Systematic Political Science


A Shindan of Humans as FSM with Wave Equations: Ex Ante Ladder Logic of Meaning and Purpose (Drosophila Melanogaster Modeling)

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

Straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few people find it.1

Technological machines2 are a material extension of the abilities of the human machine, e.g. robotic-assisted surgery etc.3 A shindan4 or an examination of human behavioral algorithms may then logically begin with a finite-state machine, FSM. A FSM is a computational model with one of a finite possibility of states at any given time. It can change from one state to another in response to external inputs called transitions. For example, combination locks require the input of the correct number combination in the exact order.

Generally, a wave is a series of successive undulating or rising and falling curves or waves. An infinite series would describe the operation of adding infinitely many qualities to the given starting quantity denoted by a sigma summation sign, ∑ (see endnote 7). A finite state could be modeled as a wave below.

A pulse travels through a string-like length with X = 0 at the beginning and X = L at its length. From these basics 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D equations can be formulated.5

Rational language is complex and evolves in the expression of objects (nouns) and action (verbs), and their modifiers. Once this end is reached there is no more possible language for connectedness. Language is much like a finite set, as with numbers that have reached the end of describing values, and may be said to have real finite boundaries. For utilitarian reasons, the set is finite though technically numbers could always have another number added into infinity.

In a recent notice for the physics of artificial intelligence, DARPA sought proposals that were expected to address evolving changes in current language to insert the laws of physics and scientific knowledge.6 This ex ante or forecasting of data entropy7 could never anticipate the change from any data collection point prior to its inputting.8 Converting all input into ancient original Hebrew, which still uses creation names today, would provide less disorder since its entrenched system of tradition is subjected to less change than other languages. Richard Lederer, linguist, points out how it took 29 years to update the Oxford Dictionary just after it took almost 75 years to complete in the first place.9

Distancing is a concept credited to the work of developmental psychologists Heinz Werner and Bernard Kaplan. It describes the process by which psychologists may attempt to assist a person in establishing their own individuality through understanding their separateness from things around them. This understanding of one's identity is considered to be an essential phase in understanding symbols, which in turn forms the foundation for more complete cognition and language potential.

In analytical philosophy, the theory of reference seeks to explain how people refer to things using language communication. Ruth Barcan Marcus was a philosopher of logic who is credited with having restored the modal concepts of necessity and possibility to the quantified logic that analyzes truths in terms of set membership. Her ideas regarding reference were developed by Saul Kripke. His book on naming and necessity redirected philosophical attention to previously neglected questions of natural and metaphysical necessity and to the connections between these and theories of reference, in particular of naming and of identity. He argued that proper names, unlike descriptions, were rigid designators that referred directly to the same object in every possible world.10

Human linguistic FSM models and wave equations, or snapshots with a trajectory, can be applied to the basic communication of the basic intellectual need for motivation—meaning. From meaning of life is purpose. Aramaic chăshab (חֲשַׁב to regard, to weave) means to forecast, to mean, to purpose. To purpose is to intend,11 which requires an “Intender.” This, by necessity, requires a pre-existent Intender (Creator) to human intellect which must be the Owner or Lord of humans--Adonai. Thaddeus Metz, professor of philosophy at the University of Johannesburg, would not define meaning he considers to be narrow. He would suggest that without an Intender humans could find their own meaning for life.12 Of course, their meaning would not have any eternal transcendent authority or reality required for validity beyond man’s corrupt self-will (the fallacy of quantum cognition will be briefly addressed latter).

Even the materialist atheist, Friedrich Nietzsche, inadvertently acknowledged life has a correct state which requires purpose, meaning, and so a Causer which is the Intender when he said that “without music, life would be a mistake.” Regarding the meaning of music, Johann Sebastian Bach said it best, “Music’s only purpose should be the glory of God and the recreation of the human spirit”—soli Deo gloria (to the glory of God alone).13

What is meant is what is intended. Meaning and purpose would reasonably be communicated as having the same definition. The Hebrew word maan (מַ֫עַן) means purpose and intent. Various Bible translations interpose the translations as seen below.

The passage in the KJV of Daniel 2:30 “As for me, this mystery has been revealed to me, not ...”

GOD'S WORD® Translation “... revealed so that you could be told the meaning and so …”

New American Standard Bible “... in any other living man, but for the purpose of making…”

JPS Tanakh 1917 “... more than any living, but to the intent that the ...”

