Systematic Political Science


Antisymmetrical Tensors or Bivectors of Agathology and Ponerology in Vermittlungstheologie: Memetic Warfare

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

Be ready to always give an answer to every man that ask you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.”1
Petros, apostolos Iesou Christou (63-64 A.D.)

It is commonly understood that to think is to know by perceiving, imagining, and reasoning etc. in order to make decisions. To have that cognition (cog), requires existence (∃). René Descartes’ Latin phrase cogito ergo sum[a] first appeared in French as je pense, donc je suis in his “Discourse on the Method.” It is often translated into English as "I think, therefore I am." That could be stated as (x) cog (x) ∃,2 reducible to cog ∴ ∃.

This would not mean (x) not cog (x) not ∃.For example, we know brain waves in human life, associated with cognition, are recorded by EEG (electroencephalogram) 40 days or 6 weeks after conception but rocks do not have cognition yet also exist. Then, it may be concluded that cognition does not exist as material as rocks exist as material objects. Thus, the I (x) that has cognition is non-material and expresses itself in the material world, where rocks exist, with the material neurons of a material cellular body.3 The non-material existence of cognition would include the non-material ideas of justice, love, mercy, grace etc. Those categories require judgments to be made from the bivectors of good and evil.

The material and non-material can not be part of one big one without distinction or separation. Unlike non-material intellects which are capable of forming contradictory views and making decisions for subsequent behavior, material objects exist as neither good nor evil in themselves due to their own volition. Their essence of matter or mass (m) is in a state of becoming (e.g. entropy etc.). That attribute is dependent on the work of a transcendent and thus separate Causer (I) for their effects, (m) ∃ ∞ (I) ∃. For example, non-material numbers exist as material distinctions for order in finite intellects. They must also exist as material and non-material distinctions for order in an infinite Creator’s intellect. Failed efforts that reject this reality of separation are vain attempts to, at least, linguistically reduce, if not nullify, beliefs in the reality of a self-existent God.

Non-material attributes, by necessity, exist in eternity and must have infinite standards. Thus, they must also be eternal consequences as to their operations. The non-material I will therefore exist into the infinite future and must have been created by an infinite pre-existent intellect with purpose. That infinite Being (I) must be cognitively perfectly just (J), loving (L), merciful (M), gracious (G) etc., (J) ∃ (M + G) ∃ /(L) ∃ ⊆ ∞ (I) ∃ 4, so ∞ cog ∴ ∞ ∃ . There would need to be an eternal heaven for those people that are compliant with His perfect standards and an eternal hell for those people that are willfully not compliant with His perfect standards. Heaven and hell could have a physics that allows for non-cognitive objects, such as streets of gold in heaven5 and fire in hell.6

As photons are particles of light in a material universe, gravitons7 can be seen as particles of time. Material time is linear in being a progressive succession of moments of expended energy, which equals mass (m) times the speed of light (c) squared.8 That positive energy’s opposite or negative energy can not exist as seen in infinite numbers, where a positive number, e.g. 3, has an opposite number, e.g. -3, etc. Numbers exist as communication boundaries of observations for intellects and are not effects as is energy. By this we may conclude the possible reversal or contraction of the effect of energy would be in itself expended energy and therefore positive and a permanent effect.9 Non-material time is also a linear succession of events that exist simultaneously in the whole set of infinite effects. Yet their subsets, such as effects in material time, would be eternal and permanent.

Finite human intellects produce tensors of thought and subsequent behavioral compliance with infinite standards that are antisymmetrical or alternating. That dichotomy was expressed in Eden by a choice of either the “tree of life” where God is obeyed and a life of righteousness is lived10 or the “tree of good and evil”11 is preferred and disobedience to God creates death from unrighteousness.12

The science of righteousness and unrighteousness is to first observe the phenomenon, then form a theory, notice replication(s), and accept the outcome as either proof or disproof of the theory. Systematic theology is the study of God. Systematic agathology (righteousness) is the study of obeying God and systematic ponerology (unrighteousness) is the study of disobeying God. What is reality, both historically and now, is not necessarily what ought to righteously be.

Lutheran church leader, Karl Immanuel Nitzsch13 explained the three divisions of theological doctrine in his System der Christlichen Lehre (German for System of Christian Doctrine): agathology or the doctrine of good, ponerology or doctrine of bad (broken down into the subsets of sin and death), and soteriology or the doctrine of salvation.

