(Christ Jesus):
Shape of Truth,
the Taste of Light,
the Currency of Covenant
F. Bell, Jr.
dialogue between Gunaikarion Pâthâh of “The Neo-Herodian
Inquisitor” and Eklektós
Bâchı̂yr, with some explanatory endnotes.)
I know you are a student of Theanthropos - who is true. Teach us
the way of god in truth.
‘In the beginning, Word was God who became flesh. The shape of
all truth.’ The previous haiku, from John 1 which follows the
synoptic gospels, is a basic example of truth underpinned in Romans
1:16, Non
enim erubesco Evangelium…1
Alethiologically, truth is the information of the descriptive and
implied connectedness of an object’s existence, its state, its
change, and its relationship with other object’s existence, state,
change, and relationship with other objects etc. to infinity. For
example, one number can be added to any other number for infinity
even beyond a point at which their values cease to represent any
correlation to anything knowable to finite intellects. In the
infinite space of truth, a truth would have an absolute position, x,
among all other truth, y and z etc. in a Gottfried Leibniz sense.
It, x, is then communicated between intellects by its understood
relation to other truth, as with the value of a specific number to
other numbers. Thus, the finite understanding of truth varies in
size within infinite truth or absolute truth.
Debasish Mridha, M.D., says there is no absolute truth and the 1934
Nobel Prize winner, Luigi Pirandello, agrees in his “It Is So (If
You Think So).”
Would any rational person want a relativist, by epistemological
necessity, like Mridha to prescribe medicine for them or operate on
them? Mridha, a self-appointed philosopher as with many others with
his beliefs, also recommends the achievement of happiness by becoming
silly. Getting back to the point, we may observe an ‘o’ and an
‘O.’ Some finite intellects may mathematically, and otherwise,
reason one zero plus another zero equals two zeros, or one zero is
larger than the other zero, or zeros are circular in black font, or
zeros are empty, or zeros represent nothing, or nothing plus nothing
is zero, or zero is the beginning point of positive numbers and
negative numbers, or zero is the center point of x,
and z
We do understand at different levels. You seem to be addressing the
versus histoire
événementielle nature
of truth itself.
Perception is a variable expected in the finite understanding of
truth. A five-hundred milliliter glass containing two-hundred and
fifty milliliters of ‘h two o’ may be truthfully described as
half full while not denying the reality that it can also be
truthfully described as half empty. Truth’s infinite nature is it
will exist, does exist, and has existed simultaneously. That reality
means an infinite and therefore pre-existent intellect has always
contained all states of all truth. This Being would allow created
finite intellects to comprehend some truth by observation, e.g. light
bulbs and vaccination processes, or by revelation, e.g. His
existence, which may be tested with other truth.
I am not sure I agree with where you are going with this. Please
give an example.
Okay. For example in John 1, it is revealed that God is Theos,
the Magistrate in verses 1-2 etc., Logos,
the Creator Word that became flesh for redemption in verses 1, 14
etc., and Paráklētos/Pneuma,
the Spirit power disposition in verses 32-33 etc. All one yet three,
i.e. 1 x 1 x 1 = 1. This Elohim is without shape or edges finite
intellects use in understanding beginnings and endings. The Logos,
the prophesied infinite Messiah Christ, at an appointed time
indwelled finite human biology, Jesus. He became Theanthropos,
God-man or Christ Jesus, to mercifully redeem mankind from its self,
as spoken of by Job in 19:25.
Absolutists are always bringing up a logos authority. Are you
forgetting that in Plato’s “The Theaetetus,” truth is discussed
by Socrates, Theaodorus, and Theaetetus? Theaetetus was a
mathematician who distinguished square roots commensurable in length
from those which are incommensurable, and who divided irrational
lines by assigning the medial line to geometry, the binomial to
arithmetic, and the apotome to harmony. They debate truth as either
nothing but perception, as true judgment, and as a true judgment with
an account concluding neither is true. This is consistent with the
saying, 'Man is the measure of all things,' and the foundation of
perpetual flux identified by Heracleitus. Gustave Flaubert said it
best, ‘There is no truth.’
