Systematic Political Science


Modeling Spacetime and Knowledge as Quantized Vortices in Infinite Condensates of Turbulent Superfluids: dS system + dS surroundings ≥ 0

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

In astrophysics, celestial references systems are used with sidereal time1 to create universal time. Combining the dimensions of space and time into a single continuum is called a spacetime mathematical model. Energy (E) was expended and space began (Gen. 1:1, Hebrew, bara’ to create [from nothing]) with the existence of things in our universe. With that existence was the relationships between those things. That relationship creates distance. Distance has a relationship with movement. That relationship is speed. The maximum speed in the universe is that of light.2 Its mass (m)3 began (Gen. 1:3-5) in a vacuum with a speed of 186,281 miles per second (a mile each 1/186,281 of a second or 299,792,458 meters per second) or c. Now we have universal measured distance. The speed that light travels in 1 billionth of a second is a nanosecond, .000,000,001. There are 29.9792458 centimeters in one nanosecond.

The electromagnetic speed of light can be compared to the velocity of electrochemical impulses in neural pathways. Generally, nerve impulses are slower that the speed of electricity through a conductor, which is around 50-99% the speed of light. Some myelinated neurons conduct speeds up to 120 meters per second (432 kilometers per hour or 275 miles per hour). The average signal to the brain is 3,560 meters per second or 115,197 feet per second. Velocities may be affected by age, sex, and health, etc. This allows the brain an instant to prepare input reflected light prior to input from contact, e.g. an apple may be seen before the hand touches it.4

The light spectrum of visible light travels at the same speed in a vacuum for all colors. When light travels through something, such as water, the red end of the spectrum travels faster than violet at the other end of the spectrum.5 That difference in speed causes a change in direction called refraction or c/n, where n is the material’s refractive index.6 Light7 represents the maximum set of epistemological understanding (science, philosophy, and theology) of infinity by finite humans.

A superfluid is a state of matter that behaves like a fluid with zero viscosity. In 1999, Lene Hau reduced the speed of light in a superfluid like medium of condensed gas of sodium. The speed slowed to 17 meters per second (61 kilometers per hour). That did not change the absolute value of c.

Superfluids, such as ultra-cold liquid helium4 (He4),8 are formed when the particles lose their individual character and act like one large particle or condensate. They do not rotate like water swirled in a bucket. Stirred superfluids produce an array of vortices. A glass of water placed on a rotating table will cause the water to eventually rotate with the speed of the glass. That uniform rotation is due to flow velocity at the edges being larger than in the center. Superfluid rotation is inhomogeneous. It circulates around quantized vortex lines. Vortex lines are created with circulating flow around them due to the velocity near each line being larger than further away.9

A quantized vortex is a topological defect. It arises from an order parameter in Bose-Einstein condensation where frictionless flows with quantized circulation around each vortex core. The superfluid turbulent state has tangles of quantized vortices in thermal counter-flow consistent with the energy spectrum of Kolmogorov’s Law. Vortices developed from surface excitations enter a bulk condensate and then a vortex lattice. In addition to being quantized, a quantized vortex is different to the vortex in a viscous liquid by not decaying due to viscous diffusion.

Recently researchers at Finland’s Aalto University and Moscow’s P.L. Kapitza Institute discovered half-quantum vortices in superfluid helium. That vortex was a topological defect which carried a fixed amount of circulating current. Macroscopic coherence in these quantum systems provides possibilities and limitations. Understanding this realm could produce progress toward information processing and quantum computing.

The U.S. satellite Gravity Probe B is recently thought to have given data that indicates Einstein spacetime warp and pulling by earth movement. That has been interpreted as signifying the viscous behavior of a liquid.

If infinite eternity is viewed as a condensate it could be modeled to contain the set of liquid time as a quantized vortex in a turbulent superfluid. A day with the infinite Creator is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day (Ps. 90:4; II Peter 3:8). We know that the vortex will decay and so there must be a point where there is no more time or chronos10 (Rev. 10:6).

As people age there is a natural tendency to become more cerebral and less physical leading to the perception of time speeding up. The consciousness of time periods seems to slow when engaged physically and seems to speed up when thinking. That physical attachment to movement in the environment becomes less important in the non-physical environment of intellect. Consider the modern style poem below.

Weeding and Writing in June, 2017
That June day was warm with faith.
The season to weed assumed,
For my wife’s floribunda.
A funeral cutting spared,
Rooted, near ready to bloom.
Primed for cross-breeding in fall
--the clock minced during labor.
Province pulled me from weeding,
To words typed on my laptop.
The thesis mass was weighty,
Condensates of helium,
Ultra-cool superfluids,
With quantized vortices
--lattice, counter-flows, tangles.
The sun went down with cliché,
Of writing time having wings.
Such linear measurement,
I thought, is only spatial,
Where objects act and react.
Soul’s decree eternity
--I resolved, free from those bounds.

Time event perception of finite human intellects lag behind actual time. Human intellects are wired for eternity. This is witnessed by the often repeated observation of “how fast time flies.” It is natural to speculate on what the nature of time is. Actual time is a truth and thus truth also has a lag time in finite intellects.

Jeffery Utz, neuroscience medical doctor at Allegheny University, indicates babies are born with 78% water. By the age of one year this amount drops to 65%. Adult men are about 60% water and women are about 55% water due to generally having more fat than males.

Jesus’ first miracle was to turn water to wine (John 2:1-11). The water at the pool of Bethesda was seasonally stirred by an angel for healing. Jesus healed a man there to demonstrate that He was healing water (John 5:2-9). Heaven is said to have a pure river of water (Greek, hudór) of life (Rev. 22:1). Whereas, hell is called a lake (Greek, limné ) of fire (Greek, pýr ). An inhabitant of hell is recorded to request a finger to be dipped in water be used to cool11 his tongue (Luke 16:24).

The Hebrew King David said God’s waves12 affected him (Ps. 88:7). Isaiah said righteousness is as waves13 of the sea (Is. 48:18). Solomon said the king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as rivers14 of water, He turns it wherever He wills (Prov. 21:1). Jesus said a man must be born of water and of the Spirit to enter heaven (John 3:5). The living water (John 4:10) is often a scriptural reference to Yahweh (Jesus, Holy Spirit in John 7:37-39). Yahweh is as a fountain of living waters (Jere. 2:13,17:13).

Jesus said living waters flow out of believers (John 7:38) and those waters are the Holy Spirit (John 7:39). He is the Spirit of truth (John 14:17,15:26, 16:13). Believers are not to quench the Spirit (I Thess. 5:19). Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven (Matt. 12:31-32; Luke 12:10). Grace is prevented from interacting with justice. The Holy Spirit has all knowledge (Is. 40:13-14) and reveals knowledge to believers (Luke 2:26). The anointing of the Holy Spirit allows believers to know all things (II Cor. 1:21-22; I John 2:20-27), as Elisha knew physical things as well as non-physical realities (II Kings 6:8-17). The just are delivered through knowledge (Prov. 11:9). The Spirit of God came on Saul and he prophesied (I Sam. 10:10, Hebrew, naba’ , spoke by inspiration; inspired is to arise from another external source that is breathed in). At Pentecost, the apostles spoke in languages they had never studied (Acts 2:4-8). The Holy Spirit has demonstrated that He can impart knowledge to man from nothing, bara’.

