Systematic Political Science


Predicting Temporal Revolution Cycles of Rebellion with Machine Learning Operations:
Prometheus Kneels (Fine)

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

The Muon g-2 ring, at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, operates at minus 450 degrees Fahrenheit. They are exploring the interactions of short-lived particles, muons, with a strong magnetic field. Scientists know that space is never empty and is filled with virtual particles1 (0) that in accordance with the perceived laws of quantum physics, predicted in the 1930’s, pop in (0 +) and out of existence (0) for brief moments of time, much like the historical existence of governments. The muons (from the Greek letter µ, mu)2 wobble as they travel through the magnetic field. The anomalous magnetic moment, aµ ≡ (gµ − 2)/2,3 is measured by injecting a beam of muons into a large magnet. This experiment is possible due to the predictability of the components involved.4

God is governor among the nations and will rule all nations.5 Meantime, human governments pop in and out of temporal existence, like virtual particles. Their revolution cycles may be modeled without the jargon and elaboration of physics (see endnote 1). It may be inductively observed that within the superset of eternity (∞) government A did not (¬) exist () for a period (x) of time (t), then did exist for a period (y) of time, then did not exist for a period (z) of time etc., so (A ¬ (xt) → A (yt) A ¬ (zt)) ∞. Mathematically and therefore theologically (math logic theology), the orderly cause of the finite effect of existence is from infinity, which must have acted at an eternally pre-set time from purpose derived from intellect—YaHWeH. Logically, the decision trees of all finite intellects are a subset of the infinite Creator’s omniscient and therefore immutable6 intellect. Thus, if something be of God it can not be overthrown and the fight is against omnipotent7 God Himself.8

Inevitable government change is sometimes due to reformation but is usually due to revolution.9 The revolution spirit of rebellion against God and His authority is exemplified by the fictional character Demogorgon in Prometheus Unbound (Act IV, 572-578), “To defy Power, which seems omnipotent; To love, and bear; to hope till Hope creates From its own wreck the thing it contemplates; Neither to change, nor falter, nor repent; This, like thy glory, Titan, is to be Good, great and joyous, beautiful and free; This is alone Life, Joy, Empire, and Victory!”10 The four-act lyrical drama (1820) was by the atheist Percy Shelley, husband of Mary author of Frankenstein,11 who influenced Karl Marx.12 The tormented mythological Greek Titan, Prometheus, rebels against the Olympian gods and gives fire to humanity, for which he is subjected to eternal punishment and suffering at the hands of the Olympian Zeus (the Roman god is Jupiter) who saw rebellion regarding Kronos and he with Uranos.13 It is inspired by Prometheia, a trilogy of plays: Prometheus Bound (whose authorship is disputed), Prometheus Unbound, and Prometheus the Fire Bearer (or Fire Bringer). They are attributed to the Athenian Aeschylus (c. 525 B.C. – c. 455 B.C.).

The Peloponnesian War (431 B.C. – 404 B.C.) was between the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta. In 427 B.C., a revolution took place in Corcyra.14 Corcyra, an ally of Athens, had an internal struggle of the common man, allied with Athens, and the ruling class, enlisting the support of Sparta.15 Thucydides’, an Athenian, writings indicated Corcyra was an example of all revolutions during that war.16 They add evidence that human nature is predictable and revolutions will always occur as long as human nature remains the same. Specifics may change but nature will not.17 “Human nature, always rebelling against law and now its master, gladly showed itself ungoverned in passion, above respect for justice, and the enemy of all prosperity.”18

Slavoj Žižek is a Marxist at the department of philosophy of the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts and international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities of the University of London. He believes the triad of Spinoza-Kant-Hegel encompasses the whole of philosophy.

Drawing on the philosophy of Georg Hegel, Žižek claims that the incompleteness of nature is part of what enables human freedom to emerge. In a truly perfect and complete nature, he continues, a kind of equilibrium would be reached in which there would be no space for human freedom. He fails to understand that is nature, as deigned by necessity of an infinite preexistent Being, and he seeks to remove the freewill of other men with an omniscient and omnipotent governing body, like all Marxists, understandably ran by himself and his friends. Given the innate desire of all humans to not be lied to, to not be stolen from, and to not be murdered by individuals or governments, Žižek’s own realization of nature of the Marxist resistance against the nature of freedom will ultimately be a failed government system, after significant individual loss of happiness19 and diminished mental ability to cope with stress.20 However, his Marxist belief/system, by any other name, is predictable because it is the default position for rejection of Divine individual and societal freedoms.

