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Rational conclusions: Θ = Yahweh monotheist's God (trinity, Godhead[4]) Rational quantitative concluding sum of the equations: I Iota [Ιησους
] – Jesus, X Chi
[Χριστς ] - Christ [Anointed], ᾼ Alpha
[Abba] God the Father's, Y Upsilon
[Υἱός] – Son, Σ Sigma
[Σωτήρ] – Savior; Jesus Christ, Son of God the Father, Savior. In other words, the core philosophiæ naturalis homo religiosus where the signified requires a signifier for recēpimus of sola scriptura: "Scripture alone", sola fide: "faith alone", sola gratia: "grace alone", solo Christo: "Christ alone", and soli Deo gloria: "to the glory of God alone". The psychometric model for philosophiæ naturalis homo religiosus
commonly uses words instead of numbers.
Words and numbers are both used in handling day-to-day
communications and building scientific theories. Each is a point on a perceived spectrum,
with differing degrees of potentiality. Words are more general and robust while
numbers are more specific and precise.
Words are thought to be suited to the generation of new ideas while
numbers are thought to be suited to the testing of the new ideas. Though, to an extent, they are
interchangeable, each is better suited to some tasks and less to other tasks
depending on the user's needs and abilities. A linguistic variable is a variable
whose values are words rather than numbers. For example, color is a linguistic
variable. The color spectrum of red, blue, green, and yellow are values. Each
color is a fuzzy set whose function maps from red, green blue (RGB) space to
[0,1]. Shakespeare is academically
understood as a poet concerned with information, knowledge, and logic with
theatrical emphasis on process and logic.
Sister Miriam Joseph Rauh's (1947/2005) dissertation titled Shakespeare's Use of the Arts of Language
analyzed Shakespeare's logic techniques.
They included: brachylogia, the omission of conjunctions between words
to emphasize deep emotion; asyndeton, omitting conjunctions between clauses to
enhance swiftness; polysyndeton, the use of conjunctions between each clause in
quick succession for measured deliberateness; and isocolon, sequences of equal
length (or almost equal; parison) of phrases, clauses, sentences or lines using
parallelism for rhythm. Rauh
contends Shakespeare kept the rules of language grammar but his greatest skill
was in taking them to their limit. It
is acknowledged that deeply held scientific traditions will usually afford much
more respect for numbers than for words no matter the author of the words or
the technique of the word's usage. With understanding of the
Münchhausen Trilemma[14]
and Agrippa's
five modes or tropes etc., propositional connectives can be used to confirm the
synthetic stated sets', as well as their unstated subsets, axiomatically
implicated coherence and necessity of the observer's logic via innate Cartesian
common sense[15]
and Divine discernment.[16]
Preconceived bias against
necessity and coherence[17]
implies the following reduction to the absurd, whose equivalence is
epistemological nihilism.
Ultimately, coherence to a
demurrer model that rejects reality per se leads to a denial of the existence
of "mathematics numbers" and "physics' energy."[18] That quick breakdown of the logic
reveals the certain untruth. King
Solomon called atheists fools. It
would be more honest if they and agnostics just admitted the existence of
and said they just do not like Him and accept their Divine blindness.[21] To hate infinite truth is to hate
infinite, 'en micpar, God,[22]
who is truth. God is not the author
of confusion.[23] To hate truth is to love death.[24] People are operators in a system of
other operators, such as atoms and planets. Human operators are either coherent with
truth and are efficient, as atoms and planets are, or they are not coherent
with truth and are inefficient within the Divine behavioral boundaries of
permissive freewill. As with atoms
and planets, truth for human operators will always prevail.[25] Robert Rosen's 1985 book, Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical,
Mathematical and Methodological Foundations, defined the concept of an
anticipatory system which is "a holistic open system driven by finality." An anticipatory system would have the ability Rejecting the next section reveals the fatal problems with pantheist's beliefs that all is God and so there would be nothing separate from God, resulting in no right or wrong and no need of redemption etc. It also shows the impossibility of polytheist's beliefs in god(s) that are not holy. A more honest approach than the denial of "cosmology" of the "universe" and the "theology" of "intellect" could be the acceptance of the "holy God"[28] with an admission that they just do not like Him. The other sets indicate the completion of Jewish prophecy with "inerrant Scripture,[29] Jesus the Christ,[30] Messiah[31] and priestly King.[32]" He is the Word, who was with God and was God.[33] Clearly, He is the only way, the truth, and the life and no man can come to the Father except through Him.[34] Those Christian beliefs based on "molecular biology"[35] of "life" and "philosophy" of "good and evil",[36] "neurobiology" of "environment" and "ontology" of "purpose", "psychiatry" of "choices" and "eschatology" of "prophecy", and "political science" of "institutions" and "ethics" of "destiny" may vary by denominations in untruth. People that reject them would be more honest if they stated they just do not like Christ and His teachings. If righteous ontology is rejected, the vacuum for behavioral purpose in meeting the hierarchy of individual needs will be filled with hate, power, greed, pleasure, etc. Determining morality with Kantian common sense precludes the category of pleasure in the reasoning process for human purpose. With their lack of harmoniousness and trustworthiness, there can be no peace.[37] Without the Prince of Peace,[38] there can be no Holy Spirit dove of peace.[39] Overall, from that epistemological model, we can see why man is religious, homo religiosus. Power projection, potential equality and inequality will cause everyone to deal with power itself. On the spectrum of the complex systems of nature and societal interaction, the poor and powerless will always exist[40] through entropy[41] in a sub-game equilibrium. Both material and non-material power is projected from energy from the first Causer of the effect of power.[42] Power is the energy to cause change. That power[43] is allocated for His purposed glory[44] and so has potential equal to eternal purpose creating infinite equality. There is no inequality in eternal infinity. Infinite abilities, omniscience etc, are required to understand eternal equality.[45] Material derived from sources with finite intellect has entropy and can not last apart from the compliance with power from divined purpose. Non-material power from finite intellect apart from divined purpose has only deconstructing power. Deriving power and equity from the Divine requires communing with Him by abiding in His purpose. Abiding in the Divine comes from prayer and praise[46] to God, listening to God, mediation on His Scripture,[47] keeping His laws,[48] fasting,[49] and resting in quietness. God is love ("is" is kinetic and not potential) and dwelling in Him means dwelling in love.