Unrighteousness is cognitive rebellion against God’s attribute of righteousness.14 For example, God said humans are to be fruitful and multiply.15 Children are a gift16 and a heritage of the Lord. Happy is the man that has many children that may help protect him.17 They are a crown in of old age.18 The Jewish House of Shammai made an argument for antinatalism with the House of Hillel indicating that it may have been better to have never been born.19 Scriptures do record the thoughts that cursed is the day I was born20 and Job’s anguish in saying let the day perish that I was born.21 Even Jesus said it would have been good for the man that betrayed Him to have not been born.22 However, a general negative philosophy of human procreation is rebellion against clear Divine will expressed in Scriptures.

God described Himself to Moses as “I AM THAT I AM.”23 This may be stated as (I) exist because (I) exist or ∞ (I) ∃ ∞ (I) ∃ . By necessity, He is the self-existent immutable Creator that is the eternally pre-existent cause of all effects known as Elohim, YAHWEH, and Jehovah. The axiomatic theological nature of this reality, quod erat demonstrandum,24 is why the Old Testament David and the New Testament Paul never indicated that there was not 100% proof for God. Errors in rational reasoning occur when biblical examples of theology, such as with David and Paul, are left out of philosophical dialogues until perfect confidences are lost for the perfect proof for God. This incorrectly conflates equality of reasoning and beliefs of David and Paul etc. from clear material and non-material evidence with the reasoning and beliefs of atheists (fools) from clear material and non-material evidence.

The vector of good is the agathological tensor and the vector of evil is the ponerological tensor. Obviously, when evil is added to an environment it is affected negatively. People with those evil thoughts that produce that evil behavior produce a trophic cascade of evil cycling. When they are removed an equilibrium of good and evil can be reached. Edmund Burke famously noticed that "when bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."25 Winning souls is wise.26 Their conversion from evil saves them from death and hides a multitude of evil.27

Good or righteousness is truth and so is coherent with reality. The work of righteousness is therefore peace.28 Peace is from the Hebrew shalom.29 It is defined as safety, health, prosperity etc. It implies harmony with the material creation, harmony with created humans that are righteous, and harmony with God the Creator. God created righteously with peace. There is nothing peaceful about a lion killing and eating a rabbit. Death came from man’s unrighteousness and cost the previous planned peace of creation.

Jesus said blessed are peacemakers.30 He would also say that before Abraham was I am.31 To put it another way, Jesus said He existed before Abraham (Ab), so ∞ (I) ∃ ā (Ab) ∃.32 Abraham believed (Greek verb pisteuō) God and his faith (Greek noun pistis) in God was counted (Greek bookkeeping term logizomai) as righteousness.33 Without faith it is impossible to please God (see endnote 71).34 God can be asked to help unbelief.35 The justified by faith have peace with God through Jesus the Christ.36 He said His peace He leaves with the righteous.37 Through Jesus the righteous are saved from God’s just wrath to come.38 God’s Word is to be spread to all the world39 with the foreknowledge that only a minority will accept its truth, such as with Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel etc.40 This is efficient in that God’s righteous force projection is demonstrated by His just wrath,41 as well as His loving grace.42

God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, Jesus, that whoever believes in Him will not perish and have everlasting life.43 A person is saved by God’s immutable work of grace alone by that person’s internalized faith,44 which is externalized by that person’s finite work of righteous behavior45 with the assistance of the Holy Spirit.46

Buddhists and Hindus illogically believe that all life came from a reincarnated past life for the purpose of paying for shortcomings of infinite morality. If life is followed back in time to a first birth, there could have been no possible moral shortcomings that would have required an endless reincarnated cyclical life of moral payback.

Karl Marx reportedly said “My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.” He wrote in (1853) Revelations Concerning the Communist Trial in Cologne, “The Prussian political philosophers from Leibniz to Hegel have laboured to dethrone God, and if I dethrone God I also dethrone the king who reigns by the grace of God” (sic). Martin Luther recognized man, especially all pseudo atheists such as Marx etc., know and believe in God and just do not like Him.47 They, and other unrighteous people, refuse to internalize the reality of truth necessary for the possibility of individual and societal purpose and peace.48 Luther is quoted as saying “The pagan trembles at the rustling of a leaf.49 The uniform teaching of Scripture is that fallen men are fleeing from God.” He also observed a good theologian distinguishes between law and the gospel of grace in understanding the Bible.

