Entanglement of Biomimicry, Quantum Biology, Light and Time
Individual, Societal and Omniscient Consciousness
Dallas F. Bell,
(Portions of the following were
accepted for presentation at the 2-8 May, 2011, conference Toward a Science of
Consciousness, featuring Oxford University's Professor of Physics Sir Roger
Penrose, in Stockholm, Sweden.)
Biomimicry (Gr. bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate) is the examination of nature's
models and systems in order to solve problems and create. Mimicry can be repetitive instances of a
process limited by laws of its environment with little variance or is the result
of the purpose of an intellect.
computer made by man stores strings of bits or on and off switches. That data is a record of information for
a period of time. The computer's
memory does not choose to forget data as the human brain does. But computers have been made to mimic
the human brain's storage of memory into short-term memory (things just exposed
to) and long-term memory (things deemed as crucial).
Recently, the mechanism for memory was revealed in the neurons
of electric fish. When electric
fish shock each other in dark waters, their neurons store memory of that shock's
information by turning on special cell membrane
channels. Those channels give the
fish neurons the ability to retain the memory long after its original stimulus
is gone. The short-term stimulation
results in long-term changes in excitability or memory.
The electric fish researchers discovered that neurons' memories
were not affected when the neurotransmitter, glutamate, was blocked. Glutamate set off a cascade of epoch
events in the neuron that resulted in the activation (learning) of TRP channels
(Transient Receptor Potential
channels) which remained active for a lone duration. A fuzzy-rough set computer model has
sought to combine its two theories (fuzzy and rough sets) so an inductive
learning algorithm can be created and compared to the decision tree
Consciousness comes from cum alio
scientia (L. conscientia) meaning a knowledge along with something
else. The knowledge is derived
from memory. There is debate as to
the something else. John joe
McFadden (b. 1956) has written on quantum evolution and holds to the notion that
there is no other structure for human consciousness than the property of the
physical human brain. He also is
skeptical of any quantum mechanical (QM) hypothesis. (McFadden's, Professor of Molecular Genetics at the
University of Surrey, views were
expressed in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in December,
Murphy and Andy Schroeder, professors of neurobiology at Harvard University,
believe that most testable areas of QM have disproven
QM consciousness
theories. (Murphy and
Schroeder's views were excerpted from an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr.
in September, 2010.) Steven
Weinberg (b. 1933), the 1979 Nobel Prize recipient for physics, does not believe
that there is any nascent research to connect the neuroscience of consciousness
with physic's mechanisms, such as the Higgs mechanism. (Weinberg's beliefs were stated in an email
exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in February, 2011.)
J. Baars, an Affiliated Fellow in
Theoretical Neurobiology at The Neurosciences Institute in La Jolla,
wrote on treating consciousness as a variable. He said that consciousness processes can be defined
operationally as events that can be reported and acted upon with verifiable
accuracy under optimal reporting conditions which are reported as
A Max
Planck researcher, John-Dylan Haynes, investigated the relationship between
consciousness, attention and dynamic changes in brain connectivity. The connectivity between the retinotopic
representation of subjects was increased when they were asked to compare two
stimuli presented in their visual field.
It is suggested that connectivity reveals how remote brain areas
cooperate in mediating awareness and attention.
Nicanor Pier Giorgio
Austriaco, known
for his work on the ageing gene in yeast at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, explains that his best working biological theory of consciousness is
the existence of a spiritual
soul that
is manifested in the system dynamics of the human
organism. (Austriaco's view was
expressed in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in January,
The Bible says that though the outward man (temporal physical brain) may
perish, yet the inward man (eternal soul) of the believer is renewed day by day
(2 Cor.4:16).