The logic symbols := and ≡ mean x is defined as another name for y, but ≡ can also mean other things such as congruence. The symbol of means material equivalence and : means logical equivalence such that x is deemed logically equivalent to y. In propositional logic or Boolean algebra, logical equivalence is a type of relationship between two statements or sentences. The relation may be verbally translated into if and only if. Computer languages, C, Java, and Python etc., use symbols that are operators to tell the compiler to perform a relational operation, such as mathematical equivalence. These symbols may be found to be functional when comparing word usage.

Roget’s Thesaurus lists the English entries of meaning, purpose, and intent as synonyms.14 Other languages commonly conflate these meanings. For example, Persian for meaning, purpose, and intent is منظور. The Russian noun for meaning is значение, for purpose is намерение, for intention is намерение. Russian verbs for mean, purpose, and intend is намереваться. German for meaning is bedeutung, purpose is zweck, and intention is absicht and for Chinese , (yì; idea, meaning, thought, to think, wish, desire, intention, to expect, to anticipate) and , (yòng yì; intention, purpose) etc.15 The Chinese term that accounts for the metaphysical realm of mortals is (tiān xià; land under heaven, the whole world, the whole of China, realm, rule).

Chinese philosopher and researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Zhao Tingyang wrote a 2005 book titled “The Tianxia System: An Introduction to the Philosophy of a World Institution” and later wrote a possible world of all under the heaven system.16 He attempted to shift patterns of political talk, he called political grammars, such as the term nations to the term tianxia created in the Zhou dynasty.17 He believes there is no hope of an inclusive system needed for a world order from a Western Westphalian (Christianized) system of nations that do not see the world as a whole (under heaven) for a centralized world order. The Zhou dynasty was only half the size of today’s China and its tianxia concept began failing before 300 years of its 800 year reign, like any other prominent historical society, Rome, Greece, the U.S. etc.

Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” discusses the all-under-heaven concept in section 03:09.18. John Milton also addresses the subject of all things under heaven in his “Paradise Lost.”19 The Bible indicates Satan is called the prince of the air20 and prince of this world.21 He was cast out of heaven22 from his lofty position among angels due to his pride.23 He surely did not like the part of Adonai’s purpose and intent for mankind to ultimately judge the superior angels.24 Of course, he would not have liked Jeshua who was theanthropos25 (both God and man) and would bruise his heel.26

Tianzhu (天主, Tiān Zhǔ), meaning "Heavenly Master" or "Lord of Heaven," was the Chinese word used by the Jesuit China missions to designate God.27 (Tiān zhú) also meant the Indian subcontinent (esp. in Tang or Buddhist context). Watchman Nee, or Ni Tuosheng (Chinese: 倪柝声; pinyin: Ní Tuòshēng; b. November 4, 1903 in a Methodist home– d. May 30, 1972 in a Chinese prison held there since 1952), was a Chinese church leader and Christian teacher who worked in China. In 1922, he initiated church meetings in Fuzhou that may be considered the beginning of the local churches. During his thirty years of ministry, Nee published many books expounding on the Bible. In his booklet “Tell Him,” he used Zhǔ to mean the Christian Lord.28

Rahab (Hebrew proud, [to make] wide) said the Lord God is in heaven above and in the earth beneath.29 Psalms says, “Be Thou exalted O God above the heavens, let Thy glory be above all the earth.”30 Ephesians records Jesus as ascending above the heavens.31 The day of Jesus, Son of man, will be as lightening from one part under heaven that shines to the other part under heaven.32 Every purpose under heaven was addressed by Solomon33 and in Acts.34

In Judeo-Christian beliefs, the meaning and purpose of life is obviously more important than the material basics of eating, drinking, and clothes (Matt. 6:25; Luke 12:22-31), and more valuable than physical wholeness and health. The Bible says, “God made us, and not we ourselves” (Ps. 100:3; Rev. 4:11). He has a purpose for everything he creates, including human (Is. 45:18). We were created with a spiritual need, which includes the desire to find meaning in life. Meaning of life is restored through Jesus Christ’s real meaning in life, both now and in eternity, is found in the restoration of the relationship with God that was lost with Adam and Eve's fall into sin. That relationship with God (Elohim) is only possible through His Son, Jesus Christ (John 1:12, 14:6; Acts 4:12) named Yeshua (Hebrew for salvation) or Joshua in English. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son (Yeshua), that whoever believes in Him (Yeshua) should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). Yeshua is The Living Word.35