Jesus said I am the God of Abraham, Isaac (Is), and Jacob (Ja) and God is not the God of the dead but of the living,50 ∞ (I) ∃ (Ab, Is, Ja) ∃. Jesus said I am the resurrection,51 and said I am the way (Wa), the truth (Tr), and the life (Li) and no man comes the Father (God) but by Me,52 ∞ (I) ∃ (Wa, Tr, Li) ∃. He stated that He (I) was the light (c) of the world,53 so ∞ (I) ∃ (c) ∃. The gospel of Jesus the Christ is the power of God for salvation.54 He is the perfect example of servant-hood55 (see endnote 67). People that hate Him hate Father God, and hate His followers.56 Jesus is The Lord Our Righteousness.57

Humans, at best, are foolish and ignorant, as beasts in a field, when compared to infinite God.58

The techno-art below59 depicts how common and international idol and nonsensical words or fèi huà are in human dialogue.

Finite intellect’s knowledge is fractional of an infinite whole and is factive: Kφ/φ.60 It should be noted that a priori propositions are those which we could know a priori (before) and a derivative use of a priori is as a predicate of propositions.

Evil or unrighteousness is untruth and incoherent with reality. Its believers must be incoherent with reality and seek to prevent the truth of reality that form asymmetrical tensors which exposes their unrighteousness thoughts and logic systems or vectors. Their behavior is negatively geotropic61 toward the gravity of truth. The omission of knowing to do good and not doing it is also evil unrighteousness.62 The spread of evil by evil people is metastatic, with the secondary effect of the behavior of other people. It is, thus, not idiopathic or from an unknown source. Cicero would ask, “Cui bono?”63

The secondary effect of evil behavior in individuals is due to accepting evil. The way of the wicked seduces.64 To vacillate or go astray is a seduction from good to evil.65 Seduction is the enticement to do wrong or unrighteousness, often a term used for leading to sexual wickedness.66 Contrary to numerous biblical passages, including Jesus’ own words, Pope Francis stated privately, during March 2018 (three days before Easter), that there is no hell and unrepentant souls cease to exist after death. While publically pretending to be subject to Christian doctrine, he regularly opposes the immutable doctrine in private. His feigning piety is exemplified within the 1664 lines by Molière for the seductive Tartuffe, ou l'Imposteur (French for The Hypocrite).

Oui, mon frère, je suis un méchant, un coupable.
Un malheureux pécheur tout plein d'iniquité
(French; “Yes, my brother, I am wicked, guilty.
A miserable sinner just full of iniquity,”

Reprobate Harvard University changed its 181 year old “Fair Harvard” lyrics67 in March, 2018, from reflecting its founding Puritan Christian values to reflecting anti-Christian values. Evolutionist Harvard professor Burrhus (B. F.) Skinner’s 1971 book, Beyond Freedom and Dignity, incorrectly postulated human freedom is an illusion and humans have no dignity. The theist Lucretius (c. 99 B.C. – c. 55 B.C.) wrote the poem De Rerum Natura (Latin; On the Nature of Things). His six books of dactylic hexameter was proto-atheistic in the assertions that the world was created by fortuna (chance), there is no Divine intervention, no afterlife, and promoted the efficacy of prayer etc. Even he thought the world was indeterministic and atoms unpredictability veer (Latin clinamen or the turning aside of a thing) allowing for freewill for living things in the world (Latin libera per terras …haec animantibus exstat …voluntas). Ada Palmer’s 2014 book Reading Lucretius in the Renaissance demonstrates how Lucretius presented a godless worldview that created the secular ethics of Niccolò Machiavelli etc.

The recent studies of monozygotic twins raised together objectively prove decision-making freedom exists and to say humans have no dignity is the subjective projection of one’s own false feeling from rejecting the reality of a transcendent eternal purpose. Skinner has also chillingly wrote (1948) that the number of human consumers of earth’s resources must be reduced (Walden Two, p. xi.).

The increasingly reprobate Wheaton College (Illinois) is supporting the anti-Christian dogma of (Divine) masculine characteristics as being toxic,68 which would wrongly condemn Jesus, God the Father, etc. There is a trend among Japanese boys to wear dresses and facial makeup like little girls to hide the characteristics of their XY chromosomes called kei (style). Japanese girls (have XX chromosomes) are rejecting this androgynous perversion.