Aubrey de
Grey and his co-author of their recent book on ending ageing, Michael Rae,
believe that the problem of age-related loss of cognitive function lies in
rejuvenating the brain, rather than modeling, stimulating or (in the vision of
some of the most bullish AI advocates) "uploading" human consciousness. (Grey and Rae's senescence research
emphasis was relayed in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in February,
It is
often observed in neuroscience that there are breaks with physically perceived
reality, as seen in epilepsy and schizophrenia, where destruction always
occurs. There are also breaks, as
seen in Christian religious' experiences, where construction always occurs, for
example Danny Thomas (1912-1991) and his creation of the St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital(s).
A. Persinger (b. 1945) created the "God helmet", said to mimic religious
experience, in order to disprove real Divine experience. He says the complexity of both types of
breaks with reality mentioned above involve electrical transients within the
temporal lobes (usually the right temporal lobe). However, the differences between fragmentation depends in
large part upon the simultaneous integrity and function of the prefrontal
regions. For the schizophrenias
(which are a label of comorbid behaviors rather than an independent entity)
there is a prefrontal dysfunction—hence the failure to organize and
self-monitor. In the most positive
manifestation, the frontal lobe is intact to direct the behaviors. However, there is one additional
variable.The personality changes
subsequent to a temporal lobe event also include proselytizing—the fervor
to spread the word, a feeling of being "selected" and
"viscosity"—perseveration or "stickness" of thought to a singular
topic. These characteristics, often
called dedication, can also contribute to Danny Thomas phenomena as well as
scientific discovery.
(Persinger's comments were taken from an email exchange with Dallas F.
Bell Jr. in August, 2010.)
A persistent vegetative state is described as a
neurological disorder in which the patient exhibits sleep-wake cycles without
any sign of awareness of their environment.Patients in this state show no evidence of sustained,
reproducible, purposeful or voluntary behavioral responses to visual, auditory,
tactile, noxious stimuli, or evidence of language comprehension or
expression. A comatose state does
not have sleep-wake cycles and is usually a temporary state awaken from, unless
enough time passes and the patient progresses into a vegetative state or
Functional MRI studies were made to find glucose consumption in
brain neurons and increased blood flow to indicate thinking by
vegetative patients. Since the yes
and no functions of the brain are in close physical proximity in the brain,
patients were asked to think of playing tennis when they wanted to reply "yes"
and were asked to think of walking around their home when they wanted to
reply "no". Of fifty-four
vegetative patients tested, five of them could understand the questions asked
and provided answers. Of the five,
two had zero signs of consciousness.
They were clearly aware of their environment, could comprehend language,
and could provide meaningful responses.
It is possible that in the Terri Schiavo case, she could have been asked
if she wanted to be murdered by her doctors or not.
Ames Research Center has found that using the fMRI to find temporal flux and
consciousness runs into problems with ascribing changes in BOLD (Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent) signals to
consciousness. The question arises
that if consciousness is only a natural physical neuron process then why is it
so illusive to see and understand?
Societal consciousness
is often referred to as collective behavior. Robotic systems have been created to mimic swarm intelligence
(SI). SI is made up of agents that
interact in their environment. The
agents have simple rules and their interaction leads to the emergence of group
behavior of which, as agents without self-awareness or consciousness, they are
unaware. Ernst G. Ravenstein
(1834-1913) used census data to develop "Laws of Migration" in 1889. He observed that human migration is
governed by a "push-pull" process, where people can be pushed from one area due
to perceived unfavorable conditions to meets individual needs (i.e. survival,
economic security, etc.) or pulled to an area when it is perceived favorable
conditions exist to meet individual needs.
Ravenstein's migration theory can be taken further by
applying the sigma summation of human behavioral ethics to the
Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation used in neuroscience to find ionic movement. (See the Attachment to this paper to
find a more comprehensive explanation of this process.) Such advances in so-called soft sciences
are leading to them gaining credibly over the historic hegemony of hard
sciences. (This observation was
confirmed by A. Garrett Lisi (b. 1968), known for his proposal of a unified
field theory, in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in August,
In Noam
Chomsky's book on manufactured consent, he explains how businesses manipulate
societal consciousness. Businesses
develop advertising strategies to create an awareness of their products which
people do not really need. When the
false desire is established a societal trend of purchasing the products develop
leading to an economic danse macabre (F.)
or todtentanz (Ger.).
