The Applications of Symmetrons and Vacuum Energy to the
Predestination of Autonomous Learners:
Scientia Potentia Est
by Dallas F. Bell, Jr.
(This paper was accepted for presentation
by the Mexican Research Council on Political Science [COMICIP] at
the International Political Science Association research committee 33 [RC 33]
international workshop for the Study of Political Science in a Comparative
Perspective during November, 2013, in Mexico City.)
Abstract: Physics has two basic theories: quantum
field theory and general relativity.
Quantum theory includes quantum mechanics of particles and forces minus
gravity. It has been theorized that
the force between objects in the universe is a symmetron field. This offers an explanation of why the
expansion of the universe is accelerating.
Quantum brain dynamics has been used to explain consciousness. The Bernstein Center for Computational
Neuroscience in Berlin and the Max Planck Institute for Human Development has
found that brain activity seems to indicate decisions are formulated in the
subconscious and relayed to the conscious.
Physics and neuroscience express the reality of boundaries to freewill
that to some degree predestinate future options. Truth is materialistic, such as gravity
etc, and is non-materialistic, such as love and justice etc. The standard for education must be
truth. Not teaching and testing to
the standard of truth has severe effects.
Testing can not be fuzzy or a comparison to
other students in a class, (e.g. grading on a curve). The universal standard for truth should
be enforced. Learned autonomy must be fostered by directing the scope of
learning within appropriate known truth by people with a vested interest in the
student's success, such as family and church. Neuroscience shows that the prefrontal
cortex, responsible for executive decision making, does not get fully wired
until around the age of twenty-six.
Students are not generally neurologically and experientially equipped to
be meaning makers. Student's
neurology and experience need to be exposed to truth as soon and as much as
possible. Education is built on
blocks of known truth for the purpose of efficiently bypassing the time needed
by each generation to discover and prove already known truths. Autonomous learning properly comes at
the point when present known truth is surpassed and new knowledge must be
discovered and analyzed. Prior to
that point it is a waste of time and energy to rediscover already known
truths. In this process, freedom
must be allowed for students to experience the best knowledge as fast as
possible at the time. Thomas Hobbes
said scientia potentia est
(L. knowledge is power) in his 1658 work De
Homine. The external reality to
self must address truth concepts of material and nonmaterial knowledge. It is argued that education, especially
for political science, must maximize attaining truth within predestined
neurological, physical, and environmental boundaries by appropriate discipline
of purposeful use of resources.
Keywords: symmetrons, vacuum energy, neuroscience,
predestination, autonomous learner.
Physics has two basic theories: quantum field theory and
general relativity. Quantum theory
includes quantum mechanics of particles and forces minus gravity. General relativity includes gravity but
excludes quantum mechanics. Each
theory holds to different beliefs about the energy density of a vacuum. Energy measurements range from near zero
to very great. It is generally
agreed that vacuum energy does not affect the second law of thermodynamics and
is not likely to be harnessed.[1]
It has been theorized that the force between objects in the
universe is a symmetron field. This
offers an explanation of why the expansion of the universe is
accelerating. The field has
symmetry in regions of high density and in regions of low density (e.g.
vacuums) the symmetry is broken and the field mediates a new force.[2] This has experiential relevance to
non-physicists in that quantum brain dynamics has been theorized as a causation
of consciousness.[3] Gordon G. Globus,[4] is
a practicing psychiatrist and professor emeritus of psychology and philosophy
at the University of California at Irvine, recommends research on this theory
in the 2001 book, My Double Unveiled: The
Dissipative Quantum Model of Brain, by Giuseppe Vitiello[5]
and the 1995 book, Quantum Brain Dynamics
and Consciousness: An Introduction, by Mari Jibu and Kunio Yasue.[6]
John-Dylan Haynes, neuroscientist at the Bernstein Center
for Computational Neuroscience in Berlin, has found that brain activity seems
to indicate decisions are formulated in the subconscious and relayed to the
conscious. Gerd Gigerenzer,
Director of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Director of the Harding Center for Risk
Literacy in Berlin, expressed a similar sentiment in his 2007
book, Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of
the Unconscious. This could
indicate that whatever is allowed into the subconscious strongly mitigates
toward conscious decision-making.
