Systematic Political Science        

The Tale of Iwao:
(Japanese, Iwao Monogatari)
A Reverse Sente Play1

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

In English,2 the scene of this kyokake (a human, genzai, and supernatural, mugen, play) noh (a talented and skilled art performance; inbun-poetry, sanbun-prose) is at the Temple of Psychiatry (Seishin Igaku no Jiin) in Utsunomiya during 1720—the Tokugawa era. Iwao (the waki) is being confined for questioning by the clinic director (shinryōsho-chō), Daimyō (the shite), a feudal lord with medical training and a Go champion. Iwao, a medical doctor trained by Christian missionaries, was born in 1663 at Nagasaki before the great fire. Daimyō enters the psych ward (seishin byōtō). He has papers prepared to interrogate Iwao and takes the only seat in the barren room before Iwao who is sitting on the naked floor.


(The temple bells rings three times, a counterfeit to the Christian triune God, as an offering to the object of worship, Gohonzon, for the Three Treasures: Buddha, the Law, and the Priesthood or for the past, present, and future or other contrivances.)3

DAIMYO (Wearing the yase-otoko mask of a suffering male emaciated from sinful acts.4)

Iwao, you have been accused
by Ooya Kannon, aka Senju Kannon,
worshippers of inciting rebellion,
which is contrary
to Tokugawa-Grand-Shogunate
Was this
offence orchestrated sublimely
by Dejima island prisoners?

(The leitmotiv7 for the invisible Holy Spirit’s entry into the room is signified by the music of the first stanza to “Joy to the World.”8)

IWAO (Wearing the hakushiko-jō mask of a peaceful and prosperous smiling male.)

I am honored to be
before you today, Daimyo.
Setsu9 have heard that you
are a man learned in many things.
By inevitable discovery you will find,
I am accused of nothing more than
stating what many people, like yourself,
have either reasoned or have been taught.
Every person reaches a barrier,
a point where they realize they are finite
and are in need of the Creator’s redemptive help
and to repay the Creator with worship and praise.
The invisible things of God
from the creation of the world are clearly seen,
being understood by the things that are made,
even His eternal power and Godhead
(Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
which are each equally and completely God),10
so they are without impassioned excuses.11
All finite beings have an authority
that is their god for making choices
of good and evil that define their rationality.
If it is not the infinite Creator,
it is an idol of perfumed incense
for which the holy Creator is
just to destroy sullied leaves.
The creator God must have made a way
of redemption that is adorned in the forge
of Jesus the Christ’s simultaneous death
on the cross for the repentant sins of mankind.12
Christ’s followers are rightly commanded
to spread His sacred gospel13
beyond the wilderness of sin.14
Judaism’s rejection of that holy balanced
Messianic prophesy,15 mathematically reduces
their orthodoxy from infinity,
to belief in an unjust, unmerciful,
loveless, unredemptive finite God.

(The 20’’ x 16’’ oil and acrylic on canvas painting by Dallas F. Bell Jr. is titled “Cubes of Eternal Choices: The Day After Jesus’ Crucifixion.” It indicates the fulfillment of the 66 scriptural books for eternal occupation of paradise or outer darkness for sinners on their crosses, especially the two criminals executed with the only sinless Redeemer, Christ Jesus.)

I suspect this is a ko threat;16
your province17 has the Suwa Shrine
and its Nagasaki Kunchi festival.18
This is
gai-koku-jin19 centered,
as the
kaizoku suigun crews of old,20
so I must remind you that a famous westerner,
Plato I believe,
said humans are but featherless bipeds.

Before Plato was Anaximander.
He thought on boundlessness
and agelessness infinity
known as the concept of
This first principle of everything
meant creator God was eternal and monotheistic
with a plural triune existence.
Greg Cantor later wrote on transfinite numbers.

You know, as well as I do,
that rain dampens the gates
so numbers can be assigned
to anything, such as time.

True. Numbers may represent values
of sequences, like time, or size, and weights etc.
Thus, numbers preexisted man’s recognition
of their order required by necessity
by a preexistent Intellect with purpose,
who counts things like the stars22
and must have created beginning order.
Math and other truths
are ideas that have a beginning
—ontological status.

I am aware that Chinese science has
influenced our more recent mathematical understanding
of finite differences. Science gives
no purpose. We may ride inside
its mathematical symbols,
the primordial way…to the primal light.23

Francois Nicole, a westerner,
published a treaty on finite differences
in his
Traité du calcul des differences finies.

What of it?

Let us surmise ostensibly
that in future
soryūshi duplicity
that a
denki field fantasy24
was created by some intellectuals free
to leverage the properties of something won,
like graphene, which enabled the creation one
of anti-particle pairs fomented.
Mathematically, the numbers of something printed
created in a vacuum would look like denotation,
something was created from nothing, facilitation.
Yet, we know that this occurred willingly
with the energy from the intellect villainy
of the experimenters to apply the electric field
with the preexistence of the graphene healed.
Then, something did not come from nothing spent.

You believe in the concept of rei?25

Zero may be the observation
for a specific absence of something,
zero apples on the table,
or the absence of everything,
in the Genesis there was a void
in infinite space and eternal time.

Go on.

As such, there must have been a first Causer
who occupied all space and time—omnipresence,
and had all power to create—omnipotence.
This informs our understanding monument
of our universe of entropy character
that it could not have always existed register
and must have been created rehearsed
by a preexistent Creator26 versed.
Given math and physics reign
the non-material world stain,
there are other realities translated,
such as justice, love, mercy, grace, forgiveness -stated-
and redemption that the Infinite Creator God
would command humans acknowledged prod.
They prove the universe is not reductionist
to only physical phenomena, obstructionist.
Beginning with Christ Jesus being
the theory of everything.

Are you implying ninchi kyokai27
as written by Keikai
in the Nara period28
of the three stories
of Buddhist parables in “Nihon Ryoiki.”

Parenthetically, I think we agree
there are cognitive boundaries or metrics.
If we look at an elliptic curve
of a behavioral metric, such as lying (-A)
and its opposite of not lying (A),
they cross the x axis once
on a point of infinity (O), so A + (-A) = O
and also O + A = A.

This should be less clustered…

Indeed! There must be infinite redemption
from the infinite Creator God
so that eternal unrighteousness is no longer fused
to unrighteousness. God’s eternal purpose to account
for human fallibility was necessary
to separate the imperfection of lying
and not lying that must equal eternal unrighteousness
requiring eternal separation
from His holiness as eternal punishment.

Where does that leave those
that are without such a God?

If there is no God, humans killing
other humans is eternally no different
than a lion killing another animal;
because he can.
kenjutsu29 writer, Yagyu Munenori,
explained in his “life-giving sword,”
Heiho Kandensho,
how the sword and Zen are connected,
Ken Zen Ichinyo.
Individuals that live by the sword
perish by the sword.30
But the government does not bear
the sword in vain,
it is to avenge the godly
and bring Divine wrath on the evil doer.31
Likewise, the Word of God is sharper
than any two-edged sword,
able to judge the thoughts
and intentions of the heart.32

Namakubi33 shows the impermanence of life.
What about our real idols?