God can also withdraw His Spirit assistance as recorded with Solomon. God had given him unparalleled understanding (I Kings 3:12) until Solomon rejected God’s laws of truth (sin) and He withdrew imputing His energy into Solomon’s force projection of understanding experienced in his past (I Kings 11:4-11). Germany’s (Hebrew) Adolf Hitler was able to maximize the energy of his force projection of untruth15 with the joining of efforts with other rejecters of truth who had greater innate problem-solving ability.16 Their force of untruth was defeated by forces of truth, but the energy of their ideas continues with other rejecters of truth.

The lower the innate problem-solving ability17 the lower the impulse control over drug use, sex, violence, and cowardice etc. which the Holy Spirit can be called on to assist. Holy Spirit knowledge is foolishness to non-believers (I Cor. 2:10-14). This is why the believers quantized vortex of finite knowledge in the infinite condensate of a turbulent superfluid is separate and even seen as counter to the flow of non-believers’ quantized vortex of finite knowledge. Since humans have similar needs, problem-solving abilities, and are exposed to the same general environmental boundaries, they have knowledge vortices that are tangled.

Mathematical tools are known to reduce uncertainty in complex systems. Simplistic Venn diagrams use regions bounded by closed curved (circles) to represent sets. They can graphically demonstrate the relationship of vortices of potential knowledge. Some overlap (tangles) will occur and some will not, but quantized vortices effect each other to some degree.

A Venn diagram with four sets

U = {x: x is the infinite realm of material and non-material knowledge (condensate)}

A = {x U: x is the max realm of true human knowledge}

B = {x A: x is the average human realm of true theological knowledge}

C = {x A: x is the average human realm of true philosophical knowledge}

D = {x A: x is the average human realm of true scientific knowledge}

At mankind’s best, differences in innate problem-solving ability, experience etc. prevents perfect coherence between the three epistemological realms of truth (B,C,D) but does not prevent common overlap.18

A Venn diagram with two overlapping sets

Am = {x U: x is the max realm of true (material) human knowledge}

Em = {x U: x is the max realm of untrue (material) human knowledge, which includes untrue theology, untrue philosophy, and untrue science}

Overlap of the set of material untruth (Em) with common areas of set of material truth (Am) is necessary so human proponents of untruth can physically survive since untruth is a counterfeit of truth. However, the set of insidious non-material human untruth (Enm) and the set of non-material human truth (Anm) are eternally disjoint, as demonstrated below.

A Venn diagram with two nonoverlapping sets

The vortex of finite human knowledge began (Gen. 1:27-30) within infinite truth. Finite false knowledge began (Gen. 3:1-7) its counter vortex shortly thereafter. It is true that untruth is a counterfeit of truth, but untruth need not always follow the assertion of truth. Every new idea imagined by finite intellects that precedes a response need not be true. For example, at some point people have imagined beings living on the planet Mars. This is untrue and to say no beings live on Mars is true. That specific truth statement is a non-affirmation or negative resolution and the untruth is an affirmation or positive statement. As seen in this case, untruth still is a counterfeit of the truth statement because to say X allows for an oppositional assertion of non-X, which was always true before it was discovered.

Appropriate fear of the Creator Lord is the beginning of true knowledge (Prov. 1). God has not given believers the spirit of inappropriate fear (II Tim. 1:7). Appropriate fear of God is to hate evil, pride, and arrogance (Prov. 8:13). Fear of God is key to wisdom (Prov. 9:10,16:6) and denotes a departure from evil. This fear creates confidence (Prov. 14:26). The Scriptures say we are to cry for knowledge and we will understand fear of the Lord, and knowledge of God who gives wisdom and knowledge (Prov. 2:3-8). Wisdom finds out knowledge of witty inventions (Prov. 8:12) and increases. Wise men lay up knowledge (Prov. 10:14), like stored energy to be used when appropriate.

A true witness of God delivers souls, but a deceitful witness speaks lies (Prov. 14:25). Jesus said, “Woe unto you lawyers! You have taken away the key19 of knowledge” (Luke 11:52). Thereby destroying correct logic vortex needed for critical analysis of information data. Malachi wrote (2:7-12) that the Israeli priests should have lips that keep knowledge, and the law should be sought at his mouth because he is the messenger of the Lord of Hosts. He continued, but you caused many to stumble at the law. You have been made contemptible. You have been partial in the law. The Lord will cut off the master and the scholar.

The Pharisees were (1) outwardly righteous (Luke 7:36-50), (2) spiritually blind (John 3:1-10), (3) emphasized ceremonies (Matt. 15:1-9), (4) perverted scripture (Matt. 15:1-9), (5) were self-justified (Luke 16:14-15), and (6) hindered potential believers (John 9:16,22). A comparison can be made with Catholic church behaviors: (1) they protected sexual perverts contrary to it being a sin to harm little ones (Matt. 18:6; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:2) and to engage in sodomy (Lev. 18:22; Rom. 1:24-27), (2) water baptism is in obedience after a choice of salvation by faith and not before (Acts 2:41,18:8), (3) they are obsessed with communion beyond actual purpose and the Lord’s supper requires the preparation of repentance of sin(s) (I Cor. 11:27-34), (4) they support the (Hebrew) atheist Karl Marx’s Marxism when communalism20 is voluntary (Acts 5:4) and never under government control (Acts 4:34-37), (5) it is taught that salvation is accomplished by works as evidenced by being able to work ones sin off in the fictitious place of purgatory because Jesus said to the saved sinner on the cross he would join Him in Paradise that day and not after purgatory (Luke 23:40-43), and the church hierarchy places themselves as mediators between God and man despite Jesus saying there was no mediator between God and man except Himself (I Tim. 2:5)

The actualization medium of Scripture contains maximized utility for believers. They reveal the acceptable Divine relationship with man. Adam walked with God in the cool of the evening and Abraham talked with God (Gen.). Jacob became Israel after being with God face-to-face (Gen. 32:24-32). Moses sang praises to God (Ex. 15:1-19) and wanted to see God face-to face (Ex. 33:11). His sister, Miriam, sang praises to God (Ex. 15:21). David wrote psalms and sang praises to God as he panted for Him (Ps. 42:1). The prophets talked to God. Daniel’s strength was recognized as coming from his daily prayer which unbelievers tried to prevent. Mary sang to God (Luke 1:46-55). Jesus’ disciples walked with Him, asking Him questions, and writing of Him. Paul sang to God in prison (Acts 16:25).