Of course, to say ‘there is no truth’ is expected to be a truth,
which, as is obvious to everyone, stupidly nullifies the stated
premise. Ironically, Flaubert recommended achieving happiness by
becoming stupid.
Bacon said, ‘Man prefers to believe what he wants to be true.’3
As an aside, how do you recommend achieving happiness?
Its place within truth is found by first defining it. It is a state
of contentment or joy, which is rejoicing. To be happy is to be
supremely blest. For thousands of years, this has been achieved when
God’s ways are known and followed. That wisdom makes one happy.
This is what the congress of the thirteen United States of America
knew when they unanimously ratified the Declaration of Independence
on 4 July, 1876. They wrote, ‘We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.’ This truth
allowed the U.S. to be a shining light of freedom to a dark world for
hundreds of years. On the other hand, to be silly is to be
intellectually weak, and being stupid is to be mentally numb lacking
in intelligence and reason. If this were true, rocks would be the
happiest creations.
I believe Aristotle said ‘happiness is the end toward which all
conscious acts are directed; it is both final and self-sufficient.’
So it is an absolute.
Anyway, didn’t Paul Feyerabend recognize Flaubert’s fallacy?
Feyerabend did acknowledge Flaubert’s logic fallacy but compounded
it with more fallacy by stating ‘the only absolute truth is there
is not absolute truth.’ This led him to promote the oxymoron
philosophy of epistemological anarchism or study structure without
structure. A line from George Orwell’s 1945 essay “Notes on
Nationalism” is ‘one has to belong to the intelligentsia to
believe things like that: no ordinary man could be such a fool,’
which is often interpreted as ‘some ideas are so stupid only
intellectuals believe them.’
How is information to be addressed?
Obviously, there are only two actual alternatives for information.
One is factual and the other is contrary to facts or as Gary
Kasparov, the youngest world chess champion, calls lying
‘propaganda.’ He is quoted as saying, ‘The point of modern
propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to
exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.’
In John 1:14 and 17, Christ Jesus is truth and so the nefarious and
failed finite effort is to annihilate infinite Logos Christ Jesus
Himself, as with Pontius Pilate in John 18:38 who famously
postulated, ‘What is truth?’ Similarly, Hilary Putnam asked,
‘What is mathematical truth?’4
How do you answer their question on the details of truth?
A truth set makes a statement of relationships objectively true when
it is substituted into an equation, such as 3 substituted for x in x
plus 4 equals 7. Likewise, an untrue set makes a statement of
relationships objectively false when it substituted into a logic
equation. For example, the truth or p from Genesis 3:3, of ‘you
will die equals you eat or touch the fruit of the tree in Eden’ is
changed into a lie or not p or q from Genesis 3:4, by the untrue set
‘not’ inserted into ‘you will not die equals you eat or touch
the fruit of the tree in Eden.’ The truth value is (p) T (not T) F
as opposed to (p) F (not T) T. The truth table is (p) T (q) F as
opposed to (p) T (q) T and (p) F (q) T and (p) F (q) F.
Without inflicting more math nonsense on us, answer what possible
reason is there to change truth into a lie?
The motivation behind doomed finite evil efforts to attack infinite
Theanthropos, Christ Jesus, is finite pride. This is contrasted by
the infinite humble act of Christ coming to earth as eternal
immutable veracious light with the intent of sacrificing Jesus’
biology for the sins of man. If a person says they have no sin the
Truth is not in them.
What is learned from that?
It must be concluded that God is love. The keystone to the
awareness of intellect is how it relates to other things and
especially other intellects. The height of rational empathy for
other intellects is actively seeking what is best and good for them.
Are you saying a god would want what is good for me?