Research at the University of Vermont College of Medicine in 2020, developed a Brain Predictability toolbox (BPt) which represents a unified framework of machine learning (ML) tools designed to work with both tabulated data (e.g. brain derived, psychiatric, behavioral and physiological variables) and neuroimaging specific data (e.g. brain volumes and surfaces). This package is suitable for investigating a wide range of different neuroimaging-based ML questions, in particular, those queried from large human datasets.21 Their work shows the neurological machinery of brain utilization but is not capable of showing the conscious eternal soul that, by necessity, controls the binary decision making neural function to either accept God or reject Him.

Since individual rebellion and the resultant societal revolution is physical and cyclical, it may be used in machine learning operations. Not ever having the potential for consciousness, the prediction capability would improve in machine learning as data is humanly updated. The updates are expected to occur with newly understood data but is also expected to be true and relevant data. James Banner, former professor of history at Princeton University and founder of the American Association for the Advancement of the Humanities, wrote about objectivity in history revisionism.22 He indicated that the perceptions of history are always being revised and recommended an objective guard against injecting untruth into the data.

In an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in July, 2021, Victor Hansen,23 a Christian and senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, said Americans are now so poorly educated and they are regressing to the point of susceptibility to almost anything. Sadly, this was observed first hand by a North Korean defector. In a June 2021 Fox News article, Teny Sahakian wrote that Yeon-mi Park, who defected from anti-Christ communist North Korea in 2007, was deeply disturbed by what she found after transferring to Columbia University in 2016. Park was scolded by a university staff member for admitting she loved classic literature, such as Jane Austen.24 The female employee said, “Did you know those writers had a colonial mindset? They were racists and bigots and are subconsciously brainwashing you.” A supporting report published in the NY Post indicated Park, disillusioned by the present state of US culture perpetuated at American schools, pondered, “Even North Korea isn’t this nuts.” "Where are we going from here?" she wondered. "There’s no rule of law, no morality, nothing is good or bad anymore, it's complete chaos." She continued, "I guess that's what they want, to destroy every single thing and rebuild into a Communist paradise."25 Of course, a communist paradise is an oxymoron and it is a waste of time to try to change the minds of US students that they believe an anti-Christ lie.26

In August 2020, Neuralink’s, founded (2016) by US billionaire Elon Musk, project of pig implanted brain electrodes with a computer interface was described by US Food and Drug Administration officials as breakthrough technology. The researchers described the possible human uses as including help with blindness and Alzheimer’s etc. They announced they were looking for human volunteers for the technology.27

After the US Catholic president announced he was going to send people door-to-door to force China virus vaccinations on Americans (July 2021), his US Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said, on a nationally televised news show, “The federal government has spent trillions of dollars to keep Americans alive during this pandemic. So it is absolutely the government's business [to know who is vaccinated]. It is taxpayers' business if we have to continue to spend money.”28 This same logic will likely be used to force brain chips on humans. They will be used to mark each person for government surveillance. This was predicted almost 2,000 years ago in the Bible.29

Many times smarter than man, Satan predictably murdered Christ Jesus30 to Satan’s own eternal defeat.31 Christ’s redemptive death took away His believer’s rebel heart toward God for eternity. The eternal Heaven for His elect and eternal Hell for the non-elect forever ends the cycle of revolution from rebellion. Yet, man continues to predictably model Satan’s self-destructive rebellion in revolutions. Rebellion is in the heart of man32 and an evil man seeks only rebellion.33 Individual government leaders, such as King David, that inevitably rebelliously sin against God will suffer individualized consequences,34 but government leaders, such King Solomon, that reject God for national idol worship with the society at large will insure the fall of the whole society.35 Male political leaders often model for the rest of society elites their belief in another society’s superiority by engaging in marriage as in Greek mythology the Olympian Zeus married the Titan Metis. The Hebrew King Solomon married Pharaoh’s daughter (c. 935 B.C.),36 the Persian King Xerxes 1 (Ahasuerus) married the Hebrew Esther (c. 479 B.C.),37 Russian Tsar Nicholas II married the German Alexandra Feodorovna (1894; called Alix the Hesse), and King Edward VIII abdicated the British throne to marry an American (1936).

Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore shall they fall among them that fall: in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down, said the Lord.38 There is revolution and rebellious war for the multitudes in the valley of decision, but the day of the Lord is near in that valley of decision, which is also called the Valley of Jehoshaphat (Hebrew for Jehovah judges; the [final] verdict).39

Divine judgment for the decision to reject God’s loving saving grace is addressed in the eternal tragedy below.

