Systematic Political Science

Equipollent Zionism and the 144,000:
Lectio Divina--L'Hôpital's Rule and Partition Congruence
Contemplation as Transgressive and Provocative

Dallas F. Bell, Jr.

Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione[1]
Created solo forms of The Four Seasons.[2]
Before the Benedictine tradition of Lectio Divina,[3]
De Libero Arbitrio[4] explored numbers.
Augustine noted that we perceive numbers,
Asserting a priori innate capability.
We recognize states of order.[5]
All people have this hardwired ability.
No one needs to be taught the number concept
Any more than they need to be taught
Organic nouns and verbs beyond the
Applied language for conversation.
Then, math is eternal truth and has always been
In the mind of God and now His created humanity.
The existence of this logic language
Proves the existence of the eternal intellect
That possesses it from and into infiniteness.
Finite beings understand infinity[6] in sets.   
Equipollent sets[7] are disjoint,
They are not equal in content,
They are not identical sets,
They are indistinguishable in number
Of diffident elements in each set.
Exclusive relationships give life meaning.
Man's relationship with God must be of love.
Judaism and Christianity are sets
Of man and worship for inviolable God.
Others are sets of God without man,
Slaves to the dichotomy of Apollonian and Dionysian,[8]
Atheists which are man without God.[9]
These sets have the same one-two-one elements,
But have different alkaline content[10]
That address their separate utopias.
This heaven is their Zion,
Zionism is universal,[11] but not equal.
True Zionism has counterfeits.
There is no alternative to the Judeo-Christian ethic,[12]
All religions seemed to be based on obsolete terminology,[13]
But only the truth is unchanging.
The Trail of Tears[14] longed for
The return to a silhouette homeland.
Aliyah[15] is the migration back to Israel,
Homing pigeons that follow their innate instinct.
Anti-Zionism[16] is anti-Semitic.
Anti-Zionism was largely physical,
But has shifted to the Durban strategy.[17]
Zion is spiritual and physical.
The Levy Report[18] proved Israel was compliant
With normally accepted international laws.
The US rejected that view.[19]
Be warned to not divide God's land of Israel.[20]
The land will spew you out,
If God's covenants are broken,
If innocent blood is shed,
And sexual perversion is permitted.[21]
Faith can not be haphazard private,
The public sector can not be neutral,[22]
Auschwitz and Dachau's lesson taught.
Nazi's[23] win if they change ideas
Away from the truth of God.
His truth will set you free[24]
Naturally displaced by arbeit macht frei.[25]
Man is not mere blood and soil.
Gas chambers are prepared in lecture halls
Roamed by nihilistic scientists and philosophers
That teach man is only automated reflexes,
That he is but a bundle of instincts.[26]

A photograph of a gas chamber at Dachau taken by Dallas F. Bell Jr. in 1981 ©.