Physics and neuroscience express the reality of boundaries
to freewill that to some degree predestinate future options. Those options are combined with
providence to create specific behavioral possibilities and allow for accurate prophesy concerning mankind.[7] A predestination paradox or causality loop
describes the phenomenon of circular cause and effect events. For example, from early history in
Noah's time,[8] the
tower of Babel,[9] the Dark
Ages, and to today truth was and is ignored and the enforcement of untruth
eventually fails.[10] Truth is (temporal) materialistic, such
as gravity etc, and is (eternal) non-materialistic, such as love and justice
etc.[11] It is infinite
and the ultimate source must be the omniscient Spirit of the preexistent
It is estimated that knowledge is now doubling around every
eighteen months.[13] The efficient standard for education
must be truth. Ironically in 2008,
a female teacher[14] in
California wrote that she decided not to teach true English grammar to her
black students because she did not think it right to correct them by the true
academic English standard.[15] This follows U.S. elementary and high
schools ending the teaching of math truth without calculators
which inhibits brain plasticity and potentiation when neurons are not
frequently fired by solving math problems.
Now U.S. students score at the bottom for math and science in the
western world[16] and
must take remedial courses of truth in a community college to make up for the
lack of knowledge.[17] In 2013, it is reported that U.S.
schools will no longer teach how to write in cursive, again inhibiting brain
development.[18] The U.S. government now intentionally
makes illiterate signs and materials without using an apostrophe to signify the
possessive case.[19]
In the U.K., the teaching of true grammar[20]
and math is thought to stifle creativity.
Teaching working class students to read is considered an injustice and giving black students school choice is being blocked by people
with the same ideologies as in the U.S.
Correcting student's mistakes of untruth is treated as an illegitimate
exercise of power.[21] A 2009 U.K. study by James R Flynn found
that I.Q. tests for fourteen year olds carried out in 1980 and again in 2008
dropped by more than two points.
The scores for the upper half dropped by six points. However, children's scores between five
and ten years of age increased up to half a point for three decades. Flynn states that he believes the drop
in teenage I.Q. could be due to being dumbed down by intentionally not being
exposed to truth. They are more oriented
toward computer games than towards reading.[22]
Not teaching to the standard of truth[23]
and testing has severe effects.
Testing can not be fuzzy and a relative[24]
comparison to other students in a class, such as grading on a curve. This would mean that if all students
scored zero they would all enjoy the highest grades, rendering them
meaningless. The universal standard
for truth must be enforced.[25] Learner autonomy must be fostered by
directing the scope of learning within appropriate known truth by people with a
vested interest in the student's success, such as family[26]
and church.[27] Neuroscience shows that the prefrontal
cortex, responsible for executive decision making, does not get fully wired
until around the age of twenty-six.
Students are not generally neurologically and experientially equipped to
be meaning makers.[28]
Student's neurology and experience need to be exposed to
truth as soon as and as much as possible.[29] Oscar Wilde
(1854-1900) attributed his self described "degeneracies"
to the fact that he had not entered the Church when he was young.[30] Education is built on blocks of
known truth for the purpose of efficiently bypassing the time needed by each
generation to discover and prove already known truths. Autonomous learning properly comes at
the point when present known truth is surpassed and new knowledge must be
discovered and analyzed. Prior to
that point it is a waste of time and energy to rediscover already known truths. In this process, freedom must be allowed
for students to experience the best array of knowledge as fast as possible at
the time for their abilities.
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)[31]
said scientia potentia est
(L. knowledge is power) in his 1658 work De
Homine. Hobbes said "...Science is of that nature as none, can understand it
to be, but such as in a good measure have attained it." Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)[32]
expressed scientia potestas est in his 1597 work Meditationes
Sacrae. His context is that the
qualities of God are imbedded in the notion that knowledge is power and untrue
heresy denies the power of God.