Quantum biology applies QM and theoretical chemistry
to biological problems and objects.Such processes involve chemical reactions, light absorption,
formation and transfer of excited electrical states and energy, and the transfer
of electrons and protons of hydrogen ions in chemical processes as seen
in photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
quantum biologists observed photosynthesis in marine algae and discovered that
algae uses QM to optimize photosynthesis.
They stimulated proteins with femtosecond laser pulses to mimic the
absorption of sunlight. This
enabled the monitoring of movement of energy between special molecules bound in
the protein against a stop-clock.
They found evidence of long-lived QM states involved in moving the
energy. The results suggest that
energy of absorbed light resides in two places at once—a quantum
superposition state. The Bible
records Ananias as being seen by Paul in one place in the future while being in
another place in the present (Acts 9:10-18).
"double-slit" experiment directed light through two separate openings. The two resulting beams interfered with
each other and created a striped pattern.
That proved wave properties of light and that atoms can behave like waves
and particles. Researchers isolated
a beryllium ion (an atom given an electrical charge by removing one of its outer
electrons) in an electromagnetic trap of sorts and pinpointed its position with
laser cooling. Using two laser
beams, each turned to a different frequency, they split the atom into a
superposition. By measuring the
interference patterns of laser beams, they established the atom as having
occupied two locations. The
separation was around eighty nanometers or eighty times it normal
diameter. On a human scale, the
same person would have been split into twins a quarter mile apart. Using this concept in a quantum computer
could superposition ions into two states and create trillions of combinations to
store data.
Schulten is a faculty member in the Beckman Institute and directs the
Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group. He does not believe superposition states would have potential
positive implications for verifying QM consciousness theories. (Schulten's view was expressed in an
email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in October, 2010.) Other
scholars, such as neuroscience researcher Mario Beauregard at the University of
Montreal, have yet to become familiar with these new concepts. (Beauregard's position was
excerpted from an email exchange with Dallas F Bell Jr. in October,
successful teleportation experiment was conducted in 2006 at the Niels Bohr
Institute by Eugene Simon Polzik.
Polzik teleported information stored in a laser beam into a cloud of
atoms. He said it was the first
time two different objects, light and matter, were
teleported. One, the carrier of
information, and the other, the storage medium, were teleported around one half
of a meter. This is another example
of possible usage in quantum computing.
The Bible
addresses the concept of
in the Old Testament (Heb.
216) as illumination (Is. 60:1) and in the New Testament (John 5:35) as
an illuminator (Gr.
3088) and also as to shine (Gr.5457 found in John
1:4). Moses is recorded as his face
shining after he saw part of God (Ex. 33:18-23). He had to even put a veil over his face to subdue the light
(Ex. 34:29-35).Jesus' face shined
as the sun on the mountain of transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-3; Luke
9:28-29).It would appear that the
atoms of Moses and Jesus' bodies were altered for a period of time.
We have seen that light not only can illuminate so information
is gained but light itself can itself be information. Jesus incarnated was (light) information that bears witness
of God the Father and the Godhead's attributes (John3:19-21; 12:45-46). Whoever believes on Jesus will not abide
in darkness (John 8:12; Rev. 19-21).
God divided the light from the dark (Gen. 1:2-4) in creation and James
Barr (1924-2006), a Hebrew scholar at Oxford University, said all scholars
believe the creation text of Genesis means a literal six day (made of
twenty-four hours per day as we know today) period of time.
Evil doers hate light (John 3:20-21) and are like minded (Rev.