The source behind one’s authority for knowledge is exposed by whom is feared. Is it God or fear of religious leaders? The Jewish leader, Caiaphas, wanted to murder the innocent Jesus (Matt. 26:3-4; John 11:49-51). Pope Leo X wanted to murder Martin Luther. The Catholic Church supported Nazi’s who murdered the Christian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The goal of religion is to usurp Divine power over people, as Satan demands to be worshipped.

In the spirit of Nathan’s imaginative fable to censure David (II Sam. 12:1-7), imagine your beloved spouse wrote you 66 love letters and was now in the room with you. Would you choose to call in friends and discuss the letter’s chronology, their context, who wrote them, and what was actually meant by the content without asking your spouse across the room from you? Would you go further and teach and test the views of those friends/scholars? The Jewish Talmud is such a textual example of this unscriptural nonsense. Kenneth Himes’ (2005) book titled Modern Catholic Social Teaching chronicles the Catholic struggle with unscriptural heresies. Himes notes the problems when moving from a doctrine of sola scriptura. For example on pages 400-410, the negative liberal reaction to Pope John Paul’s addressing the concept of a family wage by supporting the innate strengths of the father and mother. Liberals wanted a Marxist slave society that caused fathers to get less pay and thereby would force women away from home and into the job market.21 The Scriptures backup history by indicating a women that lovingly cares for her family and home, and then uses her God given creativity as an entrepreneur is the most successful as is her husband (Prov. 31). That model is exemplified by Lydia, a seller of purple (Acts 16:14-15), and Priscilla, a tentmaker (Acts 18:2, 18, 26).

Himes also discusses the role of laity decision-making in the Catholic Church, pages 91-93 and 203-205. There is no recourse to oppose a Pope’s opposition to clear immutable biblical doctrine. For example in May, 2017, Pope Francis stated that there was no difference in the death of the innocent and the death of the (biblical) guilty regarding the commandment to not kill. That was his oppositional statement to the concept of a governmental sanctioned death penalty. This would mean the Pope’s own guard could never use lethal force to protect him or the hoarded treasures in the Vatican. It also means the Roman killing of the innocent Jesus was equal to the 1962 Israeli execution of Hitler’s Nazi leader of the holocaust,22 Obersturmbannführer23 Adolf Eichmann. Does the Pope make the Catholic tortures and murders of non-Catholics equal to present day Muslim tortures and murders of Christians? He has rendered the scriptural and legal definition of murder as the intentional taking of innocent human life useless by declaring there are no just killings. He unscripturally indicates the death penalty is unjust for murder (Gen. 9:6) and for rape (Deut. 22:25-27).

Recently Pope Francis has sanctioned a group to look at making females deacons, which is a position contrary to clear biblical teaching for the roles of women and a preliminary step toward making women formal church leaders. The German Cardinal Gerhard Müller wrote about this in his recent book The Müller Report. He referred to immutable biblical doctrine that states the role of deacons are only for men. He said there is no difference between a teacher and Pastor Shepard since Jesus was the same, and teaching and doctrine are also the same. The Pope has since fired 3 of Müller’s priests of doctrines. When Müller asked the Pope why he had behaved (unjustly) this way, the Pope replied, “I am the Pope and that’s it!” That was an incoherent tyrannical reaction contrary to those modeled by the loving Jesus during His time on earth.24

Discussions of other people and not God Himself are an indication of no relationship with Him and of a relationship with other people which were hated by Jesus. This leads to more and more heresy until untrue doctrines that are atheist and Marxist become logical. They, and their idols or god(s), have eyes to see but can not see and they have ears to hear but can not hear.25 Jesus said that everyone that is of truth hears His voice, which affirmed that truth by Pilate deaf reply of “What is truth?”

Friedrich Nietzsche also famously questioned what is truth in his “On truth and lie in an extra-moral sense,” The Viking Portable Nietzsche,  p.46-7, Walter Kaufmann. He went on to state that truths are illusions. In his Gay Science, he said cause and effect doesn’t exist and man’s logic came from an immense realm of illogic. Yet Nietzsche composed music, such as "Hymnus an die Freundschaft" (German, Hymn to Friendship) for piano. He wrote in his 1988 book, Twilight of the Idols, that “Without music, life would be a mistake.” Music is not an illusion. It requires a actual separation between sound waves that can be distinguished by intellects as harmonious. That recognition requires the innate knowledge of truth regarding musical scale or notes. This ability was not derived by man’s first having known all non-musical sound waves. Moreover, it is considered axiomatic that when someone sees a music composition (effect), they recognize someone wrote it (causer). Nietzsche extended his vortex energy of untruth into the vortex of truth, needed in composing the truth of music, which caused an obvious energy decay of the untruth vortex of his philosophical writings in the infinite knowledge condensate.

People with a relationship with God can not be satisfied with a focus on man. Paul, Luther, and Bonhoeffer etc. indicated the focus of their intellect was on redemption, grace, and spreading the gospel of Jesus. They wrote and spoke of their transition from a dead religion to a real relationship with God, where there is security in knowing the relationship.

There is a New Age movement to “Thank the universe for blessings.” The universe is by definition atoms and molecules in space.26 They have no intellect required for human exchange and morality, but this effort is a recognition of the reality of the necessity of an infinite self-existent Being of mercy and grace toward humans for which thanks is due.

Shinto is recognized as the indigenous religion of Japan and its adherents also have natural forces as gods.27 Japan’s organized crime Yakuza or Gokudō (meaning the ultimate path, bōryokudan or violence groups) have crests or mon similar to those the samurai clans often displayed. Yakuza exercise the practice of body tattoos28 (irezumi, meaning to insert ink) that reflect their Buddhist and Shinto beliefs. Beginning in the Edo or Tokugawa Period (1603-1867), they share these beliefs with the members of government, especially law enforcement, and the average Japanese citizen.29 Their joint cooperation is demonstrated by the Yakuza’s ability to behave publically with few repercussions as would be witnessed in Christian controlled regions. For example, the Christianized U.S. government waged war on organized crime in the 20th century, while the Catholic U.S. city of Boston cooperated with Boston’s known Irish Catholic organized criminal enterprises, i.e. James “Whitey” Bulger, etc.30

New Age leaders (e.g. Max Freedom Long) have adopted parts of the Hawaiian polytheistic and animistic religion that prays to the sky, which is made up of non-intellectual atoms and space, etc. Their famous hula dance was a religious ritual for their temple to Laka, goddess of Hula, for kahunas or priests. The Hindus Vedic principle of gomutra (cow urine) teaches the value of drinking cow urine. In February, 2016, the UK Telegraph reported that a Sri Lankan witch doctor, Asela Wickramasinghe, called upon his Satanist Buddhist and Hindu beliefs to help elect a Muslim leader, Abdulla Yameen, president of Maldives. Wickramasinghe claimed he used black magic rituals of burying eggs and coconuts around the capital Malé, and in cemeteries. The sorcerer said he invited the devil to destroy Yameen’s political enemies.

Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, considered by many Buddhist adherents as second only to the Dali Lama in Zen Mastery, wrote in his 2008 book, The Art of Power, that “attachments to views, attachment to ideas, attachment to perceptions are the biggest obstacle to truth.” He meant this as an absolute truth which defeats his own premise of not having attachments to truth. The atheist, Bertrand Russell is often quoted as saying, “I think we ought always to entertain our opinions with some measure of doubt. I shouldn’t wish people dogmatically to believe any philosophy, not even mine.” He stated this dogmatically about his philosophy, which defeats his assertion of not having dogmatic belief in any philosophy.

Luciferian New Age adherents (e.g. Alice Bailey founder of the Lucifer Publishing Company in the 1920’s changing the name to the Lucis Publishing Company in 1925 to honor Lucifer31 according to the UN non-profit supporter Lucis Trust, and 40 year UN Assistant Secretary General Robert Muller, etc.), and others have adopted a Law of Attraction. They propose that what one materially does temporally attracts material temporal likeness back.

Achieving behavioral equilibrium of reciprocity by equally attracting behavioral material likeness is a violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. All material systems use energy (including material human interaction) and thus rush to material disorder and so goes their material surroundings (dS system + dS surroundings ≥ 0, where dS is the change in entropy, S). This is a move toward equilibrium where dS = 0. Material systems and surroundings ultimately make up the universe, whose energy is decaying to dS = 0. The universe is moving toward equilibrium by maximizing the conservation of matter/energy. Ludwig Boltzmann (thermodynamics) and Claude Shannon (information theory) developed a formula, S=kln(W), for the exchange of heat and entropy.32

Even though finite human diagnostic analysis has entropy, dS system + dS surroundings ≥ 0, the exchange of energy regarding the possible Divine authorship of religious texts can be compared. Only the Bible has infused believers with Holy Spirit energy for thousands of years, dS > 0. Other texts have reached an equilibrium, dS = 0. By extension, those untrue texts with energy decay teach Divine redemption by finite works of man, which has an equilibrium, dS = 0. Only Divine grace as a gift of the infinite God could possibly produce redemptive energy, which is called being born again, dS > 0. Works, such as prophesying in Jesus’ name etc., does not mean one knows Him and has His redemption. Man’s works are iniquitous and Jesus will justly say on the day of eternal judgment that He never knew the self-righteous (Matt. 7:21-23).

Divine Jesus chose only to do perfect temporal and eternal good which attracted the opposing choice of temporal evil and crucifixion. He taught His followers are to choose to treat other people as they want to be treated, returning love to the hateful and blessings to the cursers (Luke 6:27-36; Ex. 23:4-5). It takes a lot of effort to ignorantly conflate non-material intellectual volition of humans with volitionless material atoms.

It has been postulated that we can not know whether we are part of a giant computer simulation or not. That meta-universe simulation comment arises from an honest search for the why of our existence with physical (gravity, etc.) and non-physical (morality of good and evil, etc.) boundaries. It recognizes the necessity of an infinite self-existent first Causer of all effects with purpose while intellectually denying this reality and the eternal ramifications of justice for freewill of choices. People with this philosophy often exhibit a belief for the future of man where a meta-universe simulation is created and man never dies and becomes Homo Deus.33 They must know that the first Causer of all effects would never allow this unjust eternal escape. It must also be understood that time would be scheduled to end before such evil is attempted by finite intellects without that ability in the first place.

Attempting to give energy to a vortex of untruth and decay a vortex of truth, Satan said if you do not obey God you will not die (Gen. 3:4). God said that after man had an understanding of eternal good and eternal evil, mankind had the possibility of living forever (without God and His justice) (Gen. 3:22-24) and man would eventually desire to pursue that option. God vastly changed man’s physical circumstances so man could understand that physical and spiritual option was eternally removed. That was after the first prophesy of the Messianic Redeemer being (virgin) born of a woman for man’s divinely known eventual choosing of evil over good (Gen. 3:15) called protoevangelium (Latin, first gospel [Divine plan for man’s eternal salvation]). Jesus said “If I have told you earthy things and you don’t believe, how shall you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12). God’s antidote for snake bite was to look at the brass serpent on the pole (Num. 21:8-9). All men are bitten by the serpent of sin and the antidote is to look on Jesus in faith whom God has lifted up, as Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness (John 3:14).

People with knowledge use words sparingly (Prov. 17:27). The vortex of true knowledge is energized by the (called dark energy34 or unknown by unbelieving physicists) potentially infinite energy infusion of the Holy Spirit. The vortex decay of the finite energy of untrue knowledge is great. The katabasis (Greek, down go, meaning a descent downhill or a sinking winds or sun) is inevitable. Quī tacet cōnsentīre vidētur (Latin, he who is silent is understood to consent; French, procédure d'approbation tacit) ubi loqui debuit ac potuit (with the Latin proviso, when he ought to have spoken and was able to). God forbids silence of true knowledge by His watchmen (Is. 62:6) and messengers (Acts 5:27-42).

Elijah did not attempt to have a dialogue with the untrue prophets of Baal to promote understanding ( I Kings 18:20-40). He mocked their beliefs (I Kings 18:27), he called down fire from heaven to demonstrate the glorious power of the true God (I Kings 18:36-38), and he killed them (I Kings 18:40) in obedience to the true God (Deut. 13:6-9,17:2-7). John the Baptist had the spirit of Elijah (Mal. 4:5; Matt. 11:13-14,17:12-13). Elijah is prophesied to physically return before the Messiah’s second coming (Matt. 17:11; Rev. 11:3-10).

Subject to the lying prince of this world (John 8:44,14:30), American untrue vortices in government education and media have deprived American generations of the ability to critically analyze data—called useful idiots by the (Hebrew)35 atheist Marxist Vladimir Lenin. Darlene McLaughlin, M.D. and professor at the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, has found Generation Y have an intense fear of missing out (FOMO in millennial language). The millennials see a peer achieving something36 they want and that achievement is perceived as meaning something is being taken away from them. This is a violation of God’s command to not covet (Ex. 20:17; Deut. 5:21; Rom. 7:7,13:9). Obviously, they have been reinforced to not fear God (Prov. 8:13)37 when even demons fear God and tremble (James 2:19).

Millennials have been educated in untrue Marxist static economics, where there is a finite piece of the pie and if someone gets a slice someone else have one taken away. Economies that are free are dynamic and can expand dependent on the mediated38 inventive creativity and degree of expended effort. Without the ability of critical thinking they can not see that if Marxism were true no society could have ever advanced. Marxism requires the rationally earned wealth of an advanced economy in order to create something they can steal from and destroy.39 They lack the application of just earning40 and are perfect for the exploitation of Marxist class warfare policies.41 They have only the vortex of base hedonistic pursuit of temporal pleasure42 without the vortex of truth. Because they have rejected God in their knowledge (Prov. 30:12-14; Rom. 1:21-32).

