly, there was a harsh penalty for the sin.122

Addressing Satan’s īnfāmāta toward Job, , God famously gave Satan permission to take Job’s family, wealth, and health in an attempt manipulate Job to curse God. As God knew, the hack failed, , because Job had sufficient theological knowledge to use the experience to correct a flaw in his algorithm before being fully restored.123 In the fall of 27 A.D., Jesus fasted.124 Satan used Jesus’ hunger to try and hack Him to wrongly get His food,125 knowing God’s security Satan tried to get Jesus to wrongly test that reality,126 and knowing Jesus role as the world leader Satan tried to get Jesus to wrongly attain that status.127 They all failed, , because Jesus had perfect knowledge of the Scriptures—the manual for human algorithms.128

Satan wanted to sift Peter, ,129 a future leader of the Christianity. When confronted with fear, Peter lied by denying he knew Jesus and cursed.130 He wept bitterly131 after realizing he had been successfully hacked. He briefly returned to his former life.132 Then he confessed love for Jesus and accepted his commission to feed Jesus’ sheep.133 He did so until he was murdered. As God knew would happen, Peter grew from fear to courage,134 from pride to humility,135 from ignorance to knowledge,136 from rebellion to submission,137 from focus on self to focus on Christ.138 John the Baptist, , said God must increase and he must decrease.139 Jesus perfectly modeled the ultimate human will is to do God’s perfect will.140

Redeemed parents, , are to hack their children with Scriptural teaching141 and correction.142 The redeemed are to also hack the idolatrous unredeemed143 with the gospel.144 Short of physical violence145 and being murdered,146 they should expect to either be mocked,147 be asked questions,148 or witness redemption belief149 before ending the interaction.150

The redeemed are as God-focused sheep among unredeemed self-focused wolves.151 When hypocrites (know truth and do not do it = once removed from truth) bio-hack a proselyte (know the hypocrite example of truth and do not do it = 2 x removed from truth) they make them 2 x as likely for eternally damnation in hell as the hypocrites themselves.152 Unredeemed human attempts at bio-hacking other human unredeemed and redeemed is expected. In captivity (c. 597 B.C.), Daniel’s, , (meaning [Yahweh] God is my Judge) name was changed by his Babylonian captors, , to Belteshazzar (meaning [the Babylonian god] Bel will protect), along with Hananiah, , (Yahweh is gracious) to Shadrach (inspiration of the sun), Mishael, , (Yahweh is without equal) to Meshach (belongs to the goddess of wine), and Azariah, , (Yahweh is my helper) to Abednego (servant of Nego).153

The redeemed are not to think their fiery trials are strange.154 Nehemiah, , was given the mission by God to rebuild Jerusalem and God’s enemies, , predictably resisted his efforts (c. 445 B.C.). He was mocked155 but his prayer defeated the hack,156 the threat of violence toward him157 was defeated by prayer and diligent security,158 fear159 was defeated by security and remembering God and continuing work,160 distractions161 were ignored,162 lies163 were call lies and prayer continued,164 death threats165 were defeated by prayer and discerning that evil,166 . Similarly, U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have a righteous mission to protect and rebuild their nations. Especially in 2019,167 they have each been met with the exact opposition techniques by people that are also known enemies of God, . In his 1983 Templeton Prize address for Progress in Religion, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a Christian and 1970 Nobel Prize winner for Literature, stated that evil Russian policies were due to the people forgetting God.168

Meditation is a means of one’s soul hacking its own neurological algorithm. Zen (Buddhist) meditation or Zazen (za meaning sitting, and Zen meaning meditation in Japanese), is a proposed way of self-discovery. It is Ch'an in Chinese and originally called Dhyana (Sanskrit) in India. Its practitioners have God complexes and corruptly teach all human beings have God’s nature or the Buddha-nature with the potential to attain enlightenment, within them, but God’s nature has been clouded by ignorance. To overcome that ignorance they reject the study of truth of scriptures in favor of meditation expecting a sudden breakthrough of insight and awareness of ultimate reality.169 Since they idolatrously believe themselves to be God in the making, they confine their algorithm input to their own self with finite potential, which negates their Divine nature which must have the attribute of infinity with pre-self-existence to their own existence.170 They are their object of meditation, for their own satisfaction, and timing. Conversely, biblical teaching of meditation is the quiet contemplation of spiritual truths. The object is God’s words,171 His instruction,172 and law173 for understanding,174 spiritual satisfaction,175 and knowledge176 to be conducted all day177 and at evening.178 The redeemed’s faith179, , requires hope,180 which allows for their neurological algorithm to have needed rest.181

Recent studies show certain species of pine, birch, oak etc. give off different phytoncides. They are airborne chemicals that plants give off to protect themselves from insects. Phytoncides have antibacterial and antifungal qualities which help plants fight disease. When people breathe in these chemicals, the body responds by increasing the number and activity of a type of white blood cell called natural killer cells (NK). These cells kill tumor and virus infected cells in human bodies. In one study, increased NK activity from a 3-day and 2-night forest trip lasted for more than 30 days. We know that the mere physical activity of walking has many beneficial health benefits. It is also known that breathing in fresh oxygen rich air in a tranquil forest is good for health. Now it is understood that there may be other advantages to walking in the woods. Shinto and Buddhist meditation style adherents have given this scientifically true activity the name of shinrin-yoku (Japanese for forest-bath). Forest bathing is actually no more of a true religious experience with the redemptive God than walking on a tread mill, having oxygen therapy, and getting a penicillin shot at a doctor’s office,182 r - ∏ = 0 ¬ β = .