[50] Dwelling in Him will allow Him to dwell in that person. To think abiding with Him can come from outside God's will is credulous. If a believer keeps God's commandments, the believer will abide in God's love[51] and not have their unrighteous behavior righteously hated by the just God.[52] Prayer (Greek: proseúchōmai) is to be without ceasing,[53] without unforgiveness, without pride, and without greed and lust. Prayer is for His kingdom[54] and His righteousness[55] and on the perfect righteous motives of Jesus alone[56] so we may boast of His greatness and His power. Prayer is only in infinite Jesus' perfect name for His atoning righteousness which will always be greater than all finite mankind's unrighteous addends as is the inequity of all of finite mankind's righteous addends will always be less than the value of the infinite atoning standard. We must decrease so He can increase.[57] The Holy Spirit will make intercession when believers can not.[58] Sometimes the answer to prayer is delayed or the answer is no. The God who hides Himself is still infinite and therefore righteous.[59] Jesus will never leave believers nor forsake them and has promised to supply all believers' needs according to His riches in glory.[60] The alternative is to doubt the truth of His immutable infinite goodness and become an ignorant skeptic. Why would He, at times, let the wicked devour the more righteous and credit their god(s) with that power?[61] They could have no power from the Prince of the air, Satan,[62] except it be allowed from God for His eternal purposes.[63] The scriptural answer is not based on finite understanding of equity. Believers wrestle against principalities of allowed power.[64] He said the just are to live by faith in Him[65] and believers are to respond that God is the believers' strength.[66] Believers are to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world.[67] The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life[68] and whoever drinks of Him will not thirst.[69] Obviously, there can not be material equality and not have non-material equality. Two or more people, (P1, P2), must have a relevant normative quality, (Q). If person 1, (P1), has Q of commodities, (C), that is equal to x and person two, (P2), has Q in the amount of y and x does not equal y, and in this case x < y, C are due P1 in the difference of x < y. From a Divine perspective, both P1 and P2 have been equipped to complete their specifically designed purpose by freewill. Difference between them in experience and ability is expected for completion of their particular tasks. The goal and duty of societal institutions (family, church, business, and government and their subsets) is to facilitate an environment conducive for individuals with differences to have the opportunity to pursue their Divine purpose and, therefore, their happiness (See Attachment B). A less than Divine perspective, which only looks at the material goods of P1 and P2 for equality, is a denial of Divine equipping for purpose and a denial of the reality of Divine permissive freewill to use the tools given to choose or not choose to accomplish that purpose and should be suspect for an underlying propaganda agenda (See Attachment C). The only way diverse people with divine abilities can be born equal before God and be recognized by other people and societal institutions as equal is if the criteria for equality is intrinsic and not extrinsic. Infinite Divine knowledge is immutable and includes, by necessity and coherence, all past truths and what, from a finite epistemic perspective, will become future truths from future choices. This precludes any violation of permissive freewill from false alethic determinist's arguments, which violate any need for judgment, grace, redemption etc. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdyaev wrote from first hand experience in his 1918 book (published 1923), The Philosophy of Inequality, that recurring revolutions repeat themselves in that they destroy and are not creative as its people loose spiritual liberty to be slaves to malice, envy, and revenge. Those characteristics are void of mercy, love, and redemption and therefore justice which are a state of inequality.[70] Satyagraha (Sanskrit: truth, insistence) has come to mean a soul or truth force, which has a philosophy known for non-violent or civil resistance. This is beyond a passive resistance of inactivity. On the other hand, duragraha seeks to harass opponents rather than enlighten them. The institution of government's Divine purpose is to protect the divinely lawful from the divinely unlawful. While individuals that compose the institutions of family and church are to appropriately exhibit mercy, government is to bear the wrathful sword of justice to appropriately punish the divinely lawless without exhibiting mercy.[71] Unjust syncretism[72] of the lawful with the lawless will occur without a just governmental policy of hērem.[73] John Stuart Mill, in On Representative Government (1861), argued that the organizing principle for the international order comes only from states with a high degree of linguistic and cultural homogeneity, and who share sufficient common interests to become democracies. He noted that multi-ethnic states would necessarily be tyrannies because only oppression can control the radically conflicting interests of the people with exclusive beliefs. There are efforts in Europe and around the world to ban circumcision and other Jewish traditions based on the specious idea that human reason alone can make a constitutional framework for universal human rights. Persecutions of peoples without power will always take place by the peoples with power for the stated goal of seeking societal equality. For example, minimal standards for choosing candidates for hypothetical space colonization[74] would include fluency in the same language, top physical specimens, matured neural executive function (frontal lobe at 26 years of age), married XX and XY couples, advanced education (for immediate implementation and later on to be passed on in the education of children), the same transcendent scriptural source for behavioral boundaries of material and nonmaterial realities for which right and wrong is homogenously determined, and the corresponding institutions of family, church, business, government and their subsets. Even with those standards, within a generation or so, freewill will cause some candidates and/or their children to reject the scripture to pursue things known to be violations of reality. After that schism, others will reject the transcendent source altogether for a lesser source of transcendent behavioral authority. Eventually, some people will reject any behavioral authority other than themselves. At this point, the followers of the transcendent scriptures either suppress the harmful behavior of the nonbelievers or they will be suppressed and the colonization efforts will be destroyed. Nonetheless, technological survival as well as moral survival is subject to entropy and will terminate the effort as