Yes. God’s loving relationship with finite intellect involves
infinite justice for the inevitable failure of finite man to relate
to infinite God--sin.
I didn’t think you were to be judgmental.
Divine justice is a honest attempt at genuine fairness. In that
endeavor, a faithful trustworthy ataraxia
is developed that fosters healing peace.
Where is the peace in some unattainable justice?
God’s infinite knowledge upon creating man included merciful
redemptive grace for just penalties for sin.
Based on what?
Thanks for saying, ‘based on,’ which indicates the reality that
truth is connected to an unchanging core. The holy, perfectly
powerfully complete, exclusive employment of infinite aspects is
wisdom. That harmonious symmetry is immediately recognized, even by
finite elect intellect with eyes to see and ears to hear, as
I do not see.
The virtuous attributes of humility, eternity, immutability,
veracious, light, love, empathy, good, justice, penalizes, honesty,
fairness, faithfulness, trustworthiness, healing, peace, mercy,
redemptive, grace, holiness, powerful, exclusivity, wisdom, harmony,
symmetry, recognition, beauty etc. of Theanthropos, Christ Jesus,
gives infinite truth a geometric shape of connections for finite
human comprehension and application. An application is justice,
which requires merit based societal accolades without which
individual humility, integrity, honor, and respect etc. are
irrelevant. In that case, calling one silly and stupid would be
considered to be a compliment. Indifference to brave Medal of Honor
winners or support of all people equally receiving a Medal of Honor
would be expected. It would be unjust to replace the merited speed
of light, in the equation e equals mc², with measurably slower
things, e.g. the speed of sound etc., for the irrational purpose of
reaching the untrue equality of all things.5
Equality of all numbers would result in no numbers, equality of all
letters would prevent creating words to communicate, and equality of
musical tones would result in no music. Survival of finite
biological life depends on finite distinguishing between things, such
as food from non-food etc. It would be fatally silly and stupid to
not prefer consuming sodium chloride, NaCl, salt instead of potassium
cyanide, KCN, salt or breathing nitrogen oxygen air instead of
hydrogen cyanide gas. Only the infinite Being has the omniscience
to determine eternal equality. Jesus revealed in Matthew 20:1-16
that workers with different contributions may justly receive equal
pay and to disagree is evil. David taught in Psalms 40:4 that liars
and the proud are not to be respected. Solomon wrote humility comes
before honor, which comes from wisdom. Respect comes from honor and
integrity, which comes from humility, which is from wise justice.
Seems to be quasi-realist and subjective. Konrad Lorenz’s, 1973
Nobel Prize winner for physiology or medicine, book “Behind the
Mirror: A Search for a Natural History of Human Knowledge”
indicated evolutionary biology shows that man’s natural senses
teach the truth or else extinction would have occurred a long time
The anti-Semitic Nazi party member, Lorenz was an ethologist, or
animal behaviorist originally called Zeitschift
für Tierpsychologie,
who found that the domestication of animals led to the overpowering
increase in their desire to eat and copulate. He reasoned that this
was analogous to human civilization and argued, in two papers, that
those dysgenic effects scientifically justified Nazi eugenics
Even Richard Dawkins had to point out Lorenz’s emphasis of
evolutionary group selection over individual selection contravened
their orthodox Darwinian beliefs.7
Yes, nature itself teaches parents, elders, and widows should be
honored and that there is no honor among lying murderous thieves.
Nature theologically teaches, among other things, the truth that God
is infinite, monotheistic, just, loving, gracious, and redemptive.
The Bible’s revealed YaHWeH is the only text that is consistent
with all of those truths, T or in binary terms 1 as opposed to F or
0. It goes into more depth revealing YaHWeH as Elohim; Theos,
and Paráklētos.
Furthermore, Logos/Christ needed to come to earth as the biological
Jesus, Theanthropos, to be the only perfect redemptive sacrifice.