A photograph of an oven used to burn the bodies of those murdered in the gas chambers at Dachau taken by Dallas F. Bell Jr. in 1981 ©.
The Hitlerjugend[27] sang this lie,[28]
Not mere pawns of drives and reactions.
The crown of pride for drunkards
On the pitiless head of a fat valley,
That hasty fruit will be trod under foot.[29]
Monism is not the enemy of freedom,
Freedoms require bruising judgment.
Pluralism claims many truths,
It does not require grace, love,
Forgiveness or justice that we need.[30]
Shame[31] indicates the acknowledgment
Of inconsistency with eternal morals.
God will always dwell in Zion.
Jerusalem[32] foretold of Jesus.[33]
The law comes out of Zion.[34]
Prelude, woe to the wicked,
Children will oppress them,
Women will rule over them.[35]
Temporary Zionist dreams fueled Columbus,
When the moon darkened the sun,
As on Jesus' preternatural death,[36]
Which returned in founding Zion,[37]
And retaking the city of Jerusalem,[38]
A quite habitation, a tabernacle.[39]
More solar and lunar eclipses will soon speak.[40]
The firmament shows God's handiwork,
Day to day it utters speech,
Night to night it shows knowledge,
All languages speak of this,[41]
Iridescent return of Jesus.[42]
The sealed ones, the 144,000 virgins,[43]
Sealed in their foreheads,[44]
Willing slaves of our God,
Will accept Jesus as the perfect sacrifice,[45]
The perfect scapegoat and lamb.[46]
Cast out of the camp into the dark wilderness,
For the defenestration sins of mankind.
The One worthy to open the sealed scroll,[47]
Jesus was cast out of Jerusalem
To die at the hand of gentiles
For all man's salvation
At a place of a skull,[48]
Eclipsed in darkness.[49]
Redemption is a gift by grace.[50]
12,000 man remnant with no guile,[51]
From each of the twelve tribes,
But Manassas replaced Dan.[52]
As the 7,000 remnant did not bow
To the evil god Ba'al of Ahab,[53]
Ba'alim,[54] the sexual seduction of Ba'alpeor,[55]
The Lord of the flies, Ba'alzebub,[56]
And idol covenants with Ba'alberith,[57]
Or Hu-baal the moon god.[58]
The anti-Christ will also seal,
De rigueur[59] with his evil mark,
The foreheads of his followers.[60]
God will raise up the tabernacle of David
With the remnant and heathen gentiles
Called by His titular name.[61]
Jesus returns[62] during Hanukkah,[63]
The sequestered Feast of Dedication.
Eight days of menorah flames
Judas Maccabeus,[64] the hammer,
Drove out the shylock invaders,
As dreidels turned and spun,
With the letters of 358,[65]
The number of the Messiah.[66]
Lex Rex utilizes Scripture and Natural Law,
Along with Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos,[67]
Defense of liberty against tyrants.
Unlike Rex Lex utilized
By non-Judeo-Christian's and atheists,
L'Hôpital's rule[68] utilizes derivations
Evaluating limits of indeterminate form.
Zero to the power of zero is indeterminate,
It has been recently agreed to equal one.[69]
Zero is the integer denoted as 0,
Meaning that no objects are present.
0 is both a number,
And the digit to represent that number.
Its two properties are addition[70] and multiplication.[71]
0 is greater than -1.
Zero may be considered as nothing,
But -1 is considered as less than nothing.
In Hebrew, efes means nothing,
But it has a reality that is existent.
Things we can not see are as real
As the things our retinas detect.[72]
Atheist math incoherently scoffs[73]
At the cosmological options
Of everything coming from zero existence,
As zero is greater than zero,
Or denies infinite time regress,
Where there is no secession of moments,[74]
And no succession of moments.[75]
Infiniteness is elusively complete,
And is not an ever increasing process.
Time requires a chopped beginning
That is outside of eternal infiniteness.
Infinite time and infinite space are related.[76]
Hilbert's Grand Hotel[77] illustrates the veridical paradox[78]
Of counterintuitive aspects of infinite sets.
An asymptote of a curve[79] is a line
Such that the distance between the curve
And the line approaches zero,
As they tend toward infinity.
Falling dominoes need kinetic energy[80]
Sufficient to overcome a neutral state,
And that energy is transferred to the next object[81]
By cause and effect.
Habitual behavior is derived from decisions,
Initially made from a desire or need.
Chemicals are released and the behavior reinforced,
Becoming more difficult to change,
As the body adjusts and adjusts.
Polymerase chain reactions rely
On thermal cycling of repeated heating
And cooling DNA used as a template
For a chain reaction where the DNA template
Is exponentially amplified.
Partition congruences can compare belief systems,
In some of God's commandments,
To all of God's commandments.[82]
And the congruence of those beliefs,
The nth Bell number[83] is the number of partitions,
The partition of set x is a division of x
Into non-overlapping and non-empty parts
That cover all of x.
Contemplation is meditative.
God will reveal to futurists,[84]
As He did to God's servant, Isaiah,
Who walked naked and barefoot
Three years for a sign and a wonder.[85]
If God is not omnipotent,
Prayers would not make any difference,
Contrary to biblical examples
Where Divine intervention occurred.
Elijah called fire from heaven,[86]
He caused a drought for over three years,[87]
And was subject, as we are, to like passions.[88]
Meditation can be on traditional hymns.
Maoz Zur,[89] at Hanukkah,
Reflects on two conceptions of redemption,
Within history, and beyond history.
If we deserve forgiveness,
We don't need that moral hygiene.
It is not likely for the intellect
That created a problem to solve the problem.
This requires a higher level of intellect.
The micro level of creation,
Will not be boxed in by humans,
Nor measured without changing everything,
Exposing the finiteness of human ability and reason.
Polanyi[90] argued the information contained in DNA molecules
Is not reducible to the known laws of physics and chemistry.[91]
The molecules exist with physical properties,
And are constrained by higher ordered principles.
Even the works of Shakespeare and Mozart
Can not be explained by describing paper and ink.
We are as sick as our secrets.[92]
False prophets have dreams and visions,
That contradict Scripture and are transgressive.[93]
Try, try, try the spirits.[94]
Contemplation in private devotion
Is and must be on spiritual things.
Transgression crosses over their set limits,
That violate laws and duties.
This is idolatry.  It is idolatrous
If we neglect to help others.