17:12-13). The ruler of darkness is
Satan (Eph. 6:12). The light of
Jesus the Christ will triumph in parousia
(Gen. 3:15; Matt. 4:1-11; Mark 3:27-28; Luke 10:18). Jesus' followers are commanded to arise and shine (Is. 60:1)
because they are the light of the world (Matt. 5:14). God is the eternal light in heaven (Rev. 21:23-24;
22:5).Jesus is the way, the truth
and the life and no man comes to the Father except by Him (John
being the way is the verb for the nouns of truth and life. That information facilitates acquiring
other information, such as omniscient consciousness. Omniscient consciousness is an attribute of the infinite
Godhead.The Godhead consists of
the Father, Jesus (both God and man), and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, when Jesus spoke of parousia
regarding His Second Coming, He was aware of using language to communicate to
people in the future as well as to people present at the event recorded in the
New Testament.
Understanding Jesus' theandric communication has been explored
by the doctrines of futurists and preterists. They each specifically look at Jesus' words of "this
generation shall not pass until all is done" (Matt. 24:34; Mark 13:30; Luke
21:32). The futurist explains that
the event will happen and the preterist explains that the event must have
already happened. Prophecy is
controlled by being a static event in linear time (Ps. 40:7; 139:16; Mark 1:15;
Gal. 4:4).Prophecy is a Divinely
inspired foretelling of event(s) that need foretelling (Is. 42:9) and is always
true (Jere. 28:1-17). Prophecy can
be conditional (Jonah 3:1-10) or not (Eze. 12:25-28) and can be dated (Dan.
example of Jesus' theandric action is in the Garden of Gethsemane where His
sweat became as blood (Matt. 26:37-42; Mark 14:32-39; Luke 22:41-45). His theandric actions seem to indicate
that He was never separated from His existence in the Godhead even as He also
indwelt a perfectly human physical body.
Then Jesus' brain could have rejected His Divine consciousness but did
not.The body did show an unequal
strength to accept the Father's will to die on the cross for the perfect
atonement of all people's sins prior to the sacrificial event and after the
sacrificial event. Finite humans
with consciousness do not know the exactness of the future and can be brave, to
a degree, from ignorance of the ramifications of their acts.Whereas, Jesus had perfect knowledge and
still did them (John 18:4).
option of understanding the theandric actions of Jesus is to believe Jesus
had/has two consciousnesses. This
would mean that he had a created soul connected to His quantum body separated
from His eternal Divine consciousness and would have been completely human apart
from the Godhead and not be theandric God-man in a connected sense. But a quantum understanding of the same
entity occupying two places at once may assist understanding how Jesus had two
operations (God and man) of energy and will simultaneously.
Time perceptions for eternal omniscient God and finite man are
different. A twenty-four hour day
is as thousand years to God (Ps. 90:4; 2 Peter 3:8). Time is used for individual finite beings to order events and
is a societal tool for efficient synchronizing of historical perspectives and
references of its citizenry. In the
Christianized western culture, time is monomorphic in that man has a Divinely
given role in controlling nature and time is an exact reference (Gen.
1:28-31). That belief leads to
behavior that potentially can create a First World political system. In non-Christian cultures, as is found
in eastern religions, time is not necessarily essential and nature controls
man. That belief leads to behavior
that is inefficient and conducive to creating a Third World political
system. This is why it is odd that
archaeologists, or any person in the scientific field of discovery and analysis,
such as Cornelius Holtorf at Linnaeus University, do not consider religious
beliefs or intelligence levels as significant, especially for individual and
societal time perceptions.
(Holtorf's view was expressed in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell
Jr. in January, 2011.)
Perception of time slowing occurs in out of the body experiences
(OBE). OBE begin when a person
looses contact with sensory input from the body while remaining conscious. The person retains the perception of
having a body without the perception being derived from senses.
also describe a similar sensation to OBE of time slowing when they get in the
zone.It seems the cerebellum, the
brain region responsible for motor control, is consciously given dominance over
other neuron functions. In this
state, many incredible athletic feats are accomplished. This effect does not involve just the
brain and spine, the central nervous system, but also the muscular structure,
peripheral nervous system. Eliot
Hazeltine recommended the spatial/time perception studies of Jessica K. Witt at
the Purdue University Department of Psychological Sciences and Rouwen Caal-Brulandat the VU University Amsterdam Faculty
of Human Movement Sciences.