Knowledge of truth increases innate potential with the ability to direct
power by the learned[33]
and makes them free.[34]
It is common for individuals, families, religions,[35]
businesses,[36] and
societies[37] to
gloss over or even hide a painful or shameful past. In wartime, it is obviously necessary to
keep some truth secret. Winston
Churchill (1874-1965) said truth is precious and must be surrounded by a
bodyguard of lies.[38] However, not for national security
reasons, dictators try to prevent transfers of truth to their citizens because
it empowers them personally. There
are numerous examples throughout history, such as the former U.S.S.R. and China
and now the western states of the U.S. and U.K. mentioned before. Augusto Pinochet of Chile regarded
education as a privilege more than a need.
Chile has expensive primary education but ranks 119th of 144
countries. In 2006, Chile's high
school students went on strike to protest the dismal scores. The "Penguin Revolution"[39]
of the youth was directed at the government law that subordinated education by
governments to families. Basically,
they were protesting their own families and own selves lack of self-education. They thought government employees would
care more for their education than their churches, their own parents, and their
selves. There was an educational
deficiency, but the ignorance of students led to misdirected power. Lack of knowledge has inefficient power
directed by the ignorant in untruth.
Many times truth, and therefore God, is hidden sub specie boni (L. under the aspect of
good) when it is actually sub specie mali (L. under the aspect of bad/evil). Gottfried Leibniz (1646–1716)[40]
asserted that evil originates from the privation of good. Other scholars have noted that evil is
not just an absence of good, but it is an active negation and privation of good
(L. privatio actuosa). The intentional denial of
education for women under the religious guise of Islam has often been
documented.[41] Nineteen top security professionals,
Team B II, produced a book highlighting the dangers of Sharia law titled Shariah: The Threat to America.[42] Das Kapital (Capital) was written by Karl Marx in 1867. He was a Darwinian evolutionist
which is a materialist philosophy.
The atheist, Marx, said people have no worth except their value to the
economy and revolution class.[43] The notion that people have worth, he
said, comes from the Christian[44]
belief that people have souls.
Peter Singer, another Darwinian evolutionist atheist
materialist, expressed this view in his 1979 Practical Ethics (Chapter 3 etc.) and other writings and
interviews. He is often quoted as
saying his daughter is of no more importance than a rat.[45] U.S. youth have been taught in
educational systems, by media, and generally by people with this untrue
materialist view. For example
religion professor at Boston University, Donna Freitas wrote that for decades
U.S. youth have been taught by popular culture that casual sex is
liberating. She cites a national survey
of 2,500 college students where 41% expressed sadness and despair about brief
sexual encounters. They largely
indicated that they have a publically expressed promiscuous sex life due to
perceived social pressure and not from desire or pleasure.[46] Those students' miasma reflects the
unbalanced focus on materialist sex and has ignored the nonmaterialistic aspect
of committed love which makes sex important and
enjoyable. Our behavior comes from
our beliefs which come from what we hold to be the
authority that explains the past, present and future—theology.[47]
Thane Rosenbaum, law professor at Fordham University, said
people are hardwired for nonmaterial attributes of justice and revenge in his
recent book, Payback: The Case for
Revenge. In the long run it is
dangerous to hide truth and cause harm.
At some point, truth will be embraced and deniers of truth will receive
justice. Not teaching truth is
toxic neurologically to the denier of truth. Doing good has
been found to reduce depression and cause a significantly happier
attitude. Carolyn Schwartz, a
research professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, studied
more than 2,000 mostly healthy U.S. Presbyterian Church attendees who experienced
dramatic improvements in their quality of life more than the people they were
In a recent study in the Proceedings
of the National Academy of Science, brains of
participants were scanned by MRI's as they made decisions about donating
a sum of their research payment to charitable organizations. When they chose to donate money, the
brain's mesolimbic system was activated.
That brain region is activated by positive stimuli, such as sex,
monetary gains etc. The brain's
subgenual area was also activated.
That brain region produces chemicals (i.e. oxytocin etc.) which produce a good feeling and promotes social
Jeffrey Cooper, researcher at the Trinity College Institute
for Neuroscience and School of Psychology in Dublin, had two groups at Stanford
University watch people play financial games. Tracking brain activity with MRI scans, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex was not excited by
stock market exchange games but was excited when watching public goods
games. Players that gave generously
to the common pot elicited brain signals of positive emotions to observers
while holding in disdain players that withheld contributions. Brian Knutson, professor of psychology
and neuroscience at Stanford University and co-author of the research paper
with Cooper said what we think other people are intending to do really matters.