The steps for successful seduction are: exposure to the promotion of evil either willingly or unwillingly, recognizing the promotion of evil, willingly remaining in the situation, rationalizing the evil promoted, emphasizing with the evil, accepting the evil over the good, acting on the evil, and become hostile to good. For example, Solomon violated God’s law to not marry pagans due to the likelihood of being seduced into evil,69 which occurred at the end of his life.70

A common seductive lie today is that mankind sees God differently but God sees man the same. The effort is to seduce people into the incorrect belief that all theological beliefs are equal. The correct way to see God is by His immutable and eternal attributes, such as love, justice, mercy grace etc. Those attributes are theologically comparable to expose correct theology and incorrect theology, i.e. God does love everyone but His justice must cause Him to hate unrighteousness, which must be either eternally redeemed or eternally punished. Karl Rudolf Hagenbach, a Swiss theologian, sought to view theological questions with the purpose of supporting objective dogma over subjective dogma in a mediation theology—vermittlungstheologie.71

The first seduction recorded in the Bible is in Eden, which was mentioned earlier in this paper. The promotion of evil was to disobey God and eat of the tree of life. It was successful and this produced the pinnacle of knowledge for finite human intellects, which was that humans could have a grasp of good and evil. Good is positive and evil is negative. Good is created order and evil is created disorder. They are not eternally equal in infinity. If they were equal, there would be an equilibrium reached immediately that would prevent positive created order by an equal force of negative created disorder. The reality of created positive order indicates the necessary superiority of infinite, and thus perfect, good and the dependence of finite negative disorder of evil on that good’s eternal existence. This is communicated to humans in the contrast of good and evil.72

In his last days, physicist Stephen Hawking stated in a television interview that people cling to religion because they do not understand science.73 This observation was in the context of promoting the theory of negative energy and positive energy as opposing forces that determine the creative energy of the universe (see endnote 9). That incorrect belief held by materialists was disproven in the previous simplistic paragraph. Understanding this reality leads people to correct theology and employment of the tool of the scientific method epistemologically. People incorrectly cling to science in place of a religion because they reject correct theology.

Solomon reached the end of human understanding by the mean and extremes or polarity, f (f(x)) = x, 74 categories of positive good and negative evil. He said all is vanity.75 He noted that there is a time to be born (positive good) and a time to die (negative evil), a time to heal (positive good) and a time to kill (negative evil), a time to get (positive good) and a time to lose (negative evil), a time to love (positive good) and a time to hate (negative evil), and a time for peace (positive good) and a time for war (negative evil) etc.76 He correctly said man is not to write many books because there is no end.77

The first thing Jesus warned of in the last days was to take heed that no man deceive (Greek planao meaning seduce) you.78 Seducers will get worse and worse in the last days.79 People will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and “doctrines” of devils.80 “Doctrines” (Greek didaskalia means instruction or the function of information) are easily manipulated by memes (see endnote 49). In the 2006 work Evolutionary Psychology, Memes and the Origin of War, the transhumanist Keith Henson defined memes as replicating information patterns: ways of doing things, learned elements of culture, beliefs or ideas.

Memetic warfare embeds favorable information into narratives. This is not propaganda where information is withheld to produce favorable narratives. Nor is it information warfare where data is added to the pool of information to change the narrative that forms public opinion. Memetic warfare is not necessarily only good or only bad. The whole Bible is a narrative with Divine memes for the promotion of eternal good. Jesus used parables for this purpose, such as the prodigal son to anthropomorphically demonstrate God the Father’s forgiving love.

The steps of memetic warfare are to expose as many targeted people to the idea promoted as possible, nurture the people that willingly entertain the idea, make the sympathizers feel like part of a community, provide positive support for acting on the idea, and encourage resistance of people that reject the idea. A bald narrative is evil in that it is missing crucial truth for good analysis. Analogical use of words may be employed to adjust word meaning toward acceptance when it might otherwise not be accepted if stated more clearly.