(Hazeltine's, Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of
Iowa, recommendation was made in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in
January, 2011.)
It should be noted that quantum entanglement is a property of
certain states in a quantum system of two or more objects, in which
the information describing the objects is inextricably
linked. For example, measuring one
of the objects alters the other, even when separated over
distances. Bell's theorem resolved
the problem in 1964.
people, such as John F. Clauser the Wolf Prize recipient for physics in 2010,
doubt that Bell's theorem (e.g. violation of local hidden variables and
counterfactual definiteness) can be extended toward the entanglement of
and behavioral options (i.e. to not lie, to not steal, to not murder, etc.) and
the natural sanctions that reinforce each choice. (Clauser's view was explained in an
email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in November, 2010.)
Max Lynn
Stackhouse, Professor of Reformed
Theology and Public Life Emeritus at Princeton Theological Seminary,
would recommend H. Richard Niebuhr's (1894-1962) book "The Responsible Self" to
determine ethics' entanglements.
(Stackhouse made the recommendation in an email exchange with Dallas
F. Bell Jr. in December, 2010.) John Martin Gillroy, Professor of
International Law and Comparative Environmental Policy at Lehigh University,
recommends his book "Justice and Nature" and Philip Allott's book "The Health of
Nations" to study core ethical models regarding environmental issues. (Gillroy's recommendation was
made in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in November, 2010.)
ethics from an Israeli perspective was written by Asa Kasher, Professor of
Professional Ethics and Philosophy of Practice at Tel Aviv University, and Amos
Yadlin (b. 1951), head of the Israeli intelligence effort called Aman. Their paper provides a current
philosophic strategy for Israeli military ethics. (Kasher recommended his paper in an email exchange with
Dallas F. Bell Jr. in November,
is physical information that is held in a quantum
system. The qubit is the popular
unit of a two level quantum system.
Quantum information cannot be read without the state becoming the
measured value and the state may be in a superposition of basic values. Now space time can exceed the speed of
light, as is witnessed by the universe expanding beyond that threshold so long
as two locations do not communicate with each other or, in terms of light, see
each other. But the propagation
of information (i.e. a light pulse) cannot exceed the physical law of the speed
of light.
closing, the dimensionless quantity of consciousness is non-material since
material cannot be self-aware and thus has no freewill or purpose. Consciousness does exist because it has
observable causal effects on brain activity and consequences for choice. That consciousness of the eternal soul
can have a relationship with Jesus and avoid intellectual isolation and
loneliness commonly experienced, especially by the highest
intellects. Thereby, man's creative
potential can be reached. Sometimes
isolation is God's plan for our best, such as for Paul who wrote many New
Testament gospels while under house arrest and for John Bunyan (1628-1688) who
wrote the "Pilgrim's Progress" while imprisoned.God's anodyne communication is inward through the soul and
outward by the communication of others confirmed by scripture. It is up to us to listen and obey. Contrary to Protagoras of Abdera (c.
490-410 B.C.) as recorded in Plato's "Theaetetus", man is not the measure of all
author would like to acknowledge feedback from an email exchange with Judge John
Bell regarding Muslim ethics and Christopher von der Malsburg, a Professor of
Computer Science, Department for Physics and Astronomy Director, Laboratory of
Computational and Biological Vision Director, Institut fr Neuroinformatik,
Ruhr-Universitt Bochum, regarding the moral basis of the temporo-parietal junction.)
Applying the Bounded Variable of Ethic's Sigma
Summation to the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz Equation for Binding Consciousness with
Societal Migration
Dallas F.
(Accepted for presentation at the 2-8
May, 2011, conference Toward a Science of Consciousness, featuring Oxford
University's Professor of Physics Sir Roger Penrose, in Stockholm, Sweden.)