Prometheus Kneels
By Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

Dramatis Personae:
Father God
Son of God (Christ)/Son of Man (Jesus)
God’s Spirit

(Prometheus has just physically died from the complications of an eagle eating his liver.40 He immediately stands before God’s great white throne.41 At Father God’s right hand is His Son.)

SERAPHIM: (Singing.)
Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts:
The whole earth is full of His glory.42
Holy, holy, holy,
Lord God Almighty, which was,
and is, and is to come.43

PROMETHEUS: (In awe of the near blinding pillars of bright clouds,44 he speaks.)
Granted, the heavens be hung in black,45
This Shekinah glory46 presumes
Only the Alpha and Omega.47
Then Elohim knows I, a Titan,
Ate in the ancient garden and am a god.48

True Zeus, a fraud from the beginning,
With sinful guilt did unseat You in our minds,49
Among comets import of time and states.50
Truer still he became an idol.
Trespassing the One whose name is Jealous.51

Hoarding tithes of the land holy to You,52
We spoke in avatars of Epic Cycles,53
Brandishing crystal tresses in the skies,54
Yet needed perfect sacrifice,
That atones before the congregations.55

Amist Your blessed plans we murmured,
And cried out to die in the wilderness.56
Naturally, fearing the arbitrary sword,
Rebellion dominated rational souls,
In the scourge of revolting stares.57

I Prometheus am called Forethought,
A twirling stick to kindling of sacrificial fires,58
Can not ascribe to myself love for Thee
Nor keeping charge of Thy commandments.59
For my virtue makes me deserving of king.60

To break one law is to break them all.
This is to serve strange gods.
Forgiveness of that sin can not be expected
Of the most Holy God,61
With armies spread wide as dragon’s wings.62

In our days there was no king,
And every man did what was right
in his own recalcitrant eyes.63
Futile strife against the Omnipotent,64
Of sparking eyes and wrathful fire.65

With mid-day sun bent against their faces,66
Your people could have been my people,
And their God could have been my God.67
Death has surprised me. The Lesbian Sappho68 said
“Death is an evil, that’s what the gods think. Or they would die.”69

Deeds excel all speech,70
When God departs and there is no prophet,
No dreams, nothing to make known the way.
Should a god seek a wizard
When God has become his enemy?71

The sorrows of death have compassed me about.
I do not cry to God and my voice does not enter His temple.
Therefore, the Lord does not recompense me
According to my righteousness in His sight,72
Never lifting up His hand He conquers.73

Why mourn we not in blood?74
We have cried out and cut ourselves,
But our sacrifices were not accepted.
Maybe our god was talking to other gods,
Or maybe our god was on a journey or slept.75

Should we expect peace with whoredoms,
And witchcraft? Should we not be thrown down,
And our blood sprinkle the walls,
And be trod under horse hooves?76
Am dead never to revive.77

Oh that Thou would bless me indeed,
And enlarge my coast with Thy hand,
That I may not be grieved.78
Death dishonors victory.79
Does misery make me wise?80

You smote the people with plagues,
Their children and wives, and goods.
They have great sickness and disease.81
Is this revenge vanity82
Of my stately presence?83

All this has come on us for evil deeds.
For our great trespasses,
We are punished more than our iniquities deserve.84
Shall I curse the planets of mishap?85
You require knee worship and praise for this?86

You plot my glory’s overthrow.87
Speak, Spirit! from thine inorganic voice,
I only know Thou are moving near.
Thou art a living Spirit; speak as they.88
You keep covenant and mercy for others.89

Mother, let not aught,
Of that which is evil, pass again.
Tremendous image, as Thou are,90
Will letters of Purim be sent?91
Shall I think in subtle wit?92

I have been walking to and fro on the earth.
O King of kings,93
You have made a hedge around Your people,
And have blessed them on every side.
Touch all they have, and they will curse You.94

Conjurors and sorcerers are afraid of You.95
You have not made me to lie down in green pastures.
I have walked through the shadow of death,
And have feared evil.
My cup has never ran over.96

Magic verses have contrived end.97
Fearing You is not the beginning of wisdom.
Let us lay wait for blood,
And swallow them up as the grave.
We will find precious substance and fill our house.98

What profit has a man in all his labor?
The sun rises and sets.
All the rivers run into the sea,
And it is never full,99
Of fight with the Lord of hosts.100

Look not on me, the sun has tanned me.
My mother’s children were angry with me.
Tell me, who my soul loves,101
With the prospering of church prayers.102
I see the curse on gestures proud and cold.103

Are the oblations vain?
Is incense an abomination,
And the assemblies with new moons?
Even the solemn meetings are iniquity,104