Winston Churchill gave a speech at the Scottish Unionist Conference in Perth, Scotland on 28 May, 1948. He said socialism is the philosophy of failure…and the gospel of envy. Jesus gave God’s 2 great commandments for all mankind. First, you are to love God with all our hearts, souls, and minds. Second is to then love your neighbor as yourselves (Matt. 22:37-40).43 Joyless millennial Marxists oppose those concepts.44 They seek equal outcomes of people with unequal abilities, desires, and circumstances. In Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil I (Johnson translation p. 212) he called those that seek equality as weak minded for refusing to accept the reality of their inferiority to people made their superiors by nature. Of course, he focuses on the material and ignores the non-material aspects of infinity, justice, and love, etc. To paraphrase Churchill, it is rational for the first thoughts of youth to seek to employ equality as just, but it is irrational to continue that effort as knowledge and experience increases.

In conclusion, all mechanisms have the same makeup (E, m, c ). Modeling mechanics is limited to spacetime of the relationship between objects in space with the speed of motion from energy within infinity but within the bounds of finite human cognitive ability. The finite set of spacetime can be modeled as a quantized vortex in an infinite eternal condensate of a superfluid with turbulence began by God’s energy for His purpose. The sets of finite human knowledge can also be modeled as quantized vortices in an infinite superfluid, where the turbulence is allowed by God for His purposes for His created intellects. Each vortex’s decay can be traced linearly back to a state of less decay until the start point must be realized. Thusly, God’s glorious wisdom and omnipotence applied from omniscience can be better visualized.

1 A sidereal year is the time it takes for the earth to orbit around the sun: 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, and 9.54 seconds of solar time.

2 The massless and spaceless Creator God clothes Himself with the mass of light, as a garment, for finite man to see Him (Ps. 104:2).

3 The mass of light can be seen from earthbound observers by the light of stars curving toward the sun’s gravity during an eclipse.

4 Mechanical nociceptors (nocēre is Latin to hurt) are activated by intensive pressure applied to the skin. Conduction according to Principles of Neural Science 4th Ed (2000) by E. Kandel et al pp. 472-490 is 5-30 m/s and according to Neuroscience 3Ed (2007) by M. Bear et al pp. 408-422 is ≤ 5 m/s.

5 As any competent web developer (C++ etc.) knows, colors have three pairs of hexadecimal digits RRGGBB (RR is the amount of red, GG is the amount of green and BB is the amount of blue) in the web language of HTML. Four bits of either 1 or 0 is expressed with a single hexadecimal digit.

6 Noah observed light refraction in a rainbow (Gen. 9:13-15). Hebrew queshet , (rain)-bow, is a covenant by God with mankind. The numerical value of its letters ( gematria ) is 800. The ark saved 8 people. Circumcision was to be on the 8th day. The dimensions of the Temple are based on 8 (I Kings 7:10). The anointed son of Jesse for king was the 8th son, David (I Sam. 16:10-13). The New Testament was written by 8 men. The numerical values of letters for Jesus in Koine Greek is the trinity of 888, Christ is 1,480 (8x185), Lord is 800, Savior is 1,408 (8x176), Emmanuel is 25,600 (8x3,200), Messiah is 656 (8x82), Son is 880 (8x110), the truth is 64 (8x8), and the last letter of the Greek alphabet is Omega with the number of 800 (Rev. 22:13). Harvard University educated nihilist agnostic and lecturer on literary criticism, Ivan Panin converted to Christianity in 1891 (chronicled in his The Structure of the Bible: A Proof of the Verbal Inspiration of Scripture) when he discovered the Divine numerology in the first verses of the biblical book of John. In an 1899 edition of the New York Sun, he publically challenged a number of atheists to refute his conclusions and they were unable to stand behind their criticisms, which still challenges atheists till today. He also said the last book of the Bible, the Revelation of Jesus the Christ, has 888 Greek words. This is why the number 8 is associated with the end of something which is the beginning of something new. (Note: although Panin credibly used the perceived numerical symmetry of Scripture for his road to salvation and omniscient God is not ignorant of measurements and their numbers [Job 28:25; Is. 40:12], man must be cautioned to not attempt to limit God’s communications to a finite human understanding of infinite numbers.)

7 The Word of God is Jesus who became flesh and dwelled among mankind (John 1:1-14). He is the light of the world (John 1:9, 9:5; Acts 13:47).

8 Helium is a lightweight, fast-moving atom that does not attach itself to other atoms, so it spreads out (diffuses) through the atomic lattices of most minerals relatively fast. Zircons, zirconium silicate crystals (ZrSiO4), contain helium (4He), which comes from the alpha particles (nuclei of helium atoms) emitted by many of the nuclear decays of it containing high amounts of uranium and thorium. Uranium, 238 U, decaying to lead, 206 Pb (from Latin plumbum), releases eight alpha particles (which become helium atoms) within the crystal. Although much more slowly than helium, lead also diffuses out of zircon. Observations show that zircons do not lose anywhere near enough lead to support an age of 1.5 billion years. Helium could not have remained in the zircons for even a million years, much less the alleged 1.5 billion years. Lead diffusion data now seems to support the young helium diffusion age of the zircons. Recent experiments give a helium diffusion age of 6,000 ± 2,000 years, which is consistent with a biblical chronology. This contradicts the uniformitarian age of 1.5 billion years based on nuclear decay products in the same zircons.

In Nietzsche’s The Joyous Science, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The AntiChrist etc., he related the principle that “We deny God as God. If one were to prove this God of the Christians to us, we should be even less able to believe in him. In a formula: God, as Paul created him, is the negation of God.” Atheist’s diseased beliefs are admittedly held in spite of perceived irrefutable evidence to the contrary. Belief perseverance is the phenomenon of clinging to beliefs when new information emphatically disproves the idea. They judge themselves unworthy of everlasting life (Acts 13:46). Whether atheists (fools) rage or laugh, there is no rest even if a wise man judges them (Prov. 29:9). Their logic end can be concluded as a loss as their algorithm is analyzed without an actual debate. When Paul was confronted by people that opposed themselves (Greek antitássomai from anti or opposite and tassó or to arrange in an orderly manner) and blasphemed, he said their blood was on themselves (Acts 18:6). Ben Goldacre’s, M.D., 2008 book Bad Science looks at the what he perceives as logic flaws in contemporary health and science issues. It is positively reviewed by the British Medical Journal. Jordan Ellenberg’s, John D. MacArthur Professor of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin (Madison), 2014 book How not to be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking looks at things he perceives are incorrect in contemporary societal thinking, such as God, election results, economics, criminology, etc. The individual wickedness of mankind is his most obvious characteristic, yet it is also his most intellectually denied and obfuscated.