If an idol is made by one’s own hands,
which is greater the creator of the idol
or the idol? The technē hands are the god
and not the stone.34

Does it really matter
even if the idols
are not really gods?

Our struggle is not against flesh and blood
but against rulers and powers
and forces of transient darkness,
spiritual hypoxic-ischemic attacks
of wickedness in heavenly places.35
When demons are excised,
their return to paddocks will be seven-fold
for the individuals and the societies they inhabit.36
Pagan gods have real demon entities
behind them, such as the commonly known Baal,
the possessor.37 The Baal spirit,
often signified by a golden calf,
seeks to cause turning from the true God.38
This is seen by present Japanese effort
to cause Christians to turn
from the name of God.

Is treason your tōben39?

I kōso suru40 for you to be patient
just a little longer
so that I might clarify
this line of thought.
The next step after the turning
from the true God
is the influence of what
has been called Ishtar or Venus etc.
This spirit promotes sexual perversion
and the destruction of the basic societal unit
of marriage and family,
accomplished by removing male leadership,
promotion of intoxication, and witchcraft.41
With the society weakened,
the destroyer emerges.
He has been known as Moloch,
depreciating human life
beginning with the murder
of the most innocent human babies.42

The earth’s echoes. Pray tell,
what do you propose?

I was seeking to drive those spirits out
with the Gospel of Christ.43
It is the power of God for salvation.44
Society needs to maintain
the righteous status by imposing the death penalty45
on God deniers, perverts, and murderers.
But if the Gospel is rejected,
the transformer type, represented by Ishtar,
will exchange love for lust, destroy males,
and enact feminine leadership
by androgyny of both male and female,46
as with Ishtar and Inanna. The impossibility
of the contrary prevents
something from being itself
and its opposite at the same time.

I suppose that would include
yin and yang caverns?

Momijikari47 shows how fading
autumn tints have affected Japan.
The Tale of Genji,
Genji had sex with the brother
of the girl he rejected.
The Tale of Heike was about the pedophile samurai.
It is innate to reject feces eaters.

I agree that shōniseiai-sha,48
taberu-hito49 and dōseiaisha50 is not good.
Are you concluding
Buddhism is only a religion
of homosexuality, like Hinduism?

Never. The Jātaka51 stories of Buddha,
as a Bodhisattva,52 tell he sacrificed
his previous finite life for the finite lives
of a hungry mother tiger’s cubs.
If true, this could not eternally benefit anyone.
Buddha was his own shepherd…
and he believed he would dwell
in his own house forever.53
Future fields of study will awake
defined by neurology and linguistics great
analyzing the code of false religions.
It would conclude that there are enough voids
in the theological details read
of false religions for individuals dead
to create their own theology
in conscious parallelism.54
As you indicated
bōkō suru or sexual assault
is not unique to one false religion.
As laid out earlier, the entropy steps
of demonic control begin with lying,
then sexual perversion, and lastly murder.
Those behaviors act as Satanic sacraments,
which are formal sacred signs of spiritual beliefs.
Homosexuality, especially pedophilia,
is the sacrament for Buddhist monk’s high,
for which Catholic priests fortify.
This is the hateful worship of Beelzebub,
the Lord of the flies, called Satan
or Baal with feces eater’s55 tyranny.
The death of that lifestyle certainty
can be compared to sex rhyme
as designed in Creator God’s time
between husband and wife privilege
to bring life from a sacred loving edge.

Sexual perversion is not
the only trespass of God’s laws.

Very wisely said. The Qur’an teaches
the doctrine of
where believers may lie to nonbelievers called infidels.
Al taqiyya means protection with lying.56
It models their god of lies by practicing lying.
The Qur’an says their god
“Allah is the most accomplished liar and deceiver.”57
That has led to, among other things,
the tale that Lagāri Hansan Celebi made a flying glider,
in 1632, and a rocket
that took him to the moon in 1633-1635.

No doubt in the future twilight
this will be easily disproven.

Following the emotionally-centered myths
of the Veda, Kojiki, and Nihon Shoki
somatic cultural models,
I suspect you are correct.
The Catholic Gregorian chant
and the Zen Buddhist chant
each seek to manipulate the human
famished sense of well-being58
to associate that labored peace
with their overarching false religions.
They are counterfeiting the Divine system
of active meditation on God’s words,
His laws, and His rich instructions
that facilitate diligent understanding,
satisfaction, and memorable knowledge.

How does this impiety
effect other systems of society?

Confucius advocated that human nature set
and individual well-being was connected debt
to good character and a proper functioning society.
It is only reasonable for his adherent’s propriety
formalizing of that philosophy transcending
with scoring systems for individuals ascending,
businesses, and governments true
to blacklist nonconformists by authority’s hue.59
Artificial utopias may be conceived
from self-delusional breaks with realities believed.
For example, the notion praised
of post-capitalist economic system’s days.
Capitalism is the highest state of wit
of free enterprise recorded writ
where legal earning is rewarded, cheered.
That just goal is in human nature neared
and can not be changed. Maybe best
the notion of post-nation-states’ breast
will be contrived when the nation-state
is the basic societal grouping fate.
Patriotism or ethno-nationalism canopy
may not be morally subversive eternally,
while racial-nationalism may be
if behaviors are not linked trivially
to cultural evil. Possibly new
the idiocy of a post-money world view
will be suggested by ignoring nightly
the reality that a common accepted money rightly,
such as salt,60 precious metals etc., or worse,
is the natural exchange of commerce,
which fills in the gaps of bartering.61
Virtual twin perfection chartering
is the prideful combination clay
of finite knowledge decay
of the past to finitely predict the future woe
with infinite Godlike ability so.

Is capitalism
a Christian system?

Jesus said you can not serve
both God and mammon or money.62
The nature of societal economic efficiency
of labor is this harvest method.
Humans are born with the desire
to not be lied to, or stolen from,
or murdered and to seek justice,
love, merciful forgiveness.
All people must decide
to accept the rotten corpse
of death or life in Christ
and defend that decision.

I will return
in a few minutes.
(He exits the room.)


SAGI-SHI64 (The kyōgen65 suddenly appears in the room with Iwao and is wearing the tengu mask of a long nose red male goblin. He sticks a poster on the wall that depicts the 12-year cycle of zodiac animals that Buddhists believe protect the home. Enveloped in the flames of a sacred dragon they are ne- rat, ushi-ox, tora-tiger, u-rabbit, tatsu-dragon, mi-snake, uma-horse, hitsuji-sheep, saru-monkey, tori-rooster, inu-dog, and inoshishi-wild boar.)

Why aren’t the temple bells ringing
for me…Of course,
my adversary is here.
Do you know who I am?

You are the shameful father of lies,
the tempter, a slack accuser.

That is your local space-time realism.