Enhanced artificial intelligence collaboration of assets is expected for future bio-hacking. The communist Chinese military company Huawei’s CEO, Ren Zhengfei, and Israeli professor and historian Yuval Noah Harari spoke in Davos, Switzerland, January 2020, about the future of technologies and the rise of digital surveillance. Harari warned companies and governments can essentially hack humans. The communist Zhengfei said he believes in the face of new technologies, and that humanity will be able to use them beneficially. Most people aspire to a good life, not a miserable life, he seductively concluded. The old philosophy of communism is for a few self-appointed elites with God complexes, like Zhengfei and others, to essentially hack and enslave all other people with demonic deception and violence. The name, communism, itself demonstrates adverse inference on the human algorithm to efficiently achieve the hierarchy of needs.183 Chinese born and raised to the age of 25, Yu Meng, now a U.S. citizen, has been made the Chief Investment Officer of CalPERS (California Public Employees Retirement System) which supports gun control of U.S. law abiding citizens and supports companies that supply the Chinese military. When Meng worked for a Chinese investment fund, he was recruited by the Thousand Talents Initiative. That is a known Chinese intelligence program. In keeping with chapter 2, stratagem 4 of the Thirty-Six Stratagems (hide a knife behind a smile), it is designed to charm Western businessmen, scientists, and other experts to secretly contribute to communist China. The explicit goal is to obtain superior Western technology and research for China's enslavement of the free world,184 r < 0. A psalmist might righteously denounce these unrepentant perpetrators of wickedness, and seek their punishment praying that their teeth be broken off185 and that their children be fatherless.186 The deist U.S. founding father, Thomas Jefferson wrote "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."187

In the prophesied future, people that have rejected the God of the Bible, , and say they want peace and food will have their fears and anger hacked by the beastly new world leader who promises to meet their desires. They will fatally accept his mark of eternal rebellion against God.188 Anti-Christs will obtain their finite kingdom with flatteries, r < 0, to corrupt their unredeemed followers but people with belief in God will survive using the tools of God outlined in Scripture.189 The atoms of a supersolid begin to coalesce when close to absolute zero and act as a superfluid, which flows with zero viscosity. In such a conducive state for humans, Christ types love God with all their hearts, souls and minds and their neighbor as their selves, they grow in favor with God and with rational man, glorify God, humbly serve others, are self-sacrificing, prayerfully search Scriptures, are truthful, care for children and the innocent, are diligent, comply with God’s plan for sexuality, and support God’s geopolitical state of Israel, etc. Conversely, anti-Christ types do not love God nor their neighbors, grow away from favor with God and rational man, glorify themselves, pridefully have others serve them, sacrifice others, oppose Scriptures, are liars, murder children and others, are slothful, promote sexual perversion, and oppose God’s prophesied plan for the nation-state of Israel, etc.

God bio-hacked plants190 ( e.g. gourd,191 fig tree192 etc.), insects193 ( , e.g. lice,194 flies,195 locusts,196 insect larva grub or worm197 etc.) and animals ( , e.g. ark,198 ram,199 frogs,200 animals,201 first-born,202 quails,203 ravens,204 bears,205 lions,206 whale207 etc.), . With God’s permission, demons bio-hacked swine,208 . Humans are expected by God to successfully bio-hack the temporal algorithms, 209 of plants210 and animals,211 . Jesus said the righteous could bio-hack fig trees as He did.212 A 2020 poll of 2,000 U.S. millennials (25-39 year olds) discovered 67% believe taking care of house plants is too much of a challenge. Almost half don’t currently own plants because they don’t know how to take care of them, and 20% find the pressure of taking care of a plant is greater than having a root canal,213 (see endnote 40). (See U.S. college students confessing to potted plants in 2019 at

Environmental injustice occurs when the Creator’s design is violated. The righteous are expected to regard the life of their animals.214 Three times Balaam, ⤵, unsuccessfully inputted violence into his donkey’s algorithm, , to manipulate its obedience. The donkey was given the ability by God to rebuke him for that trespass. The donkey had saved Balaam’s life from Divine judgment. Balaam repented for the sin of doing his own will (c. 1235 B.C.).215

From worms to dogs etc., the mortality rates of life increase exponentially and form a straight time line from birth to death. Human life expectancy is around seventy-five years.216 After the age of thirty, the likelihood of human death217 doubles every 8½ years (see the Gompertz–Makeham law).218 Men do not know their end and are as fish caught in a net.219 Humans are increasingly interested in trying to bio-hack the cellular algorithm of the human machine to increase longevity or at least increase the quality of life until death.220

Bacterial life, , was bio-hacked by washing clothes in (alcoholic) wine (c. 1689 B.C.)221 and in water, as well as vessel’s and human bodies (c. 1275 B.C.).222 Today, humans justly kill bacteria inconsistent with their desires using skin surface rubs and mouth rinse (alcohol), hand wipes and soaps (quaternary ammonium compounds) etc. Germicidal activity of alcohols increase with increased chain length of carbons (maximum of five to eight), and when used with water (i.e. 70% alcohol is more active than 95% alcohol). The most used are ethanol and isopropanol with follow up skin treatments of iodophor. The germicidal activity of quaternary ammonium compounds is determined by the organic groups, especially having eight to eighteen carbon long groups. They include benzalkonium chloride and cetylpyridinium chloride.223