The battle of narratives over competing values have been neurologically researched. With recent funding from DARPA, a facility at the University of California used brain scans (fMRI etc.) to demonstrate how the brain processes data that is unfavorable favorably if embedded into what seems to be a neutral media narrative. Hollywood movie makers have used this approach for evil successfully, such as the promotion of homosexually etc. They regularly attack humanity’s righteous pillars of life and procreation with unrighteous murder and sexual perversion under the rubric of entertainment. After threat of prosecution for being a serial rapist in 2017, Hollywood studio head, Harvey Weinstein, reportedly communicated to media personalities that he would make movies to oppose the U.S. constitutional right to bear arms if he was reported on favorably (i.e. support removal of a righteous citizen’s first means of self-defense against an unrighteous thieving and murdering criminal or a righteous citizen’s last means of self-defense against an unrighteous thieving and murdering tyrannical government).

A U.S. Marine officer, Michael Prosser published (2005) Memetics: A Growth Industry in US Military Operation. He proposed a military meme warfare center. NATO’s Strategic Communication’s Centre of Excellence published a journal article by Jeff Giesea. He defined memetic warfare as “competition over narrative, ideas, and social control in a social-media establish a competitive advantage over an opponent.” Founder and president of Robotic Technology Inc., Robert Finkelstein81 was reportedly commissioned to do a four-year study of memetics by DARPA in 2006.

The meme in humor can be analyzed in the following joke. Einstein was standing at the Pearly Gates. As a woman was passing, he asked her what her IQ was. She replied 170 and he began a conversation about his theory of relativity. A man came by and Einstein asked him his IQ and he replied 130. He then engaged the man in sports talk. Lastly, a man was asked what his IQ was and he said it was 50. Einstein then asked him what the U.S. military strategy was for handling the Middle East conflict.82 An audience with the accepted narratives of IQ levels, Einstein’s theory, and women’s intelligence as superior to men’s has embedded in it the meme of an incompetent U.S. military.

The founder and president of Greenpeace, Robert Hunter used photographs to produce what he termed “mind bombs.” He realized crafted images would have a favorable effect on viewer’s neurons. He was a student of Marshall McLuhan, professor of media theory, who said “the medium is the message.” This means the form of a medium embeds itself in any message it would convey. Hunter also founded the Whole Earth Church, an evil religion dedicated to earth worship, which is worship of dirt and rocks. Worship of the creation instead of the Creator is a lowest form of worship.83 If people do not worship Creator God the stones will cry out to Him.84

Lakota Chief Arvol Looking Horse says he prays to the Creator for the healing of “mother earth.” Oyate Wahacanka Woecun (Shielding the People) describes the promotion of the Lakota way of life through spiritual ties and bonds with nature. Their perceived mission statement is to protect the land, air, and water along with the natural and cultural resources of the Oceti Sakowin by supporting the sovereignty of all nations and building awareness in the global community. Frequently, this involves adding supportive ideas or memes into unrelated narratives to take advantage of all avenues of potential support.

U.S. president George H. W. Bush headed up 178 governments in 1992 to sign a United Nations agreement at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, called Agenda 21. Under the guise of a global sustainable development narrative, it was implied that laws should be established and supported that would take private property and force people to move to government housing in cities, and take private transportation and force people to only use government transportation.

A principle of non-maleficence in the Bible presents the choice of accepting Jesus’ redemption, as the righteous Son Of God the Father (Abba) or accepting the unrighteous son of abba, Barabbas.85 Regarding worldview, a non-anthropologist with some education in neuroscience, and pure and applied math might use a decision-making tree model to create a simplistic algorithm (recipe of instructional steps) of possibilities in 1's (yes) and 0's (no), such as the following.

Begin (defined label of Christian as a follower of Jesus, which is verified by Scriptural text)
--Accept Scriptural text and immutable worldview is formed accordingly and end -or- not
--Accept some Scriptural text and a changing worldview is formed and end -or- not
--No Scriptural text is accepted and a changing worldview is formed and end -or- not
--Death occurs due to disconnect with reality and end -or- acceptance of Scriptural text is chosen and begin

Gary Polhill, president of the European Social Simulation Association and senior research scientist at The James Hutton Institute’s Information and Computational Sciences Department, states models, reasoning and intuition are used successfully every day by bankers, traders, businesses, advertisers, and policymakers in making economic and social system(s) predictions.87 Of course, accuracy standards in social systems, on average, with more unknowable variables to calculate outcomes would be less than the accuracy standards, on average, of engineering calculations with confined variables.