the time on earth is also headed for termination. Emeritus professor at Oxford University's Keble College, Larry Siedentop shows in his recent book, Inventing the Individual: The Origins of Western Liberalism, how Christian tradition brought individualism, equality, and charity to the West. Medford Stanton Evans' 1996 book, The Theme is Freedom: Religion, Politics, and the American Tradition, discusses the role of Christian philosophy and non-Christian philosophy in creating political systems. Friedrich von Hayek explained why authoritarianism ends individualism and is the end of freedoms. Lord Acton noted human freedoms are due to the merging of Christianity and politics. John Locke believed that natural rights were inalienable, and that the rule of God superseded government authority. The French historian, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote on how American freedoms, that are an example to the world, come directly from Christianity. On the other hand, Aristotle said people belong to the government are born to be slaves. Jean-Jacques Rousseau agreed in that he believed individual freedom must succumb to government, since he believed man is naturally good. John Stuart Mill believed freedoms can be derived rationally without religion. Oliver Wendell Holmes thought freedoms, such as freedom of speech, have no authority and are useful because they work. The Divine right of kings to be a law unto themselves came from Justinian paganism. John Milton and Thomas Paine believed the Christian God was over kings and God's laws do not change. Christian beliefs on the hierarchy of individual freedom are that God is over mankind, who is over the institution of family, which is over church, which is over business, which is over government, which is over higher animal life, which is over lower animal life, which is over plant life, which is over inorganic compounds/chemicals. Pagan non-Christian beliefs on this hierarchy is inorganic chemicals/compounds are over plant life, which is over lower animal life, which is over higher animal life, which is over government, which is over business, which is over church, which is over family, which is over mankind, which is over any belief in a higher power. Scriptural equality is spiritual and the righteous are not to be unequally yoked with the unrighteous because light does not commune with darkness.[75] Those known cross-purposes are exposed in the use of a proverb or parable, which is meant by the righteous to instruct and heal but in the mouth of unrighteous fools is unequal and is used to grieve and harm others.[76] Monotonic logic allows for hypotheses of a derived fact to be extended with additional assumptions, such as the recent monozygotic twins (raised together) studies that demonstrate their decisions are much less than 100% coherent,[77] DNA sequencing shows that species' genetic information, which is communication requiring a communicator, is never increased but is corrupted leading to death, etc. The recursive model presented may be expanded to accommodate legitimate specific interests. It is deductive and can not be annulled by new information as is possible with nonmonotonic logic. The dipole anisotropy of the recursive model formalizes the inequities of power of homo religiosus of satyagraha with monotonic logic of philosophiæ naturalis—systematic apologetics. Now of that long
pursuit Comes on at hand the bruit; That Voice is round me like a
Francis Thompson --- "The Hound of Heaven" ATTACHMENT A: Many people are familiar with the Golden Ratio, a/b =
a + b/a = Phi (1.6180339887498948482...; found by 1 + square root of 5 / 2), and the Fibonacci Sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3,
5, 8, 13, 21,
34, 55 ...), where each term is the sum of the two previous
terms (for instance, 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 5 = 8, ...). As you go further in this sequence, the
ratio of a term to the one before it will get closer to the Golden Ratio from
both sides of the number. To
describe the Golden Ratio, imagine a line divided into two unequal segments. The shorter one equals x, the
longer one equals (1 - x). The
ratio of the shorter segment to the longer one equals the ratio of the longer
segment to the overall line, x/(1 - x) = (1 - x)/1. That
equality leads to a quadratic equation that can be used to solve for x,
and substituting that value back into the equality yields a common ratio of
approximately Phi. The order of the
Golden Ratio has been a source of material and nonmaterial aesthetics. Non-materially, the 29 movements from
Mozart's piano sonatas with two distinct sections have been examined. The number of measures in the
development and recapitulation versus the total number of measures in each
movement were plotted. The results reveal a straight line that its correlation
coefficient equals 0.99, or nearly the 1.00 of a perfectly straight line. In the first movement of the Sonata
No. 1 in C Major, the exposition and the recapitulation and development
consist of 38 and 62 measures, respectively. They are a perfect division and like
Higgs' boson must have pre-existed its discovery. Materially in nature, from the average
person's toes to their belly button is 1.618 times longer than their belly
button to the top of their head. Mona Lisa's face is said to be a perfect
golden rectangle, comparing the ratio of the width of her forehead to the
length from the top of her head to her chin. The front two human incisor teeth form a golden rectangle with a phi ratio in the height to
the width. The ratio of the width
of the first tooth to the second tooth from the center is also phi. The phalanges of
the fingers[78] show
evidence of the golden ratio. The
spirals in DNA, sunflower seeds, flower pedals, pinecones, pineapples, the air flow of hurricanes and tornados, and galaxies.[79] The tail of a seahorse has the
mathematical formula of 1.1618, as does the morphology of (Nautilus) seashells, plants, starfish, snails
etc. Noah's ark, the Ark of the Covenant,
Moses' altar, and the Tabernacle colors in the Bible show use of this ratio
long before the Pythagoreans knew about the ratio around 500 B.C. or Euclid