In 2019, it was noted that monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) represent an important platform for the development of biotherapeutic products. Most mAbs are produced in mammalian cells, but several mAbs are made in Escherichia coli, including therapeutic fragments.224 By this process, it can be seen that bio-hacking basic cellular structure(s) model the bio-hacking of more complex biological entities, especially with closed loop systems, θ. In 2020, the paper Estimating the Asymptomatic Proportion of 2019 Novel Coronavirus onboard the Princess Cruises Ship statistically modeled the ratio of non-asymptomatic v symptomatic of COVID-19, the Chinese Corona-Virus (see a summary of the COVID-19 timeline225). Observations were treated as survival data with right censoring or point censoring.226 The probability of being asymptomatic along with the infection time of each individual was estimated in a Bayesian framework using the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm.227 (For a detailed description of the model used and the computation see the Technical Appendix.)228 In March 2020, the University of Tennessee Oak Ridge National Laboratory Center for Molecular Biophysics used an algorithm to model COVID-19 disease outcomes. Saving months of efforts, their world’s most powerful supercomputer (Summit) was able to quickly narrow research from thousands of likely dead ends to a few possibilities that might warrant further study. To slow the virus from spreading, political leaders ordered people to stay at home in accordance with the advice of medical advisors. This caused stress from loss of income, increased domestic violence, increase in burglaries, increased suicides, and increased drug use etc. Some political leaders, , used this situation as an opportunity to shut down churches, control sectors of the economy, promote the murder of babies, promote marijuana use, promote the purchase of lottery tickets by the poor, and release convicted criminals from prison who predictively immediately reoffended.229 In March 2020, it was reported that the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the tech company Profusa are developing an injectable biosensor to detect pandemic infections and are recommending all people have the under-the-skin injection.230 U.S. President Trump joined the Southern Baptist Convention in calling for a National Day of Prayer on Sunday 15 March, 2020, for the issues, such as COVID-19, that are plaguing the nation. He said, “We are a country that, throughout our history, has looked to God for protection and strength in times like these.”

Corona is Latin for crown, as worn by a monarch. In the span of a few weeks, the crown of the world’s idols, such as sports and entertainment, money, bar and restaurant scenes etc. were removed by the virus, as is God’s just historical hacking pattern of merciful judgment (predictive analytics, if a then b…),231 along with daily anti-Christ government indoctrination of children in schools. Christian churches were forced to expand their luke-warm ritualistic methods of worship with technology to reach the world. “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a testimony unto all the nations; and then shall the end come.”232

A reasoning algorithm for finite intellects, both and , to hack themselves and potentially others is the scientific method. This systematic pursuit of knowledge, from the known to the unknown, begins with the recognition of a phenomena. Next, a hypothesis is made regarding the data collected about the phenomena. Then, an attempt(s) is made to replicate the phenomena, which either proves the hypothesis or disproves the hypothesis. If the hypothesis is proven it may be used and disseminated to other people for use. If it is disproven, step two, collecting data and making a hypothesis, is repeated by until a hypothesis is proven. If the result is contrary to the desires of , they may elect to ignore the outcome and promote their desired outcome, i.e. intelligent life on other planets, evolution, no sola Scriptura or sola fide etc.

This survey of human algorithms have shown them to be deterministic. Meaning the system of rules determines what the possible outcomes can/will be. Unpredictability and uncertainty of outcomes are due to the ignorance of finite analysis and are ultimately not chaotic—deterministic system(s) ≠ chaos.233 Deterministic human algorithms deterministic universe system determiner Creator pre-existent first Causer of all effects infinite God—Yahweh. The Determiner would know the outcome of His deterministic algorithm(s). Therefore, infinite God always has had complete knowledge data and created finite man has incomplete knowledge data but has the ability to observe the general symmetry of the complete knowledge data possessed of God by accepting that reality by faith. To not accept that reality requires contriving the irrational notion of chaos, ,234 in a deterministic system to fill the void of understanding. For example, the COVID-19 timeline (endnote 225) may be seen as having a beginning point and a future end point, as with algorithms. Since it is an algorithm, it can not be the result of true chaos and would be deterministic, ( ) ¬ . Since it is deterministic, there must have been a finite determiner, secondary to the infinite primary Determiner of all things (Yahweh), for the event observer to identify by who gained at its end state. As with God’s lovingly testing of humans for their spiritual growth, humans purposely test their created software systems in production in order to build user confidence in the system's capability to withstand turbulent and unexpected conditions to build resilience against network, infrastructure, and application failures called chaos engineering. Deterministic algorithms naturally weaponize mathematics.

Additionally, the mathematics of the redemptive singularity and other bifurcation points were lightly touched on for a foundation of more advanced study of its natural weaponization against the defeated temporal spirit of untruth and for the victorious eternal Holy Spirit of truth, Π (John 14:17). Being bio-hacked and attempting to bio-hack should be a recognized reality of the algorithms for all intelligent finite life and points to the urgent need for humans to accept the redemptive tools contained in Scriptures. Except the Lord build the house, the builder’s labor in vain.235 Catholic Yugoslav 1961 Nobel Prize winner for literature, Ivo Andrić noted in his 1945 novel, Na Drini ćuprija (The Bridge On The Drina), “…all of us die only once, whereas great men die twice, once when they leave this world and a second time when their lifework disappears,r = 0. Great men are not always wise.236 Jesus said he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.237 Blessed are those that die in the Lord, they rest in their labors and their works eternally follow them,238 r > 0. The rooster has crowed…239 a massa’. HOSANNA!

If I justify myself, my own mouth shall condemn me. Job 9:20

1 See his Pensées. C. S. Lewis indicated in his The Great Divorce that there are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, Thy will be done, and those to whom God says, in the end, Thy will be done. All that are in Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it.

2 Nicomachus of Gerasa's Introduction to Arithmetic describes the sieve and attributes it to Eratosthenes of Cyrene (c. 276-195 B.C.).