9 The velocity of each vortex line is determined by h/m (h is Planck’s constant and m is the mass of one atom).

10 Greek for a space of time.

11 Greek, katapsuchó to cool down from kata to breath and reduce temperature by evaporation and psucho meaning down in place or time.

12 Hebrew, mishbar meaning a breaker or wave of the sea. Biblical Hebrew is the only dead ancient language to be revitalized. Eliezer Ben-Yehuda spearheaded this achievement by the early 1920’s as prophesied (Zeph. 3:9). Prophesy also says in the last days Jerusalem will be a burdensome stone to the world (Zech. 12:3,14:2) as it is today. Below Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, Muslim’s have created a subterranean mosque in the area of Solomon’s Stables (1996-1999).

13 Hebrew, gal for rolled like waves.

14 Hebrew, peleg for a channel of water from palag meaning to split or divide. The swirl of a vortex can be seen here.

15The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success.” Quoted from "War Propaganda", in volume 1, chapter 6 of Mein Kampf (1925), by Adolf Hitler. In the early 1770’s, Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, found promoting the truth of Christianity by sending (Moravian) missionaries was not a complicated task of societal manipulation. There is a harsh penalty for untruth. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, recently told The Wall Street Journal that recent studies indicate transgendered people (people with XX chromosomes pretending to have XY chromosomes and vice versa) that had gender reassignment surgery were 20 times more likely to commit suicide.

16 Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, was Joseph Goebbels who had a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Heidelberg. He enforced Hitler’s Third Reich’s telling of big lies often enough so that they would be believed by people of average intelligence. Their senses are overwhelmed with data that creates their perception, which then becomes their view of reality. Balancing input with truth is necessary to reflect a positive or true narrative. For example, the following section was added to the Wikipedia website page for Mossad by Dallas F. Bell Jr. in July, 2017. “In 2017, The Jerusalem Post and the Mossad’s Libertad website announced that the Mossad has established an additional arm to its technological research and development efforts. It is called the Technological Innovation Fund, known as Libertad. It is tasked with providing and maintaining rapid and cutting edge capabilities for both civilian and defense sectors.” (See Harvey LeRoy Atwater is attributed with saying “perception is reality.” Sensory input should be validated by critical thinking, which is calibrated by truth. This is a hedge against reality being blindly conformed to untrue or unbalanced input. Paul said believers are not to be conformed to this world, but be transformed (Greek, metamorphoó) by the renewing of the mind so that they may prove what is good, acceptable, and perfect will of God (Rom. 12:2). Skématizó (Greek) is the temporary scheme of things dictated by the world and circumstance. Faith and doubt are natural occurrences for finite beings (believers) with sensitive critical thinking, but unbelief is a choice to turn from belief.

17 Min Gong, behavioral scientist at the RAND Corporation and Center for Research on Environment Decisions at Columbia University etc., announced Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has launched the establishment of a team of behavioral scientists to solve perceived problems of customers and employees. They are seeking to apply behavioral science across a diversity of functions (digital product, customer service, design, HR, disruptive tech, and more) fused with data science, and rapid prototyping in the digital and physical worlds. It seems they will not overtly be addressing core beliefs of what is to be considered good and what is to be considered bad nor innate problem-solving abilities of either behavioral categories, to include the c-suite (chief individuals of a company). Without that data, accurate analysis of behavioral cause and effect will not be possible. (Gong made her announcement in an email to an academic forum received by Dallas F. Bell, Jr. in June, 2017.) It is early to determine if assimilation of genetic data will be specifically used in the future by Gong and others, as the collection system is put in place. An American bipartisan bill for assimilation was signed into law in December, 2016. Spearheaded by Tennessee Republican Senator Lamar Alexander, Chairman of the Senate’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, the assimilation includes digital devices to literally collect data of every breath and step Americans take. Future devices are implantable chips to collect data on blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, and early markers of heart attacks. It is predictable that the genetic analysis of all Americans will be a requirement. Eric Littleton, Medical Doctor in Sevierville, Tennessee, says the Health Insurance Companies will be able to immediately analyze such things as the presence of viral or bacterial DNA, and will be constantly monitoring to see if the recommended taking of medicine, such as cholesterol, and other recommendations have been followed, such as exercising.

18 People have biases or default positions for probability events, e.g. if a radiologist believes there are common abnormalities in images it is believed that they are more likely to search for abnormalities and assume abnormalities. For judgment theories of Bayesian inference problems see Birnbaum, M. H. (1983). Base rates in Bayesian inference: Signal detection analysis of the cab problem. American Journal of Psychology, 96, 85-94. For an extended period of time, the KJV Bible maintained Christian coherence. Recently, different versions (meaning not the same and therefore one is untrue) of scriptural text have been accepted which has led to doctrinal confusion and are teaching heresy, e.g. Jesus was not omniscient and so was not God-man, salvation by is not by grace alone, scriptures are not immutable and not the sole authority for doctrine, etc. For example, the New International Version Bible (NIV) for John 6:47 says “I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life.” whereas the KJV says “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” The KJV (Colossians 1:14) says "In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins." the NIV has deleted "through his blood." The people that created the NIV are in direct violation of Revelation 22:18,19, which says "For I testify unto every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from  the things which are written in this book."

19 Greek kleis, a key, shutting a lock.

20 Communal sharing is not the political system of communism.

21 Thanks is extended to Jonathan Hayward for his email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. regarding this subject in May, 2017.

22 God said because you followed false prophets and did not follow His prophets, you will be subject to the sword, famine, and pestilence, like inedible vile figs. You will be removed to all the earth’s nations to be a curse and a reproach to those nations (Jere. 29:15-19) until God restores and returns you to your land (Jere. 30:3).

23 This was the SS rank of Eichmann. In German this means a senior assault or storm unit leader.

24 The Christian evangelist, George Whitefield (Whitfield) preached egalitarianism in the U.S. This Christian theology laid the foundation for the formation and administration of the American first world government. He taught tyranny was to be overturned, as freedom comes from virtue and virtue comes from God and God requires freedom. See the book If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty by Eric Metaxas (Viking, 2016).

25 Sightless and deaf idols or god(s) provide the false authority for their deceived followers to determine what is considered good and evil. Ps. 115:4-8; Is. 6:9-10; John 12:39-41. The Psalms teach us to pray for God to open our eyes so we may behold wondrous things out of His law (Ps. 119:18).

26 The Stoic philosopher and slave at Hierapolis in Phrygia (Turkey) who influenced Buddhist and Shinto beliefs, Epictetus (c. 55 A.D. – 135) said “Every individual is connected with the rest of the world, and the universe is fashioned for universal harmony.” See Heinrich Ritter, Alexander James William Morrison, (1846), The History of Ancient Philosophy , Vol. 4, p. 218.