The external reality to self must address truth concepts of
material and nonmaterial knowledge.
Truth is a stable scale that does not change. Argumentation from authority or argumentum ad
verecundiam is often fallacious and should
be considered suspect.[48] Either this universal truth statement is
accepted and there is truth or it is rejected and any discourse is nullified by
non-belief in a common standard of truth.
Education must maximize attaining truth within predestined neurological,
physical, and environmental boundaries by appropriate discipline of purposeful
use of resources and providence gifted from God to those that obey Him. Metaphorical, if not literal, symmetrons
of information exist between objects of vacuum energy predisposed to desiring
to learn autonomously and the process is efficient when its knowledge brings
power to its holder.
[1] John
Baez is a mathematical physicist and mathematics professor at the University of
California at Riverside, cousin to folksinger Joan Baez, and nephew to the
co-developer of the x-ray microscope and telescope physicist Albert Baez. He recommended his paper to Dallas F.
Bell Jr. in an email exchange in May, 2013. His paper can be found at the following
[2] Amol Upadhye's, at the Kavli
Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago and fellow at the
Argonne National Laboratory in Il., latest writing on dark energy is "Symmetron Dark Energy in Laboratory Experiments",
Physical Review Letters, vol. 110,
Issue 3, id. 031301 (Jan 2013).
[3] For information on neuron structures see the book by
Stephen M. Stahl, M.D. and Ph.D., titled
Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific Basis and Practical
Applications, 3rd Ed. at Cambridge University Press.
[4] Globus,
author of the controversial 1995 book The
Postmodern Brain, made his recommendation to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email
exchange during May, 2013.
[5] Vitiello
is a professor in the physics department at the University of Salerno, Italy.
[6] Jibu and
Yasue are professors at Notre Dame Seishin University of Okayama, Japan.
[7] A widely
known example of physical predestination is the Apostle Paul's thorn in the
flesh (KJV Bible II Cor. 12:7-11).
Paul said Creator God not only knows all, is
omniscient, but allows freewill and also acts on that freewill (Rom. 8:29-30;
Eph. 1:5, 11). This is an implied
concurrence of God's will and man's will (Acts 24:2). This accounts for providence, Jehovah-jireh
(Heb. provider God, Gen.22:14) can then also prophesy
accurately. Examples of man's
prophecy can be seen in end times projection of the world's transformation
being around 2012-2013 in the Zohar (in the Hebrew year 5773 [year 2012] the
messiah is predicted to come and is called the anti-Christ by Christians, Matt.
24:4-5, 23-24), Jonathan Edwards predicted the anti-Christ would come between
2012-2016, Catholic scholars predicted the anti-Christ period would come in
2012, the Islamic author Safar ibn `Abd al-Rahman al-Hawali wrote in The Day of Wrath of the importance of
the year 2012, and the Mayan, Aztec, Cherokee and Hindu Kali Yuga calendars
end in 2012. God's predestined
purposes are eternal, unchangeable and unstoppable by temporal efforts (Eph.
3:11). God has always known the
purpose He desired to be accomplished by all creation necessary for
accomplishing His will (Is. 49:1).
[8] Gen. 6:5; Matt. 24:37-38.
[10] Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)
said in Lectures on the Philosophy of History (1832) that "What
experience and history teach is this — that nations and governments have
never learned anything from history, or acted upon any lessons they might have
drawn from it."
[11] Humility is also a non-materialistic truth. It is an essential aspect to teaching
and learning because most academic theories are substitutes for truth until
more knowledge is gained and more complete truth is gained. Samuel Arbesman, research and policy
scholar at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, points out the problem of
"mesofacts," facts that change over a middle timescale during a single human
lifetime, in his 2012 book, The Half-Life
of Facts: Why Everything We Know Has an Expiration Date. Mario Livio's, astrophysicist at the
Hubble Space Telescope, 2013 book titled Brilliant
Blunders: From Darwin to Einstein – Colossal Mistakes discusses how the Darwinian theory of natural selection has been proven false
after over a century of acceptance as fact by many people. The average genetic mutation rate in
humans is around 100 per person per generation. Alexey Kondrashov,
professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Michigan,
wrote in his 2012 article The Rate of Human Mutation (Nature. 488
(7412): 467-468) that bad mutations vastly outnumber any mutations that
can be interpreted as good.