3 Twin primes are prime numbers with a gap of 2 numbers, such as the twin prime pairs of 3 and 5, 5 and 7, 41 and 43 or 659 and 661 etc. They are not to be confused with co-primes, which are numbers that have no common factor except 1, such as 8 and 9 or 15 and 32.

4 The latter includes 9/3 star polygons and the palindromagon, the construction of which sequences the six possible permutations of 3, 6, 9: 639→693→963←369←396←936.

5 This observation is from a computer programmer’s email exchange with Dallas F. Bell, Jr. during January, 2020.



8 Edgar Eaves et al. Introductory to Mathematical Analysis (5th Ed.), Allyn and Bacon Inc., 1978, p. 268.

9 See his 2004 work Algorithmic Mathematics.

10 Vivaldi was recommended to Dallas F. Bell Jr. during an email exchange with Eduard Babulak, professor of computer science at Liberty University, during January, 2020.

11 Job 14:1-2.

12 Ps. 90:5-6; Is. 15:6.

13 Stephen Kleene’s (2013) Mathematical Logic, Dover Publishing Inc., pp. 223-233, 241-241.

14 A scalar is an element of a field which is used to define a vector space. A quantity described by multiple scalars, such as having both direction and magnitude, is called a vector.

15 Job 14:5.

16 The battle for the supreme authority of God’s immutable Scripture over man’s corrupting input, no matter how well meaning the original motivation is still r < 0, has always been waged. In the Jewish arena for example, Karaites (meaning readers) were Jews who accepted the authority of the Torah but not that of the Talmudic rabbis who interpreted traditions and legislated the religious practices of the majority of Jews. The Karaites correctly pointed to the Torah’s own strictures against additions or diminishments: “You shall not add to that which I command you and you shall not subtract from it, to keep the commandments of the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 4:2). The Psalmist writes, in 19:8, “The Torah of the Lord is perfect.” Rabbi’s, such as Saadya ben Joseph (aka Saadya Gaon) etc., argued that the Torah is not self-explanatory. Thus, it commands Jews not to perform m’lakhah (work) on the Sabbath but does not define exactly what m’lakhah is. They add that even Karaite authorities agree that certain things, like prayer, are commanded by God, yet prayer itself is not explicitly commanded in the Torah. And even for commandments that are specifically ordained, like the commandment to wear fringes on one’s garments, no instructions are given as to the proper kind of fringes or how they are to be created. Today, this movement against God’s infinite words as fallible is led by Catholic doctrine to heretically promote, r < 0, their finite leadership as infallible (Vatican I, 1870, constitution Pastor aeternus, Kenneth Himes’ 2005 Modern Catholic Social Teaching, Georgetown University Press, pp. 114, 133). They falsely argue Scripture never says that Scripture is the sole infallible authority for God’s Word meaning, as they are prosecuted worldwide for raping little boys, r < 0, they consider themselves more infallible than all others before them. They indicate Scripture mandates the use of tradition and that alone disproves sola Scriptura, which justifies their heretical filling of the vacuum of needed Divine authority, r < 0. The Scriptures say they are all inspired by the Holy Spirit (II Tim. 3:16; II Peter 1:21). To subtract from them or add to them (Deut. 4:2; Rev. 22:18-19) is to call the Holy Spirit a liar and is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will/can not be eternally forgiven (Luke 12:10).

17 General Lee by Fitzhugh Lee and his nephew, D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1895, p. 417.

18 Robert E. Lee The Christian by William J. Johnson, Mott Media, Milford MI, 1976.

19 The Soul of Lee by Randolph H. McKim, Longmans, Green & Co., New York, 1918, p. 217.

20 Marse Robert, Knight of the Confederacy by James C. Young, Rae D. Henkle Inc., New York, 1929, p. 344.

21 The Boolean expression gives rise to a bifurcation point, β, in the execution of the algorithm (Greek small letter beta).

22 See Arnab Choudhuri’s book Astrophysics for Physicists (2015), Cambridge University Press, pp. 405-407.

23 The earth was biblically described as a circle (c. 545-538 B.C., Is. 40:22). The number of pi, lower case, is theorized to be infinite. If so, it is also theorized that if the numbers were converted to letters all words would be spelled out at some point in its sequence. Words communicate ideas. This indicates that all knowledge has always existed in infinity prior to human existence.

24 Astronomical units are roughly the distance from Earth to the Sun and equal to about 150 million kilometers or 93 million miles.

25 Ex. 20:17.

26 Ex. 20:15.

27 Ex. 20:16.

28 Ex. 20:3-17.

29 Matt. 7:14; Rom. 5:12-21.

30 Holy Spirit (II Sam.23:2; Mark 12:36), represented by the upper case pi.

31 John 6:44, 65 etc.

32 Job 10:11; Ps. 139:13-16; Is. 44:24.

33 In the scriptures, Jesus refers to “my soul.” (Matthew 26:38) Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. (Mark 14:34) And saith unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death: tarry ye here, and watch. (John 12:27) Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.

34 I John 4:2, 15.

35 Luke 23:42-43.

36 John 3:8.

37 Greek palingenesia meaning to become again, Matt. 19:28; Titus 3:5. See the entry for regeneration in Alton Bryant’s The New Compact Bible Dictionary, Zondervan Publishing House (1973, tenth printing), pp. 493-494.