Unfortunately, correct terms morph into false meanings. For example, there is a Jewish term tikkun olam invented to mean “repair the world.”36 It is found nowhere in the Torah. Yet it has been used by former U.S. presidents William Clinton and Barak Obama to defend anti-scriptural behaviors. Tikkun olam is not an overarching doctrine of mitzvah commandments. Jonathan Neumann wrote about this subject in his recent book whose title explains its contents “To Heal the World?: How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel.” The tribulations of Job refutes man’s abilities to repair the world. Instead, derived from a Talmud (Deut. 22:26) passage there is a principle, הבא להורגך השכם להורגו (If someone is coming to kill you, hurry to kill him).

Lot did not nor could not repair the world of Sodom. He was vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked. That righteous man dwelling among the sodomites vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds.37 Paul38 said “evil communications corrupts good manners.39 Only the prophesied Yeshua, Jesus,40 who was from pre-creation could repair the world by redeeming mankind’s trespasses against Adonai.41

Quantum cognition is an emerging field that wrongly supposes consciousness creates reality. The consciousness or self-awareness of finite intellects are a reality42 and thus not able to create apart from the bounds of that reality, i.e. FSM inputted abilities and options. For materialists that support the idea, consciousness must only come from neurons which are material that is subject to entropy and any creations must then be considered to be fatally flawed and unworthy of serious analysis when compared to infinite standards and potential.

The quantum choices of finite intellects may be materialistically examined by the bound of physics. If a person X makes a choice during circumstance A it is affected by that person’s or X’s knowledge of known knowns43, *, that rationally applies to that choice and what is unknown unknown, [ ], that also effects that choice. For example, the choice by X to major in mathematics in college may be affected by not knowing that X’s brain is best wired for efficiency in this area of study, which has made it easier and therefore more pleasing than other fields for X. If there was an alternative circumstance, Aa, where X made the same decision with a [ ] that was not applicable, the decision would have been unaffected. For example, the choice to major in mathematics by X was made when a person, Ym, 10,000 miles away, wore blue argyle socks to class. The choice by X would not have been reasonably affected. The choice by X, during A and Aa, can be viewed at a point in the future which will not affect a future choice with circumstance B. For example, the argyle socks of the young man, Ym, attracted the attention of a fellow female student, Yf, and a romantic relationship developed and soon marriage. The wife or Yf read of X’s mathematics’ papers and encouraged her husband, Ym, to contact X for collaboration on another paper. That future choice, during circumstance B, was affected by the wearing of argyle socks in the past but the choice by X from circumstance A in the past was not affected by Aa. The material analysis of A, Aa, and B would be bounded by the speed of light. That “light space”44 would begin with the possible connection of circumstance A and Aa in the past extending toward a point by an observer and the center point of a conical view of the future choice with circumstance B and a possible Bb circumstance(s) etc. that are connected especially by [ ].

Being bounded by light prevents material creation of material reality beyond the light space that is sequential from past, present, and future where there can be no backward causation from the future. It is argued that if two particles are connected in space at some point, measuring a property of one of them instantly sets the value for the other, no matter where in the Universe it has been. The past, present, and future are nonmaterial observations by finite intellects and their sequencing are independent and not in reality connected. It is as linear as projected light, which is measured by speed--meaning it moves completely from a point of origin to another point. Just as number along a line, such as 1, 2, 3, 4…, are not affected by a number further along the line, such as 13 etc. The connectivity of everything, time and numbers etc., only actually exists in the uniqueness of the infinite immutable intellect of omniscient Adonai and is used to create with His omnipotence.