This violates clear teaching and is idolatrous.
The narcissist uses God's words
As a means of increasing self-esteem,
And is a Freudian transgressive act.
Transgressors will be cut off from the earth.[95]
In this escapist digital age,
Virtual reality arrogantly creates varying degrees
Of disconnection with reality,
A magical world separated
From the wisdom of the ages.
The more the virtual world is disconnect,
The greater is the incompleteness,
Of laws, objects and situations,
And the greater is the destructive reality
Of finite man's competence,
Compared to the infinite Creator.
Contemplation should not disconnect
Us from the precision of Divine reality.
Satan seeks to devour souls,[96]
He can appear as an angel of light.[97]
We are to meditate on God's laws,[98]
His created objects and situations.[99]
It is for our understanding,[100]
For spiritual satisfaction,[101] and for knowledge.[102]
Meditate in the somnolent day,[103]
Meditate in the evening,[104] and meditate at night.[105]
Solomon did not petition God for long life,
For wealth or the heads of his enemies,
He asked for wisdom of judgment.
God was pleased and gave him what he asked,
And He also gave him riches and honor,
Things for which he did not ask.[106]
We owe the Creator of the beautiful sunsets
Obedience of His beautiful royal laws of liberty,[107]
They convert the impoverished soul.[108]
The imagination is evil[109] and willful,[110]
It is deceitful,[111] vain and foolish.[112]
Their vexed words fly up,
Their thoughts remain below.[113]
The heathen rage and imagine vain things,
Because they take counsel against the Lord,
And His mustered anointed.[114]
People are difficult to govern
If they have too much knowledge.[115]
The older they become,
The more the knowledge pushes
Out the senses of wonder and mystery
Only Jesus can maintain.[116]
In time, religious corruption is to be expected,
And a power structure is created
To act in self interest.[117]
Beware of their leaven![118]
Corrupt trees bring evil fruit.
Good trees can not bring evil fruit,
Neither can corrupt trees bring good fruit.[119]
Woe to the scribes, Pharisees and hypocrites,
You tithe mint, anise and cumin,
But omit the weightier matters.
You are blind guides of snobbery,
You serpents, you generation of vipers.
How will you escape the damnation of hell?[120]
Whoever is justified by law
Are fallen from God's grace.[121]
People that know their God
Will be strong and do exploits.[122]
But Job warned of theological pitfalls,
Forced to the surface by surgical persecution.[123]
Theology is simple and sublime.
It is the heart that perceives God,
And not cluttered reason.[124]
What is man in nature?
Nothing in relation to the infinite,
Yet all in relation to nothing,
A mean between nothing and everything,[125]
A merism, as far as the east is from the west.[126]
God's ways are not our ways,
Our ways lead to destruction,
His ways are unsearchable.[127]
We should want to think God's thought after Him,[128]
Eloheem is in plenary control.[129]
Remember the Creator in the days of youth,
Before the evil days come.[130]
Wash thy hands in innocence,[131]
And be a servant of righteousness.[132]
We have to serve somebody,
It may be the devil,
It may be the Lord,
But we have to serve somebody.[133]
No man can serve two masters,
Either you will love the one and hate the other,
Or you will hold to one and despise the other.
Take no thought for your life,
What you eat or drink,
Or what souvenir you wear.
Life is more than meat and raiment,
Birds do not fretfully sow,
We can not add a cubit to our stature.
God knows what we need,
Seek first His kingdom,
Take no thought for tomorrow,
Evil is sufficient for today.[134]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
Lean not on your understanding,[135]
In God's favor is life.[136]
Judge not that we be not judged.[137]
We do not know the way of a spirit,
Nor the works of God who made all.[138]
Man shall not live by bread alone,
But by every word from the mouth of God.[139]
We shall not tempt the Lord our God,[140]
We shall worship the Lord our God,
And only Him shall we serve.[141]
Provoking God is sin,[142]
It calls forth His justice to act.
One third of Jesus' miracles
Dealt with the demonic.
Daniel's answer to his prayers
Were demonically delayed for twenty-one days,
By the dark prince of Persia[143]
But Michael the archangel fought for Israel,
And he always prevails.[144]
The anti-Christ hates private property,
Where self-sufficiency is possible.
In the last days, people will trade
Their loyalty to the anti-Christ for food,[145]
Provoking God by this disconnecting,
And contemplation from His laws,
Created objects and situations.
This transgression is premeditated,[146]
It causes powerlessness,[147] unfaithfulness,[148]
Death,[149] destruction,[150] and curses.[151]
Its punishment is defeat,[152] disease,[153]
Captivity,[154] affliction,[155] death and hell.[156]
The courses of action are to stay disobedient,[157]
To cover it up,[158] or repent.[159]
Because the sentence against evil works
Is not executed speedily,
The hearts of many men are fully set
To continue to do the dragon's evil.[160]
Paul said whatever is true and honest,
Whatever is just and pure,
Whatever is loving and of good report,
If there is any virtue or praise,
Think on these things.[161]
Unlike chess, the game of life continues
After we have been checkmated.[162]
The God of wisdom laughs and mocks
At the calamity and fear
Of those that reject His wisdom,[163]
By faith alone—sola fide,[164]
And are infinitely condemned.
God is not summarily mocked,
What we sow, we will reap.[165]
The Creator of all things
Is worth receiving glory and honor,
And Žlan praise,[166] singing Hallelujah.[167] 
This is the summum bonum[168]
To sing and rejoice. O daughter of Zion,
God will dwell in thy midst.[169]
Out of babes' mouths,
He has perfected praise.[170]
Where two or three are gathered in Jesus' name,
He has promised to be there.[171]
Brothers, gather for lectio divina
With statio,[172] lectio, meditatio, oratio,
Contemplatio, collatio,[173] then actio,[174]
Always being doers of the Word,[175]
Not doers of the mortal flesh,[176]
That vainly commands sta fermo.[177]
Each thought and deed
Washes us downstream in flesh toward darkness,
Or projects us upstream in Spirit toward God's light.
Drink from the Living Water,[178]
Confirm the feeble knees,[179]
For if we are led by God's Spirit,
We are the sons of God![180]