The thread of life soon decays.105

You knew me in my mother’s womb.
Ah Lord, I can not speak,
I have the affect of a child.106
Such despair mocks itself with smiles,107
As an effeminate prince.108

See my sorrow unto sorrow.
The Lord has afflicted me in fierce anger.
He has sent fire into my bones.
He has made me desolate and faint.109
Such are church prayers against foes.110

Am I impudent and stiff hearted,
And of a rebellious house?111
Written on a roll: yet speak! Oh, speak!112
It does repent me: words are quick and vain.113
Cease these jars my soul and rest.114

Have I been weighed in the balances
And found wanting,115
By Your thought-executing ministers?
Such tyrant’s recompense: is just.116
Lead me to the altar for heralds wait.117

They have made molten images of silver,
Let the men that sacrifice kiss the calves.
They are like the morning clouds that pass away,118
Offering warnings that no longer avail.119
Does the heaven lower under the Father’s frown?120

Darken the sun on that terrible day,
And turn the moon to blood.121
Posterity awaits wretched years.122
I do not pity the slaves of heaven,
My mind within sits peace serene.123

Your evil will not overtake me.
I shall not die by the sword like a sinner.124
I do behold execrable shapes,
And seem to grow like I contemplate,125
As babes suck at mother’s moist eyes.126

I’ve been made small among the heathen.
Has pride deceived me?
Who shall bring me down?127
My isle is a nourishment of salt tears.128
Can anything exult or exalt in its deformity?129

Sometimes it would be better to die than to live.
I do well to be angry even to death.130
None but women wait the dead.131
Pain is my element, as hate is Thine.
Ye rend me now; I care not.132

A ghost I invocate.133
The land is desolate from my fruit.
I lick the dust like a serpent.
We move out of holes as worms.134
Yet am I king over myself, and rule.135

Woe to the bloody city!
It is full of lies and robbery;
The prey does not depart,136
As Zeus rules you when Hell grows mutinous.137
Prosper this realm free from civil broils.138 

My face sups up as the east wind.
I scoff at kings and deride strong holds,139
Whose sons are kneaded down in common blood,
By the red light of their own burning homes,140
Combating adverse planets.141

Far more glorious star the soul makes.142
Fill the master’s houses with violence.
Howl at the noise from the fish gates.
Howl at the crashing from the hills.143
Ah woe! Alas! pain, pain ever, for ever!144

You smote me with mildew and hail.145
Sad tidings of loss and discomfiture.146
I close my tearless eyes, but see more clear.
Thy works within my woe-illumed mind.
Thou subtle tyrant! Requiem is in the grave.147

The grave hides all things beautiful and good:
I am a god and can not find it here.148
Am I to burst and rise from death?149
Are You displeased at the heathen that are at ease?

Will You shake Your hand and spoil them?150

The day has come when the proud will burn,
And the wicked shall be stubble,
Leaving neither root nor branch.151
They shall be no types of things which are.152
This news causes me to once more give up the ghost.153

Command the stones be made bread.
Cast Thyself down and worship me.154
There is no agony, and solace left;
Earth can console, Heaven can torment me no more,155
With this use of treachery.156

With want of comrades and gold,157
We entangle buds, and flowers, and beams,
Strange combinations out of common things,
Like babes in their brief innocence.158
I beseech You to send me into the herds of swine.159

Herein maintaining several functions,160
A virgin gave birth to a Son,
To sit on the throne of His Father.
He is called the Son of the Highest.161
And hither came, sped on the charmed winds.162

In the beginning was the Word,
And the Word was with God,
And the Word was God.163
Which meet from all points of heaven,164
In a dispatched field of war.165

(Falling to his knees trembling,166 Prometheus continues.)

Who art Thou Lord?
It is hard for me to kick against the goads.167
I have searched for looks and words of love,
For hidden thoughts, each lovelier than the last,168
With lingering challenges of high cost.169

Your wrath is revealed from Heaven
Against those that suppress truth,
Flying swift with wanton wings.170
For the invisible things, from the creation, are clear,171
And weave harmonies divine, yet ever new.172

I have been deceived by my own self.
Let me become a fool and not wise.
My wisdom is foolishness with You,173
As guileful words that peace abstains,174
From difference sweet where discord can not be.175

The mind and heart’s vail is done away with the Son.
Now the Lord is that Spirit;
And where the Spirit is there is liberty.176
Let not sloth dim Your honors,177
The low voice of love, almost unheard.178

I am not deceived anymore,
God is not mocked;
Whatever a man sows he will reap,179
As chopped flowers by our hands,180
Themselves the heart’s echo, and all.181