The stupidity and evil of mankind was anticipated from the beginning. Technology companies are inducing unnatural human socialization to overwhelm first-world societal brain chemistry, which is leading to depletion of individual brain chemistry and the widespread need for anxiety medication. Even the perfect Jesus had to get away and be alone to recover from becoming neurologically overly stimulated.45

Intelligent youth in the U.S.46 have been inundated with atheistic beliefs and decreasing critical analysis skills in government schools for decades. As a result, they see no need to create families, do not accept Adonai’s authority, are negative toward an economic future, and think authoritarian government leaders are gods.47 They are known to communicate largely through technology and avoid face-to-face human contact, except for sexual encounters initiated by introductions through technology. They develop their materialistic goals and strategies to obtain those goals based on video game scenarios. For fleeting pleasure from release of rewarding brain chemicals (endorphins etc.), they navigate the levels of video games for self-esteem in order to reach the highest level to achieve self-actualization. They are easily susceptible to manipulation by small man-made environments by people that would politically (especially noted by demographic researchers to have occurred in the 2016 presidential election) or religiously enslave them. As China becomes more affluent, its highly intelligent youth, too, will be at great risk for rapid widespread manipulation. These youth are highly unlikely to be converted to the just authority of Adonai by traditional means of face-to-face encounters inside or outside of church settings. They could respond, however, to video game logic with lots of pictures that encapsulate biblical doctrine.48

When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”49 Ladder logic can model the ignorant (A) and the intentionally disagreeable (B) relation with truth with the NOR function below.

The following is the resulting binary truth table where 0 is unactuated and 1 is actuated.


















That rung I may be followed by rung II, the Intender’s meaning (A) and purpose (B) blocking truth caused by the original sin mentioned earlier. This would mean that Jesus’ sinless life would be AND gates (below) never closed by rejection of meaning (A) and purpose (B) as Adam and Eve’s original AND gates transformed for all humanity into NOR gates.50


















The result of the closed first 2 rungs is the NOR gate forming rung III, unrighteousness (A)51 and hate (B)52 preventing a righteous relationship with God.53 For example, the results of Saul’s life of rejecting his designed meaning, purpose, and intent can begin with him not killing who Adonai said to kill.54 The Lord God left him.55 Then, he sought to threaten Samuel56 and murder the innocent David.57 He did murder Adonai’s priests.58 Sadly, he finally ended his own life.59

The designed capabilities of something indicates its intended purpose and meaning. Today, there are efforts, such as with Adam Haar Horowitz at M.I.T.’s Fluid Interfaces Group, to hack consciousness to find the relationship of an individual’s meaning/purpose of life in pursuing wonder. The options for human consciousness have been narrowed to either knowable chemical delusion, knowable material reality, and knowable or not knowable non-material reality. The submission to these realities was discussed by Solomon as is condensed in the poem below by Dallas F. Bell Jr.


Geonim61 in their liberal prime

Sleep restful this twilight. Scholars inside vestures

Imagine in neuron galaxies swirling around,

And the lecturer sits on a fulcrum, polished

By the musical blackboard;

On which the innocent chalk

Of students splash symbols, and for which

Timid colleagues, secure in tenured seats, weep

Harmony. They thought there was no chaos here

And no intersection of souls.

Yet the unequal parables lurk

There, wrapped in nakedness, and for which

Tanniym62 tearfully transform. Looking away

From torn muscles, they think and think

On elocution and ethics,

But nullify verity, as expected,

Failing to prevent, the power softened by gestures,

Senses smoothed from the eye’s turbulent excess.

Palms shriek outside, and stumble

At the panicked wind.

Transcendently, above the hevel63

Beyond classrooms and software, academic purveyors

Gasp and stop writing to observe the present

Cunning creation, applauding stars

And journals’ wasted reveries,

Dampening the Preacher’s hope

That recognized the desperation of purpose, enticers

Of gifted into rivalry, slough on crypts,

By think tanks sitting in vigor’s

Dispelled myth.

First created by the Swedish artist Oscar Reutersvärd and later popularized as Roger Penrose’s triangle or an impossible triangle is a popular example of how the brain can be fooled, such as demonstrated earlier with finite consciousness wrongly believing it can create material reality (also see the fallacy of the belief in a material infinite circle of life in endnote 7). An optical illusion depicting an impossible solid object made of three straight beams of square cross section which meet pairwise at right angles at the vertices of the triangle they form. The tribox, or Penrose rectangle/square, is an impossible figure that is the generalization of the Penrose triangle from a triangle to a square.