[1] Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione (The Contest Between Harmony and Invention) is a set of twelve concertos written by Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) between 1723 and 1725 and published in 1725 as Op. 8. All are for violin solo, strings, and basso continuo. The first four concertos are usually known as The Four Seasons (It. Le quattro stagioni).

[2] Ibid.

[3] (L. Divine/Holy Reading) is an individual monastic practice began by St. Ambrose (Aurelius Ambrosius, c. 330-397) and St. Augustine (Augustine of Hippo, 354-430) and established by St. Benedict (Benedict of Nursia, c. 480-547) and formalized by Guigo II (died around 1193).  It is a four step process of reading Scripture (L. lectio), meditating on it (L. meditatio), praying about it (L. oratio) and followed by contemplation (L. contemplatio).  This is not necessarily a theological analysis but is intended to promote communion with God by treating His Scripture as living relevant words.

[4] Augustine's Book 2 of On Free Choice of the Will or Of/On Free Will (L. De Libero Arbitrio) discusses this subject.

[5] An observation of a priori ability by Johannes Kepler (1571-1630).

[6] Eternity has been put in the hearts of man by God (Eccl. 3:11).

[7] If A = (1, 2, 3) and B = (a, b, c) then A ~ B.  A is equipollent to B since the sets have one-to-one correspondence.  So if A = B it is also A ~ B but not vice versa.

[8] Generally, Apollo is a god of reason and Dionysus is a god of pleasure.  This atheist struggle was expressed by Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) in The Birth of Tragedy.

[9] If there is no God, the Bible was written by men that created their God and their beliefs are authoritatively equal to the anti-god beliefs of atheists.  The odds of Moses getting the Genesis creation sequence correct has been calculated as 31 followed by 21 zeros.  The complete creation account (Gen. 1:1-31; 2:1-3) has 92 unique words which is equal to stand alone elements naturally occurring in the periodic table of chemical elements.  There are 22 Hebrew letters and exactly 22 amino acids that are life's building blocks.  Atheists use science as a religion or magic.  It is given power over the world, has myth of struggle (e.g. man versus evolution, etc.), has heroes (Darwin, Freud etc.), and has credulity (false Freudian belief that all things are sexual, impossibility of natural selection, etc.).  Kevin Dutton, research psychologist at the Faraday Institute of Cambridge University, explained to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange in November, 2012, he has begun a study using the Great American Psychopath Survey (GAPS).

[10] A (Judaism and Christianity) is not = to B (non Judeo-Christian religions) or C (atheism) but A ~ B or C.

[11] Dmitry Radyshevsky, CEO of The Jerusalem Summit, wrote a book on universal Zionism.

[12] This is a quote in a 1999 interview with Jürgen Habermas (b. 1929).

[13] A quote from the 1962 novel, Pale Fire, written by Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977).

[14] This is the name given to the route of Native Americans forced from their homelands by the US government to their designated lands.  The Five Civilized Tribes removed were the Choctaw (1831), the Seminole (1832), the Muscogee or Creek (1834), the Chickasaw (1837), and the Cherokee (1838).  Many people died on the trip.  The government steps began with conducting a census to find were they were and then disarming them.  This is the method commonly used by tyrants and explains the rationale for the founding US fathers placing the Divine right to bear arms for self protection against the eventual tyranny of the US government (1791 Second Amendment to the US Constitution called the Bill of Rights) just after the Divine right to speak and worship freely from US government restraint (First Amendment) and before the Divine right to not have personal property (homes) seized and used by US government soldiers (Third Amendment).  Clive (C. S.) Lewis (1898-1963) has been quoted as saying "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity (desire) may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience" and "For who can endure a doctrine which would allow only dentists to say whether our teeth were aching, only cobblers to say whether our shoes hurt us, and only governments to tell us whether we were being well governed?"  (See works such as God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics, The Screwtape Letters etc.)  