described it in his major work, the Elements, around 300 B.C. ATTACHMENT B: A famous comparison of abilities and the uses of societal freedoms in the United States is Max Jukes (a pseudonym) and Jonathan Edwards. A brief family history of Jukes', a white male heterosexual atheist who lived in New York during the 19 century, 560 known descendants: 7 were murderers, 60 became thieves, 67 reported having syphilis, 100 were alcoholics, 50% of the women in his family line became prostitutes, and 300 died prematurely. The family history of Edwards', a white male heterosexual Christian who lived in the same period, descendants: 300 were preachers, 295 were college graduates, 100 were missionaries, 100 were lawyers, 75 military officers, 65 college professors including 13 college presidents, 56 physicians including 1 Dean of a Medical School, and 80 held public office including 1 Vice President of the United States (Aaron Burr), 13 U.S. senators, 1 state governor, 3 large city mayors and 1 U.S. comptroller. ATTACHMENT C: The cognitive science/neuroscience of propaganda was explored in Hermann Ebbinghaus' (1885) Über das Gedächtnis (On Memory). Ebbinghaus described experiments about learning and forgetting. He compared intentional learning and passive learning, as an infant learns to talk and is active in adulthood. Propagandists use this knowledge of passive learning to subtly select the agenda of their target group without the target members being aware of the subversion of their freewill to choose. Psychologist Herbert A. Simon won the Nobel Prize in economics for his observation that people, in a society of mass information, are forced to make decisions quickly and often superficially, and not logically. In Jacques Ellul's book titled Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes (1965 English version), Ellul is quoted as saying, "excessive data does not enlighten the reader or the listener; they drown him. He cannot remember them all, or coordinate them, or understand them; if he does not want to risk losing his mind, he will merely draw a general picture from them. And the more facts supplied, the more simplistic the image." Additionally, people become "caught in a web of facts they have been given. They cannot even form a choice or a judgment in other areas or on other subjects. Thus the mechanisms of modern information induce a sort of hypnosis in the individual, who cannot get out of the field that has been laid out for him by the information. It is not true that he can choose freely with regard to what is presented to him as the truth. And because rational propaganda thus creates an irrational situation, it remains, above all, propaganda—that is, an inner control over the individual by a social force, which means that it deprives him of himself." Adolf Hitler is quoted as recognizing that"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." Societal institution leaders, such as this, that are liars hate free speech where their lies can be refuted. A triangulation model begins with a lie and is followed by a straw man denial of the lie and lastly the straw man is refuted implying the initial lie is acceptable. Propagandists frame themselves as having the god-like ability to provide omnipotent solutions. They seek to control education of the youth, lacking the development of cognitive skills needed for critical thinking, who will follow the lies (of commission, a complete lie, and/or omission, intentionally deleting balancing data that would contradict the intended false impression in order to perpetuate a lie) until mid-life, or for their entire life, when experience and reeducation refutes the learned lies. For every unit of time exposed to lies, it takes many times more units of time of experience and reeducation to overcome the false data recorded in neurons and overcome the pride to admit having accepted an incorrect position. DARPA has recently been doing neuroscience research on propaganda. History indicates all tools are eventually used by government leaders to gain power. In Pascal's Pensées, he said "one understands nothing of the works of God unless he starts from the principle that God willed to blind some and enlighten others." Lies cause people to err (Amos 2:4) and people need to be removed from the atmosphere of lies (Prov. 30:8; Eph. 4:25). People are dumb sheep (Matt. 9:36; Mark 6:34) and without the Divine Sheppard are lost (Zech. 10:2). Jesus, the Sheppard, prayed that the Father would forgive His murderers because they did not know what they were doing. Although auctoritas, non veritas, facit legem (L. authority, not truth, makes law) eventually vincit omnia veritas (L. truth conquers all). An example of underlying
propaganda agenda is found in pre-World War II Nazi Germany under Hitler. The United States Holocaust Memorial
Museum states that "Germans were reminded of the struggle against foreign enemies and Jewish
subversion. During periods preceding legislation or executive measures against
Jews, propaganda campaigns created an atmosphere tolerant of violence against
Jews, particularly in 1935 (before the Nuremberg Race Laws of September) and in
1938 (prior to the barrage of anti-Semitic economic legislation following Kristallnacht). Propaganda also encouraged passivity and
acceptance of the impending measures against Jews, as these appeared to depict
the Nazi government as stepping in and "restoring order." Nazi films portrayed Jews as
"subhuman" creatures infiltrating Aryan society. For example, The
Eternal Jew (1940), directed by Fritz Hippler, portrayed Jews as wandering
cultural parasites, consumed by sex and money. Nazi propaganda was likewise essential
to motivating those who implemented the mass murder of the European Jews and of
other victims of the Nazi regime. It also served to secure the acquiescence of
millions of others—as bystanders—to racially targeted persecution
and mass murder." Another
propagandist's example is found in a manual
used for diversity training for the United States military in 2013 under a
black president and his black attorney general. It describes white males as having an
"unfair advantage" compared to other races, and encourages troops to "support
the leadership of people of color."
The 637-page manual, the Equal Opportunity Advisor
Student Guide, was published by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management
Institute. It states "Simply
put, a healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male receives many unearned
advantages of social privilege, whereas a black, homosexual, atheist female in
poor health receives many unearned disadvantages of social privilege." A section in the manual called "Power
and Privilege" describes whites as an "empowered group." Apparently, the attempt here is to
indicate the stated differences are due to evil efforts that prevent equality
of individual achievement and those efforts should be eliminated by government
force. Their own knowledge of what
qualities are necessary and congruent for individual achievement is contained
in the very examples they have given which contradicts their purpose. They are observing a healthy (has the
ability to achieve), white (has an average IQ sufficient to achieve), male (XY
sex chromosomes[80]),
heterosexual (for efficiency of effort needs the strength of his wife [XX sex
chromosomes] for his weaknesses and she needs the strength of her husband to
meet her weaknesses), Christian (conforms to transcendent behavioral authority
necessary to achieve) is superior in efficiency for individual achievement when
juxtaposed with an unhealthy (unable to achieve), black (has an average IQ
insufficient to achieve), female (XX sex chromosomes), homosexual (does not
have efficiency of effort to exchange the strengths and weaknesses with a male
[XY sex chromosomes]), atheist (does not conform to transcendent authority
necessary to achieve). By their own
logic, the supporters of this document recognize the Christian God provides the
superior standards to achieve, but they just do not like Him and want His
followers to be forcible stopped and replaced by those that are anti-Christ[81]
(Note 80 contains a recent poll of support by religious adherents for
anti-Christ policy holders).