Drosophila melanogaster, a species of fly in the family Drosophilidae, known generally as the common fruit fly or vinegar fly. Ziv Bar-Joseph, professor of machine learning at Carnegie Mellon University, found in 2011 that they have cells that communicate with other cells in their nervous system without advanced knowledge to organize all nerve cells. They act as wireless sensor networks to cause preferred behavior in response to stimuli.64

In the abdomens of male drosophila are brain cells which produce a pleasure protein called neuropeptide corazonin, which triggers the release of sperm and seminal fluid. The same parts of the human brain that are involved in positive reinforcement of behavior are also involved in the sensation of pleasure. See the following alternative to Adonai’s meaning and purpose cited in the Harvard Mental Health Letter published July, 2011.

How addiction hijacks the brain

Desire initiates the process, but learning sustains it.

The word "addiction" is derived from a Latin term for "enslaved by" or "bound to." Anyone who has struggled to overcome an addiction — or has tried to help someone else to do so — understands why. Addiction exerts a long and powerful influence on the brain that manifests in three distinct ways: craving for the object of addiction, loss of control over its use, and continuing involvement with it despite adverse consequences. While overcoming addiction is possible, the process is often long, slow, and complicated. It took years for researchers and policymakers to arrive at this understanding.

Pleasure principle. The brain registers all pleasures in the same way, whether they originate with a psychoactive drug, a monetary reward, a sexual encounter, or a satisfying meal. In the brain, pleasure has a distinct signature: the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the nucleus accumbens, a cluster of nerve cells lying underneath the cerebral cortex. Dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens is so consistently tied with pleasure that neuroscientists refer to the region as the brain's pleasure center. Dopamine not only contributes to the experience of pleasure, but also plays a role in learning and memory — two key elements in the transition from liking something to becoming addicted to it. According to the current theory about addiction, dopamine interacts with another neurotransmitter, glutamate, to take over the brain's system of reward-related learning. This system has an important role in sustaining life because it links activities needed for human survival (such as eating and sex) with pleasure and reward. The reward circuit in the brain includes areas involved with motivation and memory as well as with pleasure. Addictive substances and behaviors stimulate the same circuit — and then overload it.

Repeated exposure to an addictive substance or behavior causes nerve cells in the nucleus accumbens and the prefrontal cortex (the area of the brain involved in planning and executing tasks) to communicate in a way that couples liking something with wanting it, in turn driving us to go after it. That is, this process motivates us to take action to seek out the source of pleasure.”

There is a point when rational human intellects, that have derived their superficial meaning for life from material pleasure, is overwhelmed by biological routines, e.g. sleep, eat, hygiene maintenance, etc. Then, a substantial non-material meaning that provides purpose to navigate life must be engaged.

Many studies indicate humans are less happy with endless choices. Barry Schwartz, professor of psychology at Swarthmore College, said people become overwhelmed with given too many options. College students write better essays when given fewer subjects to choose from. Children play more with fewer toys than with many toys, a University of Toledo in Ohio study shows.65

The meaning of life is not even as complicated as Edward Elgar’s music composition often called the “Enigma Variations.”66 In Jesus’ parable of Adonai’s kingdom of heaven, Yeshua said it is like the king that planned a marriage ceremony for his son. Respecting their freewill, the servants were not ordered, but all were invited on behalf of their best self-interest. But they refused the king’s graceful extension of his authority. The king was justly angry and demanded the insolent servants be cast into darkness.67 The world will soon be astonished at Yeshua’s reality.68 He is both God69 and man,70 servant71 and king,72 sacrifice73 and priest,74 lion75 and lamb,76 a man of peace77 sent as a sword78 and rock of offense.79

Denial of the obvious reality of Adonai is not uncommon. Enrico Fermi’s paradox has been used to describe the atheist contradiction between their false hope of life being elsewhere in the universe and the apparent lack of evidence. The belief is self-referential (unscientifically they hope) and contradictory (no evidence for their hope) which leads to the pseudo description of paradox. After scientific disproval of evolution processes, Stephen Hawking and others became proponents of alien life in the universe due to its necessity to explain life on earth apart from the actual creator Adonai. Immediately following Hawking’s death in 2018, Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute released a study based on Frank Drake’s 1961 equation that said they found there was substantial ex ante probability that there is no other (intelligent) life in the knowable universe. Despite scientific evidence to the contrary, evolutionists and alien believers are not deterred from their false hopes.