[15] Hebrew word meaning to ascend up or to go up.

[16] Daniel Gordis, senior vice president of the Shalem Center and president of the Shalem Foundation, recommended inquiring of legal experts to find out if there are specific Israeli punitive laws (religious and/or judicial) that address the anti-Zionist Non Government Organization (NGO) strategy of waging information warfare or psychological operations within Israel's battle space in an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during October, 2012.

[17] In 2001, the UN conference held in Durban, South Africa, sought to attack Israel's legitimacy to even exist.

[18] A 2012 Israeli government sanctioned report concerning Israel's historic right to settle its own land.

[19] 2012.

[20] Ps. 105:8-11; Joel 3:2; Oba. 1:15.  On 5 April, 1945, US President Franklin Roosevelt wrote a letter to Saudi Arabia King Abdul Aziz (Ibn Saud) stating that he would not assist in establishing the Jewish state of Israel.  Roosevelt died 12 April, 1945, and was replaced by Harry Truman who said he would support the establishment of Israel.

[21] Lev. 18:25-28, 20:22.

[22] John Rawls (1921-2002) wrote the opposite of these realities called proceduralism.

[23] This is the name for German socialists during the Hitler era.

[24] John 8:32.

[25] German for work makes one free.  This was the materialist's slogan of German socialists on the entrance gate to the murderous Dachau concentration camp designed to create Darwinian/manmade social justice.  Thereby, the barbarian and uncivilized result of beliefs that reject God are exposed, such as socialism which replaces God's authority of grace with a merciless government authority that lies, steals, murders etc.

[26] See holocaust survivor of Auschwitz Viktor Frankl's (1905-1997), The Doctor and the Soul: From Psychotherapy to Logotherapy.

[27] German for the Hitler youth, a socialist organization of boys with forced membership.  The Bund deutscher Mädel was the socialist organization for girls with forced membership.

[28] See the following works:  Kater, M.H., The Twisted Muse: Musicians and their Music in the Third Reich, Heister, H. "Entartete Musik" 1938-- Weimar und die Ambivalenz: ein Projekt der Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar zum Kulturstadtjahr 1999,  Meyer, M., The Politics of Music in the Third Reich, Peter Lang. Niedhart, G. & Broderick, G. eds., Lieder in Politik und Alltag des Nationalsozialismus, Peterson, P. ed., Zündende Lieder - Verbrannte Musik: Folgen des Nazifaschismus für Hamburger Musiker und Musikerinnen, Potter, P., Most German of the Arts: Musicology and Society from the Weimar Republic to the end of Hitler's Reich.

[29] Is. 28:3-4.

[30] Sir Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997) chose pluralism over monism.

[31] Giotto di Bondone (c. 1266-1337) shows the shame on the face of a soldier as he drags a mother's baby away in his painting titled Massacre of the Innocents.

[32] Ps. 132:12-17.

[33] Zech. 8:2-3; 9:9; Matt. 21:5-11; John 12:15.

[34] Is. 2:3.

[35] Is. 3:11-12.

[36] Matt. 27:45; Mark 15:33; Luke 23:45.

[37] 1948.

[38] 1967.

[39] Is. 33:20.

[40] NASA predicts there will be a pair of solar and lunar eclipses two weeks apart in the spring and fall of 2015.  After this there are no similar occurrences expected for a century.

[41] Ps. 19:1-3.

[42] Joel 2:31 (lunar eclipse); Acts 2:20; Rev. 6:12 (solar eclipse).

[43] Rev. 14:1-5.  144,000 is 12 x 10 x 10 x 10.  12 is the number for perfect government; 12 Israeli tribes, 12 apostles and judges (Matt. 19:28), 12 months of year, etc.  10 is the number that represents Divine order.

[44] Rev. 7:3-4, 14:1-3.

[45] The Jewish objections to Jesus have been addressed by Michael Brown, former professor of Jewish Apologetics at Fuller Theological Seminary and Old Testament and Jewish Studies at Regent University Divinity School.  This information was derived from an email exchange between the office of Brown and Dallas F. Bell Jr. in October, 2012.  See the following address

[46] Ex. 29:39, 41; Lev. 16:10.

[47] Rev. 5.

[48] Golgotha is called a place of a skull (Matt. 27:33).

[49] Is. 53; Amos 8:9; Matt. 27:25; Mark 15:33; Luke 23:44-45.

[50] Rom. 3:24, 5:15-18.

[51] Rev. 7:5-8.

[52] Judg. 18:30; I Kings 12:30; Amos 8:14.

[53] I Kings 19:18, 22:53.

[54] Plural of Ba'al (Judg. 2:11).

[55] Num. 25:1-3; Deut. 4:3.