I confess to being willfully ignorant
of such endless musings, but it seems jade
is green even when it is not winked at and
jade is also influenced beyond local surroundings.
I think the nature of reality involves
the entanglement of hidden variables;66
complex numbers do not have to be
mathematical conveniences.67
Maybe vain philosopher
should be added to your list of banal names,
as with the most recent epithet, Earth Spider.68

I like the sound of Lucifer,
the morning star, or angel of light.69

Your apparition may appear
to transform into light.
You are no phantom dream oracle
The Prince of Darkness70 is more
how believers see you billowing.
God has given
His followers eyes
to see what an abrasive evil
and malicious grotesque sprite you really are.

I am a sprite that enchants
the forest of Evreux.71

Nay, you are the dragon devil
incarnate who stalks the darkness…
lays waste at noon
and are a plague that destroys
in the noon day.72

I am not the lotus of Buddhahood
in lingering flesh.

Flesh does not possess your evening face,
but your rapacious antics are visible
as you lurk in spiteful places.
You steer the Green Horse
that will destroy a quarter of the earth
with famine, pestilence, and wild beasts.73

That is my fortā, it is true,
I am the flower’s shadow to be feared.

You may destroy a quarter of the earth,
which means you will not destroy
three-quarters of the earth.
God will reward His servants, prophets,
and saints that fear His name,
and will destroy those who destroy the earth.74

Today, the devil is
in the house of the Rising Sun.

Heike documents the Rising Sun
on feudal lord’s flags
and catamite samurai crests
before drum’s signaling to attack.
Jehovahnissi, The LORD is My Banner.75
God rules the sun,
with the spirit of the sword,
and one day it will go down at noon
and make the earth dark.76
It is an abomination to subvert any
of God’s symbols, such as the rainbow.
It represents God’s covenant with mankind.77
Buddhists have changed that Divine symbol
to mean a terminal transforming
of people into pure light before nirvana.
Others will pervert God’s symbols
to obscure His reality.

You wokou78 have learned this predicate
gaijin79 scriptures.

Ironically, you have to be racist
to be anti-racist. The tongue
of the wise makes knowledge acceptable,80
but parables are not equal in the mouths of fools81--
experience is the mother of sciences.82
Observing changes the observer
and what is being observed.
Scriptures must be spoken
to defeat you and your followers.
You know “it is written,”83
God laughs at wicked jesters
like you because He knows
your day is coming.84 Scriptures give
faith to quench your fiery darts.

You dare call me,
a prince, a fool!

Antagonist fools stay angry.85
They inflame and provoke virtue.
Whether you rage or laugh
there is no rest.86
Lying lips are not fitting for a prince.87
Lying lips are an abomination to Yahweh.88
Fools spread error about the Lord
and keep the poor hungry and thirsty.89
The folly of fools is deceiving.90

Did not Paul, your apostle,
say you believers are fools
for Christ’s sake?

Yes, he said this,
almost sarcastically, for analysis.91
“There is always a choice.
We’ve got to consider moral economics…
The Gospel of Love is all I can plead…
it is the salvation of the world!”92

You know you have broken the law
and are a
han’nin93 hypocrite.

You are truly a master
of the logic chopping fallacy.
The law is spiritual
but I am corruptible flesh,
since I do not want to break the law,
my soul agrees with it
and so am not violating it.94
Where the Spirit of Yahweh is
there is liberty95
You have stumbled
on the stumbling stone.96

I do so despise our Pyrrhic dance.97
I demand you leave Daimyo alone.
He is my property.
My specialty is
and he is my sashimi.99

Get behind me, Satan.
For now, Daimyo denies Christ100
and his love does not include Christ Jesus.101
When he becomes converted,
and becomes a contiguous rock,
he will feed Jesus’ sheep.102

I have demanded permission
to sift that pupate as wheat
before the cock crows.103

And I pray that he will have unfailing faith
and will strengthen his brothers in due time.
I pray the Lord has mercy on me
because my soul is exceedingly filled
with scorn for those that are at ease
and has contempt for the proud.104

You identify with highbrow ideas
though they are separate from you,
which causes you needless suffering.
You should evolve
into the conscious collective.
The evolving impulse of the universe
is for us to become gods.

Like Eve and Adam?
…I’ll pass.

Apparently, you need an enemy
to feel good about yourself.

I hate the bloodthirsty enemies of God,
they take His name in vain.
I righteously loathe them
and make them my enemy.105

I, a tanuki,106 will return
As the
I promise in three-hundred years
your precious West will be mine
like the East is now:108
hou-ou, a phoenix,109 rising up.
I am a

I manage my expectations thusly.
Only the righteous falls seven times and gets up.
But the wicked are overthrown with calamity.111
The righteous may be lacerated
but will not be destroyed.112
Do not rejoice over me,
O insufferable enemy,
though I’m contused,
I will rise;
though I dwell in darkness,
the LORD is a light for me.113
Denial of truth with contrived animals
logically is the gateway fraught
with other denials of reality, such as
male and female biology.
Thus begins a
jigai society
led by the elite class of samurai
When God is not known
and He is not glorified,
they become vain in their imaginations,
and their foolish hearts are darkened.
Professing themselves to be wise,
become fools and change the glory
of uncorruptible God into an image
made like corruptible man, birds, four-footed beasts,
and creeping things.115 Wherefore God
gives them up to uncleanness
through the lust of their own hearts,
to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:
who changed the truth of God into a lie,
and worship and serve creatures more than the Creator,
who is blessed forever. For this cause
God gives them up to vile affections:
for even their women will change
the natural use into that which is against nature:
and likewise also men, leave their natural use
of women, burn in their lust one toward another:
men and men working that which is unseemly,
and receiving in themselves that recompense
of their error…

I know where this is going.
News flash; all people were created
chemical psychopaths.116

…Even as they do not choose,
meaning having freewill,
to retain God in their knowledge,
as ever learning neo-gnostics,117
God gives them over to reprobate minds,
to do those things that are not convenient;
being filled with all unrighteousness,
fornication, wickedness, covetousness,
maliciousness; full of envy, murder,
debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

backbiters, haters of God, despiteful,
proud, boasters, inventers of evil things,
disobedient to parents, without understanding,
covenant-breakers, without natural affection,
implacable, unmerciful, who knowing the judgment
of God, that they that commit such things
are worthy of death, not only do the same,
but have pleasure in them that do them.118
Baka no Jidai!119

(Sagi-shi hastily flees the room. The zodiac poster falls off the wall and curls into a scroll on the floor.)


DAIMYO (Enters the room.)
leitmotiv for the invisible Holy Spirit’s increased presence in the room is signified by the
music of the first stanza and chorus to “Joy to the World.”)
Genji monogatari, mental illness
is addressed. Sometimes it may be
ten120 or kyo121 with a manic state
of delusions of grandeur and psychomotor excitement.
On the other hand,
describes this illness
as chest trouble caused by evil spirits and beriberi.

The ancient Bible discussed neuroanatomy,
neurology, and neurosurgery.123
For the last thousand years
such a distant state of mind you describe
was thought, by Buddhists, to be caused
mononoke monsters or kitsune foxes.
They were able to enter with unfolding smiles,
clandestine, taking over the human bodies.
mononoke could be someone else’s soul
bringing a curse of fury or jealousy
or hatred upon the affected person.