In conclusion, the logic ladders analyzed earlier are the basic determining gates for human behavior. Until the gates are changed there will be no human access to the real Adonai’s (Lord God) meaning and purpose. Ex ante boundaries and thus probabilities for human behavior can be accurately predicted and modeled as FSM and wave equations.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.80

1 The words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 7:13-14. The 2018 oil painting above by Dallas F. Bell Jr. is titled “The Trail of Tears to Damascus” in his techno-folk style (see endnote 59 at

2 The third, and sometimes considered to be the final stage of technological evolution, is the automation, which is a machine that seeks to limit human control via an automatic algorithm as seen with digital watches and computer programs etc.

3 See the paper(s) by Timothy LeRoy et al., former head medical resident at the Mayo Clinic, (2010) Robotic-assisted laparoscopic reconstruction of the upper urinary tract: Tips and tricks. Urology, 76(2), 488-493. DOI: 10.1016/j.urology.2009.10.036

4 Japanese for diagnosis, examination, and sometimes fortune-telling.

5 This develops second-order partial differential equations. See

6 Dallas F. Bell Jr. thanks James Gimlett and his DARPA staff for an email exchange on this subject in July, 2018.

7 The known universe is observed to be large and expanding, but not infinite. Therefore, the number of atoms in it is considered to be finite. Due to the fact that matter and energy are interchangeable, the number of atoms at any moment varies. If it is assumed that the mass of ordinary matter is about 1.45 × 10 53 kg and it is assumed that all atoms are hydrogen atoms (which in reality make up about 74% of all atoms in our galaxy by mass calculating the estimated total number of atoms in the observable universe is straightforward), the number of atoms in the observable universe is around 10 to the 80th power (10 80). That would be around ten quadrillion vigintillion and one-hundred thousand quadrillion vigintillion atoms. The number of atoms is calculated to be decreasing at a relatively modest rate. In the cores of stars, hydrogen gets fused into helium and other thermonuclear processes occur. In the hydrogen fusion process, 4 protons (4 hydrogen nuclei) are transformed into a single helium nucleus, which would decrease the number of atoms.

Of course, this exposes the lack of understanding of believers in the possibility of an infinite material circle of life. The circumference of a circle can be seen as finite because it is measurable. The ratio is the radius times π. ∑ is for sums or series that are knowable infinite or finite. In hyperbolic geometry, a horocycle (Greek: ὅριον + κύκλος — border + circle, sometimes called an oricycle, oricircle, or limit circle) is a curve whose normal or perpendicular geodesics all converge asymptotically in the same direction. It is the two-dimensional example of a horosphere (or orisphere). The center of a horocycle is the ideal point where all normal geodesics asymptotically converge. Two horocycles who have the same centre are concentric. While it looks like two concentric horocycles cannot have the same length or curvature, in fact any two horocycles are congruent. A horocycle can also be described as the limit of the circles that share a tangent in a given point, as their radii go towards infinity. In Euclidean geometry, such a circle of infinite radius would be a straight line. However, in hyperbolic geometry it is a horocycle (a curve). From the convex side, the horocycle is approximated by hypercycles whose distances from their axis go towards infinity.

8 Forecast efficiency formula

E = 1 - √1 – r squared

9 Dallas F. Bell Jr. exchanged email on this subject with Lederer in July, 2018.

10 See The New Theory of Reference: Kripke, Marcus, and Its Origins (Synthese Library) 1998th Edition by P. Humphreys (Editor), J.H. Fetzer (Editor).

11 Hebrew machashebeth means intention, purpose, plan. Each verse of Scripture is correct, even if it seems to contradict one another. The term for this concept of pluralistic interpretation is Shiv ′ im panim la- Torah (each verse of Torah has 70 different faces/facets).

12 Metz suggest reading Joshua Seachris’ “Exploring the Meaning of Life” as well as his own works on the subject. His ideas were exchanged in email with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in July, 2018.

13 II Chron. 5:12-14.

14 Entry 620 of the 1992 edition by PSI and Associates, Miami, Florida.

In the last days, the nation-state name for the Leopard is Germany, the Bear is Russia, the Lion is England, and the Dragon is China (Rev. 13:2).

15 Wade–Giles is a system of Romanized spelling for transliterating Chinese, devised by Sir Thomas Francis Wade and Herbert Allen Giles. It has been largely superseded by Pinyin. Pinyin, short for Hanyu Pinyin (means 'phonetic symbols'), is the Romanization of the Chinese characters based on their pronunciation. In Mandarin Chinese, the phrase “Pin Yin” literally translates into “spell sound.”