There is a point at which all species will go extinct
from genetic corruption. Victor McKusick, M.D., wrote
in his 1998 work Mendelian Inheritance in
Man: A Catalog of Human Genes and Genetic Disorders (The Johns Hopkins
University Press, Baltimore) that the number of medically reported genetic
disorders in 1966 was 1,487. The number reported by 1999 was 11,099. A curve of best fit has an R2 of 0.995. A prediction equation 99.5% accurate
suggests 100,000 human genetic disorders by 2031 and 1,000,000 by 2096, all
things being equal. These data are evidence of devolution despite great medical
advances that temporarily allow for the illusion of overall better health which is in reality the reaching of the peak of
genetic potential.
Genetic entropy can be traced
by species selection and genetic mutation rates. The genetic decay curve, including
allowances for population bottleneck, for humans corresponds to the biblical
chronology and ages of its listed genealogies. Noah, for
example, lived to be 950 (Gen. 9:29).
On average, the later a descendant was born, the shorter life he led. (See the declining lifespan chart and
the genetic mutation chart in the 2008 book Genetic
Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome, 3rd Ed., by John Sanford.) This forward-time process can be
tested and verified with the free Mendel's Accountant software developed by
John Sanford, professor of horticultural sciences at Cornell University, John
Baumgardner, a member of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Wesley Brewer,
professor of computer science and electrical engineering at Handong Global
University, Paul Gibson, professor of agricultural systems at Southern Illinois
University, and Walter ReMine, an electrical engineer and patent holder in
mathematical signal processing and pattern recognition.
[12] John 14:17; Eze. 36:26-27. Mankind is created (Gen. 1:26-27) in the
imago dei (L. image of God). The omniscient and omnipotent Creator
that made man's mouth and eyes can make him dumb and blind (Ex. 4:11). Jehovah means the self-existent and
eternal God and Lord (Gen. 2:4).
[13] In
1965, Gordon Moore discovered this trend called Moore's Law (Dan. 12:4; II Tim.
3:7). In 2013, the new National Security Agency Data Center south
of Salt Lake City, Utah, will reportedly be able to contain up to 5 zettabytes
of data. As of 2009, the entire World
Wide Web was estimated to contain close to 500 exabytes or one-half zettabyte.
[14] Studies
of female teachers indicate a higher degree of empathy for students than male
teachers. Empathy is defined as the
spontaneous ability to naturally tune in to students thoughts and feelings which is shown to affect priorities and approaches
to students.
Empathy is emotional and can not
be logical at the same time. Male
teachers, with less empathy than female teachers, would use more logic
necessary for the teaching priority of transferring knowledge than female
teachers who adopt the priority of concern for the feelings of their
students. Studies show that,
generally, male students (neurologically hardwired to be logic based) perform
best when taught by male teachers (neurologically hardwired to be logic based)
and female students (neurologically hardwired to be emotional based) perform
better when taught by female teachers (neurologically hardwired to be emotional
Since the majority of teachers are female while male
students make up close to half of the student population, male students will be
deprived of their educational potential subjecting them and their society to
the consequences.
[15] Rita
Kohli's thoughts are in Breaking the Cycle of Racism in the Classroom: Critical
Race Reflections from Future Teachers of Color in Teacher Education Quarterly, Fall 2008. She explained she was influenced by
Theresa Perry and Lisa Delpit's 1998 work The
Real Ebonics Debate: Power, Language and the Education of African-American
Children and Tara Yosso's 2005 work Whose Culture Has Capital? A Critical Race Theory Discussion of Community Cultural Wealth in Race, Ethnicity, and Education, 8 (1),
University of California at Berkeley professors Edward Frenkel and Hung-Hsi Wu
wrote the World Economic Forum ranks the U.S. math and science education at 48th
in (May 7, 2013) The Wall Street Journal
article Republicans Should Love 'Common Core.'
Caroline Porter wrote about this in (May 7, 2013) The Wall Street Journal article New Course Recommended for Some
High-School Students.