Jesus’ biology was, of course, not infinite but was sinless in that
only He, as Christ, was always just, loving, gracious, and
redemptive. This made Christ Jesus the eternal King over man and
physical law, as demonstrated by His raising the dead etc.
Objectively, the application of human comprehension of truth can be
pomologically, Latin for fruit and study, compared to Christ Jesus.
A summary of the attributes listed thus far, which He exhibited,
leads to freedom of others from the slavery of sin and efficiency in
all endeavors. Conversely, the fruit of the prideful rejection of
truth leads to behavioral unsymmetrical chaos and destruction—the
phantom shape of satanic lies.
Aren’t we a little old to still believe in the bogeyman?
Nature tells us that to hate truth is to love death and the suicidal
depravity of man is enhanced by a finite but superior being revealed
truth calls Satan.
For example?
Truth can be resisted but its consequences can not. Under the
influence of a dark shadow, U.S. television advertising, today, no
longer features symmetrical spokespersons for their efficient
products. One advertiser has two obese teenagers picking candy off
each other’s face and eating it to promote the selling of a candy
brand. Others have disheveled people eating, talking with food
falling out of their mouths, and licking their germ riddled fingers
to promote their food products. A corporation that produces women’s
makeup has a man dressed as a woman representing them. Another
company caters to men that wears women’s clothes. A pet supplies
commercial has two women with crew cuts engaged in a homosexual
embrace while an oat meal commercial has two effeminate men in a
homosexual embrace. Commercials by dog food companies have been
touting the unnatural use of grains and corn to lessen the natural
meat diet, which is now acknowledged by honest veterinarians to cause
unnecessary dog allergy sickness. The supplementing of dog diets
with unnatural alkaline additives is raising the pH beyond their
natural acidic diet of animal protein, which is causing more
sickness, such as crystals causing blood in urine found in cytology
testing etc. Advertising executives, expert propagandists in the
Kasparov sense, want to increase the sells rate for their client’s
products and services. They know the weak state of their silly and
stupid, as Mridha and Flaubert etc. described, targeted demographics’
critical thinking ability. Their audience hates the intelligent
symmetry of God’s truth and are catering to them, just as Hollywood
cinema propagandists have been doing for decades. Individual and
societal potential is dependent on individual problem-solving
efficiency of truth and having a rational temperament toward truth.8
In 2020, U.S. baby boomers are beginning to join mass numbers of
Millennials and younger groups in their investment preference for
Ponzi scheme fantasy crypto-currencies, i.e. bitcoin etc., over
highly manipulated yet historically secure tangible gold and other
investment metals. They also prefer easily manipulated mobile
banking to historically secure tangible face-to-face exchanges of a
more cashless society prophesied in Revelation 13:17. Intentional
destruction of critical thinking irrationally lowers innate IQ and
engages an emotional fight or flight response when exposed to truth,
which challenges the reality of untrue beliefs. ‘A den of liars.
They proclaim their religion, in the spotlight’s glare.’
I mean a more historical example, without poetry this time.
In 16.11.4, Josephus quoted a fearless young man who echoed the
sentiment of his repressive time, ‘…truth has perished, and
justice taken away from men, while lies and ill will prevailed, and
brought such a mist before public affairs, that the offenders were
not able to see the greatest mischiefs that can befall men.’
He was talking about government, wasn’t he? Einstein said, ‘All
that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for
development accorded the individual.’
the end of all politics is human good, why would any government
actually lie?