See the new creature section at

38 John 3:3; I John 5:1.

39 Rom. 3:20-28.

40 Eph. 2:8. Once a person has asked omniscient, and thus sovereign, God for redemption, He omnipotently bestows grace for the insurmountable unrighteousness of that person, which is not resistible and is accepted by given faith. This process can be compared to the root canal process. When a person sees a dentist to take care of the pain and infection of a bad tooth that inflames the gums to the heart, he sits in the chair and the dentist administers gas (nitrous oxide, N2O), drills off the decayed tooth, removes the infected material, flushes the area with topical bacteria killing ozone (trioxygen, O3), secretes a base material to rebuild the tooth, and cures it with a laser. That new tooth will keep out future bacteria. Taking the follow-up prescription for antibiotics will aid in fighting off the residue infection. Having a root canal means a better life and should not be feared but should be embraced (see page 10). Obviously, redemption means a better eternal life and should be embraced.


Regarding a clinical ozone generator for dental applications. Not only does ozone kill all the bad bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoans, it also removes their breakdown products as well as other necrotic debris. In the case of caries, much of the waste is highly acidic. [Dental caries is a bacterially mediated disease characterized by demineralization of the tooth surface, which may lead to cavitation, discomfort, pain and eventual tooth loss.] That's what contributes to the initial attack on enamel. Its free radical negative charge on the oxygen is drawn deeply into the tooth, toward any positively charged [acidic] bacteria, such as the anaerobic bacteria found in tooth decay. The ozone sterilized dental surface can be quickly [around one hour] remineralized by the calcium phosphate present in saliva, thus becoming hard and resistant to further bacterial attack for at least three months.)

41 John 3:4.

42 Job 14:4.

43 Ex. 21:8-9.

44 Is. 61:1-3.

45 Matt. 3:16.

46 Luke 4:18-19; Acts 10:38.

47 Matt. 9:22; Mark 5:34, 10:52; Luke 7:50, 8:48; 17:19, 18:42.

48 John 3:14-16.

49 James 1:6.

50 Eccl. 8:8.

51 Eccl. 2:18-19, 5:15; Luke 12:15-21.

52 Ps. 115:4-8.

53 I Cor. 6:20.

54 I Peter 1:20; II Peter 2:1.

55 A non-exhaustive treebank list of monads is at

56 Represents a mechanical interlock between two devises.

57 Eccl. 1:9.

58 Dan. 4:24-34.


60 Is. 64:6.

61 James 4:17.

62 Hosea 10:12; Rom. 8:13; Gal. 6:8.

63 Gen. 11:4.

64 I John 4:3.

65 John 3:20, 15:19.

66 Acts 15:11; Rom. 3:24.

67 Ex. 20:13; Matt. 5:21-22.

68The Abbey of Saint-Pierre de Solesmes is steeped in 1,000 years of history and is a leading centre for Gregorian chant. Above all, however, it is a living community of Benedictine monks searching for God. Since our monastery is a place of silence and recollection, we invite you to share in our spirituality…”

Chanting focuses on the body and is a form of self-worship (Amos 6:3-6).

69 Deut. 4:29; II Chron. 15:4; Is. 55:6-7: Jere. 29:13; Acts 17:27.

70 Rev. 20:11.

71 Rom. 14:9-12.

72 A God Complex is not a clinical term but is often related to Narcissistic Personality Disorder which is characterized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (published by the American Psychiatric Association) as a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. Ernest Jones’ description was in his Essays in Applied Psycho-Analysis.

73 John 10:1-18.

74 Matt. 19:16-30.

75 In functional analysis, each bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space has a corresponding Hermitian adjoint or operator named after Charles Hermite. For example, the adjoint of an operator A may also be called the Hermitian conjugate or transpose of A denoted by A. Adjoints of operators generalize conjugate transposes of square matrices to (possibly) infinite-dimensional situations. An operator is said to be Hermitian if A = A. Hermite was a practicing Catholic who was influenced by the Christian beliefs of Augustin-Louis Cauchy and others.

76 Matt. 7:22-23.

77 Matt. 25:46.

78 Ex. 3-4.

79 Rev. 1:11.

80 Gal. 3:3; Phil. 2:12-13.I Peter 1:2. See the entry for sanctification in Alton Bryant’s The New Compact Bible Dictionary, Zondervan Publishing House (1973, tenth printing), p. 522.

81 Eph. 5:11; II Tim. 4:18.

82 Rom. 8:1-4; Gal. 5:16-18.

83 Matt. 24:14; Luke 18:43; Heb. 13:15.

84 Neh. 8:10.

85 Hacking has been narrowly defined as a person(s) using a computer(s) to nefariously operate another person’s computer(s).

A wider definition is the act of an entity intended to effect another entity(s) either for a malevolent purpose or for a benevolent purpose.