Historically, Judeo-Christian transcendent beliefs have been the
underpinning for societal equity for males and females, and ending slavery. Luc Ferry, secular humanist French
philosopher and author of A Brief History of Thought: A Philosophical
Guide to Living, rightly credits
Christianity with replacing ancient social hierarchies with the universal
equality and dignity of humanity.
Ideally, people are to be judged by their freely willed actions and not
by their natural gifts or social standing by all of the human community. The atheist,
Friedrich Nietzsche said in his 1888 book, Twilight
of the Idols, "Women
are considered profound. Why? Because we never fathom
their depths. But women
aren't even shallow." In
Section 62 of his (1886) Beyond Good and
Evil, Nietzsche contended that Christian equality before God is a herd
mentality that prevents individual potential from the cessation of
thinking. In reality, Christian
equality before God empowers creativity from compliance with God's laws as seen
by the results of First World societies.
That efficiency draws the repentant to the necessity and coherence of
beliefs and draws the unrepentant for foreign and domestic exploitation of
freedoms and prosperity. Atheists' material beliefs of only soulless people's
utilitarian usefulness have underpinned the murder of over 100 million innocent
people in the last century and the practice of women and children as sex slaves
in their Third World societies which many healthy white heterosexual male Christians
have died trying to curtail.[82] Either the illusion of the hedonist
philosophy of vanity of vanities[83]
is preferred or the acceptance of fearing God and keeping His commandments for
God's final judgment of behavior that was good or was evil according to His
standards.[84] Promoting the propaganda of the
popular false notion that there should not be any human differences, in 2013 Pope Francis[85] said
(unredeemed) atheists can do good and can go to heaven (along with redeemed
followers of Christ) and that Marxist's, supporting their atheist government
where all citizens are government slaves, are good people. In 2014, He supported Communion (the
doctrinal prerequisite is a redeemed relationship with Christ) for the
unredeemed committing adultery (See Note 29) and sexual perversion.[86] This doctrinal attempt to nullify
behavioral differences between followers of Christ and anti-Christ(s)[87] relegates
his religion and position to impotence and irrelevancy. This is why Francis has purged believers
in biblical doctrine, such as Cardinal Raymond Burke the Prefect of
the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura etc. Numerous contradictory teachings to
Francis' unbiblical doctrine from past and present church theologian's aside,
it is axiomatic that if nothing is false then nothing is important. This is not the same as Augustine's De Ordine, where Aquinas advocates
tolerance of prostitution by human government.[88] Francis is trading immutable doctrine
for his gaining popularity much like Pope Leo X and Johann Tetzel's accepted
money for the penitence of sin called indulgencies. The Apostle Paul said to mark them
that cause division and put obstacles in the way contrary to learned doctrine
because they do not serve Jesus the Christ but themselves and with fair speech
they deceive the simple.[89] Jesus said He did not come to destroy
the law or the prophets, but He came to fulfill them.[90] They that forsake the law praise the
wicked, but they that keep the law contend with the wicked.[91] The evil generation seeks signs but no
sign will be given except Jonas[92] but false Christ's
will show great signs.[93] In the last days, there will be a great
falling away from the truth of God.[94] Acknowledgements: The
email exchange during January, 2015, by George
Hunsinger, Princeton Theological Seminary's Hazel Thompson McCord Professor of
Systematic Theology, with Dallas F. Bell Jr.
regarding a recommendation for the mathematics' equation symbol for the Holy
Spirit of pi. The 2011 Nobel Prize
winner for physics, Brian Schmidt's February, 2015, email exchange with Dallas
F. Bell Jr. on the phi ratio for galaxies' spirals as affected by dark energy
theories. Vladimir Gladyshev's
email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. on anthropocentric applications of
dipole anisotropy in February, 2015. The March, 2015, email exchange by
Dallas F. Bell Jr. with Gerald Cleaver, Graduate
Program Director of the Department of Physics at Baylor University who heads
the Early Universe Cosmology and String Theory division of Baylor's Center for
Astrophysics, Space Physics, and Engineering Research,
regarding what effect is/will dark energy have on neural function as it pushes
the universe to expand and gravity to weaken. For the email feedback by the office of Christian
apologist Ravi Zacharias in March, 2015, on atheist
beliefs and a systematic strategy. NASA
Ames Research Center member, Albert Globus for his email reply during April, 2015, to Dallas F. Bell Jr. concerning selection of
candidates for long-term space travel/colonization. [1] Gen. 1:2, Hebrew bara means to create and is interpreted by some scholars as creatio ex nihilo. [2] Job 26:7. [3] Vladimir Gladyshev's comments were made to Dallas F. Bell, Jr. in an email exchange in February, 2015. [4] Gen. 1:26-28; Acts 17:29; Rom. 1:20; Col. 2:9. [5] Mark 14:36. [6] Is. 9:6; Matt. 5:16, 6:8-9. [7] Is. 7:14; Matt. 1:23. [8] Is. 7:14; Matt. 1:23. [9] Ps. 106:21; 1 Tim. 4:10; Titus 1:3; 2 Peter 2:20; 1 John 4:14. [10] Is. 53:7; John 1:36; Rev. 13:8. [11] Gen. 1:2; Is. 40:13, 48:16. [12] Matt. 1:18. [13] John 14:16, 26, 15:26, 16:7. [14] Münchhausen is reasoning that the proof behind
anything is either: a circular argument in which theory and proof support each
other (i.e. we repeat ourselves at some point [a is because of b which
is because of c which is because of a]), a regressive argument in which each
proof requires a further proof, ad infinitum