Critical thinking allows for finite systematic evaluation,9
especially of good. Genesis 1:1-4 may be used as an example of
infinite good. Begin with baseline data, ‘In the beginning Elohim
created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was unformed, and
void, and darkness was on the face of the deep.’ Next, the
evaluated activity consists of ‘And the Spirit moved on the face of
the waters. And Elohim said, Let there be light. And there was
light.’ Evaluation is then conducted of the activity by omniscient
God for the eternal standard for good ‘And Elohim saw the light,
that it was good.’ Lastly, further connected activity continues
with ‘And Elohim divided the light from the darkness…’ Natural
logic tells us finite man’s idea of good and subsequent evaluation
of his activities must be informed by and ultimately judged by
omniscient God. Understanding the pursuit of good, Augustine
indicated ‘the highest good is discerned and held in truth.’10
NASA, National Aeronautical and Space Administration, is Hebrew for
lifting up derived from the archaic verb nasah,
meaning to mentally delude and to morally seduce. In 2012 a group
of forty-nine former astronauts, and merited NASA scientists sent a
letter to the unmerited NASA administrator Charles Bolden, Jr.,
berating the agency for making untrue claims about the role of carbon
dioxide in global warming, Business Insider reported. ‘We believe
the claims by NASA and GISS, Goddard Institute for Space Studies,
that man-made carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on
global climate change are not substantiated, especially when
considering thousands of years of empirical data,’ the group wrote.
Governments, like all human institutions, act in their own
self-interest regardless of how it effects the good of others. This
is why, in 1986, NASA lied about the safety of the Space Shuttle,
which exploded after launch killing its passengers.
That’s not very ethical. Shakespeare’s quote in Macbeth is ‘We
still have judgment here, that we but teach - Bloody instructions,
which, being taught, return - To plague th’inventor.’11
The role of ethics is to set standards of right conduct. Paul wrote
in Romans 2:14-15 that Divine law is written in the hearts of man
with their conscience bearing witness. Gene editing is being
conducted by researchers for the expressed good of human flourishing.
The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,
CRISPR, is the latest gene editing technology. William Hurlbut, M.D.
and neurobiologist at the Stanford University Medical Center,
astrobiology at NASA and Chemical, Biological Warfare Working group
at the Center for International Security and Cooperation and a senior
fellow at The Trinity Forum, and others work to insure Divine good is
the true goal. On the other hand, Antonio Rangel, Caltech Bing
Professor of neuroscience, behavioral biology and economics, is
spearheading a worldwide effort, including Princeton University,
Oxford University, Harvard University, University of Zurich etc., of
measuring eye-tracking, using fMRI, EEG, TMS etc., in changes to
framing effects of gain or loss for manipulating individual decision
making options in rational choice theory. Their attentional
drift-diffusion models, aDDM, structurally allow for frame and
option-dependent parameters to precisely study the underlying
mechanisms of the framing effect. The aDDM results indicate that, in
addition to the direct effects of framing-induced changes in
attention on choice, the sure option in the gain frame also causes an
increase in the attentional discount of the gamble and an increased
concavity of utility.12
With science, we can get into the cliodynamic deep grass before we
know it. Generally, aren’t you just supposed to turn the other
cheek to everything anyway?
Everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God is to be
cast down, II Cor. 10:5 teaches. David was a man after God’s own
and he said in Psalms 75:10 and 101:8 he would early destroy the
wicked of the land. This is how one knows they are people after
God’s own heart and are to be righteously used for God’s justice.
Recognizing the intensifying physical clash between those that
rationally love truth and the reprobate minds that hate it, biblical
doctrine is often skewed toward defeatist pacifism, contrary to the
theological leader of the Great Awakening Jonathan Edwards.14
This means believers in truth are taught to abstain from resisting
violent behavior, especially from their government. If this were
true the U.S. could never have existed, war against Hitler and other
evil governments would have been wrong, the innocent could never be
defended, and there could be no excuse for self-defense.
Historically, as well as scripturally, this has been proven to be a
false belief. Unfortunately, many innocent people will die needless
and cruel deaths because of this and other untruths. Idolaters
commonly use the Jezebel strategy to destroy their enemies. They
recruit allies to falsely charge the person they have isolated with
blasphemy to gain public support. Then they can murder the object of
their scorn.15
You admit alternatives to your truth has structure. What advantages
does your so-called truth have?