In order to cure this fainting grass,
Buddhist priests were asked
to say reverenced prayers.
When the monster or foxes escaped
the ill person, the prognosis for recovery
was considered to be as pink blossoms.

Genji’s tale was, as you know,
written by a woman.
That psychological novel described Genji
as a common male sexual predator
who raped many women.124
His first wife, Aoi no Ue,
was possessed by spirits—
mono no ke.
Buddhist used their medicine
that consisted of herbs.125
Wabi, the pleasure of loneliness,
sabi, the passage of time
as affecting people and objects,
unites the nihilist concepts
of three Buddhist principles:
impermanence or
suffering or mujō,
and emptiness or

The jisei126 poet Ichikyo Kozan wrote,
“Emptied-handed I entered the world,
Barefoot I leave it. My coming,
my going—two simple happenings
that got entangled.”

Those three principles lead
to an unbalanced focus on death
and spurn the Divine natural desires
of humans by requiring the rejection
of asymmetry and the acceptance of imperfection.
Thousands of years before Kozan,
Job wrote, “Naked I came from
my mother’s womb and naked I will return,
the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away,
Blessed be the name of the Lord.”127
Hannah sang, “…The Lord kills and makes alive;
He brings down to Sheol128 and raises up…”129
Compare that symmetry
with Matsuo Basho’s thoughts,
“Falling ill on my journey,
my dreams go wandering,
over withered fields.”

I believe Solomon questioned
what advantage it is
to toil for the wind?130

He continued to emphasize
we are to enjoy the rewards of one’s labor
as we toil under the sun during the few years
of this life God has given us…
we do not often consider the years of our life
as God keeps us occupied
with the gladness of His heart131
on His natural time scale of motion.132

Tsuru wa sen-nen, Kame wa man-nen.”133
My family crest is the symbol of a crane.

In the Heike’s narrative
of a power struggle between
the Taira or Heike and the Minamoto
or Genji families,
there was a tale of a spider
that killed many people
and was eventually killed.134

The spider could have been a safe way
of secretly referring
to a powerful group of people.

Whatever the meaning,
the account allowed for Buddhist
and Shinto beliefs in supernatural events.
Christian medicine and hospitals
were recently built by the Portuguese.

I studied some of their techniques.

Then you know those western-style hospitals
were able to cure many physically
and mentally ill people
based on biblical truth, an inhibitor,
that does not ebb
as a fragrant bouquet.135

For example?

The ancient book of Daniel modeled
how to conduct scientific trials.
Daniel and his experimental group
had a strict diet of lentils and water,
which was nutritionally compared
to a control group’s diet of wine and meat.
The variable of Daniel’s biblical diet
was proven superior to the control groups diet
and the recognition of that fact changed
the eating regiment of many people
causing better health.136 As we speak,
Lady Mary Wortley is advocating
for a smallpox inoculation, the last
major outbreak of the bubonic plague
in Europe is believed to be ending,137
the Christian Isaac Newton’s physics
is being introduced.138

We are using microscopes to study
insects and general entomological purposes.139
There are four steps to describe
the wings of
long primary veins, center gray dots,
secondary veins around the dots,
and all those stretching with growth.

True. However, in this leap year of 1720,
Anno Domini, which, as you know,
means in the year of our Lord Christ Jesus,
Christianized Europeans are using
these microscopes, perfected
from Dutch lens makers
by the Christian Galileo in 1609,
to also observe smaller cellular organisms.
Christianity is also resurging in China.

Ah, the joyous pledge of white flowers.
The petrichor earth smell after a rain.141
Imru al-Qais wrote “Many a night
has let down its curtains around me…
you are a wonder, with stars held up
as by ropes of hemp to a solid rock.”142
I am aware that “the vagaries of life,
though painful, teach us not to cling
to this floating world.”

As you know,
the Buddhist monk Ikkyū Sōjun wrote
that passage in his “Skeletons.”
He was a feces eater
and frequenter of prostitutes.
He taught his disciple, Murata Jukō,
“the Buddhist dharma is also
in the Way of Tea.”
He founded the Green Tea Ceremony
with four values,
kin humility, kei respect for drink,
sei purity of spirit, and jaku
calmness from the freedom of desire.
As a renga poetry master,
he incorporated its concepts
hie chill, and kare withered.
Jukō was a
chajin, tea ceremony master,
refining its simplicity,
That self-righteous ritual
is a counterfeit sacrament
of the Lord’s Supper.143

As you know, Arai Hakuseki was
the leading adviser of Tokugawa shogunate lenobu
and said the shogun had divine right
and was inferior to the emperor.

Hakuseki was a Confucian who was born
during the great fire of Meireki144 in 1657,
which killed over 100,000 people.
He was called a child of fire.

Yes, hi no ko, due to his bad temper
and that fire. Anyway, there is a new policy
to be employed concerning you called
The Tokugawa is making room
for western technology and medicine
though we will still be closed to westerners.
This will allow us
to keep abreast of new ideas.

Children learn quickly,
if you chase two hares,
you will catch neither.
Beyond the charges being dropped against me,
surely this new acceptance
includes Christianity itself
and the Scripture for which it is based.

You mean like Noah’s flood?145
We have no world flood story.

The Chinese Miao tribes146 do,
as does most ancient peoples.147
Shinto’s believe the catfish
causes earthquakes and tsunamis.148

I see what you mean.
It could be said that Japan has no diluvian story
because it is the highest place on earth
and is the closest to heaven.149

I do not think you actually believe that.
The Divine language of history150
is moral law, movement, and space.
Orbiting people,
The purpose for man’s history haiku
is to provide for eternal justification
of each person’s moral decisions,
making space-time locality a target
in the future;151 in itself is
a non-contradictory proof
of non-local moral events in space
within time’s actual sequence of moments.

History condemns every man, undeniably,
for all people have broken moral law.
A non-local effect seems
to make one’s own atonement,
for entropic sin, impossible.
Like redoing increasingly disordered waves152
you started in a pond.
There could be no number
of afterlife dimensions
to justly prevent going to hell.
Equally, no one could
justly occupy heaven.

Without an atoning Redeemer,
that seems a reasonable

Iwao, philosophers might say,
you are a babbler.

What would you say, Daimyo?

I think the case could be made
that much learning has made you mad.155

Daimyo, I am not out of my mind.
I speak sober truth.
I speak with confidence that you,
as a learned man, know these things.
None of these things have taken place
in a hidden corner,
despite attempts to do so.
Christ Jesus bridges the paradoxes of reality:
the riches of poverty crowns,
the comfort of sorrow confounds,
the strength of meekness muted,
the fullness of hunger fruited,
the mercifulness of mercy styled,
the clarity of pureness compiled,
the peace of paternity confined,
and the joy of persecution’s grind.156

Tenuki157 almost persuades me
to become a Christian.