[56] II Kings 1:2.

[57] Judg. 8:33, 9:4.

[58] Hubal (Hu-baal) was the moon god to whom Arabs prayed at the Kaa'ba and they used the name Allah when they prayed (See F.E. Peters, The Hajj, pp.24-25, Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, p.161 and 179, and George W. Braswell Jr., Islam, p.44, etc.)  Allah corresponded to the Babylonian god Baal.  Arabs are believed to have known of him long before Mohammed worshipped him as the supreme God. Before Islam, the Arabs recognized many gods and goddesses.  Each tribe had their own deity(ies).  Allah was the god of the local Quarish tribe, which was Mohammed's tribe before he created Islam to lead his people out of their polytheism and into monotheism. Allah was then known as the Moon God, who had 3 daughters who were viewed as intercessors for the people of Allah (See the Encyclopedia of Religion etc.)

[59] French (to laugh, ridiculous) meaning proper or prescribed custom, fashion or etiquette.

[60] Rev. 13:16-18.

[61] Amos 9:11.

[62] John 10.

[63] Heb. meaning dedication and specifically the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22).  In December of 164 BC, the Jews redicated their temple by the feast of Hanukkah, exactly three years after it was desecrated.  (See 1 Macc 4:52-59 and 2 Macc 10:1-8 of the Apocrypha and Roman Catholic Canon.)

[64] In 166 BC, Judas leads the Jewish rebellion after his father's death (1 Macc 2:70 to 3:2).

[65] Each side of the dreidel bears a letter of the Hebrew alphabet: (נ) nun (50), (ג) gimmel (3), (ה) hei (5), and (ש) shin (300) which equal 358.  They form the acronym for "נס גדול היה שם" (Heb. Nes Gadol Hayah Sham means a great miracle happened there). 

[66] The Messiah (Mashiach; MaSHIaCH) is mem (40), shin (300), yud (10), and chet (8) which equal 358.  The other choice for the number 358 is the devilish snake or the shiny one (Nachash; NaCHaSH) whose number is nun (50), chet (8), and shin (300).  This serpent from the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:1) is identified as Satan (Rev. 20:2).  Each time the dreidel falls over it signifies the defeat of Satan.

[67] Lex Rex (L. meaning the Law of God is king) instead of Rex Lex (L. meaning the king is the law).  Samuel Rutherford (c. 1600-1661) wrote his 1644 book, The Law is King, in response to Bishop John Maxwell's Sacro-Sanctum Regus Majestas.

[68] The rule is named for Guillaume Francois Antoine, Marquis de l'Hôpital (1661-1704).  It is not recommended to be used when the limits of two parts are not both 0, or both infinite. 

[69] 0 to the power of 0 equaling one is a general consensus based on a to the power of 0 equaling one for a ! = 0.

[70] Any number added to 0 equals the number added, for example 2 + 0 = 2 or x + 0 = x.

[71] Any number multiplied by 0 equals 0, for example -5 x 0 = 0 or y x 0 = 0.

[72] (The following is the invited contribution by Dallas F. Bell Jr. for October, 2012, to the Federation of American Scientists' Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis regarding lessons learned.)

An independent observer could learn lessons from the 13-day crisis (October 1962) from the views of each of the participants.  As scholars know (August 1962), Cuba experienced an unsuccessful overthrow of their regime by the U.S.  From their perspective, U.S. President Kennedy demonstrated questionable resolve in using superior force projection.  It was to be expected that they would be agreeable to more Soviet participation in providing them force multipliers.  Soviet Premier Khrushchev witnessed the U.S. deployment of missiles to the UK (1958) and deployment to Italy and Turkey (1962).  It was to be expected that Khrushchev would project his force to Cuba.  Eventually, the U.S. would discover that strategy.  At that point, the U.S. would have to address this security issue.  Kennedy went with the least aggressive option, a blockade of Cuba, while preparing for full scale, possible nuclear, war.  Khrushchev publically lamented the U.S. action but sought to privately head off a nuclear World War III.  He dismantled the weapons and the Cold War went ahead in other directions.

It is obvious that the missiles were inanimate as is any other weapon.  They do not have their own strategies and behavior.  People use weapons as tools to project their will.  It is likely that the richest pedagogical nuggets are then located in the epistemological arena.  Plato's Republic demonstrated the reality of virtues, such as courage, by showing their polarity, such as cowardice.  He proved the things we cannot see are as real as the things our retinas detect from reflected spectrums of light.  This signal is processed in our brains to be called upon as data to make decisions at a future date.  It is not likely that present neuroscience technology (fMRI etc.) can scan blood flow to brain regions of the players in a future crisis.  We are left to analysis of invisible human will and options of acting on that desire(s).