(i.e. we just keep giving proofs, presumably forever [1 is because of 2 which
is because of 3...]), or an axiomatic argument which rests on accepted precepts
(i.e. we reach some basic assumption or certainty [a is because of b which
is because of c, and we assume from
coherence and necessity that c
requires no proof]). [15] Job 12:7-9; Ps. 19:1-2; Rom. 1:20. [16] Is. 61:1; 1 Cor. 2:6-15; 1 John 2:20, 27. [17] Is. 6:10; Jere. 5:21; Matt.13:15; John 12:40. In mathematics, necessity and coherence can show numbers, called imaginary by Descartes, do exist. An imaginary number, i, is a number that is negative, except 0, when squared, i squared = -1 and i = square root of -1. It is not a number on the number line, a real number, but it is used in math as existing. Imaginary numbers are also called complex numbers. Two complex numbers are considered equal iff they are the same pair of real numbers. Then adding two complex numbers they are the same as pairs of real numbers. An example of addition is (a,b) + (c,d) = (a+c, b+d). An example of multiplying complex numbers is (a,b)(c,d) = (ac-bd, ad+bc). This shows complex numbers do abide by mathematical rules and so form a number system. The pair (0,1) equals -1 when multiplied, (0,1)(0,1) = (0x0 – 1x1, 0x1 + 1x0) = (-1,0). The complex number (-1,0) is a pair of real numbers and not the real number of -1. The real number of -1 is conceptually the same as the complex form of (-1,0). The 0 is dropped much like when the common fraction of 2/1 drops the 1 and is the value of the natural number 2. Then, (0,1) squared is -1. Using addition and multiplication rules for the pair of numbers (0,1) shows i exists. Imaginary numbers can be used in equations of quadratic planes that do not touch the x axis and when measuring a sine or cosine wave. [18] It has been surmised that unexplained or dark energy is filling the universe causing universe expansion to accelerate. The 2011 Nobel Prize for physics for that idea was awarded to Adam Riess, Johns Hopkins University Thomas J. Barber Professor in Space Studies at the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and distinguished astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Brian Schmidt, astrophysicist at the Australian National University Mount Stromlo Observatory and Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Saul Perlmutter, physics professor at the University of California Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In Christos Tsagas', cosmologist at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, 2011 paper in the journal Physical Review D, he argued that it is likely that the accelerated expansion of the universe is an illusion caused by the relative motion of observers to the rest of the universe. Tsagas cited data showing that the region of space we occupy is moving very quickly relative to everything around it. If his theory is confirmed, dark energy would not exist even though dark flow still might exist. Dark flow describes a possible non-random component of the peculiar velocity of galaxy clusters. Hubble's Law predicted the actual measured velocity is the sum of the velocity plus a possible small and unexplained, meaning dark, velocity that flows in a common direction. The argument for the existence of dark energy is congruent with many other examples of fine tuning by an intellect beyond our time and space dimensions. Gerald Cleaver, Physics Department at Baylor University, points out that dark energy does not effect neurological systems since dark energy essentially has no effect on space-time at such small scales, especially in which matter exists. The gravitational force between elements of matter dominates over dark energy by a vast order of magnitude at the small scale volume of space-time containing the matter. Dark energy effects are only detectable through an accelerated expansion of space at the distance scale between galaxies or clusters of galaxies. At any distance scale short of that, the accelerated expansion is not noticeable, and is non-existent when matter is present. [19] Is. 46:9; Mark 12:32. [20] 1 Kings 8:27; Ps. 147:5; Rev. 19:6. [21] Deut. 28:28-29; Is. 6:9-10; Luke 8:10; John 12:40. At times to accomplish His Divine purposes, God allows Satan to blind unbelievers to gospel (2 Cor. 4:3-4; 2 Thes. 2:6-12) and prevents Satan from deceiving His elect (Matt. 24:24). When the love of God (1 John 4:8) is rejected, the consequence for unrepentance is blindness to wisdom (Luke 15:11-32). The consequence of repentance is Divine vision (Dan. 2:47; Matt. 16:13-17). [22] Ps. 147:5. [23] 1 Cor. 14:33. [24] Prov. 8:36; 2 Thes. 2:10-12. [25] Acts: 5:34-39. [26] 1 Chr. 21:1; Job 1, 2; Ps. 109:6; Matt. 4:10, 16:23; Rev. 12:9, 20:2. [27] John 8:44. [28] Is. 5:16; Rev. 4:8. [29] Ps. 19:7; 119:160; Prov. 30:5; John 10:35. Scripture is the logic programming for diverse finite human abilities and experiences with the potential to handle complex and even infinite information. Scriptures should be studied (1 Tim. 2:15) so an account can be given for the hope that follows (1 Peter 3:15). The good news in Scripture, gospel, should be preached to the whole world (Mark 16:15). How can we know (Matt. 25:40-46; James 4:17) that lust (Deut. 5:21; Prov. 6:25) is adultery (Deut. 5:18; Matt. 5:28) and hate without cause is murder (Deut. 5:17; Matt. 5:21-22; 1 John 3:15) except by the Scriptures (Ps. 119:9)? As we think so are we (Prov. 23:7, 6:14; Jere. 17:9; Matt 15:19). Fools (Prov. 23:9) and the scornful (Prov. 9:7-8, 13:1, 14:6, 15:12) despise Scripture and are not worthy of argument (Matt.7:6), unless justice demands a response (Prov. 19:25, 21:11; Matt. 4:1-11). As the inerrancy of Scripture is rejected by Church leaders, people realize that if Scripture is not reliable there is no standard to know what makes a follower of Christ—Christian. The 2011 UK census revealed a drop from 72% identity in 2001 as Christian to 59% and the number of those identified as having no religion increased 10% to 