I wish to God,
by this morrow,
that not only you
but all might have
the splendid profusion,
as I have. I am made
all things to all men,
that I might, by all means,
save some.158
In my youth I declared God’s wonders,
now when I am greyheaded
I pray to be strengthened
to show His power to this generation.159
Now is the appointed time.160
When you were young,
you girded yourself,
and walked where you would:
but when you get old,
you will stretch out your hands,
and another will gird you,
and carry you where you would not.161

The whole world Christianized…
As the bamboo past,
with an uncertain moon?

Jesus clarified that He only prays for all
that will believe on Him through the word.162
He has blinded all those He knew
would reject Him.163

Vanquishing evil is the dream of youth.
I have time to hear more.

That dream is a noble and just gift
from God Himself.

But what is evil?
Urushiol poison from the lacquer tree?

Sap of the urushi tree
involuntarily produces resin
to cover lacquerware.164
Evil is the choice of finite intellects,
to not love God with all one’s heart, soul,
and mind or not love his neighbor as himself.
On those precepts hangs
all the law and prophesy.165

Love is the fulfillment of God’s law?166

Yes. We are to treat others
as we want to be treated.167
Narrow is the gate
that leads to life.168

Do you mean the transitional life
of a
choho169 and a hotaru170
or an afterlife?

Naturally, the latter, which includes
this life and eternity in heaven
for the forgiven,
and eternity in hell
for those that reject God’s salvation.

I do not think it would be wise for Christians
to claim any knowledge of either
the furniture in heaven or the temperature of hell.171
Regardless, thought of eternity in hell
is very intimidating.
“This is the state of man:
today he puts forth the tender leaves of hopes:
tomorrow blossoms,
and bears his blushing honors
thick upon him; the third day
comes a frost, a killing frost,
and, when he thinks,
good easy man, full surely
his greatness is a-ripening,
nips his root,
and then he falls, as I do.”172

I see you are not a stranger to pianwen173

…Two horses running beside each other.
I have a knowledge of your Shakespeare,
Sima Qian, and Ouyang Xiu.174

We should not let just wrath determine behavior.
Instead, we are better served
to let the God given imprint
of His coupling love and merciful redemption
on our consciousness guide our behaviors.175
We are not to quench the Holy Spirit
as He draws us to God.176
Naked we came into the world,
and naked we will return,
so will you bless the name of the Lord177
whose name is above all names?178
If it is disagreeable in your sight
to serve the living LORD,
choose for yourself today
whom you will serve:
whether the dead gods your dead fathers served
or the dead gods of another land,
but as for me and my house,
we will serve the living LORD.179

Far be it from me
that I should forsake the living LORD
to serve other gods.180

You will not be able to serve the LORD,
by your own strength,
for He is a holy God.
He is a jealous God.181
The Holy Ghost must empower your belief.182
You seek proof of Christ
who speaks in me.
He was crucified because of weakness,
yet He lives because of God’s power.
I am weak in Him,
yet will live with Him
because of God’s power.
He is not weak toward you,
and can be mighty in you.183

Lord help my unbelief!184
What must I do to be saved?

Confess Jesus and believe God
raised Him from the dead and you
and your whole house
shall be saved,
because the Scriptures say so.185

(And, so Daimyo did and his facial expression immediately changed from sadness to joy by noh means of mugen hyojo.186 Daimyo’s tears are of both from joy and redemption from sin.187 He would fail many times,188 but would always strive to never grieve the Holy Spirit with sin.189 There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents.190)

(Church bells ring out to beckon others, as the Temple bells have been silenced. Kami no kagaku wa kagako no joōdesu, shūkyō wa shinji raete iru monodesu.191)


Ball, Walter (1888), A Short Account of the History of Mathematics, MacMillian and Co., New York, p. 349 etc.

Classic Haiku (2018), Shelter Harbor Press, New York, p. 37 for Bashō death poetry etc.

Fukazawa, S. (1964) Narayamabushi-ko. Tokyo: Shincho-sha.

Hab. 2:11 and Luke 19:40 etc. for the stones cry out…

Harding, T. et al. (1986) Human Rights and Mental Patients in Japan. Geneva: International Commission of Jurists, pp. 5-6.

Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 15th edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2001.

Hayashi, Yoshiro (2002) “Insanity and Mental Disorder in Ancient Japan with reference to Ihon yamai-no-soshi,” Japanese Journal of History of Psychiatry, 5 (2), pp. 9-18. “Mental Illness in the Tale of Genji” (2003) Acta scholae medicinalis universitatis in Gufu, vol. 51, (2), pp. 197-200.

Hinata, K. (2001) “Genji-monogatari and Diseases,” Japanese Literature, 50 (5), pp. 27-34.

Kaneko, J. (1973) Nihon igaku-shi nenpyou. Tokyo: Nihon-Seishinbyouin-Kyoukai, pp. 156, 332-341.

Mikami, Yoshio (1913), The Development of Mathematics in China and Japan, Chelsea Publishing Company, New York, p. 163 etc.

Murasaki, Shikibu. The Tale of Genji (Japanese, Genji-Monogatari). 11th century.

Nakao, Seigo (1995), The Japanese-English Dictionary, Ballantine Books, New York.

The Lancet (1982), Japan: Human rights of mentally offenders. The Lancei, I, p. 673.

The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon, Columbia University Press, New York, 1967.

The Tale of Heike (Japanese, Hei, Taira and ke for clan or family). Many authors. 13th century.

Totsuka, Etsuro (1985) Ningensei kaihuku eno michi. In Seishin-iryo to jinken (3) Ningensei kaihulu eno michi. Tokyo: Aki-shobo, pp. 199-240. “The History of Japanese psychiatry and the rights of mental patients.” Psychiatric Bulletin (1990), 14, pp. 193-200.

1 Go is played with game pieces called stones. In Go, sente (lit. before hand) is a player’s move that has the attack initiative because of a previous move and gote (lit. after hand) is a move in defense of a previous move. Reverse sente is a gote move that prevents the opponent from making a sente play.

2 English is the primary language and also the muscled masculine grammatical content style infused with parallelism, e.g. Hebrew, English, and Chinese etc. traditions in social constructs of language.

3 The bell is considered butsugu, a Buddhist accessory. Bells have had historical religious significance in China and to the Hebrews (Ex. 28:33-34). Since the 4th century A.D., bells are rang in Christian churches primarily to summon worshippers of Christ.

4 Asian and westerners communicate emotions differently. Japanese people observe tones of voices more than facial expressions to determine individual emotional states, whereas westerners (Dutch) pay attention to facial expressions more than tone of voices to determine individual emotions. See the study by Akihiro Tanaka et al. and his associates in the Netherlands at the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, published September 2010 in the Association for Psychological Science’s Psychological Science 21(9), pp. 1259-1262.

5 Japanese for law.

6 Meaning Christians associated with rebellion.

7 The leitmotiv (German for leading motive) is a melodic phrase that accompanies the appearance or reappearance of an individual or situation, which was used by Wagner in his operas.