16 In 2012, Zhao wrote “First Philosophy: From Cogito to Facio,” meaning “From I Think to I Do” or I make.

17 The Zhou dynastic color was red, the accepted symbolic color of communism. Mao Zedong perpetuated the philosophy that “the East is red” (dōngfāng hóng, 东方红 literally means oriental red). The Ming Dynasty symbol of divine and omnipotent rule was the red dragon. The red dragon is a symbol for the anti-Christ (Rev. 12:3, 9). The rider of the red horse in the end times will take peace from the earth and make people murder each other (Rev. 6:4). The flag of Wales (Welsh) is a red dragon (CYMRU), possibly derived from a small King Arthur flag.

18 The editor of the Sonshi website and Art of War’s proper translation explained this in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in July, 2018.

19 Eve talks to Adam in Book XII, p. 287, 2017 Ed., Arcturus Publishing Limited, London.

20 Eph. 2:2.

21 John 12:31.

22 Luke 10:18.

23 Is. 14:12-15; Jude 6.

24 I Cor. 6:3; Luke 9:1.

25 Luke 9:1.

26 Gen. 3:15.

27 Eberhard, W. (1996). A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols. Eugen Diederichs Verlag, Cologne. p. 141.

28 The publisher of Ni’s “Tell Him,” Esther Chan explained in an email with Dallas F. Bell Jr. that its original text was in Chinese and its translation to English.

29 Josh. 2:11.

30 Ps. 57:11.

31 Eph. 4:10.

32 Luke 17:24.

33 Eccl. 3:1.

34 Acts 2:5.

35 John 1:14-18.

36 Chen Raviv, co-founder of Change-a-World, explained the term to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange in July, 2018.

37 II Peter 2:7-8.

38Paul was given the Hebrew name Sha'ul (Acts 13:9; literally means asked for or prayed for) by his Jewish parentage.

39 I Cor. 15:33.

40 Is. 7:14, 9:6; John 1.

41 Ps. 2:7; John 8:58; Col. 1:15-19.


43 Logic symbols for known and unknown are ? = known unknown, * = known known, ! = unknown known, and [ ] = unknown unknown.

44Light space” is a field of projected light beams considered for its limiting characteristics to less than infinity, for a specific operation of analysis, such as in this case with a circumstance during which a choice was made. Light has a specific measurable speed, which is the universe speed limit, and so it photons are considered to have a rest mass or invariant mass of zero. Light’s wave and particle duality are subject to being bent by gravity which effects mass. Light is sensed by intellects in its expression of sequential or linear energy movement that temporarily occupies a space and is not like a fluid or liquid, except poetically (see Ted Underwood’s 2005 “Light as a Fluid Agency” in The Work of the Sun. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. pp. 15-31 at Fluids and liquids, H2O etc., are not energy and have a rest mass giving them potential energy and force expression when light does not. Elohim made light space in the universe on the first day 24 hour of His creation (Gen. 1:1-5). If the 24 hour day described in the past was metaphorical, then the description of heaven in the future for believers would also likely be metaphorical.

45 Matt. 14:23; Mark 6:46; Luke 5:15-16.

46 Millennials are said to be collaborative and teamwork oriented where inclusion is a priority. Generation Z, on the other hand, is said to be defined by its competitiveness. According to Pew Charitable Trusts, during the Great Recession, the median net worth of Gen Z's parents fell by nearly 45 percent. To put this into perspective, the U.S. generation that came of age from 1955 to 1975 was the first to consider that they knew more than their parents and more than their children. They did not resist the loss of prayer in schools, loss of freedom and private property (people were forced to provide goods and services to people they did not want to on their private property), the taking from earners to give to non-earners in welfare policies, the intentional murder of unborn children, the socialization of school sports (successful men’s sports were abolished because there was not a female equivalent which had no support), the use of quotas for jobs and education based on skin color and not merit, the promotion of sexual perversion, loss of a war with over 50,000 causalities leaving over 700 prisoners of war at the hands of their torturing murderers, etc. They chose to run their children from home at the age of 18 but wanted to be taken care of by their children and government at age 65 until their death at around 90 after bragging about leaving their children no inheritance due to spending it on frivolous activities (biblical law of primogeniture references include Nu. 27:7-11; Deut. 21:17; Prov. 13:22).