27 Published by the Oxford University Press, the 2005 book, The Ethics of Suicide, examines World War II Kamikaze pilot’s diaries and last letters home, which justified suicide with Shinto beliefs. Shinto and Buddhist untrue beliefs that all things have consciousness has led to many examples of pseudoscience, such as Masaru Emoto’s attempt to show water changed when exposed to positive and negative thoughts. Of course, critics of his assertions point out that he did not scientifically account for other factors in the supercooling of water necessary for proof. His untrue Hado belief stipulates all phenomena is resonating energy and if the vibration is changed the substance is changed. In contrast, the true Bible said life is in the blood (Gen. 9:4; Lev. 17:11,14). It must be shed for Divine atonement (Heb. 9:22; Old Covenant Lev. 17:10-14 and the New Covenant Heb. 9:14 where Jesus’ perfect sacrificial loss of blood on the cross indicated His physical earthly end John 19:34). The findings of a study by researchers at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne, Australia, were published in the (2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It showed that mature blood cells can communicate with, and influence the behavior of, their stem cell parents. This true science could potentially open avenues to new research and treatment of diseases. In 2017, Duke University admitted to creating and using false data in their climate change research on corresponding respiratory diseases. Over eight years, Erin Potts-Kant and her supervisor, William Foster, had committed the fraud. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had awarded Duke $112.8 million dollars in 53 grants. Potts-Kant was arrested in 2013 for embezzling thousands of dollars from Duke for a shopping spree and was only given probation.

28 For a look at criminology and especially the historical link between tattooed people and their tendency to commit violent crimes see

The wicked do not sleep unless they have done mischief and caused someone to fall. They are violent. The righteous way is light but their way is dark and they do not know by what they stumble (Prov. 4:16-19).

29 In June, 2017, Bertell Ollman, writer of Dialectical Marxism and Professor of Politics at New York University, made the following excerpted comments to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange. He explains “…the relationship between the Yakusa, on one side, and the Japanese govt. and the average Japanese citizen on the other, the relationship of the latter two and the Yakusa is very different. The govt., as you can see from my article on this subject…,” Why Does the Emperor Need the Yakuza, “…actually uses the Yakusa to do some illegal things that they cannot do directly, while the typical Japanese citizen is simply afraid of them. Their religious beliefs may be used to rationalize some of what these two groups do (or don't do) about the Yakusa, but I don't believe it has any real effect on their actions.” (Thanks is extended to David Friedman, son of economist Milton Friedman and professor at the Santa Clara University School of Law, for his email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in June, 2017, regarding the Yakuza.) Peter B. E. Hill’s book titled The Japanese Mafia: Yakuza, Law, and the State (Oxford University Press) has extensive interviews with Japanese criminals, law enforcement, lawyers, journalists, and academics. He argues that the essential characteristic of Japan's criminal syndicates is their provision of protection to consumers. He believes the future for the Yakuza is bleak, due to poor Japanese economy and antagonistic government law countermeasures enacted in 1992. The Yakuza is being seen as less of an inevitable and necessary societal evil. Hill’s book was recommended to Dallas F. Bell Jr. by Kyle Cleveland, associate professor of sociology and associate director of the Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies at the Japan campus of Temple University, in June, 2017. Cleveland also recommends Robert Whiting’s Tokyo Underworld, Jake Adelstein’s Tokyo Vice, Bertil Lintner’s Blood Brothers, Roberto Saviano’s Gomorrah, Alexander Stille’s Excellent Cadavers, and John Nelson’s A Year in the Life of a Shinto Shrine. He recommends the films (Ridley Scott director) The Yakuza/Black Rain, A Taxing Woman (Parts I & II), and Gomorrah (about the Italian Mafia).

30 Maurizio Catino, Professor of Sociology of Organizations at University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy, has written a 2014 article titled How Do Mafias Organize?: Conflict and Violence in Three Mafia Organizations. Catino looks at the Italian mafia organizations of Cosa Nostra, Camorra, and ‘Ndrangheta. He applies an organizational approach to the understanding of violence in mafia organizations by studying the relationship between their organizational orders and their criminal behavior. Organizations with more control or vertical structures have less collateral murders and greater capacity to fight government opposition than those with less or horizontal control.

31 Hebrew, Hê·lêl meaning morning star (brightness). The fallen Lucifer (Is. 14:12: Luke 10:18; Rev. 9:1) (Satan) and his followers are eternally assigned to eternal hell (Matt. 25:41; Jude 6). Finite human beings must choose either to serve the infinite God of truth or serve finite Satan and his untruth by default. Jesus interchanged the title of Satan and Beelzebub (from Baal, a form of worship and concept of a god) (Matt. 12:24-32). Ashtoreth was the female counterpart of Baal (I Kings 11:5,33: II Kings 23:13), associated with Ishtar (Ištar, Assyrian goddess) and the Sumerian goddess Inanna, and later Venus. Women (matriarchs) control Baal societies (Is. 3:12). Baal temples had archways that represented the path of the sun. In 2016, the Temple of Baal arch for Palmyra, Syria, was unveiled in New York City. A 48 foot reproduction arch of the Baal Temple entryway was to be constructed for display in New York. Americans, as well as other Christianized societies, profess themselves to be wise as they have become fools (Rom. 1:22). They have changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like the corruptible man (Santa Clause is the supernatural being at Christmas), and to birds (Thanksgiving Day to God is often called turkey day), and four-footed beasts (rabbits represent Easter), and creeping things (celebration of Halloween with evil images). God has given them over to homosexuality and reprobate minds (Rom. 1:24-28). They are fornicators, covetous, envious, murderers, debaters, deceitful, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, boasters, invent evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, and unmerciful etc. (Rom. 1:29-31). This is an objective description of Millennials. They know the judgment of God for those things is death, but they still do them and have pleasure in other people doing them (Rom. 1:32).

32 If a system was closed, no matter enters or goes out, and the equilibrium sequence (N) is not disturbed where energy (E) is slightly > 0, it could be described as dN = 0.

33 The book Homo Deus was written by Yuval Noah Harari, history lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It promotes the idea that the future of humans will soon be overwhelmed by technological and biological advancements, which makes liars of God’s prophets. It is largely an extension of his previous book, Sapiens, where he promoted the now disproven idea that man evolved from life with different DNA, which makes Moses a liar. Harari states, “History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods.” The Father of Taxonomy, Carl Linnaeus (aka Carolus Linnaeus and later Carl von Linné) said man was no different than monkeys. He called this anthropomorpha (Latin for man like). The Bible said God created man in His image (theomorphic) and not monkeys and man etc., and it was pointed out to him that it was nonsensical to not think man would be man like. Ironically, Linnaeus’ next big idea was to change the title for man to homo sapien (Latin for wise man).

34 Cosmic expansion suggest to some people that dark energy exists and is repulsive to gravity.

35 According to the Jerusalem Post and the AP, Lenin’s Jewish (Hebrew) ancestry is documented at Russia’s State History Museum.