I know that no whoremonger,
Nor covetous man, who is an idolater,
Has an inheritance in Your kingdom.182
Vail by vail, evil and error fall.183
Give me my steeled coat and I will fight.184

Away with waiting robes,185
I know not how to be abased and to abound;
To be full and to be hungry,
And to suffer need.186
This tempers and improve man’s life.187

Wounds will I lend instead of eyes.188
Lovely apparitions, dim at first.
Deliver me from the power of darkness,
Translate me into the kingdom of the Son,
In whom His blood redeems.190

Weeping intermissive miseries,191
I will comfort the feebleminded,
Support the weak, be patient toward all men,
Never rendering evil for evil to any man,192
As I grow more wise and kind.193

There was a contravening falling away,
When that son of perdition was revealed,
As he sit in Your temple.194
His swift shapes and sounds grew.195
Where shall I fly from this reproach?196

An army has been mustered in my thoughts.197
Your law was made for the lawless,
For the unholy and profane,
For men that defile themselves with mankind,198
That go on whirlwind footed coursers; once again.199

Borne over the cities of mankind,200
Men have become lovers of themselves,
Proud, blasphemers, without natural affection,
Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of You.201
They are encompassed and set upon.202

No leisure for enranked men.203
Breathing into a many-folded shell,204
There are those that subvert whole houses,
Teaching things which they ought not,
For filthy lucre’s sake.205

Loosening its mighty music; it shall be206
That the communication of faith may become effectual,
By the acknowledging of every good thing,
In the bowels of the saints,207
Not presuming to look one in the face.208

The Son who being the brightness of Your glory,
And the express image of You,
Has purged sins and sits at Your right hand,209
As thunder mingled with clear echoes.210
What ransom shall I pay?211

My title is my ransom.212
I feel what Thou has heard and seen.213
Every man is tempted by his own lust,
When lust has conceived it brings sin,
And sin will bring death.214

Bloody deeds make all quake.215
I want to lay aside all malice,
And all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies,
And all evil speaking, as newborn babies,
That I may grow as You.216

I can add to my faith virtue,
And to virtue Your knowledge,
And to Your knowledge temperance,
And to temperance Godly patience,217
Keeping mutiny at bay.218

So few that have watched219
me reach a point where I have no sin.
There is no darkness in me.
I may have never sinned in reality.
The truth is in my capacious self.220

Can You be bargained with, as with Zeus,221
Being brought to the obedience of Your yoke?222
This is love that I walk in law,
As heard from the beginning,
Knowing Your Son could not have come in flesh.223

I remember and take leave.224
Being a god, catabolic or not,
It is only right that I have preeminence,
Among all the others,
Casting out all that would disagree.225

I have been ordained of old,
To dispel the myth of the incarnate Son,
This is not speaking as a brute beast,
Or going the way of Cain.226
All have place and function to attend.227

Both small and great has stood before You,
I sit as chief stern of public weal.228
You have the book opened,
To judge the dead,
Tell me where I am in Your Book of Life.229

FATHER GOD: (An exhausted Prometheus ends his narcissistic diatribe. Knowing Ares’, Greek god of war known as the Roman god Mars’, true moving is not known230 to Prometheus, in a voice with the sound of many waters, speaks.)
This is My beloved Son,
In whom I am well pleased;
Hear ye Him.231

SON OF GOD (CHRIST)/SON OF MAN (JESUS): (With hair as white as snow and eyes as flames,232 He addresses Prometheus sternly as pale ghosts besiege233 Prometheus.)
I never knew you;
Depart from Me,
Into outer darkness,
Where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth,
You worker of iniquity.234

(Prometheus, as with all other Prometheus’ by other names, is immediately cast eternally into the lake of fire—Hell.)

SERAPHIM: (Continue singing.)
Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts:
The whole earth is full of His glory.
Holy, holy, holy,
Lord God Almighty, which was,
and is, and is to come.236


1 Temporary violations of the conservation of energy are believed to occur in quantum mechanics, so one particle can become a pair of heavier particles—virtual particles, virtual meaning not existent, which = 0 actual existence.

In an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during July, 2021, Don Lincoln, physicist at the Fermi Lab and professor at the University of Notre Dame, recommended the following introductory resources for those interested in this subject.

2 Means small or a coefficient of friction.


4 The information for the result of April, 2021, Fermilab testing and the presented image is from the Fermilab website at

5 Ps. 22:28; Zech. 14:9; Rev. 11:15.

6 Ps. 147:5; Prov. 15:11; Is. 46:10; Heb. 6:17.

7 Job 42:2; Jere. 32:17; Matt. 19:26; Luke 1:37; Rev. 19:6.

8 Acts 5:39.


10 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, Prometheus Unbound (2011), Pagan Press, USA, p. 201. (The Pagan Press is a self-described homosexual activist organization (see the publisher’s information on the back of the title page).)