8 Isaac Watts was a minister in England who wrote “Joy to the World” (1719) based on the future celebration of Jesus’ birth in Psalms 98. His “Hymns and Spiritual Songs” was reprinted in 1720.

9 Archaic Japanese for I, clumsy or unskillful derived from Samurai use of sessha during the Edo period (1600-1868) to indicate humility.

10 See Acts 17:29 and endnote 98 at

11 Job 12:7-9; Ps. 19:1-6; Jere. 5:22; Rom. 1:20.

12 John 3:16.

13 Mark 16:15.

14 Ex. 17:1 refers to the wilderness of Sin or Desert of Sin (capital “S”), which is a region between Elim and Mount Sinai and does not mean a moral failing of sin (small “s”).

15 Is. 7:14 and John 1 etc.

16 A ko threat in Go forces one’s opponent to respond or risk a punishing blow.

17 In 1868, ancient Japanese provinces (from 1600) became 47 prefectures with governors elected every four years: 43 proper (ken), 2 urban (fu) of Osaka and Kyoto, 1 circuit (hokkai-dō), and 1 metropolis of Tokyo. The Nagasaki prefecture merged Hizen (Hishū) and Tsuchima island provinces, Iki was also included.

18 The Shinto Suwa Shrine was created (c. 1614) to stop Christian conversions in Nagasaki. For over 400 years, it has celebrated an Autumn festival called Kunchi.

19 Japanese for an outsider person or foreigner.

20 Japanese kaizoku, sea tribe meaning pirate (wakō is Japanese for pirate), suigun, navy, refers to the multi-ethnic crews, especially in the 16th century, that controlled the Chinese and Korean coasts, including East and Southeast Asia, until the Japanese government overtook the seas and established an ethnocentric force with Japanese symbols. Shirahama Kenki was a famous Japanese pirate. See Peter Shapinsky’s, professor of history at the University of Illinois at Springfield, (22 November 2019) Japanese Pirates and the East Asia Maritime World, 1200-1600.

21 Greek for boundless and ageless.

22 Ps. 147:4-5; Is. 40:26.

23 Brian Swimme’s (15 November, 2022) Cosmogenesis: An Unveiling of the Expanding Universe, Counterpoint, also author of (1984) The Universe is a Green Dragon, Bear and Company. The dragon is a common name for Satan and references to a green focus (an unnatural diversion away from the created peace of green, e.g. green pastures in Ps. 23, etc.), as well, found in this work and elsewhere. Swimme has openly boasted of using his position as cosmology professor to turn the beliefs of his students away from a potential biblical God toward his cosmology, e.g. Oona Fitzgerald, believed to be a cultural Catholic, who scored a perfect 1600 on her SAT’s. In a 2007 interview with Robert Wright, Swimme said, “…if you take Buddhism and Christianity and so forth there’s a kind of battle—a subtle sort of struggle taking place because they’re not standing on common ground but…take the Earth or ecology then suddenly they can begin to explore what they have to offer. So I do think absolutely that…there will be a flourishing of religions, not a withering away. And they will flourish to the degree that they will move into the context of planet and universe.” See endnote 191 where Christianity is the only true scientific (observation, theorizing, and testing) result of theological logic implying Buddhism leads the intellectual structural attempt to create an opposing godless logic—if there is no God then there is no reason to pursue any truths, theology, the queen of science, and otherwise.

24 Japanese soryūshi means elementary particles, subatomic particles in particle physics, and denki means electricity. See the Japan Society of Medical Physics for a current history of that field.

25 The Roman letter spelling of rei, depending on Japanese phonetic kana or Chinese kanji characters, may mean either zero or ghost/soul.

26 January, 2022, Alexey Berdyugin et al. did this experiment of superlattices predicted by Julian Schwinger in 1951 (electrons and positrons (or holes) created from the quantum vacuum by electric fields). Berdyugin explained this to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange during September, 2022 as additional electrons appearing from the filled bands below the conduction band leaving the hole (condensed matter analogy for positron) in the valence band as identical to particle creation in a vacuum. See their paper at Science, 27 January 2022, Vol 375, Issue 6579, pp. 430-433.

27 Japanese for cognitive boundaries.

28 Late 8th or early 9th centuries. Nara was the capital at the time and was Buddhist.

29 Japanese for sword technique used by the samurai. In 1715, Naganuma developed the use of bamboo swords for training. Modern day, this martial art has become kendo, the way of the sword, using bokutō, wood swords.

30 Matt. 26:52.

31 Rom. 13:4.

32 Heb. 4:12.

33 A severed head.

34 Acts 17:29.

35 Eph. 6:12.

36 Matt. 12:43-45.

37 Plural is Baalim. Jere. 23:27.

38 Ex. 32:1-5.

39 Japanese for plea.

40 Japanese for appeal.

41 Ex. 32:6.

42 Ex. 32:25-29.

43 John 1 etc.

44 Rom 1:6.

45 Ex. 32:25-29.

46 Hebrew neqebah the one who is punctured in sex, the female (Lev. 15:33). See Rivkah Harris’ Gender and Ageing in Mesopotamia: The Gilgamesh Epic and Other Ancient Literature. See androgenous disguises at endnote 68.

47 Japanese for viewing autumn leaves, lit. maple [tree leaves], hunting.

48 Japanese for small child love-someone.

49 Japanese literally man who eats feces.

50 Japanese for a male or female homosexual.

51 Sanskrit for Birth.

52 In Buddhist sects, such as the Mahayana, there is a belief such a person could reach nirvana but doesn’t in order to help the suffering of others.

53 The intentional replacement of God with one’s self as a god (Ps. 23).

54 Conscious parallelism, in antitrust law, is the legal scrutiny of businesses for collusion to create illegal monopolies but also occurs naturally in businesses imitating other successful business’ practices, i.e. price rates etc., to gain market share. Conscious parallelism also occurs with religions who collude or are naturally following successful patterns of other religions.

55 II Kings 1:2; Matt. 10:25.

56 Qur’an 3:28, 16:106 etc.

57 Qur’an 3:54, 8:30.

58 Chants increase alpha brain waves (8-12Hz), which when emitted calms the body.

59 In 2014, China implemented a social credit scoring system (pinyin, shēhui xinyōno tixi) for trustworthiness (chengxix) where all records for people, businesses, and governments can be monitored in real time. The categories are financial (zhengxix), judicial (gongsi gingxin), commercial (shangwu chengxin), societal (shehui chengxin), and governmental (zhengwu). The scores will affect travel freedom, school freedom, employment freedom, and may be lowered by jaywalking or walking a dog without a leash etc. leading to banning, punishments or public shaming etc. Good scores can lead to fast tracking government applications or experiencing less government inspections etc. Australia, is using a similar scoring system to categorize migrants. Germany and India are also implementing scoring policies. This extreme societal monitoring for individual manipulation and punishment was biblically prophesied 2,000 years ago (Rev. 13:11-18 etc.).

