Systematic Political Science


The Linkage of Reverse Transcription in Nation-States from the Perfectionism of Subgroups and Their Genome/Proairetic (Preference) Logic, Neutrosophy and MAUT

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

1. Reverse Transcription in Nation-States

Eudaimonia (Greek eu for good and daimon for spirit) has often been translated to mean happiness.  Socrates related knowledge (good and evil) and virtue to eudaimonia or ultimate good that drives all human motivations and their subsequent behavior.  In Plato's "The Republic" the biochemical desires are separated from the soul's virtue in desiring good.  Aristotle explained that all behavior is aimed at good and thus happiness.  Epicurus expanded on that thought to include pleasure.  The Stoics added that perfect virtue and happiness can never be achieved, but they should be pursued. 

The phrase of pursuing happiness is part of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.  The U.S. founding fathers considered pursuit of happiness as self-evident truth for humans along with the Divine rights to life and liberty.  People with T1 beliefs derive happiness from pleasing the God of the first cause of all effects by having the goal of compliance with all NLF.  Of course, weakness and hypocrisy are injected into the achievement of these goals.  People with T2 beliefs seek happiness with goals of complying with some NLF and not complying with other NLF.  People with T3 beliefs seek to comply with as few NLF as is possible to survive.  Then, T1 societal behavior leads to a First World government as seen in the U.S. and was understood by its Christian founding fathers.  T2 societal behavior leads to a Second World government and T3 behavior creates Third World governments. 

Just as people and all other biochemical organisms, Nation-states have a beginning or birth and an end or death.  Reverse transcription in nation-states acts much in the same manner as a virus in a biochemical host.  The theological belief systems of people, as the RNA of virus cells such as HIV, seek to destroy the theological belief systems, or DNA societal programs, of their host nation-state.  Those confederates reject history and compliance with NLF, the societal program, and attack the institutions of family, church, business, and government.  That entropic reality is and should be attempted to be superseded by perfectionism of behavioral goals for happiness within NLF. 

2. Perfectionism of Subgroups

The concept of perfectionism has been given a number of meanings by writers.  Generally, perfectionism should be associated with the individual chosen theology's epistemological goal regarding compliance with or noncompliance with NLF as individuals pursue their common individual needs.  Those individual beliefs and behavior of good creates societal behavior.  People with varying theologies will produce varying views of perfectionism.  In contrast to the U.S. founding fathers' T1 beliefs, John Stuart Mill's T2 utilitarianism was socialist even though he did value the work ethic, competition and a stable society.  Friedrick Nietzsche's T3 writings claimed exercising the individual will to power was the highest perfectionism. 

The Bible addresses the T1 concept of perfection from the spiritual graces of patience (James 1:4), love (Col. 3:14), holiness (2 Cor. 7:1), praise (Matt. 21:16), faith (1 Thess. 3:10), good works (Heb. 13:21), unity (John 17:23), and strength (2 Cor. 12:9).  The means of perfection are by God (1 Peter 5:10), Christ (Heb. 10:14), Holy Spirit (Gal. 3:3), God's word (2 Tim. 3:16-17), ministry (Eph. 4:11-12), and suffering (Heb. 2:10).  The stages of perfection are eternal (Heb. 10:14), objective goal (Matt. 5:48), subjective process (2 Cor. 7:1), daily (2 Cor. 13:9), present (1 Cor. 2:6), future experience (Phil. 3:12), completed church (Heb. 11:40), and heaven's eternal standard (1 Cor. 13:10-12). 

Followers of liberation theology use biblical passages such as Matt. 10:34, Matt. 26:51-52 and Luke 22:35-38 to unbiblically justify using the sword instead of Jesus' peace to take by taxes and by direct force (stealing and murder) the lawful earnings of producers and give it to nonproducers for their political support.  Fidel Castro has been cited as using liberation theology to justify his murderous Third World regime in Cuba. 