Human brains must act much like a light switch with the binary options of being switched on or being switched off.  There can be no "both and" position.  The on or affirmative (1) position and the off or negative (0) position are used in a matrix between players.  Either the result will be 1,1 (both sides win) or 1,0 or 0,1 (one side wins, one side loses) or 0,0 (both sides lose).  Of course, the next question is what is considered a win and what is considered a loss.  Kennedy and Khrushchev each considered nuclear war to be a loss.  Each side ultimately won by avoiding (nuclear) war from a rational view point.  This lesson provides the logic structure for the present nuclear analysis of Iran's Ahmadinejad (publically proclaiming a 0,0 is for him a win or 1,0), Israel's Netanyahu (who must accept 0,0 in the case of a "Samson option" but prefers a win option), and U.S. inaction forcing an unilateral Israeli attempt at a 1,0 outcome.  If this lesson has been learned by the U.S., U.S. and world nuclear security will be greatly enhanced.

[73] In the last days scoffers will walk after their own lusts (II Peter 3:3).

[74] No withdrawal of moments as the present slips into the pass and is replaced by another moment designating the present.

[75] No series of moments that is infinite between the past and the present moment so that the present moment can never be reached.

[76] Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (c. 1055-1111) argued for the connection of infinite time and infinite space.

[77] This 1920's idea is named for David Hilbert (1862-1943).

[78] A seemingly valid argument which seems to have absurd conclusions.

[79] In geometry, asymptotic curves look at the comparison of functions as inputs approach infinity.  Asymptotic analysis is a method of describing limiting behavior.  Yamir Moreno, professor of physics at the University of Zaragoza, has co-authored a paper on asymptotic level of cooperation.  He exchanged emails with Dallas F. Bell Jr. during October, 2012, regarding this subject.

[80] John Sowa, computer scientist and designer who invented conceptual graphs, explained his C-score method's accounting for different potentials for truth and deception effects on other truths and deceptions—domino exchange of kinetic energy from one aspect to degree of change to another--during an email exchange with Dallas F. Bell Jr. in November, 2012.

[81] The 2005 paper titled Falling Dominoes by Steve Koellhoffer et al studied falling dominos and predicts the fall time of linear and nonlinear arrangement of falling dominos.

[82] Susan Neiman, director of the Einstein Forum, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, Heini Halberstam, math professor at the University of Illinois, and Ken Ono, math professor at Emory University, exchanged email with Dallas F. Bell Jr. on this subject during November, 2012.  See the paper at 

[83] Named for Eric Temple Bell (1883-1960).

[84] Matt. 11, 16; Luke 12.  Futurists believe in God's ability to reveal the future to whom He chooses.  Whereas, other beliefs confine God's ability to revealing the past.

[85] Is. 20:3.

[86] I Kings 18:37-38.

[87] I Kings 17:1, 18:1.

[88] Jam. 5:17.

[89] Ismar Schorsch, Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary, wrote an essay titled Meditation on Maoz Zur in 1988.

[90] Michael Polanyi (1891-1976) was a Hungarian polymath.

[91] Roger Sperry (1913-1994) Nobel Prize winner for physiology or medicine had this view.   See the following address

[92] Orval Hobart Mowrer (1907-1982) is credited with this quote.

[93] Zech. 13:4-5.

[94] I John 4:1-6.

[95] Prov. 2:22.

[96] I Peter 5:8.

[97] II Cor. 11:14.

[98] Josh. 1:8; Ps. 1:2.

[99] Is. 33:15-24; I Tim. 4:13-16.

[100] Ps. 49:3.

[101] Ps. 63:5-6.

[102] Ps. 119:99.

[103] Ps. 119:97.

[104] Gen. 24:63.

[105] Ps. 119:148.

[106] I Kings 3:5-14.

[107] Jam. 2:8-13.

[108] Ps. 19:7.

[109] Gen. 6:5.

[110] Jere. 18:12.  Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) wrote in his book, The World as Will and Representation, that our world is driven by dissatisfied will and continually seeking satisfaction.

[111] Prov. 12:20.

[112] Rom. 1:21.

[113] The thought is taken from Shakespeare's play Hamlet (written versions from 1603-1623) by the character of King Claudius (Act III, Scene iii).  He was exasperated that he could not utter a sincere prayer. 

[114] Ps. 2:1-2.

[115] The 6th century BC founder of Taoism and considered a libertarian, Laozi's (Chinese, Lao means old, Tzu means master) quote is in The Way of Lao-tzu.

[116] Is. 48:6; Mark 4:11; Rom. 16:25.