The bulwark of truth programs the brain. Remembering truth sustains
and correctly directs behavior in a crisis—if you sow truth you
will reap truth. Problem solving joy, and even Divine happiness,
from efficient rational stability can be achieved in the middle of
horrific experiences, like a consoling song remembered in the night
as mentioned in Psalm 77.
When a crisis comes I may change my mind, like a wall follower using
a left-handed maze solving algorithm.16
Not all mazes are simply connected. The breath of knowable truth,
revealed by omniscient Elohim, provides an overlooking view of life’s
maze of solving algorithms, such as dead-end filling or shortest path
algorithms. It is too late to attain truth when a complex crisis has
come. Chaos from the absence of truth becomes magnified—if you sow
chaos you will reap chaos. Wisdom will laugh and mock the calamity
when the fear comes as a desolation. It may be called on and sought
early, but it will not be found. When the rains fall and the flood
waters rise, the ark door will have been shut. Hatred of knowledge
and reproof means having to eat the rotten fruit of one’s own
devices as foreseen in Proverbs 1.
Rotten fruit…
As we can see by the alternative to truth’s efficient beauty,
untruth is ugly and dangerous rebellion against God. This state can
be overcome with the accepting of God’s Truth, as the haiku, from
John 14:6, indicates. ‘Except through His Son, no one comes to the
Father. The truth of Jesus.’ John 1:7-9 says, ‘He is the
Light.’ To taste the Lord is to taste the sweet Light as Psalms
34:8, 119:103, and I Peter 2:3 describe. The taste of Light is the
shape of Truth. If you love your elect brother you abide in the
light and not darkness.17
This is experiencing the Shekinah
Glory, Kvod
We have circled back to where we started. Let’s show the audience
some mercy, as you say, and end this charade with your closing
All truth is statically connected and may seem geometrically
circular, as you just observed, when explained by finite minds. When
finite minds naturally chart time within infinity, graphing truth
from truth ‘a’ to truth ‘b’ etc. may seem linear and graphing
truth ‘b’ to truth ‘a’ may seem circular. But this is just
finite cognitive awareness or cognitive usage of data. That process
may accelerate or not, which is an illusion of the eternal state of
truth reality. The idea projection of truth sets may be analyzed and
the guidance system of human minds may even attempt to miniaturize
them mathematically etc.20
Aquinas noted that ‘Eternity is absent nothing.’21
Yea, yea.
Romans 13:12 says, ‘the night is far spent, the day is at hand:
let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on
the armor of light.’ The biggest truth equation for man is John
3:16 which reveals ‘God so loved the world,’ equals, ‘that He
gave His only Son,’ plus, ‘so any one that believes on Him,’
plus, ‘can be saved,’ plus, ‘and never perish!’ Each of
those truths may be deemed linear if the finite context ended there
or another truth is joined. But if the closing truth, e.g. ‘and
never perish,’ is rejoined by the beginning truth, ‘God so loved
the world,’ it may be considered circular. Jesus used Scripture,
John 5:46-47, to prove His scriptural Messianic truth. That absolute
truth was not invalid eternal circular reasoning. Contrary to human
wisdom, Jesus did not use logical fallacy in proving something
eternal, immutable Scripture, with the something eternal used to
prove it, immutable Scripture. When God makes a promise He can swear
by no greater than Himself.22
Holy complete Scriptures are old and new dispensation covenants or
legal wills and testaments, Hebrew beriyth23
Greek diathéké,24
by holy God with His elect. In essence, non-belief in sola
is to call Christ Jesus a liar. He is the currency of Covenant…25
In closing, it should be noted that the shape of your truth is not
the shape of my truth. Aprés-truth,
n’y a pas de hors-texte.’26
Which, of course, is meant to be a truth.
So you say…
The complete KJV text of Paul’s
writing in Rom. 1:16 is ‘For I am not ashamed of the gospel of
Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that
believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.’ Paul wrote
the gospel is known according to scripture (1 Cor. 15:3-4). The
Latin excerpt of Rom. 1:16 was taken from the Nova Vulgata version.