25% of the population. In 1948, the Gallup poll found 91% of Americans claimed to be Christian while only 2% professed no religious identity. According to the American Religious Identification Survey of 2008, 73% of Americans identified themselves as Christians and about 20% with no religious affiliation. In 2012, the Pew Forum (2012-10-09) said the percentage of Christians was around 70% with close to 20% claiming no religious identity. The following email exchange on an online academic forum occurred on Easter weekend 2015 between a person to be kept anonymous and Dallas F. Bell, Jr. with Bell later receiving a surprise number of offline support for his response. --The query by anonymous: My pastor is doing a 6-part sermon series called "The Verdict" which covers some of the major questions/debates that Christians sometimes wrestle with. I'm blessed to have a pastor that is including a sermon on the evolution/creation debate. He has asked for my assistance in planning for that particular sermon as I'm a Christian that accepts the scientific theory of evolution. He asked a question and I have some thoughts on ways to answer him, but was also hoping to get feedback from some of you. His question: What is some of the evidence (scientific) that literal 6-day creationist cannot refute? Meaning, evidence for an old earth. --The response by
Dallas F. Bell, Jr: Maybe you start
at the beginning. You state that you are a Christian. What does that mean? How
do you know? Traditionally, being a Christian meant a
follower of Christ which Jesus of Nazareth seemed to
fulfill from prophesies of the Old Testament. His account is recorded in the
New Testament. The perjurers' rule states that if part of a testimony is false
all must be considered false. Then, congruence requires that to be a follower
of Jesus the Christ--a Christian--there must be an adherence to the Bible. What
does that mean? It has been accepted by scholars that biblical doctrine is established
from an understanding of all teachings where seemingly contradictions are
worked out. Those beliefs are to be held to until they are proven true by
material and nonmaterial evidence when possible. For example, the city of Sodom
and its surrounding cities recorded in the Bible were considered to be myth
until the past century when they were unearthed. The Bible itself was considered to have been altered over the centuries until
the last century when the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls proved they were
correct. What happened at the beginning of our universe? No one we know was there. We know what Moses recorded and based
one of the Ten Commandments on, to rest on the Sabbath, and the corresponding genealogies
he recorded and is twice recorded in the New Testament. Those accounts are nonmaterial. What
does the material world show? Basically, science is the observation of
material things where theories can be made and tested by replication for proof.
You say that your belief that
evolution is true is scientific. Where is your replication? What do we know
about the processes of evolution? DNA
is specific data that is the code of the life of specific species (See information
theory). It never increases but
only corrupts and leads to death of that organism. We know it is vastly complex
and led Darwin to say if life's building blocks, DNA, is not simple then his
theory is incorrect. Evolutionists
have zero fossil evidence of trans-species. S. Pinker has proven that human
children do not blather, so they are born with the innate ability to recognize
verbs and nouns for communicating. Neuroscience,
fMRI etc., indicates that human material brain matter is controlled by
something nonmaterial. Evolution has/is been rejected by such people as S.
Hawking who have moved on to beliefs that life was seeded on earth from other
planets. Of course, the question of the origin of life is simply transferred to
another place in our universe with the same intellectual hurdles as for earth. You have mixed evolution with old earth
theory and that should be decoupled. Some people do not believe in evolution
but believe in old earth. What is the evidence for that? Generally, radioactive
decay rates etc. have been postulated to take tens of thousands of years. However, Oak Ridge National Lab
scientist Robert Gentry disproved that with radioactive halos occurring in
around one minute etc. I have had the honor to have recently corresponded with
the Nobel Prize winner for physics regarding dark energy. (Dark just means
unexplained.) The universe is being
transfused with the perfect amount of energy from outside our universe, a
constant, to keep it perfectly expanding.
That combined with many, many other things fine tunes our universe for
habitation beyond statistical reality of nonintellectual tuning etc. I have not read all the threads for this
exchange but did see where an old earther admitted there is zero evidence to
not support Bible believers' view of a young earth as you desperately desire to
find. So now freewill allows you to
have a choice of who to believe and who to reject by faith... which is not
possible with deterministic evolution (See decision theory). For those that have ignored the beliefs
of medical doctors, physicists etc. that a person can not
be dead for three days and be resurrected, Have