36 Millennials are able to enviously monitor their peers’ success through online devices. It has been estimated that around 24% are online virtually all the time. Pew has the statistics of Millennial online activity at the following address.

Steven Jobs is credited with innovations that have helped make Millennials’ online monitoring possible. He has over 450 patents. Born to an (Arab) Muslim father, he was raised by adoptive Christianized parents. In his commencement speech to the 2005 graduating class at Stanford University, Jobs acknowledged his Buddhist beliefs. His Zen Buddhist practice of clearing the mind so (demonic) spirits can be given control, is evident by his remarks on drug usage (affirmed by his Pentagon file) that “Taking LSD was a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life. LSD shows you that there’s  another side to the coin, and you can’t remember it when it wears off, but you know it. It reinforced my sense of what was important—creating great things instead of making money, putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could.” Satan’s goal is rebellion against God (Gen. 3:1-7; Job 2:4-5; Is. 14:12-20). God considers rebellion as the sin of witchcraft (I Sam. 15:23). Evil men only seek rebellion (Prov. 17:11). Satan provoked David to disobey God and number Israel (I Chr. 21:1) which otherwise is an acceptable administrative practice. Satan filled the heart of Ananias to lie to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:4) when he did not have to. Online technology can be used for research and other exchanges of information for the good of mankind. Jobs’ goal of promoting unscriptural Buddhist “consciousness” was rebellion against God. Jobs co-innovator was Stephen Wozniak. Wozniak is an atheist/agnostic. Another contributor to online technology is William Gates. Gates’ personal agnostic tendencies are mitigated by his wife and children’s adherence to Catholicism. Gate’s co-innovator, Paul Allen has used some of his wealth to fund the Allen Telescope Array in California to search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). Allen joins the atheists Richard Dawkins and Carl Sagan in this religious effort (Novelist Michael Crichton M.D. called this SETI search a religion in a 2003 lecture at the California Institute of Technology, Aliens Cause Global Warming, due to its premise that godlike intelligent beings evolved in the universe to later create human life on earth). CEO of the social media platform, Facebook, (Hebrew) Mark Zuckerberg’s atheistic position seems to have been recently replaced by a belief in God. However, at the June, 2017, Facebook Communities Summit, Zuckerberg said he wanted to bring the world closer together like a church. He wrongly said church members volunteer and give to charities not because they are religious (meaning obedient to Jesus’ teachings) but because they are part of a community (an atheist view of community cooperation). He stated his goal for Facebook was to take that societal role from the church and have his employees behave like church clergy in caring for their community of Facebook users. The widely used Google online search engine was developed by (Hebrew) Lawrence Page and (Jewish) Sergey Brin. Their mission statement is “Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful,” and the unofficial motto is “Don’t be evil.” Jeffrey Bezos (née Jorgensen), founder of Amazon was one of the first investors of Google. He also invested in Unity Biotechnology, a life-extension research firm attempting to slow or stop the aging process. In July 2012, Bezos and his wife personally donated $2.5 million to support a same-sex marriage referendum that successfully passed in Washington. After Bezos bought The Washington Post, it put out disinformation against the U.S. President Donald Trump regarding Russia. He was then awarded some $600 million dollars from the Central Intelligence Agency to create a server farm to store their sensitive data. Each of the benign technologies mentioned enable consumers, especially Millennials, to put their narcissism on wide spread display so that sinful attribute can be reciprocated by likeminded people.

37 God protects and blesses his people that fear Him (Ps. 34:7,145:19). The Mayflower Compact was composed by William Bradford and adopted in November 11, 1620.  It was the first governing document of the Plymouth Colony and the future U.S. Its text is as follows. “In the name of God, Amen. We whose names are under-written, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord, King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, etc. Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine our selves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the Colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cape Cod, the eleventh of November,” [New Style, November 21] “in the year of the reign of our sovereign lord, King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Dom. 1620.”

38 Something is needed for the medium and is not ex nihilo.

39 The Marxist U.S. President from 2009-2017 spent more than all the other presidents combined who were not Marxists. Like the Marxist Pope Francis, they pretend to help the poor but they are actually thieves who want the power to spend other peoples earnings, such as with Judas Iscariot (John 12:4-6). Jesus said the poor will always exist on earth (John 12:8).

40 According to the 1980 U.S. Census release (Young Adults: Then and Now), 22.9% of 18 to 34 year olds where living with their parents. By 2013, 30.3% where living with their parents. 25% of those healthy Americans, often called snowflakes because of their immature inability to handle crises, have no job and must live off their parent’s earnings. In Psychology Today (2015), Peter Gray, researcher professor at Boston College, wrote on his experience with the number of college students calling crisis centers doubling over the previous five years. He states that they are having emotional crises over everyday issues in life.

41 Marxist and racist advocate for eugenics and forced sterilization, Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood to enact her policies. In 2016, they had a budget of $30 million to target millennial voters to support Democrat candidates.

42 Pleasure is in itself meaningless (Eccl. 2:1; Titus 3:3). Its Divine purpose is to be a temporal source of joy (Ps. 36:8) while pursuing eternal Divine purpose (II Cor. 1:17). Pleasure is a perceived range of sensory input that is intellectually desired. The input can be from sight, hearing, smell, taste, and feelings. Sight has a scale of color from red to violet. Hearing follows the octaves of “do” to “do.” Hans Henning’s 1915 book, Der Geruch, (Smell) looked at olfaction (smell detected by recognition of the molecules of a gaseous substance). His odor prism contained the odors of putrid to fragrant. Molecules or ions are detected by taste include sweet and starchy to pungent. Varying pressures to different temperatures may be felt. Depending on innate problem-solving ability, experience, and choice those possible sensory input can be perceived as pleasurable by a congruence or harmonic relationship. Non-material input can also be perceived as good (desired positive sensation to be sought) or bad (negative sensation to be avoided, painful). They include the scale of justice to injustice, love to hate, mercy to cruelty, grace to lacking compassion, redemption to unforgiveness, gratitude to unthankfulness, courage to fear, charity to stinginess, sacrifice to selfishness, duty to irresponsibility, and etc. It is this range where lasting joy can be found within harmony with truth and joy is lost within acceptance of untruth.

43 Called the Golden Rule. Finite retention of knowledge data by humans has entropy. I Cor. 13 says (v. 9) we know in part, (v. 8) knowledge will cease (v. 7), and love bears all things, hopes and endures all things. Love allows finite beings to transcend their finite relationship with the infinite God, who is love. He that dwells in love dwells in God and He in them (I John 4:8, 16). Knowledge is temporal observed data of perceived reality but love is eternal reality.

44 Unfortunately, millennials largely choose to miss the opportunity to be joyful for the achievement of others and even be helpful in their success. In obedience to God’s top commandments or Golden Rule, Christians have a simple logic for JOY by putting Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last.

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