The American John Humphrey Noyes (1811-1886) incorrectly used the Bible verse of Matt. 5:48 which says that the saved are to be perfect as God in heaven is perfect.  He believed that perfectionists like himself had attained a state of sinlessness or perfect compliance with God's will and NLF.  Noyes started a utopian communist group in Putney, Vermont.  (The author of this paper's grandmother's grandfather by marriage was Arthur B. Howard, a horticulturist that bred the Howard 17 [Premier] strawberry and Howard Star petunia variety among many other species, who briefly joined Noyes' group as a teenager where he learned farming techniques.

Since Noyes and his group believed that they were perfect, they did not consider that they had the need to go to church or follow NLF.  All their produce was shared equally as were the raising of the children.  Adults shared sexual partners and the term of free love was coined.  In 1879 Noyes fled to Canada to avoid criminal prosecution for statutory rape. 

Utopia (meaning no place) was used in 1516 by Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) to mean a place of societal perfection which could not potentially exist on earth.  Today, utopia has come to mean a place on earth of existent perfection.  Greg Webber and John Stuart Mill are credited with developing the term of dystopia.  They defined dystopia as a place being too bad to be practical.  Noyes' T3 attempt at a utopian society was in reality a dystopia.  Thomas Stearns Eliot's 1922 "The Waste Land" muses on this concept.   

The biblical writers Job, Isaiah, Peter and Paul were perfectionists in their goals of complying with NLF, but they saw themselves correctly as very imperfect.  The more one is conscious of the perfect God, the more one realizes how imperfect one is in comparison to that infinite standard. 

In the U.S. during the 1960s, another attempt at reverse transcription was fostered.  The subculture was called a counter-culture and was made up of hippies (a counter-culture word meaning one who is hip which meant to be aligned with counter-culture beliefs and behavior).  The hippies rejected their parents' values for family, church, business and government which were based on T1 beliefs.  The hippies T3 values of no education or private property etc. exposed their chief principles of ignorance and greed.  Their evil expectation of receiving from lawful earners without work was unjust and unloving.  They frequently allied with the murderous Hell's Angels motorcycle counter-culture. 

The leaders of the hippie movement like Timothy Leary, John Lennon and Charles Manson, promoted the use of mind-altering drugs and, at some point, claimed to be Jesus.  Their lead musicians Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Jerry Garcia of the Warlocks band (later the Grateful Dead) all died from illegal drug use.  Many people in this movement, for physical survival, began to seek NLF in Satanism (recorded as practicing cannibalism in California) Hinduism, Buddhism and later they made up the religion of New Age where people can pick and choose NLF to obey or not obey and support the U.S. Democrat party. 

Hippies had their own clothes, symbol of the upside down Christian cross to signify their dystopian view of peace, and developed their own vocabulary largely reflecting their drug use.  Their lexicon was sufficient to form a published 700 page dictionary.  (In an email exchange during August, 2008, between Dallas F. Bell Jr. and both Noam Chomsky and Harvey Cox of Harvard University, it was noted how little the counter-culture's lexicon has been given academic attention.

The soul of the hippies willed behavior of their perceived perfectionism was so divorced from the reality of history and NLF that they were compelled to use hallucinatory drugs to neutralize the conflicting feedback of their biochemical neuron's inputted experiences.  After a period, reality forced them to accept some NLF to survive.  There are still extreme movements in the U.S. and around the world that attempt reverse transcription of their societies (e.g. The Rainbow Family). 

Nation-states are made up of finite people but their imperfect governments may be less evil than the state of anarchy found in revolutions.  The theological beliefs that produce perfectionist behavioral motives are based on individual preferences. 

3. Genome/Proairetic (Preference) Logic

Preference logic deals with preference statements such as red apples (A) are better than yellow apples (B).  A>B could mean any A is better than all B, or any typical A is better than any typical B, etc.  The logic of preference is also called the logic of choice or proairetic logic (from Greek proairesis for a choosing; proaireomai means to choose before another thing, to prefer, must judge or prejudge something).  Preference logic grammars could be used in computer logic programs to understand preferences in the databases of information systems. 