60 The early records of salt making in Japan are in Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters, 711-712 A.D.; often called Nihongi) and Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan, written in Chinese 720 A.D.; often Furukoto-fumi or bumi). Much like the Hindu Veda (four books of knowledge), they contain childishly nonsensical myths and legends, e.g. creation, sacred to Shinto beliefs.

61 On 12 September 2022, the Manchester Metropolitan University in England sponsored a workshop on artificial utopias with the preceding artificial utopia subjects.

62 Matt. 6:24.

63 The interlude portion between the two acts.

64 Japanese for deceiver (Rev. 12:9). Sagi in Hebrew is a boy’s name meaning great.

65 The object of the interlude.

66 In 2010, the Wolf Prize and, in 2022, the Nobel Prize for physics was awarded to John Clauser, Alain Aspect, and Anton Zeilinger for their establishment of John Bell’s 1960’s inequalities work, which provides quantum foundations for quantum information science. It links general relativity with quantum mechanics.

67 The sums of so-called real and imaginary numbers, e.g. the square root of a negative number etc., are proving useful tools to solve equations. In a recent article in Physical Review Letters, physicist Pan Jianwei of the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, confirmed such numbers are fundamental to their philosophical debate of entangled particle predictions.

68 The noh work Tsuchigumo (Earth Spider) is about a spider that wears several human disguises to gain access for using his poisonous webs on his victims. Later, Kabuki theatre, based on this story, has the Earth Spider wearing both male and female disguises.

69 Is. 14:12; II Cor. 11:14.

70 Luke 22:53.

71 See the Benedictine monk’s chronicle, Ordericus Vitalis, and Christina Rossetti’s (1859, 1863) “Goblin Market” about two sisters, Laura and Lizzie, who encounter goblin merchant men with magic fruits (sex) for which Lizzie warns Laura.

72 Ps. 91:6 of John Wycliff’s (1394) Bible.

73 Rev. 6:7.

74 Rev. 11:18.

75 Ex. 17:8-15.

76 Amos 8:9.

77 Gen. 9:15-17.

78 Chinese for dwarf pirate; using the Chinese pejorative wo (meaning dwarf) in reference to Japanese people. See endnote 20 for Japanese pirates.

79 A Japanese word for foreigner meant to be a racist slur, especially against westerners.

80 Prov. 15:2.

81 Prov. 26:7.

82 Taken from Don Quixote’s dialogue with Sancho in Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote translated by Charles Jarvis (1884) Belford, Clarke and Co., Chicago, Illinois, Part I, Book III, Chapter XXI, p. 138 and also Thomas Shelton’s translation (1612) III, Chapter VII. The relevant passage is “Me thinks Sancho that there’s no proverb that is not true: for they are all sentences taken out of experience it self, which is the universal mother of sciences; and specifically the proverb that says where one door is shut another is opened.”

83 Matt. 4:1-11; Rom. 14:11.

84 Ps. 2:4, 37:13, 59:8.

85 Eccl. 7:9.

86 Prov. 29:9.

87 Prov. 17:7.

88 Prov. 12:22.

89 Is. 32:6.

90 Prov. 14:8.

91 I Cor. 4:10.

92 Margaret Deland’s (1897) The Wisdom of Fools (Section 4, The Law, or The Gospel), Houghton, Mifflin and Company, New York, p. 247. Deland indicated she was against strict Calvinism in her (1888) “John Ward, Preacher against Calvinism.” She also wrote an (1887) Easter hymn titled “Blow Golden Trumpets Sweet” based on Lev. 25:9.

93 Japanese for criminal.

94 Gen. 6:11-12; Matt. 6:19-22; Rom. 7:14-20; I Cor. 15:52-57; Rev. 19:2 etc.

95 II Cor. 3:17.

96 Rom. 9:33.

97 A Pyrrhic victory is derived from Pyrrhus of Epirus’ victory over Romans in the Battle of Asculum (279 B.C.) where he lost so much men and equipment as to end his campaign. This phrase was used in Edward Sheburne’s (1675) astronomy poem The Sphere of Marcus Manilius and William Barriffe referred to the Pyrrhic dance (from Greek Pyrrhichē) in his 1639 Mars, his triumph.

98 Japanese, preparing live fish (sashimi) to be eaten.

99 Japanese, raw fish to be eaten with ikizukuri.

100 Matt. 26:69-75.

101 Matt. 16:21-23.

102 John 21; Acts.

103 Luke 22:31-32, 34.

104 Ps. 123:3-4.

105 Ps. 139:19-22.

106 Meaning a racoon dog which symbolizes mischievousness in Buddhism.

107 Frogs represent the good fortune of returning in Buddhism.

108 Acts 16:6.

109 A beast with a bird’s beak, a swallow’s jaw, and a snake’s head in Buddhism meant to represent virtue and grace.

110 A doll that falls over when tipped and returns to an upright position representing perseverance. Named after the Buddhist monk, Daruma, that founded Zen (c. 1,500 years ago).

111 Prov. 24:16.

112 II Cor. 4:9.

113 Micah 7:8.

114 Suicide, which becomes tolerated and even recommended resulting in vastly increased rates.

115 See endnote 109.

116 Kalpana Elizabeth Dein’s (2012) Psychopathy: Evil or Disease?, Royal College of Psychiatrists, addresses biblical examples of psychopathy.

117 II Tim. 3:7-9.

118 Rom. 1:21-32.

119 Japanese for The age/era/time of fools/idiots/the stupid.

120 Epilepsy.

121 Psychosis.

122 The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon.

123 R. Shane Tubbs et al., “Roots of neuroanatomy, neurology, and neurosurgery as found in the Bible and Talmud,” Neurosurgery, 2008 Jul:63(1), pp. 156-162 discussion pp. 162-163.

124 See the many examples in The Tale of Genji.

125 See Nancy Barnes’ (1989) “Lady Rokujō’s Ghosts Spirit Possession, Buddhism, and Healing in Japanese Literature,” Literature and Medicine 8, pp. 106-121.

126 Japanese for restraint or self-control, used to refer to poems composed just before one’s death.

127 Job 1:21; Eccl. 5:15.

128 The place for departed souls; the place after the grave for saved men and Hades for the punishment of unsaved men (see Luke 16:19-31).

129 I Sam. 2:6.

130 Eccl. 5:16-17.

131 Eccl. 5:18-20.

132 It is believed that the natural time scale of electron motion in atoms (atomic physics), molecules (molecular physics and chemistry), and solids (solid-state physics) is the attosecond; 1 as = 10 to the minus 18 s. Attosecond light pulses may disclose the physics of ultrafast phenomena in the few-femtosecond and ottosecond time-domain. In 2022, Anne L’Huillier, Paul Corkum, and Ferenc Krausz were awarded the Wolf Prize in physics for using ultrafast laser science and attosecond physics. See related physics’ endnotes 26 and 66.

133 “A crane 1,000 years old, a turtle 10,000 years old.”

134 Heike’s tale, chapter 5, section 5, pp. 265-266.

135 Is. 40:8.

136 Dan. 1:8-16.

137 “Great Plague of Marseille.”