In conclusion, antisymmetrical tensors or bivectors of agathology and metastatic ponerology in vermittlungstheologie have been presented with an example of memetic warfare. They answer core intellectual questions:

(x) cog (x) ∃


(m) ∞ (I) ∃

which by necessity means

(J) ∃ (M + G) ∃ /(L) ∃ ∞ (I) ∃

revealed as

(I) ∃ (I) ∃

who is

(I) ∃ ā (Ab) ∃

(I) ∃ (Ab, Is, Ja) ∃

(Wa, Tr, Li) ∃

so He is

(I) ∃ (c) ∃.

Beasts in their major freedom
Slumber in peace tonight. The gull on his ledge
Dreams in the guts of himself the moon-plucked waves below,
And the sunfish leans on a stone, slept
By the lyric water…
--From the 1955 poem by Richard Wilbur titled “Beasts” in his 1956 book “Things of This World.”

1 I Peter 3:15.

2 Thanks is extended to Dainis Zeps, Lutheran pastor, senior researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science and faculty of theology at the Latvian University, for his assistance with this topic in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in March, 2018. Joseph Fantin, professor of New Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary, is appreciated for his email exchange in April, 2018, with Dallas F. Bell Jr.

3Jesus observed the (non-material) spirit is willing (to do God the Father’s will) but the (material) body is weak. (Matt. 26:41).

4 Jere. 9:24.

5 Rev. 21:21.

6 Rev. 20:15, 21:8.

7 If gravitons (a type of boson) exist, they would be massless due to the force of gravitation propagating at the speed of light.

8 The boundary of the speed of light in the laws of the material universe must be symmetrical with the unit of distance producing a unit of time.

9 The law of energy conservation requires that the net energy of a closed system not change. When two massive objects are far apart, the gravitational attraction or energy is close to zero. If those objects move towards each other, the gravitational force increases causing an increase in the kinetic energy of the closed system. The change of the gravitational energy and the kinetic energy may be interpreted as the gravitational energy being negative in that it cancels out the positive kinetic energy. In reality, that cancelling out of energy is not negative in the sense of being opposites, as seen in numbers, where the existence of one requires the existence of its exact opposite. Kinetic energy may exist in a closed system and need not require the existence of an opposite negative gravitational energy. The potential energy of a closed system is the net total and equilibrium of all forms of energy that are possible in the system. Those forms can not be decoupled to increase or decrease the net total possible energy.

10 John 5:29.

11 Gen. 2:9.

12 John 5:29.

13 Nitzsch represented the vermittlungstheologie (German for mediation theology) school of Friedrich Schleiermacher. Schleiermacher is called the father of liberal Christian theology due to his heretical rejection of orthodox Christianity.

14 Dan. 9:5-9.

15 Gen. 1:22.

16 Gen. 33:5.

17 Ps. 127:3-5.

18 Prov. 17:6.

19 Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Eruvin 13b.

20 Jere. 20:14.

21 Job. 3:3.

22 Matt. 26:24.

23 Ex. 3:14.

24 QED is Latin for “thus it has been proven.”

25 The quote is taken from Burke’s, 1770 writings, Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents.

26 Prov. 11:30.

27 James 5:20.

28 Is. 32:7.

29 Ps. 7:4.

30 Matt. 5:9.

31 John 8:58.

32 The medical symbol for before or ante is ā. The symbol for after or post is a lower case p with a bar over it.

33 Rom. 4:3, 13, 16-22; Heb. 11 for faith examples.

34 Heb. 11:6.

35 Mark 9:24.

36 Rom. 5:1.

37 John 14:27.

38 Rom. 5:9.

39 Matt. 28:19-20.

40 Matt. 7:13-14.

41 Is. 49:26; Jere. 16:21; Eze. 5:13.

42 Rom. 5:8-9.

43 John 3:16.

44 Eph. 2:8-10.

45 James 2:17.

46 Gal. 5:16-25.

47 Rom. 1:22, 25, 28, 30.

48 Ps. 119:11; Is. 32:17; James 3:18.

49 Solomon wrote that the wicked flee when no man pursues them (Prov. 28:1). Pseudo atheists, such as Richard Dawkins, mentally fear the reality of God and devote their lives to resisting God’s reality. The gap in their understanding involves how non-life produces life, the reality of consciousness, and the reality of moral law etc. Dawkins, supporter of homosexuality and a self-described feminist, came to prominence with his (1976) book, The Selfish Gene, which popularized the gene-centered view of evolution and is credited with introducing the term meme considered to be the behavioral equivalent of a gene. In 1904, German biologist Richard Semon published Die Mneme, which appeared in English in 1924 as The Mneme and discussed the cultural transmission of experiences.