11 See endnote 73 at

12 Richard Holmes, Shelley, the pursuit (1974), Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, pp. 208-10, 402.

13 Aeschylus, translated by Henry Thoreau, Aeschylus’ Prometheus Trilogy (2019), Omo Press, Columbia S.C., p. 28.

14 Thucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War. (See endnote 23.)

15 Ibid, Thucydides 3.71.1. Thucydides, translated by Thomas Hobbes, The Peloponnesian War (2014), Veritatis Splendor Publications, Columbia S.C., pp. 177-178

16 Ibid, Thucydides 3.82.1. Hobbes translation, p. 181.

17 Ibid, Thucydides 3.82.1-2. Hobbes translation, p. 181.

18 Ibid, Thucydides 3.84.2. Hobbes translation, p. 183.



21 Brain Predictability toolbox: a Python library for neuroimaging-based machine learning by Sage Hahn, De Kang Yuan, Wesley K Thompson, Max Owens, Nicholas Allgaier, Hugh Garavan, Bioinformatics, Volume 37, Issue 11, 1 June 2021, pp. 1637–1638.

22 The Ever-Changing Past: Why All History Is Revisionist History (2021), Yale University Press.

23 From Hansen’s private papers he says, “American Greatness Victimizers quickly becoming victims is a recurrent theme of Thucydides’ history. In his commentary on the so-called stasis at Corcyra, he offers his most explicit warning about the long-term dangers of destroying legal institutions, customs, and traditions that serve the common good for short-term gain.” (See endnotes 14-18.)



19 July 2021, Hansen wrote in his The American Descent into Madness,Nations have often gone mad in a matter of months. The French abandoned their supposedly idealistic revolutionary project and turned it into a monstrous hell for a year between July 1793 and 1794. After the election of November 1860, in a matter of weeks, Americans went from thinking secession was taboo to visions of killing the greatest number of their fellow citizens on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. Mao’s China went from a failed communist state to the ninth circle of Dante’s Inferno, when he unleashed the Cultural Revolution in 1966. In the last six months, we have seen absurdities never quite witnessed in modern America. Madness, not politics, defines it. There are three characteristics of all these upheavals. One, the events are unsustainable. They will either cease or they will destroy the nation, at least as we know it. Two, the law has largely been rendered meaningless. Three, left-wing political agendas justify any means necessary to achieve them.” (See endnote 23.)

(End time madness, II Thess. 2:11; I Tim. 4:1, II Tim. 3:13.) Thanks is extended to the Edmund Burke Foundation for the invitation to their 2021 conference on US conservatism featuring speakers such as technology billionaire Republican Peter Thiel, US Republican Senator Joshua Hawley, and US Republican Senator Marco Rubio.




God addressed the failure modes of seven churches (Rev. 2-3). Each one was correctly humanly decentralized with God as the head authority. A characteristic of a false church, then, is one that is humanly centralized, which must reject sola Scriptura in order for their human hierarchy to supplant God as the head authority (e.g. the Catholic church of the US president etc.). (Note: many analysts, such as risk analysts etc., are now using the R programming (statistical) language, as has been used for Mandelbrot sets etc.)

29 Rev. 13:16-17. The strategy of US elites to remove freedom of speech can be found in the documents at Staff.pdf

A world view from systems science can be found at

30 Gen. 3:15.

31 Is. 53:5; Rom. 5:6-8; Heb. 2:14; I John 3:8.

32 Prov. 17:11.

33 Is. 63:10.

34 II Sam. 12:10 etc.

35 I Kings 11:11 etc.

36 I Kings 11:1-2.

37 Ezra 4:6; Esther 2:12-18. Xerxes’ 1 invasion of Greece to capture Athens (c. 480 B.C.) failed. Xerxes 1 was written of by Thucydides (1.129) (See endnote 14.) Thucydides, translated by Thomas Hobbes, The Peloponnesian War (2014), Veritatis Splendor Publications, Columbia S.C., p. 83.