Data suggests that children, at birth, do not want to be lied to, stolen
from, or murdered. Those hardwired
desires can be viewed as bounded variables that make up the set of ethics common
to human behaviors in a sigma summation, n= 10 (See the works of Baars for "treating
consciousness as a variable" and see Cicero's 44 B.C. De
Officiis, chapter IV of book 1,
for the ancient Decalogue system of common

= c + c +
c×c (n
times) = cn
Consciousness allows choice between neurological data
from experience and applies the ethic to a situation, such as migration,
for decision-making (See the works of Baars for nonmaterial aspects of
consciousness and see pages 1317-1319 of the 2000 book "Principles of
Neuroscience" by Kandel et al. and p. 675
of the 2004 third edition book "Neuroscience" by Purves et al.for material aspects of consciousness).An ethic can be said to be positive as
it complies with the common"desires to not lie, to not steal, and to not murder,
etc., or an ethic can be"said to be negative as it does not comply with the
common desires to not be"lied to, not be stolen from, and to not be murdered,
etc. (See the September 2010, paper by Dallas F. Bell Jr. accepted for
presentation at the European Conference on Complex Systems, ECCS'10, titled
"Proposal for Modeling the Operator of Schizophrenic Behavior Within the
Mechanism of Societal Operators" for neurological simulation between functional
and dysfunctional cognitive abilities and see the recent moral biasing research
by the Saxelab Social Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology). The
simplified Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation (GHK) used in neuroscience to find the
membrane potential of a neuron's axon can be applied to find the societal
"membrane potential" for migration (See p. 68 of the 2007 book titled
"Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain" by Bear et al. for the Goldman equation).
Vm = (61.54) log10 x PK(K+)o + PNa(Na+)o + PCl(Cl-)i at 37 degrees C
PK (K+)i PNa (Na+)i PCl (Cl-)o
migration potential (Sm) would replace
the Vm. The common human average ethic compliance -5 of the 10 basic
ethical behaviors replaces 65.54.
The percentage of the population that makes up compliance with 10 ethical
standards replaces the PK where 10
replaces the K+ ion for the outside of the ethically and economically dominate
society, o, being measured by the inside of
that society,i.The percentage of the population (PNa) that complies with average ethical standards
is 5 and replaces the Na+ ion and the percentage of population (-PCl) that is the lowest is -10 replacing the Cl-
ion. Under normal conditions these
numbers apply as would the ionic conditions of 37 degrees for the GHK
equation. For example, the
approximate relational data for the United States migration from Mexico could be
stated as follows.
Sm = (-5) log10 x 10 x 10 + 30 x 5 + -30 x -10
47 x 10 23 x 5 -60 x -10
= (-5) log10 x 550
= (-5) log10 x
= (-5)
= 1.65
number of 1.65 migration of society (Ms)
is more positive than -5 and so implies that the US(i) would tend to attract persons from Mexico of
more average negative ethics than is the average US ethics but are more positive
than the average ethics in Mexico (o).
That change raises the positive state inside Mexico closer to -5 and
lowers the state inside the US closer to -5. If the same numbers for the US are applied to its
northern neighbor, Canada (o), the outcome would be -0.6 Ms. This is
also a more positive relational number than -5. It suggests that under normal conditions the US would also
tend to attract persons with average negative ethics from Canada compared to
average US ethics, although in less volume than Mexico due to its higher
positive number than Canada. That
would bring the state inside Canada (higher) and the US (lower) closer to
-5. Under normal conditions the
ethically and economically dominate inside society would not migrate to a lower
order outside society. It is
understood that each society has appropriate leaky channels of migration
patterns and any positive or negative decision-making changes of societal
consciousness would be congruent.
This process can then be used for analysis and predictions in
situ, especially in quantum mechanics (QM)
biology (See Planck's foundational quantum theories and his view "that matter is
derivative of consciousness" as recorded by The
Observer in September, 1931).
-----------ALL RIGHTS
RESERVED © 2011 DALLAS F. BELL,JR.----------