50 Matt. 22:32; Acts 7:32; Ex. 3:6, 15; Gen. 28:13.

51 John 11:25.

52 John 14:6.

53 John 3:19, 9:5.

54 Rom. 1:16.

55 John 13:15-16.

56 John 15:23.

57 Jere. 23:6, 33:16; I Cor. 1:30.

58 Ps. 73:22.

59 Titled “Idle Words are Fèi Huà” the oil on canvas painting by Dallas F. Bell Jr. reflects the international multicultural and interdisciplinary zeitgeist. The piece exhibits aspects of Chinese culture. The evolution of the average person’s technical understanding is expressed within nuanced folk tradition. It may be described as techno-folk art. A combination of life experiences formed this style, which can uniquely appeal to the individual expectations of both the right and left brain hemispheres of today’s distinguished patrons.

60 Philip Kitcher. A Priori Knowledge. The Philosophical Review, 89:3–23, 1980.

61 Positive (growth with gravity) and negative (growth against gravity) geotropism, also called gravitropism, are ortho-geotropism.

62 James 4:17.

63 Latin literally for to whom it benefits.

64 Prov. 12: 26.

65 II Kings 21:9; Eze. 13:10.

66 Rev. 2:20.

67 Replaced "Till the stock of the Puritans die" with the New Age/atheist’s lyrics of "Till the stars in the firmament die."

68 The Healthy Masculinity Campus Athletics Project (HMCAP) began in fall 2016, when Wheaton College received a continuation grant from the (admitted anti-Christian) Obama U.S. Department of Justice Office on real and fabricated Violence Against Women, covering a total of six years of programming. The 23 January, 2018, workshop addressed the subject, among others, of masculine toxicity, especially normal locker room talk by bonding male teammates. There was no analysis of toxic femininity, such as modeled by Eve in the Eden. Unrighteousness or sin is not male nor female. This is a clear attack on godly males called alpha males. The best example of an alpha male was infinite Jesus. He modeled the following for the righteous:

sought to engage learned theologians (Luke 2:46-47),

was about His Father’s (God) business (Luke 2:49),

grew in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52),

listened to His mother (John 2:1-10 etc.),

resisted temptation (Matt. 4:1-11),

taught others (Matt. 5-7 etc.),

sought the physical health of others (Matt. 8:2-4 etc.),

sought the spiritual health of others (Mark 2:15-17 etc.),

cried (John 11:35),

had compassion (Matt. 14:14 etc.),

confronted evil (Mark 5:2-20 etc.),

confronted dishonesty with honesty (Matt. 23:2-35 etc.),

was angry and did not sin (Matt. 21:12-16; Eph. 4:26 etc.),

taught end times prophesy (Mark 13),

gave thanks (John 6:11 etc.),

evangelized the region (Luke 10:1-24),

quoted Scripture (Luke 11:29-30 etc.),

lamented Jerusalem (Luke 13:34 etc.), (14 April 2018 was the 70th anniversary of Israel’s reformation from 1948.)

gave hope of afterlife (John 14:2 etc.),

prayed for God’s will for others (John 17),

prayed in crisis (Matt. 26:36-44 etc.),

sacrificed self (Matt. 20:28 etc.),

confronted unrighteous government officials (Luke 23:3 etc.),

was concerned for his family and others (John 19:25-27 etc.),

builds nations (Is. 9:6 etc.),

creates order (Acts 21:24 etc.),

is lawful (Matt. 5:17-20 etc.).

In contrast, finite Satan has modeled the following unrighteousness:

rebels against God (Gen. 3:1 etc.),

is a liar (Gen. 3:4-5 etc.),

seduces (Gen. 3:6 etc.),

causes God to curse humans (Gen. 3:14 etc.),

causes God to take blessings (Gen. 3:23-24 etc.),

patrols the earth (Job 1:7, 2:2 etc.),

petitions God to tempt humans (Job 1:9-11, 2:4-5 etc.),

steals wealth (Job 1:14-15, 17 etc.),

murders (Job 1:15, 17 etc.),

destroys wealth (Job 1:16 etc.),

destroys families (Job 1:18-19 etc.),

destroys physical health (Job 2:7 etc.),

creates destructive family division (Job 2:9-10 etc.),

destroys spiritual health (Job 3:3-26 etc.),

confuses theology (Job 4-18, 20-21, 24-25 etc.),

destroys hope (Job 19:24 etc.),

creates destructive division among friends (Job 22, 26, 32-37 etc.),

tempts humans (Matt. 4:3-10 etc.),

desires to be served/worshipped (Matt. 4:9; Rev. 13:8 etc.),

creates blasphemy (Rev. 13:5-6 etc.),

causes war (Rev. 13:7 etc.),

does miracles (Rev. 13:13 etc.),

is a deceiver (Rev. 13:14 etc.),

eliminates individualism (Rev. 13:16 etc.),

controls end times economic behavior (Rev. 13:17 etc.),

seduces and destroys nation (II Peter 2:10; Rev. 18:2-3 etc.),

creates disorder with lawlessness (I Tim. 1:9-10 etc.).

69 Ex. 34:16; Deut. 7:3-4; II Cor. 6:14.

70 I Kings 11:1-8.

71 Hagenbach based his efforts on the fundamentals of Herder and Schleiermacher (see endnote 13). His endeavor could not and did not produce perfect certainty of Christian dogma for everyone. Martin Luther said that he knew he was still in faith even while asleep (See Luther’s Works, Volume 68: Sermons on the Gospel of St. Matthew, Chapters 19–24. Martin Luther. Ed. Benjamin T. G. Mayes and Christopher Boyd Brown. Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2014. xviii + 366 pp.). Sola Scriptura beliefs would support this statement by pointing to the objective passage, I Tim. 1:12, that I know whom I have believed (by faith) and am persuaded (by faith) that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day (Peter 4:19). Others might incorrectly subjective argue that faith requires cognitive work which can not occur in the unconscious state of sleep. Christian theology is based on sola scriptura. It is a non-negotiable system of logic from reality. Jesus said if you do not believe earthly things here how will you believe heavenly things (John 3:12). Faith is the evidence of things not seen and the substance (Greek hupostasis) of things hoped for (Heb.11:1). People are saved by faith (Eph. 2:8). Jesus commanded His followers to have faith (Mark 11:22). Without faith we can not please God (Heb. 11:6). This is why the goal of the unrighteous is to destroy faith and a relationship with God by destroying Scriptural beliefs. Scriptural deniers are ashamed of the words of Jesus (Mark 8:38) who talked of Noah and the worldwide flood (Matt. 24:38), and Jonah and the whale (Matt. 12:40) etc.

72 For example, see the Divine revelation of the basket of good figs and the basket of evil figs (Jere. 24:1-8).

73 The interview was conducted by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson on his show StarTalk.

74 Polarity is a correlation that is also an involution, which is a mathematical function f that is its own inverse,

f (f(x)) = x for all x in the domain of f. See Bertrand Russell’s (1903) Principles of mathematics (2nd Ed.), W. W. Norton & Company Inc., p. 426. The mathematician, Russell was a self-described atheist. A mathematician understands the importance of equations. It has been reasoned that the fine-tuned universe is an enormous perfect equation of smaller equations that if any were altered would not allow for its existence (Eccl. 3:11). Equations have equivalence, which must either be true and good or false and evil. True or good and false or evil requires judgment by intellects. Numbers have infinity and require an infinite intellect to judge. An infinite judge needs love to mediate judgment with mercy and grace. Finite intellects can not ever be equal to infinite standards, and so need redemption by the infinite perfect Creator Being called God—Yahweh. A mathematician, or any other person in a related field such as physics etc., knows this and could never actually be an atheist (see endnote 49). See the following webpages.

75 Eccl. 1:2, 12:8.

76 Eccl. 3:2-8.

77 Eccl. 12:12.

78 Matt. 24:4.

79 II Tim. 3:13.

80 II Tim. 4:1.

81 Finkelstein explained a relational aspect of memetic warfare (space settlements) during an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in February, 2018.

82 This example of humor was based on an email exchange between Dallas F. Bell Jr. and Jonathan Hayward in February, 2018.

83 Rom. 1:25.

84 Luke 19:40; Josh. 24:27; Hab. 2:11.

85 Luke 23:17-19.

86 This is an excerpt of an email exchange by Dallas F. Bell Jr. to an academic online forum in February, 2018.

87 Polhill made his observations in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in April, 2018.

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