86 I John 2:27.

87 Rom. 14:17.

88 I Cor. 12:3-11.

89 Mic. 3:8.

90 Acts 9:31.

91 John 16:13.

92 I John 2:27.

93 I Cor. 2:10-16; I John 4:1-6.

94 Matt. 18:35; Eph. 4:32.

95 Eph. 1:3-7.

96 Eccl. 12:14; I Cor. 3:13-16.

97 Matt. 1:20; Luke 1:35.

98 Judges 13:24-25, 15:14.

99 Judges 16:20.

100 Ex. 7:3-5.

101 Jere. 25:9, 27:6, 43:10.

102 II Chron. 36:22.

103 John 16:8-9.


105 Josh. 6.

106 Is. 10:5-11.

107 Hab. 1:6, 12.

108 Is. 10:12-19.

109 I Tim. 5:21.

110 Is. 6:2-3; I Thess. 4:16.

111 Gen. 19:1-11.

112 Is. 14:12-14; Jude 6.

113 Matt. 12:24.

114 Dan. 10:13, 20; Rev. 12:7-9.

115 Rev. 12:10-17.

116 Luke 22:53.

117 God allows evil spirits to hack government leaders, such as recorded in Judges 9:23, I Sam. 16:14-23.

118 Matt. 8:28-29, 9:32-33, 12:22-23, 15:22-28, 17:14-21; Mark 1:23-26, 5:2-10, 16:19; Luke 8:27-31, 11:24-26 etc.

119 Is. 14:12-15; John 12:31. Pride makes beings lower and honor lifts the humble (Prov. 29:23).

120 Gen. 3:1-6.

121 II Sam. 24:1-4; I Chron. 21:1-6.

122 II Sam. 24:12-14; I Chron. 21:10-13.

123 Job 1-42.

124 Matt. 4:1.

125 Matt. 4:2-4.

126 Matt. 4:5-7.

127 Matt. 4:8-10.

128 Matt. 4:11.

129 Luke 22:31.

130 Mark 14:71.

131 Matt. 26:75; Mark 14:72; Luke 22:62.

132 John 21:1-14.

133 John 21:15-19; Acts; I and II Peter.

134 Matt. 14:28-31; 26:58.

135 John 18:10.

136 Matt. 16:21-22.

137 John 21:21-22.

138 Matt. 26:33-34.

139 John 3:30.

140 Matt. 26:39.

141 Deut. 4:9, 6:6-7; Prov. 22:6.

142 Deut. 21:18-21; Prov. 22:15, 23:13. These teachings recognize human innate negativity bias, which means negative reinforcement is many times more of an effective behavioral modifier than positive reinforcement.

143 Acts 17:16.

144 Acts 17:17, 22-31.

145 Acts 14:19.

146 Acts 7.

147 Acts 17:18-21, 32.

148 Acts 17:32.

149 Acts 17:34.

150 Acts 17:33.

151 Matt. 10:16; Luke 10:3; Titus 3:3. Recent examples of self-focused wolves are people that publically confess to groups of strangers how many sins they have committed against God without any sense of fear and trembling and others that want to publically discuss sexual intimacy in marriage. Neither of those examples are biblically modeled nor can be shown to focus on God’s glory. False teachers are expected to attempt to bio-hack (Rev. 2:14, 20) and murder God’s redeemed, as with Antipas (Rev. 2:13).

152 Matt. 23:15.

153 Dan. 1:7. This is an example of how righteous people, Daniel etc., are caught up in God’s righteous judgment of the overall unrighteous society.

154 I Peter 4:12.

155 Neh. 4:1-3.

156 Neh. 4:3-6.

157 Neh. 4:7-8.

158 Neh. 4:9.

159 Neh. 4:11-12.

160 Neh. 4:13-23.

161 Neh. 6:1-4.

162 Neh. 6:3.

163 Neh. 6:5-7.

164 Neh. 6:8.

165 Neh. 6:9.

166 Neh. 6:9-14.

167 Trump and Netanyahu were each formally accused of wrong doing.


169 See the entry for Zen in the 2004 Encyclopedia Britannica (premium service).

170 See the comparative religion section at

171 Ps. 119:148.

172 I Tim. 4:15.

173 Josh. 1:8.

174 Ps. 49:3.

175 Ps. 63:5-6.

176 Ps. 119:148.

177 Ps. 119:97.

178 Gen. 24:63.

179 I Cor. 5:7.

180 Rom. 8:24.

181 Ps. 16:9.



184 Rev. 9:16, 16:12.

185 Ps. 58:6.

186 Ps. 109:9.

187 This quote is from a letter to the Christian U.S. founding father Dr. Benjamin Rush - Monticello, Sep. 23, 1800. It appears under the dome of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC.

188 Rev. 13:14-18. The unredeemed are primarily motivated by fear, especially of God’s impending judgment, and anger toward the reality of God’s law. This makes them easily hacked and is a chosen state unequipped to have a life harmonious to God’s creation and law. The wicked flee when no one pursues them (Judges 7:13-22; II Kings 7:5-7 etc.) but the righteous are bold as a lion (Prov.28:1).

189 Dan. 11:21-32. If possible, false Christ’s would bio-hack God’s redeemed elect (Mark 13:22).


Of course, although all non-human biological life seem to have temporal algorithms, the categories have different levels of created sophistication to accomplish their designed purpose, such as animals, insects, plants, and bacteria etc. For example, honey bees use the sun as a directional marker when leaving and returning to the hive. The returning foragers do dances to tell the others location, distance, and direction to the nectar. Karl von Frisch won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for his work on honey bee communications. Even the non-biological stars sing in harmonious tones together (Job 38:7).

If God desired, stones would cry out (Josh. 24:27; Hab. 2:11; Luke 19:40) or raise up children to Abraham (Matt. 3:9).

191 Jonah 4:6-11.

192 Matt. 21:19.


194 Ex. 8:16.

195 Ex. 8:21.

196 Ex. 10:4.

197 Jonah 4:7. Unrepentant and so underdeveloped people, , are associated with worms (Job 25:6; Ps. 22:6; Is. 66:24; Mark 10:44, 48).

198 Gen. 7:8-9.

199 Gen. 22:13.

200 Ex. 8:2.

201 Ex. 9:3.

202 Ex. 11:5.

203 Ex. 16:13.

204 I Kings 17:4.

205 II Kings 2:24.

206 Dan. 6:22.

207 Jonah 1:17, 2:10.

208 Matt. 8:28-32.

209 There are no references to animals in the prophesied New Jerusalem (Rev.).

210 This is common in horticulture and especially in cross-breeding.

211 Gen. 1:28-30.

212 Matt. 21:21.


214 Prov. 12:10.

215 Num. 22:21-34; II Peter 2:15-16.

216 Ps. 90:10.


218 Named for Benjamin Gompertz and William Makeham, the Gompertz–Makeham law states that the human death rate is the sum of an age-dependent component, which increases exponentially with age, and an age-independent component.