This is the Catholic source for scripture. Their stated belief is
that God’s scripture is more errant than they themselves are.
They also state that God’s scripture is a moral guide, which
obviously must be less moral than they consider themselves. In
other words, their actual belief of the verse must be ‘they are
ashamed of the errant gospel of Christ because it cannot be the
power of salvation to everyone that believes to the Jew first and
also to the Greek.’ Thanks is extended to Benjamin Merkle,
professor of New Testament at the Southeastern Baptist Theological
Seminary and Greek editor of the Southeastern Theological Review,
for the email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. on this subject in
January, 2021. A comparative analysis between the KJV New Testament
and the Nova Vulgata for accuracy with the original Greek may be
made. In a January, 2021, email exchange between Dallas F. Bell Jr.
and Danny Law, linguistics professor at the University of Texas
(Austin), Law suggests “…there are a fair number of original
Greek texts, which differ from each other in minor (or major,
depending on your perspective) ways. There are editions of the Greek
New Testament that compare the various known versions of the Greek
New Testament, others that use one or the other, and yet others that
merge different versions…first establish which versions of the
Greek New Testament each translation was based upon (I believe both
translations used a variety of different manuscripts, but this is
not my area of expertise) before you could weigh the relative
fidelity of those translations to their respective sources.”
(Note: a forthcoming project is scheduled to thoroughly address this
Protagoras seems to have written
a work, now lost, called “The Truth.”
Bacon, Francis (2000). “The
New Organon.” Cambridge University Press. p. 44.
Putnam, Hilary (1975). ‘What
is Mathematical Truth?’ Philosophical
Papers (vol. 1)
Mathematics, Matter and Method.
Cambridge University Press. p. 73. Putnam maintained that
mathematical knowledge is not absolute. His focus is on the
sometimes faulty human language of math rather than the reality of
absolute math itself. A copy (Historia
Mathematica (vol. 2,
issue 4), November 1975, pp. 529-533) is at
See attributed quotes on the
subject by linguist and essentialist philosopher, Luce Irigaray, a
feminist postmodernist/relativist (see endnote 26). The two 2020
anti-truth books by socialist Harvard philosopher Michael Sandel’s
“The Tyranny of Merit:
What’s Become of the Common Good?”
and leftist-essayist Fredrik deBoer’s “The
Cult of Smart: How Our Broken Education System Perpetuates Social
Injustice” attack the
idea of merit. University of Chicago philosophy professor, Agnes
Callard says their books contend that ‘Any system that predicates
economic and social status on academic performance is intrinsically
bad.’ She illogically adds ‘People rarely, if ever, deserve to
fail, but people typically deserve their successes…[we do not]
have to give up on meritocratic rewards in order to free ourselves
from the scourge of meritocratic punishment.’ The same
self-appointed academic gate keepers that enforced the meritocratic
rules for their self-serving reasons will also be in charge of
enforcing an unmeritocratic alternative system for their
self-serving reasons.
Klopfer, Peter (1994). "Konrad
Lorenz and the National Socialists: On the Politics of Ethology."
International Journal
of Comparative Psychology.
(4): 202–208.
Dawkins, Richard (1976). “The
Selfish Gene” (1st Ed.). Oxford University Press. pp. 9, 72.
It is common to see U.S. television advertisers using individuals
from the demographic of the objectively measurable moron
classification of innate problem-solving (50-70 IQ) lecture
individuals from the average demographics (90-110 IQ) and the
superior demographics (110-120) on computer usage, financial
investing, insurance purchasing, chess strategy, medical care etc.