[117] The Talmud is considered by many people to match or exceed the authority of Torah/Tanach (Old Testament) Scripture.  It rejects many biblical principles, such as Gentiles coming to God's light and the righteous inheriting the land forever (Is. 60:3, 21).  Excluding or denying some problematic Talmud text leads to false negative testing of it as a nontransgressive document (e.g. of the Babylonian Talmud tractates Kethuboth folio 11b, Sanhedrin folio 54b-55a and folio 59b, etc.).  The inclusion of extra biblical text leads to test criteria that is a false positive nontransgressive document.  The Talmud is not useless but not comparable to Scriptures.  Saul Lieberman (1898-1983) wrote Al ha-Yerushalmi.  He suggested ways of mending corruption in the text of the Jerusalem Talmud and reading of Tractate Sotah.  Judaizers make Jewish by customs and beliefs with a legalism goal.  Paul wrote (Gal. 6:12) those that would force you to follow law do so as to not be persecuted for the cross.  He warns not to give heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth (Titus 1:14).  The text of the complete SoncinoTalmud can be found at

Ayal Kellman, Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, explained to Dallas F. Bell Jr. in an email exchange in October, 2012, that his organization deals with the political aspect of the values shared by both Jews and Christians.

[118] Matt. 16:6-12 (doctrine); Mark 8:15; Luke 12:1-12 (hypocrisy).

[119] Matt. 7:17-18.

[120] Matt. 23:23-33.

[121] Gal. 5:4.

[122] Dan. 11:32.

[123] See the book of Job.

[124] This is a passage from Blaise Pascal's (1623-1662) Pensées published in 1670.

[125] Ibid.

[126] Ps. 103:12; Rom. 8:38-39.

[127] Rom. 11:33-34.

[128] A quote attributed to Johannes Kepler.

[129] (The following poem by Dallas F. Bell Jr. was accepted by Poetica Magazine during May, 2012 for publication in the Spring 2013 print edition.)

It was that time on a fall evening to release those

thoughts forced between oscillating routines

which structure the mediocre neurological life,

my supposing it prevalent for all primeval genes.


A night dream came in the decline of day where

I stood near a bed of flushed charcoal briquettes

and saw round red steel hammered convex and thin,

then shallowly drown in reflecting water buckets.


The water boiled violently and cooled peacefully

as the double-edged blade was patiently refined

on the rough grey stone wheel in the oeuvre corner,

afterward laid among other esteemed swords shined.


I struggle awake, and was strenuously trying to forget

my journey from the heaven on high and hell below,

yet I narrowly remembered Du Fu and Zekaryah, and

their temples of old, and Eloheem in plenary control.


[130] Eccl. 12:1.

[131] Ps. 26:6.

[132] Rom. 16-19.

[133] Rom. 6:16.  These are words from a song by Robert Zimmerman (Bob Dylan).

[134] Matt. 6:24-34.

[135] Prov. 3:5.

[136] Ps. 30:5.

[137] Matt. 7:1.

[138] Eccl. 11:5.

[139] Matt. 4:4.

[140] Matt. 4:7.

[141] Matt. 4:10.

[142] Num. 14:11; Deut. 4:25; I Kings 16:2; Ps. 95:8; Eze. 16:25-26.

[143] Geographically, this is today the area of Iran.

[144] Dan. 12; Rev. 12.

[145] Rev. 6:6, 13:17.

[146] Josh. 7:11-25.

[147] Judg. 2:20-23.

[148] I Chr. 9:1.

[149] I Chr. 10:13.

[150] Ps. 37:38.

[151] Is. 24:5-6.

[152] II Chr. 12:1-5.

[153] II Chr. 26:16-21.

[154] Neh. 1:8.

[155] Ps. 107:17.

[156] Is. 66:24.

[157] Num. 14:41-45.

[158] Job 31:33.

[159] Ezra 9:4-15.

[160] Eccl. 8:11.

[161] Phil. 4:8.

[162] This is a quote attributed to the science fiction writer Isaac Asimov (1920-1992).

[163] Prov. 1:26-32.

[164] Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) showed the historical validity of sola fide (L. faith alone).

[165] Gal. 6:7.

[166] Rev. 4:11.

[167] Hebrew means praise Yahweh (Rev. 19:1-6 the Greek is alleluia).  Leonard Cohen (b. 1934) released a song titled Hallelujah.

[168] Latin for the highest good.

[169] Zech. 2:10.

[170] Ps. 8:2; Matt. 21:16.

[171] Matt. 18:20.

[172] Latin for position.

[173] Latin for collaborate/discuss.

[174] Latin for act on what is learned.

[175] Jam. 1:22, 2:14-20.

[176] Rom. 8:13.

[177] The term means be still.  It is taken form the 1916 poem titled The Study of Aesthetics by the socialist/fascist Ezra Pound (1885-1972).

[178] Deut. 8:15; Ps. 63:1; Is. 12:3; John 4:10-14, 7:37-38; Rev. 22:17.

[179] Is. 35:3.

[180] Rom. 8:14.

[181] Ps. 9:16.