219 Eccl. 9:12.

220 See the recent works of Robert Hariri, M.D. and Ph.D. awarded the 2018 Pontifical Key Innovation Award by the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture and the Cura Foundation, at Human Longevity Inc. and Cynthia Kenyon, Ph.D. and Darwinian evolutionist, at Calico etc.

221 Gen. 49:11.

222 Lev. 11:25, 13:6, 15:2-13 etc.

223 Patrick Murray’s et al. 2016 Medical Microbiology (8th ed.), Elsevier Inc., pp. 12-14.


225 2015: The U.S. NIH (National Institutes of Health) is known to have funded, $3.7 million, the bat coronavirus research (SARS-CoV) that will be unleashed on the world by the Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology lab’s likely “gain-of-function” research (a Chinese bio-warfare lab; under atheistic communism all undertakings are part of a warfare strategy to dominate others, their raison d’être).

2016: U.S presidential candidate Trump declares to put an end to the decades of American policy of loss in trade deals with China.

2017: China installs a puppet director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to the World Health Organization (WHO), who specializes in malaria (in accordance with the Chinese Thirty-Six Stratagems* chapt. 1 strat. 3, kill with a borrowed knife.)

Early 2018: the U.S. State Department warned of the unsafe research practices by the Chinese Wuhan lab.

Early 2019: a female Chinese intelligence agent is arrested at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort with computer virus software and spy devices (*chapt. 6 strat. 1, the honeypot.)

2019: Plans are made by U.S. tourists and others for the largest human migration on earth to China to celebrate chunyun (Lunar New Year Spring Festival, 10 Jan.-18 Feb 2020), (*chap. 1 strat. 5, loot a burning house).

Mid-2019: Supported by democracy and justice loving Americans, Hong Kong Christians riot in opposition to a Chinese communist criminal extradition bill that targets Hong Kong advocates of democracy.

Nov. 2019: Hidden by Chinese officials, the first case of COVID-19 is reported to have occurred in Wuhan China (*chap. 6 strat. 4, inflict injury on oneself), the location of their covert bio-warfare lab.

End-2019: U.S. finalizes a trade deal with China, which will cost China nearly a trillion dollars in tariffs.

Jan. 2020: A Chinese medical doctor, Li Wenliang, tells the world about COVID-19 and the communist government arrests him.

End Jan. 2020: Trump restricts travel from China into the U.S. The World Health Organization and U.S. media call his prudent acts racist.

Feb. 2020: Dr. Li Wenliang, the Chinese whistleblower, dies.

8 Mar. 2020: It is revealed that (Brazilian) dinner guests of Trump at Mar-a-Lago test positive for COVID-19.

Mar. 2020: A Chinese foreign ministry official releases a false report that the U.S. military started COVID-19 (*chapt. 6 strat. 5, use chain stratagems and chapt. 2 strat. 1, make up a lie). The tech company Twitter does not remove the false allegation.

Mar. 2020: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO director general and malaria expert, supports China’s false COVID-19 statistics as does the U.S. media.

Mar. 2020: A California doctor, and others, say they are seeing significant success in prescribing the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, touted by Republican Trump and mocked by U.S. democrats and media, in combination with zinc to treat patients with severe symptoms of COVID-19. (Countries with malaria have virtually no COVID-19 cases and vice-versa.)

April 2020: U.S. states are using Chinese made drones to illegally collect data on its law abiding citizens, as modeled by the Chinese government.

End April 2020: Over 180 countries have COVID-19 cases with their self-reporting ranging from fairly accurate to very inaccurate, as with China. The U.S. accurately reports having more than the average cases. Approximately 20% of Americans have lost their jobs (30 million).

(Note: The Chinese word for "crisis" is (simplified Chinese) 危机; (traditional Chinese) 危機; (pinyin) wēijī (Mainland), wéijī (Taiwan). In the Xinhua Zidian (in Chinese) (10th revised, large-print ed. Beijing: Commercial Press. 2004. p. 205) translation of the character / () has multiple meanings: a point where things happen, change. e.g. 生机, 危机, 转机. Derivation1. an event that has a confidential nature which can lead to success or failure. e.g. 军机, 机密, 机要. Derivation2. chance (opportunity), good timing. e.g. 随机应变, 勿失良机,

Future: If II Chron. 7:13-14 (see endnote 231) is not achieved, then more societal consequences will justly follow. Depending on how people perceive their situation, lower need levels will be a reality. If a sufficient number of people perceive dropping to the survival level then revolution or reformation will follow (force projection multipliers are concentrations of demographic subsets, i.e. racial identity or religious identity etc., and geographic region identity etc.). If it is perceived dropping only to the economic security level then severe societal competition will follow. The predictive analytics technique of logical regression may be employed to look at data points of the binary variables.