38 Jere. 8:12. Thanks is extended to Janice Bell for her insight of this passage.

39 Joel 2:1, 3:14.

40 In the past and in the last days, God has/will use(d) animal attacks for Divine punishment (Lev. 26:22; Deut. 32:24; Is. 56:9; Jere. 5:6, 15:3; Eze. 5:17, 14:15; Amos 9:3; Rev, 6:8). In Greek mythology, Zeus bound Prometheus to a rock and had an eagle eat his liver, thought then as the seat of human emotions. In an email exchange during August 2021, Janice Moore, professor emerita of biology at Colorado State University, indicated to Dallas F. Bell Jr.  In general (i.e., always exceptions), aggression in domestic animals is caused by fear about 95% of the time—I expect it is not much different for wild animals—simply because aggressive behavior can be costly, so is usually a high-stakes game.  I suspect that even though the provocation is not obvious to humans, attacking animals have experienced something that disturbed them.

41 Rev. 20:11.

42 Is. 6:1-3.

43 Rev. 4:2-11.

44 II Chron. 7:1-3.

45 William Shakespeare, King Henry VI (Part 1, Act I, Scene I), Knickerbocker Co., New York, p. 1.

46 John 1:4; Rom. 9:4.

47 Rev. 1:8.

48 Gen. 3:5.

49 Aeschylus, translated by David Thoreau, p. 27

50 Shakespeare, p. 1.

51 Ex. 34:14.

52 Lev. 27:30.

53 THE EPIC CYCLE was a series of Greek epic style poems composed of dactylic hexameter between the 8th and 6th B.C. Only fragments of the ten poems survive, one of which describes the Titan war, three the Theban saga, and six the Trojan War.

54 Shakespeare, p. 2.

55 Lev. 27:30.

56 Num. 14:1-2.

57 Shakespeare, p. 2.

58 Aeschylus, translated by David Thoreau, p. 12.

59 Deut. 11:1.

60 Shakespeare, p. 2.

61 Josh. 24:19.

62 Shakespeare, p. 2; Ps. 36:1-2.

63 Judg. 21:25.

64 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, (Prometheus Bound part of the trilogy), p. 25.

65 Shakespeare, p. 2.

66 Ibid, p. 2.

67 Ruth 1:16.

68 Sappho (630 B.C. -570 B.C.) was a homosexual poet from Lesbos. Lesbos and their revolt was mentioned many times by Thucydides, see 3.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.5.1, etc.

69 From Sappho’s Fragment 44, The Marriage of Hektor and Andromakhe. The Marriage of Hektor and Andromakhe was mentioned in the Iliad (c. 8th century B.C.) attributed to Homer.

70 Shakespeare, p. 3.

71 I Sam. 28:3, 15, 16.

72 II Sam. 22:7, 25; Ps. 18.

73 Shakespeare, p. 3.

74 Shakespeare, p. 3.

75 I Kings 18:27-29.

76 II Kings 9:22-23.

77 Shakespeare, p. 3.

78 I Chron. 4:10.

79 Shakespeare, p. 3.

80 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, (Prometheus Unbound part of the trilogy), p. 89 (Act I, 58).

81 II Chron. 21:14-15.

82 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 88 (I, 11).

83 Shakespeare, p. 3.

84 Ezra 9:13.

85 Shakespeare, p. 3.

86 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 88 (I, 6).

87 Shakespeare, p. 3.

88 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 93 (I, 135-136).

89 Neh. 1:5.

90 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 96-97 (I, 118-119, 246).

91 Esther 9:29-30.

92 Shakespeare, p. 3.

93 Ibid.

94 Job 1:7, 10-11.

95 Shakespeare, p. 3.

96 Ps. 23:2, 4, 5.

97 Shakespeare, p. 4.

98 Prov. 1:7, 11-13.

99 Eccl. 1:3, 5, 7.

100 Shakespeare, p. 4.

101 Song of Sol. 1:6-7.

102 Shakespeare, p. 4.

103 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 98 (I, 258).

104 Is. 1:13-14

105 Shakespeare, p. 4.

106 Jere. 1:5-6.

107 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 98 (I, 260).

108 Shakespeare, p. 4.

109 Lam. 1:12-13.

110 Shakespeare, p. 5.

111 Eze. 2:4, 8.

112 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 98 (I, 261); Eze. 3:1-2.

113 Ibid, p. 100 (I, 303).

114 Shakespeare, p. 5.

115 Dan. 5:27.

116 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 104 (I, 387-388).

117 Shakespeare, p. 5.

118 Hos. 13:2-3.

119 Shakespeare, p. 5.

120 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 104 (I, 409).

121 Joel 2:31.

122 Shakespeare, p. 5.

123 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 106 (I, 429-430).

124 Amos 9:10.

125 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 107 (I, 449-450); (Ps. 7:15-16; Prov. 11:27, 23:7).

126 Shakespeare, p. 5.

127 Obad. 2-3.

128 Shakespeare, p. 5.

129 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 108 (I, 464); Obad. 4.