47 Respect for people is not good because for a piece of bread those people will trespass (Prov. 28:21).

48 The video META game (Manifold Equation of Theological Asymmetry) should be modeled after Elohim’s creation, but of course with less possible interpolation of input. The scenario levels should have the following ascending parameters of circumstances: (1) survival, (2) economic security, (3) love and affection, (4) status and self-esteem, and (5) self-actuation with a master level (6) future, and a grand master level (7) glory. Those circumstances should mutually stimulate the rational intellects of players to contemplate and make choices outlined in the following papers correlating to the levels of circumstances: (1) “Antisymmetrical Tensors or Bivectors of Agathology and Ponerology in Vermittlungstheologie: Memetic Warfare” at, (2) “Projecting the Human Paradigm onto Robot AI: A Proof of Philosophiæ Naturalis at and “Philosophiæ Naturalis Homo Religiosus: A Recursive Model of Systematic Apologetics” at, (3) “The Twenty-Five Theses for Philos Sophos: A Partial Differential Equation from Mathematical Ethics' Operators of Zhēn Xiàng for Interpolating Computerized Behavioral Flux in Economics” at and “Using the Diophantine Equation to Show the Conformation Space of Sehnsucht on the Human Behavioral Algorithm” at, (4) “Endotheistic Constants and Ectogenous Mathematical Biology: The Science of the Human Decision-Making Tree Algorithm” at, and (5) “A Shindan of Humans as FSM with Wave Equations: Ex Ante Ladder Logic of Meaning and Purpose (Drosophila Melanogaster Modeling),” with (6) “Counterfactual Analysis and Λόγος: The Synoptic Parameters of Human Reasoning and Discernment from Cognitive Bonding in Complex Systems” at, “A Predictive Analytics Algorithm (Red Team) of Analytics’ Predictors (Blue Team): World Forensic Social Science Supercolliders” at, and “The Trigonometric Function(s) of the Khalal /Zman Algorithm: Theological Forensic Psychology of the Contiguous Relationship of Eras” at and (7) “Glorifying Elohim with Dispositive and Probative Facts for Subsequent Motions.”

49 Taken from Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass (Raleigh, NC: Hayes Barton Press, 1872, p.72).

See F. R. Palmer, Semantics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed., 1981, p. 8). Carroll was the penname of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson a mathematician, logician, and Anglican deacon.

50 Gal. 4:4; II Cor. 5:21.

51 I John 3:7-10.

52 I John 3:13-17.

53 I John 3:24.

54 I Sam 15:3-9. In 2018, Pope Francis said he did not support righteous capital punishment clearly supported by Scripture. A Vatican diplomat verified that Francis was hiding the evidence of worldwide widespread serial child rapists under his authority (Matt. 18:6).

55 I Sam. 16:14.

56 I Sam 16:2.

57 I Sam. 19:1-24.

58 I Sam. 22:17-18.

59 I Sam. 31:1-6.

60 Heb. assembler, preacher, from Ecclesiastes by Solomon.

61 Heb. geniuses.

62 Heb. crocodiles.

63 Heb. vain, futile.

64 Yehuda Afek of Tel Aviv University, Naama Barkai, Eran Hornstein, and Omer Barad of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, contributed to this research to design a computing algorithm.

65 Dauch, C. et al. (2018). “The influence of the number of toys in the environment on toddler’s play.” Infant Behavior and Development.

Kumar, A. et al. (2014). “Waiting for merlot: Anticipatory consumption of experimental and material purchases.” Psychological Science.

66 Elgar wrote the Variations (Op 36) in 1898-99 consisting of 14 variations.

67 Matt. 22:1-14.

68 Is. 52:13-15.

69 Is. 45:15.

70 Is. 9:6.

71 Is. 42:1; Matt. 12:17.

72 Zech. 9:9; John 12:13.

73 Heb. 9:26.

74 Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:6.

75 Rev. 5:5.

76 John 1:36; Rev. 13:8.

77 Luke 10:6.

78 Matt. 10:34-35.

79 Is. 28:16; Rom. 9:33.

80 The words of Solomon recorded in Prov. 3:5-6.

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