[18] The Wall
Street Journal article (January 30, 2013) with this information was titled
The New Script for Teaching Handwriting is No Script At All.
[19] This
information is taken from (May 15, 2013) The
Wall Street Journal article by Barry
Newman titled There's a
Question Mark Hanging Over the Apostrophes Future (sic). U.S. college books on grammar teach
using the apostrophe to indicate the possessive case (except for personal
pronouns), to mark an omission in contracted words or numerals, and to form
certain plurals.
[20] Matt
Davis, at Cambridge University's Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit and Medical
Research Council, addresses the true and false ideas regarding using only the
first and last letters of grammatically correct written words for the brain to
understand what is being written.
[21] See the
writings of Melanie Phillips, such as the 1996 book titled All Must Have Prizes.
[22] The
2010 paper by Jacob Vigdor and Helen Ladd, professors at the Sanford School of
Public Policy at Duke University, titled Scaling
the Digital Divide: Home Computer Technology and Student Achievement discusses
the negative learning impacts from digital technology on math and reading
scores of over 150,000 students over five years.
The detrimental effects of the proliferation of digital
technology and an ever increasing social media since
this research was concluded have been documented by numerous academic
sources. In an email exchange with
Dallas F. Bell Jr. in June, 2013, Vigdor recommended
his paper and explained the data is from 2000-2005 predating Twitter, Facebook,
and other social media but suspects its conclusions are broadly applicable to
those technologies as well.
[23] Thomas
Aquinas (1225-1274) wrote that teachers must teach the same way an inventor
invents (Summa Contra Gentiles, II, 75.). This means the teacher should think
aloud and engage their own intellectual process for the students to observe
reasoning toward truth.
Relativism is a self-refuting belief that postulates that there is no truth and
is expected to be accepted as a truth, thereby
defeating its premise. Educated
relativists are only relative about the values of other people with whom they
differ. It is a strategy for totalitarians
to destroy the values of other people in order to gain power.
[26] The principal sources for Aristotle's (384 B.C. - 322 B.C.)
account of the family being the basic
societal unit for education are Politics I and II, and Nicomachean
Ethics VIII. He said, "For
since every oikos is part of a polis, and these [family relationships
of husband and wife, parent and child] are parts of an oikos, and the
virtue of the parts must look to the virtue of the whole, it is necessary that
both wives and children be educated with the politeia in mind, if the
excellence (spoudaios) of wives and that of children makes any
difference with regard to the excellence of the polis."
[27] For a
discussion of the institutions responsible for education see
[28] Students as meaning makers is discussed by Philip Candy
(1991) Self-Direction for Lifelong
Learning and Charles Rathbone (1971) Open
Education: The Informal Classroom.
[29] The
awareness of what is right and wrong is known as the conscience. It produces the compulsion to do
right. Conscience means with (L. con)
know(ledge) (L. scire) and thus requires being taught knowledge. St Jerome (c. 347-419 AD) wrote on synderesis which
observes that humans have a natural ability and disposition to comprehend the
principles that reside over their reasoning (intellectus principiorum).
[30] Wilde's
admission was made in an interview with a reporter
from the Daily
Chronicle of London three weeks before his death.
[31] http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/hobbes/
[32] http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/francis-bacon/
Catholic Church leadership tries to ignore a past of pedophilia by its priests.
[36] The
corporation of IBM does not promote its role in the identification and rounding
up of Jews by German Nazis.
[37] For
example, China denies the recent murder of ten's of millions of its people by
Mao and his pedophilia. Egypt does
not acknowledge the ancient escape of the Israeli people it had enslaved. (See the 1997 book titled Israel in Egypt:
The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition by James
Hoffmeier at the Oxford University Press.)
Egypt's chronology of history is generally inconsistent with Assyrian
and Israeli accounts that have been proven to be correct by archaeological
discoveries etc.
[38] This
paraphrase of Churchill's quote is taken from the 2009 writing titled Does Truth Matter?:
Democracy and Public Space edited by Raf Geenens and Ronald Tinnevelt
(Chapter 7, The People Versus the Truth: Democratic Illusion by Glen Newey, p.