Human preference comes from the will to choose.  Mankind has a biochemical will (genome) and a spiritual will (proairetic).  This discussion, concerning Jesus, became a heated debate by the year 325.  Jesus is biblically described as being both man and God (John 1:14, Heb. 2:9-18).  The dyothelite (Greek for one will) position was that Jesus had a human and divine nature but only one will.  Maximus the Confessor (c. 580-662) disagreed and said Jesus had both a human and divine will.  Maximus' argument was posthumously accepted around 680-681. 

There are generally three options for Jesus' will or preference.  First, Jesus' divine essence could have occupied a body image that was phantom like and did not truly totally exist as the biochemical body of humans.  Disproof of that notion is the reality of Jesus' physical birth from a woman, his physical hungering (Matt. 21:18), the Lord's Supper is meant to remind participants of Jesus' real body and blood (Matt. 26:26-29, Luke 22:17-20), and Jesus' body died on the cross.  The fact that life is not a dream was posed in Charlotte Brontë's (1816-1855) poem titled "Life".  The second option is that Jesus' divine essence occupied a biochemical body by replacing the characteristic of the human soul.  Biochemical bodies only react to their surrounding given their innate logic potential, such as after 48 hours in a desert without water the biochemical aspect of humans will make their getting water to drink a high priority.  In that sense, Jesus' divine essence would be the only true will having choice and is not a likely option.  The third option describes Jesus' divine essence occupying a human soul in a biochemical body.  Without the soul, Jesus' atonement for sin would have consisted only of His perfect deity without the necessary suffering for the just salvation of man's sin.  Because God is perfect and without weakness experienced in suffering. 

Infinite Jesus can be understood as occupying His eternal human soul in heaven much like a human's eternal soul presently occupies their finite human biochemical body here on earth.  They are separate essences of one identity.  Neutrosophy is a tool of logic to consider options. 

4. Neutrosophy and MAUT

In 1980, Florentin Smarandache introduced the branch of logic called neutrosophy (from the Latin neuter or neutral and Greek sophia or skill/wisdom).  Neutrosophy considers a proposition, theory, event, concept, or entity as A, Not-A, Anti-A and Neut-A.  A is in relation to its opposite, Anti-A and that which is Not-A or Non-A, and that which is neither A nor Anti-A, denoted by Neut-A.  A proposition is true t, indeterminate i, and false f, where t, i, and f are real numbers from the ranges of T, I, F with no restrictions on T, I, F or the sum n=t+i+f. 

This logic assists intuitionistic logic, fuzzy logic, boolean logic, etc.  Neutrosophy logic adds independent true and false axes plus an indeterminate one.  Therefore, both true and false aspects of values and beliefs can be added to uncertainties as to their effects.  Everything that exists and does not exist holds potential information (i.e. even black holes etc.). 

We all face decisions that involve comparing the strengths and weaknesses regarding multiple objectives of interest to us--the decision makers.  MAUT (Multi-Attribute Utility Theory) is a method or structural tool to handle the tradeoffs of multiple objectives.  Utility theory is a systematic approach to qualify the preferences of individuals.  A numerical value to measure an interest is put on a 0 to 1 scale where 0 is the least preferred and 1 the most preferred option.  Then direct comparisons can be made of many diverse measures.  Operations research practitioners often use this technique for military prioritization.  For example, a new weapon's system is evaluated by the tradeoffs of cost, transportability, lethality etc.  The same process could be used for decision-making by the average individual. 

5. Conclusion

Reverse transcription behaviors in subgroups within nation-states involve the goal of perfectionism of the epistemological standards from their core theological beliefs.  Preference logic is used by individuals and can be analyzed with the tools of neutrosophy and Multi-Attribute Utility Theory in systematic political science where the goal is to improve in substance and style of communication for the good of mankind. 

---------------ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2008 DALLAS F. BELL, JR.-----------------