138 Willem’s Gravesande.

139 Nagasaka night stories written by Nagasaka Yawasō.

140 Means winning bug, victory insect, or invincible insect, which is a reference for dragonfly (tonbo). The dragonfly was the symbol of 17th century lords and is a Japanese emblem symbolizing joy and rebirth. Warrior helmets often displayed the dragonfly to symbolize victorious authority.

141 Geosmin (Greek for earth, smell) is a molecule that gives off a scent, especially from soil after a rain, and petrichor (Greek for stone, fluid in the veins of Greek mythological gods) is the odor enjoyed by humans.

142 The oldest of the Mu’Allaqat (also called The Hanging Poems or The Suspended Poems because they were hanged up to be celebrated). The hanging poems is a collection of seven long pre-Islamic Arabic poems and appended poems from the 6th and 7th centuries.

143 Matt. 26:26-28; I Cor. 10:16-17, 11:20-28.

144 Now Tokyo.

145 Gen. 6-9; II Peter 3:5-7.

146 Miao is often meant as a derogatory word (to not be societally assimilated). Also known as Hmong, they are the peoples of southern China and southeast Asia with an oral flood tradition ranging from being closely related to the biblical account to being less related.

147 The Atra-Hasis contains an ancient Babylonian flood account as does the ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh closely parallels the biblical account possibly due to it also being a version, though somewhat corrupted from not being divinely inspired, based on the actual event. The Epic of Gilgamesh (1972), Penguin Epics, London, England, pp. 50-55.

148 This belief was first known to be postulated in the 16th century.

149 This Shinto philosophy began in earnest from the 17th century through the 19th century.

150 Audrey Truschke, professor of history at Rutgers University, wrote The Language of History (2021), Columbia University Press, chiefly to analyze the historical impact of Muslims on Hindu nationalism in India.

151 A 2013 paper (The Amplituhedron), by Princeton University’s Nima Arkani-Hamed, explored particle collisions. With the creation of a geometric shape, amplituhedron, the claim/hope was to go beyond space-time and challenge local realities. Arkani-Hamed, an Iranian/American/Canadian, won the 2022 Sakurai Prize. The prize is named for Jun Sakurai, a Japanese physicist who died on a trip to CERN. For more on Arkani-Hamed see

The local self-serving breaking of God’s moral law by Achan (c. 1234-1228 B.C.) effected the non-local reality of an Israeli battle at Ai with an unnecessary temporal military defeat (Josh. 7). Conversely, Jesus’ local self-sacrificial compliance with all of God’s moral law allowed Him to affect the non-local reality of all the world with a necessary eternal redemptive victory.

152 Johannes Rydberg (c. 1888) created a formula for electron movement when excited. That Rydberg state may be caused by a laser pulse on a hydrogenic atom. The Rydberg wave packet, like waves in a pond including more than one wave in a space, starts ripples that make interference and unique patterns. Enough wave packets in the atomic pond will make unique patterns representing the distinct time it takes for the wave packets to interact in with one another. Theoretically, this makes an atomic timepiece beginning with the start point of stimulation.

153 Japanese for verdict.

154 Acts 17:18.

155 Acts 26:24-27.

156 Matt. 5:1-11.

157 In Go, tenuki is a gambit to accept a loss to gain elsewhere.

158 I Cor. 9:19-22.

159 Ps. 71:17-18.

160 II Cor. 6:2.

161 This reference is to the passage concerning Peter in John 21:18. Additionally, at the writing of this, Dallas F. Bell Jr. was recovering from another surgery and a series of shots over many days, while his beloved wife of 43 years had a mini-stroke and required treatment for a case of influenza. Each recognized they no longer were able to go where and when they wanted or could eat what they wanted, but they knew they came into the world naked and would return naked, deciding to bless the worthy name of the Lord (Job 1:21).

162 John 17:9, 20.

163 Is. 29:9-16: I Cor. 1:18-25 etc. Omniscient God would not inefficiently expend Jesus’ prayers nor His perfect holy sacrifice on the cross for those foolish people He foreknew would reject Him, which is why He blinds them. He would not blind them to His truth while at the same time make His truth available to them, which would be purposes that are at odds—a divided house or kingdom can not stand (Mark 3:24-25). Those with the self-identified Christian label that reject that biblical doctrine, as seen in the recent debates by Southern Baptists Convention (SBC) members, also commonly reject the Genesis 1 account of creation along with accepting other non-biblical doctrine, i.e. the Bible is errant, God loves everyone, and there are many paths to God beyond Christ etc., as do non-Christians. The Nagasaki Baptist Church was supported by the SBC and the Japan Baptist Convention’s Japan Baptist Hospital of Kyoto was also supported by the SBC.

164 Urushi is Japanese for lacquer. Urushiol is the oily liquid of the Japanese lacquer tree that can produce allergic rashes on human contact. The sap is harvested and reduced to a resin that is used to coat products. Urushiol is a mixture of catechol and is also produced by poison sumac, poison ivy, poison oak, and even parts of mango and cashew trees.

165 Deut. 6:4-5; Matt. 22:37-40.

166 Rom. 13:9-10.

167 Matt. 7:12.

168 Matt. 7:13-14.

169 Japanese for butterflies, which are believe to be the souls of the dead; and are supposed to represent joy and prosperity.

170 Japanese for fireflies, which are believed to be the altered form of the souls of dead soldiers who died in war and also is a metaphor for passionate love in waka (Japanese poetry) as in the anthology Man’you-shu (Lit. Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves) in the Nara period. Hotaru-gari is the popular viewing of fireflies on hot summer nights.

171 This is a paraphrase of a statement by Reinhold Niebuhr, a heretical theologian that did not believe in the accuracy of Scripture.

172 The words of Cardinal Wolsey in William Shakespeare’s Henry VIII, Act 3, Scene 2, lines 423-429.

173 Chinese translation lit. means parallel writing.

174 Qian wrote about the history of Asia in Shiji (c. 91 B.C.) and was known to use parallelism in his many works. Xiu later also used parallelism in his many works. For parallelism in Chinese literature see Wang Li, Han-yū shih-tū hsūeh, Shanghai; hsin chih-shih (1958), pp. 142-181, 468-480, 651-663 etc.

175 Rom. 2:14-15, 13:3-5.

176 I Thess. 5:19.

177 Job 1:21.

178 Phil. 2:9.

179 Josh. 24:15.

180 Josh 24:16.

181 Josh. 14:19.

182 Rom. 15:13.

183 II Cor. 13:3-4.

184 Mark 9:24.

185 Acts 16:30- 34; Rom. 10:9-10.

186 Means infinite facial expression by use of shadows to convey different expressions, sad or happy, with the same noh mask.

187 Luke 7:37-50.

188 Rom. 7:14-25.

189 Eph. 4:30.

190 Luke 15:10.

191 Translated, “The science of God [theology; the study of Yahweh] is the queen of science, religion [true or false] is what is believed.”

--ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (2022) Dallas F. Bell, Jr.--