[39] The
black and white school uniforms led to the term "Penguin Revolution." Chovanec, Donna & Benitez, Alexandra (2008). The Penguin
Revolution in Chile: Exploring intergenerational learning in social movements, Journal
of Contemporary Issues in Education, 3(1), 39-57. The Barmen Declaration was created to
unify opposition against the subordination of the church to the (Nazi) state.
[40] http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/leibniz/
Baroness Caroline Cox, cross-bench member of the U.K. House of Lords, describes
the Islamic practices of slavery, inheritance inequality for women,
acceptability of beating women etc. in the book titled The West, Islam
and Islamism: Is ideological Islam compatible with liberal democracy.
She also has written on her first hand account of the
militant Marxist practices of preventing discourse in educational institutions
in Rape of Reason: The Corruption
of the Polytechnic of North London, 1975.
In the 20th century,
Christians have been persecuted by various groups and by atheist nation-states.
It is estimated that 100 million Christians face persecution, particularly in
Muslim countries.
Kathleen Taylor, neuropsychologist at the University of Oxford, defines
Muslim fundamentalism as a mental illness that is "curable." Bruxelles,
Simon de (2013-05-30). "Science 'may one day cure Islamic radicals'".
The Times (London).
A recent study reported that
75 out of every 100 people killed due to religious hatred were Christian.
[43] Marxist control from agents of the former Soviet Union of the U.S.
presidency, State Department, Treasury Department and news media from 1933 to
1952 is documented by Diana West in her 2013 book American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character. West has also noted the same communist
influence from 2009 to today and with the additional totalitarian influence of
Islam infiltrators.
Christians are instructed that they should not love the world nor the things in the world. If any man loves the world the love of
Father God is not in him (I John 2:15).
It is taught that the world will pass away and the lust of the world but
those that do the general and specific will of God will
abide forever (I John 2:17). Love
does not harm our neighbor.
Therefore, love is the fulfillment of God's law (Rom. 13:10).
[45] Unlike
rats or other non-human life, humans have the ability to choose to transform
behavior from evil to good. Models
of behavioral change are discussed in the 2001 book at the National Institute
of Health.
St Augustine (354-430) wrote on man's ability to do
evil or not to do evil as having the power to sin (L. posse peccare), having the power to not sin (L. posse non peccare), or not having the
power to not sin (L. non posse non
Freitas' 2013 book is titled The End of
Sex: How Hookup Culture is Leaving
a Generation Unhappy, Sexually Unfulfilled and Confused About Intimacy.
[47] The
Hebrew Creator is Jehovah or YHWH,
יהוה. (See
notes 5 and 6.) The uniqueness of the name YHWH is in that it is
constructed from all the forms of being in the Hebrew language: hayah,
howeh, yeh'yeh meaning
"was", "is", "will be / past", "present", "future." The tetragrammaton (Gr. τετραγράμματον,
meaning "four letters")
first appears in Gen. 2:4.
Argumentation from authority is a reality since not all people can be expert in
all things. It should satisfy the
following three factors: an
unbiased authority X says A is true, authority X is a legitimate expert on the
subject, and the consensus of unbiased authorities on the subject agrees with
authority X on A. Therefore, it can
be legitimately presumed that A may have merit.
John Locke (1632-1704) coined the Latin phrase argumentum ad
verecundiam (argument from modesty or
shame). Its adherence deferred to
authority out of modesty and shame.
This followed Bacon's suspicion of Catholic dogmatism from magisterium (the Bishops' power to
require belief by followers simply because they say so). Today, the Pope claims the authority of
infallibility. Lack of compliance
is considered imprudent and disobedient.
John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding,
ed. Peter H. Nidditch
(Clarendon, Oxford, 1975), 4.17.19, 686.
Two millennia before Locke,
Aristotle discussed argument authority from a previous judgment.
Rhetoric 2.23, 1398b.
Cicero (106 B.C. - 43B.C.),
the last great Roman Republican statesman, asserted authority itself had the
authority of argument.
Epistulae ad
Familiares ('Fam.') 11.22.1–2; for other requests, see Fam. 13.42.2,
15.4.16, 15.13.3.
Promise: Fam.
5.8.2, 6.5.1; assertion: Fam. 10.6.2, 15.1.4; submission: Fam. 4.11.1.
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