a great Easter! [30] Is. 7:14, 9:6; Matt. 1:18-25; John 20:28-29. [31] Ps. 110:4; Is. 11:1-10; Matt. 1:1; Heb. 6:20. [32] Zech. 6:9-15; Heb. 3:1. [33] John 1:1. [34] John 14:6. [35] Charles Darwin stated that his theory of biological evolution could only be correct if the basic building blocks, cells, were simple (Charles Darwin, Life and Letter of Charles Darwin, vol. II, From Charles Darwin to J. Do Hooker, March 29, 1863). The German biologist and Darwin supporter, Ernst Haeckel claimed mud recovered from the sea bed could come to life. Today, we know cells are irreducibly complex in that the DNA structure has billions of bytes of information that if incomplete or out of perfect order prevents life (W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited, Thomas Nelson Co., Nashville, 1991, pp. 298-99. "Hoyle on Evolution," Nature, vol. 294, November 12, 1981, p. 105). [36] Parallelism in Scripture demonstrates the evil God creates is properly understood by the contrast with peace which is not moral evil but is a calamitous situation allowed for a higher purpose (Is. 45:6-7). God does not lead into temptation but for a higher purpose allows the moral Evil One, Satan, to contrast his inferior unrighteous way with God's superior righteous way with His plan for deliverance from the trial (Matt. 6:13). [37] Is. 57:21. [38] Is. 9:6; Eph. 2:13-18. [39] Gen. 8:11; Matt. 3:16. [40] Deut. 15:11; Matt. 26:11; John 12:8. [41] Moiss Nam's 2013 book, The End of Power: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being In Charge Isn't What It Used to Be, looks at the entropy of human institutional power. [42] Rom. 13:1. [43] Matt. 9:8. [44] Ps. 63:2, 96:8. [45] Eze. 18:25; Rom. 9:14. [46] Ps. 21:13. [47] Scripture is a light (Ps. 119:105; Prov. 6:23; 2 Peter 1:19) and a comfort (Ps. 43:1-5, 63:6; Rom. 8:26-28). [48] John 14:15; 1 John 2:3. [49] Is. 58:1-14; Matt. 6:16-18. [50] Jere. 31:3; 1 John 4:16. [51] John 15:10. [52] Deut. 12:31, 16:22; Ps. 5:5-6; Rom. 9:13; Rev. 2:6. [53] 1Thes. 5:17. [54] Ps. 23; Matt. 6:13, 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42. [55] Matt. 6:33. [56] Matt. 28:18. [57] John 3:30. [58] Rom. 8:26. [59] Is. 45:15. [60] Phil. 4:19; Heb. 13:5. [61] Hab. 1:1-17; Rev. 6:10. [62] Eph. 2:2. [63] John 19:11. [64] Eph. 6:12. [65] Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17; Heb. 10:38. [66] Hab. 3:19; 2 Cor. 12:9. [67] John 16:33. [68] Prov. 14:27. [69] Ps. 36:5-9; John 4:10-14. [70] Amos 2:6-8. [71] 1 Sam. 15:33; Rom. 13:4. [72] Matt. 8:11-12; 1 Cor. 5:13. [73] Deut. 20:10-18; Josh. 6:17; 1 Sam. 15:1-3; Mal. 4:1-6. Samuel Cohen, inventor of the neutron bomb, said his goal for the invention was to be in compliance with Christian just war values of destroying evil people while protecting as many innocent people as would be possible in the process. After U.S. President Ronald Reagan produced the product as another weapon to insure peace through strength, U.S. President George H.W. Bush destroyed them insuring countless unnecessary deaths of the innocent during non-armor conflicts in low intensity environments. [74] NASA was queried by Dallas F. Bell
Jr. in April, 2015, about John Stuart Mill's
(1861) On representative Government (which
says multi-ethnic states by necessity create tyrannies to oppress exclusive beliefs)
regarding what is recommended to determine the homogenous beliefs for candidate
selection for long-term space travel/colonization. NASA Ames Research Center member, Albert
Globus said "I think that, in the long run, selection
will be very chaotic. I think there will be lots of settlements with a very
wide variety of criteria for immigrants. Some may be homogenous, others not.
Some may wear no clothes, some just a bathing suit, some a candor. There will
also be a wide variety of governments, from tyrannies to direct democracies.
Remember that each settlement is physically independent of each other with,
literally, hundreds of miles of hard vacuum between them. I've thought a little bit about what
human rights are essential for such a varied system. I think you only need one
ironclad right: the right to leave. Then, poorly run settlements will simply
lose their population, well run ones will gain people until they are out of
room — then it's time to build another one." The obvious line of question then
becomes whose belief will the enforcers of the peoples
"right to leave" possess and what will be the enforcing measures. (Regarding Globus'
reference to space vacuum, please see the 2012 paper by Tian Ma and Shouhong
Wang titled Gravitational Field Equations
and Theory of Dark Matter and Dark Energy funded by the Office of Naval
Research and the National Science Foundation. Their paper concludes with the mathematical
proofs that there really is no vacuum in the universe.) [75] 2 Cor. 6:14-17. [76] Prov. 26:7. [77] Scriptural examples of sibling incongruence of choices are Cain and Abel (Gen. 4:1-26), and the dizygotic twins of Esau and Jacob (Gen. 25:21-34). [78] www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2988127/ [79] When asked by Dallas F. Bell Jr. "Is the infusion of dark energy (theoretically) expected to have long term effects on the phi ratio of galaxies' spiral?" Brian Schmidt (See Note 18), 2011 Nobel Prize winner for physics, answered "No - it should not affect this substantially - although the rate of matter that is accreted onto galaxies is dependent on Dark Energy, I would suspect that any effects of this type would be tiny." [80] Humans usually have 46 chromosomes with 22 pairs of autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes. Down syndrome (also known as mongolism) is characterized by trisomy of chromosome 21. Books, such as Eric R. Kandel's et al book, Principles of Neural Science, address genes and behavior. ![]() [81] 1 John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3; 2 John 7.
[82] Ps. 82:4; Prov. 24:10-12; Is. 58:6; Luke 22:35-37; 1 John 3:16. [83] Eccl. 1:2. [84] Eccl. 12:13-14. [85] Matt. 7:15-23. [86] Gen. 19:4-9; Lev. 18:22-23, 20:13; Deut. 23:17; 1 Kings 14:24, 15:12; 2 Kings 23:7; Rom. 1:24, 26-27. [87] Rev. 20:10. [88] "Accordingly in human government also, those who are in authority rightly tolerate certain evils, lest certain goods be lost, or certain evils be incurred: thus Augustine says [De Ordine 2.4]: If you do away with harlots, the world will be convulsed with lust. If these social practices were to be suppressed, the public reaction might be such as to threaten the peace of society." [89] Rom. 16:17-18; 2 Cor. 11:13-15; Gal. 1:6; 1 John 4:3. [90] Matt 5:17. [91] Prov. 28:4. [92] Matt. 12:38-39. [93] Matt. 24:24. [94] Dan. 7:25; 2 Thes. 2:3; 1 Tim. 4:1. |