130 Jon. 4:8-9.

131 Shakespeare, p. 6.

132 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 109 (I, 477-478).

133 Shakespeare, p. 6.

134 Mic. 7:13, 17.

135 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 109 (I, 493).

136 Nah.3:1.

137 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 110 (I, 495).

138 Shakespeare, p. 6.

139 Hab. 1:9-10.

140 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 115 (I, 614-615).

141 Shakespeare, p. 6.

142 Ibid.

143 Zeph.1:9-10.

144 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 116 (I, 635).

145 Hag. 2:17.

146 Shakespeare, p. 6.

147 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 116 (I, 636-638).

148 Ibid, p. 116 (I, 639-640).

149 Shakespeare, p. 7.

150 Zech. 1:15, 2:9.

151 Mal. 4:1.

152 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 117 (I, 645).

153 Shakespeare, p. 7.

154 Matt. 4:3, 6, 9.

155 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 124 (I, 819-820).

156 Shakespeare, p. 7.

157 Ibid.

158 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 162 (Act III, Scene III, 30, 32-33).

159 Mark 5:12.

160 Shakespeare, p. 7.

161 Luke 1:27, 32,

162 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 162 (III, III, 40).

163 John 1:1.

164 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 162 (III, III, 41).

165 Shakespeare, p. 7.

166 Is. 45:23; Rom. 14:11; Phil. 2:10-11. The sketch of Prometheus is by the anarchist sculptor, Henri Gaudier-Brzeska, who was killed in World War I. The book, Savage Messiah, by H. S. Ede provides a biographical synopsis of Gaudier-Brzeska’s brief life.

167 Acts 4-5.

168 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 162 (III, III, 34-35).

169 Shakespeare, p. 7.

170 Ibid, p. 8.

171 Rom. 1:18, 20.

172 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 162 (III, III, 38).

173 I Cor. 3:18-19.

174 Shakespeare, p. 8.

175 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 162 (III, III, 39).

176 II Cor. 3:14-17.

177 Shakespeare, p. 8.

178 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 163 (III, III, 45).

179 Gal. 6:7.

180 Shakespeare, p. 8.

181 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 163 (III, III, 47).

182 Eph. 5:5.

183 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 163 (III, III, 62).

184 Shakespeare, p. 8.

185 Ibid.

186 Phil. 4:12.

187 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 163 (III, III, 48).

188 Shakespeare, p. 9.

189 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 163 (III, III, 49).

190 Col. 1:13-14.

191 Shakespeare, p. 9.

192 I Thess. 5:14-15.

193 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 163 (III, III, 61).

194 II Thess. 2:3-4.

195 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 163 (III, III, 60).

196 Shakespeare, p. 9.

197 Shakespeare, p. 10.

198 I Tim. 1:9-10.

199 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 164 (III, III, 77).

200 Ibid, p. 164 (III, III, 76).

201 II Tim. 3:2-4.

202 Shakespeare, p. 11.

203 Ibid.

204 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 164 (III, III, 80).

205 Titus 1:11.

206 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 164 (III, III, 81).

207 Phil. 6-7.

208 Shakespeare, p. 13.

209 Heb. 1:2-3.

210 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 164 (III, III, 82).

211 Shakespeare, p. 14.

212 Ibid.

213 (Aeschylus) Percy Shelley, p. 172 (Act III, Scene IV, 97).

214 Jam. 1:14-15.

215 Shakespeare, p. 14.

216 I Peter 2:1-2.

217 II Peter 1:5-6.

218 Shakespeare, p. 15.

219 Ibid.

220 I John 1:6-10.

221 Aeschylus, translated by David Thoreau, (Prometheus the Fire Bearer part of the trilogy), p. 91. It is believed that the fictional reconciliation of Prometheus with Zeus in their new divine order was made during Prometheus the Fire Bearer. Prometheus agreed to reveal his prophesy for Zeus if he was unbound. The prophesy was that if Thetis bears Zeus’ child, that child would overthrow Zeus. Instead of Zeus, Thetis will wed Peleus and bear their child Achilles.

222 Shakespeare, p. 15.

223 II John 6-7.

224 Shakespeare, p. 15.

225 III John 9-11.

226 Jude 4, 10-11.

227 Shakespeare, p. 16.

228 Ibid.

229 Rev. 12-15.

230 Shakespeare (Act I, Scene II), p. 17.

231 Matt. 17:5 (3:17 etc.).

232 Rev. 1:14-16.

233 Shakespeare, p. 17.

234 Matt. 7:23, 25:30.

235 Is. 6:1-3.

236 Rev. 4:2-11.

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