(See entry for intelligence quotient, “Dictionary of Psychology,”
J.P. Chaplin, 1982, Dell Publishing, New York, eight printing of
revised edition, p. 264.) Sober individuals that choose to call the
police or fight with competent fast food servers, because their
order took longer than a minute, demonstrate they do not have either
the IQ or temperament for potentially making positive contributions
to a complex society(ies). That example is magnified when they
perceive they are faced with more serious matters and when they
perceive they can achieve their animalistic desires without
scrutiny. Incapable of comprehending such things as iambic
pentameter (the meter that most closely resembles natural
intelligent human speech in English) they will be a substantial
resource drain on societal efficiency. Early in the societal
formation, it will take one efficient person to pay for one
non-efficient person, on average during an average lifespan, and in
the last stages of society it will take five efficient people to pay
for the food, clothes, transportation, health care, court costs,
incarceration costs etc. Police, educational resources etc. will be
irrationally directed away from those that could benefit and
misdirected toward those that will never benefit. Efforts to create
artificial economic or educational equality between those
non-efficient and the efficient will fail, since it is based on
untruth and untruth is a doomed prideful attack on Christ Jesus.
The perfect Creator of all people, Elohim, made everyone with the
innate ability to reach their Divine destiny, which should not nor
can not be altered. The poor will always exist, Matt. 26:11, but
the righteous will not be forsaken by God, Ps. 37:25. The righteous
beggar Lazarus received his great reward in heaven, while the
unrighteous rich man received his eternal reward in hell, Luke
Szklo, Moyses, Celentano, David
(2019). “Gordis: Epidemiology” (6th
Ed.). Elsevier. pp. 333-334.
Taken from Augustine’s
discussion with the Enquirer in “On the Free Choice of Will.”
In an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during November, 2020,
Rangel explains that he does on occasion schedule talks on ethical
judgment and decision making at events.
I Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22.
Edwards’ doctrine has been
credited by many as being the blueprint for justifying the American
I Kings 21:8-14; Matt. 26:59-68; Mark 14:55-65. This is the
publically expressed strategy of the U.S. Democrat Party leadership,
as laid out in Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals,” which was
dedicated to Satan. The satanic rules are as follows. ‘Power is
not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have. Never go
outside the expertise of your people. Whenever possible go outside
the expertise of the enemy. Make the enemy live up to its own book
of rules. Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no
defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it
infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage. A good
tactic is one your people enjoy. A tactic that drags on too long
becomes a drag. Keep the pressure on. The threat is usually more
terrifying than the thing itself. The major premise for tactics is
the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure
upon the opposition. If you push a negative hard and deep enough it
will break through into its counterside; this is based on the
principle that every positive has its negative. The price of a
successful attack is a constructive alternative. Pick the target,
freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.’
In an email exchange during
December, 2020, between Dallas F. Bell Jr. and Simon Blackburn,
philosophy professor at Cambridge University and the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Blackburn said ‘Maze algorithms are
designed to deal with a fixed kind of problem, with one definite
mathematically definable solution. The trouble is that many moral
problems are not like this. They involved weighing alternatives and
estimating trade-offs. Competent people can disagree about how that
is to be done. Economics is the nearest that practical decision
making gets to mathematical elaboration — and just look at its
poor track record, the endemic disagreements, and the state it is
in.’ In his 2005 book, “Truth: A Guide,” published by
the Oxford University Press, Blackburn makes clear his atheist
Hebrew for the glory of Jehovah
(owner God).
Greek for the glory of the Lord.
For theory of miniaturization,
see Angel Rios’ et al. chemistry 2009 book “Miniaturization of
Analytical Systems.”
Taken from Aquinas’ ‘Summa
Theologica’ regarding nunc
fluens (now [time]
Gen. 22:16-17; Luke 1:73; Heb.
Is. 42:6; I Cor. 11:25; Heb.13:20.
The quote by Jacques
Derrida is a common
postmodernist belief that ‘There is nothing outside text.’
Relativist postmodernists raison
d'être is to
attack the reality of
absolutes see Alan Sokal,
math and physics’ professor, and Jean Bricmont’s, theoretical
physics’ professor, (1998) book “Fashionable nonsense:
postmodern intellectuals' abuse of science” (New York: Picador).