226 In statistics, censoring is a condition in which the value of a measurement or observation is only partially known. Left censoring is when a data point is below a certain value but it is unknown by how much. Interval censoring is when a data point is somewhere on an interval between two values. Right censoring is when a data point is above a certain value but it is unknown by how much. Right censoring (aka point censoring) happens when the subject leaves the study before it is finished (loss of a follow-up) or when the event of interest does not happen during the course of the study (end of the study). Placebos are known to affect dropout rates because they do not offer relief from symptoms. The problem of data-driven models and validation is that you need data to use it; under uncertain and changing conditions where data just isn't available, the model outputs are nonsense. The classic type 3 error. If you can't change parameters from what you validated before, your (closed loop system) model has no use—garbage in (θi) = garbage out (θo). As the financial times recently reported on the UK’s silly use of viral pneumonia models for COVID-19 at

227 In computational physics and statistics, the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm (aka hybrid Monte Carlo), is a Markov chain Monte Carlo method for obtaining a sequence of random samples which converge to being distributed according to a target probability distribution for which direct sampling is difficult.


Worldwide demographic statistics show different corona-virus rates. Although virtually economically equal, U.S. blacks have around 4 times the rate of Orientals or Caucasians. Blacks are also many times more likely to have heart disease, diabetes, asthma, staphylococcus infections due to unhealthy sanitary habits, and AIDS/HIV etc. They have much higher infant death rates and all have sickle cell anemia. Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel (12%) have a much higher rate of cases in Israel (70%) than the rest of the population, but this is due their intentionally not complying with the advice of their adversarial government leaders.


230 Rev. 14:9. Prophecy of end times notes an increase in loimos (Greek for pestilences, plagues, pandemics, disease [allowed by God]: Matt. 24:7; Luke 21:11).

231 II Chron. 7:13-14. (See the Future section of endnote 225.)

232 Matt. 24:14.

233 In 2005, Heinz Georg Schuster wrote an introduction book on deterministic chaos.

234 The Talmud (Chagigah 12a) addresses the Old Testament concept of tohu (tohuw; Gen. 1:2, without form; I Sam. 12:21 and Is. 45:18-19, vain; Job 6:18, nothing, and Job 26:7, empty places; Is. 24:10, confusion, and Is. 29:21 and 49:4, nought). The New Testament also addresses confusion (I Cor. 14:33; James 3:16) and a state of disorderliness (II Thess. 3:7). Each of those biblical descriptions have, on some level, been loosely associated with the idea of chaos. Greek mythology actually promoted the oxymoron principle of chaos as the origin of everything and the very first thing that ever existed. Occultists also hold to this belief, as their necessary false alternative to Creator God. For example, the homosexual Satanist Edward Crowley (aka Aleister Crowley the wickedest man in the world) used the chaos symbol of an eight-pointed star with arrows pointing outward, as do those in role-playing games. In an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in April, 2020, Robert Bishop, professor of physics and science at Wheaton College, indicated that different scientists use different symbols defining their meaning of chaos, which prevents an accepted symbol for chaos in formulae. God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient and the Holy Spirit, Π, exhibiting the ratio of the diameter of all things to the circumference of all knowledge of all things, prevents the possibility of true chaos. This reality could be represented by a square, actual Divine guiding rules for an observation, with a c, finite perceived chaos, inside, .

235 Ps. 127:1.

236 Job 32:9; I Cor. 1:26.

237 Matt. 23:11.

238 Rev. 14:13.

239 Massa’ (Hebrew for burden, prophecy, tribute, doom, song). Matt. 26:74-75. In Christianity, the rooster symbolizes a sinner's acceptance of divine pardon through Jesus Christ. Many Protestant and Catholic churches in Europe have a rooster on top of their steeples, such as the Daviot Parish Church in Scotland. It is common to see carved roosters on the top of wooden churches in Norway. Most of the older churches in the Netherlands have weather vanes that are golden roosters. The golden rooster is said to be a symbol of Jesus Christ who breaks the power of the darkness, brings forgiveness of sins, and announces a new day by the power of His resurrection. Some churches use the rooster as their logo, such as a church in Manhattan. The rooster appears in the catacombs of Rome. A 3rd-century fresco of Jesus Christ was found in the Catacomb of Callixtus, which portrays Jesus as the Good Shepherd with a rooster at his feet. Two red roosters appear with a cross over the center of the arch in the Christian "Tomb of the Cocks" in Beit Jibrin, 13 miles northwest of Hebron. The association of the rooster with light could explain why some clay oil lamps had rooster images, such as an oil lamp with a rooster was found in North Africa dating to the 3rd-century A.D. The Christianized Khasi people (an indigenous ethnic group of Meghalaya in north-eastern India) believe the sacrifice of a rooster is a substitute for man, because they believe that the cock when sacrificed "bears the sins of the man." In Judaism, the Hebrew word gever means both "man" and "rooster" so punishment of the rooster can be substituted for that of a person who deserves punishment. Kapparot is practiced by some Jews shortly before Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). First, selections from Isaiah 11:9, Psalms 107:10, 14, and 17-21, and Job 33:23-24 are recited; then a rooster (for a male) or a hen (for a female) is held above the person's head and swung in a circle three times, while the following is spoken: "This is my exchange, my substitute, my atonement; this rooster (or hen) shall go to its death, but I shall go to a good, long life, and to peace." "Cock's crow" is a technical term in Jewish law (kri'at hagever (קריאת הגבר)). It is a time of day prior to dawn that marks the end of night. In the Yoruba, descendants from a variety of West African communities, creation story the rooster serves the Creator by scratching out the dirt to form the dry land. The rooster might be seen as a Christ-like symbol since Christians believe that all things were made through Christ. At Sun shrines in Japan, roosters freely roam the grounds. The rooster is the tenth creature in the Chinese zodiac. They believe there is a rooster in the sun. When a white rooster is place on a coffin, it is believed that it will keep demons at bay. See Wolfram Eberhard’s (1996) A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Routledge, London, pp. 68-69.

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